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No matter how distracted Caster was, she would never fail to notice the approach of her Master. Nor would the confusion in his voice go unnoticed to her either.

She waited until he explained his situation before addressing him. "It's good to see you are feeling better, Master," she said as she turned her attention away from her origami familiar for a moment.

Even as she did so, the undead would continue their duty, fighting against Lancer with reckless abandon. While the skeletons would continue to prove to be no match for his power, the demonic samurai was a foe worthier of the Servant's attention. Losing a leg was an inconvenience, but in no way it would hinder the inhuman power behind its strikes, something Lancer would find out soon enough if he were to underestimate it.

"As you can see, your predictions weren't inaccurate. Even so, there's no need to worry," Caster said as she turned an old bronze mirror into a scrying tool, showing the battle between Lancer and her undead. "It seems like I've found an interesting enemy. For some reason, it feels like he isn't interested in destroying the youkai I summoned, despite them being clearly inferior to him when it comes to martial skill. I'm still trying to understand what's his motivation. I suppose we shall find it soon enough once he's done with the oni warrior," she added, beckoning her Master to take a seat across her.

@King Cosmos@Vahir

Xiaoyu had one too many busy days ever since she arrived at this peculiar, supposedly modern, city. She had to find a proper home, get used to living with her Servant, and above it, all, go out under this scorching, blazing sun.

Talking about her Servant. Xiaoyu could never expect to be as lucky as she was when it came to that. She was sure that if this were a normal Holy Grail War, she would have won before even trying. "More importantly, she's really cute. I would never think someone like her would be a girl, though," she thought about the blonde Saber while they made their way to a local restaurant.

"Are you fine with this, Saber? I read something about a King in a magazine ad about this place, but it certainly doesn't look like a place used to feeding royalty," Xiaoyu asked her Servant as she flipped a magazine's pages. The ad she talked about wasn't even for this restaurant chain, but it didn't look like a recluse mage such as Xiaoyu would even be capable of understanding that just because a business had King in their name it didn't mean they were a restaurant for royalty.

"We are here already, we might as well try the food before leaving," Xiaoyu thought as she entered the establishment, still bearing a confused look in her eyes.

"I want one of your spiciest dish, please," the smallish girl said after finally getting the attention of one of the attendants. "You may ask for whatever is it you want, Saber. I suppose we can't go away without experiencing what kind of food this land has to offer."


The day began fine for Aerynne. It had been a while since she was able to sleep on even a mildly fluffy bed like the one from the family that took her in while she was staying in Hensia. Renting a room in a family house certainly beat a cheap inn any day of the week, especially when she could get some tasty freshly baked bread out of it.

How was it, again? Bread and Breakfast... Aerynne certainly could get used to that. Or so she thought as she made her way to HAHL's headquarters.

Thanks to having made her reservations a day before, it was no problem for Aerynne to just come and collect her temporary license. Openings of ruins like this one always attracted all kinds of crowds, from real hardcore pros to curious people just wanting to take a look. Case in point, the strange duo of a—seemingly—gritty old man dressed in what looked like surplus military gear and a small girl who looked like she could going out for a field trip.

Since she had nothing better to do, Aerynne decided to observe it from a short distance. And then, as she did so, a couple more joined the previous two.

"Party forming sure does look like a good idea. Maybe I should try doing it too?" Aerynne said to herself as she continued to observe the people around her while slowly plucking bite-sized bits of her bread and eating them.

"Hmm, I think I get it," Leyna said after listening to Thomas'—and to a lesser extent Rose's—requests. "Let me try an old elven trick, then," she said, picking the slice from Rose's hand and taking a bite of it.

Leyna chewed the pizza for a moment before leaning down and... kissing the pained Clair, feeding her a mix of the curative pizza and Leyna's elvish saliva. Feeding an unconscious person was a haphazard idea at best, a good thing the elves had long since perfected the art of doing such, thanks to the uncountable number of travelers they have to save from Death's grip in the heart of their forest homes.

"That wasn't bad at all," Leyna said after breaking the kiss. She licked her lips of any oily remnants before looking at Thomas. "I guess she'll be fine now. But I can stick around if you want to. May try some... other things, if this doesn't work," she added, fixing her hair.

