Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Nicole bowed. "Your majesty I am Spartan Nicole-B312." It didn't give a name so she didn't. "I am here because....well I have no clue why I am here, where here is, or what year it is." She still kept moving towards one of the other Spartans. She wasn't sure what the hell that talking demon-Devil-thing was but she was sure about one thing it was ugly as hell and an arrogant son of a bitch, so she played to his arrogance. She wanted nothing more than to kill it. She switched to talking to only her fellow Spartans. "Could that demon-Devil-thing be a new Covie race? If so it must be extremely durable to only care a metal melee weapon." She switched back to talking to the demon-Devil-thing. "Your majesty if I may be so bold may I ask do you know where and possibly when we are?" The others didn't believe they were transported back in time, but she did. They were from several years after her death, but yet here they all were, so it must be time travel. She didn't disagree based on the situation she was in when she was so rudely taken, she wasn't complaining though. John told her to keep playing along with his King bit and that they were coming in. "Also if I may continue my boldness I would like to introduce my friends." She pointed to the one in green. "Spartan John-117" John bowed. She pointed to the one in silver. "Spartan Jameson Locke." Jameson relunctantly bowed. Jameson was not happy in the least. All three Spartans gathered by the tree line, ready to bolt at a moment's notice. Nicole tied the satchel with the stolen food to her belt to free up her hand just in case it became a gun fight.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Burning Kitty

It seemed Nicole was telling the truth. The continued sense of intended subterfuge was not entirely unwarranted, so Magnus took no offense. "Nicole, John, and Jameson Locke... You are all 'Spartans?'" It seemed they were just as lost as Magnus was, and probably got here at the exact same time, for the exact same reasons. The Red King looked pensive for a moment as he considered the implications of this. "I have no knowledge of your kind, but I do know that you are human and that you were not responsible for that light in the sky earlier." Naturally, Magnus started planning. "I can tell you that there is a native human civilization not far to the west of here, but they are different from you. They may however be friendly toward other humans and be able to attend to your basic needs." He glanced over to the game meat they had cooked earlier. "I will guide you there to assure your safe arrival."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Luigi Vile

Luigi was a member of a small group, acolytes of the inquisition, a group that sought out threats to humanity, and destroyed them....
The group consisted of 3 people; Luigi, a knight named Sir Fredrick, and a psyker named Magnus the Lame (( not to be confused with Magnus the Red, who is in this story as well)), who in quite a pickle. While on the search for a cultist who was planning to destroy a highly populated world. A world known as Necromunda, a planet renowned for their lazguns and their weapon producing capability. They had ended up in between a hoard of flesh craving zombies, and a group of Dark Eldar, aliens that tortured and killed others for sadistic pleasure.
The fight had started well enough, Luigi and Magnus were in critical condition already, and Fredrick was also quite badly wounded. They had managed to kill one of the Dark Eldar, three more remained. Fredrick and Magnus retreated, noting how their situation was fairly hopeless. However, Luigi stayed behind to cover their retreat, despite their protest. He knew that in their state, the Eldar would be able to walk faster than they could run. However, the fiends couldn't resist the chance to inflict pain.
Two of them turned their attention to the cultist the group had been tracking, and one went after Luigi to kill him. However, in the ensuing melee that broke out, Luigi split his stomach open with his chain sword, before carving their skull open with his next strike, killing the monster. Seeing the other Eldar he charged, killing the Eldar with a strike to the side, tearing their arm off, and into their chest, the shock of the wound sending them into a state of twitching and gurgling.
"Sisters, join us, these fools prove more trouble then we thought!" The final Dark Eldar screams, before Luigi reached into his pocket, and revealed a strange looking grenade. Clicking it, and tossing it into the portal, he smirked, for it was a haywire grenade, an explosive made to disrupt machinery. With a flash, the portal exploded, a huge green light filling the room....

