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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Romus Sisters

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

Club Aether . Friday Evening

Marinalia and Victoria looked to the door as the police stormed in and things definitely where not going to end with a cab and a fish and chips on the sofa with some wine. These cops definitely did not look in a rather good mood. Well they had engaged in a major bar fight, it was not the first time Marlin had been caught up in things, normaly she was a bystander not the person being arrested or detained.

Victoria looked over, they definitely where not going to talk way out of it and dropped the pepper spray as a over muscular cop forced in and shouted for order, and everyone to calm down. Backing off and deciding that a night in jail and maybe a minor summons might happen, if they fought it could end up far worse and complied as a officer hand cuffed her overly tightly. She knew if arrested she could ask for a lawyer, if not she would be out by Saturday lunch time.

Watching Ethen flew back of the place, and up some stairs, she would definitely have a stiff word with him if Victoria ever saw the man again. His groupies hasd caused all this trouble the least she could do was wring a lunch or so out of him.

I give... I give... Your like twice my size. Its not like I'm gonna fight.

As a officer forced her off, Victoria watched as a female offices cuffed Marlin and noticed the scowls off the other group. She had taken a few hits from the groupies as her arm would be feeling a little sore in morning, among a few other things including her back. The police womans radio crackled in some string of numbers and response codes, she knew airline codes not police ones, with a glance back as they lead her off she sighed.

Il come quietly OK... No need to be so tight...

As she was dragged over to the van, she was bundled into a van with her sister, and a woman who glared at her. She must be someone who they had been fighting with or got caught in the act in some silky and gothic dress, with a silver hem. Obviously one of the more well healed harpies.

Hopwfuy this was the last they hered of the battle of club Eather, bar a night in the cells, a bad back from a crappy mattress and maybe a rather large fish and chips on way out... They where gonna be starving.

There night had gone from noral, to rather shitty.

Why could they not just have a quiet night out...jazz night, gala, and now a bar fight in a metal club.

There never was a quiet night for the Romus Sisters.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ashton Griffone || Club Aether || Friday Evening

Marinalia @PrinceAlexus, Victoria @PrinceAlexus, Reya @Majoras End, Marcus @Zaxter996, @Conscripts, Alexander @Alex_The_Great,

Ashton was a bit dazed, but still she stood her ground enough. The sisters however seemed to react quite aggressively about the tall firefighter getting bottled in the head. Her staggered state didn't allow her to react in time to catch Marinalia from elbowing a girl, but she did try to stumble in front of the pepper spray and held up her arms. It was too late to try and block it from everyone, but she still some brunt of it. Which might of been the best idea considering it burned like ever living flames of a volcano against the opened injury on her head. Body ever so slightly shaking as her gloved hands clenched into tight fists as she tried to deter the several different pains coursing through her body. Teeth clenching behind closed lips, she put a hand on Marinalia's shoulder and another on a furious drunk woman. Gently, but firmly pushing them apart. Forcing when needed to get the large cat fight under control, which was difficult and little to success by the fact that there were several scratches of nails against her arms.

A man and a pair walked over to scold the girls, Ashton turning to them and gave the same reassuring smile and waving her hands. She didn't want them to get involved and possibly hurt. Even though her smiling face was covered in a good portion of fresh blood. Staining her dirty blonde locks and sliding along the scars.

Soon after a woman shouted out and she felt Alex grab her wrist, attempting to lead her to a seat while a woman tried to seem to give the tall woman medical aid. Ashton resisted being pulled aside, despite feeling a bit more light headed and running a bit more on will power and instinct at this point. Instead slowly shaking her head a bit and putting a hand on them, urging them away from the situation. She understood the concern, but she didn't want to risk them getting hurt.

Alex's words simply caused Ashton to give him a warm smile. It was hard to explain really. Yes, she knew that she perhaps shouldn't get involved in matters like this. Marine told her that plenty. But she couldn't stand by and just let things happen. Especially to friends. Especially to people who are misunderstood. People who in reality, just need to know that there are people who are willing to look out for them, no matter what. Maybe she was stupid and ran head first into things.... but she wanted to follow her heart in doing what she felt was right.

These were things that... were difficult to explain so she just smiled at him, placing a hand on her heart before pressing it against his gently. A simple touch, but one she hope got something through. Police arrived and was soon trying round up everyone. Ashton waved her hands as a officer went up to her, before holding up her index finger. Quickly placing two hundred dollars on the bar counter in front of the bartender to pay for some damages and the problems. As the absolute worry and adrenaline of keeping people safe died a bit down, Ashton realized that she could see some blood drip from her eyebrow.

It reminded her......

Ashton could feel her throat tighten at the memory, as she stumbled a bit as she was handcuffed. She was losing focus now that she was sure the police could handle breaking everything up with ease. It burned. Marine's going to be mad... Despite how desperately her body wanted to just shut down and pass out from the sudden trauma it endured, she stumbled into a van and more or less, passed out once she sat down.

It was going to be a long night. As it was. These things she was sadly a bit used to.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa yeh

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Reya Wyatt

Mostly her bro, though.

Location: Club Aether

It didn't work, it didn't work!!

As the fight went from bad to worse, Ryan kept Rei behind him, juggling the bottles they had before throwing them at whoever tried to lay a hand on them. "We gotta leave, get the others out of here, now!" Rai yelled over the bar brawl, grabbing his twin sister by the wrist. "W-Wait, what about Marcus?!" Reya asked, looking around the room as if to look for him. "Aw, you made a friend? That's nice but we gotta go!" He replied, as one of the women fighting were about to hit Ryan with another wine bottle.

As quickly as she could, Rei shoved Rai out of the way, and took the hit for him. Unlike the tall blonde, Reya wasn't able to take it like she did, and was knocked out easily, blood dripping from the wound. "Sis, NO!!" Ryan yelled, catching her before she collapsed onto the floor. "That's it, we're leaving!!" He picked his unconscious twin up and ran pass all the fighting till they were outside, right when then cops arrived.

Before one of the officers could handcuff and pull him into one of the police cars, Rai spoke up. "Wait, please! My sister, she's hurt." He was reassured that Reya would recover safely at the hospital, before the twins were separated for the night. One going to the police department, and the other heading to her work place to get patched up.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rodiak
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Rodiak π”ͺ𝔦 π”ͺπ”žΓ±π”žπ”«π”ž, π”ͺ𝔦 π”₯𝔬𝔢, π”ͺ𝔦 π”žπ”Άπ”’π”―

Member Seen 1 day ago

ᴀᴏᴋΙͺ ʀᴇʏɴᴀ sα΄€Ι΄α΄…sᴛʀâᴍ

Location - Club Aether - outside
Mentions - @Silver Fox
Interactions - @King Tai

Aoki sniffed and shook her head. "I miss my cats." She took the water and began to sip it, unbothered by the taste of vomit still in her mouth. "I want to cuddle them and pet them and hug them." She swallowed down her tears and wiped the tears off her cheeks with one of the sleeves of Ashton's coat. She probably wouldn't remember where she got it from tomorrow, but at least it was nice enough to keep. Too big for her, but Aoki would make it work. Thinking about Ashton... She looked up when police sirens began to fill the streets. Aoki didn't say the any mind as the pretty lady told her a story. "Peed yourself?" She laughed and curled up against the woman, comfortable enough to close eyes. "That's naaasty! I-I didn't throw up on myself right now." She laughed again. She didn't feel too bad now, and nausea had spotted for now after she emptied her food on the sidewalk. Still, her head was pounding, and the world spun around her. The siren's and lights of camera flashes weren't helping her one bit.

"A taxi? Aaare you gonna ta-take me home to see my kittiiiiies?" She chuckled softly as she struggled to get up from the bench and almost fell up quickly caught herself. "I-I-I can walk!" She laughed as she stumbled forward to the very confused and worried taxi driver. He was probably worried Aoki would throw up in his car, and the way he pulled out a plastic bag from under his seat meant it was not the first time. That man was prepared.

"He-Helli Mr. Taaaaxiiii driver!" She giggled as she struggled to climb in the back seat, almost showing her ass to the pretty lady on her way in the vehicle. "Ooold Habour, please! First St and Jefferson!" She told the taxi driver, proud that she could tell the man her address even if she was still drunk and was giggling again to almost every word she said or was said to her. She looked at Xia, wondering if she would be joining her.

Xia's face was all she remembered from that night.

ο½‹ο½ο½’ο½‰ο½“ο½ˆο½ο½ ο½Œο½ο½‡ο½ˆο½ο½’ο½‰

Location - Club Aether
Mentions -
Interactions - @Conscripts@Alex_The_Great


"Shit!" Karishma raised her hands to cover her face when there was a camera flash directly in front of her. "Who the hell told them I was here?! Shit, this isn't a good time at all!" Gabe had stepped between her and the man flashing his camera towards her, but another flash came directly in front of her. "Gabe lets go!" She shouted over the commotion of the fight and the questions from the paparazzi that had seemed to appear from nowhere. Karishma said a quick goodbye to the two cuties that one had seemed to race towards the fight, and followed Gabe towards the door. They didn't make it far before police came in with stun guns pulled out and telling everyone to freeze.


