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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Roseletta


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Amaya Fell forward from hunter vaulting over her using her own arm, causing her to barly avoid the slash to the back. she quickly caught herself jumping back as one of the jade spears cut into her arm as ice formed over the cut as more formed on her skin. She Darted forward at him as her left hand formed into a ice covered blade as she sent a volley of close strikes at Hunter with her bladed arm.


[@Joshua Tamashi]

"Honestly, I never had a plan to see father again...It was best that way...As you know the exact reason at that time." Said Rose to Lucus running a hand through her raven black hair as she moved forward leading Lucus out the door heading down to the small cafe her father wished for her to meet him and Ryu.

In the cafe, Raiden was sitting next to his son in the back of the small cafe. He watched the window, bored of waiting but secretly hoping Rose was actually show up and not suddenly disappear like she did before. Ryu sighed messing with some Items in his bag from he looked up to see the waitress put his tea down in front of him.

"I Still can't believe she is actually alive. All this time, I figured you were just a nut case who couldn't let the past stay dead." Commented Ryu to the giant next to him before she took a sip of his tea.

"Well I am glad but angry of the whole situation of about everything"Said Raiden with his arms folded inside his long sleeves.
"I am sure she has a honorable reason, it can't be you have a raging temper of a rabid bull when ticked or the fact your size alone is ungodly let alone how you hold yourself above others."He commented back with his eyes closed knowing his Father was probably glaring through him.

"None of those are the Reasons I did what I did..."Said Rose hearing the end of the conversation as she sat down in front of them ordering herself some water.

"I'm surprised you didn't run off again to somehow die."Commented Raiden
"Let it go, you knew I was always unstable even when I was born. It doesn't help having been born with that cursed magic mother's family had in their blood."Said Rose
"I still could have helped.."He said unfolding his arms
"No one could have helped me or her...you tried many many years...you knew she got worse after having me."Said Rose
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alm Drake
Alm nodded and politely listened to Levi as he talked, occasionally readjusting her groceries, and just as Levi asked her a question, she would push open the back door to the hotel. "Freelance archaeologist is neat... Everyone in Iron Enigma is here, so, I suppose this is where I'm staying," her tone wasn't the nicest, but after saying this she'd turn towards Levi and offer him a smirk. "Don't worry, we don't bite without good reason. Besides, most of our teeth are missing right now," as she said this, the door would open to reveal a couple individuals hanging out in the kitchen, both of them either sporting casts or bandages in some way or another. "Some dickweeds came in and beat everyone up... Okay!" She would put her groceries down on a counter, and turn to Levi, smiling slightly. "Thanks for helping out, if you want I can go get that twenty-thousand jewels I promised you, or we can chat a bit more if you'd like. We don't have to start making dinner for another hour or so," Alm would say casually, relaxing against a counter. "I am curious as to what your magic is."

(This was all on the assumption 1 Jewel = 1 american cent)@Hatakekuro
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"It helps to have something to fight for. People don't think having those you can call family is important, but it is. It gives us strength, and enables us to reach for heights we never thought we could" Drew said "and the guilds in the games are nothing if not family. Their champions all seek to prove to their guild that they are the best, and that lets them reach beyond their usual strength. It tells us their limits aren't yet reached, but it makes me wonder if something goes wrong, how we can seek to contain the damage. Already there is tension between the guilds, old grievances and grudges unresolved come to light again, and there is nothing so terrifying as a guild master wanting to protect their members, except maybe a parent for their child"

"Dre-ew" Jessie said in a cheerful voice, yet somehow scolding, "you're getting philosophical again. Guilds are important, giving mages a place to find work, to live and create a community, and to train" she shrugged, "maybe it's just that magic is getting stronger again, that there has to be stronger mages. But then again, the games are to find the strongest guild so you gotta expect monster level mages" she gave her easy laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 1 hr ago


"Well neither of you are wrong, there is an important factor that you both are missing." Ferris took a sip from his glass of water, which was brought to them by a waiter. "It's a division of powers among the government. While the Magic Council has far reaching power, there isn't enough man power nor enough time for the government to deal with all of the individual problems throughout the country. That's where the guilds come in." Reaching his arms over to a table of a family that had just left, he grabbed a coloring page and a red colored pencil and placed it on their table. He flipped the sheet over to a blank side and had begun to draw a diagram on it.

"If the Council deals with national and international issues, then the guilds deal with everything at the local level." He drew the Council symbol, an Ankh, and wrote down the general responsibilities of the council. Next to it, he drew the Phoenix Wing, Dragon Fang, and Frenzy Plant guild marks bunched together. He continued to write as he spoke. "The Magic Council doesn't have the time to hunt down every single rogue mage, rampant monsters, and other needs of their citizens. The government wouldn't be able to function if they tried to fix every single problem so mage guilds fill in that void. You could argue that all mages should join the council to help maximize productivity, but there are those who would argue that a separation of powers keeps the government in check. Recent events would back that up, but those were extreme circumstances and some wound argue that it had an adverse effect due to all of the dark guilds running amok."

