Avatar of AlternateMan


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current I have an unhealthy preference of having the urge to drink smoothies and eat hotdogs. And I'm all out of baked beans.
1 like
2 mos ago
anyway what are yall beautiful brigands up to
2 mos ago
if you remember me posting gibberish on the status board you are old and so am I
5 mos ago
Hey guys, Alty here with eight simple steps. That's right, with these eight simple steps, you too, can take Vorkuta.
5 mos ago
I ate some food today it was great
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I have done rhe thinkable

Most Recent Posts

Yo, still open?
A random bump.
@Azure Flame@Casterlyrock@Misumichan@CriticalHit@lantgreen@Godlikeblade@LemonZest1337
Random recall. We’ve been trying to keep this going on but seems like it’s pretty much dead-just wanted to check if you’re positive about reviving this.
Still accepting?

I like the concept. We’ve got a tanker, a debuffer, some good damage dealers.
Latest version of CS coming right up
Reposted since page changed.

Our team tank is ready to go.
Alright, let’s see.... a bruiser, a bruiser, and possibly a battle mage...

@Leslie Hall This looks fantastic! Party composition is totally up to the players – all I will say is that lacking a magical character will hurt when we fight very physically bulky enemies! It might also be tougher to tank when enemies with high intelligence are attacking if we don't have someone who soaks up magic well. There are a few edits I would like you to make, suggestions I have for you, and other potential changes, but other than that this looks to be in great condition.

@AlternateMan Looking so much better. I have a few edits/changes/suggestions/etc for you as well!

Nerfed SHIELD IS UP so Carbo can actually use it at level 1.
Threatening Swing has MP cost.

For D-ability,
First attacks allies(including Carbo himself) do after getting buffed will deal 130% damage.
Ex: Rio uses Claw on AlternateMan( 10 hp, 0 mp, 1 atk, 1def, 1 int, 1 spr): 4atk x q.q=r.r -> 4
4 atk - 1 def = 3
The final output x 1.3
Which, in this case, will be a 3.9. That could be.... 4...?
The respective stats(if ally uses magic then int, if physical then atk) would be used, of course.
Reposted since page changed.

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