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~@Lmpkio (TCA), @AzureKnight (VRA)~

Ahem, at any rate, what I'm not looking forward to is the long walk back home. Haley, I don't suppose you saw any quicker, less...rough pathways while flying to us?"
Vară Riemsianne

"Nope. Sorry." Haley sadly replied. "We gotta take the path we took to get back. But hey, at least we'll get a bite first before we take the long walk."


Haley led Vară and Titanica to the town of Ambran, ignoring the wary stares the three monster girls received from the citizens of the neutral town. There, they used some of their reward money to get themselves a hot, delicious meal to counter the brutal chill they experienced in Coldstep Pass. "Ahhh, that hits the spot." The Siren slouched on her seat.

"Ah, excuse me, ladies." A mysterious figure approached the monster girls' table. The voice was undeniably male and his attire consisted of armor worn under obscuring robes and hood. His voice was soft and charming, which would make him either more trustworthy or the opposite. "You are from The Guild, yes?"

"Yes, we are. Can we do anything for you, sir?" Haley dutifully replied.

"No, nothing of the sort. I'm just a... curious man." He replied quite suspiciously. "I'm a... newcomer to this area and in my time staying here, I've been hearing about the exploits of a... guild here. As a curious man, I wanted to find more about this guild. So now that I have found you, who are you guys exactly?" The mysterious knight asked.

"By the way, for your trouble, I'll pay for the food. Sound like a deal?"

Herbal Medicine 2
~@Lmpkio (MOR), @Stern Algorithm~

"That 'Huwana' is NOT fit for consumption! No wonder the Alchemist Guild banned it! Hell! I'd revoke your apothecary's license if I could! Did you even test it on non-sentient animals first?"
Sylvia Altissima

"And you call this an 'anesthetic'? How shameless! If you were truly a doctor, you would be well aware of its harmful effects. And the implications! Do you know how many lives would perish under your hands if used irresponsibly?!"

"Hey now, no need to get hostile." Darren put his hands up, attempting to diffuse the situation. "Look on the bright side. We've revealed that my drug needs more improvements and adjustments for monsters. For that, I am grateful to your guild." He made a polite bow. "Here, like I promised. For your troubles." He handed a small pouch to Neil. The reward money. "Now then, there's work to do!"

With that, Darren went back inside his apothecary presumably to continue developing his questionable anesthetic. Neil shook his head from exhaustion and fluster. "Well, he pays well. I can give him that." He gave the pouch a weak toss upward and back to his hand.

The quest was over. The guild members can either head back to the headquarters or go somewhere else.

"Neil! Take off your clothes!"
Sylvia Altissima

"Huh?! What-- Why?" Neil looked at his nectar-soaked clothes. "Oh, don't worry about it. I'd rather be soaked than naked. I'll change back at the guild."

Liberation At Any Price
~@ShwiggityShwah, @Restalaan (YNG)~

"Give me a one-handed mace and shield, I'm a fighter. Let me engage their champions, I can defeat or at the very least, stall them out."
Yang Bethlehem

"Aside from any tactical advantage I can come up with, my initial plan if all went well is to come in high. Determining a leader should be easy among the rabble. Once the ambush is sprung I can swoop down and catch any officers. I'll only need to carry him twenty or so feet up before dropping them. Removing leadership should turn any disciplined unit into a heedless mob. Rinse and repeat... If you need assist with spying I can do that too."
Ozzy Skyway

"Ah, you are battlefield assassins, eh? Good, good." Felipe replied. "You shall have the weapons you ask for." He told Yang. "And we are glad to have you with us, Miss Harpy. The strength of monsters is always welcome." He told Ozzy.

"Do we have eyes on the fort they are reinforcing!? They might ride out and pincer us if they get a message through!"
Ozzy Skyway

"Don't worry, ate! The fort is pretty far from where we will ambush them. No message will get through."


Ozzy scouted ahead and spotted the Varjan contingent. They were not large but they were filled with warriors armored in the dark, bulky steel that was the standard of Varjo's regular warriors. There were several, though, that wore little more than fur pelts and leather, looking a lot like the rebels. At the fore was an orange-haired woman with seemingly impractical armor and wielding an axe and shield. However, she appeared as fierce as the warriors behind her and was no doubt the leader.

Ozzy relayed this information back to the rebels who took appropriate positions behind rocks and outcrops that dot the stony landscape, ready to spring the ambush. Once the Varjan force was in prime position, the ambush was sprung. "SUGOD MGA KAPATID!" Felipe yelled as the rebels charged.

The sounds of axes and shields hitting each other filled the air as the Varjans and the rebels clashed. The Varjan leader cleaved rebels left and right, spraying her exposed skin with blood. She laughed as she roared, bullying some of the rebels in them middle of battle. It was time for Yang and Ozzy to get to work.


I'm John. We met several days ago. You said you heard about my talents through an artisans guild. It'sall good, makes sense. Uhm...I was testing my glove when you approached and it exploded. The blast sent me back several feet. You laughed for a full minute.

Bart's mood lightened as he began to remember. "Ahhh, yes. The exploding glove. Yes, that was hilarious." He reminisced. Talia was silent as if she was wary of the guild master.

"You're John... Clark! Yeah, Clark." Bart remembered your name. "Welcome to The Guild, friend. Yeah, it's called 'The Guild'. I don't know what was going inside my members' heads when they thought up the idea but we went along with it." He said. "Come inside, come inside and we can get comfy while we talk."

