Avatar of Guardian Angel Haruki


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2 yrs ago
That feeling when you have worked so hard for years, and you finally get a job that could be the start of a new career...... :D


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@Blackmist16 You might want to read the rules over.
@Loony EEEEEEEE! Thank you!
You have no idea as to how happy I am. This is honestly the first time someone said one of my characters is their favorite. So, THANK YOU! *hugs*
@UnknownScarlet4 OK. Thank you for your interest.
Go ahead and pick a motivation type and a number for it.

Huh....Tough crowd.

Ummm....If anyone has some requests, questions, or criticisms about this idea, please do not hesitate to run them by me. Hopefully I can help with any misunderstandings or problems.
@Guardian Angel Haruki
Our gems might know each other preciously because one of the nobles were a agate and my game is alsp under the rule of blue diamond. It might be a stretch but it would be pretty cool to have them already know each a head of time

That would be interesting. If Larimar knew and promised to keep her identity a secret, then he'd probably be the only gem she would fuse with.
Come to think of it, while I was writing up Pearl's profile, I couldn't help but see her having a crush on Larimar.
We'll need to talk about their history in the PMs.
Gem: Pearl

Name if your gem goes by a different name: Moonstone. May go by Luna later.

Appearance: This is what Pearl looks like, disguised as a Moonstone. Her original appearance had lighter colored hair (blonde to platinum blonde) and blue eyes. Her gem is located on the naval. She has a thin, but slightly muscular build. She wears a black top that shows her naval and black pants with boots that allow for easy maneuverability.

-Shapeshifting (2 points) -- Like the Crystal Gems' Amethyst, this pearl is able to shape shift into other humanoid beings (like gems and humans), but still have the coloration of her gem and the gem over her naval. While she can hold a form that is not her own for longer than Amethyst could without breaking a sweat, she can't hold it forever.
-Illusions (2 points) -- She can conjure illusions. At the very least, this power allows her to cover what shapeshifting cannot: Her own color scheme and the appearance of her gem. At the most, she can conjure illusions of multiples of herself or an ally, or conjure an illusion of one or two humanoid beings that are not her or her friends. Similar to shapeshifting, she can hold an illusion up for a while, but she can't keep it up forever.

--She can summon a bow that generates its own arrows from her gem.
--She has a buckler shield and a shortsword as equipment.

Backstory: Pearl was once a servant for a noble gem of the Blue Diamond court. At first, she was like every other gem, quietly obeying orders and doing as she was told. However, her life changed when she saw a Ruby and a Sapphire fuse together, somehow defying what the Sapphire had predicted. After witnessing that event, she started questioning her purpose, her life, her own capabilities, even after they made it back to homeworld. Whenever she could, she soul searched and soon found she had the ability to change shape and create illusions. She kept all of this hidden, and as her capabilities grew, so did her desire to become something more than just a mere tool. She had the desire to serve to the utmost of her abilities. Simply opening doors and holding coats for nobles wasn't going to cut it for her anymore. She could sense she could do more and be more than just that, so that is what she intended to do. When her shapeshifting and her illusions had improved enough, she was able to leave shards, and make them appear as though she had been shattered. It wasn't surprising that the noble didn't seem to care and just simply replaced her with a different Pearl. She then managed to convince others that she was a Moonstone, and nobody had suspected otherwise. She had done her research and knew what was expected of a Moonstone. After going through training/skill assessment, she was able to prove herself and finally got a mission to Earth. She is still determined and looking forward to doing her best. Moonstones are known for being excellent combatants for their adaptability and cunning. They also make very good protectors.

Writing example:


Pearl thought to herself as she jumped out of the way of a giant fist that was aimed for her. She backflipped in mid-air, landing far from her opponent, before she charged once again. This time, instead of running straight ahead, she zigzagged, dodging the missile attacks that were aimed at her, and she managed to jump up the golem's arm. She ducked, bobbed, and weaved with the grace of a ballet dancer, soon reaching the head and destroying the faux gem that controlled the golem, with the short sword she was given. The golem fell, but the battle wasn't over yet. Pearl merely glanced to see that two more golems appeared behind her in the arena. One had fired a fist, but the fist only seemed to pass through her figure, as though she were nothing more than a mirage. Before the golems had even seemed to realize what happened, she had replaced her true self with an illusion, and had taken cover behind one of the obstacles, and fired two arrows at the faux gems.

The test seemed to go on forever, more golems replacing the ones that she had taken out. Just when she thought she had reached her limit and that she was going to fail, she heard the Agate's voice command, "Enough! The Assessment has been completed! Moonstone FA-56, report to the assignment chambers. Moonstone FA-57, report to the Assessment Center," Pearl braced herself mentally as she marched out of the small arena and into the waiting room with the other Moonstones who had completed the test. Of course the Diamonds would want the best of the best when it came to the Moonstones. That was why the test was here. Pearl was pretty sure that if the Diamonds knew that a Pearl was taking this test, they may not be too happy about it.