"Oh-- fuck me." Karishma cursed as she stopped in her tracks. Everything happened so fast, and there was no time to explain anything to anyone. It seemed like everyone inside the club was getting arrested and that included her and Gabe. Flashes from the cameras surrounded her in no time as she was escorted to a police car by the woman with the red hair. At least she had gotten a cute cop.

"My agent is going to kill me, Gabe," Karishma said to him as they were driven away from the club Aether, leaving behind the paparazzi who seemed to scatter away from the police. That night, Karishma decided that she would be laying low as much as she could for the next week.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by CaptainSully
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CaptainSully πŸ††πŸ…ΈπŸ†ƒπŸ…·πŸ…ΈπŸ…½ / πŸ†ƒπŸ…·πŸ…΄ πŸ†πŸ†„πŸ…ΈπŸ…½πŸ†‚

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Current Song: Machine Head / Who We Are
Play Here: β™«
Location: Club Aether

Character Tags:

Leo had begun cutting at the lamb, the tender meat falling from from the bone to the plate below. Before Leo could respond to Dustynn's offer of help the door to his office swung open and in barged a group of suits with the band that Dustynn had pointed out earlier. Leo returned his attention to the meat and continued to cut it. He laughed as he spoke, finding the interruption to his quiet moment quite funny. "When did I hire you guys or do you just have an inability to read the staff only sign on the door?" He continued to laugh as the last few slices of meat landed on the plate. "I joke. I'm guessing something must be up for you to barge in here like this?" Before the intruders could answer his question Steve appeared from behind them, purposefully shoving aside the man who had been rude to him moments ago. As the man stumbled Steve smiled to himself. "Boss a fight has broken out downstairs. It's pretty serious and these idiots have called the cops." Leo rubbed at the bridge of his nose in frustration before looking back up at his security guard. "Well it's been a while since we had the police on site, but let's just do what we always have done. Put the call out and just make sure everyone has their ID bands on." Steve nodded and charged his way through the group in his way, back out of the office.

Leo placed the knife into the nearby sink and began to wash his hands, continuing to talk to group who had barged in. "What you need to know is that this bar is part of what is known locally as The Run. Back in this nineties this place was a free for all, fights happened daily and it really wasn't a nice place. Between myself and a few of the other owners we introduced a new security system. The entire run is covered by high definition facial recognition CCTV. Add in the fact that we have security that make you guys look like hobbits and well..." Leo picked up a nearby towel to dry his hands and turned to approach the group, exuding his calmness to all, "...we always sort out things for the police so they only have to come and pick up those that cause trouble. We even have our own drunk tank." Leo threw the towel onto a nearby table and stopped his approach to the group less than a metre away. "So it is unfortunate that you have called the police because now they will come down here in numbers and lock up a load of innocent people." Leo smirked. "I assume you're in here because you want protection, but why on earth should I protect a bunch of prima donna celebrities who would throw the public under the bus to save their own asses?"

Leo glared at the security detail who Steve had shoved out of the way before his smile returned to his face. "You're lucky i'm not a complete cunt. The band can stay in here until the police arrive, but I want you knuckle draggers to wait outside. Any objections and i'll have my guys remove you and you can fend for yourselves." Turning his attention from the oaf to the nearby man with long blonde hair, Leo carried on. "I'd rather not have my club known as the place you guys got a kicking but at the same time, I don't appreciate the rudeness of thinking you can just barge your way in here because you're supposedly famous. That honestly means nothing to me. People are people no matter their pay cheque. So feel free to take a seat on the couch over there..." Leo pointed to the large sofa in front of his wide screen TV, "...and i'll dish you guys some food."

Leo turned and began to walk over towards Dustynn before turning his head back towards the long blonde haired man. "Now please...have your guys wait outside." With a few more steps Leo was directly in front of Dustyn and he took her hands in his. "I really am sorry about this...i'm just glad you're here and not downstairs." Leo lowered his head as he thought of the bar staff downstairs, hoping that they were all safe. They all meant so much to him as many of them had been there since the clubs inception. He had faith that Steve and the other security guards would be more than able to take care of them. Raising his head he looked at Dustynn with a sincerity matched only by his words. "I'll make it up to you...I promise." He leant in to kiss her once more before he started to make up an additional few plates of food for the uninvited guests.
Meanwhile...outside of the office...
Character Tags: @Alex_The_Great@PrinceAlexus@King Tai@Conscripts@FloriCello@Pilatus@Rodiak@Majoras End@Zaxter996@King Tai@Silver Fox

Outside the office Steve had made his way downstairs, putting out a call across The Runs radio network. The network linked all security guards together in case of emergencies such as this. "Guy's we have trouble at Aether, the cops have been called so I need you all to get here now. Make sure you are all wearing your ID badges because they'll pick up anyone who isn't staff." The ID's Steve referenced was something The Run had brought in. Illuminous yellow bands wrapped around the bicep that provided an ID number and a photo along with other details, clearly identified the security of the location. "We've all been waiting for this for a while...let's have a bit of fun." The lack of action over the previous months frustrated The Run's security, so the escalating brawl provided them with the opportunity to showcase their talents. Within minutes a group of ten men, each built like a tank and standing well over six foot entered the club. Met by a smiling Steve they all stretched out their limbs before charging into the fray on his signal. Moments later people found themselves being flung in every direction as the small group of security guards began to go to work. Steve laughed to himself as he threw one small man who was throwing punches a clear ten foot towards the door. "I've missed this shit."
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Xia Alexander

Location - Club Aether (Outside)
mention/interaction: Aoki @Rodiak

Listening to Aoki speak about her cats and take the water to sip on, Xia watched the police coming up and with the ruckus that was happening in the club, Xia was a little worried but brought her attention back to Aoki. Cat's huh? I used to have a dog and a turtle back when I lived at home with my parents. I know they must be cute. I'd love to see them. She told her. Xia averted her eyes when Aoki laughed about her peeing herself which she was slightly regretting on telling her but it was to make her feel better. Yeah....nasty....warm...strong stank ass smell...nasty.... Xia looked down at her while her legs were crossed. Well that's a good thing that you didn't throw up on yourself as long as you don't add another story for me to live with from you throwing up on me.

When the taxi came, Xia stood up. Thank God that it finally did. The taxi driver had a thick mustache and looked a little like a real life Super Mario. Xia noticed security throwing people and the police joining the fray while Aoki spoke about Xia taking her home. She watched the girl stumble and braced her right before she climbed to get into the cab. Xia watched the chaos and spoke while looking away. getting a glimpse of the girl nearly showing her ass...which would be cute by the way, before looking back. Uh...yeah...I...will take...you... Xia said in a distracted tone. Then it dawned on her. Shit....there was a fight in the club...police coming in by the dozen and they looked pissed and aggressive and I'm a black girl that look like she came from a hip hop convention....yeah....they gonna think I'm a suspect.....

Xia ducked down. Okay sweetheart...scoot you cute pukey ass over...we need to go...I'll take you home okay? She said getting in. Xia looked a little nervous. Where she came from it was always a fear to the black people in the area of getting accidentally shot while complying to police. she felt this would be a situation here. Xia didn't remember seeing any other black people at this club so...she was getting the hell out of there. The taxi driver turned. And where are you going miss? You're with her? Xia spoke. Yes I'm with her, go...

Just make sure she don't throw up on my seats. I just got this car cleaned. Xia nodded yeah yeah whatever....go! The taxi driver continued. I'm telling you, if she throws up, I'm going to make sure you pay for the mess- Look Super Mario! I'm about to go grand theft auto on your ass and throw you out so I can drive this shit! So I suggest you peel out like on Mario Kart and get us to where we need to go!

She said as the taxi driver saw someone try to run out the club and headed straight for the taxi, screaming rape, jumping on the hood while one of the police officers shot the taser barbs in the guy's ass, causing him to fall to the pavement trembling. The taxi driver finally saw it was time to get out of this mess and backed up quickly to leave. Xia brought Aoki's body close to hers and had her lay her head on her shoulder. She caressed Aoki's head. Don't worry...I'm not nervous...I just don't want my black ass to get shot...that's all...

Xia watched as Marin and a few other people were getting carried out of there and looking closely, she could've sworn she saw Ashton in handcuffs too. Xia looked away when a police officer looked at the taxi while passing. Hopefully her new acquaintances will not in jail long. her main focus was still getting Aoki to her place.

It didn't take too long of a ride until getting to the old harbor. At this moment, Xia really didn't feel comfortable in letting this girl try to get into her place alone. Someone could be watching her and Xia was a little too lazy to take a ride back to her place. Hope you don't mind me chilling with you tonight. Just to make sure you're good. You don't have anyone living with you, do you? She asked when the taxi stopped and Xia moved to get out and help Aoki while paying for the ride.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago



When the Bouncers charged into the crowd only when it was too late did they relise SCPD was already present an the ruckus with officers caused several bouncers to be detained and a grumpy looking Police Captain gave the head of security a earfull that would be one to remember for years to come about "over grown baboons bashing people without checking the situation*

Lucky for the club, the SCPD had little care of the situation, just wanting to end it, and not spend all night dealing with paperwork, gave the club a warning about over zealous security, and to "show more restraint and use your brains in heads not fists more"

They would be released after a night to contemplate with a drunk man who believed Posaidon would level the city in a great wave, a woman who had one eye, and sang drunken Brittany Spears and a alcoholic dwarf who was trying to reenact game of thrones and fit in boxes.

just another evening for Sol Cities Finest

3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Online

Paige Kennedy

β€œYou gonna eat that?” CT asked. He was cuffed to the wheel of Xi’s unmarked Ford Taurus and sitting on the ground.

