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3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds I’m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad I’m not the only one with the issue.
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2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

@Morose@FantasyChic The officers weren't at the townhall over looking the scene anymore, but still the crime scene did have the tape over it still and the outline of where Mayor Ryder's body was located. However when Finley would enter the building she would see that the computers that the security cameras were hooked up to were gone from Mayor Ryder's office. However Jenna still had access to the police station and could find where the computer was located in the evidence room.

@Dragoknighte There wasn't a proper library building in Red Lake, if anyone did want to check out a book there was a small one in Red Lake's Town Hall, however that was still an active crime scene. The drive back to the center of town was uneventful, and there were a few people there still floating around town as they continued to go on about their day. The crime scene was now cleared for now, there weren't any officers there as they went to go and tend to the newest one by the abandoned house he wouldn't have any problems getting into the building if he decided to go there.

@Infamous Auror When Declan shifted into his wolf form his senses were much higher now, and he would hear some voices a few feet away. They were the same hunters that he had encountered back at the Silver Mine. Then he would hear a gunshot going off, and he would see them briefly as they had finished killing a deer for their hunt. The run to Miranda's house wasn't eventful either, and he would be able to see her house there coming up in the distance in the woods.

@Kirah The day was pretty nice so far as Heather went out to walk over to the café, her house wasn't that much farther from the center of town. And she would hear about the people going on about the sudden surge in police activity, as well as the murder of Mayor Ryder and then Riley Walker going missing. Whenever Heather entered the café she would see the manager tending to a few tables himself after having kicking Miranda out of the store for the rest of the day. He would perk up seeing Heather and gave her a slight smile. "Glad you got my message, mind getting ready and serving some coffee?" He asked.

Abraham Serafin

Location: Outside town hall where the crime scene was.
Interacting With: @rivaan Kosara Koleva

Abraham looked towards Kosara and shook his head slightly, the closest medium that he knew of that he had been in contact with was on the other side of the country. "Sadly the only one I know of is on the other side of the country so wouldn't be that useful to call her over here. It would take over a day to fly her out over here on short notice." Abe answered as he started to pull the car out and started to drive back to town. He thought about what to do next listening to his niece as she gave a suggestion of doing a séance, which wasn't a bad idea.

"That witch in town runs a store we can get the supplies that we need from her." Abe said knowing the woman very well, he would then look over at Kosara's phone seeing that there was a text from Jenna on the screen. "Wanna answer your friend?" Abe asked, he never really was good with the modern tech and newer phones that people used nowadays. As he drove feeling slightly hungry and looked at Kosara. "Gonna stop by the café and get some food real quick before doing ingredient shopping." Abe said.

Jeanna Grayson

Location: Outside of Red Lake Café
Interacting With: @BlueSky44 Lydia Weaver

Jeanna nodded looking at the kitten and smiled softly for a moment gently reaching down to pet it hearing it purring slightly as it woke up letting out a little mew. "Then follow me over to my car and i'll drive you there." Jeanna said as she looked towards Bradley who was still working on getting his deputies in order to get the scene set up and get ready on the forensic side of things. "Going to take her back to her place, then come back and help out here." Jeanna said motioning for Lydia to follow her, and headed into her car looking down she went to check the text from earlier.

Seeing that it was from Jenna and asking about her birth father, though she didn't know him Jeanna would do her best to dig into it after all Jenna was her wife's daughter after all which made Jenna family. Jenna then started up the car and started to type out her reply to Jenna.

To Jenna:
Sure i'll look into it, dropping off a girl named Lydia at her place, theres been another murder stay safe will contact you when I have something.

Jeanna hit send as she started to drive out from the abandoned house's driveway looking towards Lydia feeling bad that the girl had witnessed a murder but she wanted to make sure she was safe and also needed to know more. "Is there anything else that you can tell me?" Jeanna asked as she started to make her way towards Jenna and Lydia's house.

