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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SevenStormStyle
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SevenStormStyle Not an Authority Figure

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Hey, just think about how I feel." Sepia teased Skyra. "I'm surprised that none of these little guys and girls have hissed at me." She picked up an older-looking cat and touched her forehead to its. "Look at youuu!" she gushed. "Everyone must love all the little kittens, but you are so charming in your own way!"

Straightening up while holding the cat -who was currently batting at one of her long, brown curls- she looked at Krysthane with curiosity. "Wasn't there some sort of strange graffiti about last time, like for a gang or something?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 10 days ago

Jack Orpheus | Brewing Storm Mission

"Yeah, let's not rush this. Whatever's caused all this could be lurking between us and the survivors", he reminded. The shadowy presence they saw near entry to this facility immediately came to mind. Them needing to get to the survivors was the perfect scenario for an ambush attack, and considering the presence decided to run instead of attack blindly, this was exactly what they want. Luke's bold suggestion did come to mind something Jack could do... But he would only mention it as an option.

"I myself can get there almost instantly though, but the problem comes when trying to get back with all the survivors. I can't carry several people and zip everywhere instantly", that was true. As fast as he was, he can't carry people and maintain that speed.

"We'll need to advance slowly in formation and cover all our blind spots as a group, if something attacks us, we'll have a much better chance of fighting back", this was his plan. He didn't like this style of plan, he preferred it if everyone was able to achieve their own objectives to amalgamate to a wrapped up package. He didn't have much experience with this style though but he was familiar with the theory thanks to the classes... This was exactly the kind of approach they should take in his opinion.

"Is this an agreed course of action? Or does anyone have a better plan?", his plan was sound. Unlike outside of the facility, they were going into an area that would theoretically from all that had transpired here, be the most dangerous area. Immediately he was thinking of the movie Alien... The atmosphere was just right.

Varius Gilver | Airship

Once Varius got to his seat he simply sat there silently minding his own business. The new girl was a little peppy, but not unreasonably so... So she seemed okay to him, and from what he's gathered she didn't think badly of him either. Normally they don't, but meeting Taidan and Kiran for the first time wasn't such a smooth meeting. They wondered why he was always closed off, but it was his disciplined upbringing that was the reason. Back then he rarely spoke more than needed, and now he seems to revel in the same silliness they do from time to time. Those were different times indeed. As the airship took off, the girl Noelle, offered chocolate to the team. He looked to the bar offering.

"Buy yourself into the group hm?", he looked and watched everyone else for a moment.

"There is no need, merely prove yourself in battle", he stated.

"But... I won't say no to generosity", and with that he took a piece. It was a small piece but he sat back and silently consumed it. It wasn't bad, Haven's sweets seemed to be decent. He didn't normally eat sweets, but he would from time to time, maybe once a week.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 7 mos ago

IC: Amaranth Desire, ohgodnotagain

The headache was coming back. She could feel it. The tapping, the thumping, the complete and utter pandemonium of whatever those accursed creatures were. She barely tolerated it, the little feet like a full on drum roll in her mind, the metal pattering the cymbals to the concrete's thumping. She winced, her right hand going to her temple, her feathers sticking up to their maximum height--but she couldn't afford to turn it off, she needed to be able to hear whatever they were coming if they decided to change from their current strategy of remaining hidden.

Still, she was definitely glad she'd have Saturday and Sunday to find a quiet place to sleep.

As her hand fell to her side, it brushed past the glasses Lauren had given her earlier--and with a flash of remembrance, Amy put them on, popping the earplugs in, and adjusting the control dials to drop the loudest sound in the environment to a reasonable level while not dimming the sounds that had a lower decibel rating.

At the sight of the man lying in the floor, her focus and enhanced vision revealed strange marks around his neck. Strange in quality, not cause.

"Looks like someone tried to squeeze his neck. Hard."

