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Sheila Hopkins

Outside Rockers HQ

Sheila bit together as she saw her grunts hit by arrows, of all things. She attempted to scan out where the arrows had come from as she wrote another message. She sent the coded equivalent of ‘front door is watched’, because there’d be such a code. She’d then attempt calling her fellow capes.


‘The opponents have an archer, it seems, the place is watched. Don’t advance on your own. It may be a lost battle, but there are Rockers unaccounted for inside.’ … And because of Patriarch, anyone captured was considered gone and untrustworthy forever, which should be avoided at all costs.
‘Regroup at spot B, I’ll try to contact our allies.’ So she told, whispering, highly conscious of every sound she made even when invisible. Of course, if they had suggestions or reasons to claim she’s an idiot, now’d be the time.

@Old Amsterdam

Next course of action. Call the Broker, or any other individual whose number she’d collected during the alliance, be that her number to Thunderbolt if all else failed.
‘This is Creep. The Rockers HQ is under attack, at least two parahumans and probably more I don’t know of yet. We’ll see what we can do, but help would be appreciated.’ … If she reached someone to talk to, that is.

While calling, she made her way to see if her other grunts were escaping safely, or if she needed to help. If not, she’d head for Spot B, which’d be a nearby apartment on the first floor with a missing tenant. Because moving at their enemy’s pace wasn’t optimal.

Oh, yeah. She just left that civilian looking for work inside her HQ under attack. … Eh, hopefully they have the good sense to take cover.
Sheila Hopkins

Outside Rockers HQ

Creep’s phone-screen lit up, telling her she had gotten a text-message. The man introduced himself as Barry Reeves, but all that basically went out of her head when she switched to looking at her messages and read the text. Red, 2. The number was from a Rocker that was currently inside the headquarter.

It really could only mean one thing. Red, the alarm level. 2, was a bit more vague to its meaning but the most reasonable was that there were two infiltrators. No time to lose. She terminated the call immediately and then wrote a message to send to all members of the Rockers in Denver. She’d have a number primed so she could send the same message to everyone.


We have visitors. Don’t know how long they’re planning on staying, but I could use some help if you think you have the time. Let me know?

A bunch of codewords. “Visitors” mean enemies at the HQ. “Don’t know how long they’re planning on staying” means takeover. “Help” means red alert. “If you think you have the time” means we’re probably losing, and that those who don’t feel confident should stay away from the HQ, those still inside should evacuate. “Let me know” means contact the leader directly if you wish to help or if you have more information, and if so they could get more information in turn.

Having sent the message to all Rockers, Creep staggered back from the building. She WANTED to run inside, to gauge the damage, to scout out the enemies and ascertain the situation. However… “The Rockers seem to have acquired a Stranger”, were Patriarch’s words. This was an attack on the Rockers, and they knew of the Stranger. They’d send someone who could deal with Strangers. For this reason, Creep took cover around a corner, invisible, waiting for more information while hoping to see Rockers evacuating…


It sounded like Creep was listening to what he said… and then she suddenly hung up.

Moments later there was a text message received in the phone he was holding, and one in the phone which the more tired-looking receptionist held. The two Rockers looked at the phone, while perhaps Swarm looked at the same message. A moment later the receptionist looked just a bit pale and then turned to him while reaching forward to take back the phone.

’I’m sorry, but something seems to have come up, we’ll come back to you when we can. I suggest you leave the building, because, er, we are. Have a good day.’

With that the two Rockers stood up and left for the front door to exit.
Sheila Hopkins

Outside Rockers HQ

She hesitated. Infrastructure was most assuredly not one of Creep’s strong points. Would they even have use of such? For designing lairs or whatnot? Still, it was possible this could be genuinely helpful, Creep wasn’t about to rebuke it outright, she’d want to go over these things with Visage and the others… although she was wary of that this might be a trap.


‘We will review your drafts at a later time and determine if we are interested in your services. Give us your name and a number with which to contact you with. If you have any further things to say, ideas or thoughts or so, I am currently listening,’ Creep said, eventually rounding around the building to look through the windows on the doors at the backs of those who were visiting, herself invisible outside.

Meanwhile, the receptionists would be glancing over the drafts for a bit.

