Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

Forest Shrine

She could, have continued to believe she was somewhere on earth. Just a little bit of plausible deniability. Even the weird snake hair she had and the two shorties could be somewhat maybe, reasonably explained away. This illusion, however, was shattered the moment that gargantuan creature fully came into view.

"I did not survive a plane crash just to have my ass eaten by whatever the hell you are!" Colleen shouted, realizing she was in no position to outrun this beast, whatever it was. Gritting her teeth and planting her feet on the ground, she'd have to try fighting then. Her heart raced, pulse quickend, she pivoted, and then -

"Weh?" Before she could do her Totally awesome bad guy one-shot kick, however, the creature slamming into a gold wall of light, injuring it in a way that would have likely killed nearly any other being. The source of it? A young looking girl welding a staff and wearing a hat like some sorta wannabe witch type.


"Wa-ow hey!" The serpents on top of her head all proceeded to hiss in unison as Colleen recoiled lightly from the sudden blow. "What's that for ya wanna be witch nerd?! You wanna taste these fists yourself?! We got no idea where Here or what that so called death trap is!"
Numako Yamamizu
@Raineh Daze@VitaVitaAR@Eisenhorn@Izurich

Man, she really just wasn't cut out for this whole field work thing. At least, not this more aggressive kind anyways. Numako for most of the fight since her attempt to restrain their opponent had mostly taken a bit of a back seat, doing her best impression of a nonexistent ghost. Not to difficult, to remain Moreso at the edge of the fighting, expanding as little energy as she could just taking care of the small fries. Being useful without putting in too much effort.

The only things that had made her pause were when Tera got put out of commission, and when she had to take a quick dunk in her own water to avoid getting turned into an actual ghost.

And then, just like that, it was all over. She kind of understood this spirit guy in the end. She was...well, kinda similar in a way, only that technically she was more of a priestess of a corrupt local god. Should she do something? Say something? Maybe she could help...

"Whew...it's over. Im going to need a long massage after this. Hey, you got a name ghost guy?" She'd inquire, not really expecting much of a reply. "The others arent wrong, though." She'd say, piggybacking off of the others comments. "If you feel regret about not being able to protect the people, maybe give it a go again? Wont fault you for wanting to sleep though, heh. Could build a local small shrine here. Consecrate the grounds or whatever. A donation box people leave money and other offerings."

Hopefully she wasn't being too out of line, or speaking too much nonsense. And that third suggestion wasn't just for her own benefit, either. Definitely not.
Route 5

Leaving behind the grassy plains he had chased the Nidoran into, it was a quick jaunt for Richard back to the main road and ultimately the Ruin where trouble was supposedly brewing. The dig itself was fairly simple. Standing stones arranged in a semi-circular pattern half buried in the ground. A few old stones that were once part of a building stood nearby. One of the tents that had been up earlier though, was now knocked over, and there was clearly a commotion that could be heard as he was walking up.

“Awfully uncouth of you cretins.”

Laurels voice, noticeably loudest among them.

“No need to be like that miss. We’re not here to cause trouble.” A different, unfamiliar voice. Male, this time. A bit gruff. “We just need everyone to clear out while we take a look at this place ourselves. You society types have no idea what you’ve got going here.”

“I don’t care.” Laurel replied with a huff. “You interrupted Verdue and Munchlax’s Lunch time, and you should know, that is an unforgivable sin.”

“Jeez lady, you’re a piece of work…”

Getting close enough to properly see now, Richard could see a duo of unfamiliar people. A rough looking red-headed older male. He was standing, arms crossed. At his side, was an aggressive looking Pawniard that was sharpening its bladed hands against one another.

“Can we just beat her up? Simple. Two of us vs. a bougie little baby.” Next to him was a younger looking woman wearing a much more severe, cold expression.

“I beg your pardon-! Ah, Richard! Over here! Help me send these two packing, will you?”

Most of the archaeologists and researchers had taken a few steps back, not wanting to immediately get involved.

Stellar Toy Factory
@Crusader Lord

The ball sailed through the air, the Murkrow too focused on its single minded assault on Sir Lopsalot to notice the ball sailing through the air at it.


A surprised cry as it was bonked on the head with the pokeball.

Once…twice…three times…

Four times-!

Murkrow was successfully captured!
Sir Lopsalot grew to level 7!

The danger immediately over, Clarissa was free to catch her breath a bit. She was still locked in the factory, but she at least was probably fine, for now. Well. Sir Lopsalot had taken a bit of a beating and was looking a bit worse for wear, but that was probably fine now that she had got what she came for.

That said…

Before she could actually pick up the pokeball, the Gastly from earlier would phase through the wall, grab the ball in its mouth, give a ghostly laughed before zipping through a door - consequently throwing it open in the process.

She’d probably want to give chase. Unless she didn’t want to keep the pokeball.

Ancient Grove

The woman didn’t immediately respond. Instead, she’d turn on her heels, quickly and a bit abruptly turning to the trio. Her right hand rested on her hip, her left arm was halfway extended to her side, palm side up, a bit like she was holding some invisible wine glass or something. Her expression though, was distant as she’d gaze at Isla and company.

A long few seconds passed. If Isla or Camila were about to speak again, they’d find themselves being interrupted rather suddenly.

“...ah, sorry. My mind was elsewhere.” The woman responded, voice soft but distant and perhaps a bit haughty. “Forgive me, I wasn’t expecting guests. I am Leah. What are you three doing here?”

“...we were looking for something of mine.” Yasu curtly replied. “I lost it here.”

“Did you now? Well, perhaps we should consider this lucky. I do not believe in chance meetings. Perhaps you three could entertain an old ladies question? Do you have any…particular dreams? Or perhaps, desires, wants, it doesn’t matter. Something you wish to accomplish.”

