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In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Dugmaghord
Interactions: Rosaria @potter, Nuallán @13org

“That be somethin’ interestin’.” Slick said more to himself than to the others. If they hadn’t been elves then it’s likely they wouldn’t have even heard him at all. He was also being honest about what he thought of Rosaria’s place among her people. It was… Slick would say it was backward from what he expected. He almost asked a follow-up question but Nuallan beat him to the punch with his own input. In fact, it was a disagreement with Rosaria’s claim to being as expendable as any other elf. Slick also disagreed but for a different reason. Not wanting to interrupt, Slick allowed the Nuallán to speak his point before he started going on about exercise that would help him relax.

“Hold your reigns Nuallán. Now I ain’t about stoppin’ a man from gettin’ what’s his but you can do whatever exercising with the lady once you back.” Slick snapped with a very serious look about him. He stared their way, silently letting them both know he was not going to be the third wheel to any funny business.

“Now that we have that simmered. I think you’re wrong about that title of yours. You must think everyone’s equal or somethin’ but that ain't true no matter how you cut it. Give me all the titles you want, change my name, hell, change my world. I’m me. And bein’ ain’t like bein’ anyone else. Same goes for you, princess.” Slick said with a nod before cueing Champagne to gallop with two clicks of the tongue.

Location: On the Road!
Interactions: Akaia @Exit, Vincent @Daxam, and Juice @PigeonOfAstora,

“A B type…” Erik mouthed the words more than he actually orated them as Juice closed the distance between them. And that’s when the observation of the stranger truly began. Not only was the brown-skinned revenant curious, but he was also deceptively on guard. Erik was friendly and hopeful but he was far from gullible. With Juice not being someone he recognized from anywhere, Erik figured he’d let the man express who he was with his introduction. Besides, Erik knew he at least had the numbers and his ever-so-stealthy Sidhe friend on standby.

So far so good. Even Vincent seems okay with him. Erik nodded a few times before finally speaking up after Vincent’s suggestion of having Juice accompany them.

“Great thinking Vincent! Man, you’re really showing out today,” he shot Vincent a thumbs up and a wink before approaching Juice and looking him over again. “You down for a road trip in a groovy van to solve a mystery? We got snacks.” Erik said as confidently as a salesman thinking he had a buyer in the bag.

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Dugmaghord
Interactions: Rosaria @potter, Nuallán @13org, Aurora @Mole
Mentions: Leaf @Helo

“Hmm.” Slick quietly mused at Aurora’s reply. The way she stumbled about with the answer, caused the man to keep his evermore fixated on her. He wondered why she seemed so guilty in declining, he didn’t imagine himself being upset with her over it.

“Now, now, Aurora, you know I don’t like bein’ apologized to twice. ‘Specially for somethin’ you ain’t need to be apologizin’ for. You and that dang Leaf always apologizin,’” despite his complaint, a smile graced his face, assuring he had no hard feelings. Then with an effortless hop, he mounted Champ. “You could’ve left me out all by my lonesome but you gave me company and even hummed me somethin’ pleasant to pass the time… My very own songbird.” Slick nodded and winked with a big ol’ grin. He wanted to poke fun at her formality while also letting her know she really had no reason to apologize. “And may your blessin’ earn me somethin’ nice out there.”

Rosaria’s statement about heading out was something he could agree with. The hit time had already passed and unless Aurora suddenly decided to tag along, there was no sign of anyone joining the trio. Something she stated, however, piqued his curiosity. Converstaion for a dull moment. He made a note before chuckling at the exchange between Rosaria and Nuallán.

“As I said before, there won’t be any racin’ or goin’ too fast, so no worries about the possibility of gettin’ too excited up there, Nuallán.” Without missing a beat, he continued. “And, princess, I’m as ready as could be. Let’s ride!” Champagne walked forth before transitioning into a light trot. “So Princess Rosaria, what’s life like for someone of your… status? Do folk gotta bow down and carry your around a big ol’ castle or what?”