Olivia Johnson

Location: Olivia's house
Interacting With: @LokiLeo789 Joey Holloway & @Infamous Auror Taylor Evers

Olivia stopped for a moment as she started to pick up Taylor and Joey's scent and heard them pulling up at her house's driveway she started to make her way over towards the front door. Seeing Sadie bolting out of the car and running about in her yard Olivia smiled softly as she watched the dog having some fun in the yard. She stood on the porch of her house and waited for them to get out and waved them over.

"Glad to see you guys again." Olivia said even though she had already seen them just a few minutes ago over at the lake, Olivia still couldn't really get the weird smell out of her head back at the lake either. There was certainly something going on over there, she would probably end up going there herself and explore what was going on at the lake on her own time.

Wednesday, August 15th, 2018
Time: 12:00PM, New York City, New York

@FantasyChic Shortly after the wreck Quinn would find herself back in the subway in New York City, and it looked like the doors were just opened, they were now at Quinn's stop. People didn't seem to notice that Quinn was talking to herself pretty much the entire time during the ride. Outside there were a lot of people also getting off and onto the subway car, whenever Quinn got back to street level it was still raining very hard.

@rivaan Claire would notice that Olivia had disappeared out of her apartment, and she was now alone in the hallway once more the noise of the equipment were still going off as well as the workers went on about her job. She now knew where Olivia was working at, she would notice a neighbor, who was a known drug addict she would be able to read his mind. Going on about trying to get his next fix, as he opened his door and entered his apartment.

@Natsu After Aaliyah had given her explanation to her she just disappeared right in front of her, and she was once again alone in her apartment. A few seconds later there was a knock on her door, if she chose to open it was her neighbor a woman around her age as well working at a store just down the street. The rain was still going on strong outside and she would occasionally hear a clash of thunder and lightening.

@Damo021 Aaliyah would find herself back in the same bathroom in the restaurant, there was a few knocks on the door it was a female coworker who sounded really concerned about her. "Hey Aaliyah are you okay?" She asked as she leaned up against the door to try and hear her. "And who were you actually talking to in there?" She was one of those coworkers that always was concerned about those who she worked with and always wanted to try and help out.

Wednesday, August 15th, 2018
Time: 9:00AM, Seattle, Washington

@MoroseBefore Scott could get an answer from Isley he would find himself back outside of Jade's apartment there were a few people there giving him a very weird and odd stare seeing him talking to himself for the last few minutes. The rain seemed to finally calmed down now as well outside. The people stood there quietly talking amongst themselves about Scott, who he was talking to and as far as they could tell they didn't see him wearing a Bluetooth earpiece either.

@BlueSky44 Both Jason and Janelle would be back on the streets, the rain seemed to now calmed down however they were very much drenched in rain water head to toe. The grocery store wasn't that much further now either before they had their little visit to Cynthia's office, Jason however would remember the number that was on Cynthia's card as well and he would be able to get a call to her.

@AmethystDagger Gerald the intern went to do what he was told while Cynthia went to lead Jason and Janelle towards the elevator, but shortly after that they were both gone now as well. Leaving Cynthia by herself in the hallway, one of her coworkers came out of his office and approached her as he gave her a gentle nudge. "Hey did you want to go and grab some coffee later this evening or something?" He asked, he was always the flirt of the law firm and would occasionally try and get Cynthia to go out with him.

@SouffleGirl123 Lucinda would find herself back in her office, she was getting a few strange looks as they watched her talk to herself for the last few minutes. Then her boss came over looking at Lucinda with a concerned look after being told by a few of his employees what had just been going on. "Lucinda, I know we just talked, but are you sure everything is alright?" He asked looking at her

Wednesday, August 15th, 2018
Time: 9:00AM, Los Angeles, California

@rivaan Amelia would find herself alone once again in the park, as everyone seemed to be going on about their normal morning still, nothing interesting has been going on since their little chat together. There was a couple that were nearby as they talked about their plans for the night, before they turned off and headed to do their own thing. Right now there wasn't anything going on that is interesting at the park Amelia is in.