Xi reached into the paper bag and tossed a buy-one, get-one burger special from the diner into their former fugitive’s lap where he had already finished a sandwich. All three watched casually as excited revelers were dragged from Club Aether, some leaving more enthusiastically than others by SCPD. Xi patted his stomach in near submission to the thousand-plus calorie travesty he attempted to tame and rolled the foil wrapper back further marveling at CT’s ability to put the food away. Paige drank a cup of decent coffee and leaned against her car with some amusement. The steam from the cup rose up and the increasing coolness of the night helped the taste.

β€œJesus, where do you put it?” Xi said.

β€œMan’s gotta eat.” CT said proudly and started on the burger. They all watched as more units continued to fill up the parking lot until there were more patrol cars than civilian. β€œMind if I ask a question?” He said glancing up at them between bites. β€œHow much time you think I’m lookin’ at?”

β€œWe don’t sentence you,” Paige said without looking down. β€œWe just bring you in, judge takes care of the rest.” She’d answered the question a million times.

β€œWell what if I just gave all that money back? Like tonight. You think that would help?”

β€œYou mean returning to people what’s rightfully theirs anyway?” Xi said. β€œUsually doesn’t work like that.”

β€œYeah, I know…” CT relented. He pondered his next bite, but spoke up again instead: β€œHey what if I taught you a few things on the computer, huh? Maybe put in a good word for me?” He grinned smartly back at Paige’s unimpressed glance downward. β€œI could teach you how to be caller seven, how β€˜bout that?”

β€œThat all you got?” Paige replied.

β€œNo, I’m serious,” CT continued. β€œHow do you think I got all that stuff you pulled from Bobby’s apartment?”

β€œHow do you know I took anything?” Paige said with some interest.

β€œC’mon, I’m a pro.” CT replied with some apprehension. β€œYou ever hear radio stations give out prizes to whoever is caller number seven?” He asked pointedly; ready to boast of his technical prowess. β€œWell, I’m always caller number seven.” He grinned and took another big bite. β€œThen I go online and I cheat these ripoff auction sites.” He said with a mouthful. β€œI can show you that too, just give me a computer.”

β€œYou think we’re really gonna give you a computer?” Xi said. He relented on the burger and shot the balled-up wrapper into the paper bag.

The flashing blue lights of a SCPD van pulled into the parking lot and with a short burst of the horn, began to receive the Club’s take of delinquent visitors. Shouts and screams went up as some were transferred over and all turned their attention back to the spectacle across the street. The whole parking lot was a wash of people leaving and being corralled all at once. Officers moved forcefully waving people down and directing others to calm the situation. Paige’s glance narrowed slightly seeing the woman, Marinalia being deposited into the van, which seemed slightly strange as she very acceptingly stepped aboard, followed by the extremely tall person a few others including members of the club security detail and then the black haired, defiant, Victoria.

β€œThat’s the bitch that keyed my car.” Paige said nudging Xi.

β€œThe tall one?” Xi said slightly confused.

β€œNo, the black-haired chick in that ridiculous outfit.” With a sly smirk, Paige aimed the camera on her phone and held the shutter button taking several good pictures of Victoria being put away. She sent one to Sio and said nothing.

β€œWhat’d you steal her boyfriend or something?” CT said looking up with a ketchup smeared grin that faded when Paige glared back at him. β€œI mean, it’s a nice car and all…” He chewed quickly. β€œYeah, I’d be pissed.”

An ambulance pulled up to the curb flashing its red lights unable to move any closer due to the crowding of the parking lot. As Paige watched the paramedics jump out and go to work with the stretcher she remembered an article in the local paper about cyber-crimes on the rise in Sol City and though it definitely was not her forte, something about it kept toying with her intuition and she was annoyed at how she’d had to leave much of the work to the CC officer earlier that day in order to track down CT a second time. He seemed more than willing to talk if she could just keep him feeling like he was the smartest person in the city. She wiggled her lips a bit a glanced back down at him. β€œTell me what you know about this stuff and I’ll see what I can do for you,” She said looking him in the eyes with her well-known piercing gaze. β€œNo promises, though.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
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Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

Member Seen 1 yr ago

(⠉⠁⠏⠑⠇⠇⠁ β ­β Šβ β ›)

location: SMMC
tag(s): Reya @Majoras End
mention(s): none

"Mother...Did I really have to come with you this time?" The young blonde frowned as he held on loosely to his mother's elbow while she dragged him and his trusty companion Toasty into the large hospital building. Of course he didn't really have much say in this and knew Toasty would have to get use to their surrounds to guide them, but really? Did he have to start in the one place he deemed suitable to replace Hell itself? Capella's brows were knitted closely together as the smell of cleaning supplies and death mixed evenly together and wafted gently in the air via the air conditioner that was far too loud for his sensitive ears. Gosh, he wished he could be anywhere by here.

"Oh suck it up, kiddo. You gotta know this place inside and out in case something happens, okay?" The older woman tried to reassure before making her way towards the front desk. "Hey, I know. Why don't you and Toasty take a look around while I take care of some things here? I'll come and find you afterwards okay? Go on, don't be shy." She smiled despite the glare Capella was giving her. Regardless, the blonde teen let go of her and rolled his eyes, tightening his grip on the black leash restraining Toasty while he unfolded his walking stick. With a few taps on the ground, Capella let out a sigh.
"If you find my bones in one of the closet where they keep cleaning supplies, I just want to let you know that I told you so." The boy droned as he made his way down one of the random hallways that connected to the front lobby.

Even with the terrible feeling he was getting traversing the squeaky clean hallways, at least Capella wasn't as bored as he was before...although he does wish he could have brought something to listen to. Most of the rooms lining the hallway were closed from what he could tell; well all except for one, which he assumed was empty because said door was open.
"Let's go in here, maybe we could find a tv to listen to or something." He whispered to his furry companion, who complied eagerly despite someone being in the room. As the two entered said room, Toasty bounded off to said woman energetically, leaving Capella to grip his walking stick curiously. "Toasty? Where did you go? ...H-Hello?" The blonde frowned, looking to and fro with a curious expression.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 3 days ago


Club Aether -> Home

Thomas didn't even have to call the police. Someone apparently already did. Officers soon flooded the club and arrested everybody who they thought were the one participating in the fight. Thomas, of course, was far from the fight scene, and the fact that he could not stand was enough to convince the police he was just an average clubgoer. So he was luckily spared. The one who was present in the fight but did not throw any punches, and pretty much Thomas's feet was taken in, in handcuffs, regardless of what she was actually doing. Thomas knew the police would simply be trying to end the fight, so taking in everybody would simply be a procedural thing to do.

But it turned out to be a lot worse than that...

The Solaris PhD candidate left the club soon after, and drove his way down to the police station, an hour after her arrest. To his surprise, and frustration, Jeanie was not at all out and freed. Guess what? The SCPD didn't give a damn about what she did. They just completely ignored everything Thomas tried to say, sloppily and incompetently stated they would spend the night contemplating for what they did. So Jeanie was taken into jail to reflect on the action that were obviously righteous and should be done at that moment. How appropriate. The irony in this is that what kind of person tells people to use their brain more than fists, but then proceeds to not put any thoughts at all into their job as a police officer, proceeds to arrest innocent people and refuses to listen to them.

After the debate that just ended up with the police not listening to either parties, Thomas simply swallowed this ridiculousness and returned home, accepting that he would be spending the night by himself. Great. It wasn't because he would be lonely for the night, but because he was in peril for not having anyone to help him. His legs are dead. How could he bring himself into the bed now? Lucky for him, he didn't have classes or anything for the next two days, so he didn't have to worry about sleep deprivation. What he needed to worry right now, however, is to sleep.

He arrived back home late into the night, tired and frustrated. After his best, but failed, attempt trying to throw himself onto the bed, he decided to sleep on his working desk instead. Grabbing a pillow, he placed it onto the desk as he laid his cheek onto it. As surprising as it may sound, he had never once slept in this position. Simply because his time management was usually second-to-none, so as a result, things like all-nighters or cramming was never in his dictionary. But as great as it sounded, now he is struggling to bring himself to sleep. He did though. Eventually, after 1 hour. But a few hours after falling into unconsciousness, he was woken up. By the back pain he had for such a sleeping posture.

"Now that's just great."

Maybe he should change his posture somehow. Hopefully it'll help him through this night...
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Majoraa
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Majoraa yeh

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Reya Wyatt

Location: Sol Memorial Medical Center

@Tenma Tendo


"Ugh..." regaining her consciousness, Rei was about to sit up when she was asked to stay down. It took a while for her to figure out she was in an ambulence with three of her co-workers. "What happened? Last I remember before blacking out was a bar fight breaking out, a-and taking a bottle to the head for- Wait..." she facepalmed, the blood dripping from her head coating her hand, and pain shooting through her skull. "Where's Ryan?!"