@MasterKeun @RolePlayerRoxas @MacDuffy
District 1
Appearing upon a cobble street, Luigi's head was swimming in a sea of throbbing pain and confusion. Standing up, his blood dripping upon the stone, he looked around to where he now was. Was this a feudal world? It looked as such, the primitive buildings and roads showing a lack of advanced technology. However, there was one last bit of advanced tech lingering about.
The Eldar was there, his gun having broken, and the bayoneted half stuck in the Eldar's right leg, a twist of fate to make Tzeentch snicker with glee. Luigi sees the creature, pitiful in its state of being crippled, but he felt not pity. Only anger, and disgust, for the Dark Eldar were disgusting creatures. Walking over to the Eldar, Luigi revved his chain sword, a sound that could be heard for about a hundred meters. With a scream of anger, Luigi drives his blade down, the Eldar holding up a hand to stop the blow. Luigi's chain sword dug down the Eldar's arm, before he tears it down though the arm, splitting the alien's forearm in two, and his head in two as well, the Eldar letting out a blood curdling scream that devolved into a death gurgle. Luigi's roaring chain sword soon grows silent, before he collapses against the side of the nearest building, blood seeping from his wounds. He rests for the moment, feeling the gentle cold grip of death trying to take hold, but his will prevents him from passing. Not yet, not now, his duty was not yet done. He was no doubt either in the warp, or in some place where the portal had thrown them. This place would either need to be purged, or saved, from the grave evils that lingered.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


"We thank you your majesty, it is most gracious of you to protect us lowly humans." Nicole threw up a little in her mouth. The only place it could go was into her helmet or back down. She really did not want to have to clean vomit out of her helmet, so she relunctantly swallowed it. "We will follow at your leisure." None of them were pleased with the course of the conversation. They could use this abandoned house as a base it would provide shelter, it just needed cleaning the dust alone could clog up their air intake filters. It also gave them a place to fall back to outside of the main part of they city. Clearly this demon-Devil-thing had plans for the location, otherwise why would it insist on them leaving.

John made sure Nicole knew he approved how she handle things with the demon-Devil-thing. Jameson was just glad that he didn't have to find what that thing was calpable of while they were unprepared. He made it his responsibility to upgrade their arsenal.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Konpaku Youmu

"Ah, you're hungry?" Youmu turned towards the rubberman with a frown. That would certainly hinder their search efforts if it came to that. Though... she was also quite certain no-one in existence was quite the food vacuum that Yuyuko-sama was. However, Youmu had a solution in this matter. Reaching into her skirt pocket, she pulled out her bag. Indeed, while she didn't have all her yen on her, she had some money to spare. It would surely be enough to purchase some kind of meal and get on their way quickly... and then Ryu offered the both of them food as well. Raising her hand, Youmu shook her head.

"I ate not long before I cam here," Youmu replied, "And if it comes to it, I can purchase ingredients and prepare them myself. I don't intend to stay here any longer then absolutely necessary, so a room and food won't be necessary."

Indeed, that was the chief matter in the half-phantom's mind above everything else. She had no intention of remaining here particularly long. Instead, she would leave the first chance she got in order to return to Yuyuko-sama's side.

@Masterkeun @MacDuffy

Tachibana Hibiki

This... wasn't the base or... or anywhere she recognized. There were sick people here. Hurt people here. But she didn't understand how she'd got here. One moment she had been walking through the door to the outside hall, the next she was... she was here. And there were a lot of people in trouble... Hibiki clenched her fist. She had to help somehow! But... how? There had do be something she could do... Even if she didn't understand how she got here, there had to be something she could do to help everyone here! ... and while she was in the process of trying to figure out just how she could help, the light-haired brunette Japanese girl found herself directly in the path of a group of people who seemed quite out of place.

Soldiers, it seemed. In dark armor, with some kind of strange green mist accompanying them. They looked... threatening, dark, but... Hibiki wasn't going to judge them just by that! She tried to understand everyone after all, so just because these people looked back didn't mean they were, not necessarily... though there were all these people in trouble around here, shouldn't they be trying to help them somehow? If they were military, and things were that bad down here... that's usually why military was sent to places like this, right? Disaster relief and that kind of thing!

And that smoke looked pretty bad... Hibiki had to speak up about that.

"Hey! Hey! That green smoke, is something leaking? You should check to make sure nothing's leaking!" she called to them, approaching and waving her hand in the air, stopping about a meter away. "It might make you sick, and there's sick people down here so it can't be good for them!

@CorpusMundus @Raineh Daze
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Tachi
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Looks like this is your swansong, Cygnus! Sagittarius: Nova!" Akira took aim at the swan-like monster she'd been fighting, her bow beginning to hum with energy. The bird-man took flight in a panic.

"Draw," a deep, masculine voice called from the Celestial Compass.

She pulled back on her bowstring, following the instruction. The bird-man began to climb.

"Breathe," the voice instructed.

The energy took form, a glowing arrow appeared, knocked onto the bowstring. The creature ceased its ascent, now diving at high speed towards Celestial. It had heard this attack needed time to charge, if it took her out before she could fire it, everything would be fine. The distance between them dwindled rapidly as it raced across the quarry, 100 metres...90...70...40...10 metres...


