Avatar of Prosaic


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2 yrs ago
It's my birthday so I'm making it everyone's problem.
2 yrs ago
I figure my presence on this site is more of a curse than a blessing.
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2 yrs ago
Be the superhero roleplay that you want to see in the world.
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2 yrs ago
Don't mind me, just making another reappearance.
3 yrs ago
By no popular demand, I'm back.


Years after writing my original post and funnily enough, I'm still Prose!

I'm twenty something, I like superheroes, magic and well... anything that happens to catch my eye. Sometimes I take random breaks from this site and reappear when you least expect me. Sorry about that. It's the mental health. I thrive in high casual settings and I like to write the same characters over and over so expect to see them regurgitated across different threads.

Most Recent Posts


Elliot had released him and he was already reeling backwards as quickly as possible. He didn't like to be touched unless he initiated it and he had certainly not initiated that. It was in his best interests to evacuate the gym as quickly as possible. With an apologetic wave at Ricardo, he quickly beelined out the door and didn't look back. He'd help Elliot out later in her dreams but he wasn't going to subject himself to sexual harassment in his work place.

He liked Elliot, sure, but he wasn't comfortable with all this flirting. He needed space to breathe. When he entered the hallway, he drew in a breath of air to clear his lungs. It was like exiting a burning room, he immediately started to feel better. Alice had taken to helping Valora, he didn't want to interrupt them so he made a plan to catch up with Valora later. He worried about her nearly nonstop, and he was sure that Onyx must have dealt a great deal of fear to her.

As he was walking, intent on returning to the safety of his room, he was getting that nagging feeling that made him aware that someone was dreaming nearby. It wouldn't have stopped him normally, but normally there wouldn't have been someone dreaming in the Tower during the day. It was odd and that oddness was enough to make him reach out for the person, and he slipped into their dream seamlessly. In the real world, Silas' body had just hit the ground like a rock, but in the dream realm, he was standing outside of Ricardo's bedroom.

He stepped through the door, letting his body phase through it, just in time to see chaos ensuing.

...The alien flitted away just barely, phasing defensively to avoid his touch. Ricardo held two power dampening bracelets, which he was attempted to slap onto Ka'van's wrists.

"I can't wear those, you know that." Ka'van could feel a bit of panic welling up. He tried to phase through the wall, but couldn't. The look on Ricardo's face was becoming ever more twisted and demonic. He was spouting nonsense about how Ka'van must yield to JUSTICE and therefore must be controlled.

As a last resort, the alien began grabbing whatever items in the room he could find with his telekinetic powers, throwing them wildly at the man. The room was quickly trashed, comics and booze splayed out everywhere in broken disarray. During the whole frenzy, a dark shape lurked in the far background. It was pitch black, two red dots representing beady eyes. The thing was, however, very blurry. As if it was out of focus or something. Neither hero seemed to even notice that it was there. It watched the scene silently, seeming very satisfied by the general chaos.

Silas was like that watching creature in a way, just here to see and not to directly act. He was unlike that watching creature in the way that nothing about this was satisfying for him. He was actually becoming increasingly anxious at the dream incarnates of his friends and how they were seemingly locked inside of a sort of battle. This was all a part of Ka'van's psyche, obviously, but it was still very scary. It was also worrisome.

If Ka'van was dreaming that Ricardo was his enemy then that meant that there was some sort of unsettled feeling there. Maybe he thought that they were all against him or maybe he thought that Ricardo specifically had done something to slight him. Nonetheless, it was bad. So, Silas did what any good dream manipulator would. He voided the dream completely, scrapped it like a bad word document.

Whatever watching force that had conjured this dream would be watching their work crumble right before their eyes.

He quickly freed himself from the dreamscape, scrambling to his feet, and hurried towards Ka'van's room. He knocked on the door avidly, perhaps a bit too avidly. It sounded like a police raid and it was just as insistent.


Four Months Earlier.

Blood was trickling into his philtrum, making a steady path to his upper lip.
If visions were so trustworthy, then why hadn't he known the punch was coming? Of course, he had learned that his visions could be fickle, that they were often vague and disconcerting. It was still a pain in the ass to have the ability to see into the future but for it to never be worth a damn. He was like Cassadra in a way, except he completely believed his visions, they just were useless. If he had a vision of a car, it could mean a lot of things. It could mean a crash, it could mean a car was destined to hit him, it could mean that someone somewhere was driving a car from a crime scene.