Soon enough, all of the Moonstones of her group had finished and they were all awaiting for their missions in line...assuming they passed and were good enough to have a mission to begin with. The Agate marched in front of them studying them as though she was reconsidering sending any of them on a mission. Soon she stopped in front of Pearl and Pearl took everything she had to make sure that she didn't show any sign of hesitation, only the stone cold face of a soldier ready for anything. The Agate stated, "You! FA-56. You will be attending the Chromite and her team to Earth, and making sure no harm comes to them. Do you understand?"

"Ma'am! Yes, Ma'am!" Pearl answered the Agate, keeping her joy hidden. She had done it! She had passed the test and she was now able to go on a mission and truly prove herself once again! Not to mention that she was the first to get the mission...that had to say something about how well she did, right? The Agate gave other Moonstones their missions, while the rest, those who were left alone were sent back into training. Once they were dismissed and told to report to their mission leaders, Pearl obeyed. But as she marched, she couldn't help but discreetly smile to herself. Imagine how the Diamonds and the others would react if they heard that a simple Pearl had passed the test! They probably would shatter out of disbelief! ...Ok, that was a bit of an over exaggeration. But still, Pearl was proud of herself and she was motivated to keep on proving to herself that she is capable. That she is strong and intelligent. That she can do anything that she put her mind to.

Hope was going strong within her heart. But she knew better than to get careless. She would only be able to go on the mission, if everyone thought that she was a Moonstone, and not a Pearl.

Anything extra you'd like to add: As much as she would like to experience fusion someday, she is very wary of Fusing with other gems, because fusing might give away that she is not a Moonstone, but a Pearl. So chances of her fusing with another gem is very slim.
I'll get a post out for Shantae ASAP. ^^"
Frisk Dreemurr

Level: 1
Day/Time: Day 2, Noon
Location: Garden Funeral
Tag: @Holy Soldier@Lmpkio@Lugubrious@Bright_Ops@DracoLunaris@WingsOfBronze@Zarkun@Nerevarine

Frisk gripped onto the back of Bartz's shirt as he got Boko started on chasing the thief. They managed to lean to the side a bit so they could see what was in front of the chocobo. However, that didn't last, as Bartz had place a hand on their head. It was rough like Undyne's grip, but it was definitely firm enough to make sure that Frisk didn't fall off. Frisk soon felt the chocobo come to a stop and they asked Bartz "What's happened?"

They felt Bartz's nudge and they peeked over again to see that they were facing a wall, and a lot of smoke. After hearing Bartz's question, they started racking through their mind. They really wished they could use blue magic on Boko and get them over the wall, like Sans and Papyrus. Wait, Sans could! ...But he may be lazing about somewhere, and might not feel like capturing a thief (sounds legit). Oh! There was the jetpack function on their cell phone! How could Frisk forget?! They pulled out the cell phone and tried to activate it, but it didn't work. They were going to have to talk to Alphys about that.

They answered Bartz, "I don't, but I have a friend who might! For now, we'll need to go around the wall and fast! Try that way! I'll call my friend and see if he can help!" As Frisk spoke, they pointed towards an exit they could see. After pointing they gripped onto the back of Bartz's shirt again with one hand and started calling Sans with their cell phone. They heard the dial tone and hoped for Sans to pick up.
@Spinna ....Dangit, I can't resist anymore...

May I join? I was thinking of making a pearl who pretends to be a Moonstone (AKA Takes a Moonstone's place and says she's that Moonstone, and has a good disguise to ensure people don't see her as a pearl) in order to go on the mission as a capable member of the team (and not a tool/thing). Would that be okay?
Skylar was about to continue, but she had to stop when the robotic monster had blocked her path. She asked with worry and a growing agitation, "What are you doing?!" Why was this monster getting in their way?! She could barely feel herself breathe as her heart pounded. What if the seconds she was losing would mean that the monsters around her would collapse with glassy eyes and no pulses immediately, like it happened before...?! There was almost an impulse for her to just shove the monster out of the way, but she calmed herself down, telling herself that that was something Frisk wouldn't do.

She listened as the monster in front of her asked her question, and Skylar couldn't help but recall how everyone collapsed lifeless during the body swap shenanigans and the events before that. She was responsible...for turning back time? At least, that's what she can guess when the monster in front of her said "Quantum Disturbance". Skylar answered the monster, "I...I don't know if I can explain. I don't even know what I did...! And-And trying to explain it would just make me sound crazy...!" She then face palmed, and answered "Look. Now's not the time to talk about this! I don't know how much time we have, but we need to continue, so can you please let me pass?!"

She looked to David when he asked her how she knew his name. At first, as she looked at him, she couldn't help but see his lifeless body, limp like a doll. While he hadn't turned to dust then, the fact that something happened to everyone still frightened her. She answered him after trying to regain her composure, "We...met before,"

She stopped when she heard laughter from further in the Underground, and she told the group, "C'mon. A froggit needs our help right now," She then tried to move past Rel in order to continue on.
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