He twirled the colored pencil around his fingers before tapping it against the table. "Well, the point of the Games is more than just see the strongest that Fiore has to offer and perhaps even more than promoting magic or the reformed council. The council is assessing the top guilds and making their own observations of them. Who is a threat and who is an asset. It's important to think about the ones taking these job requests."


A nervous smiled spread along his face and he held his hands out with his palms facing her. He shook his head at her wanting to pay him for simply helping her; it didn't sit well to get paid to help someone out voluntarily. "I told you already, I don't want you to pay me. I'm just happy to help." Levi pulled a chair up and sat down on it, the wood creaked underneath his weight comprised of mostly muscle. He glanced to the men that were battered up by whoever came in to beat them up and wondered where the main members were to protect their guild mates. Well, it wasn't his business to ask. From what he knew it was the day off from the games so it was to be expected that the key members of the guild to be out and about in the Crocus. He smiled at the thought of being able to join a guild even if he couldn't join one. No one would be insane enough to let him in; they couldn't risk it.

Cold sweat had begun to run down his head at just the very mention of Alm's curiosity of his magic. He could just lie though that never would've sit well with him and besides, he wore his heart on his sleeve so it's not like lying would've been effective. "It's something that I didn't learn willingly...If I had to compare it to another magic, it's similar to the Ankhseram Black Magic in that it's a curse from the Gods." He held his hand out and black tendrils begun to sprout from his hand, wrigling around as if it was actually alive."I am the host of the Egg of Sin though you'd probably know it as the Harbinger's Curse." The tendrils soon subsided though while his magic felt weak initially, it was obvious that he was forcing a monstrous amount of power back; his veins were bulging against his body and twitching as he sweat even more.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hunter Jorgenson|Crocus City Park

Hunter smirked as Amaya recovered and countered and blocked her strikes, eventually spotting an opening and launching another Jade covered fist towards her gut and followed it up with a sweeping kick to buy himself some room. He took a moment to appraise himself and found he had a couple of burning cuts along each arm and grinned, thickening up his jade armor before launching a Jade Spear at her again, racing to the left and closing again with a Jade Claw attack followed up but a Crushing Talon.

James Hunt|Streets of Crocus

James hm's thoughtfully, then shakes his head. "Leather isn't quite as sturdy as you think. Let's try some light mail first." He leads the way over to an armorer and starts looking over the various types of chainmail with Cody.

Jack Goran|Laughing Dragon Hotel

Jack smiled and nodded. "I would be happy to."

Jane Addeson|Phoenix Wing Hotel

Jane didn't reply at first, but she was clearly debating on if she wanted to go shopping right then and there. "I suppose a bit of shopping can't hurt, and I will need a proper dress for a ball as big and important as this one is going to be. Fair warning, I don't wear anything lower than mid thigh." She gave Isabella a once over and smiled mischievously. "And I think I can get you to change your style at least for the evening."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn/Edo-Karn || Crocus || Streets


Edo-Karn examined the ship, giving a soft him and click of her tongue before climbing up the silken rope. Glancing back, she saw Ariel was gone and the blonde minorly scoffed a little. Watching Trinity for a moment before starting to fiddle with the door when the wizard gave up.

"Dunno." The blonde said in the usual calm monotone. Void of much of emotion. If any.

"They are all the same. Never changes. Never interesting other than what makes them work. When they react. When they get cut open and tampered."

"You better go find her. She isn't suppose to be off alone. And you probably know this place better then me." Edo-Karn said as she fiddled with the door, examining it closely. After a few moments, it clicked open, causing the blonde to give a minor grunt of approval.

"I can-" Karn switched and started to speak before his Edolan counterpart forced back control.

"Got it." she mused.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Krayzikk
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Krayzikk The Snark Knight

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Krayzikk>

Angel Ferrara - Putting Trap Knowledge to Use

"Shouldn't be too much longer," the forest-dweller said cheerfully from the front of the group.

As the closest thing to a surveyor that the makeshift squad had, he had taken point and agreed to help find the shortest route to the construction site they'd been hired to clear out. Now and then he would stop for just a second to pluck a fruit from a tree and take a hearty bite from it (save the pear tree they'd found early in the voyage, when they were all still getting accustomed to each other; Angel, calling it "really good luck" with wide-eyed naivety, had cut the sweetest looking pear in half and given the pieces to Kaia and Cyare) but otherwise they'd been making good time so far. He told Cyare as much with a bright smile on his face.

"Barring any weather changes or animal attacks, we should be right on top of 'em by around midday," he explained. "We might have to camp for the night, but we're in good terrain. We shouldn't be lacking for much if we need to take a layover before heading back to collect the bounty."