"Last I saw, the SCPD took him to jail for god-knows-how-long." The female paramedic spoke up. "Ya know, it's fuckin' stupid how they didn't let people reason with them before shoving 'em into jail time!" One of the male paramedics groaned, before the other male started to have a conversation with him.

Reya sighed, staring up at the roof of the ambulence. "What am I gonna do, Felicity...?" She asked, turning to the ginger-haired paramedic. "Well first, you have to get your head fixed before all else, and make sure you didn't get any head trauma." Felicity explained, looking up to see they've arrived at the hopstal. "Here we are! Come on, let's get you checked in!" She exclamed, leading Reya to the front desk, who had to lean on her due to light-headedness from blood loss.

Soon enough, Rei was brought into one of the patient's rooms, a surgeon working on stitching up any bad gashes she had before wraping her head in bandages. "I suggest you take it easy, Ms. Wyatt. Take a day or two off." the surgeon suggested, before packing their equipment up and leaving the room. "You know I can't do that, yet you tell me otherwise..." Rei mumbled, taking a seat in one of the chairs. "I hope Rai's alrig-"

"Woof, Woof!!"

Reya was interupted when a little dog made it's way into her room, pawing at her legs in excitment. "Aww, hey boy!" She pet the dog's head, a dorkish grin on her face. She was always a sucker for pets. "Where'd you come from? I bet your owner's wondering where you ran off to!" looking up and over the entrance, she saw a young man at the door, possibly looking for the dog, who she figured out was named "Toasty". "Is that your owner, boy? Guess I should introduce myself huh?" Reya asked Toasty, before picking the dog up, and walking over to the boy.

"Hello! I'm Reya, and I believe this is your dog." She waved hello to him, before giving Toasty to the boy.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Pilatus
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Pilatus Delightfully Unrefined

Member Online

Joel Nicolosi

Joel wrapped his fingers restlessly on the table watching as events turned quickly from bad to worse. Should have just went back to the fucking house. He thought. This is exactly why I don’t go anywhere. The main exit wasn’t going to happen as the floor tore into what looked like a full blown riot of shouts, yelps and broken glass in the mob of humanity. His eyes scanned around, faces blurring in the quick survey of his vision. He hadn’t recognized Victoria in the crowd, but Sio picked her out without problem stirring up drama as usual. With the drinks paid for, he grabbed Sio by the hand again without a word moving quickly, much more serious in knowledge guided by experience of where the atmosphere in the club was headed and led her hastily towards a side exit he’d seen the two plain-clothes officers use to leave.

It was about that time the first police forces arrived and barged through the front entrance vigorously with whistles blowing and batons at the ready. He held on to Sio’s hand tightly not to lose her in the madness as he firmly moved people aside with the exit in sight. Others had the same idea and he saw the door swing open to sweet freedom as a few made it there before them. For some reason, The Empire Strikes Back came to mind and he felt like Han Solo escaping the rebel base on Hoth. Sio could be Princess Leia if she liked… or Chewie, either way. He was too focused on the prize to have time to even smirk at his own bizarre sense of humor, but as a muscle-bound security force that looked more like they belonged in the UFC than a security detail burst through like an avalanche he knew they were going to have to find another way out.

Turning and looking back the scene was pure chaos as the new contenders arrived. Screams, bellows of pain and sweat filled the Club. He thought he saw a tooth on the floor then watched as a man was tossed like a ragdoll several feet in the air crashing through a table that broke his fall. It was almost something to behold. The security seemed more interested in beating the shit out of everyone than restoring order. Then he saw it: A free swinging door with light on the other side. The Kitchen. He pulled Sio, hard and burst through the swinging door as it appeared one of the cook staff was in the process of locking it. Not stopping, he kept his eyes looking straight ahead and finding the code-required, red, EXIT sign amid the protests and curses of the staff, but Joel kept going as they were more interested in keeping anyone else from escaping. He leaned into the exit-door mid stride and they nearly fell out the other side into the back lot where the car was parked and waiting like the Millennium Falcon.

Joel let Sio’s hand go so she could dash to the passenger side. He looked back at the parking lot as more police vehicles rolled up along with more bruising security forces. When they jumped in the car, he immediately pushed the key into the ignition and started the fuel-pump sequence watching the lights come up as he worked to refasten Sio’s harness like they were in the middle of a Grand Prix. Everything in the engine compartment was still mostly warm from their short stay at Club Aether and he thumbed the ignition bringing the car back to life with a visceral howl and sharp pops of exhaust flame. Spotting an opening in front of an ambulance that no one was going to block, he secured his own belts quickly and dumped the clutch.

They were already sideways as the car swung on to the main drag of The Run with white smoke bellowing from the rear tires and the elemental scream of the Japanese-tuned V8. Almost in slow motion, Joel looked an SCPD patrolman dead in the eyes mid-drift as the officer turned in to the club too late to change course and give chase. In two gear changes and an exhaust scream that echoed off storefronts and buildings, they were out of sight. Shifting his eyes briefly over at Sio as he took the ramp back to the interstate, he exhaled letting some of his adrenalin dissipate. β€œI don’t think we’re goin’ back there for a while.” He said casually as if they had just left a bad restaurant.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ethan Aster

Location: Club Aether

Interaction: Bodyguards; Band mates; Leo @CaptainSully & Dustynn @MissCapnCrunch

Ethan unphased sat down on the couch provided as Giovanni handed him a cellphone. β€œWe'll be just outside monitoring the police scanner just like we've been doing all night, Mr. Aster. If you need anything let me know.”

Ethan nodded and smirked at Giovanni who had single handedly took the wind out of the insecure bag of hot air cutting lamb. Hey took the phone and nodded. β€œI thought that might come in handy for a great security team. I know that's how you knew they were coming and I appreciate it. We'll be fine in here. If you'd wait just outside in the hall for the car that would be fine.” Ethan inclined he head as the bodyguards filed out then turned to the owner of the bar. β€œThey're over zealous at times but it's their job. And I agree completely people are people no matter who pays their cheque. But it bothers me that someone as well informed as you claim to be accused my associates and I of calling the cops. If you were actually doing your job, rather than using this time to seduce this ravishing young lady”

Ethan flashed Dustynn a sexy grin. β€œwho is too good for you by far.” He dropped the grin to a smirk. β€œThen you would have seen on the CCTV footage that none of us actually made a phone call. Besides that you would have noticed the situation long before it escalated to the level it got to. Although getting a new manager that lets you know that there is a problem or at least acts like he has a brain in his head might be a wise decision. Thank you for the offer of hospitality but when it comes with thinly veiled threats I prefer not to indulge. Watching bungled seductions and obvious displays of objectification to women curdle my stomach.”

There was a knock at the door and Giovanni popped in nodding at Ethan who nodded back. Ethan rose and smiled winningly at Dustynn. β€œIf you come to your senses love and are free give me a ring.” Ethan handed her a card with his number on it then headed out the door.

They made it to the car relatively easily. Once in the car Ethan made his phone call. Giovanni supplied full names for the girls. β€œNikki. I need the barracuda. No not us.” A pause like the phone was handed over. β€œVictoria Romus and Marinalia Olympus I think. Bar fight. Possible charges. Arrest. CCTV footage. Newspaper. Yes suppress everything. Yes I understand.”
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Tenma Tendo
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Tenma Tendo Thunder Pillar in Training

Member Seen 1 yr ago

(⠉⠁⠏⠑⠇⠇⠁ β ­β Šβ β ›)

location: SMMC
tag(s): Reya @Majoras End
mention(s): none

What part of 'Seeing Eye Dog' did Toasty not understand? Leaving his best friend behind to fend for himself in an unknown environment...talk about being flaky. Capella wanted to scream blasphemy, but he assumed that it must have been something that caught the pupper's interest in and he couldn't help but run after it. As he was about to ask Toasty to come back over, the blonde was startled when a woman's voice came from inside the room. Wait, that was coming inside the room right? Maybe it was just in the hallways or something.

In order to test this theory, Capella moved himself further in the previously assumed empty room only to arch his brows when he could hear the same woman cooing at his little companion. If he focused hard enough, he could see a figure approaching him from the right.
"O-Oh, sorry about that! He usually isn't like this." Capella lied straight thought his teeth, unintentionally ignoring the wave before reaching out for a Toasty's leash, only to accidentally brush his fingers through the dog's fur. "Ah, you can put him down, just the leash, please." The boy smiled before finally introducing himself. "I'm Capella. Just moved to Sol City. Sorry for interrupting whatever you were doing..." He trailed of as a thought came to mind.