The bolt of energy shot out at the monster, engulfing it in a massive explosion as it impacted. Akira was used to these being further away, and the point-blank blast threw her back onto the cold stone behind and momentarily blinded her.

When her vision cleared, the red armoured heroine was...well, to say she was confused would be an understatement. How did she go from that quarry to some strange city? Was this some kind of illusion? Impossible, the Starbeast was dead and none of the Zodiac Council had been around. In that case, why did the architecture and people seem like they were from some other time? She paused for a moment, about to dismiss her suit. However, she reasoned that she would stand out like a sore thumb either way, and at least staying transformed might help if an unexpected conflict arose.

With that out of the way, she set off, in search of...well, she wasn't entirely sure what. Portals? Ominous sorcerers? Anything else that looked like it could be helpful? Soon enough, she spotted what she was looking for in a side alley, kind of. The group seemed to check one and a half boxes, at least. Both the woman with the futuristic gear and cold weather outfit and the pink-haired schoolgirl seemed about as out of place as she did and, while not as ominous as she'd expected, the last of the trio seemed to be some kind of wizard. Maybe they had a better idea about what happened?

"Hey!" She called, jogging towards them. "You're not from around here either, right?"

@RolePlayerRoxas @Rin @VitaVitaAR
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lost Cause
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Lost Cause

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Another flash heralded the appearance of one more new arrival, depositing a blue-haired girl and a strange blue dog thing about the size of her head onto the cobblestones. The dog tottered around a bit, its eyes spiralling, before collapsing against her leg.

"R-rikka, where are we now~quel?"

Rikka sighed, pushing herself to her feet and putting Raquel on her shoulder.

"I'm not sure. I don't think I've ever seen anywhere like this outside of a book before."

She looked around, taking note of how those around her seemed to be regarding them with fear and some suspicion.

"But I get the feeling we shouldn't be staying."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Nishimura Yuki

It was a little hard to keep talking when there was suddenly some kind of loud explosion that seemed to reverberate through the ground. Yuki's eyes widened and she looked around rapidly. What if people were hurt or something? What was that sound exactly?! After a few minutes, however, Yuki realized there was no smoke or anything like that... maybe it wasn't... ah, she'd still have to keep an eye out for anything bad, but... Yuki shook her head. For now she had to work on helping the people with her out and keeping an eye out for whatever might have caused that explosion. It was far off and might equally have been harmless, so running off and abandoning the people she was with now seemed like a decidedly poor idea.

For a few moments, she was distracted by the sight of Ruru riding atop the Chinese woman's little robot, kicking her feet as it spun and seeming to have a wonderful time. As much of a pain as Ruru could sometimes be, it was hard to deny that was both an entirely ridiculous and entirely adorable display.

"Er... right, Mei-san," Yuki said, shaking her head. If Mei was alright with being referred to by her given name, then Yuki wasn't going to keep insisting on referring to her more formally. Instead, she stepped towards the exit of the alleyway... only to immediately encounter someone in red armor.

"Ah? Another... what's going on here?" she questioned. Seriously, why were so many people just showing up at random in this weird medieval town? Whatever the case was they needed to get to the bottom of this. "No, I'm not from around here. And this keeps getting weirder by the second. Vivi-kun-"

She paused to gesture to the small mage boy. "-Says there might be a castle or something? Er... I think he's from here..."

She couldn't help but notice, however, that this new person was reminiscent of Kamen Rider and Sentai... which pretty much immediately got her heart beating with excitement. But... no! Now was time to be serious and focus, right?! No fangirling allowed!

"Oh! Oh! I didn't introduce myself yet!" cried Ruru, waving her hands at both Mei and the newcomer, "My name is Lulilulilulululilalalulali Lalulolelalilililululalilolilolela!"

As she got a good look at the newcomer, the fairy grinned widely.

"Oooh, you're gonna make Yuki-chan really excited!"

Almost immediately, a blush tinted the pink-haired girl's cheeks. It's not that she entirely hid her love of all forms of heroic media, but... she was trying to be serious, now wasn't the time! "Sh-shut up, Ruru!"

@RolePlayerRoxas @Rin @Tachi
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Masterkeun
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Border of district 1 and 2

Ryu could see the man bleeding out below him. Ryu left his food behind for Straw hat before shadow stepping away vanishing from view. Ryu reappeared leaning over the man and his prey. Ryu gently laid his hands on the wounds using his powers to heal the long gashes in the man studying the wounds. There were some that seemed almost human. The man would need some rest and cover in case his enemies were near.

