Avatar of Mokley


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got coffee, got music, ready to roll.
6 yrs ago
kinda distracted by writing fanfiction whoops
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6 yrs ago
Ever write a few chapters of something you're really excited about, then a few days later reread it and it's boring as hell? :D
6 yrs ago
There was a shooting at an art show where I had a painting hanging. I'm so shook.


I have no idea what I'm doing.

Most Recent Posts

Everyplace feels familiar. An old bakery gapes hollow. The post office is shrouded in vines. Inside the arcade, a small forest is quietly illuminated by consoles. Paperbacks litter the street: Peter and Wendy, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Someone moves in the corner of your eye: you couldn't make out a face, but you could swear those were antlers. In a dusty electronics store window, a box television clicks, brightens, and hisses static. A tiger crosses your path.

A stout splintered sign sits battered and faded in the weeds: Welcome to Duskwick.

A Rumor

Duskwick is a little lakeside town that -- according to reddit, expert bloggers, and several reputable youtube channels -- has recently had an unprecedented number of paranormal reports. Sightings of strange lights, moving objects and electrical anomalies has skyrocketed. Errant cackles of unidentified animals echo in the night, and the dragonflies only come out after sunset. Residents claim to have stumbled sometimes into an alternate reality like a replica of the town from 1980, abandoned and overgrown and inhabited by tigers and deer-people.

Since the first tiger-sighting four months ago, the telephone poles and diner corkboards have been papered in MISSING posters.

A Concept

Your character has arrived in Duskwick to investigate the paranormal phenomena (ghosts? aliens? fairies? chemicals in the water?) and/or the alarming number of persons who've recently gone missing; or maybe they're here visiting family; or maybe they're just passing through; or maybe they've lived here all their lives.

This is an exploration RP with a deep-rooted plot. Characters are encouraged to look around, but also to touch things and break things and stir up old stories -- the setting is fragile and precarious, and will change depending on the characters' actions. Something Very Wrong is happening here. Maybe only you can set things right ... or hurtle the town of Duskwick into oblivion.

A Small Town

Duskwick is nestled in the northeast United States, along the shore of Fog Lake. It lies midway between two larger cities and boasts not one but two railway tracks through town: one for people, another for the freight lines that echo deep in the night. Most residents take the train each morning to their city jobs while the rest open restaurants and antique shops and art galleries along Brightwell Avenue, or read magazines and tarot guides at the old brick library, or push out onto the lake in their canoes and fishing boats, or sit outside Charlie's Deli with soda and ice cream to watch the world pass by.

This was the perfect picture of Duskwick before the troubles began -- before the blinds were drawn and the locks clicked and signs in the windows turned CLOSED. Except along the busy and illuminated Brightwell, no one goes outside after dark.


Characters may be whomever you wish, whether a resident, a visitor from the city or an investigator, professional or otherwise. PCs don't have to stick together -- in fact everyone may eventually become separated -- but we will open with everyone in the same diner. The game will be mostly exploratory, with a focus on the characters themselves. The character sheet will prompt players to create characters with simple and concrete goals and drives; what you get out of this RP will be equal to the character's curiosity and motivation to take action, so keep this in mind when deciding on personality traits. The setting will change and develop as the characters' decisions affect it -- so make decisions often.

This RP probably will not maintain a somber mood; there will be jokes, there will be crazy outlandish weird stuff, there will be ridiculous tropes and nonsensical randomness -- but there will also be a bit of horror, gray-moral conflicts, and imagery for imagery's sake.

In the end, it all revolves around the PCs, their desires, their desperation, their fears and sadness. I'm a reactive GM: I'd rather tailor the setting to your character, not force your character to fit into the setting. Therefore once again I ask for characters who are ready and willing to shape the world around them -- you never know what they'll create.

Set the Mood

  • Twin Peaks and Stranger Things
  • Amateur YouTube paranormal videos
  • The music of Sia and Of Monsters And Men and every LoFi Hip Hop playlist
  • The art of Cassandra Jean and PainDude_

A Character Application

All character apps, questions, ideas, hopes, dreams, squeeing and flailing may be posted herebelow!
@Scrub Mage@Vaelin150@Girlie1Bomba@vide@Eventua

(I'm hopin' to post up later today while my brain is still working! Last call for posts!)
@BingTheWing@Ozymandias037@Briza@DJAtomika@Lady Squee@probable cause

Wow, thank you all for the terrific response! :D You rock! We could totally make a great story together.

