Avatar of shylarah


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
They say it's about the journey, not the destination. This is true of many things. Pizza delivery is not one of them.
6 yrs ago
TFW you know what you want to happen but the words aren't cooperating. Why is plot suddenly so much harder to write?
6 yrs ago
You can't fix a blank page ~ Neil Gaiman
6 yrs ago
Neil Gaiman on Friday. Neil Gaiman on Friday. NeilGaimanonFriday NEilGaimanonFridaYNEILGAIMANONFRIDAY NEILGAIMANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
6 yrs ago
So ded. Cannot brain. Just one massive poorly coordinated and balance-lacking headache. But don't send help. I don't want to people either. X.x


I am an adult, though I don't usually act like it. I'm a voracious reader, and not overly picky about books. I am artistic in a variety of areas, including music, drawing, writing, and sculpting. I have a minor obsession with dragons, and love the color violet. Fantasy is my preferred genre, be it past, future, urban...as long as it has a fantasy flavor to it. I also like scifi, mystery, and some horror. I am crazy, and I like tormenting my characters. But I don't bite...much. ^.~

Color Sergeant in Bot Killer Squad

Most Recent Posts

@The Irish Tree@Ozerath@NarcissisticPotato@Skyrte@Tojin@PrimalOrigins

Hey you lot. It is, of course, pending @Gowi's approval, but I'm prepared to write another post just to keep the momentumm going, even if it's nothing more than idle chatter. Of course my /preference/ is that some or all of you post something so I don't absolutely have to. <3 That will be about a week from Gowi's post, and I'd say expecting at least some sign of writing once a week isn't unreasonable. Even if "signs of writing" are more like "well I have half a post, just waiting on X" or something. Just so we know you're gonna be more prompt than our fearless DM. *shot*

or me last time around

@Xiro Zean@Stern Algorithm you two seem to be more or less on your own schedule, but I still encourage posting soon. <3
@Bright_Ops@Terminal As I am popping in here now and then, and as (if my count is right and I get to give away a second life, as I had two, received one, and gave one away), I wish to give Bright my other spare life in commendation for his character's sacrifice. I haven't been paying precise attention, but given that I was gifting lives on whims anyhow, I really don't think people can complain.

This leaves me with just one life, and unable to give more away.

Interesting that you people are killing each other, though. What happened to working together to beat the DM? O.o Keep the goal in mind. Though I guess there might be a good reason I haven't read. *poofs again*
@Oak7ree So...Bolivian Army Ending, or mutual destruction? The opening post says that the Westminster team took out a Nazi team, but Bolivian Army sorta implies that the enemies survived and the good guys didn't.

Other than that, sheets are pretty much done. I'll be changing the final bit for the Westminster League based on your reply. Probably go with an explosion to do mutually assured destruction. <3

@FallenTrinity I call for a soft reboot, starting where we left off. =P Skip the meeting only the leaders can take part in, and gloss over the invasion. Start with the aftermath. <3
Amune: Wyth is the best for snuggling! <3
@Mogtaki@Vena Sera Oh look a (bad) thing! *ded*
It took forever for Norman to fix Cecil, and then she had to wait for him to cool down and get up. It was very different from how her mommy healed people, but that must be because he had different insides. She leaned forward, hands clasped tight around her back, and it took all her patience to stay still. If Amuné hadn't been so worn out from the vision and then trying to use her magic deliberately she probably wouldn't have managed.

When Cecil looked over she almost went to him then, but Norman had said to wait still. When he talked about design flaws and stuff, though, she couldn't take it anymore. She didn't quite jump on the poor Machina, but Amuné came perilously close. Still, she managed to keep the embrace gentle, if tight. His new parts were still warm, but not so much that they were more than a bit uncomfortable, and all things considered she hardly minded.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Cecil, I was worried when you took that hit and -- and -- I think you're amazing." The child didn't know what his makers had been thinking, or what his purpose was, or why he'd been made as he was, but she did know what Cecil had done and what he meant to her. "You saved Nymira, and you got hurt bad but that was really brave and if you need extricy to be able to do it then we'll just have to make sure you have it. Just like we need to sleep and eat -- it's the same idea, isn't it?" Food was what kept Ydrans and Murans and the rest going, and sleep was when the body took care of itself. So batteries and power and maintenance were just Cecil's version of all that. "...I don't want you getting hurt or shutting down or anything like that," she added, in a small voice. "So you have to take good care of yourself, okay? Promise?"
So I guess this is dead after all. Ah well. It was fun, guys. Thanks! <3
@Oak7ree I will probably not finish CSes until the weekend. Inspections have me in a little bit of a panic. X.x I've let things lapse farther than I should.
Freddie eventually had enough of the toy and just flopped down in the middle of the room, like a marionette with its strings cut. Lee just grinned down at him. "You're such a goof, aren't you?" she asked the cat. The room felt cheerful as she handed Axel the phone, and watching in bemusement as he treated it more as a toy. She didn't know what to think of that, and wasn't quite sure how to go about asking what the heck he was doing. She took it back with an uncertain smile, trying to phrase a question that wouldn't be too rude. Instead she was stunned as he kissed her hand and left before she could recover.

By the time she had the sense check the hallway, he was either out of earshot or not interested in answering her soft call. Either way, the result was the same. "What an unusual fellow," Lee said to her cat as he blinked lazily up at her. "I hope he gets back to his friends okay. ...I can't figure out if he jumped or not. I really do hope he'll be okay, whatever his story is." With a sigh she went to see if the lasagna had cooled enough to eat.


The next day was Wednesday, what Lee thought of as her "young adult day". When Axel spotted her studio that afternoon there were only a couple people present, mostly older teens and college students, talking softly. It was a nice place, though it had clearly been fixed up a handful of years earlier. Large windows covered most of the front, and a double set of doors kept the outside weather from getting in. Beyond the second set of doors lay the studio itself, with a small area for people to sit and watch to one side. The rest was wooden floor and mirrored walls complete with a barre. Lee was nowhere to be seen, but one of what were apparently early arrivals looked up at the two newcomers.

"Heya, you here for class? Miss Lee's in the office right now, but she should be out real soon. Changing rooms are thataway if you need 'em." The blonde girl looked from Axel to Calamity. "You guys ever swing before?"

"Axel?" Cecilly stepped out of a door into the sitting area, a trio of slim CD jewel cases in one hand. "Nikki, give these to Jareth to cue up. He knows how to do it." She held the discs out to the girl who took them with a grin and headed off. "I didn't expect to see you here. What brings you? Is this the friend you mentioned?" Lee offered the other woman a hand. "A pleasure to meet you. I'm Lee Roseberg. I guess Axel must have mentioned dropping in yesterday." A hint of laughter played across her face at the subtle joke, but she said it partially in hopes of gauging just how much Axel's friend knew about what happened.
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