Vivia had gotten some training done, too, Scraggy and Venonat doing some work. Rotom was hanging back, though, watching other things. At the end of it…

'Oh, sure. I’ve, um, never ridden something like a Tropius, but I’ll do my best,' Vivia responded, sounding a bit amazed, but still got onto Paradise with Skylar. So, seemingly Paradise had something she wanted to show the others. That’s an amusing thought. Paradise took them through the forest, to…

It’s a pond, a beautiful one surrounded by the living forest. Small lights lit the trees in the background, along what appeared to be a somewhat distant structure build on top of the trees. Behind the waters there was a stair. At the bottom of the stairs, there stood a creature, head lowered to drink of the water… and then when Skylar and co came anywhere within any form of distance it looked up for a moment before turning around and bolting up the rocky stairs wherever those were leading.

Other than that, this was a corner of more Tropius who drank of the water and looked pretty pleased with themselves. This was a peaceful pond, one that was simple to relax at, albeit there perhaps wasn’t too much to do… unless one fancied to visit the strange treehouse or head after the strange shape. That said, Skylar would feel that ahead emanate an aura of power, somehow. These were not the grounds of newbies to tread. Albeit he could, it was likely he might be sent home quicker than he’d realize.

That said, he knows this place exists now and could return any time.

So, what would Skylar do here, if anything?

Connected areas:
Route 1. To the south.
Route 3. If you head north-east for a while.
Silent Shrine. Go north, you should be able to find the road there.



‘Shuppet?’ one of the Shuppets turned to Qwerty as she appeared and talked to them. Didn’t entirely matter if she only talked to one of them, all three of them gathered to stare at the guest. It was explained to them that they were bothering the human inside…

‘Shuppet!’ the first said, frowning, shaking its head.

‘Shup-shup!’ the second explained, smiling out widely.

‘Shuuuuup,’ the third one elaborated, looking towards the window.

They misunderstood a bit. They couldn’t leave this guy, he was the most delicious guy around! He was both tasty and basically never-ending! A feast for Shuppets like themselves, they’d been following him for a long while! Sure, quite a few of them had been captured or convinced to join someone at one point or another, but with no better option they wanted to stay close to their food! … But just eating all the time was no fun, they wanted to entertain themselves occasionally, too! And it was really funny how upset he became whenever his electricity didn’t work, haha! It also gave some flavour to the energy they consumed. Some spice of annoyance, same effect as good pepper, perhaps.

Nope, not going to give up this pastime that easily. What would Valen and Qwerty do here?


@Joshua Tamashii@Eklispe

The Yamask’s continued their battle with the Honedge in this new room, not seemingly entirely noticing Amelia’s displeasure about that they’d fight like this. Still, with superior numbers they were victorious soon enough. So, Amelia spoke to the coffin, mentioning it by name. At the end of her question, the sarcophagus shook. The lid opened, and shadowy arms extended outwards as the coffin rose, levitating into the air as it angled to look down at the two kids before it, grinning with red eyes.


Well, it was awake, anyway. Did Amelia or Dawkin have something to say to it? Numerous Yamask were around, looking expectantly.



Bellawesome was able to skillfully dodge aside from the close-ranged Gusts, though this meant that Lure momentarily freed herself from the blade. Then, after being a bit surprised at the Gust aimed for her own trainer, she once again came to be wary as Lure gathered the pink mist, and blew it forth.

Bellawesome hadn’t categorized it as dangerous before it blew over her, the Pokémon blinking a bit in surprise before staggering a bit in how blissfully sweet the scent was, but then gripped her sword with both hands hard, again. Her mind was a bit distracted due to the scent, however.

‘Ooooh, Sweet Scent. It might become dangerous with that. How about you get a little serious, eh, Bellawesome?’ Archie said, smiling on the other side.

‘Bellossom~!’ Bellawesome replied, and suddenly launched towards Lure at exceptional speed. Given she had just gathered to make a Sweet Scent, there wasn’t enough time for Lure to prepare the next move, but just in case Bellawesome once again slammed the flat of her blade in-between Lure’s mouths… and released a cloud of yellow spores. They were carried by her speed, and come wind or dodge Bellawesome was quick enough to keep herself close enough that the effect was virtually impossible to dodge. The spores locked onto Lure’s wings and muscles, hampering her movements…

Bellawesome used Stun Spore! Lure was paralyzed !