At a sideways glance from Lauren, she shrugged and looked directly forward, mouthing some people are into weird stuff.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Shuai Taidan - Airship

"Maybe you've seen me in the biannual Vytal Festival," replied the ponytailed young Hunter with a smile. He was already taking a shine to the newest member of Team KNVS; after all, she was, to him at least, radiating in a general confidence and positivity, and that was always a commendable thing! "I do like to be memorable."

However, the sudden lurching of the most recent addition to their team still caught him by surprise, and it was with a sudden "eh?!" that he found himself knocked off-balance by the ragdolly girl, gas mask sliding off his head and onto the floor of their ornithopter with a quiet thud. Ah, the perils that lay within the act of travelling through the air; they were numerous in their dangers, and as an avid flier himself, Shuai Taidan knew very well what could so easily plague him in his mimicry of the creatures of the sky, especially when there were others nearby. It was not particularly problematic, per se, but it was always a thing that he needed to concern himself over!

"That's not a problem at all!" he said, chipper mood fading not a single bit! After all, it was a problem that was very easily rectified, as an ethereal arm immediately unfurled from his back, slipping through the air to grab the fallen mask. Slowly and surely, it retracted, placing the mask back upon his head, though now, in a more ... secure manner. "Flying's hard when you're tired."

The manifestation wriggled around to face Noëlle, a ghostly arm that seemed to be gazing in the direction of the girl's chocolates.

"Ooh, it's been a while since I had that kind. Last time I went to Mistral was ages ago. Thanks, Noëlle."

The arm stretched out once more, plucking a single bar from her hand and retreating back towards Taidan's face. A second arm promptly unfurled from his back as well, the ethereal manifestation moving to unwrap the chocolate bar, before dropping it into the fire-loving Hunter's open mouth. Such was his tendency to utilise his semblance for even the most mundane of matters!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

Member Seen 5 days ago

Luke Schwarz --Oh Okay

"So death by strangulation, then." he concluded, as Amy saw fit to do the proposed job for him with her eyesight.

It's different from choking.
A good choke is much more secure.
And doesn't mess around with trying to see fear in the eyes.

Truthfully, though, he did wish he hadn't forgotten she could do that. It would have made for much less of a foot-in-mouth moment on his end, where he'd suddenly found himself suggesting the typical unnaturally bold idea that you'd normally hear come out of someone else's mouth. Even Jack had his head on straighter from the eyes of a contextless third person, albeit with one minor detail astray...

"I didn't mean the survivors, that's too far wherever they may be. What I meant was the old man right in front of us. There's no way I'd expect anyone here to scout that far ahead on their own. Myself included. Even I'm not that suicidal." he clarified stonily.

"I was really just suggesting I take a short walk ahead to figure him out, not even leaving eyesight. It's a moot point now, considering somebody has the aforementioned eyesight to get the job done without me straying. Thanks, Amy."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Krysthane - Patrol Mission

Krysthane giggled a little at seeing Ebon warm up to the kittens, far more so than he had any of them. She would defiantly have to hold that against him later, maybe blackmail him. Then she winced at Skyra's rather... displeased reaction to the place. "Come on Skyra it isn't that bad, we'll only be here for a bit anyway." Krysthane pleaded. At least 3/4 of the team liked the place and so far that was the best result on anything they'd done together, which admittedly wasn't much. She turned at Sepia's question and thought about it briefly, "Yeah, I'm fairly certain there was some sort of graffiti here earlier. I'm sure the boys know about it." she said confidently as she also stepped into the cafe, two little kittens somehow making their way into her golden hair and periodically peeking out.. As soon as they entered she looked around for either the group of boys they had talked to earlier or the store owner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Patrol Mission

As Team Kiss entered the tea house, it was sparsly populated, aside from the many cats and a few old people drinking their tea in peace. Before Krysthane could find anyone, one of them found her. [b]"Krysthane! Welcome back!"[/color] It was the leader of the gang, though he didn't look as silly as he did before. He was wearing a fairly simple looking waiter's outfit, with the logo of the Cat Nap emblazoned on his breast pocket. Seemed like he was working right now.