This woman, Reya, was a patient at this hospital, right? If that was case then she could give him all the dirt he needed to prove to his mother that this place was not safe! Genius Capella, genius!
"Sorry if this seems kinda...random I guess? But what do you think about this place? Sol City would be nice to know about, but this hospital in particular?" He asked with a tilted head and curious expression. His reflective gaze wasn't staring directly at her, but it was close enough.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rodiak
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Rodiak π”ͺ𝔦 π”ͺπ”žΓ±π”žπ”«π”ž, π”ͺ𝔦 π”₯𝔬𝔢, π”ͺ𝔦 π”žπ”Άπ”’π”―

Member Seen 1 day ago

ᴀᴏᴋΙͺ ʀᴇʏɴᴀ sα΄€Ι΄α΄…sᴛʀâᴍ

Location - Old Harbour, Aoki's apartment

Mentions -
Interactions - @King Tai

Aoki had spent most of the ride telling the pretty lady about her cats and how much she missed them. She even tried to show her some of the pictures she had on her phone, but she couldn't really find the gallery until the pretty lady helped. She had three albums, and each was dedicated to the three cats she had. She had a bonus one, where she had various pictures of them all together or playing. At some point, she had started crying again while singing "Can't hug every cat," in which the driver begged Xia to make Aoki stop her crying and singing. To the taxi driver's relief, they made it to Aoki's apartment building just fifteen minutes later.

"Up... upstairs." Aoki sniffed as she slowly climbed up the metallic stairs of an old brick building. Aoki fumbled with the keys for a bit until she found the one with a laugh and unlocked the door. "Come in, pretty lady!" She let the woman in first then closed the door behind her as Aoki came in. "P-Please take off your shoes!" She said and did so as a ball of white fur meowed her way to them. Sakura, the white-furred cat, ran to Aoki and didn't stop until she scooped the cat up and gave the kitten kisses. The apartment had concrete like floors and walls, except for the brick one. Ceilings were high, and there was a loft right over the kitchen and entrance of the place. Large windows covered most of the right-hand side wall where about twenty canvases leaning against the windows. The windows over looked the sea and the harbor, the lights coming from the window almost illuminated the apartment when the lights were off.

Aoki had started to sober up, just a little tiny bit, but she was still stumbling around her apartment. Two more cats joined the downstairs and began to rub against Aoki's ankles as she carried Sakura to the livingroom. She almost tripped when her foot caught the carpet but she quickly regained her balance. It was almost as if she was a natural at catching herself just before falling, must have been the years of dancing.

"Y-you can take the bed." Aoki would rather sleep on the couch with her cats and the warm blanket she kept over one of the smaller chairs. She sat down with Sakura still in her arms and closed her eyes. Oh, how her feet hurt and her head spun from just five beers. She should have really stuck to three as she had planned to. That had been enough to make the club enjoyable. "G'night," Aoki said, but the pretty lady hadn't heard. Sakura, Luci, and SΓΆtnos then turned to the stranger in their home and began to sniff her. Luci, the black cat, quickly warmed up to Xia and began to rub herself against her ankles while SΓΆtnos lost interest and went to lie down next to Aoki's sleeping form.

Sakura and Luci decided to sleep on top of the stranger that night.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Almalthia
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Almalthia Friendly neighborhood redhead

Member Seen 3 days ago


Location: Club Aether

Interaction: Joel @Pilatus

Siobhan watched as Joel drummed his fingers on the table. Ratta tat. Ratta tat. Ratta tat. Looking around she thought. This is why I don't go out that often. Netflix and chill is normally my night. I'd look around for Lemony Snicket but this series of unfortunate events was caused by rabid fangirls taking an instant dislike to the female version of Count Olaf. Can't blame them. Boy I wish Paige had stuck around to see this. I can almost hear her maniacal laughter. I suppose we'll be here all night.

Joel grabbed her hand and Siobhan’s eyes cut to his face. He looked determined look on his face. She almost giggled at the fact that he looked a lot like Han Solo about to drag Princess Leia out of the Hoth base. Then he did just that. He went for a side exit that he'd apparently seen. Keeping a tight hold on her he moved people aside. Somebody rolled a nat 20 on their Perception check. And now I do feel like Leia getting dragged out of Hoth.

Just before they reached the door a bunch of gorillas burst into the room and people started to go flying. Shit!! Where's the ghost of Dian Fossey when you need her?!? Shit they're making it worse!!! Siobhan dodged out of the way of a broken table that some poor guy was tossed like a ragdoll into. She ooffed as Joel pulled her hard enough that she almost tripped. Catching her balance quickly and thanking Paige mentally for the push to take some Karate classes after learning a bit of the Genny story.

Siobhan was to busy keeping up with Joel to realize that they were home free till he almost fell out into the alley way. She planted her feet to keep their balance and he regained his and let go of her hand. She had never been so glad to see a car. She dashed to it and thought. I bet this is how Leia felt when she saw the Falcon. She had enough presence of mind not to slam the car door shut and jumped a little as Joel reached over to buckle her in. She could swear that he had four hands that were all moving at light speed as he got her buckled up. She was going to tell him she could get it but they were in a hurry and if he wanted to fasten her belt each time so be it. No complaints from this corner. I'm torn about the hand holding. I'm not a baby but at the same time I like that he's being protective or physically getting my attention. The rumble of the car as it came back on drifted through Siobhan and she was keyed up enough to lean her head and moan.

They were already sideways as the car swung on to the main drag of The Run with white smoke billowing from the rear tires and the elemental scream of the Japanese-tuned V8. Almost in slow motion, Joel looked an SCPD patrolman dead in the eyes mid-drift as the officer turned in to the club too late to change course and give chase. In two gear changes and an exhaust scream that echoed off storefronts and buildings, they were out of sight.

β€œI don’t think we’re goin’ back there for a while.” He said as if they had just left a bad restaurant. Siobhan laughed as they took the long way to Joel's place. She checked her phone and cracked up at Paige's snap shot of Victoria in cuffs being taken away. She responded quickly. <Priceless.>

Joel parked the car in the garage. She unbuckled and reached over to unbuckle him as well. β€œSo I don't know β€˜bout you but I need a beer or few and a movie or something to chill. You have Netflix right? I'd say Star Wars but I think I just relived the escape from Hoth. I know how Leia felt in that scene.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Monday Moanday

Monday All Day . Free Phase . Please be clear in post / Header what your time and location is . Cloudly . Temps Dropping . Signs of a Storm Brewing

"Why do i have to go to work again? ... My Sister, 2018

Its Monday again :(

That's right, it's Monday, don't all look excited at once. seriously.. anyone? someone must have switched you all to decaf.

So this skip is a chance to explore abit more day to day life of our characters, It can be nay time morning till late on Monday and just please make sure to be clear where and what time you are in. As said, this skip is about work, maybe abit more of your day to day life. It can be your day off, lunch from work, work, or whatever you want it to be. Super exact times are not needed, "Monday Late Morning" for example, would suffice.

It's an ideal skip to expand on other areas of characters, maybe meet someone new or someone you know.

So, have fun.. I know... but Monday may not be so bad, you just have to get out of your duvets, brew your morning brew, and see what the day brings... yes. im looking at you 12 snoozes later. you're gonna be late.


SOL source of News since 1895

Metal Turns Twisted at Local Nightclub

Police were called to a popular night club on the Westside late Friday night in response to a fight that had grown into a full scale brawl by the time the first SCPD units arrived. Witnesses at Club Aether stated the battle began as a dispute between women on the Club floor that quickly escalated into violence. Many witnesses also reported the Club’s own security to have been part of the fray as participants rather than peacekeepers resulting in injuries to agitators and innocent club-goers alike. SCPD made several arrests on the scene including Club Security until the situation was brought under safe control.

Though generally regarded as a fun and safe place for weekend revelers, the additional violent actions of the private security force on Friday night did not escape the notice of the Mayor’s Office or the District Attorney. β€œWe have seen the CCTV footage from several angles that was confiscated by SCPD,” A spokesperson for City Hall told Star Messenger. β€œThough The Run has long boasted a very safe record, we do not want the citizens of Sol City to be concerned that they may be only a hair-trigger away from violence whether it be from rabble-rousers or an unsanctioned, private security force.”

The District Attorney’s Office released a statement in conjunction with the Mayor questioning the need for unregulated security forces in the City in light of the recent successes against crime within Sol by the Mayor’s special taskforce. The DA also stated his office would be continuing to carefully review the footage of the brawl and bring charges against those that were responsible for instigating the violence and those who willfully participated.


Sirens return home! A special interview by Rita!

Dear Sol Spills Readers,
Rita here lovelies and boy do I have a story for you!!! I have an exclusive interview with The Sirens!!! Can you believe the luck? And I'm passing it on to you!!! So without further adieu...the interview.

Rita: What brought you back to Sol City?

Ethan: We decided to go back because most of us miss our old stomping grounds.

Rita: Tobias you're not from Sol originally, so what was your reason?

Tobias: I'm not native but where I grew up in Detroit…let's just say Sol was a better option. Don't get me wrong I'm all about where I came from but most of the time if you had a shot to get out you were encouraged to take it. My family was a driving factor for me. We got them out and that got my kid brother out of a lot of trouble.

Rita: So you mentioned old stomping grounds. What would you consider those?