"Ohoho, and what would be those 'other things' you're talking about?" None other than Clair asked a moment later. Her voice was still groggy and heated, but the fact she wasn't sporting a burning-red complexion anymore and was even able to slowly get back to her feet after a few moments, showed that the antidote must have worked, somehow.

"That—That's something you'll have to find for yourself!"


"Anyway, thanks, guys. That made me feel almost like one of those fairytale princesses. Y'know, the ones from the movies," Clair said, scratching the back of her head sheepishly.

"So... I guess that, now that we are done with the boss, we can either try to look around for some loot/clues in this place, or goo see what the others are doing," Clair said after her knees seemed to finally regain their strength. "What do you say about that, Cap?"

※ ※ ※

"Is that so? From my point of view, that seems more likely than not," Victoire replied Akiko's comment as she observed the brawl unfolding in all of its chaosness.

Though, the remark about the nature of purloining caught her attention.

"Cards seems to be strangely on vogue these days, are they not? 'Twas not that long ago that I was questioned about something of similar nature, nevertheless—Ughh! What's it that I...?" For the first time in the night, Victoire showed some physical signs of struggle. She brought a hand to her temples and frowned, unwittingly baring her vampiric fangs, as if she had been assailed by a ravaging migraine.

Not long after that, the Serpent invaded her chambers and quite literally turned the place upside down. A mere glance at the lack beast was enough to double up in pain, biting her lips so hard a speck of crimson streaked down from them. "That's—I see, but—Argh!" Victoire tried to say something, but the pain she was going through was excruciating enough to hinder her efforts.

@KoL I absolutely love your character art<3

Thanks. It's supposed to be an Arknights inspired OC, I found while searching the dark corners of the internet. I thought this story would be a nice fit for such a concept.
Oh, well, this took me less time than I though, so here it's:

As I said before, anyone is fine with me. My Master idea is compatible with pretty much anyone here.

Of course, if I have to call dibs, I would say I'm into Arturia first, but that's just to be expect.
@Unlucky0013 Where have I seen this before?

Anyway, you're fine, I suppose.

Height: Short | Weight: Light as a Feather

  • Name: Feng Xiaoyu
  • Age: 17 years
  • Bio: Xiaoyu is the successor of a lineage with roots on Chinese Alchemy. By their accounts, their bloodline dates all the way back to the First Emperor's era when they were part of his courtly mages, assisting him in his search for the secrets of immortality. Needless to say, such pursuits were in vain, but the Feng never ceased to seek it. Even in an age when magecraft dwindled and the secrets of the Immortal Sages have long since been lost, they still continue on their journey. Perhaps, all they need is a push to find the right way. Despite being a reclusive clan, the promises whispered in the wind about Fusang City attracted Xiaoyu's attention. She decided to investigate it on her own, hoping to find what she needs to unlock the next step in their research.

    In regards to Xiaoyu's personality. She has a choleric temperament, being imperious and as stubborn as an Ox while emitting the "aura of a cat". When she sets her mind on a goal, she'll do her best to accomplish it, usually going above and beyond the call of duty. As expected of her headstrong personality, she's also quite quick to anger. However, once you earn her trust, she'll become your most reliable friend. If one were to attach labels to people and be capable of describing them in a single word, Xiaoyu would essentially be a classic tsundere.
  • Abilities: Xiaoyu's magecraft is based on traditional Eastern methods. It's a varied art using a number of talismans as a medium to deliver spells. It's mainly used for divination and excels at Bounded Fields, but she's also capable of some other applications.

    In addition to her magecraft, she also possesses Mystic Eyes, called Mystic of Vertigo「Disorientation」, they are capable of interfering with others' sense of balance, causing nausea, disorientation, and even knocking them out, depending on their resistance to magical energy.

    On the mundane side, Xiaoyu is a really good cook, with a strong predilection for spicy cuisine and cold desserts. She's also very knowledgeable in many sorts of esoteric fields, as expected of an heiress of a mage family. However, Western Mysticism isn't her forte.

    Lastly, Xiaoyu is a very skilled martial artist. Her proficiency with it might actually surprise some who would take her smallish build to be a sign of weakness.
  • Other: Her Mystic Eyes—which shine with the iridescent luster of mother-of-pearl—are a vestigial trace of her bloodline, said to be descended from an ancient Dead Apostle. The fact that she isn't very fond of sunlight could add weight to this story. However, Xiaoyu has yet to show any signs of being a member of a bloodsucking species.

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