The young man went over to Krysthane, quite excited, which riled up the kittens. They all moved towards Krysthane, even the ones playing with Ebon, and began to paw at her legs and tried to play with her. "Long time no see! I thought you'd forgotten about me. I'd understand though, it's been a very hectic around here lately. I see you've brought your friends. Your team from Beacon? What brings you around these parts?"


Capture The Fort

As our heroes debated their attack strategy, there was a loud noise nearby. It wasn't long before a couple of Beowulfs, twelve in total, arrived looking for the scent of human and faunas flesh. They haven't quite found the team yet, but they were aware they were somewhere around here. They stayed close to one another and made sure to watch each others backs: If one was taken out the entire pack would know. One Beowulf, obviously the alpha considering his size and additional spiky bits, stayed at the front and was getting closer to Team Redingote. A quiet snarled escaped his throat, perhaps communicating to his pack that he had found the hunters.

@Guess Who@Jedly@Nytem4re@Awesomoman64
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Robert Fallson - Capture the Fort

As Robert saw the pack of Beowolves exit from the treeline, he quickly ducked behind a tree to avoid detection. Peeking around the side, the red haired boy could see the Alpha Beowulf snarl at a scent it had caught. "Well Grane, looks like you got your wish anyhow," Robert said quietly under his breath.

As the pack got nearer to the tree he had hidden behind, Robert made the decision to climb upward. The likelihood of the team getting out of this without alerting the whole pack was basically nonexistent, but the team leader wasn't sure how prepared the others were for a fight. If he could give them more time to prepare themselves by not giving their position away, maybe they could turn this into a successful ambush. Finally settling on one of the many branches above, Robert transformed his weapons to their blade mode as he kept his eye on the Alpha. If he or someone else was detected he hoped to cut off the pack's leader and send them into disarray, increasing their chances for success exponentially.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kuhaku Shiro - Trawl

Shiro blinked, his gold eyes carefully looking over the map that lay in front of him and his team. His ears twitching every now and then as he multi-tasked between listening to what was being said, examining the terrain of the area, and formulating his own thoughts. So far, he agreed with Gren. Official reports never held all the details. Sometimes when you personally interviewed someone, they may come to remember a very small trivial detail that could make a world of difference. That, and Shiro wanted to visit the sites where people supposedly went missing. Even with the passage of time and the ocean eroding away the land, it never hurt to see if his Faunus senses could detect something that the townspeople couldn't. Speaking of which, that brought up a question in Shiro's mind. Or rather a few questions.

Looking up from the map and at Captain McDougall, he frowned slightly.
"Ah, sir? Captain McDougall? Do you know what's the census of Faunus you have within the population? Do you have any Faunus on your police team here?"
Looking at his teammates, he continued.
"What I'm thinking is maybe visiting each site with a partner to see if I can find something that you all can't. Interviewing the locals doesn't seem like a bad idea either."
He made a motion with his hands.
"It wouldn't hurt at all to spend a little time to try and gather a complete informed picture before we make any plans. The last time we tried to do a mission without all the facts...Well..."
He shook his head.
"It doesn't make any sense to me. You all have been living here for some time in relative peace. Why would these Sirens appear now so suddenly and start luring away your people? Grimm are beasts. If they were luring them away to consume them, then why haven't we discovered any remains or things like that? Why would they steal them away instead of picking them off right there with hardly a trail left behind?"
Shiro again looked to each of his teammates.
"It doesn't hurt to have a healthy sense of curiosity."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Krysthane - Patrol Mission