@Krayzikk, @Onarax, @HereComesTheSnow, @Silvan Haven, @Caasicam

Cyare Staunton: Tactfully Wanting To Get To Hitting Bad Guys

"Camping outdoors is nothing new. Though I would prefer a swift arrival to the targets." The Tactical Mage commented simply, though the faintest hints of a frown briefly crossed her features at the mention of weather changes. The trees provided ample protection from the sun, but they would not do so from, say, the rain. While she had options in her pack for dealing with wetter weather, rain and Cyare Staunton did not get along. It made armor maintenance a pain, her grip on her sword slicker, and had an unfortunate tendency to make her hair puff out. It was exceptionally difficult to be intimidating when one's epithet was "Pawn", and one's hair more closely resembled a bush. Snow was acceptable, though it was not the correct season so snow would in fact be indicative of some kind of Ice or Weather Mage, but it had a tendency to make the ground slick and her armor cold to the touch.

Animal attacks, however, were not a concern. Tooth and claw were no match for a blade, even without the additional enhancements of Pawn form. She did not wish for one, given that it would be further delay to their arrival, but it was something she was prepared for. She did not particularly mind the walk's monotony, either. In fact she would normally find it quite peaceful. Little cleared the mind like a walk through the outdoors, particularly an extended one that could raise the heart rate, and it was something she normally relished. Walking with others was something new. Not Rei, he was something she was accustomed to, but the rest were new elements. Not necessarily negative ones but certainly new variables to be assessed and adapted to. Some seemed to share her desire for a quiet walk, but others... Seemed to prefer otherwise.

Small talk was not a forte. This had not yet proven an issue, but she was prepared for the possibility. More problematically she was attempting to assess whether it was the appropriate point to indulge in her provisions. Cyare had packed sufficiently for a snack en route, both ways, as well as a decent meal in the event that an overnight stay was necessary. One that could be rationed into two smaller ones, if need be, though she generally intended to supplement it with what she could find in the surrounding regions. More to the point, she was inclined to proceed with the consumption of her outbound provisions. If they intended to arrive at midday, it was roughly the midpoint of their journey.

A satisfactory time, then. She didn't slow her pace while she reached into a pouch on her right hand side, withdrawing a small wrapped bundle (dried fruit, nuts, jerky, etc) and started in on its steady, measured consumption. Her canteen, filled with water, provided adequate hydration with a sip every quarter hour or so.

Thus far, all was proceeding as planned.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Onarax
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Onarax Sleepy

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hiwatari Rei: Big Text Hurts the Eyes

So. It's been a while. Quite the time skip to the story isn't it? Last we talked the kid and I were just roaming around in the city of Cronus and now we were on the road to pound the head in of bad guys. Not to mention she found quite the colorful group of characters. I mean, we'd gone from being a party of two to a group of six. Quite the change.

Seemed like the set up to a bad joke: A blind woman, a paladin, a knight, a trap, and two weirdos walk into a bar.

But I digress.

I hadn't honestly been following the group too closely. Worst case scenario I could catch up and it's how Cyare and I operated normally. She liked quiet spaces I liked talking to myself and explore the great outdoors.

Well that and the opportunity to lounge around in trees. Which is what I was currently doing after having put some distance between me and the rest of the group. We'd let the trap lead and point out the route, I just ran off ahead for a bit to recline. After all if you're familiar with the story of the tortoise and the hare, you know the rest will eventually catch up. All I had to do was lounge around in this tree for a while. Honestly I'm well aware that I should probably be bonding with the new companions and all that, but really the kid had been plenty.

Make no mistake, talkative as I might be, I've never been a big fan of anything longer than a few hours with the same person. The kid was an odd exception mostly cause it was rather amusing to watch parade around with that justice shtick. Plus she could hold her own in a fight.

Still she trusted the new recruits, it'd be rude of me not to. Even if I've had yet to truly grow accustomed to them.

Speaking of, seemed the turtles had finally caught up, and with a spin I swung my body out of the covering of leaves. I didn't depart the tree all the way tho, much more fun to startle the others as I hung upside down from a branch.

"Kept ya' waiting huh." I said with a smirk to the trap now positioned in front of me, "How many times did the kid ask if we were there yet? I know she's the rather talkative sort."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Joakim Fortinbras – Belka Schoolhouse


Evgeny nodded in reply to Riona’s question. “Without any real businesses to provide goods and few traders from surrounding areas, we have to make do with whatever we make ourselves here. It’s not impossible to get supplies. Charcoal from fires works well enough for our purposes.” He put his hands together, fingers arrayed like a tent, and listened to Ike next. In his mentioning of the killer, Evgeny had not exactly intended to dwell on the unpleasant subject, but though he wondered why the white-haired man would take an interest in such things he opted to answer him. “No, violence is very rare here. All crime, in fact. In a place like this, everyone knows everyone else, and any secrets are soon laid bare. Besides, the killer is dead. He came to this town seeking refuge, accepted our hospitality, and repaid it with death. His madness claimed five souls, though we managed to save the sixth, and for his appalling evil he was hanged by the neck until dead.”