Ryu didn't want to move him or create any confusion. It would be better to guard him and wait by his side. The civilians around seemed extremely frightened of the carnage. In order to calm them Ryu stood up saying loudly and warmly "Dear citizens have no fear this was simply an advertisement for my healing magics. Bring your sick, infirm, and dying forward. I shall heal them as I healed this man with all of my strength. I will charge no money, but wish you fair tidings and safe travels."

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 1 day ago


Vivi let out a small cry and leaped an impressive distance upwards for a short wizard, at the sound of a loud explosion. What had even caused that?! As far as he could tell, nothing was amiss in their general vicinity, and the other two seemed quick to shake it off. He pondered for a moment if that massive airship he saw as he entered Alexandria had maybe landed? It was probably big enough to shake the whole town if it reached the ground, right?

And then, someone red appeared.

Once more, Vivi found himself placed behind the two older girls, silently assessing the newest... newcomer from beneath his shadow-casting hat. Was that... armour? The helmet looked strange as well. Was it an Alexandrian guard? The ones he saw at the town's gate had silver armour, though... and visible faces. Maybe this was a captain or something...? But they sounded lost as well... well, given how confusing basic commuting turned out to be for Alexandria, maybe its own guards ended up lost as well?

Vivi's gaze once more flickered downward at Yuki's mention. He wasn't really FROM Alexandria, he'd only just arrived ten minutes or so ago, after all. Still, with the exception of the red-armoured guard, he seemed to be the only one aware of their location. Or at least, where they should be. He was getting the sinking suspicion that he was wrong after all...

Amidst his worry, he watched Ruri tease Yuki about... something. He wasn't really sure why, but Yuki was now pretty flustered. At least he wasn't the only one with that feeling right now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Phocas Amyntas - Intersection of 5,6, & 12

As the lunar creature's real form was revealed, Phoc smiled a tiny bit. Finally, all this illusory nonsense was behind him. He just had to slash her, and that would be it. Looking up at it though, she was holding up a card, and there were bizarre red eyes behind her form. As Phoc deflected one of her attacks, it too shouted something, though this was in english oddly, instead of the standard latin.

A ring of magical energy blasted out of her at once. Phoc's wings once again sprouted out from under his robes and brought him higher, being intent on dodging through a gap in the burst. But the magic became transparent, almost gone, before there were two sets of the rings. Phoc quickly realized what was going on, and made an impulsive decision. The sky was about to be flooded with bullets with no way to dodge, the only way he would survive this is if he stopped the fight here.

Gritting his teeth, Phoc charged skywards and vaguely towards his goal. The magic bullets pounded into him, obviously not being powerful enough to kill on their own but the pain adding up. His Star Veil allowed him some respite, and the adrenaline gave him the strength to muscle through, but he knew he was still at least half-way to unconsciousness. All he needed was one decisive blow.

Getting to the heart of the beast, where all the magic was coming from, Phoc finally came face to face with his captor. Half of his mask was shattered, revealing a cerulean eye and hair, and his robes were in much the same state, grey armor peeking out. He looked Reisen straight in the eyes, and with two hands, began to swing his blade down with all his strength.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Reisen Udongein Inaba

Intersection of Districts 5, 6, and 12

Watching the madman graze past (or occasionally take straight to the face) all of the bullets that she was throwing out, Reisen had to at least give him some credit; taking a few danmaku shots to the body was one thing, but rushing straight into someone shooting the bullets was a wholly different level of brickheaded. Granted, she had seen a few cards where that was the optimal way of dealing with them (a stupid little ice fairy came to mind here), but the bullets were so dense at this distance that it'd be well near impossible to not take at least twenty to the face in a single burst.

She was understandably surprised, though, when that was what ended up happening, Watching someone take that many bullets to the face and not be stunned? That was sorta...

Well, granted, he was likely running off a mix of insanity and adrenaline, which explained a lot, but still. When the Lunarian noticed that he was raising his sword to cut her down, though, she noticed one very crucial detail.

He was looking into her eyes. Perfect timing.

Cancelling the spellcard and dispelling the aftereffects thereon, Reisen shot forward before shooting a quick laser at the lunatic's hands to disarm him before returning the gaze into his eyes. With her eyes once again shining, the rabbit used one hand to knock off whatever remained of the now-shattered mask before letting her ability do it's work. With the hand that was not punching, Reisen quickly grabbed the man's chin and forced him to keep looking into her eyes.

It probably wouldn't take long to work out the madness, now that she could see the frantic wavelengths bouncing around inside of that brain of his. The strength of his body was faltering, so once she forced his brainwaves to stop firing all over the place he'd probably be either too tired to continue fighting or out cold. Either worked, honestly.