I've made some updates to the first post here, and changed the name of the town to something less realistic. Totally gimme your hopes and ideas -- I'm making this up as I go.
@Eventua *hugs* please feel better soon! Here's wishing you rest and recovery. Take your time, we'll welcome Krita back whenever you feel up to it!

Everyplace feels familiar. An old bakery gapes hollow. The post office is shrouded in vines. Inside the arcade, a small forest is quietly illuminated by consoles. Paperbacks litter the street: Peter and Wendy, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Someone moves in the corner of your eye: you couldn't make out a face, but you could swear those were antlers. In a dusty electronics store window, a box television clicks, brightens, and hisses static. A tiger crosses your path.

A stout splintered sign sits battered and faded in the weeds: Welcome to Duskwick.

A Rumor

Duskwick is a little lakeside town that -- according to reddit, expert bloggers, and several reputable youtube channels -- has recently had an unprecedented number of paranormal reports. Sightings of strange lights, moving objects and electrical anomalies has skyrocketed. Errant cackles of unidentified animals echo in the night, and the dragonflies only come out after sunset. Residents claim to have stumbled sometimes into an alternate reality like a replica of the town from 1980, abandoned and overgrown and inhabited by tigers and deer-people.

Since the first tiger-sighting four months ago, the telephone poles and diner corkboards have been papered in MISSING posters.

A Concept

Your character has arrived in Duskwick to investigate the paranormal phenomena (ghosts? aliens? fairies? chemicals in the water?) and/or the alarming number of persons who've recently gone missing; or maybe they're here visiting family; or maybe they're just passing through; or maybe they've lived here all their lives.

This is an exploration RP with a deep-rooted plot. Characters are encouraged to look around, but also to touch things and break things and stir up old stories -- the setting is fragile and precarious, and will change depending on the characters' actions. Something Very Wrong is happening here. Maybe only you can set things right ... or hurtle the town of Duskwick into oblivion.

A Small Town

Duskwick is nestled in the northeast United States, along the shore of Fog Lake. It lies midway between two larger cities and boasts not one but two railway tracks through town: one for people, another for the freight lines that echo deep in the night. Most residents take the train each morning to their city jobs while the rest open restaurants and antique shops and art galleries along Brightwell Avenue, or read magazines and tarot guides at the old brick library, or push out onto the lake in their canoes and fishing boats, or sit outside Charlie's Deli with soda and ice cream to watch the world pass by.

This was the perfect picture of Duskwick before the troubles began -- before the blinds were drawn and the locks clicked and signs in the windows turned CLOSED. Except along the busy and illuminated Brightwell, no one goes outside after dark.


Characters may be whomever you wish, whether a resident, a visitor from the city or an investigator, professional or otherwise. PCs don't have to stick together -- in fact everyone may eventually become separated -- but we will open with everyone in the same diner. The game will be mostly exploratory, with a focus on the characters themselves. The character sheet will prompt players to create characters with simple and concrete goals and drives; what you get out of this RP will be equal to the character's curiosity and motivation to take action, so keep this in mind when deciding on personality traits. The setting will change and develop as the characters' decisions affect it -- so make decisions often.

This RP probably will not maintain a somber mood; there will be jokes, there will be crazy outlandish weird stuff, there will be ridiculous tropes and nonsensical randomness -- but there will also be a bit of horror, gray-moral conflicts, and imagery for imagery's sake.

In the end, it all revolves around the PCs, their desires, their desperation, their fears and sadness. I'm a reactive GM: I'd rather tailor the setting to your character, not force your character to fit into the setting. Therefore once again I ask for characters who are ready and willing to shape the world around them -- you never know what they'll create.

