Avatar of VitaVitaAR


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1 yr ago
Current I think watching fight scenes can help in general terms with writing combat, since it can give you an idea of flow and choreography.
1 yr ago
At least if you're writing something you know, with knights.
1 yr ago
I mean, depends on what you're writing, and the tone and theme of what you're writing. Trained armored knights were legitimately monstrous on the battlefield, so looking up how they fought helps.
2 yrs ago
As much as there's a lot of reasons twitter sucks, I genuinely don't want to see it die for the sake of all the artists who now rely on it. Hoping the shithead stops trying to directly administrate.
1 like
2 yrs ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… If anyone's up for fighting some kaiju, why not try out my new RP, Godzilla: YATAGARUSU?


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I'm tempted to put up a reply to everyone who's posted so far, but I should probably try and wait.
And here we go!
The girl couldn't remember how she had come to this alleyway. Certainly, she had to have walked here, but she didn't remember how or why. It wasn't where she wanted to be. It wasn't on the way to her destination. It wasn't some sort of shortcut. It was a desolate and isolated location where she felt completely alone in the dark. She had just been out with her friends, where had they all gone? She couldn't even see the moon from where she was. Why was she here? How had she gotten so lost? She'd walked these streets plenty of times, and yet she didn't even recognize this alleyway.

Part of her was cursing herself for staying out so late. But... shouldn't it have been fine? She had been surrounded by other people, and it had been so brightly lit. There shouldn't have been anything that could have gone wrong.

And yet now she was here. Now she was alone in a nearly pitch-black alleyway, that seemed to stretch long enough in both ways that she could just barely see the light on the street. But... at least this gave her a destination, didn't it? If she could just get to the light, she'd be out of this horrible alleyway.

The girl took a deep breath, steeling her nerves before making her way as quickly as she could towards the light. For a while, it almost seemed as if she wasn't making any progress, but slowly, slowly, the pinpoint of light began to grow. It felt as if it was taking hours to reach it, but she was getting there.

Where had she even gotten lost? Where was this?

Heart hammering in her chest, the girl pushed herself onward. She had to escape this terrible alley. She had to get back to her friends and let them know she was okay.

But then...

It was getting harder to see. But it wasn't getting darker.

Fog. There was fog rolling in around her. Suddenly mist was filling the alleyway and obscuring the light she had been striving for. How had something like this happened?! It was a perfectly clear night, and now... now she was lot in the fog, so thick that she could barely see her hands in front of her face.

"... I-is anyone there?" she called, finally, desperately, "Th-this isn't funny, it's not! J-just... if this is some kind of prank... I..."

There was a noise behind her. Wide-eyed, the girl immediately grabbed her phone.

Before she could attempt to call emergency services, to call someone, a jolt went through her spine as she felt fingertips run down her back.

There was a voice.

"I must take everything you have."

There was a searing blast of pain through her torso and abdomen. For a few scant moments, she could see them, her internal organs splayed across the ground, barely visible through the mist.

And then...


Jack the Ripper of 2019

It was midday.

For those who undertook lessons at the Tower, London's prestigious Mage Circle, this meant for some that they were attending a lecture. For others, it meant they were finishing up their work for the day. Students were currently walking the halls, be it to make their way to another class, to study, or to return to their dorms, or perhaps their homes if they lived close by. The myriad of magi in-training filled the halls and many of the rooms.

There was one hallway in particular that was less occupied. Shafts of light shown in through the windows, though from the outside the building itself wouldn't even be visible. Given the day's brightness, the lamps lining the top of the hall were dimmed.

Walking through this hallway, however, were two notable figures.

One was a petite blonde girl, childish in appearance, wearing grey-blue clothing. The other was a somewhat taller, though still not by much, silvery-haired girl, trailing her movements.

"I wonder if they're all squirming in their seats as I keep them waiting~" mused the blonde girl, a small smile on her lips as she spoke, "I wish I could see, but it's difficult to be in two places at once."

She shrugged to herself, with a mock sigh. The magi she had recently called into her service via contract had all been ordered to meet in one of the Tower's lounges, a place usually reserved for relaxing and studying between classes. Normally, she would have asked them to meet at her home, but in this case it was simply easier to summon them to the west lounge rather then take a detour to her mansion.