Krysthane smiled cheerily at the enthusiastic welcome. "Of course I hadn't forgotten!" she exclaimed in return as the kittens began clambering over her. She actually hadn't quite recognized the ringleader at first without his cat hair. Krysthane crouched down and played with the kittens a little, bowling them over with gentle sweeps of her hands exposing their fuzzy bellies momentarily as they quickly struggled back to their feet. "Yeah this is the rest of my team from beacon, Ebon, Skyra, and you've already met Sepia." Krysthane said introducing and pointing at her teammates as she named them. "Though actually the reason we're here is pretty much the same as last time. We're on another mission to continue investigating the robot attacks and the petty burglaries that popped up at around the same time. All work and no play right?" Krysthane asked jokingly since because she could see he was currently burdened with work as well before continuing, "Know anything new about it?" She asked hopefully as she stood up, once again scattering the mewling kittens at her feet. If they could get something to work off of here it would be great, otherwise they'd be working from nearly scratch and that was more work
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by shadowkiller912


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Sarina Tala Dei – Team JESS - Defending a Caravan

“Got it!”

Sarina kept her distance from the vehicle and with several charged attacks launched a flurry of stellar bolts onto the Deathstalker hitting to distract it for Estelle.

Vega Venetia – Team VGNB – Outskirts of the City

“I can still go stealth as long as I don’t fire of the triggers in dual wield. If only I could get suppressors on my barrels, I would be more viable to undertake stealthy maneuvers. Either way…I realized we are going dark on this.”

Vega thought of strategies to approach the target location. Napoli made a point of keeping quit as possible while Beryl supported the idea of him as backup; she realized she needed Napoli in this as well. Gratia was well, being herself. Vega leaned over in her seat placing her elbow on her knee and face on her chin as the nightly air hit her face. The problem was that they were going in cold. There was no information about the target location. She could not think of strategies until she has seen the building.

“Once I observe the target location, then I will make a plan of entrance.”

Vega nodded, walking towards Napoli. “Form Mercutio and Arsene into Scapino,“ as she turned her head to Beryl, “and give it to Beryl, her night vision will be effective in surveying the target location.”

Turning her attention to Beryl, “When we get there, use the sniper to survey the area and tell us what you surrounding the building and what is within the building."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ebon was slightly bummed out when the cats left him to crawl around on Krysthane. Putting the mint away Ebon straighten himself up and walked over to Krysthane and the waiter. Apparently this was the guy who flirted with his teammates, though he didn't look as silly as they described him. Though considering that Ebon was wearing mustard yellow jeans and a shirt that literally looks like it's been splattered with various colored condiments, he's not in a position to critique someone's appearance. "And if you don't know anything, tell us someone who would know more."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Cian Kuze - Without a Paddle

"Very well than now that the situation resolved itself shall we head on? Things are not not going to get any easier and we are probably doing ourselves a disservice with these stops. I am not trying to say that these are unneeded just that things should probably be carried on at a brisker pace." Cian said as she looked around she was at a disadvantage lacking a weapon that would be best suited for the situation and lacking sight meaning she was at risk if they were to be attacked. Sadly things was bound to only get harder so the faster they could get something like this completed the better in her opinion. Her semblance was limited to defense so while she could keep up a shield it would only serve to delay the inevitable should a grimm attack.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ookawa
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Ookawa The professional non-professional

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Instead of helping to "interrogate" the cafe's owner, Skyra elected to remain leaning against one of the walls. Her careful eyes scanned the room for anything that might spell danger or any person seeming suspicious. So far she wasn't successful, but one could never be too careful. While her teammates were a bit less serious petting cats and stuff, Skyra tried her darnedest to stay focused. However the cats trying to get the attention of their almost-kin were severely distracting her. One of the rascals decided now would be an awesome time to play with Skyra's tail and batted furiously at it while Skyra tried to evade to cat's paws. Annoyed with the tail's evasion the cat jumped, grabbed Skyra's tail with it's mouth and bit on it.
"Yaahh! Let go, ya shithead!", the cat faunus screamed in pain and smacked the cat away. But the amount of force she had to put into her motion of shoving the cat off her tail completely messed up her balance and she clumsily landed on her face, her butt in the air.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Onarax
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Onarax Sleepy

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Napoli Fiordilatte - Pressure Cooker

A glare was shot Gratia's way.