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Living Quarters, North Pass
Interactions: Eris @Tae

Kaleb reflexively yet momentarily raised his eyebrows upon hearing Eris’ reply from outside of her room door. Her reply had been a reminder of why he enjoyed her company. Alluring, knowledgeable, and witty all combined and contained within a gorgeous shape. What was there not to like about that?

In spite of Kaleb’s feelings for Eris, however, he couldn’t ignore the conceptual walls Eris placed up. He couldn’t deny that he had his own he, and so silently the two agreed to this thing they had between each other.

Eris’ next comment as she opened the door initially caused a silent chuckle to escape him, forcing him to reveal his pearly whites to her. In a way, Eris earned the pleasure.

“To swoon, or not to swoon? Either way, you’ll end up in my arms, right? Kaleb shrugged with a grin before taking a single step through the doorway to close the distance. Neither of them needed to answer the latter question.

“And ‘other plans’ can wait until we figure out what we’re going to do on our day off.” As Eris allowed him into the room, he took the liberty of shutting and locking the door behind her as she normally preferred. He spotted yet another copy of Bardulf’s invitation on Eris’ end table. “You get that letter from Bardulf, too? Seems fun, but that probably means everyone’s going…” Kaleb took a seat at the foot of Eris’ bed, leaning slightly back with his hands firmly planted on the soft blanket dressed on top the bed’s surface. “I’m thinking we can do our own thing. Make it an adventure.”

Location: On the Road!
Interactions: Akaia @Exit, Vincent @Daxam, and Juice @PigeonOfAstora,

Erik gave a thumbs up to Vincent after completing his given task. As odd of a request it had been, it worked out so far. Oddly, yes, but so far so good.

“Great volume! The message needs work but that’s easier to fix I think.” Erik shot a glance at Akaia as she began using her spores to cloak herself. “Good thinking.” She wasn’t able to fully cloak in time, but Erik thought it best not to draw too much attention to her. As long as she was gone before things got hostile, Akaia still had an edge on her opposition. I’ve done it! The perfect combination of brashness and subtlety! Vincent is my great big wrecking ball! Loud, proud, and destructive! Akaia is my thief in the night! But in the daytime as well! She takes anything that is necessary and more without so much of a whisper. Even lives!

The mental self-imposed motivation excited Erik to the point where he felt the trio could face anything, so when the helmeted stranger peered at them from behind a building them holding a baseball bat, Erik maintained a relaxed posture with his fists at his waist. He was just about ready to start walking over like a friendly new neighbor, but-


Erik winced as he took a step back. He finally grabbed ahold of his bow. No way… What he thought might be a brief encounter escalated into something much more pressing. There was no just ‘passing by’ or ‘minding their business.’ This person needed to be addressed immediately.


Erik winced but did not recoil as he had before. Now was his moment.

“Hey! That volume is incredible! No complaints here! In fact, I want to know how you made something so loud! It’s exactly the kind of upgrade I need for my next megaphone! Is it really in that helmet?! By the way, name’s Erik!” He held up his hand high and waved keeping up with the friendly new neighbor vibe.

Location: On the Road!
Interactions: Akaia @Exit, Vincent @Daxam,
Mentions: Juice @PigeonOfAstora, Poppy @dreamingflowers, and Ajax @DClassified

“VINCENT! Ha! I knew you’d make it!” Erik's exclamation boomed through the van as he raised his fists. “Licorice, you’re right! The matter at hand is of the utmost importance.” Erik nodded with a determined look at the corvid that simply stared at him. “And Kaia, as for Pops, don’t worry. If anyone can save someone from Pop’s, it’s me… Well, technically Ajax is the better pick but I’m a great second!” He gave Akaia a thumbs up before sharing the positive gesture with Renee and Licorice.

“Alright! We have quite the pressing mission but those explosions are just calling out to us, don’t you think?” Erik placed the vehicle in park and made his exit before peeking back in. “Renee, stay here and make sure no one takes the van. And just know that if you take it… Vincent can catch you.” Even with the warning, Erik kept up a warm smile for his guest. While making his full exit of the vehicle he rounded the front of it. “Let’s take a quick detour and find out what’s making all that commotion. It sounds too big to be a Kaboom Box but way smaller than a Tsar Bomba… Hmm….”