Paul: Well The Coffee Pot was where most of us got our first jobs. Had our first dates and pretty much hung out while in high school. So I'm partial to that joint.
Drew: Yeah we had some awesome times there. I'd have to say Nova Wave Arcade. They had the best DDR machine ever. I was wondering if anyone beat my record. I'm still in the top three. We'll have to fix that.
Ethan: Mine is really the whole city. I can't pick just one place I spent more time at.
Paul: You spent your time on the run on that beast you call a bike. You'd challenge anybody that brought a girl out with them just to impress her.
Ethan: Maybe a little...okay fine. But I almost always won.

Rita: So how did you get the idea for the band?

Drew: Well we were all in Julliard and taking different classes and kept finding ourselves in the same circles. We got to talking and the three of us had the same goal. Start a band. We held auditions and we found Tobias.
Ethan: We were very selective.
Paul: You were selective.
Ethan: Tobias was the only one who could keep up.
Drew, Tobias and Paul: True.

Rita: So you write your own music?

All Four: Of course.

Rita: This last album was even more of a success than the last four. How do you keep doing it?

Tobias: We eat, sleep and breathe our craft. We collaborate on everything. From the beat, vocals, melody, harmonies, counter melody; literally everything. Everyone has input and we work it all in.

Rita: How do you feel about being international rock stars?

Ethan: Overseas is fantastic. I remember when we first hit it big. We had to give out a false schedule going from Berlin to Johannesburg just to get there. We'd get swarmed. But that comes with the territory of having been compared with bands like The Beatles in numbers of fans. That still blows my mind.

Rita: Is there a special someone in your life?

Ethan: No comment.

Rita: Well that's rather abruptly put. But on ward. What are your plans going forward?

Drew: We plan on taking it easy. Writing and reintroducing ourselves to Sol City.

So sorry readers about not being able to get a crack at their personal lives. Till next time!!!


Reports of a Zombie confirmed as false

Reports of the undead rising where later proved to false after a man was seen slowly shuffling and muttering in unintelligible words were merely a man who ran out of coffee. This even sparked a few residents to barricade themselves in and prepare to fight the undead with a cricket bat, a spatula with nails and a musket loaded with marbles.

Reaching out to the group, we later discovered the group in question had been up all weekend watching a horror marathon and only had three hours sleep. Speaking to Shaun, a salesman at a local appliance store. "Yeah, well we barricaded ourselves in the Winchester, you know, get a pint and let it blow over. It's abit silly but hey, we can laugh about it, Poor man just needed a caffeine fix."

Umbrella Corp have stressed despite their record for "industrial accidents" that "No, we had nothing to do with the claims of a Zombie, and our work in Sol City is solely administration and non-lab reseach based."


Eastern Exhibition of jewallry and treasures a huge success at Sol City Museum

Sol City Museum is currently hosting a large collection of jewels, jewelry and treasures from the East including Indian, Persian era and art works of precious metals and gems. Highlights include rare loaned items from the former Crown Jewels of Persia, International museums and private collections.

Drawn from a wide range of sources, a museum spokesperson stated: "We have had a great amount of visitors, and are currently seeing a 34% rise in foot traffic, the exhibition has been a soaring success in the city cultural calander."

Open for 5 more weeks, take a chance to see a once in a life time collection of the finest metal crafts from around the globe. Other city highlights include the old favorite, Dino Sol and old Europeen masters exhibition.



SOL CITY is cloudy, and temperatures are dropping at a steady rate. Dressing warmly is advised and currently conditions are cool, cloudy and stable. Weather is expected to remain so for the majority of the day. Some risk of light rain around midnight.

Residents are advised to keep basics in stock due to risks of sudden changes potentially happening and risk of more extreme weather events. For a more detailed and up to date report on the go, download our app, SOL CITY WEATHER 24/7 on most popular app stores.

@HachiRoku@Rabidporcupine@Almalthia@RawrEspada4@Majoras End@Saarebas@Zaxter996@RoccanIronclad@Cairo@Conscripts@Pilatus@BuriedComic7@Alex_The_Great@LetMeDoStuff@Silver Fox@MissCapnCrunch@CaptainSully@FloriCello@LostBrotherGrimm@Tenma Tendo@Rodiak
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Romus Sisters

Victoria Darya Romus "Vika"
Marinalia Romus Olympus "Mali"

mixed locations . Friday night to Monday morning . Victoria at Coffee Pot Monday morning . Marinalia at the Luna Sports Centre Monday late morning

Marinalia sighed as she woke up in the drunk tank after a long night on a crappy mattress, this definitely was not her idea of a weekend. Victoria was looking a little more worse for wear but her body was not quite as robust as hers and she definitely was going to be having a few moans and groans on her way back. Marlin was starving, they definitely where going to go by the fish and chip shop. She had managed to send a single message to their family ronarrange a lawyer as a matter of course so she excepted to be out by lunch. They had not charged anyone yet, so by her thinking they had to let her go if they where not charging them. The lawyer should confirm if that was true or not.

When Victoria woke, it was early morning and sun was shining and she felt pretty much starving, and a little shakey. She was more steady, but definitely was not going to be a good day for her balence. Sighing and playing with her long raven black hair idely... How had a few drinks ended up in this shit. Trouble seemed to a constant companion to the Romus Sisters. The remaining others where mostly quiet, or still asleep. The police had said they could go on Saturday but no conformation when.

Around 7 to 8am the sisters there lawyer was walking down the cell block, with a smart hand made suit and briefcase, he was from a excellent law firm who had been called by a rather tired sounding brittish client. Of course they had money, and they did not judge espechily when his exhorbinate weekend rate was being paid. Ensuring there early exit was easy for the experienced man. The other duty lawyer that day, a rather sharp woman with a eye for armani business suits had been been busy was a another firday night case, so he drew the sisters.

Miss Romus Olympus, Lady Romus. Mr William Jackson at your service.

I am working on behalf of your family, from Daniel Jackson and sons. we have transport waiting to return you home, and your immediate release has been arranged.

Please follow me. Officer, please release my clients, and return anything taken from them on arivial.

Getting a curt nod from a cop who gave a this is too early for this crap look, and fumbling abit before opening the door, Marinalia putting a arm round her sisters shoulder taking her weight till she found her balence again. Victoria tried to downplay and take no notice he used her full formal title, and merely pretended like it was entirely normal, hoping that it would be ignored as some silly thing you forget about.

Thankyou, im afraid I cannot recommend the acomodations. Nore the breakfast menu.

Reacting a cool British accent, not wanting to give much away in front of police or others, and followed as he lead them out with a curt glance to the side at others still waiting for them to be released from. There tempary detetion. She leant on Marlin somewhat and made the short walk out of the Police station to there wiaitng car. She kept up the icey and slightly distant demeanor until they made it to the car.

Thanks, come on Vika, I wonder if Frying nemo is open. Could eat a full sized bear.

Afraid not miss Olympus. However I recommend light lane, Swarma Palace is excellent. I use them often my self, and they will be open by time you get there.

As a lawyer, he worked strange hours and had earned a good knowledge of where was and was not open, taking charge and ensuring there possessions returned, checking each list down to the last item and signing on behalf of the two women, ensuring everything was in order. They seemed more polite than some of his other clients, and there reletives did not even blink at his fees, was not his job to judge, just do the best by a client, or clients in this case.

Your car will take you to a fast food place of your choice and home, I already have pain killers and bottled water waiting. This far from my first case of this nature.

If anyone contacts you, please call my office imediately, and we shall handle any issues on your behalf. Me or one of our staff will ensure you are represented properly.

Thanking him before he left properly , they definitely where glad they had there family, sure they could be a pain at times, but they just had to be calm, careful, and patiant. They would see them good, they just had to be willing to take a little rough until things smoothed out. Sometimes they just had to be patiant.

Climbing into a rather expensive Porsche sat outside the police station, he helped Victoria into the blacked out luxury car Audi 5 door executive saloon, that whisked them away calmly from the police station and towards light lane and then back to a Hesphestus Manor, the car gliding quietly up to the tall front iron gates, each one forged and manufactured in England from highly durable and corsison resistant marine grade steel used in warships in the second world war.

Helping them out, and making sure they made it inside, the driver messaged to confirm they had been safely dropped off and began to make his way back to office. They did not have anything booked until lunchtime and it was barely 9am..



They had made it home, quite a few hours later that first planned and a uncomfortable night aside, they where back and relaxed as the two women crossed the large iron gates and into the large 3 story glass roofed lobby and made way slowly up the stairs to the bedrooms on 3rd floor to change into somthing more comfortable. Victoria sent a quick message to confirm she was home safe and kicked off her heals as she soon changed, digging out a pair of well worn comfy ugg boots from her wardrobe. She had some info to pass onto cardinal but that could wait till Victoria had food in her stomach.

Marinalia headed in and slid her little black dress and boots, before finding some comfortable leggings, hoody she stole from a past boyfriend a year or so before and her battered but extremly comfortable pair of trainers that never left the house. Heading to the balcony just off the sisters bedroom suites, it had a seating area but they just grabbed some cushions, a blanket, and had a floor picnic outside. Swarma Palace deserved its name for the meal and they soon where demolishing a rather unhealthy but much needed meal.

ever think we have a quiet night for once?

Much as I should hate Ethen... I want to know more. I already know the greese song little miss mechanic.