The young duelist was not in a particularly good mood to begin with, and Gratia's haughty attitude was the last thing he had any desire to endure. For some reason the bitch still had it stuck in her skull that she was some unparalleled huntress and that he was nothing more than dirt. Normally Napoli wouldn't be all that fazed, Gratia's arrogance was something he'd come to terms with it, but with Bianca's life on the line one would think that now would be the moment she could set aside her ego and actually have some level of decency.

But no, Gratia Mindaro thought she was so special.

He was pretty damn sick of her attitude.

"Is that supposed to be some halfassed attempt to rile me up? Get off your fucking high horse Gratia. Bianca's been kidnapped and I don't need some patronizing speech while you're trying to disguise the fact that you desperately need my help. Contrary to what appears to be running through that thick skull of yours, you're not some wargoddess leagues above my own, as you put it, 'mediocre' abilities."

"So," the Mistrali's eyes narrowed, "I'm gonna put this the nicest way possible. If you don't have anything helpful to add, then kindly shut the fuck up."

Diverting his attention to more important matters, Napoli faced his leader.

"Vega, I'm gonna say this once, but I'm not risking any attempts at stealth from you. So I don't care if you think you can pull it off, this is not the mission to test that theory. As for the other idea," Napoli began as he threw Scapino to Beryl, "Knock yourself out."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by shadowkiller912


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Vega Venetia – Team VGNB – Outskirts of the City

Vega gazed at Gratia, “Yes, your attitude does not help us right now” ending it succinctly. Vega could go on scolding Gratia for her attitude but she was not going to continue it.

She nodded at Napoli, “Then do you want Beryl accompanying you on stealth route? I cannot have you alone on it, you need someone accompanying you.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Princeofhearts
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Come on guys... you are almost there. Don't worry about the creatur-well you actually have to worry about them. They aren't so friendly or anything.."

Priscilla looked at the Cameras noticing a few creatures like the Beowolves and Creeps. There were some small creatures that looked awfully ugly and they actually knew that the camera was active. Those creatures looked like some ugly looking real life dwarfs, yup. Priscilla then suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder, she quickly turned her head and did a Karate chop "HIYAAAH!" Priscilla yelled at the person whom touched her shoulder but it was just a comrade. Never know what happens when you are stuck in a camera room with so many creatures out there.

A soft giggly escaped her lips before speaking at the girl. "Sorry about Katate chopping you but shh! I'm trying to guide my friends into the right path!" Priscilla said before sitting back down on the chair, staring at the cameras.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silvan Haven
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Silvan Haven Interstellar Paladin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Beryl Harken

The others seemed to be handling the planning part fairly well, if with a lot of bickering. Honestly it was hard to tell that these people had been a team for any extended period of time.

She wordlessly caught the rifle as it was tossed to her and experimentally looked through the sights.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Brewing Storm

Given the group’s consensus to not split up just yet, it moved as one into the junction room. The strangulated corpse in the room did wonders to reduce the collective level of ease and rocket tension right up. Though not all of the individuals present had deemed it necessary to comment on the situation yet, the next step seemed clear: choosing a path to take. Of these, the upward stairwell to the Living Quarters and the unmarked downward stairwell seemed least inviting, though the thought of walking through unlit hallway to the Traffic Center could certainly set a few hairs on end, particularly Luke’s. Any chance of peacefully ambling through the Brewing Storm seemed bleaker by the second, especially considering what happened next.

Out of nowhere –or was it everywhere at once?- a long, high-pitched, and disturbingly human giggle echoed through the distillery. It came from the walls, though not the intercom system, and could be heard clearly by every man and woman present. Suddenly the rhythmic tapping in the tubes, pipes, and vents turned into audible scurrying, threatening chatters, and laughs. Any panicked looking would turn up nothing for the moment, but no member of the rescue party could fail to observe that living creatures were moving around them. Without warning the overhead light blinked out, plunging the room into darkness. The next instant, a change in the sounds indicated that their owners now moved in the open. Every instinct, whether human or faunus, would be firing right now; few fears manifested as acutely as being attacked by many unknown creatures in the dark. A second later, a single, distant light appeared, shining from an opened doorway at the end of the Traffic Center hall. In this very thin radiance, flashes of activity could be seen all around the junction chamber. All that could be seen were vague glimpses of stooped, pitch-black backs just smaller than human ones, grossly skinny limbs and taut skin, and barely-visible red eyes that produced no glow of their own. Under this terrifying veil of darkness, the unknown foe attacked.