Olivia Johnson

Location: Claire's Apartment, New York City, New York
Interacting With:

Olivia looked around she was now in her office once more alone, looking over at the clock the next medical examiner was coming in now to relieve her. She got up and then took off her lab coat laying it up against a nearby coat hanger and grabbed her raincoat, Olivia then quickly went to her computer and started to look into the medical files of that woman who was killed in Philly. The medical examiner had managed to put in the report now, and started to print what information that she could from the database.

She figured that it would be useful to be used and maybe good to have Claire know as well, she didn't read over it instead Olivia slipped it into a file and then into her purse as she turned around to leave the room. Olivia started to head up to the reception area and went to sit down on a chair there while she waited for Claire. Feeling slightly nervous she never mentioned anything about her ability to heal to anyone other then Claire who was a complete stranger.
Riley, Priya, & Roy

Riley looked towards Priya still wondering about her for a little bit, she still didn't trust her just yet but Roy seemed to trust her for now since she was his partner. [font color="cyan"]"So where are you from?"[/font] Riley asked as she looked back towards the carnage that was there. Riley shifted slightly for a moment in her seat feeling bad for whoever it was that ended up getting killed in that accident.

Pulling up to the hole in the wall establishment, Roy parked the car and turned it off. Looking over to the two women he sighed a bit. "Do me a favor and just stay here. Last thing I need is one of your fans seeing you and posting it to the net," he said to Riley before glancing over towards Priya and giving her a half I'm sorry for making your baby sit look before jumping out of the car and heading inside to get them something to eat.

If looks could kill, Priya would have ended Roy right then and there, but at the same time, she wanted food. She gave him a look as he stepped outside. She returned her attention to Riley, who seemed to want to make small talk. Whether it was for the awkwardness that still hung in the air or because it took her mind of the wreck they just saw, Priya didn't care. "New York City. Came here fairly recently, actually." Priya would have let it hang there, but Roy said something that made her question. "What did he mean by fans? Are you a celebrity or something?" Priya couldn't place her. Perhaps she was an internet celebrity?

Riley watched as Roy pulled up to a small restaurant, looking over towards Roy for a moment when he pulled out his car keys telling them to stay in the car while he went to grab the food. Riley nodded slightly sitting in a cops car wasn't really that good. "Sir yes, sir." Riley said giving Roy a slightly sarcastic salute, looking over towards Priya once Roy had turned and left to grab the food. "I'm the lead singer of a band." Riley said as she took out her phone doing a quick search on google and then handed it over to her. "I've been to New York a lot always enjoyed performing there." Riley said, as far as she knew making some small talk wasn't that bad.

Roy chuckled a bit as he looked back, his beat up pinto wasn't exactly something that got attention other than for people to comment on what a piece of shit it was. And it was but that didn't matter. Detectives either had cars that stuck out like sore thumbs or actual cruisers. He opted to drive his own POS. Turning he placed his hand on the door of the place with a small sign hanging over that said Silver Miners Hot Wings and went inside to place an order. Front of the place was long glass windows so he could at least keep a partial eye on the girls while he was there. It was something.

Priya looked at the girl's phone. She had never heard her before. Granted, Priya rarely listened to music. She would listen to it in the car, of course, but as for going to concerts or buying CDs or songs, she didn't do it much. Maybe she heard the girl's song before and just never registered it. Either way, it didn't take away from the fact the girl was still a suspect. "Yeah, New York is a great city. Didn't know you were a celebrity. Maybe I heard a song of yours before." The fact Priya didn't remember the song just means she never heard it or it wasn't good.