Erik walked toward the now smoking ruins and sighed.

“If only I still had my megaphone… Vincent, you’re pretty loud. Can you yell to see if anyone’s out there?”

Location: The Hotspot, Taos
Interactions: The Team

Viktor paced himself several feet behind Riley who had left the restaurant in a hurry. The sight of such a thing had piqued his interest, presenting a small window of opportunity.

Before this moment, he had a few options laid out in front of him. Many included lightly sabotaging the suspect’s evening date so that events could move forward and allow the team to tail her. However, Riley, the potential victim being let go so easily was something Viktor found strange. To risk losing positive control over him seemed out of character for someone planning a kidnap him. Without hard evidence, Viktor couldn’t be entirely sure but this was this situation was the best lead the team had. Three persons of interest included Riley, the mystery woman, and Mateo. One operation to uncover.

Viktor just hoped his team could handle things at the cafe while he made the unilateral decision to leave. I was able to make a few saves, but the rest is up to them… I hate it, but I have to trust them to be successful.. Too bad his idea of saves were actually potential obstacles for everyone inside as he had piled on another tale.

“I have a request but I’m embarrassed to say it.” Viktor had caught Riley being dismissed by the suspect. Hmm.

“I have to leave because… my ex…” Viktor subtly nodded his head in the mystery girl’s direction. “...is here and I just can’t… The entire situation is very awkward... She cheated on me.” Viktor averted his eyes but was really shifting his sights out of a window at Riley who had just exited.

“Oh… I’m sorry but what-” She wondered what that had to do with her or how she could even help something like that.

“Listen, I’m unable to face my friends with this, so… I will pay their bill with and tip you personally if you agree to tell them I… had a stomach ache. Sufficient?”

“A deal's a deal, I guess. Follow me to the register.” The only thing she cared about was the easy cash. Viktor paid, tipped $50, and was on his way out the door to follow a different element of their lead. The prey.

Viktor began to game plan in his head about how he would approach Riley. He knew he’d have to do so without interfering with his trajectory. If the mystery woman was indeed the culprit, Viktor only thought it best to allow the hunter to take its prey so it could be followed to its lair. When he was given a moment of pause, he texted the good ol' group chat.

Tailing the guy who just left 😠

Viktor favored the determined expression of the emoji he chose.

Location: The Strategy Room!
Interactions: Lys @Force and Fury, Akaia @Exit, Ajax ,
Mentions: Vincent @Daxam, Dallas @pantothenic, Poppy @dreamingflowers, Indigo @khosmik

Erik’s smile faded from his expression as he watched both Vincent and Akaia bolt out of the room, and just when he was going to explain why he drew the former the way he did. He couldn’t judge either of them as that’s precisely how he’d want people to react to something like that, even if he didn’t. Instead, he remained in the strategy room, contemplating whether he’d just let those who sprung into action handle it or discover what was really going on.

“I guess that’s that for the briefing.” Erik's eyes peered up curiously toward the source of the blaring alarm. Why did an intruder choose to arrive before the briefing was really finished. I was only taking questions, but still… With his grin returning to grace his face, he shrugged and started out the door of the strategy room.

He calmly strolled down the corridor while rolling a gold construct resembling a flaming marble between his thumb and index finger. The loud bang he heard followed by Vincent’s complaint tickled him enough to get a chuckle out of him. The same could not be said for the sound of shattering glass. The construct dispelled in Erik's hand as he broke into a sprint down the hall.

“Making an old man run.” He muttered as he passed Dallas and the mess made by Poppy. “Keep up the good work Dallas!”. He shouted as he raced on but also grimaced as he imagined how pissed off Poppy might be. Reaching the door, Erik arrived just in time to watch Akaia shut it. He could have sworn he caught a glimpse of a tall figure of a stranger outside, but Akaia shut the door too soon. Judging by her reaction, Erik concluded two things; there wasn’t an emergency, and Akaia was disappointed the intruder wasn’t a certain someone. Switching priorities, he stopped in front of the disappointed sidhe. He figured he was too late to save Vincent from the wrathful one anyway.