The air of an intense storyteller, having come over the noble schoolteacher stealthily, departed abruptly. He gave a shrug and tied off the tale with, “But the world is sometimes full of cruelty. Why do you ask…and why do you think this has anything to do with poor Willard? Poor boy died in a fire.” His black, round spectacles seemed oddly like beady crow’s eyes, staring straight into Ike’s.

Harper Saxum – Belka Outskirts


”I think so too. Stand back, ladies. This calls for a little Shinobi skill.” After Ashlyn and Thor moved away from the trunk, Harper went to work. She produced various small spheres and cylinders, seemingly from thin air but more than likely from her sleeves or vambraces. One after another they were placed around the stump, and once she attained a safe distance, Harper smiled and snapped a finger. Like a cluster of fireworks the ring of bombs went off, throwing dirt and sticks in every direction. When the dust cleared, however, nothing seemed to have happened. ”Aw…I was sure there was some sort of magic doing something. I mean, it’s probably just silly of me to think so much of one stump. That’s me, overthinking.” Looking at Harper, one couldn’t tell whether she felt the prongs of self-pity or merely gave a good-natured critique of her own impetuousness.

A moment passed before the ninja turned away, but rather than move on she opted to deliver the deadwood an irritated kick instead. Her shoe flew toward the base of the stump, fast enough to stub her toes badly, and like the proverbial knife through butter it slid beneath it. A quick lift of her leg threw the stump up as if it weighed nothing, though a second’s observation revealed it to be a hollowed-out shell on a hidden hinge. Before the three female soldiers lay a crude ladder down into a dark hole, previously kept secret by the trapdoor disguised as a stump. Harper beamed, laughing out loud. ”Hah, gotcha! Bet you thought I was gonna give up. I’ll have you know that’s not luck at all. When we’re looking for answers, we soldiers aren’t allowed to believe in coincidences. Did you hear those hollow sounds when my bombs went off?” Putting a lid on her excitement, the ninja peered down into the hole. ”Ooh, spooky,” she remarked unnecessarily. ”So who’s going first?”

Mercury Marowit – Belka Market


Mercury sported a grimace as his guildmates addressed the woman. Personally, he saw no reason to go out of the way to help her. The business of the townsfolk belonged to them, and stopping in their mission to help a damsel in distress -though she looked more like a hippo in a dress- should not have been on the trio’s itinerary. Frenzy Plant wasn’t, after all, a goody-goody guild, but a war guild. Didn’t finding out about a possible plague outweigh one bawling blimp’s emotional state? Yet he said nothing. Maybe one of the others’ intuition told them that she could be of use.

Meanwhile, the woman pointed a sausage-like finger down the alley, and between shakes told Gabriel and Enma, “Down there. Down there’s the bastard that did this to me! A man with black eyes. I was just trying to go to work, and he…he pushes me over and cuts my purse so fast he cuts my arm too. Wah!” She snuffled wetly. “That’s all the money I had…I’m…I’m sorry to ask, misters, but if you’re kind enough to stop and ask a poor woman what’s wrong, maybe you’re kind enough to try and get her money back too…?” A modicum of hope flashed through her eyes, however sickly-green they appeared.

Ni Rensa – Cinders of a Home


Sensing that tapping her foot in bemusement wouldn’t get her anywhere, Ni decided to loosen up a little in the hopes of finding more clues. She inhaled and exhaled, slowly and with deliberation, then bent down. Like a creature tensing up to spring she crouched, but rather than executing any sort of jump she remained hunkered down. Uncharacteristic seriousness clouded her face, and with eyes closed she breathed in through her nose again. Moments passed while the wind whistled through the ruined house and the war sphinx searched, interrupted at length by faint creaks as she began to move. Eliza looked on in silence, curious but quiet as a grave lest she break her comrade’s concentration. Carefully, like a cat reaching out to snare an unwary fish on her claws, Ni overturned a few pieces of heat-scarred wood, and brushed aside some ash. An object appeared among the debris: a bone, partially blackened in the manner of a steak left too long on the grill. Ni picked it up, and brought it morbidly close to her face. ”It’s…an arm bone, I think. Too thin for a leg bone, but long enough for an arm.” She looked expectantly at Eliza, hoping for assistance. Though tracking lay in Ni’s domain, the former dark mage’s wits would be more suited to forensics.

Eliza caught the bone as it was tossed to her, and held it next to her arm. A lack of bulky clothing made for an easy comparison, and the raven-haired woman remarked, “So he was attacked, after all.”

This evoked a furrowed brow from Ni. ”Hum? Okay, tell me.”