Set the Mood

  • Twin Peaks and Stranger Things
  • Amateur YouTube paranormal videos
  • The music of Sia and Of Monsters And Men and every LoFi Hip Hop playlist
  • The art of Cassandra Jean and PainDude_

@Astarael42 No problemo, have fun!! :D

Mod post is up! :D

Virgil & baraquiel: below is a modified map to show where the dock is:

If you choose to climb up over the rocks earlier, you'll see the mushroom field and Woondaly's lights and spires. From this angle you'll also be able to see the trees and hills of Echo, and the green light. If you don't climb over the rocks and head straight toward the dock, all you'll see for a few hours is rocks and sand and water. :D

"What!" Gale barked in surprise, her arm disabled by Izzy's hold. She swung her head back, an expression of rage and alarm on her face. Their scythe whirred and screeched as she flung them around for another turn. "Let go, you idiot!"

Elliot would see the change in his peripheral, haunting in the light of the obelisk: each of the children, in a moment, dissipated into an ethereal, reflective shimmer -- the light passed through them, as if they had never been there. In their place, huge and ghostly figures rapidly took shape.

"Mates on the shore, 'tis I, Ms. Isabellia!! Away from whence ya came, for more monstrosities arrive! Worry not! We will --"

Izzy's proclamation was cut off when the scythe was very suddenly yanked out from under them. She might catch a glimpse of huge blue eyes and translucent, ripping fangs before she was flung off into the open air.

The little girl among the frothy rocks, moments ago, had pulled down her fox-head hood. She had quickly transformed herself into a great and monstrous ghost-fox -- translucent and shimmering in the light -- that towered over Elliot. Though the fox appeared incorporeal, its jaws proved quite the opposite when it leaped into the air and sank its teeth into Gale's scythe. With a great fling of its head it tossed the scythe and its two riders like ragdolls into the deep of the cold sea.

Izzy hit the water with a painful crash. Cold water enveloped her, fizzing with the impact, and for a few moments it was unclear which way was up. Water filled her mouth, her nostrils, her lungs --

-- and yet, she could breathe.

The boy, meanwhile, had become a ghostly, enormous eagle. With a gleaming wingspan the eagle rushed to the griffin's rescue; it caught the second scythe from behind and, with a mighty aerial maneuver, flung it away from the shore.

Meanwhile, the longer Elliot pressed his hands to the obelisk, the brighter it became -- until the light forced him to close his eyes.

The fox and the eagle both landed neatly on the rocks; they were children again, shielding their pale faces from the light.

The light was suddenly gone -- but the expected gust never came.

When Elliot next opened his eyes, he would find his hands were pressed against the armored chest of a man, who stood just at Elliot's height -- if not slightly shorter. His muscled arms were folded stiffly, his yellow hair was spiked and shimmering, and he glared at Elliot with such a scowl of hatred that Elliot might be sure he was about to die for his assumptions.

The obelisk was gone.

The little Kith girl gave a shriek of alarm, and with a few leaps the ghostly fox returned and raced across the stones toward the shore -- where the Hollows swarmed hungrily around the trapped griffin.


As Ifor ran along the sand under the starlit sky, the shouts and shrieks and howls faded behind them. Soon enough, there was nothing to be heard but the calming rush of the breaking waves, the hiss of the foam on the beach. The ambling Hollows seemed to have stopped their chase -- they had been distracted by easier prey.

The narrow strip of beach seemed to stretch ahead for miles. Far in the distance, a bright green light shone like a beacon.

To the left were dunes and a rocky wall slick with moonlit algae. At places, the wall seemed to be lower or gentler in its slope, allowing a glimpse of the flat field of mushrooms above.

All was quiet and dark.

Should Ifor and Golde decide to continue forward for a few hours, the rock wall would become higher and more formidable. Eventually they might spot something in the water ahead: a low pile of boulders that extended out into the ocean. The waves were forced to break against the stones, so the water nearest to the beach remained calm and still. Gulls squawked overhead, floated on the water, pecked at the shells on the beach.

A long wooden dock extended into the still water, protected by the rocks. Tethered to the dock were a few modest fishing boats, some filled with tackle and rods, and a couple sailing boats with furled sails. At the very end of the dock, the figure of a man sat hunched with a fishing rod.

From the beach, opposite the nearest end of the dock, a wide cavern entrance had been carved neatly into the cliff face. Inside, more boats were stored on racks, illuminated dimly by glass bottles filled with a blue gelatinous liquid much like the jellyfish residue that had got on Ifor's boot. The cavern extended deep into a tunnel within the rock.
Hmm ok! :D It's after midnight now though, but I'll put this on my list for tomorrow!
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