"...There. Not too hard, now was it?"

@Kafka Komedy

Sogiita Gunha

District 10

With a final leap, Gunha jumped over the last of the houses between himself and his destination before landing in a dramatically superhero-esque fashion, with his fist firmly impacting the ground (and leaving a small hole in the process) as he slowly looked up.

"...Yeah, no, that sorta entrance feels... Well, it's gutsy, yeah, but it ain't me," he sighed, shaking his head as he got up and brushed his clothes off. When observed from up close, the crater was definitely a bit larger than what he had expected, but that could probably be blamed on perspective. Granted, he also didn't expect a woman-kaiju hybrid that looked a good few feet taller than him given what he had seen on the ground, but he could forgive that partially because of two reasons.

First: the human/kaiju hybrid seemed to be perfectly fine following the impact, which meant that, as he had expected, she had guts to spare.
Second: There didn't seem to be anyone injured by the impact. Whether or not that was intentional didn't matter; causing a mess like that and not having any casualties was impressive, to say the least. Guts: yes.

"Oi! You alright there? Looked like a pretty nasty fall you took there!" he called out, walking forward to get a closer look. Even if she lashed out, Gunha was confident he could take a few hits if it came down to it. A fight, though...?

Well, that would definitely be a tossup. Tokusatsu and kaiju went hand in hand, but this wasn't exactly a television show...

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Reinhardt Wilhelm

"Ah, it is true. I was walking through some woods and there was a notice from an old communicator. But then I was here before I checked," Reinhardt said, making a note to check what could possibly be coming through official Overwatch channels. If anyone in Overwatch were to be doing something like this, it would have to be Winston... but what would the gorilla want to do with sending agents to other worlds and how would it draw in a professional gamer? Something like Talon might want to get rid of him that way but there was no way that terrorists would have managed to compromise his armour all the way up in Greenland.

Sticking together seemed like a good idea--it would let him get to know someone he had wanted to meet since she so suddenly shot up the rankings! "Maybe one of these people will trade food for work? This city looks like it would do good sausages."


Yukine Chris

Citizens weren't the only people following the group around: Chris had no other way to find a chance to get home than by following the only people that weren't from around here and making sure they didn't put the guns to any sort of use. It gave her time to pay attention to his followers and pick out the three with similar armaments. More telling was that all of them had their faces full covered in some manner; just what the hell was the green smoke that was constantly following that guy around?

Someone else from up ahead had decided to ask about it but that voice... it couldn't be. How had that idiot managed to get herself sucked in here as well? She'd have to wait for the group of soldiers to do something or line up so she could get past before getting any sort of visual confirmation that Hibiki had, in fact, gotten transported as well. The soldiers were too tall for her to see much on their other side.



The birds were chirping, the city was waking, and the King of Heroes was walking around as if he owned the place. All of this was completely normal for the mostly-divine entity that had been awaiting the coming Grail War in order to cleanse the Earth of those unworthy of his rule. There just happened to be one simple distance: this wasn't any city or country that he had ever heard of. Nor was the language familiar to anything he was used to, though understanding came quickly.

Obviously, it wasn't the first time that he had been summoned. Yet the differences were easily counted up: the summoning for the Grail War had imparted knowledge of the world he had been summoned into, yet he didn't even know the name of the local city. It maintained continuity with his previous summon, as the hero was unable to turn into a purely spiritual form and those weapons abandoned after the fight with Caster's monstrosity were still absent from his treasury. It was definitely Magic that was behind this but with all the different signs, it wasn't the same as the Grail's. It sounded more like the second magic, from his knowledge of such things--but why would that man be behind something like this?

Further complicating the situation was the reaction he was getting. Though attention naturally fell on him in the same manner as a plant turns towards the sun, the looks were far more apprehensive than deserved. His clothing was out of place; snakeskin trousers were eminently not any part of normal clothing here but at the same time shouldn't have drawn such wariness, just confusion. This was far too European to be so remote a part of the world that all the locals would give such looks. This must be some alternate reality, then, which made the wizard's involvement all the more likely.

Two events broke up Gilgamesh's walk. The first was a pouch lying discarded by the edge of the road, blending into the dust around it. The money inside was welcome: not a huge amount, yet, but it was a start to do something with or acquire whatever piqued his interest in this place.