‘There you go! Now go ham on it!’ Archie called, smiling so widely.

‘Lloss~!’ With that, Bellawesome prepared her blade, and intended on starting to cause some real damage. That said, her evasion had taken a hit.

Any changes to Claire’s tactics or otherwise?
At the site of Mika and Lupa, a nearby building suddenly exploded. That is, one of the adjacent buildings blew open from inside, shooting bricks and debris flying all over the street with little to no care about anything. The cause of the explosive impact had been an absurdly fast form just tearing the building apart as an inconsequential collateral as the form had just travelled across town in the blink of an eye at full strength. If anyone still held onto Ronja they were just torn off and thrown hard across the street into the building on the other side.

A monster girl was there, with a long furry snake-like lower body in the midst of the suddenly caused destruction, Ronja held in her clawed hands. She looked across the street at those present with a calm, yet hateful glare, before spinning around and launching off again with an unparallelled speed, taking Ronja with her. Neither would be seen again today.
I promised a post. I was heavily distracted, but I would not fail.

@Eklispe@Joshua Tamashii Not entirely how I envisioned this would go, but I'll work with it, heh. Nicely posted. I hope you'll figure out some kind of plan or so, or tell me what you'd like me to provide for it.

@prettydrops Nicely posted. Now, then. I do prefer that my trainers go out and search for Pokémon, but it seems you already know what you're looking for. I provide a single place where you can find each Pokémon you seek, even though they can be found in more than one, mostly. Otherwise, yeah. You're free to continue.

@Gardevoiran Nicely posted. Yupp, you got some training done. Now, sleep in the games don't last very long, and you have no requirement for awakenings, I don't think. Heh. Oh, well.

@Dusksong Nicely posted. Now, occasionally, things won't go exactly like the trainer might have envisioned it, and may have to fight for something if they want it. If not, then some chances in life might just slip away. Depends entirely on the trainer's actions, heh.

@Rune_Alchemist Nicely posted. I was looking forward to Bellawesome's entrance, heh. Now, what wil
@Joshua Tamashii@Eklispe

‘Yaaaam…’ One of the Yamask sounded out at the question of what’s going on, the ghosts looking between one another for the moment. They didn’t look like they were sure how to answer. Then there was the question of if they could help, and they perked up. Then if there was a Cofagrigus to talk to. They exchanged looks once again, and then a unanimous decision was made.

‘Yamask!’ ‘Yaaaa!’ ‘Amask!’ ‘Ya-mama!’

The little swarm of ghosts reached for Amelia’s clothes and started trying to pull her up, and in the direction to the right in the crossing ahead. Though, there was still a Sigilyph patrolling… but two of the Yamasks put on their determined faces and blocked the path before it could arrive.

‘YaMAAAAAAASK!’ … And they went in to engage the Psychic type with Astonishes, the surprised flying patroller staggering before realizing it had come under fire from denizens of the tomb that it usually protected! Still, the remaining Yamasks urged Amelia on. … They did not do the same for Dawkin, one might have thrown him a confused stare, wondering if he wanted to come too, but otherwise yeah.

Ahead in the corridor, the Yamasks then took a sharp left into a small room in the midst of the corridor. There floated a Honedge…

‘Yamask!’ … That the present Yamasks immediately engaged, flying forward to Astonish the rather confused sword Pokémon. Still, it’d start fighting back soon enough, though it’d be rather outnumbered. The room was otherwise pretty empty, except for one giant sarcophagus in the middle of the room…

… No, that’s not a sarcophagus.

Pokédex Entry #563 – Cofagrigus, the Coffin Pokémon. They hide within ancient ruins, where it captures grave robbers that mistake them for real coffins with their ghastly hands. Those captured within are said to be turned into real mummies and then left. It is covered in gold, and it likes eating gold, not necessarily for sustaining itself.

It’s currently pretending, but Amelia’s ghost-sense isn’t lying to her.

Now then?



‘Mh?’ Kathryn made a little noise of curiosity when Valen asked her to wait, turning around to look at him curiously. She listened to his questions, and gave him a little smile as she started talking.