"Maybe you have, a few of them have gotten radio time music has always been my thing. Even though my family never really approved of my taste in music they were really religious as well." Riley said as she reached back to take the phone back, as she looked over towards Silver Miners Hot Wings. She was getting pretty hungry now and stretched slightly, and wondered if she should continue talking or not, and she figured that she didn't want to hear more about her past.

Roy stood at the counter and rested his hands on it. Leaning forward and pointing every so often at the menu on the wall. There were some words exchanged as the person standing behind the counter, a guy who couldn't have been more than eighteen, seemed to write the order down before Roy pulled out his wallet and payed for the order. Slipping his wallet back into his pocket he glanced towards the front of the shop to keep tabs on the girls. Everything seemed fine for now.

Priya could somewhat relate to Riley and her parents. "My parents didn't approve of my career either. They are very traditional. Wanted me to be married, stay at home, have children. It wasn't for me. I want a family someday, but I wanted to help others more." Priya wouldn't get into her sister with this stranger. She could relate to her, but nothing more. She hoped Roy would come back soon with the wings. She was now VERY hungry.

"My folks were real bible thumpers for me, when I actually built up the guts to come out of the closet to them. Well it really didn't end up well for me, I was kicked out that night and haven't spoken to either of them since." Riley said remembering that night very clearly and shuddered slightly, she didn't really want to get to much into the details of that night with her either. Riley then felt her phone going off and quickly went to check who it was. Riley let out a soft sigh when she saw that it was from Cecily, as she quickly started to fire off a reply to her.

To CeCe:
So glad to hear from you, hope you are alright, hope to talk to you soon later maybe?"

Riley hit send as she looked towards the window over to where Roy was seeing him at the front desk, she couldn't wait to actually dig into the meal already.

Nodding towards Riley, Roy pushed back from the counter and went and sat down at one of the few tables in the small place. It would be a few minutes. Feeling his phone go off he looked down and smirked to himself. Shooting a message back to her.

Line is secure on this end, fill me in when you can Rogue. Babysitting outcasts of Xaviers school currently. Watch your six. Hitting send he slipped his phone back into his pocket and looked over at the counter. hopefully it wouldn't be too much longer.

Priya could certainly respect Riley's situation. Though she doubted her parents would have kicked her out (especially with her sister gone), they certainly would not have been thrilled if she turned out gay. Had her sister been alive and well, Priya would have been out the door. She loved her parents and she wanted them to be proud of her. But their lifestyle wasn't hers and when parents subjected their children to their own demands, it so often drove the children away. She had seen a few cases as detective and patrol officer of kids who went the wrong route due to their parents. However, she had also seen kids deciding for themselves to be better, despite their parents. Two ends to the same coin.

Priya let the silence linger. She didn't trust Riley fully yet. She was stil la suspect. But she had an appreciation for her and that was all Riley would hope to get.

Riley saw Roy and returned his nod with a slight wave as she looked back down at her phone with the last text from Cecily still she was glad to hear from her. She really missed hanging out with her roommate as Riley looked out towards the windows to see what was going on around them. "So when not fighting crime what do you like to do for fun in your free time?" Riley asked Priya turning her attention back over towards the detective.

It seemed the girl wanted to continue to talk. She would have been perfectly happy to sit there in silence, but Roy was taking longer than she anticipated. "I like to exercise. Yoga especially. Or vegging out in front of the TV. However, I rarely get free time since work seems to take that over." As she was a cold case detective, work seemed to be 24/7, because you never knew when the next lead would appear.

Carolina Reed

Location: The Lab, Stairwell

Carolina remained where she was when she got down onto the lowest floor, just as the elevator got to the bottom floor as well she decided to stay there for the moment. Seeing Scarlet Witch and Adder were there waiting for them, she watched helplessly as Scarlet Witch flung both Marygold and Allison into the wall of the elevator. But oddly enough Scarlet Witch didn't pay attention to her body either as she moved behind the two other mutants waiting for her moment to strike and make her move.

