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Update out. Just tell me if there's anything wrong, okay?

P.S. No explicit stuff, okay? Don't wanna get in trouble.
(Timey-Wimey Ball is in effect again probably for the next few updates. Ask me if there's any confusion.)

One Man's Trash
~@Restalaan (DIT), @AzureKnight (NAG), @13org (FYR)~

Freyr's shot was true. The arrow hit the apple but did not pierce through. The people surrounding the guild members relaxed, some disappointed that there would be no chance for a quick shot at fortune and glory this day.

Saburo invited Freyr and the other guild members to talk with him while the competition resumed. The Zipanguese Lord gifted the Guild with a couple of his handcrafted arrows. The quest was a success!


Night had fallen when the guild members handed over the arrows to the strange old couple back in Ambran. They were delighted and happily forked over the reward before frolicking away to their next venture.

"I swear, we always get the weirdos." Haley could not help but remark. "Still, that was pretty cool, Freyr. I totally didn't doubt you for a second." The Siren snickered at the self-jab. "A job well done if I do say so myself. You guys wanna hang around here or do we head back to the guild?"

"And hey there, the two of you." Haley turned to Nagare and Ditzy. "I do believe we haven't been introduced to each other yet. I'm Haley Wellington and I've been in the guild longer than the two of you so that means I'm your senior and you have to do whatever I say. Hahaha!"

~@Lmpkio (TCA), @AzureKnight (VRA)~

With Eilidh pulling Bast away, Titanica and Vară was left with the local populace who were noticing what was happening.

"Oh my~ These two look like they've eaten a little too much of the local cuisine~"

"They look like they're about to rampage..."

"That's not good. They might cause trouble with the 'closed' couples here."

Titanica and Vară were attracting a crowd of Angels and Houris and Cupids and soon enough, the local authorities. "Hey, hey! What's going on here?" Arrived was a Valkyrie of long, blonde hair and shiny red armor and, of course, clean white-feathered wings. She pushed through the crowd to get a clear look at the scene. "What's the ruckus about? What happened?"

"Oh, Officer Valerie~ This Dragon and Succubus went a little overboard with our food~"

Valerie sighed. "Not again..." The Valkyrie then addressed Titanica and Vară. "Alright, you two. I don't know if you can hear me but this has happened before so don't worry, we know what to do. However, we will not be at fault for what happened to you here." Valerie said before clasping her hands together and uttering a prayer too quiet for Titanica and Vară to hear.

Suddenly, a pillar of light enveloped both Titanica and Vară and once it dissipated, the two found themselves in a large stylishly cute bedroom of pink and comfortable colors. Also with them, however, was a familiar face. "Titanica? And who are you? Vară?" Neil looked around confused. "Where are we? W-What's going on?" He was beginning to panic. "What happened? Why are we here?"

Looking at the two in-heat monsters, he was beginning to worry as to what's going on. "Titanica, Vară... Are you two, okay?"


"And no doubt you're Mr. Bartholomew Baker, my new employer. And these must be the guild members. I like the variety. It wouldn't trouble you if I had a bit of dinner too, would it? I'm actually a little famished since the ride over here."
Teelfa Silverwind

Bart shook your hand. "New employer?" The guild leader repeated. "Oh, you'd like to join the Guild? That's awesome! The more the merrier!" He then chuckled. "Sorry about the sad state of our guild right now. Especially our entrance. There have been... complications last night." Bart continued sheepishly.

"But hey, I'm glad you'd like to join anyway!" Bart returned to a more cheerful mood. "Here in the Guild, we do requests and get paid if you didn't already know. Although, there are some quests that are..." He trailed off, not finishing the sentence and breaking off the conversation.

~@The Irish Tree (MAG)~

"K-Kyle's launch...everything was going fine, then suddenly he...his machine broke down mid-air, and he crashed. By the time we got there he was already...already dead.
Magnus Eissenhoeff

Talia was silent, mouth slightly agape. Then she closed her eye and sighed. Then she smiled at you. A sad smile. "Hey, don't beat yourself up over it. It's not your fault." She assured you.