Smirking ever so slightly, Eliza addressed both Damian and Ni Rensa as she explained. ”Well, we saw Willard’s ashes when we came in. Funerary ashes are made by incinerating a body in a furnace, and if people liked Willard they would have made sure to remove his body from this place. While bones can be burned by fire, it would take some extreme heat to burn a bone this way.” She held up the charred bone for the others to see. ”Plus, it’s almost the exact same shape and size as my inner-arm bone, so it probably belonged to a woman about as tall as me. Since flames are powered by a pyromancer’s emotion, my guess is that whatever this woman did, she scared him so badly that he unleashed all his power in a firebolt straight at her, burning straight through her and into his own home.”

Seldom did Eliza show emotions overtly, but her usually cold features now betrayed that she felt very troubled. ”But she didn’t die. If she did, Ni would have found more bones than this. What kind of person powers through getting their arm blasted off by fire, and then kills the caster? After all, this hut is so small, Willard should have been able to escape easily from an accidental fire. He didn’t burn to death—he was murdered in his own home before the killer escaped, and the fire covered her tracks. At least, that’s what I think. But it must mean that there is a sickness or curse or something in this town after all.” She realized that she had begun to slouch and straightened up. Her eyes landed on Damian, waiting for him to suggest a course of action, though without complete sincerity. Moreover, she expected that he might be impressed with the intellect of a lowly soldier.

Chester Graham – Cragland Plateau


The enmity of Argus did not go unnoticed by Tsubano, whose attunement to people by virtue of her health-oriented Marsh Songs combined with her experience permitted some insight into the feelings of others. Neither did it elude Graham, who felt it, like an oppressive presence. A dread king or undead overlord might also exude the same sort of soul-squeezing atmosphere no matter how calm they appeared, though obviously Argus’ displeasure didn’t generate a feeling near that degree. In the end, the demon decided to abide by the decision, which was good. Graham had no doubt that he and Tsubano would never be able to force a seal on him unwillingly. Of course, he did not factor in the help of the spirit Leo, but given the celestial being’s denial of respect to Frenzy Plant and its general he did not expect much help from it at all. When putting a seal on Xyster, Tsubano managed because the dullahan had been soundly defeated by the guild not long before.

”I will only need to see your guild mark, on the back of your neck. The seal need only last for a day, though I am confident it will last longer. Denial is an act of subjugation, be it of will, strength, feelings, or freedom, and now and then everybody must serve. Frenzy Plant stands for order in this world, and the Seal of Denial is its embodiment. Of course, that is not to say we are subjugating you. For you, this denial might come as a rare moment of peace, and as long as that isn’t an atrocious thing in your mind the seal will be hardy indeed.”

The witch directed Argus to kneel, as if swearing fealty to a lord or humbly offering a prayer in a cathedral. Xyster had been forces to her knees, but given the current situation Tsubano felt very relieved that Argus would do so of his own accord. Once he was down, the diminutive woman placed both of her hands on the back of his neck, where his guild mark lay just the same as everyone else’s. Beneath her touch, the liquid of the tattoo began to move. The vines that constituted the sigil of Frenzy Plant twisted and elongated, forming a self-entwined pattern oddly like chains. As a whole, the sigil grew larger and more complex, but in only a few seconds it was done. The green and red had become silver, and it shone dully in the dimming afternoon light. ”Thank you, Argus. If I am right, you should feel a slight pressure on your neck, not too different from the sensation of wearing a watch. It’ll bother you less in time. For now, let us return to the village. You might even enjoy not feeling oppressed by the negative feelings of those around you.” She acknowledged his noble self-sacrifice with a bow.

Nandy Rewman – Cleric’s Chapel


As they walked, Nandy took a few discreet glances as Isla, the little prisoner. He knew little about her except the tales told of what she’d done. Fullheartedly he believed that someone could trap people in paintings, torturing them psychologically for nothing but twisted pleasure, and he could easily believe that Frenzy Plant would conscript a lawbreaker to service by binding him or her with one of Indigo’s special orders, yet…he could not understand how a small, innocent-looking girl could do something so evil. She seemed as nervous about the situation in Belka as anyone might in her position; truth to be told, Nandy felt his fair share of fear himself. At seventeen years old, he had experienced war already, but not so much horror that fear couldn’t put its teeth into him. He knew that Bytan Brass, the old campaigner, would face whatever they ran into with unflinching resolve, so Nandy felt is appropriate to feel scared enough for both of them. By the looks and sounds of it, though, Isla was trying to outdo him. He thought about saying something to her to assuage her nerves, but he knew that any such comfort coming from him could only be hollow. So he followed her as she followed Corporal Brass, who just now pushed open the great chapel door.