“Don’t have one. If I did, I wouldn’t tell a weird old hag like you.” Yasu responded as gruffly as she ever did.

“No? Well isn’t that sad…what about you two?” She notably said nothing about the burned bits of the forest or the recent destruction of this temple.
A good warlock always carries emergency stabbing implements
Is it more or less humorous when you realize Rael also has three daggers
Here ya goes. Didn't change anything since yesterday, though did expand the background just a bit and clarified a few things. Lemme know if anything needs changing again. I apologize in advance for my problem child.

Decided to go with pact of the tome, as previously mentioned. Now I don't need to sleep!

Not sure if it'd help but I used this

Google Sheet Everything on it is fairly automated and you can add stuff if its not already on the sheets master list fairly easily. Just go to 'File' and 'Make a Copy' to start editing or using it.
<Snipped quote by XxFellsingxX>

<Snipped quote by Rune_Alchemist>

Heck yes!
Looking forward to it!

Which pact boon are you going for? I was thinking of going with Tome. ^_^

Ahaha, I was planning on taking Tome as well, rip. I'm open to some other ideas though, just for a biiit of variety.
Yeah, warlock buddies!

We can talk about our unreasonable patrons together!
Hello am present
Changeling shall be made over the weekend
Route 5

“Nidooo…” The ball sailed through the air, plonking the Nidoran right between its ears. The pokeball closed, capturing the Nidoran within. As soon as it fell to the ground, it shook once, twice, thrice…and with a somewhat suspenseful pause, it would finally give a click as the Nidoran was successfully captured within.

“Nidoran was Successfully Captured!”
“Sara rose to level 8!”

Just as he was celebrating his victory though, the phone on his pokedex would start beeping. An incoming message from Laurel?

Some miscreants are bothering the folk at that dig we saw on the way in. I can definitely handle it myself, but if you’re available it would make things go smoother. Please hurry if you are.

Well, it seemed like she was asking for help in her own way. What did Richard do? There was a Falinks nearby that looked like it needed help. With the gym being a dark type, it might be a good idea to grab one. Laurel could handle herself, totally.

Stellar Toy Factory

The old production room was massive. Lines of conveyor belts, large shelves reaching to the ceilings, making an almost veritable maze of shelves and old, left behind containers. If not for the clearly marked signs every so often, it would have been quite easy to get lost in this place. Yuu, taking the initiative would turn away from the window and conveyor belts and he’d find himself heading towards an area that was marked ‘Break Room’, being the nearest exit and most easily accessible room.

A group of Rattata crossed his path, seeming unbothered by the interruption as they’d start nibbling on some old crates, and chewing on some old wrappings and things that had been left behind. He could ignore them, though they were directly in his path.

Jill, talking her time to heal up her newly acquired Magnemite would be thankfully left alon and accosted by any other pokemon in the area as Yuu headed off on his own.

Stellar Toy Factory
@Crusader Lord

The strong wind ripped down the hallway, though considering it was just from a Murkrow - Clarissa’s hair and clothing would take a beating and look a little worse for wear, but she’d otherwise be fine. Sir Lopsalot on the other hand…

The Buneary sailed through the air, managing to avoid most of the strong attack with a display of acrobatics that would put other Bunearys to shame. Not having expecting such a display of bravery, the Murkrow could only watch as that little fist came right down on its head as Sir Lopsalot landed right on top of the dark type, sending them both tumbling and crashing to the ground!

“Muuuur…!” The Murkrow would shove the rabbit off of itself, pecking at the Buneary with an annoyed fervor, and while the Murkrow didn’t show signs of slowing down, it was certainly starting to look like it was hurting from the battle.

Now, how did Clarissa take advantage of the temporarily grounded Murkrow…

Ancient Grove

“Who said I was concerned?” Yasu responded brusquely. “And yeah, you’re welcome I guess…” Hatty waltzed over, hopping lightly on Islas foot in mild annoyance before continuing onto Yasu and hiding behind her ankles where it proceeded to stare at Isla and Camila both. “But yeah, lets get going. The less time I spend out here, the better…ugh…I am not built for…pokemon stuff….”

Grumbling Yasu aside, the rest of the trip would remain mostly peaceful. The aggressive Heracross didn’t seem like it was going to return, and the scuffle had scared off the other pokemon that would have otherwise been in the area. It didn’t take long, then for them to reach their destination.

Soon, the forest opened up. The old, worn path now flanked by small markers and old lamps, though the neglected path was still overgrown. At the far end of the path, was an old shrine much like the one that had been in the old temple. Made of wood, with depictions of Celebi carved into several ornamental pillars on either side that flanked the area. The shrine itself, now having been neglected and left to the elements, was mostly a ruin, however. The roof had collapsed in one area, and the doors to it had long since fallen off. Whatever offering or objects that had been placed inside once upon a time, was long gone.

In fact, some of these disturbances seemed recent. A few burn marks were scorched into the shrine's wood. One of the ornamental pillars had been knocked over, so that it was leaning on a nearby tree. One of the pillars had also clearly been cut in half, as though something exceedingly powerful had cleaved it in two halves.

And standing in front of the shrine, was a lone woman.

An older woman, dressed in a grey jacket and skirt and a black blouse. She was standing there. Perhaps, a bit menacingly, not having noticed the approach of Camila or Isla. She was looking towards the shrine, though she didn’t seem to quite be…looking at the shrine itself. She seemed a bit out of place, all things considered.

“...uh.” Yasu frowned, patting Hatty who had found her way into the girls arms on the head. “Hatty doesn’t like that lady...” Hatty proceeded to jump onto Camila's shoulder and poke her repeatedly. "...Someone go say something to her, I'm not good at people."

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