‘Don’t think too hard on it. There isn’t a right way to go on your Pokémon journey or train your Pokémon, and for now you don’t have to worry about how to make them the very best, either. It isn’t like there’s a system in place where you need to KO a specific number of specific Pokémon in order to make sure your Pokémon grows in a specific way you want, or so. Battle wild Pokémon or trainer Pokémon, and they’ll naturally grow. Just have a bunch of fun together. Alright?’ Kathryn told. And then…

‘As for going to space… Isson doesn’t really have an equivalent of the Mossdeep Space Center, they’re the ones sending rockets to space over there in Hoenn, but perhaps one day. Who knows?’ Kathryn shrugged and smiled a bit more, but that’ll do for now.

Then he took a quick visit to the Pokémon Center…

And then he went and searched the locations of some Pokémon…

And then he went and started training some more against some trainers at the school. Sure.

Pokédex Entry #74 – Geodude, the Rock Pokémon. Found in fields as well as mountains. They commonly rest, half-buried in the ground and indistinguishable from normal rocks. There are always way more Geodude around than a traveler will notice. Stepping on one by accident may trigger their rage.

Then he engaged a couple trainers for training.

Pokédex Entry #406 – Budew, the Bud Pokémon. It is sensitive to changing temperature. In winter it closes its bud and endures, while in summer it blooms and releases its pollen. This pollen is mildly poisonous and can cause harsh sneezing. It lives near clear ponds.

He got to fight a Geodude and a Budew. With Psybeam at its side, Qwerty was more than able to defeat both Pokémon with current capabilities.

Qwerty grew to Level 9!

There. Now what?



Vivia listened to Skylar’s excited little rant, smiling just a little bittersweetly. He took that photo, because the Pokédex indeed has a camera feature, and then the newly named Paradise came out of

'Paradise,' Vivia repeated, a bit in awe at the name. It wouldn’t take all that long for Paradise to wake up, a couple rounds aren’t that long, but still. Still, then he asked what Vivia wanted to do. She looked around with a neutral expression and then spoke.

'I’m not sure. I want to go on to the gyms eventually, but the Pokémon around here aren’t immediately interesting to me. I think I’ll go along with you and train my Pokémon somewhat.'

The Pokémon to train on in here are the Petilils and the Cottonee mentioned earlier, the occasional Jigglypuff, as well as two previously unseen cat Pokémon that they hadn’t noticed earlier.

Pokédex Entry #300 – Skitty, the Kitten Pokémon. It lives in holes in trees of forests. It easily becomes fascinated with things and chase them, and it commonly seen chasing its own tail. While popular due to perceived cuteness, it is very difficult to earn a Skitty’s trust and friendship.

Pokédex Entry #431 – Glameow, the Catty Pokémon. It claws when displeased and purrs when affectionate. It can switch between the two very swiftly, this fickleness is very popular among some. When happy its tail makes beautiful movements, like a dancing ribbon. Its glare can put foes into a hypnotic state.

They didn’t really have any advantages against the Pokémon around. The grass-types had flying against them but water in their favour against flying-type move less Seabreeze, and they’d notice that all the cats had Fake Out which they’d start out with before Scratching up close. Mostly due to taking damage back in turn they weren’t able to continue too long without taking too much damage, having to stop. Though, they got a decent amount of experience.

Seabreeze grew to Level 8! Seabreeze learned Wing Attack!

Celebrity grew to Level 8! Celebrity learned Play Nice!

But they’re both pretty damaged now. The Pokémon in here are decently tough.

… Hm? Someone seems to have dropped their glasses in the forest. Said someone is not Vivia.

Skylar found Wise Glasses!

Or more accurately, one of his Pokémon probably did.

Paradise can wake up now.

What would Skylar do next?

Connected areas:
Route 1. To the south.
Route 3. If you head north-east for a while.
Silent Shrine. Go north, you should be able to find the road there.



Totodile watched her as she and her Pokémon took on the considerably effortful task of saving the boat and managing to drag it onto what qualified as shore. It then watched her as she was outlining the options for how they could attempt freeing it. The Totodile blinked once. Then twice. Then a couple more times. First time had seemed involuntary, it was just time to blink, and then it got confused and blinked more. Then, it placed its two small blue hands against the wood, and pushed. With sound of cracking in the boat but no seeming damage to Totodile, the snout of the reptile shot out on its own and Totodile stumbled back to its feet, standing on the back of the boat Eryn had so painstakingly saved. It looked over at her and opened its big mouth.

