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Hey Rune! I'll probably skip this round 'cause my writing motivation was stolen by thieves in the dark of night and now I must track down the conniving rats and take back what is rightfully mine.

Sorry about that.
Hey all! I'm actually 95% done with the update but then my hands, typing upon the keyboard, suddenly halted their creative advance and would write no longer. I discovered that my writing motivation was stolen by the dark gods and now I must journey unto their blasted realm to take back what is rightfully mine.

Will probably post the update come weekends. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Not really. It's there to show more of the land's weirdness: the sheer coincidence of having the exact same plants as Radiant's garden despite being in a remote place in Kazimierz.
The Journey Begins

~ Lady Mie's Tent ~

Interacted with: @Rune_Alchemist

“Need something? I’m likely closing shop soon, its getting a bit late and the Oni would like to have their evening off, I’m sure.”
Lady Mie

"Uhh, I'm actually looking for Donovan." Nick told of his purpose in the tent. "Your Oni workers told me he was here and... I'm beginning to realize I just missed him." He then sighed at the slight misfortune. "Well, uhh, do you know where he went?"

Nick felt it would be a waste to visit Lady Mie's tent just for that one question. Since this fox lady was a merchant, Nick figured she might have traveled a lot and so knew many things. Maybe she could have some insight about his special artifact, "By the way, do you know about this?" Nick took out his black diamond thing he picked up from that courtyard with the titans. "I asked Kyrnith about it and he told me it might belong to this Sage guy in the mountains. Do you know anything about that person?"

"I'll probably be looking for this Sage guy in the immediate future. I have, uhh, questions for him. Or her."
Keeping It Real 2
~@13org (ADA), @Restalaan (DIT), @AzureKnight (NAG)~

Nagare sent ice chunks towards the Ogre's face, sending her stumbling back and with the sweep of the ice dragon's tail, the Ogre crashed to the ground. Nagare then saw how Ada was faring...

The Hushabye opened up on the Minotaur with a spinning attack with her tail, knocking away the stone hammer from the bull monster's hands. With her agility, she clung to the side of the Minotaur to deliver a painful bite but before she could do so, she felt something stab into her. Ada was watching the Lizardman but she did not anticipate the lizard monster's speed. Once she jumped onto the Minotaur, the Lizardman took advantage of the opening and jabbed a sword unto the Hushabye.

However, Ada saw that she did not bleed, nor was she wounded. The blade inside her seemed to simply phase past her flesh. Still, she felt strength flowing out of her 'wound' and she dropped from the Minotaur. The Lizardman pulled out her magic sword out of the Hushabye, still no wound visible, to finish her off with a horizontal slash.

As the Ogre recovered, the Minotaur picked up her stone hammer and attacked Nagare. Her hammer was raised high and would come crashing down on the ice dragon if Nagare didn't do anything quick.


Ditzy charged back at the two Orcs and the Salamander. He managed to successfully clotheslined the two pig monsters before heading straight to the fiery monster.

The Salamander saw what happened and her grin became wider as her tail began to roar with flame. Drawing her sword, the fiery monster first spun at Ditzy which sent a wave of fire at the male Hobgoblin. She expected Ditzy to survive it and would soon follow up with slashed from her blade.

Should anyone be looking, Sir Reed would be fighting the two Orcs. He danced around the pig monsters' attacks but any hit he delivered upon them did seemingly nothing, his attacks were being absorbed.

Help, Wanted 2
~@AzureKnight (VRA)~

"Neil! We need to talk! There's something you need to know about that dastard Ian."
Vară Riemsianne

Your sudden entrance back into the treasury chamber startled Neil who was in the middle of inspecting the corners of the room. "Whoa, V-Vară?" It appeared he had not made any headway in his investigation. Not that it mattered anymore, you had a pretty good guess on who the culprit was. "You're back. Did you get anything from the witnesses? What's up with Ian?"

Before you could reply, though, another figure entered the room. A familiar one. "Hey, dude and dudette! How's the detective work going?" He asked with a carefree tone. There was no trace of guilt in his act. A consummate liar, this armored one was.

"Oh, hey Mister Ian. Speak of the devil."

Uninvited Guests
~@Stern Algorithm~

"How does lasagna and cake sound?"
Vivian Altissima

"...and we can provide you with a little bit of alraune nectar, as long as you promise to use it somewhere else. Believe me, if you use it here, we'll be able to tell, it is our nectar after all,"
Sylvia Altissima

"Oooh! That sounds tasty!" The little monster group had stars on their eyes and saliva dripping from their mouths. Although, "...What's lasagna?"

"...What are we gonna do with the Alraune nectar? Are we gonna mix it with food and it'll taste better?" The captive Giant Mouse asked the Altissima sisters, still dangling from the vines. "And can you let me down now? My head's feeling funny..."

"A-And what're we gonna do while they're cooking?" One of the Devil Bugs asked. The question sparked a discussion in the group, the voices and chatter of the little monsters filled the kitchen. It made it hard for the Liliraune to hear what was the dominating suggestion in this sudden meeting. Fortunately, their captive Giant Mouse continued to be helpful.

"Hmmm, it looks like they want to explore more of the guild." She said. Would that be a good idea? The Altissima sisters will need to speak up if they do not want that happening.