A little foyer, poorly lit by candles, waited for them. In front of the door to the chapel proper sat a man with huge glasses and a wide-brimmed hat, clothed in ragged cleric’s robes and wearing an odious scowl. His whiskers, unkempt, long, scraggly, but sparse, made him look like a miser. “Ey,” he growled to the three who entered. “Git lost. Ain’t nobody allowed in the church ‘til tomorra.” He recognized Isla, Nandy, and Bytan as outsiders, perhaps not familiar enough with his reputation to know to turn away. Before them stood Lyric, a contemptible associate of the church much better known for his drinking than his piety, if he had any real faith to speak of. His oniony breath alone could have made children cry, never minding his appearance and manner. Lyric stood up, his arms crossed with elbows thrust out into his cloak, attempting to make himself look bigger. “Didn’ja hear? No loiterin’! Cleric’s ain’t allowed to bloody noses…s’why I’m ‘ere!” He shook his fist to demonstrate, only to scowl deeper when Bytan made no move. Nandy wanted to retreat badly, but he would not let himself look like an amateur in front of a senior guild member and a prisoner.

Lyric pound his hairy fists together. “Roight then. Looks like I oughta show ya ol’ Lyric means business.” He swung at Bytan’s jaw, looking to take him down in one hit. The next thing he knew, he was on his back against the door, gasping to try and get air into his lungs. Had the old geezer hit him? He couldn’t tell. “…Wot?”

Shaking his head, Bytan turned to Nandy. ”Looks like business is closed, eh, son?” he quipped, before turning back to Lyric and planting his heel on his chest at high speed. The door slammed open and the drunkard slid through, gargling. In front of them stretched the chapel, stone floor with rows and rows of pews, tall candlesticks to provide light, and boarded-up windows. At the opposite side of the room lay some stairs and at the top an altar, upon which currently lay a body. Standing over it were two acolytes as well as the portly cleric from earlier. The sudden noise and entrance made the head cleric jerked in surprise, and around his hands an aura of frothing orange magic sputtered and died. A strangled sound rang out through the chapel, which Nandy found to his horror to be coming from the body, which he assumed to be dead. In fact, the body looked very much alive on second glance, though some of his insides appeared to be on the outside. Without skipping a beat the cleric reactivated the spell, and the sounds of pain from the man ceased. He did not look up as he demanded, “What is the meaning of this?!”

Bytan, clenching his fists, called, ”I don’t know what sort of occult ritual you’re up to, but you’re finished. Master Sanders will be thrilled to find out that the clerics are the source of the evil in this town!”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Joshua Tamahsii


Joshua grit his teeth as his grip on his sword tightened. He knew this was a harmless sparring match but part of him just wanted to jump in and start attacking Hunter. But he managed to keep himself where he was, since he didn't want to risk offending Amaya. He also acknowledged that she lacked confidence at times and things like this would help her with that. But to him, it seemed that Hunter was taking it a bit too seriously and that he could end up really hurting Amaya.

Lucus Griffonbane


"Glad to see I'm going to be acknowledged." Lucus said cheerfully, taking a seat next to Rose. He ordered himself a cup of hot tea before turning to Raiden and Ryu. "It's nice to see you two again. How did your sales go yesterday?"

Jackie and Aria


"Thank you." Jackie said before leaving to go find her sister some new headphones and music.

Down in the basement, if Master Jack went to check, Aria was still curled up on the floor in the fetal position, mumbling to herself but she would stop if someone came to check on her so that she could watch them carefully.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alm Drake
"Huh. Interesting... Never heard of any of those names, though that ankhserum one sounds a bit familliar, I don't know where I would have heard it though. I'm not exactly the most book-learned mage around here," Drake would tap her chin, having watched his little demonstration rather intently. "I'm surprised with a magic that sounds that dangerous some guild hasn't come along and swept you up either in fear of you or in trying to recruit you. Though, I won't worry too much about it during the games, the only 'dark guild' that's brought their full force to the games is us, and right now most of us are pretty banged up," as she mentioned her guild getting attacked, her countenance shifted from amused to angry, but after a breath returned to amused. "Egg of Sin... That's an interesting name for it. I don't have anything quite so fancy myself, just your average rainbow fire magic, though we do have a guy who uses a lost magic," she mused for a moment, before standing up. "Walk with me, I just remembered I forgot something," Drake would move to the door and push it open as she walked out, holding it for Levi once she was outside. "Plus everything in there is recorded by Lacrima."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Ariel - Phoenix Wing Hotel

After taking a good nap Ariel awoke to see that she'd slumped down into Nolan's lap. Looking up she saw the he had fallen asleep as well. At first she didn't want to move as not to wake him. However her stomach groaned from hunger and she shifted uncomfortably. Her still tired eyes popped open as something occurred to her. They were in the real world again, they could choose what to eat!

This of course got Ariel excited and she changed to her Lightning magic. Sitting up suddenly she shook Nolan awake with enthusiasm. "Nolan, Nolan wake up. I'm hungry and guess what!" Once he was awake she grabbed his face with her hands and leaned in real close. "We're in Crocus, we can eat anything we want!" Never had the thought of food made he so happy. For a month they ate almost the same thing every day till it was like eating cardboard. There were so many things she wanted to try they they'd been deprived of.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 1 hr ago


While Nolan had tried to remain awake so he could wake up Ariel, he found himself falling asleep on the couch too. How could he not? It was the softest thing that he had felt in the longest time. Even though he was comfortable in his sleep, he wasn't exactly dreaming. It was just one of those times when he literally dreamt of absolutely nothing though that nothing was interrupted by his girlfriend's burst of energy. His eyes shot wide open to find his face to be held by Ariel. She was going on about having whatever food they want, which was nice. They didn't have to keep eating rockhard bread and jerky every single day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Still, Nolan thought he could've just gone back to sleep at that moment if it wasn't for his stomach disagreeing with him; it rumbled loudly and for a very long time.