His visions were completely subjective. Though, their accuracy didn't even really matter, it wasn't like he could talk about them. He'd tried talking about them to his mother, to his father, to a shrink. It was always the same disbelieving response or "Sage, don't make jokes like that!" He wasn't making a joke though, he was honestly seeing things and every moment was just another moment where he was waiting to see more. It was just another moment of waiting to understand even less.

He'd had a vision today, one that had assaulted him upon waking up but it hadn't involve a punch. It had involved the figure of a man moving silently and soundlessly along a rain splattered sidewalk. He hadn't seen for sure but he'd known the man was following someone, he'd smelled the distinctive smell of crispy, buttered croissants. He'd seen a flickering streetlight. He hadn't thought much of it, he wasn't a vigilante and if someone was getting stalked nearby then he couldn't do much about it. It wasn't until he'd passed a café that he'd passed a million times before that he'd realized.

The smell of crispy, buttered croissants.

He'd reacted immediately, he'd turned too quickly. A fist had met his nose and he had stumbled backwards. Though he was dazed and clutching at his bloody nose, he drew back his hand to throw one in return. He'd felt the jolt of the of a dart sinking into his shoulder right as his hit had made contact with flesh. He'd been confused at first, disoriented and shaky.


The utterance of that single word had sounded so soft in the night. It was the sound of a child, a very scared child. When he'd crumpled to the ground, he'd thought he was dying. The blackness that had closed over his vision had been comforting, like a blanket, like being tucked in. He had genuinely dared to hope that this was it, that some terrible person had killed him and it was over now. He was entirely peaceful.

It didn't last.


Present Day.

Paragon was hell.
He had thought that highschool was hell, that college was hell, that his parent's home was hell but he'd been wrong. Paragon was hell. It wasn't just because of the orderlies, or because of the people, or because of the tests, it was because of the collars. He had never liked his visions but they had been a very important part of him. The collar stopped them until he was in controlled environments for testing, it was a pain in the ass.

They were inhumane as it was, he'd asked the therapist about them before. They sent a constant pulse through the central nervous system that neutralized the abilities, some sort of electro-whatsit was constantly being sent through his nerves. He had argued the point before that there had to be some kind of detrimental health effects from that, he had been ignored for the most part. He mostly kept his opinion to himself nowadays, unless he was feeling argumentative.

Luckily for the fine orderlies of Paragon, he had decided to take his new "home" in stride. He cracked terrible jokes as frequently as possible, he laughed off things that they said that he found rude. He tried to be jovial, for the most part. He was still acting out, the way that he always had. They kept an extra eye on him because of his disorder and his instability but that just seemed to fuel his desire to grab their attention. At times he would do things that could easily be deemed as dangerous, though that usually ended in punishment.

Isolation was the standard procedure.
Sage Worcester was not the kind of guy who coped with isolation well. So, he tried to avoid going overboard if he could remember the consequences. He tried not to instigate too many fights. It was hard for him, it made him feel like a kid that was constantly sitting on his hands to keep from grabbing things. He was dealing with it though, he wasn't enjoying it but he was dealing with it.

When he finished his session and entered the common area, he could see the old teacher dude, Kennedy, and the ill-tempered blonde, Victoria. He made sure to stride in with his head held high, his shoulders straight and his steps even. It made him look as arrogant as a war horse, and just as ready for a fight.

His tone was a stark contrast, full of dramatic flair and transparent friendliness. "Hello, fellow suckers. How'sit?"
I'll have a post up in a little bit!

I'm going to actually post tomorrow, probably.


When Ricardo responded to him over the ear piece, he had noticed something in his tone that had struck him as odd. Sometimes he thought that his teammates and even he forgot that Ricardo took a lot of responsibility for the people that he shared a home with. It was hard to separate the man from the legend sometimea, Ricardo Fenix was a person and people had feelings. They had a tendency to joke about their little justice family, but in a way, it was like they were actually a family. The amount of support that went into taking care of each other on and off the field, it was familial.