Her icey mask she had at the police station dropped, and the more relaxed Victoria was leant back against a window, with a large cushion from the sofa at her back. Running a brush through her long raven hair lazily neatening it up. Victoria lazily watched the trees sway, quietly thinking about things and what she would tell Cardinal. He definitely might have some idea maybe, little miss wild West was not a normal cop that was for sure.

Nope... Marla and Maria to. Family curse? And your blood related, so welcome to club!

He was cute... Just be careful, I know what your like. Your whole milady side... You always where more Morgana than Mulan.

Hey! No fair, I never brought up Cole.. Oh wait Nicholas or is Cole again...

It was true the families women seemed to like moths to the flame of trouble and they all had there fair share of bad relationships, dramatics and doomed romances. Victoria had a dark side, Marinalia knew rather well, long as she was careful, he was abit of a show off, but maybe it contrast nicely with the more low key Victoria. Nicolas. Well Cole, or was it Nicolas again, her old friend and they had been on, off a few times. Still friends though, he definitely was a more grey influence on her sisters and suspected he was behind her choice of career change.

Curse... Nare, we just lead more intresting lives than most people. Maria and Marla had some good stories though.

Of course. This city is a snake pit. I'm a dark lady, more fun!

He,s a friend... It never would have worked out long term... I did not want to lose him. We just close friends. Meanwhile you and Morgan, where abit... Active you say...

Victoria shrugged, and laughed slightly. Marla had some escapades before she met Milo and settled down. Maria had a few moments that definitely ranked up as intresting. She would be careful, he was easy to check up on being famous. If he was a bad egg, she would get a good idea off the Internet. They remained friends though, and Cardinal was a great sounding board, though lovers, thr last time had more been a because they could, and both single at time. Morgan was Marinalias ex, a engineer and part time inventer among other things, after a shakey start they had a rather passionate relationship for a while.

The conversation meandered on and they enjoyed there rather fast food breakfast on balcony, coffee and the pain killers from earlier helped. It definitely would be a lazy Saturday though.



Typing away, Victoria relaxed in thr conservetory that afternoon with a laptop as she wanted for a response from her ping. He normaly was fairly prompt as lines of codes and security protocols cycled by.

Marlin had a point... But they where friends, relationships between them had been very intense, but somewhat risked burning out quickly.


<Milady>Hi C . Sorry little late, had a pesky run in with the cops last night . Bitchy trollops . Never a quiet night

<Cardinal>Hey V . Your a trouble magnet . Again . Sounds like Moscow . Not with a Romus . Someone got a big hacker . The vines are panicked

<Milady>wait . I saw cops at bar . The wild west cops . Link me . Strange stuff . That cop was not normal . I swear there's somthing strange going on

<Cardinal>Link . Sent . CT was taunting . Went quiet . Vines jumpy . He was careful . Not sure who went down . Your instincts where always good

<Milady>Woah . CT . Reputation for being a joker . Somthing definitely up . Threat maps . Big fish caught . Glad I'm grey

<Cardinal>yep . Keep your side lines quiet . Not time to show boat . They may be fishing . Don't risk hooks

<Milady>aye . We should find out who later . CT was on run though . Maybe . Maybe not . Paranoia not worst idea . See you later . Gotta go call dad . Be careful C . Your a good friend.

<Cardinal>yep . Everyone skittish . Info is unconfirmed . That's gonna be a fun call . You too . Lady de winter . Always matched your eyes . Thanks V . Slow and quiet is found last


Victoria closed down the programme as right on time a bing and beep bop from Skype. Her dad was a a little bit upset but also glad she had got out un hurt. Win, survive, honour was not a point. Playing fair was not. Surviving was. Sighing at the account, why could his daughters not have a quiet night and just break a heal or somthing. They always seemed to end up in major drama.

Not that her mother had been entirely quiet and a good little housewife, but Victoria definitely had a talent for trouble, causing it. Finding it, or watching it. She always found it. No wonder he had grey hairs.

The rest of Saturday was quiet and they remained at home, things where calm and quiet, the night in jail has not helped her quite entirely so was laying back on her bed reading a book, her written Russian was a a little shoddy, so she was practicing abit, it never had been her fortay. Spoken languages where alot easier for her.



Marlinalia after the breakfast left Victoria to her own thing, they saw some on the fight but some names where not mentioned and it seemed nothing major was coming of it. The weather had warmed a a little, well she had been in Alaska, ernough for that lm early afternoon to grab a few rays of sunshine in the peake of the day. It was unseasonal warm... There had to be a catch.

Sat in the garden it was warm, and quiet, peaceful, given the cold winters, it was nice to be able to feel some sunlight on her skin, and the hoody made a handy pillow as she laid back and thought of what to do next. Private gardens had a few handy advantages like no one judging you for what you did.

Looking down at her stomach, the ever present scar from the mugging gone wrong, so what jagged from the kinfe path, it coat her one dream and found another. The doctors did there best, but she did not like the risks involved in having surgery. At least here no one else would see, lovers had, but she always wore a one peice at swimming, and favoured backless, it was a handy way to show some skin, and not have reveal her scar..

Remembering she had a card from the Art lady, and one she helped out thr club, that was a nice way of making sure someone remembered you she had to admit. But what to put... They probbly would be out abit later unless they hired a decent lawyer to handle it. No one wanted all the shit a decent lawyer could raise and make toeubke with. That was if they even got caught.

Wishing them well and sending a hope you sis not get caught in the detentions, and sending a message to the drunk woman that she hoped she for home safe, and not a overly bad hang over. She was extremely drunk and probbly would be seriously feeling it in the morning.

Rereadinf a few times before hitting send, never know, small things start with a small action, and you don't know where that action would take you.

The woman, the rather tall massage therapist, well she definitely was intresting, and never know, she might make a friend, and end up booking a massage too. The drunk girl was vulnerable, she needed a friend. Hopefully she got her safe before the cops came round. They did not deserve to be caught up in the mess.



Sunday breezed by and they both found themselves at the Lighthouse with a a old friend of their fathers and his two sons who happened to visiting Sol City at time. General Sergei Arkady always had far deeper reasons for whatever he did, the man was cunning and was a tricky charceter at times. However his sons where old friends, they had spent time together when they went to Moscow, a few fun nights out, a ball or so later, the two familes had links going back to when the general was a captain, and there father was a newly promoted ships first LT. The two had risen together, despite the odds.

A good catch up later and returning home a few hours a later than planned after they lost track of time, it was nice to catch up with family. Cousins, they kind of where in a strange sense, nothing was quite as it seemed in their family.

Victoria gave a rather low key nod as Sergi had a quick word about helping him keep a eye on events Sol side, and perhaps a little information that might help their father out. Of course there was a deeper reason, both men played dangerous games, as he discreetly slid her his card before and in return she wrote down a frequency and serris of codes that would allow him access to a secure radio frequency used by the ships so he could contact them. Returning them carefully, codes and security was one thing she definitely had a knack for... Though learned by breaking them.

if you know the system, then you know the answer. Tell dad I'm safe.

I'm glad to see your skills put to effective use. Of course. More than meets the eye Victoria. Quite.

Smiling politely, she had found a creative be but simple way when her work was a little quieter to code and uncode the radio net. The system that was favoured by a small group. espechily those with more legal but less moral sense of be cargo was quite handy, and only took a small software patch to work once you put in the correct code and frequency. Anyone else would find static and assume it was nothing. The Radio system had been helpful in helping to pay her medical and rehab bills. It was grey work, not illegal but not somthing you advertised.

Russia was a definitely a different world to America, as they hugged and wished the Akady's a safe flight home, it was nice to catch up after they had last met, old friends, and Victoria a ping told her that the balence of her Luxembourg account had grown a little more.

Helping her dad out was not all work, but the work did pay quite nicely and would help keep her life comfortable in a expensive city. Pulling back home, she crashed back into bed pretty fast, falling asleep watching the trees sway in the garden as the weather began to turn a little colder.



Marinalia smiled as the sun glinted off her sunglasses and the dawn rose over the horizon, the pale reds turning orange as the lesson progressed and dawn light glittered off a lake a few dozen miles outside Sol City boundaries. Her student was doing well and she only had to nudge them abit to check there instruments for navigation more often.

Her new job was going well as she found her nature easily slid into working with her students, if this kept up her first pass should be coming soon. Having a permanent contract was a strange feeling that she did not have to be off in a few months time. Sol city would end up the longest she had been one place for 9 years. Her career was doing alot better than her love life but that was not botging her too much. Seeing Joel and Sioban had not hurt anything as much as she thought, they seemed to have made a quick escape from the club, least she was not locked up being glared at by her. Small mercies.

Great, few things we can improve in but good progress.

So, take us round to.. 270 degrees, 5000 feet. See if you cannot get us back to old Sol before the eggs are reheated.

Keep this up, you be needing gold wings soon ernough

When they came into landing as the rotars began to spin down and she watched as they got the order almost right on the cool down, this one definitely had promise and a good learner. A quick breakfast later and headed back to the offices to sign off her paperwork.

Marlin, check your desk. someone left somthong for you. Seemed they left it at the cargo desk.

Thanks Angela. Think I know who! Yeah, think I told em... Maybe they not know where we are. Il make sure to get us some decent coffee on way home for tommrow!

ooh... Someone close eh. Coffee and chat tommorow lunch!