"I feared this, you know?" Talia began. You could see her eye was watering. "We've done all the calculations but... I always had a feeling that there were factors we weren't considering. I suppose that's what testing is for, isn't it?" The Cyclops wiped a rolling tear. "Looks like we're back to the drawing board, aren't we?"

Talia stood from her chair. "In behalf of Kyle, let me say... thanks for being there... and helping us out." She then left the dining hall, her dinner unfinished.

~@ShwiggityShwah, @The Irish Tree (MAG), @Lmpkio (MOR), @Restalaan (YNG), @ZekariVoblis~

"It's nice to see the newcomers are getting along with everybody." Bart announced after talking to Teelfa.

"But we've yet another member joining our ranks. Everybody, meet Teelfa." Bart introduced the Panther Wyvern. "I'll let her give the details herself. Looks like we're getting new members one after another. We're getting close to our original number no?" Bart gave out a hearty laugh.

"And what about you, Miss Moth? Morgan right?" Bart then addressed Morgan. "I'd like to thank you for healing Talia. How'd you meet Neil and the others in Mahigan anyway? The village isn't large but I think it's unlikely that you two just bumped into each other in the village." He asked the Kaiju. "That reminds me, we also have Mothman members recently but they had to leave due to some family matters, I think."

"Also, you're looking for Titanica? What do you need with her?"

~@The Irish Tree (NEP)~

Watching Talia leave the table and the dining hall, Neil sighed. "That can't be good."

As Bart called out the newcomers to introduce themselves, you were poked in the shoulder by Neil. "Hey. So uhh, found anything about my... predicament?" He asked you. "You know, now that Talia's alright. Physically."

"The library here isn't much, that much I know." Neil said. There was a brief pause before resuming. "...I actually thought we could dig something up in Mahigan. I thought..." He sighed. "I thought we could find a more detailed lead there, you know, while Talia's getting help." Neil shrugged. "But... well, one thing lead to another and... we were going home."

"...It was surreal, you know?" Neil added. "Seeing a village like that. There were Humans, there were Monsters, and they all act like, everything's normal." He continued. "I guess that's normal, isn't it? It's me who's not normal. That much we know." Neil forced out a chuckle.

"Hey uhh, sorry for rambling."

~@Silver Carrot, @13org (BST)~

(I'll let you two continue)


Having been invited to join a guild, you emerge from your dungeon dwelling and journeyed far to the location the orange-haired man gave you if you were ever interested in joining.

After days of traveling, you finally reach your destination. There, in the middle of the night-blanketed grassland, stood a structure of stone and metal and lit up like a beacon amongst the darkness.

You approach the great structure and you find a gaping hole for an entrance which gave you a peek at the main hall within. You get a feeling that was not part of the building's design. Regardless, you hear voices and conversation inside somewhere. From what you could see and hear, it seemed to be coming from the hall right of the main hall.

How will you make your entrance?
PSA: I'd prefer if the conversation between Talia and Magnus is something private and that no one notices so it won't affect everyone else.

EDIT: Shwah, it would be preferable for you to post to respond to Resta.
Update will be delayed a bit again.

Will at least give others time to post.
Seraph Academy

Practice Halls

As Seleth and Raviel talked, two familiar figures entered the practice hall they were in. "Seleth! Raviel!" Alicia waved at the Dark Elf and the Furred One. "We heard you two were fighting so we came as soon as we were able."

"However, it looks like we are late." The girl wearing the eastern clothes was recognized as Mira Yasunori, one of Alicia's friends and by extension, Seleth and Raviel. "Greetings, Seleth and Raviel. I... hope we're not interrupting anything." The onmyoji girl teased.

"Mind telling us about the match?" Mira then asked.

"Yeah! Yeah! What happened?" Alicia joined in.

"Say, where does a fellow like myself find some healing around hire? Or is there a cost for such treatmint?"