For The Cause
~@Rezod92, @Restalaan (YNG)~

"You know, you'd be doing everyone here a huge favor if you cut this shit out and just give us the goods!"
Kira Gigas

The lady knight did not register the Beelzebub's words before receiving a wind-infused punch from the monster which sent her flying. Alas, she missed the approaching Yang and crashed into some of her troops. She quickly recovered but decided not to engage the two guild members. Instead, she began cutting down the rebels. All those who fought her was easily dispatched, and the caravan forces were rallying around her.

Two footmen in chainmail armor with spears and shields charged at Yang, yelling with their war cries as the caravan began to fight back against the ambush. Meanwhile, Kira narrowly dodged an arrow that whizzed past her. She then found a unit of four archers taking aim at her. Their arrows probably won't damage the Beelzebub, but they would likely still hurt.

The sounds of battle cries and yells and steel hitting steel drowned all other noise as battle raged. Casualties were mounting on both sides.

Ohhh, I see. I should probably change it anyway and have Nick just walk into the tent without Donovan being there.

I also don't know what Mie looks like exactly other than her being a kitsune girl sooo...
The Journey Begins

~ Dawn ~

Interacted with: @Rune_Alchemist, @Guy0fV4lor

Nick eventually returned to Dawn where there seemed to be more of the horned humans like Haruno than the last time he was there. He also saw what appeared to be an oversized weasel with white-gray hair being restrained by the horned guys. He asked them where he could find Donovan and he was pointed to Lady Mie's tent. He also found out that they were called 'Oni', the same word for demons or ogres that the Japanese back in Earth used. That had Nick wondering, how did this alien world had so much in common with Earth?.

Putting these thoughts aside, Nick made his way to Mie's tent and slowly lifted the flaps to let himself inside. "Err, sorry to intrude, but I'm looking for a man named Donovan?" Within the tent was a blue-haired, fair-skinned child fully decked out in leather and steel armor. There was also a woman with dog or fox ears. Probably fox, though, since she had the tail of one.

No sign of Donovan, though.

Nick's eyes fell on the fox lady. He did not know who she was exactly but seeing that this was Lady Mie's tent and she appeared like she owned it, it was safe to assume that she was Lady Mie herself. "Err, sorry for barging in like this. Uhh, pleased to meet you, Lady Mie?"
The Great Horizons 3
~@13org (FYR)~

You ran and ran, following Haley and Samuel swept in the torrent of the river. Soon you spot a single tree branch that hung over the river, as if it grew over the water just for this moment. It was even wide enough to support your entire body and low enough for you to grab any of Haley or Samuel's limbs.

Climbing atop and reaching out your hand, Haley immediately extended her wet, indigo-feathered wing for you to grasp. You grab hold, and instantly felt the pull of the river. The torrent was strong, strong enough to pull you off the branch had you not firmly hooked your body on the wood. The river's surprising strength was probably because you were supporting not only Haley, but also Samuel who was still holding on to the Siren's leg.

Before you could think of another plan or even pull up Haley for a little, you hear the branch you were on cracking and breaking. The sudden shock when you grabbed Haley had weakened it and now the strain was becoming too much for the wood. You see Haley's face contorted into horror, it appeared she heard the branch breaking as well. The cracks became louder and you were running out of time. You must--


Haley cried as she kicked Samuel off her leg. The mad man was no match for the monster's strength and he was swept away by the river, leaving behind his coat still within the Siren's talons. "Pull me up, Freyr! Hurry!" With the load lightened, you easily pull Haley off the river and throw her into dry land. You leap off the breaking branch before it finally snapped off and taken away by the river as well.

It all happened fast, but now you and Haley were safe. The same could not be said, though, for Samuel. Haley sat on the grass, drenched all the way with river water, panting from the ordeal.

No problem. Good luck!
~ Fort Daelantine ~

Interacted with: @VitaVitaAR

Jarde's investigation yielded some interesting discoveries. The lifeless body had a tattoo on its left shoulder, a boar with golden tusks and red eyes. A mark of membership, Jarde was sure. Still, he did not recognize the emblem but it was certain that this was no Thaln soldier. The young knight went over to the other corpses and found the same tattoos, but the oldest-looking bodies had clean shoulders which probably meant they were the Thaln defenders, long killed before Alette's arrival.

"... Search... search the bodies, everyone,"
Fanilly Danbalion

The other Iron Roses went ahead and investigated, and yielded the same results. But unlike Jarde, they recognized the boar emblem and confirmed that a mass infiltration took place. One that Alette and her forces so rudely interrupted. Jarde was kind of impressed at these boar mercenaries for theamount of effort and care they put to kill and replace an entire fort's worth of soldiers. Still, that begs the question: Why?

While the other Iron Rose Knights talked to Alette the Shark, Jarde approached Captain Fanilly while watching Sir Fleuri head deeper into the fort. "While we're still not sure what Sharky's here for, we do know that these boar guys she killed are up to no good since it looks like they tried to replace the troops stationed here." He gave his thoughts on the matter. "As to why they would do this," He sighed before continuing. "All the possibilities I can think of are... pretty bad." With Fort Daelantine directly connected to the capital, Jarde feared the worst-case scenario.

"What're your next orders, Captain?"
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