He forgot sometimes that Ricardo could get worried too, that he wasn't just the shining example of poster-boy heroics that New Horizons painted him as. Phoenix Dawn was as big as his name, larger than life, and emblazoned in gold and fire but he was a person before all that. He was a person that was feeling guilty for his family getting hurt, and that made Silas worry for him. This small exchange had safely secured that Silas was going to be pulling the glorious Dawn aside for a nice brotherly talk very soon.

When he'd entered and greeted the two, they greeted him in turn and despite what Ricardo had asked of him, he was still too exhausted to train. He was about to find a place off to the side to settle down, and he was immediately stalled in place as a cat person? entered the room. He immediately broke into song, his voice was seductive and so was his body language. It was absolutely insane. He was stunned into silence and he watched as the kitty boy made direct eye contact with him.

There was something incredibly flirtatious about the whole display, this kitty boy didn't want to flirt with just one boy, he wanted to flirt with all of them, all at once. He had never seen anything quite like it before and he wasn't exactly sure how to process it but when the display had ended, he didn't know whether to clap or to exit the room as quickly as possible. Kitty boy introduced himself as "Onyx" and Silas could see a kind of charisma to his nature.

"Silas, I'm Silas-"

He was cut off by the entrance of Elliot, a much different Elliot than the one that he had departed from earlier. She was moving with a confident stride and greeting everyone eagerly. When she got to him, she did something that caught him off guard, she threw her arms around his neck. He rocked back slightly, only barely managing to catch himself and support her weight.

He couldn't help it, he was getting overwhelmed and flustered. The girl had her body draped against his and she was talking to him in a way that was making him blush to the roots of his hair. He needed to evacuate the situation or else he was going to have a panic attack, he was looking around for help but Ricardo seemed to just find it funny. Alice entered and inquired about his wellbeing.

"I'm- I'm fine, if Elliot would just uh..... um... perhaps give me a little breathing room? Nothing personal, of course! I just- I- uh... I-"

When Valora entered the room, she did exactly what Silas expected of Valora seeing a walking, talking cat. She began to panic and he could feel himself wanting to help her somehow but he had to disengage Elliot before he could do that. He couldn't just throw her off or step back, she'd fall over, he didn't want her fall over. He also didn't want Valora to bolt out at top speed.

He gave Elliot a little nudge, trying to indicate for her to release his neck and free him. His heart was pounding, he was sreadily turning red and he was about to start hyperventilating but he forced out a few words to Valora.

"Valora, it's going to be-"

He was cut off when Onyx decided address her instead, he couldn't help but feel like that was a terrible idea. The kitty boy was only friendly, he didn't have any ill will towards Valora but Silas knew that she wasn't going to ease into their knew teammate that easily. "O-Onyx, she's uh, she's not a fan of animals. It would probably be preferable if you weren't so close to her- It's- It's not just you, it's all animals. Elliot, can you please let me go over there?"

Grand Ridge Academy - Conference Room.

The room was steadily becoming chaotic and that wasn't good because chaos made it really hard to focus.
Claire had critiqued his commentary, not that it really mattered to him, he wasn't going for a deep philosophical overview of the situation. He was just being upfront, every part of him wanted to forget that night. He wanted to wash it out of him, he wanted to scrub it away like a stain on his skin. He wasn't going to pretend like he didn't, and if the whole room thought that was stupid then he didn't give a damn.

"Mr. Cullen, huh? Is that a term of endearment or-"

And then the argument had started. Billy, in his very Billy way, had began to roll out the jokes. Normally, Martin might have found this funny because he was just so persistent about having the last word, however, the timing was a bit ill. When Rita suggested to Rien that they do something to put an end to it, he kind of agreed that it was probably for the best because it he had to hear another second of sibling squabble then he was going to burst.

Watching Rien sketch from the corner of his eye, he didn't quite believe anything would happen. Maybe he shouldn't have been doubtful with all that he'd seen lately but he was. He was trying to maintain an ounce of skepticism but, like a rabbit out of a hat, they pulled their drawing right out of the page. It was immediately set loose in Billy's direction and the foreign girl, Andrea, reacted in fear. He had nearly reacted sharply himself.