"Oh, you can head to the infirmary for that." The medic replied. "And don't worry, any treatment is free for tournament contestants."

"Though, are you sure you got hurt? It didn't look like you got hurt much." The medic remarked. "The healers will lambast you if they find out you were just overreacting. But don't worry, they'll fix it even if it's just a bruise or something."

"Anyway, good luck with your next match. I heard you'll be facing none other than Varjan Caldeyron himself."


~~~ @AzureKnight (LIS) ~~~

"Excuse me, Varjan, is everything alright? Please excuse my intrusion, I simply saw a fellow student was bewildered about something and I wish to help lighten his shoulders. Would either of you mind if I sat with you for a brief moment?"
Lisianthus von Zauberheim

The maid shot you a glare. "Pardon me, Princess, but you need not concern yourself with matters like these. These are matters below your station and thus, not worthy of your time and attention." She said to you in a mocking manner. It appeared she was trying to get rid of you while looking polite.

"Anesh." Varjan tried to restrain his servant.

"Besides, someone like you would not understand the problems that Lord Varjan faces." Anesh continued her assault, unwilling to relent. "So please, save your attempts at appearing caring and concerned to us. We are already your loyal subjects so you do not need to gain our approval and affection."

"Anesh! Stop!" Varjan raised his voice which have indeed stopped Anesh. "Anesh, you're dismissed. I'll see you back in the manor."

"But Lord Varjan..." Anesh attempted to retort.

"Anesh, please." Varjan tiredly requested. The maid did as she was told. She stood up from the bench, bowed to you and her master and left. Varjan then returned to you, now that you two can have a normal conversation. "What do you need, Princess Lisianthus?" He first asked. "Is it something about the tournament? Don't worry, I won't hold back against you and I hope you feel the same." The boy gave you a tired smile.

"Or is it really about lightening my mood? If so, then I must echo my maid's sentiments: Why?"

Western Gate

~~~ @Lmpkio ~~~

"Oi, Nur-laddie, Ya OK lass? What were those scabby doaty dobbers tellin' ya this time?"

Nur looked at you with eyes of irritation. "Why'd you waste your time doing that?" The girl asked. "They're not gonna stop. They'll just come back more fiercer than before since they'll think I rely on people like you to keep them away. They're never gonna stop."

"In fact, where were you?" Nur suddenly asked. "Where were you when all this started? Where were you when I needed you the most?" She continued, her voice rising in anger. "It could've all stopped then and there. But no, you people simply stood aside and let rumor after rumor circulate!" She began lashing out. "Do you even care? Or do you only care if it's within sight?"

"Or maybe, maybe you agree with my tormentors' sentiments... Maybe you also think I'm just a conniving b**** who uses her good looks to get what she wants!" Nur jumped to a conclusion. "Come on! Tell me I'm a whore! A b****! A pig and a cow! That's what you really feel, isn't it?!"