The second was a fight. Taking place in the air. Between someone in a mask and what appeared to be a girl with rabbit ears. Rabbit ears attached to her head--not human, then. Some of the magical bullets required actual evasion from the ground due to the changing pace of the battle, yet that was a few steps at this distance. Of course, the rabbit girl managed to win, since she was better at fighting in this environment, though not in the way he had expected. Her bullets seemed disturbingly weak.

The two might notice him, even, as the last person still inhabiting the intersection and staring up at them with a far more relaxed expression than anyone else in this city might have.

@PKMNB0Y@Kafka Komedy
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by CorpusMundus
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The condition of the people living in the slums were horrid. Dirt smeared children hunting rats and scavenging for anything useful among the piles of refuse which filled the streets. Beggars, lunatics, sickly men and women, they packed the alleyways and dwellings like sardines in a tin. A heavy stench of human sweat and waste filled the air, the tiberium smoke doing little to dissipate it. Isaac was grateful the olfactory sensors of his helmet could be disabled, and welcomed the scent of recycled air.

Strangely, another young girl called out to them as their procession continued onward. Minute by minute it was proving to be an odd day. Without stopping, Isaac spoke plainly. "It is meant to be leaking, this is a censer, child. And I assure you, it will only make us stronger." He walked past the girl, not caring to make idle conversation with children while there was much work to be done. The Confessor and his retinue did their best to stay out of sight, taking back-alleys and dark passages through the slums.

They passed several groups of urchins and thieves lying in wait, but a single look at their armor and strange weapons kept them at bay. Desperate as they were, the locals knew when to simply walk away. All the while Ezekiel and Adam continued their bickering, Isaac's three protectors remaining as quite as ghosts as they stalked through the slums. It reminded him much of Rio, when he was but a young militant fighting under the Legendary Insurgent. It was a glorious campaign to liberate the people from their GDI oppressors. Razing their administrative buildings, taking the radio stations and broadcasting the Prophet's holy message of liberty to the disenfranchised. The Grand Confessor was pulled from his thoughts by the sound of shouting. He and his retinue had wandered their way into a great market space, filled with all sorts of goods and wares. Most were simple street vendors, their merchandise spread out upon old blankets and crumbling wooden stalls. A young man stood near the center of the square, crying messages and news of the city. One message in particular piqued his interest.

"Excuse me, little brother, but what more can you tell me about this expedition being held?"

The crier turned to face Isaac, and his face grew pale at the sight of the Confessor and his entourage. In truth he was no more than a boy, perhaps twelve or thirteen years of age. Dirty blonde hair covered his head, and it seemed he'd not had a bath nor decent meal for quite some time. Swallowing and taking a deep breath, the child looked back up at the strange warrior-priest. "W-well sir, it's a trip out into the frontier. Some magician from the college is setting the whole thing up, paid me a good wage to spread the word. His name's Melqart Orestes, not sure if I'm sayin' it right though. Slayin' monsters, diggin' through dusty old buildings for dusty old pieces of pottery and books, that sort of thing. I-if you fancy some sword-work, go see him up at the staging grounds."

"I see, and where would I find the staging grounds, do forgive me I do not enter the city often."

The boy looked at him curiously for a few moments, before simply shrugging. "Just head north, past the river sir. That'll be where he is."

"Thank you, little brother. You have been most helpful. May God keep you." Without another word, Isaac turned to the right direction and headed onward, men quickly in tow. More grumbling and hissing back and forth came from the Shadow and the Saboteur.

"I don't see why we should assist some backwards occultist attempt to reclaim some petty treasure and slay wolves. I am engineer, not a hunter!"

"Oh come now, I'm sure the Confessor knows what he is doing, otherwise he wouldn't be leading us down this path. You don't doubt the Grand Confessor, do you Ezekiel?" The assassin's voice was dripping with amusement, and the Saboteur merely punched his shoulder in response. A soft chuckle rumbled from the back of Isaac's throat, before turning back to speak to his brothers.

"It is rather simple, brother Ezekiel. To show these people that we are truly here to help them, we must first ingraciate ourselves with the population and people of influence. If a man has the means to set up an endeavor of this sort, then he must have some sway in the community, or at least a part of it. What's more this provides us with an opportunity to help the people expand their borders and sleep well knowing that another few 'monsters' are gone. The funds and spoils we claim can be put towards improving life in the slums, housing the vagrants and feeding the starving. Kane has sent us here to give these people what they have been denied, what others take for granted behind safe walls and clean windows. We will work to show them that they can ascend to a better life, and that the Brotherhood is there to help them."