Scarlet Witch seemed to be more focused on Guin more then anyone at the moment as she grabbed her friend and then flung her across the wall and then kicked her. Guin seemed to be fine and making sarcastic and witty remarks to her, while the two were going at it Adder approached Allison and Marygold who were still in the elevator. Seeing him holding his knife and twirling it around, she quickly decided that it was now her time to strike. She quickly moved behind Adder and whispered into his ear giving him a command. "Why don't you take that pretty little knife of yours and then turn on Scarlet Witch."

Once her command was implanted Carolina returned her body and quickly waking up, sitting herself up looking towards Allison and Marygold, then over towards Guin. Scarlet Witch seemed to be acting weird, seeing the woman punching herself struck her as very odd, but turning her attention back at the others. "We need to go now and continue with the mission." Carolina suggested. "Planted a little suggestion in his head which should distract them enough."

Cassandra Reed

Location: The Lab (First Floor)

Cassandra listened in on the radio when Nina's voice came through giving her some information on their end, the one mutant Wonderland was now dead which was good. Though hearing that Damon was injured during the fight was bad news, but he was still alive, she went to the computer and started to try and hack into it and see what information was on there. She was typing as fast as she could to try and see what she can get off of it. But that was taking way longer then she would have liked, and they were running out of time looking down at a nearby clock.

She gulped slightly seeing that there was only thirty minutes left on their mission before the virus was released, and the computer wasn't giving anything useful. Cassandra turned to look at Charlie who seemed to be taking Oshea's death pretty hard, getting up she approached the young mutant gently laying a hand on his shoulder. "We need to head back down and regroup with the others." Cassandra suggested looking down at Oshea's body for a moment.

We will give him a proper service once the mission was completed we need to go." Cassandra said before making her way towards the stairs, turning for a moment and shot her icer two more times at Othelo and Sabertooth, she really didn't want them waking up again as she headed down the stairs. "Going to meet up with you guys at the lower levels, just give me directions." Cassandra requested.
@Infamous Auror If your having tech issues I’m not going to punish you for it, I’ve had problems as well in the past. So if you need an extension let me know as soon as you can.
Anastasia "Anna Nine Fingers" Ridgeway

Location: Tortuga.

Anastasia was about to try and intervene between Serina and Millicent she feared that the two of them would end up killing each other. Anastasia, felt her soul suddenly reenter her bod, she quickly then opened her eyes once more as she took her breath in for the first time since she had died, and quickly sat up running a hand through her hair looking down at her leg. She was relived to see that it was still there, having that weird shark take a chomp at it was bad enough. Seeing those that died were all now coming back to life as well Anastasia smiled happily as she slowly stood up and moved over to Aravis and Elissa. She reached over to feel a pulse from Elissa as well she was relieved to see that she was alive as well, her eyes then wondered over to Serina's body.

Her body wasn't fixed, like the others were and thought of a way to try and bring her friend back to life, eyeing Millicent for a moment. She couldn't ask the woman any more that she already had asked, and she was afraid that the woman would say no either, she heard Aravis mentioning of someway to try and get out of Tortuga. Which to her wasn't a bad idea either since the pirate safe haven is now currently in shambles.

"If me captain is still alive oi can ask 'er ter take yer ter wherever ye'd loike." Anastasia offered before eyeing her friends body once more. "Jist 'elp me git me lads body back ter de Bellona." Anastasia asked looking over at Millicent. "Yisser failte ter join as well."
@Lionhearted I'll write you off as on an extended leave then just tag me whenever your back and able to post I know you already told me of your situation right now with traveling.


Location: Fairgrounds (Present Day)
Interacting With: Everyone in the Big Top.