Perfect. Bjorn is great, his taste in coffee needs some work.

Finding a box, it was not signed but she knew pretty well who sent it for her, finding a Japanese stamp and writing on the label. Opening it up she could not help but to aww much to her work colligues teasing as she saw a the Tokyo Pikachu which definitely was cute! She could have bought one but it did not feel... Hers. She wanted one that was from, that had been given. Growing up wealthy meant she could have many things. The ones she had valued where gifts, however small like her small silver necklace, her grandmother's ring and necklace that was locked in a very secure safe back home.

Next she found some sweets, and yep... She definitely was happy. Her sweet tooth was well known to anyone who got to know her and hmearther happily ignored the jokes as she enjoyed a sweet, filling out the lesson forms with a plush Pikachu sat on her desk. Serious at times, but she did have a rather soft side too.


Leaving the office, she had a early start having to be in the air before dawn, and doing a night to light flight, they still had to do some more night flights, but that student at least was close.

Climbing into her landrover discovery, she had Pikachu sat in the centre console and began to make a steady cruise to the Luna sports, she had rest of the day off and after all the weekend a swim might clear her head. Her kit was in thr bag and forcing abit aggressively through the normal rush hour, there was no other way to make progress in the centre point area.

Makingnit to Luna Sports, she had a her office uniform, and pulled her flight jacket tight to keep warm as it wmwas still abit cool. Making it in and flashing her card. Oh... Oh... Changing she had forgotten entirely her ring was still on engagement side, after the night when she did not want to attract jerks so intensely. Damn... No wonder work had raised a fee eyebrows!

With a quick swap of her ring and changing into a sleak black one peice, her scar always made her self concous for some reason, and kept it hidden. She still had a excellent figure though, swimming helped that alot. Diving in for a few KM while she worked off her stress.



Victorias day had begun early. She had the day off as medical appointments in morning and the blood testing tended to her leave her feeling abit drained. The appointments and follow ups for her treatment could not be missed though, and she normaly only worked half days on Mondays anyway. Work could do without her for one day.

Leaving hospital in the red mini convertible, white stripes and though the top was firmly up and the heater on. She was dressed in a warm mid lengh dark red coat, her warm and extremly comfortable broken in dark coloured Ugg Boots teamed with jeans. Taking a little more risk with her top, a red and dark purple closely fitted top slightly corseted as it fitted her slender frame alot better than some of the other styles. The look was abit daring for her, and definitely not in her old comfort zone but it suited her now, and her slight build meant the other fashion trends did not quite work. Plus her darker side seemed rather much to enjoy it.

Her friend back in England had teased her seeing the change, kept sending Bellatrix lestrange, Morgana, and quite a few other memes at her.

Feeling hungry, and needing a little boost, she soon spotted somewhere she remembered and parked up at the coffee pot. They had nice food last time and it was close. Why not. Heading in, she grabbed her bag and locked the car before heading in, and placed a order finding a quiet spot in the corner.

Ordering a hot chockate, and trying to explain a English breakfast to the American waitress and failing badly, s before electing for a pile of pancakes, maple syrup and a blueberry muffin. Both sisters had a sweet tooth, but Victoria was far less than Marlin whose idea of sweet was diabetes in a meal. Checking her phone she dropped a email confirming a delivery, and played a a little app game with Cardinal before tucking into a late breakfast as she had not felt like eating at 6.30am.

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@Almalthia@Rodiak@Pilatus@King Tai@Silver Fox@Zaxter996

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ashton Griffone || Park View || Monday Noon

Mention: Victoria @PrinceAlexus

It had been quite a long night. By that she spent most of it sort of passed out. When she woke up it was morning and her head all bandaged up. A few officers she recognized greeted her, scolded her, got some information before chatting a bit before she bid them farewell. Receiving the request to take it easy and stop either ending up here or the hospital. Though they did recommend she pay a visit to the hospital, the firefighter didn't end up going there. More or less, she felt fine and she didn't want to spend much more time in the hospital. Marine was waiting for her, and vigorously scolded and yelled at Ashton for once again, getting into trouble and sticking her nose into a dangerous situation.

Despite what happened, Ashton didn't regret her actions. She knew she would have done it again if she had another chance. It was a fact that constant proved itself as well, to the point where the hospital, the cops, and her fellow coworkers were getting used to it. This was perhaps... the third time in a month? Maybe.

Still, Ashton was going to continue her plans.

Over the weekend getting supplies, doing extra hangouts with a marlins to make up for the mishap before heading to Parkview Monday morning.

She'd be fine. Ashton did send some texts to Victoria, asking if she was alright and making sure the young woman was doing okay. Now it was noon and Ashton was wearing ripped blue jeans and a gray tank top. Showing some scars and the burns on her arms as she was in Park View on the one property that looked a bit more unruly compared to everywhere else in the area. Sweat dripped down her face as she slammed a hammer against a board of wood as she stood on top of a building. It was a bit smaller compared to most of the places in the area, perhaps big enough to have a kitchen, living room, a bathroom and two bedrooms. The structure was mostly built, still she had to work on the roof and porch.

The lawn was a bit overgrown, flowerbeds having some flowers, though they were being quite under attack by weeds. Whistling as she worked, Ashton focused on the job as she continued to hammer in nails.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 3 days ago


Home - Saturday

"Oh my God..."

That was probably the most horrible night he ever had. Not the most, but still unpleasant as his bottom was numbed from all those time spent sitting down on his chair. Not to mention he was still in the suit from yesterday, as getting himself changed was one nigh-impossible task once his legs are useless. It was during these times that he knew the full value of having Jeanie by his side. Disabled people usually try to be as normal as they could, saying how they were still as capable as a physically abled, but the real truth is that they still have to rely on some people in some aspects. Thomas knew that, so for those that he had to rely on Jeanie, he'd be more accepting.

"Hello. I'm home." Heard the sound of his life coming back to him. "Oh my goodness me." The woman immediately rushed for Thomas, noticing in the shape he was in.

A rather 'interesting' event to start the weekend...

Solaris Universatas - Monday

"Come in Thomas." The professor called as Thomas stood, or in his case sat, by the door, being the last student aboard his class. With the confirmation that he was allowed to come in, he pushed the joystick forward, thrusting him deep into the room, parking right at the end of the table.

"Alright. Doesn't look like you boys have been faring well with your assignments." Once Thomas settled in, the professor began to look over the sheets he had on his hand. "Brian, the probability is not 1/2. It's 2/3. Yeah, I know. You need to rethink that." He turned to one student, passing the paper to him. "And Rie, it's...just baffling." And then to him.

Once everybody was passed, he turned to Thomas. "Have you done it?"

"Oh, sorry professor..." He scoured through his bag for the paper. "Here."

He placed the paper on the table, and other students automatically passed it to the other end of the table.

"The final one's more complicated than I thought. I could only do nine."

The word left everybody in complete silence. The professor spent a moment looking over the paper he just gave him. It really is true. He finished nine out of the ten impeccable questions.

One student turned to Thomas, still baffled. "Nine?"

By the time everybody was leaving the room, the professor stopped the one latest out of the classroom. Who else...

"Thomas. I want to talk to you a little bit." He said. "No no, you're not in trouble. It's just something I want to discuss."

"Sure professor. What is it?"

"If you don't mind, we can discuss it while we have our breakfast. A late breakfast shall we?"

Coffee Pot - Monday

"Coffee Pot? You have a good taste professor." Said Thomas as he rolled down the street of Sol City, followed closely by a tall and nicely dressed man in a nice grey suit and tie.

"I know right? I'm surprised I did not find this place sooner than I should."

"But anyway, what is it that you want to talk about?"

"I figure you may have asked." The professor said. "Well, I read all the questions you did. And I saw something intriguing."

"About the solution?"

"No, about you." He replied. "You see, I've had my doubts and so on about your thesis subject. It is not really a safe one, as it falls greatly on the line of debates. But the great thing about walking on those lines is that one will never know whom on those lines would be the one making a great leap forward, and when."

'Leap forward...' In silence he thought.

"So I want to give an invitation. Soon, there will be a well-known professor from overseas coming to Solaris for a week's lecture about neuroscience. It is open for everyone, even outsiders, but only those invited would have a good seat for the presentation. Since it is for everyone, so I expect it to not be so complicated, but there will be interesting key points from his recent studies that you may want to use."

"Hmm..." Thomas was still rolling down the street, as he was in deep thoughts. The lecture is indeed for everyone, so it shouldn't be anything he expected, but if he did not attend, he may miss some of the important, and perhaps essential breakthrough points for his thesis. He should not be wasting any opportunity.

"I think that's a great idea. Thank you professor." He gladly gave a smile back.

"No problem. Ah, here we are." He replied, before modestly lend the way for Thomas to go in first.

The two men walked, one rolling, into the cafΓ©, taking a nearby seat, next to a window. While the wheelchair-bound student was trying to settle in, the other man walked to get their orders. "Eggs, bacon and sausages?" He briefly turned back to Thomas as the man in question gave a thumbs-up. Easy but tasty breakfast, coming up...

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