He chuckled and gently removed her hands from his face. "I'll take you wherever you want to go, no matter the price. But first we have something even more important to deal with. We stink to high heaven; let's shower and then go out. No point in going out to eat if our oder offends everyone." Nolan hopped up to his feet, excited to take his shower in a month. Sure he bathed in the lake, but that was literally ice cold water and they had no way of bathing during their two week hike up the mountain.


What an awful thing to do to a person, but Enma knew that his guild normally didn't perform random acts of kindness. They were on a mission and they needed to find out more about this suppossed plague. Still, he couldn't turn a blind eye to this woman's situation. The oni glanced back at Mercury and Gabriel and sighed heavily. "I'll do it, but this isn't charity lady. These two will take you back to our camp and patch you up, but in exchange, we would like you to answer some questions when you arrive at the camp." Turning to Gabriel and Mercury, motioning them towards the woman to help her. "Help her out, that's an order." It was quite unusual for Enma to be whipping out orders, but in this case he was the highest ranking mage among the three of them.

Looking back at the woman, he slid his hands in his pockets and asked, "So which way did the thief go ma'am?" He knew that this could bite him back in the ass though this could be a chance to earn her trust so she could tell them what they need to know. He scratched her back, she scratched theirs.


"That's because I've avoided most guilds and- Wait, you're a dark mage?!" Levi's face went pale at the mention that Iron Enigma was actually a dark guild. Just what sort of trouble did he actually get himself into this time? He just revealed what kind of power he had in the base of operations of a dark guild. Apparently Alm paid no mind in revealing the fact to him and even told him to follow her along, carefully mentioning of the sercurity lacrima monitoring their every movement. Swallowing hard, Levi stood up and followed her without any resistance. "Er, w-what exactly did you forget?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Ariel - Phoenix Wing Hotel

Ah yes, that was a good idea. Ariel had gotten carried away and forgot about that. "OH yeah. It has been a long time. Penny is letting me stay in her room so I'll get washed up and meet you back here afterward. Maybe we can get our hair cut as well when we're out." She gave him a quick kiss and went upstairs to Penny's room.

It has been soon long since she had a good shower. Every moment of being back just seemed to get better. It is hard to appreciate everything one has until it's gone. And right now Ariel felt like she'd gone to heaven as the hot water and real soap cleansed her body.

She couldn't stay there forever though. It sunk in that this would be her first actual date with Nolan. Wow, that was a big deal given the hurdles they had to get past for this to happen. Drying off and getting changed she headed back down to find Nolan already there. "I'm ready for our date. I'm thinking seafood, that sound good you you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by twave
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alm Drake
"I forgot the Thyme," saying this, Drake would flash Levi a quick little smile. "And several other spices, let's go." Drake would smile to herself as they went off onto the streets, and she would wait until they were a short distance from the hotel before answering his first question. "As for being a dark guild, we're called that mostly because we do a lot of espionage for other dark guilds. Though, Grant doesn't exactly refrain from killing people, nor do we distance ourselves from Solux much anyone. I personally think they're just taking advantage of the title of Dark Guild. You hungry?" Drake would turn towards Levi as she asked this, stopping as she did so.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Roseletta


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Amaya took the attack to the gut head on feeling the wind knocked out of her before she fell backwards from the sweep kick. She coughed some trying to catch her breath as she got to one knee only to roll out of the way of a jade spear. She watched him change directions attacking from her side as she fell backwards waiting till he was basically over her before she took a deep breath firing with all she could muster into her roar sending a vlizzard at him from below at point blank range.


[@Joshua Tamashi]

"You brought him along?"
"He is my boyfriend and the father of your granddaughter. He has every right to be here since he is part of the family because of elyse."rose stated.
" anyways...I know your mother's sudden death wasn't natural causes"
Rose sighed hating the mother subject. She even refused to tell her old grandmaster about her mother. " I did kill my mother or I should say she killed her."
" black rose..my shadow...the evil wizard my old grandmaster loved...she ended mom and absorbed the magic mom had the very magic that I was born with. We were in the hospital...mom...she was in so much pain...she couldn't keep control for more then minutes at a time. That wasn't the her I knew...she...she just came at me...it was so quick...so much blood...the laughter...last words I ever heard from her ' Always like me ". a few days after, I was feeling something finally awake...it is still in my mind waiting for me to lose myself...she still haunts me" she said.