Seraphina wrapped the kumatock cloak over her arm as she eyed the remains of those who had fought and died during the confrontations with Mephistopheles, Hel and Fenir. Closing her eyes for a moment letting out a slight sigh before tuning in to where Katsumi was along with the others. She was the last of those that needed to be taken back to their correct time, Sera could hear the other angels on Angel Radio, picking up on the information on the cloak that she currently had and thought about handing it off. It was a threat to keep around with Hel now out of her prison. Seraphina then turned and started to make her way out of the tent and made her way towards the Coventry Horrors Hotel.

She made it over there with no problem at all as she entered the lobby she eyed those that were in the room all of those that worked for the circus. They were talking about some spirits that were there, but she was late to the conversation then her eyes spotted Katsumi within the group and started to approach her. "I have come to take you back to your time if you come with me, you wont remember the last few moments of being here." Seraphina said as she eyed those that were in the room.

Seraphina then reached out to her and took her hand she whipped away the last couple of minutes of being here in the present and then sent her back to April 16th, 2016 at exactly 12:25 AM. Her attention turned to those that were in the room, she couldn't stay any longer then she could looking over at Fairfax. "I can take you back to your time as well." Seraphina offered him.

Jessica Pearson

Location: St. Septima's Veterinary Hospital - Clearwater, Florida
Interacting With: No One

Jessica was relived to see that her banish sigil worked, there weren't any signs of the ones that were after her now. But she needed to move fast, as she drove her car down the road. Her apartment wasn't that far from Septima's and she could pack up her things and leave as quickly as she could. As she drove Jessica looked down at her purse the small corner of Sayuki Chikashi's car was there, she remembered briefly running into him a few weeks ago. Jessica knew her was the OMEN mole, even though he warned against other necromantics like herself who were good on any upcoming OMEN raids. She wasn't sure if he would be willing enough to help her hide from angels that are after her now.

Once she was back at her apartment Jessica quickly got out of her car, pulling out her keys as well grabbing her purse and the card quickly dialing up the number as Jessica headed up to her apartment. She had put up a lot of warding around the apartment so that any demons or angels that were searching for her wouldn't enter. Waiting as patiently as she could for him to pick up, she entered Jessica heard Danny barking as the little pup came running up to her. "Hey Danny." Jessica said happily as she knelt down and gently patted him, and headed directly into her room. She started to stuff some clothes into a duffle bag, putting her phone on speaker and tossed it onto the bed so that she could pack up and have a free hand.

Jessica then started to grab another bag stuffing every single lore book that she had with her into it. "C'mon pick up." Jessica said to herself as the little husky puppy trotted into her room looking up at her expectantly. Once all of her things were quickly packed away Jessica started to zip up the two bags that she had.

Mariana Garcia

Location: Room 307 - Hunter Hotel, Omaha, Nebraska
Interacting With: Robin Ramirez & Aloise Zamora@Morose

Mariana walked around the room as she continued to think it over a bit more as she looked towards Robin while she continued to listen more and more to Aloise. She still got the nagging feeling that it was some kind of catch to the deal, but it was true that she was getting tired of the hunting gig. But she was talking about angels and demons, there were other creatures out there that needed to be killed as well. "The job does get old a lot of the time.." Mariana said softly as she remembered several of her cases where the clients or those who ended up getting caught in the crossfire she hated seeing innocents die before her.

Then Robin asked who the Aesir was who she was apparently trying to get them to help with, looking over at Robin once more when she mentioned Hel. Mariana didn't know much about the Norse mythology only a few like Thor, Odin and Loki, but other then that she didn't know any of the others. "She must have done something bad to end up getting herself imprisoned for such a long ass time." Mariana said crossing her arms over her chest.

Just the name didn't sound all that well to her, it felt like she would end up killing everyone. "Mind if we talk it over a bit?" Mariana asked. "And after that we can see about removing that arrow to." Mariana said as she led Robin over towards the small kitchen that was in their motel room. "¿Qué piensas Robin?" Mariana asked whispering towards her cousin to see what her opinions on it were, she wanted to kill as many demons as possible.

Post will be up later tonight.
Post will be up later this evening.
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