Aliana was starting to envy that Lynette had excused herself from the room. This place was becoming a circus.

Martin heard Britney, who had seemed so mild mannered before, react by cursing. He didn't blame her, her entire plan was going to shit right before her eyes. It wasn't only inconsiderate of the attending parties, it was also insane.

The group was becoming a mesh of sound and movement that Martin just couldn't keep up with anymore. "Quiet!"

The room went black, all the light had been drained from the area. There was nothing but dense, solid, blackness. Any light streaming in from beneath the door or the windows had been completely nullified. It lasted only a few moments, holding it in place was hard but it was worth it if it shocked some people into quieting up. The light came back, the room brightening as soon as he gave up on holding it in place. It left him filling a bit beaten.

He pointed at Britney. "Your group, your time to talk. Say what you need to say."


Ezekiel Brady was obviously not a frequenter of clubs.
Perhaps that's what made this sort of exciting but it was also what made this sort of nerve-wracking. There were a lot of people pouring in. They had gotten there relatively early, and it had been fine with the twelve patrons that had arrived around the same time but now it was starting to fill in more and more. He was steadily starting to feel boxed in, canned, like a sardine.

This feeling and the incident with his friend had been amongst the main reasons that he had stopped attending parties. Admittedly, it was easier to manage his anxiety with Colin around, it was as if his brother was a shield between him and the rest of the people in the club. If anyone approached him, he'd redirect them straight over to Colin. He was the more social of the two and Zeke figured that he wouldn't mind any conversation that came his way.

"Alright, officer," he said, smiling. "We've made it inside, we're still in tact, I'm proud of us."

He kept trying to smooth his blazer out, a nervous tick that made it seem as if he were obsessed with every little wrinkle. He considered asking Colin if he'd get him a drink but not only would that be illegal, it was also just a cheap cop out for communicating with anyone tonight. If he was absolutely smashed then he'd be a lot more social, but he'd also get annoyingly flirty. He didn't need to get fresh with some rando in a club.

It was best to remain sober through this experience, someone had to. That was another thing that he knew he shared with his brother, a fondness for alcohol. He didn't know if substance abuse ran through their family but it had certainly presented itself through the two Brady boys. He was at a lesser degree than Colin, he mostly just drank because it calmed him down, sometimes it helped him sleep.

His insomnia had been bad lately with the stress of his job and the approaching party. If Colin hadn't asked him to join him then he would have likely spent the rest of the night with his insect collection and his journal. A lot of the entries in his journal were insomnia fueled entries, entries that rambled vaguely about how tired he was. He was glad that nobody had ever read that thing because it was a mess.

He had an internal promise to himself to destroy all of those journals some day, just so he didn't have to look back at them. Sometimes it just seemed unhealthy to keep an entire monologue of his life between the years of thirteen to nineteen. He had been a pretty mopey kid, his entries reflected on that a lot. Not to mention that the moment he started looking at men romantically could be tracked over hundreds of entries, which was much less sad and much more embarrassing.

When he got home, he'd have to finish the entry that he'd started before he'd decided to pin his moth down. At least being here would give him something new to write about, hopefully something a little more exciting than a four page long entry about how he'd worked all day and watched Elliot fraternize with a blonde chick. Boring, boring, boring. It was about time he did something interesting.

"I'm not used to the whole club scene but I'm going to attempt not to embarrass myself and then you by association."
@Surtr Inc Martin is going to flip the lights off like a middle school teacher trying to get a rowdy class to chill.
@Days Denny told me that we'd be starting on Friday at the latest!

@Denny I'll let you answer the cell question because I'm not really sure.

Grand Ridge Academy - Conference Room.

"You're welcome, I think you're the first person to thank me for that. Your name is Britney, isn't it?"

Funny, the things you found out in a group.
He had wanted to spark a reaction and he had. It was like a ripple effect had gone through the gathered students. It made him feel powerful, if only for a moment. Billy was the first person to 'fess up to his marking, it was nice that he was so honest about it. It was a little comforting too, he knew and he pretty much liked Billy. They weren't best buddies or anything but they talked every so often.