Not another word was spoken between them afterwards. The Grand Confessor had spoken, and his words were comforting and inspiring, leaving the brothers with a new sense of vigor as they began their crusade. Slowly but surely, they moved farther and farther northwards, hoping to find this magician before he set off into the wilds.
@Kyuubey@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Section 10

As Gojira-Sama gets onto her feet, bit by bit, she suddenly senses someone nearby. She shakes her head wildly to simply get her head to start processing things much more effectively. Blinking rapidly, while trying to process her surroundings, she wouldn't see the man coming towards her until she heard him speak towards her.

"Oi! You alright there? Looked like a pretty nasty fall you took there!"

The kaiju-hybrid blinks twice as she turns behind herself, swooshing her long tail in the process. Gojira-Sama looks down at the man, who was in her point of view, looked rather small. She towers over him by at least a good 2 feet taller and probably then some. He looked like a student... but a student with a powerful aura. She could feel it coursing through her senses. Though at the same time, he looks rather friendly. Maybe he knows where she is?

But before she could respond, her hallucinations kick in one last time, as the face of her enemy pops out like a ghost in front of her eyes, issuing a haunting shriek, along with several other images that rapidly fly by her. Gojira-Sama roars in anguish, holding her left side of her eye as she makes a giant swooping motion with her tail, heading straight towards the newcomer. Already, the plates attached to her clothing were beginning to crackle in radiative energy and her mouth is beginning to glow a bright neon-blue, breathing heavily as she does so. She is still confused, like an animal awakening out of a long sedation period. Whether or not the man will recognize her pain and suffering, any retaliation could instantly lead to a fight, or worse...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Even if she wanted to get home, they have to work out a path to reaching that goal. And so, well... There was no way D.Va would actually protest teaming up. Especially alongside one of the original members of Overwatch. That was pretty awesome! Working together always made more sense then going it alone, at least when the game was built like that. And when it came to life you could treat it a lot like a multiplayer game. If you worked together, everything tended to come a lot faster. Naturally D.Va felt she was always MVP, but the faster they worked this stuff out, the faster they could all get home. It only made sense.

And... sure, helping some people out along the way wasn't exactly a bad thing at all. Kind of like sidequests, right? Just not the really long ones that take ages to deal with, that'd feel like it was taking way too long to get home. And not if someone just needed twenty bear claws or something, since D.Va was pretty sure most people didn't actually need twenty bear claws. But in the end, it made a lot more sense to stick together regardless.

"Alright," declared the small Korean girl, "Let's party up!"

@thewizardguy @Raineh Daze

Tachibana Hibiki

"Ehhh...? But it's all green, that doesn't look healthy at all!" Hibiki called, trying to catch up to the soldiers as they walked away. But they didn't seem interested... on top of that, if the gas was supposed to make them stronger, then why did they wear gas masks if they were supposed to be breathing it in? It just didn't make sense to Hibiki, but the men were rather swiftly retreating from sight... Hibiki frowned and looked around. There were so many people in trouble here, too, and it looked like the soldiers hadn't really done anything to help... However, as she looked around, she took note of a rather familiar face... silvery hair, short... In spite of the situation, Hibiki couldn't help but make a break for her friend and throw her arms around her for a hug.


@CorpusMundus @Raineh Daze
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Just as quickly as the Spartans arrived they dissappeared, returning to where they were as if no time had passed at all.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Burning Kitty@Masterkeun@supertinyking

Magnus the Red

District 2.

Magnus detected a mocking tone in the human's voice, but ignored it. If the human thought being a king was too much to believe, then there was no way she would be able to handle learning what he really was. Regardless, he lead the small group closer to the city. The trees and barring plantlife of the wilderness turned out to be no obstruction, for as the Red King walked, branches snapped and bush was shredded or burned in his path without any apparent effort on his part. This made walking fairly easy for those behind him.

They continued like this for about a mile before a strange and horrid sound cut through the air. The Red King halted in his flaming tracks and blinked several times as he heard it. "Wait... Could it be?" Magnus whispered to himself and looked around for the source of the noise. An anxiety rose up into his throat. He knew immediately what it was, because there was no mistaking the grinding barrage that was the sound of a chainsword. At least one of his enemies had tainted this world.

The winged king suddenly stopped and seemed distraught by that strange sound. He grit his teeth and paced angrily for a moment, shaking his head. "Impossible... I must know!" Drawn off, he moved at triple speed, blasting through whatever was in his way with much less care toward the sounds of revving. The Spartans would have to run to keep up. Finally, the giant, red, winged sorcerer-king burst through the trees and into a clearing boarding the edge of the city. A few buildings stood unguarded, save for a murderous fellow in red robes between them with a chainweapon at full grind.