'Totodile!' it announced, looking and sounding happy, and then leapt off the boat into the water.

It started to swimming up the stream, not looking at Eryn again. She could of course follow if she wished to. Just staying here would mean she’d be left behind as Totodile swam back into the lake. What would she do?

Connected areas:
Pureplain City. You can get back without complication.
Infested Woods. You’re right next to it.
Wet Caverns. May need to cross a bridge or two to get there.



Bellawesome continued dodging gusts, perhaps taking some damage on the sidelines by being graced by the powerful winds, but she reached Lure more or less fine. Then, Lure got in for a Bug Bite just as promised. This was at the same time as Bellawesome dashed in for a strike, and-

Lure was slapped by the flat side of the Leaf Blade from straight in front, the blade finely placed between the mouths of the Combee, before Bellawesome used superior strength and led Lure’s charge down into the floor with a slam of the sword following. If Lure continued to hunt after Bellawesome, she’d continue with similar feats, using the blade with magnificent skill to block Lure’s bites while dealing counter-attack damage in turn, all while smiling so happily. Now, Bug/Flying meant Lure wasn’t taking a lot of damage either, but the Leaf Blade was definitely making itself felt eventually.

‘Awwwwww, she’s having fun!’ Archie told, smiling so happily and bouncing a bit in joy on the other side.

This final Pokémon of Archie’s was edging out in a stat that could not be found on any chart describing the capabilities of Pokémon. Skill. With it, Bellawesome currently had a significant advantage over Lure, who couldn’t seem to get a solid hit with either Gust or Bug Bite in the regular ways of their usage.

What would Claire do now?
Sheila Hopkins

Rockers HQ

‘Wake up, people. On your guard. We have unknown guests. Send out a couple of yellow alerts, just in case,’ Creep said, walking among the grunts who were spread around doing who knows what in the HQ. Who knows what could be going on, after all. Yellow alerts were just text-messages which included the word “worry” or “worried” somewhere, meaning that something could be going down potentially but perhaps not, be wary if you approach the HQ. Just in case. Red alert contained the word “help”, and it meant get the heck over here right this moment. The word “thanks” meant green, the danger has passed. Then there was black alert, which meant the HQ was compromised so don’t return there. Phone calls were preferable, but sometimes that wasn’t possible. … For this moment, the right cause of action in case of a battle was immediate withdrawal, because they were not equipped for a possible cape fight with any kind of opponent, so that’s what the men prepared for. A retreating battle.

She was about to leave the room when the phone of one of her grunts rang. It was the “call meant for Creep because someone outside the Rockers wish to speak with her” phone, which obviously she didn’t carry on her person. After all, if it was Visage that was at the HQ she’d be the one to answer it. The trusted grunt picked out the phone and showed it to her, asking without a word if she wanted to take the call. Creep took the phone without a word and answered.

‘Creep here,’ she simply said, then listened to what the one on the other side said. Well, then. She intentionally waited a couple of seconds in order to leave the guests waiting.

‘Alright. Put me on speakers.’


The receptionist gave Swarm an analytical stare over the professional smile, and then took out a phone.

’She’s not always available, but I’ll check for you. Who should I say is asking for her?’ the receptionist asked, before calling a number.

"An interested party." Swarm replied. (I asked @Spiffy what Swarm would say) The receptionist nodded and a few seconds later someone picked up.

’This is the lobby. Someone calling themselves an interested party is here, wishing to speak with Creep.’

It took a couple seconds, but then the receptionist smiled and nodded.

’Alright, turning on loudspeakers.’ With that said, a button on the phone was pressed so a light turned on beneath it, and then the flip-phone as held forward towards Swarm and Firefly. From there, Creep’s voice sounded through the phone.

‘This is Creep. State the nature of your visit.’

On the other end of the phone call, Creep walked while clutching the phone as she made her way through the building. There was a degree of power in the other part not knowing where she was while they spoke. She cloaked herself and headed out through a back-door, intending on walking around the building while invisible to stand right behind them after. They had doors that Creep ensured could be opened silently exactly for that, as well as windows on the door so she could see what she entered into. While talking on the phone meant she couldn’t get right behind them yet without being heard when she talked, she still made ready.

