Avatar of VarionusNW


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current It's definitely weird coming back here after realizing I've cut ties or lost touch with basically all the people I've known from here, which were all some of my closest friends on the internet.
3 yrs ago
It's been a while, and It's good to be back. Let's see if I can get back into the swing of things.
5 yrs ago
Join my new RP, Kodomo-O-Eru Acadamy For the Tsukamu Artes! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 yrs ago
and can we please have an answer for Summer's important question: Can we ban me for being one of the straights?
1 like
5 yrs ago
Summer clearly wasn't taking it personally. If anything, it seems more like you are, friend.
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Most Recent Posts

Hey there! Would it be alright to send me quote or message if both a knight and mage slot open? I've been wanting to join this with a friend but unfortunately we were too slow to the chase. I'd still be interested if both spots open though so please let me know, thanks c:

Alright, will do. On that note, I'll purge the unpaired players who have yet to get back to me at the end of Wednesday, which should be sufficient time. So, @Loveland and @PhilPhilips, make sure to get back to me if you're still interested. The 3 days to remind me that you exist deadline will be more heavily enforced now that we are technically full.
Note for people viewing the thread: Whilst slots are currently full, it is likely that one or two currently unpaired players may drop in the coming days, so don't discount the RP yet. Express your interest if you want, and I'll give you a slot if it opens up.

And on the note of unpaired people. What's the status @Lurking Krog,@Loveland,@PhilPhilips? Got anything so far?
Please can you reserve a character for me, I'm thinking of making one.

any preference as to mage or knight?
I'll take a look at Riff's CS when Drag gets his completed. The rest are accepted at this point. Feel free to post them in the Character tab, and I'll throw a 0th post on top to make things all pretty later.

Note: Jan and Red's sheets have a marking section that is not present on everyone else's, this is mostly due to a miscommunication. I forgot to add the section at first, but ultimately left it off because I was going to have everyone leave the section blank anyway. For various reasons, the plan was to create and PM the symbols once all the CSs were in. So, if you really want to design your own marking for some reason, send it my way just so I can make sure it fits the necessary criteria first.
@Mag Lev@Lurking Krog@Loveland
Seeing as you all are currently marked as unpaired, I would like to check to make sure you're still interested, and if you've attempted to pair up with anyone else.
@PhilPhilips has now also joined the league of the unpaired, so there should be some pairings possible now with 4 people.
Celestial Bonds


The Continent of Salfare
It is the year 1327, 32nd year of the reign of Vanel Adondum Galias VII, 16th Emperor of Grenheim.

The Empire of Grenheim has been caught by threats of war from all sides for several years. A neighbor to it's south, the republic of Halidar, has begun to force nearby nations into alliances under the guise of protection. The kingdom of Lyngald has begun to incite border disputes on the eastern border, encouraging it's neighbors to do the same. The Skauls have continued to threaten Grenheim's northeastern border with raids across the Adelanian sea. There is no edge of the empire not under threat of war.

This constant threat has seemed to stoke the fires of innovation, leading Grenheim to a sudden industrial revolution. The people have yearned to move beyond the bounds of magic, which is cumbersome and takes dedicating most of your life to learning just the basics. The invention of the gun, mass production, and various gadgets and tools have made life very different from what it had been only a decade ago.

In this age of technological evolution, though, the most significant discovery has been one of a magical nature. Two years ago, mages working under the emperor, studying the Adondum, the holy text of the empire's official religion, discovered a ritual that could convert the emotional bond between two individuals into power. Specifically, the ritual gave one member of the pair immediate magical potential and basic knowledge of their abilities. The other member gained the ability to summon a magical artifact, referred to as a Gear. The bonded pair would also gain a sort of enhanced awareness of each other, knowing the other's general location, being able to sense their emotions, as well as some telepathic communication.

Naturally, this ritual immediately became one of Grenheim's most closely guarded secrets, as well as the obvious solution to all of the problems plaguing its borders. Usable bonds, though, weren't exactly easy to find, so conscription was relatively indiscriminate, with the ritual being conducted across the empire to gather as many usable pairs as possible.

Whilst this collection was occurring, more research was still being done on the ritual, with a second breakthrough occurring recently when the Emperor's mages found a way to track the location of certain bonds, though there were only nine of these bonds that they could track down. This is where you come in. You have been tracked down by one of the Emperor's personal mages and various high ranking members of the church of Adondeus. You and someone you've known for a quite a while have been brought an order straight from the emperor himself.

You are immediately put through the ritual, gaining power derived simply from your emotional bond, as well as a mark that seemed to burn itself into your flesh as the ritual ended, with your partner having an identical one. This symbol is identified as some sort of message from the gods, identifying your bond as one blessed by an ancient prophecy. You aren't given time to test the powers you have gained, though, as the two of you are transported to a location seemingly in the middle of nowhere.

You find yourselves taken to the lands of an old general by the name of Dalgen Carridan. You are told that you will stay there for a temporary period, whilst you undergo training, along with 8 other pairs, all of them seeming to have a destiny set for them by the gods. A mark identifying each of them as holders of Celestial Bonds.

Important Information


Questions and Answers

Character Sheet

There are currently 2 unfilled character slot (one pair). We are still accepting.
I'll be posting the OoC tomorrow morning.
I should have everything done by late saturday/early sunday. If I don't, or even if I haven't reached the deadline yet, feel free to yell at me to get my ass in gear.
I'd be interested in playing as a Knight. I was thinking a street urchin who ends up with a knife for his Gear. He'd be a guy with naive dreams of being a hero that are somewhat tempered by his harsh upbringing. I'm fully willing to change details to match with a partner. If anyone would be interested in being my partner, please PM me. I'm able to chat almost any time between 7 am and 9 pm if anyone wants to hash something out.

I was actually PMed by someone already with the street urchin with a knife idea. I don't like having to ask someone to change their plans, but since their sheets were already farther along and I'd already okayed it, I'll have to ask you to go with something else for the sake of avoiding repeats.

This seems interesting. I'll probably start working on it today and through out this week.

may I ask what you plan to play so I can put you on the list?
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