"I'll be back at the forge then. I'll see you two later." Talia dismissed herself.

Bart said nothing as the Cyclops left. "So then John! What have you been up to lately?" He asked while you and him entered the guild hall.
It's about as normal as the opposite, trust me. There are a lot of RPs here in RPGuild (who knew?) and I've seen both kinds with more or less equal number.
South Of Zauberheim

~~~ @AzureKnight (HIS & ENI) ~~~

Hisana, despite being strangled, managed to take a card from her pouch and stab Keith with it right in the visor. The mercenary stopped dead in his track and without a word, fell to the ground dead. However, his body was still bound to Hisana with Elastic Love.

While Keith was down and out, Hisana still has to deal with Enishi who was ready to freeze her in order to subjugate her once and hopefully for all.

Seraph Academy

Academy Infirmary

"I see...thank you doctor. I think I'll stay here for the rest of the day to be safe. If you could perhaps find some incense so I could meditate. Let them in. I am fine.....as well, if possible - tell me when Varjan wakes, would you? I have unfinished business with that fool."
Seleth Thenri

"Okay then. I'll be back with the incense later. For now, I'll let in your visitors." Doctor Elma softly replied. "I'll also let you know when Varjan would be awake as soon as possible."

Moments after Doctor Elma left, Seleth's visitors enter. "Seleth?" Alicia was the first to enter, then Ecthel, then Mira. "Hello, Seleth. Are you all right?" She asked. All three of your visitors had worried looks on their faces. "We... were watching your match against Varjan. You held pretty well, you know? Compared to others." Her smile was sad. "And there's the fact that you--"

Alicia stopped herself when someone else entered the room. It was Princess Lisianthus herself, who had decided to visit Seleth earlier but her brother did not come with her. Her appearance surprised the other three visitors. "E-Eh? Princess? What are you doing here?" Mira asked the Princess of Razelia.

~~~ @CitrusArms ~~~

"Is there a magic registry somewhere? Maybe the library? And maybe I should get something for this headache... I wonder if that old botanist couple know any remedies... Oh, I'm bleeding. Right, she hit me in the head with a bloody barbell, I should get this dressed and... Possibly not sleep tonight."
Lumina Lusteria

"Ah, yes. You should get that looked at." Vitalion replied about your injured head.

"Seraph Academy's infirmary is closer than the nearest hospital. Come, I can get you patched up there." The Head Captain said. "Normally, you should be going to the hospital but I can get you inside Seraph Academy. It's just a blow to the head too."


Vitalion led you to Seraph Academy, telling you all about the aforementioned school. Seraph Academy was apparently the most prestigious magic academy in Razelia, which is saying something considering Razelia is called the Kingdom of Magic. The academy was pretty busy with celebration and festivities which Vitalion explained that it was the annual Grand Academy Tournament, a competition to celebrate the graduating students. Usually by pitting them against outside opponents to test their skills against unknown skills and abilities.

Despite being busy, Vitalion got you some medical attention. You were put in a room where an Elven doctor used some healing magic to patch up your head wound. The doctor told you to stay put at the moment while she go and get something for your headache.

While you waited, however, you hear loud voices coming from the next room. "I know you can hear me, Varjan! I want you to explain the drugs! VARJAN! I WANT ANSWERS! SIT UP RIGHT NOW, YOUNG MAN!"
I love writing Fantasy the most. Whether Urban or High. It's my favorite because it's literally the only genre I can write. And maybe some semi-realistic Modern Action and Superhero genres.

I can't write super Sci-Fi 'cause I get "That's not how that works! That's not how Chemistry and Physics work! That makes no sense because that's against the Law of Thermodynamics!" and stuff like that.

I can't write Horror because I'm a scaredy-cat.

I can't write Slice-Of-Life 'cause I don't want to live a second realistic life. Also, if it hits too close to home, it gets pretty awkward and uncomfortable.


My mistake. Thanks for pointing that out.

He did that in the First Turn. We're now in the Second Turn so he can now use it again.
I don't join much roleplays these days since I have my hands full with GM-duty. That said...

Expanding out a little more but after a roleplay transitions from Interest Check to OOC there are always a small chance that people may pull back and decide not to enter, so what would be some of the reasons that may change an applicant's enthusiasm?

I think one of the main reasons is it's because the RP was not what one expected it to be. What one can see in the Interest Check may be different in the OOC or not how one thought it would be.

Rosemary can keep moving until she reaches less AP than the Goliath Soldiers (who has the second-highest AP).

Dead Factory


Battle Map



Soldier (x5)









Player Data

Yuno Current AP = 6

Rosemary Current AP = 12

NPC Data



GREENE (AP = 7, HP = 8)


Yuno used her Lightsaber to deal heavy damage to the Goliath while Rosemary poured on the fire. The undead monstrosity was beginning to buckle against the attacks, blood and parts pouring out of its body.

It had been maybe thirty minutes of continuous fighting and the combatants were tired. A brief moment of respite, however, was all that was needed to continue the battle to its bloody conclusion.

"Damn, cyborg girl's messed up real bad." Greene remarked to Rosemary, referring to the badly-beaten Yuno. "We better end this fight soon while there's still some of her left. Or, you could tell her to retreat to our position. I reckon she'd listen to you more than me. That way, the soldiers would waste time trying to get to us, giving us time." The human suggested. "It's just some advice, miss. Take it or leave it."

Rosemary was the quickest to recover and, likely, the first to move.
No update this week since I'm pretty busy and there have not been much posts.

Sorry guys.
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