Of course, at the moment she’s merely exiting the building and walking on the outside while unseen. Not enough time had passed for her to reach the front door.
There was a Jehannan Knight standing in front of a building. He hadn’t moved, even as the sounds of multiple wyverns came from nearby, people dashed about, fighting had broken out and Commander Zane was shouting orders to surround the enemy… Yet despite all this, the Knight had not moved. Why, you may ask?

It was fairly simple. He had been told not to move an inch, no matter what. No matter what, he could not move from in front of this particular building. This became a point of pride for this specific Knight. No matter what happened, he would not move- ‘WOAH-!’

… An inch. A wyvern named Kergin came flying out of nowhere, crashing into the Knight and moving him exactly one inch. While the impact had shaken the Knight, Kergin would find that neither his claws nor his teeth could penetrate the man’s armour. He’s going to need Isolde’s axe for that. Except… Isolde’s not on his back anymore.

‘WHY, HOW DARE YOU MOVE ME!’ the Knight shouted back, gripping his lance and thrusting it at the wyvern assaulting him. Now, Kergin has decent padding to him, but the thrust onto his stomach still pierced a bit and drew blood, indicating that he was definitely at a disadvantage in this fight.

While it’d probably suit him fine to be a huge unstoppable dragon, that’s not going to cut it here due to him not being a huge unstoppable dragon.


And these two crash into one another and fall off the mount and into a pile on the ground. Have fun recovering. +4 Support points.

The Soldiers on the north side of the houses saw this and saw it as their chance, dashing forward to take advantage… when the first one suddenly found darkness rising from the ground to punch into him from all sides, his armour helping naught as the spell of darkness took all wind out of him, and he staggered back while the other hesitated to go through with his attack. Aldo had ran by and cast a spell from the other side of the wyvern and two collapsed riders, staring down at them with a deep frown.

‘… What are you doing? Isolde, I recommend you tame your beast before he unintentionally kills us all,’ he told, no-nonsense personality shining.

@Eklispe@Apollosarcher@Crimson Raven@Lmpkio

Meanwhile, Marwood apparently went off to attack the Soldier through the second lane while commanding people to follow him. However, Kara meanwhile headed off the first lane while telling people to stay close to her.

‘W-wait!’ Viridia looked off in both of their directions. ‘I can’t stay close to- EP!’ Viridia suddenly found herself pushed forward after Marwood.

‘Go with Sir Renais!’ Osmund told her proudly. ‘I shall protect the miss!’ Saying so, he turned and clampered after Kara. Viridia threw about a flustered look recognizing the slight issue with communications in the current group, but…

‘… Agh! Fine!’ she called, before running in a hurry after Marwood, not catching up on account of being on foot.

Marwood rode forth at this one enemy Soldier. Said Soldier noticed and prepared to counter… except Marwood was by far the more skilled combatant, easily avoiding the Soldier’s lance and delivering a blow back. However, he wasn’t quite able to take the enemy out in one attack. The Soldier staggered back with the wound, and then noticed the shuffling Zane right next to him.

‘Commander Zane…!’ the Soldier gasped out in relief, like that his commander had just arrived to save his life. Marwood could tell, this man was more powerful than the rest. This man in armour, somewhat handsome in his appearance, straight back and a fierce determination and the way he held his lance, this man was a bigger deal. He looked to Marwood, seizing him up…

‘Nope. You’re not him,’ Zane stated and then turned to keep running.


‘BEAT THEM DOWN, BOYS! I’LL BE GOING AFTER THE WYVERN, AND INZANE!’ Zane said, while dashing in behind a different lane, the one where Kergin was brawling with the armoured knight. ‘There you are…! Now, where’s your rider…!?’

In any case, seems like Marwood’s relatively home free minus the injured Soldier ahead of him, because the three below were focused on the figure dashing at them from the lowest lane. That said, there were more Jehannan troops approaching.

Kara dashed west towards the group of enemies there. The first one, a Soldier stepping forth to deal with her, brandished a smile and a lance as he intended to take a stab at her as she came running… except this is the point where Kara suddenly morphs her form to come out as a dragon and his lance goes clinking off her scales for dramatic effect, is it not? Be it with claws or with fire, the first opponent before her is swiftly dealt with… and the rest are staggering back and wide-eyed at their sudden opponent.