Ryu was silent and wide eyed shocked to find out the truth. He couldn't believe it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Drew raised an eyebrow, "you're seriously lecturing me on how the council works?" He said to ferris, a little amusedly, "while you are right that we can't maintain everything, let me ask this: what if the guilds aren't doing what's in the best interest for fiore? While we have to trust them, what if they are a dark guild in disguise? While I sincerely doubt that guilds like frenzy plant, Phoenix wing and dragon fang are, it still leaves the question there. The magic council has to know the guilds.

You want to know the truth of the games? while yes it's to see who is the strongest, to bring the guilds together, it's simply to test the waters to see how magic is perceived. The behavior of the guilds could very well cement how magic is seen now."

"then I think you're doing it wrong-people feel safe knowing there are guilds, regulated, but showing them the power of the guild members? It might make them think about what could happen if the guilds did go rogue-they already think the council is a powerless after what happened. But people think magic is good again." Jessie said "and they want to believe that guilds will protect them if something happens"

Gabriel never could understand how people could treat others so badly. The woman was, it seemed, helpless. He sighed softly, frowning as Enma ordered them about, but didn't say anything, merely nodded, starting to turn, but stopped.

"wait" Gabriel said, hurriedly putting his hand in his pocket, withdrawing one of his keys, he summoned Dog, and spoke with the spirit for a moment. "Dog can help you track the man, and he will listen to you. For a little while."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Ike Riven & Riona Ynnir

Riona nodded reluctantly at her answer yet Ike just stared straight back at the man as he answered his own question. Not looking away when he told the story. When the man finished and wanted to know why he wanted to know and why he thought it had to do with the man that burned to death in a fire. Ike didn't hesitate to respond instantly. "Simple, if there was a killer going around, it could very well claim the lives of our own mercenaries. So if a killer was going around then I thought we should now if they were still around so we could be more prepared or even help find them. As for Willard, it seems pretty obvious as to why I would think a killer would kill him. After all Arson isn't a rare thing. Yet it's good to know you caught and hung the killer, scum like that is better off dead. Taking advantage of people like they are play toys, such appalling bastard need something far worse than de-" Ike would have continue his wrath filled speech on scum of the world taking advantage of the weak if it wasn't for Riona covering his mouth.

Riona gave the man a bow. "Sorry you will have to excuse him, hes had a rough past with what you guys went through. He still has a grudge against what he considers evil in the world. I hope you didn't consider his tone rude sir." Riona said bowing while Ike just glared and would go back to looking around the room. "A question though as I'm curious. You mention few traders come to Belka, but do you guys ever go out to trade yourselves? You're known for your medicine after all. I'm sure places nearby would jump on that opportunity." Riona asked trying to be the calm one here since Ike was too skeptical and angry to be of much help. He was more of a intimidation factor at this point.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 1 hr ago


Nolan watched Ariel run up stairs, shocked that he actually was going on a date with her... Holy crap, he was going go on a date! Hell had probably froze already and pigs are probably learning how to fly. It wasn't that he was no longer afraid of women; he's still absolutely terrified by just being near one though there were the few exceptions. Ariel in this case was a very special exception. Realzing that he had been standing still and staring dumbly into space, Nolan had dashed to his room to have a shower. Luckily enough, Dalton had gotten out of his drunken stupor and left the room awhile ago so there would be no annoying feline interrupting his date.

The shower was absolutely divine. It had been so long since he had warm water splashing against his skin and actually using soap that wasn't made from animal fat and lye. He could've stayed there forever, but he had to get ready for his date. Right now, he was screaming internally; he had zero experience with dates! What should he do? What should he say? His face turned red as got more riled up by the second.

Nolan had dressed himself in a lavender men's collard shirt with black slacks and black dress shoes. Once Ariel saw him, it was obvious that he was very tense though he had seemed to calm down when he saw her. What should he be nervous about? He knows she loves him and he loves her. He was just psyching himself out. "Seafood huh? I think there's a good one nearby. Let's get a move on." Nolan wrapped his hand around hers and smiled nervously as he lead her out of the hotel.


"Er, that doesn't exactly make me feel better." Levi chuckled nervously. Knowing that this was a guild that helped other dark guilds with obtaining information and even have two members who aren't afraid of killing wasn't very comforting. Dark guilds were very dangerous to be around, especially with the disbandment of the old Magic Council that had taken place recently. So why was she telling him all of this? Honestly he would rather not know. "Um, food? I guess I could go for something to eat. What do you have in mind?"


"Er, I wasn't trying to lecture you Drew. I was just offering my own view on the subject. We all know that it's much more complicated with a whole bunch of bureaucrats in the middle, but I think that's a more boring discussion." Ferris cleared his throat and shifted in his seat awkwardly. This was certainly a bit of a touchy subject that could get heated really quickly. "There probably isn't a right answer to any of this and we could sit here all day discussing what is the closest to the right answer, but that doesn't make for pleasant conversation."
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