“Who’s out there. Kaia?” Erik asked, but he was more so curious than concerned. Even if the person out there was a danger, he was sure the wild Vincent and the pissed-off Poppy were enough to handle it. “And what are you growing in the pot? A brand new staff?” Erik leaned toward the pot to take a closer look. “Hm, or something else?”

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Myriamor
Interactions: Myra @13org, Maeryn @princess, Alaia @Alivefalling


The failure to inflict violence on humans in River Port had left Vrexen eerily quiet. His lack of communication with the others was ominous given his outspoken nature. The only sounds that left him for the first two weeks were simply low growls and muttering. The demon had been railroaded from his passion… his purpose. The demon had always believed violence was the only aspect of life that mattered yet he kept experiencing different in this world.

This wretched world.

Food… Amas… Fear… Death… Difficulty… Humans…

Vrexen had begun to despise the reliance on these things, yet as much hate he had gathered in his heart, he never inflicted harm to anyone during his eerie period of docility. The lack of violence or mention of it from the demon had put Astra on edge. The fear of Vrexen snapping at any moment was frightening enough, but now he was behaving so strangely. However, nothing occurred. After some time, the demon eventually spoke again but never commented on the events that occurred in the port town.

Astra took the opportunity to take the role of guide and navigator while she practiced the use of her magic. The dark elven rogue did this for two reasons: to increase her worth to Vrexen, and to leave Maeryn responsible if anything were to go wrong.

All the while, she asked for pointers with erebokinesis. She’d play the two against each other while reaping the benefits until they reached Myriamor, a place she wasn’t exactly comfortable traveling to. Her head was not without a price on it, and so she kept close to Myra and Vrexen as much as she could. The former she bonded with more than the others. Myra was Astra’s big investment after all. So much potential, but the pale demoness needed so much time to bloom. She attempted to teach her about what each ama was worth, the various uses of gadgets, and the effects of different potions.

At the same time, however, Astra noticed Myra’s extreme aversion to her and Maeryn’s use of dark magic. Even when she wasn’t using it offensively. In an attempt to keep good relations with Myra, Astra decided to use her magic away from Myra. Out of sight, out of mind.


Vrexen, Astra, and Myra were essentially window shopping within the Sturdy Stables where Vrexen eyed potential buffet he could help himself to if he ever felt the need to indulge in sinking his teeth into the beasts of burden. As desirable as that was, he was content with just being indoors and out of the sunlight. Still, in his reptilian appearance, he whipped his tail about as he was pleased with Astra’s showing of a place he could ravage later.

“You know if I had a mount, I could keep up with you two.”

“You could feed us as well…” Vrexen spoke plainly. Astra shot him a disgusted look before Maeryn came bursting in with a rare look of excitement on his face. Vrexen let loose a low snarl while Astra simply said,

“Where’s the party, Maerie?”
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Dugmaghord
Interactions: Rosaria @potter, Nuallán @13org, Aurora @Mole

Silent was the outlaw as he listened along to Aurora’s gentle hum. He had always enjoyed her company but the soothing melody made this time waiting for others to join him all the more pleasant. As nice as any moment was, it passed like any other. Rosaria’s voice cut in with a warm greeting and the declaration of joining the hunting party.

“Anyone else? Nope. Only folk that’re comin’ are the ones that show up on time. I ain’t no stickler for time, but I ain’t gon’ be waitin’ all day for dilly-dallyin’, princess.” He took one last sip from his canteen before tucking it into Champ’s saddle bag.

“You comin’ along Aurora? You know I’m always good to make space on the saddle for you and Mela there. And we ain’t racin’ or nothin’.” Whether she stayed or went was fine with him. It wasn’t like he would be playing third-wheel with Champ around.

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