‘D-DRAGON!’ ‘What’s a dragon doing here!?’ ‘We’re not equipped to fight dragons!’ ‘S-someone send word to the castle!’ ‘I-I’m going!’ ‘No, wait, I’m the one who’s going!’

They were collectively staggering back… yet one of them stood forward, smirking widely.

‘Hawhahaha… My time has come…’ The Fighter raised his axe at Kara. ‘HEAR ME, DRAGON! I AM JAPHET, WIELDER OF STORMBELLOWS, AXE OF THE HERO GRADO! IT IS YOUR FATE TO BE SLAIN HERE BY MY HAND! LIE SLAUGHTERED AND BECOME THE BEGINNING OF MY LEGEND!’ he called out, obnoxiously loud. His axe was really shiny, though, seemingly glowing with power and having a bunch of finely crafted details on it, looking mighty sharp. The same could not be said about the wielder. ‘LET’S GO! HYYAAAAAAAAAH…!’ He dashed forward, Stormbellows held high above his head as he jumped to attack Kara with an overhead slice…

Both him and his axe are useless. Kara may deal with him as she sees fit.

Noteworthy though, the strain from her last battle is already making itself felt. Kara won’t be able to maintain dragon form for long this battle.

Osmund, who’d run in behind her to supposedly protect her, came to a stop behind her as he clearly wasn’t needed. He was looking somewhat amazed. ‘Woah.’

(From previous battle)
Servus/Kara -> 2
Servus/Hevel -> 2
Kara/Hevel -> 4 (he got hugged)

(From this battle)
Isolde/Servus -> 4 (because crash)
Isolde/Aldo -> 1
Titania/Kara -> 1
Titania/Viridia -> 1
Marwood/Osmund -> 1
Marwood/Viridia -> 2 convo + following
Servus/Aldo -> 1
Kara/Osmund -> 1
Osmund/Viridia -> 3 Viridia feels indebted

Current Injuries: Kergin has been stabbed due to overestimating his own strength.
Kergin got a grazing blow from the Fighter he tackled, though nothing serious.

Noteworthy Movement: The Soldier under the Colosseum is running north after having seen Kara. He intends to inform the higher-ups.

@Eklispe We can assume Titania followed in some direction or another. Feel free to have followed someone and disregard movement somewhat.

Notable Individuals;

Enemy Base Level: 2
Enemy Base Weapon Mastery: E
Enemy Equipment Quality: Iron
Notable Deviations: Fighter at the bottom wields the STORMBELLOWS! Functionally an Iron Axe.

‘… Now!’

Two souls and a carriage left the building on the west, riding towards the exit.


The place was currently the ground floor of an office building, though they had roughed the place up. However, specifically at the entrance was ruled a dangerous place, so Creep had it abandoned except for those who were keeping watch over it. Some people just sitting around in a window opposite occasionally kept watch, but regardless, there were two grunts in the first little hall. Here were doors to other sections, stairs to go up or down, and two guys sitting by the side at a little table, one writing something extensive on his phone and the other lazing about. Both were typical male Rockers, unremarkable in their appearance. Upon the two strangers’ entrance, however, the lazing one perked up, smirked a roughed up smile and leaned on the table looking towards the people coming in.

’Why, hello there! Now, how might I help you?’

The other guy was simply typing away at his phone…

Sheila Hopkins

Rockers HQ

Creep’s phone lit up. That was the only indication she got a message, but that was enough for her, because she could make sure she knew whenever her phone screen lit up with her power. It allowed her to be stealthy, even when out on a mission carrying a phone. Still, currently she was just in her office. She reached over and pressed a couple buttons to check.

strangers in lobby

… Creep clutched a fist with one of her hands. That could so easily be harmless, maybe someone wanting to join the gang, yet could as easily be the harbingers of their destruction. She couldn’t help but worry every time. Well, looks like she wouldn’t be able to focus on what she was doing now. Time to alert some grunts in the HQ and then go stalk the guests while unseen.

Only if they turned out to be a real threat would she let the capes outside the building know, for now.
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