The demonic creature stopped a short distance behind Luigi, beholding him with astonishment, disappointment, sadness... and unbridled rage.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aoko Aozaki
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Aoko Aozaki Fifth Magician

Member Seen 1 yr ago


It was a simple battle, and it followed how nearly every battle with Beo went. They attacked him, he was fine, then he killed them. This fight was no different, though this fight meant a bit more. Defeating an Elder Title Dead Apostle Ancestor was truly impressive, but that wasn't the exciting part about it. Imagine the kind of puppet Touko could use with that as a base? Such an act would be impossible for nearly every other Puppet maker, but Touko was truly the best.

The Blizzard around her seemed to worsen as the battle ended, making it harder for her to see Beo, who had already changed back to his human form. Finding the corpse of the Dead Apostle was going to be difficult in the snow, but she'd do it. It was likely Beo wouldn't have a single issue sniffing him out, despite the blizzard that was going on around them. The Dead Apostle could wait, Touko needed to celebrate this victory.

There was only one way to celebrate after a victory, and that was with a smoke. Touko crouched down towards the floor, and began to write something in the snow with her finger. Upon completiton, and pulling her finger back, the snow surrounding the area lit up in flames. It wasn't going to last very long, but it would last long enough. Touko pulled a cigarette from her pack, and used the flame she created in the snow to light it. The flame died right afterwards.

The girl brought the cigarette to her lips, and she took in a small puff. The taste was terrible, something that not even the poorest of man would willingly smoke, but they were Touko's second favorite thing in the world. It was even rare to spot Touko without a cigarette in her mouth.

She looked up at the snow covered sky, and closed her eyes as she took another drag from her cigarette. The world was oddly peaceful like this, despite being in the middle of a Blizzard. She really should get off the mountain, it probably wasn't the safest place to be. It would be a waste of a Touko puppet if she died to hypothermia...

Huh, despite being in the middle of a Blizzard, the weather got oddly warm. She also didn't feel the snow falling on her face, and she also began to notice a smell. It wasn't a pleasant smell, far from it. The smell was also noticeably different from the smell in the blizzard, and a smell shouldn't change that radically so quickly. What caused such a change?

Well, upon opening her eyes, Touko realized that she was no longer on top of a mountain, in the middle of a blizzard. She seemed to be in some kind disgusting slum, the type you'd find in some kind of large city. The architecture was strange, seeing as it seemed to be extremely old, from the Medieval European Era. Now, this normally wouldn't be too odd, however, this wasn't the kind of architecture you'd find in a blizzard, on a mountain, in Finland.

She wasn't in Kansas anymore, but it still seemed like she had Beo. They should be fine. What kind of thing has Kaleidoscope dragged her into?

"Beo, stay close. I'll figure this out soon enough. "

Touko began her exploration of these slums, with her familiar happily following behind her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Konpaku Youmu

There had first been some terrible sounds below, then the sight of a dead body and an injured man. Some sort of fight... a deadly one by the looks of it. It wasn't something Youmu was used to but it was also something she wasn't unprepared for. There was always that chance someone would come with killer intent rather then anything else, and it wasn't as if Youmu have trained in techniques that could not be lethal if they were not held back by danmaku rules. Still, the sight of blood made her wince reflexively. It wasn't a sight she was used to seeing, to say the least. And yet that was only the tip of the ice berg. Moments later, another figure appeared, one that immediately set off alarm bells in her mind.

He was a hulking, red figure, who appeared to have the traits of a stereotypical demon. With all these powerless people in the area, there was no question of her next answer.

Youmu left Luffy's side in the blink of an eye, careening through the air and landing in the midst of those below. In transit she had swiftly drawn both Roukanken and Hakuroken, the huge nodachi and the smaller katana gleaming in the sunlight as her feet hit the cobblestone.

Her first act, if this was a fight without danmaku rules, had to be clearing out those who could be caught in the crossfire.

"EVERYONE!" the diminutive white-haired girl cried, "RUN! Do not stop! Do not look back!"

This was enough for most of the powerless people crowded around to run, but a few had been frozen up in fear. Youmu felt the need to reiterate, as a result.

"I said RUN!"

That got them moving.

With that, Youmu's attention turned firmly to the red demon man.

"I don't know what has you so angry," she began. It wasn't exactly hard to tell he was mad. "But whatever the case, this isn't a good place for a fight. If you don't back down, I will do everything in my power to stop you."

Her katana gleamed as she readied herself.

"On the honor of the Konpaku family."

@Masterkeun @MacDuffy @supertinyking @Wraithblade6
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