Defend a Caravan

The already-damaged Deathstalker did not sustain the attacks of both Sarina and Sterling well. With a feeble shriek, it slid down the caravan’s side as it picked up speed, ultimately plopping off onto the arid terrain to be run over by the vehicle port wheels, causing a violent and abrupt bump that no doubt jarred the hunters but failed to dislodge them. Now rolling at a respectable velocity, the caravan easily left the remaining Nightmares in the dust, fading away into the distance in a diminishing cacophony of shrill neighs and whinnies. Though Jorie would be out cold for quite some time, her comrades fared admirably during the initial encounter, with no more than a handful of hurts between them. Beneath them, the tanklike all-terrain supertruck thundered across the cracked red dirt, its speed defying the idea that any Grimm could catch it. Team JESS settled in for the ride.

A good twenty minutes later, the terrain began to visibly change. Barren waste gave with to savannah, a sea of long yellow grass, but a sea in turmoil, for the landscape beneath the grass rose and fell unpredictably. Here, nature had molded the fertile dirt with clay, arranging it into a spectacular collage of bluffs, canyons, outcroppings, and natural arches, all coated with a scalp of that long grass that so beautifully billowed in the wind. One couldn’t be blamed for imagining all the strange and irregular formations as protrusions of some massive skeleton partially buried below. As the caravan vehicle rolled through an incredible, cagelike lattice of stone and clay, woven together with the roots of flat-topped scrubland trees, this place seemed like a fantasy.

Jessamine would not have long to sightsee, however. Their ride descended a gradual incline, into a canyon, about half again as wide as the vehicle on both sides, and headed for a gargantuan arch that stretched above the canyon exit like a monolith. Pitting the surfaces of the left and right walls like Swiss cheese were dark, ominous holes, and when the vehicle came roughly two-thirds through the canyon a distinct scraping noise could be heard all around. Without warning, black shapes burst from the holes ahead, stretching across the entire canyon like a wall of scaly ropes. Red eyes glimmered in the tunnels; this canyon, evidently, was home for an entire colony of unnervingly intelligent King Taijitus. Now the exit was blocked by five different lengths of snake, each at least a meter thick. Other Taijitus poked from holes, threatening to attack the hunters when the caravan slowed down. Out of nowhere, the situation seemed dire indeed.

On top of the arch beneath which the vehicle had been on course to roll, there stood a purple-haired wilderness enthusiast wearing a periwinkle sweater large enough to function as both shirt and skirt. The dust tattoos around her wrists shone with power as she surveyed the troubling scene below. Though Lilac knew these people not, there were people in danger, and she could not stand by and allow the Grimm to hurt them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Lilac Drakon

Lilac immediately took a flying leap from the arch, feeling brief nostalgia for her Orientation at Beacon as she spread her arms and felt her heartbeat intensify, anticipating the upcoming battle. She pivoted as she hit the ground, landing feet first with an impressive shockwave that ripped some smaller stones from the ground, and in only a second she was running towards the Grimm. Her feet barely seemed to touch the canyon floor as she closed the distance, and she was on the closest Taijitu before they could notice her approach.

"Mind if I lend a hand?!" She asked in a shout, driving a giant snake head to the ground with a two legged flying kick and smoothly dismounting in a backflip, putting herself between the caravan and the Grimm. "I mean, I'm on vacation and all. I have to have a little fun right?" She turned to smile at the group, then faltered.

"Wait... You guys look familiar... Have I seen you somewhere before?"
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