When Billy introduced himself properly and pointed out Rita for stealing his bong, Martin gave her a curious glance. He had known about her weed escapade, he'd witnessed the whole event but he hadn't known she'd gotten it from Billy. Now, Martin wasn't big into substance abuse, save for a beer or two at the ocasional party, but he hadn't ever taken Billy for the type to spike weed. It just seemed very out of character for him.

Of course, Martin didn't know everything about Billy but he didn't think he was malicious. Nonetheless, he didn't blame Rita for being kind of nervy in response if she believed he gave her jacked up weed. Martin could feel her hand squeezing his knee and he rested his hand on her arm lightly, a touch that was meant to translate that he understood.

Sometimes it seemed like they had a kind of nonverbal language, he was generally pretty good at reading Rita and he assumed that she was good at reading him too. When she put her new truth power to work on Billy, he couldn't help but feeling his hair stand on end. The dream had resonated with him too and he swallowed thickly, feeling the anxiety from earlier returning to him in a fury.

He responded to Rita in an undertone that was meant only for her to hear. "I forgot to talk about that yesterday, me and Hagan had that dream too."

Speaking of Hagan, he couldn't help but wondering what was holding the big guy up. He knew that support groups didn't really seem like Hagan's thing but he was making groundbreaking discoveries here.

Aliana was getting more anxious by the moment, something about Martin and Billy both being so glaringly open about this stuff made her feel unnervingly wrong. Next thing she knew, this room would turn into a bunch of teenagers having a pissing contest for best powers. It had already sort of began when the kid with the blue hair mentioned that they had pulled a butterfly from thin air. She didn't doubt (him? her?) in the slightest, not after she'd been invisible.

The albino chick challenged the blue-haired kid immediately, not daring to believe that there was some way that the kid had done magic. She could practically feel herself sinking into her chair. She knew that Penny wanted to plead the fifth on this and she wasn't going to mess that up but it was getting pretty clear that they weren't the only people with something extraordinary happening to them.

Martin had noticed that Tuyen had agreed to having shared the dream but had chosen not to relay any other information. It was only through deduction that he guessed that she had some kind of mark that she didn't want to talk about. He wasn't going to be the guy to push her but he was curious nonetheless. This whole thing was just making him maddeningly curious.

What kind of phenomenon made kids develop super powers?

Claire had rolled her shirt up to show her marking off, she'd done it with a kind of reckless dignity that he admired. He wasn't about to tell her that he found it admirable but he did, she seemed like she genuinely didn't care if they all knew or not. If she hadn't been such a jerk to Rita then he might have been inclined to like her. When she addressed the events at the end of camp, he was suddenly far less excited about all of this.

He did remember the burst of light, it was like a demonic firework and it had nearly given him a heart attack.

"I wish I didn't remember it," he responded earnestly, "I've been actively trying to forget that whole night but there must be something up with my ability to disassociate."


"Sleeper, Decibel, Wraith, Draig. Training session in the gymnasium in 30 minutes. Lets celebrate our victory today with some victory laps and combat excercises!"

The voice crackled in through his ear piece and he arched an eyebrow, "Ricardo, I don't fight in the field," he reminded him. "You all would destroy me in combat exercises, though, I could come to watch."

The boy made his way to the gym with flourish, his hands tucked into his pockets and his mind wandering. He couldn't help but stress over what he was planning to do tonight, it was going to possibly be a big drain on his energy. He was willing to do it though, helping Elliot was important to him. She had seemed so distraught over the thought of not being able to say goodbye to her friend.

He could understand that grief must have weighed on her heavily and that he was offering closure. It was things like this that actually made him feel like a hero. He was going to be able to help her feel more settled with the loss of a friend, he was going to do something undeniably good. That was the usefulness of this power, giving people things that they might not have been able to achieve before.

He used his powers for mostly negative things with villains, a certain kind of psychological torture. It wasn't his favorite use of them because there was a whole world of possibility in dreams. He barely got to do the positive things anymore with his powers, it would be good to help Elliot with them. He just hoped that it didn't end badly. It seemed risky to open doors like that, even from the dreamscape.

Trying to redirect his thoughts, he headed into the gym. He was pleasantly surprised to find that Joseiah was there as well. "Hey, Ricardo. Hey, Snowman. I'm here to watch the festivities."
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