Arinne Velvet Ar-Rynesarte wanted to have something of a discussion. Recent events in London had caught her attention, after all. A certain figure appearing in the news.

This Jack the Ripper of 2019.

"Well, as long as they all show up," the small blonde said, waving her hand as she did. If they didn't, well, there would be consequences. The contracts forged by her family certainly weren't impotent, after all. It was right in the terms. As the head of the Ar-Rynesarte, she was able to call them to meet whenever she desired, to watch them squirm under her command. That thought was always exciting to the girl.

But there was a goal she was chasing beyond simply seeing those beneath her struggle.

Arinne paused for a moment, glancing back towards the girl trailing her.

"I've had some tea and biscuits delivered to the room for the both of us, Saturday," she stated, "It won't do to go without a snack."

They would be there when Arinne and Saturday arrived, of course.

Soon enough, both girls reached the dark oak door to the west lounge. Without being touched, it simply opened inwards on its own. The lounge itself was lit with small lamps and candles, featuring a soft red carpet and numerous large, cushioned chairs, and a long dark table in the center. Indeed, on it was the plate of biscuits and freshly-brewed tea, just as Arinne had ordered.

Of course, there were the occupants of the room as well.

"Hello there," said Arinne, with a wave of her hand as she took her seat on a red velvet armchair, crossing her legs and cocking her head to one side, "Have you been waiting long? Fufu, I don't really care if you have~"

She waved her hand dismissively.

"But, I wonder... can any of you guess why it is I called you all here today so suddenly?"

Yes, I'm honestly very eager to get started. Incidentally, if people have suggestions for arcs I'm happy to hear them, though I'll edit them and expand on them to suit the story and setting.
@TheFake: Accepted.

To everyone else, I will probably be starting either tomorrow or Wednesday!
@TheFake: Spells have to be involved in magic, even if they're cast mentally. At will manipulation of something with a physical existence isn't possible unless it's tied to a magic trait. There has to be something there, even if it's an incredibly short spell cast mentally.
Saber - Arturia Pendragon and Kobayashi Seria

Of course, the King of Knights couldn't approve of the example that Mordred started to use, even if the red knight caught herself before finishing. However, it was impossible to ignore the fact that her wish to be loyal, to show herself as one who was truly repentant for her actions. As such, there was no way that Arturia could reprimand her for the earnest display. Indeed, she would do quite the opposite. On top of that, if Mordred and Lancelot were so eager to see her once more... then...

Did she feel as if she had the right to face the knights she felt she failed? Arturia could not say so. But if it was what they desired, she couldn't deprive them of such a thing.

Mordred's proposal was a sound one. For the Knights of the Round Table to meet once again. And the Saber-class Servant could hardly deny there was part of her that desired the same, to see all those who had been summoned who were also her knights. To be reunited with them once more...

Before she could speak, however, she felt a sudden prickle along her spine as if something was about to happen... and then she was suddenly swept into a hug by her Master. Unable to stop her cheeks from coloring with embarrassment, Arturia immediately attempted to pull away.

"M-Master! Th-this is highly inappopriate!" she declared, managing to wiggle free of the taller girl's grip. It was... it was the wrong time! Arturia wasn't sure there was ever a right time for this! Trying to regain her composure, the blonde knight took a deep breath and attempted to refocus.

"... Ah... yes, I... I believe it would be... I... I wish to see my knights once again," Arturia said, finally.

It had gone well. Seria couldn't hide her happiness. She had been hopeful that this wouldn't go poorly for Mordred, deep down, and her hope had paid off. The King of Knights had accepted her Servant's loyalty once again, in spite of their history together, and Mordred was overjoyed. The pigtailed girl almost smiled, until she was suddenly hugged.

"H-h-hey! Just because you're happy d-doesn't mean we need to get all touchy-feely where people can see!" she protested, cheeks going bright red.

@KoL@Raineh Daze
@Bartimaeus@Aviaire@Chi@Rabidporcupine@Anza@Rin: I'm aiming to start this RP this coming week!
@Rin: Since we discussed this all beforehand, accepted.
@Anza: That's better, accepted.
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