City Square

Unknown Location

~~~ @AzureKnight (HIS) ~~~

"I do have one question. Are we allowed to kill?"

Annabelle sighed. "Sadly, that depends."

"You see, my... well, I guess our, operation here is a simple supply-and-demand market." Belle began. "Contestants in the tournament demand an 'advantage' to help them win, I supply said 'advantage'. It's cheating and illegal, of course, but hey, when has that ever stopped people? Especially if no one would know."

"While the law here is competent and honorable, they're also adherent to principle and protocol. And that's something to our advantage... so long as we keep our tracks clean." Annabelle then eyed Keith who shrugged. "I'm afraid we can't kill people willy-nilly or else we'll be taken even more seriously... than we already are." She eyed Keith again.

"Hey, I did my best! What was I supposed to do against two Beastkin and a dude with a sword and a funny hat?" Keith said in his defense, also revealing a figure who was familiar to you. "You better be glad no one got captured."

"But rest assured, dear Hisana. We will have our bloodshed soon enough. We just have to patient." Belle told you. It appeared she herself shared your penchant for violence. "Oh, but you are free to brutalize and intimidate people as much as you want. Discourage them from investigating our venture." She added. "Now then, you can direct any further questions to our friend Keith. I've other matters to attend to. Farewell for now, Hisana. Your eyes are pretty too~"

Annabelle stood up and disappeared in a flash of pinkish-purple light. "So yeah, please direct any concerns to your pal, Keith North. He will address it to the best of his ability. And by 'best', I mean 'as little effort as possible'." Keith said. "Anyway, if you don't have any questions, we've got a job to do. Namely, protecting our 'assets'. You know, like those two bumps on your chest."

Harassment aside, Keith continued. "We've another warehouse set up to try and recuperate losses. It's probably going to get hit but I'm thinking they're going after the staff instead of the stuff this time so there's that." The mercenary continued. "Then we've got someone named Juan de la Cruz who handles our pay but might be brought in for questioning. Might. But in the event that he does, he's likely to spill. So we gotta protect him from being caught or get rid of him if he's caught."

"Which one you wanna tackle?"

Eastern Gate Town ---> Luminous Cathedral

Warehouse ---> Meeting Room

~~~ @AzureKnight (ENI), @Polaris North (FAY) ~~~

After removing the debris from Tibrus, Faye doused some of the flames with her enhanced wind spell before sending a gust towards Keith which allowed their new Beastkin ally to secure some boxes. Having failed his objective, the mercenary fled.

With Keith gone, Enishi was able to put out the fires that threatened to burn down the warehouse and everything in it. Most of the boxes have been destroyed or burnt to ash but a few were secured.

~~~ @CitrusArms ~~~

"You want some more, huh?!" Keith fired more fireballs at your direction but your trusty shield protected you from the attacks.

When you started kicking some boxes out of the warehouse, the mercenary panicked. "Hey no! Don't do that! That stuff aren't for mortal eyes!" He attempted to get close to you but he was interrupted and blown away from a wind blast from one of your allies outside, allowing you to secure some boxes from Keith's wrath. "Damn it!"

"And I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for you, meddling kids!" Keith yelled as he fled the scene. The fires have also been put out, saving the warehouse from at least collapsing. The situation was as good as over.


"Based from witnesses and reports, there was a fire in the warehouse but died before it could completely destroy the building." Athos began to the investigators. "Rebuilding it will not be cheap but it could've been more expensive."

The investigators, including Lumina, were assembled again in the Luminous Cathedral meeting room and were now being debriefed by the Court Mage. "However, you have achieved our objectives and secured some pretty solid evidence for drug trafficking. Enhancers, curses, even just physical drugs were in the boxes you secured." Athos said. "You've all done a very good job."

"I'm curious though. How did this little operation go? How'd it lead to a warehouse almost burning down?" The Court Mage asked of the investigators. "And who is this new friend of yours?" He added, referring to Lumina.

I think Morgan ignored Neil?

Okay, those points make sense. I'll write you in on the next update.
As for the original item, that comes from the religion of Animism, in which everything has its own unique spirit, and nothing can ever share it. Annalise doesn't destroy this spirit, but keeps it in her Reflection Core, where it can be drawn on forever; so, the original item that she's creating is always there, merely by her very presence.

So that either means that the objects she creates fall apart as soon as they are created (since they are in close proximity of Annalise) or they must be taken away from her before they fall apart. Am I getting this right?

Well anyway, for practical purposes of this RP, whatever Annalise 'creates' will probably last until the RP ends.

And, gold coin is actually safer around her than you think. The metal is so refined, she can't eat more than five or ten before getting full. It would take years to eat a well-stocked coffer, but, as soon as she finds it, that's where her bedroom will be set up. So, everyone better mind the chests in there. XD

If she needs to eat everyday (or even every week/month) then it's going to make a dent on the guild's coffers. Which will likely cause (IC) drama.

With that in mind, don't you think Bart will kick Annalise out once she starts feasting on the guild's gold since gear won't always be present for Annalise to eat?

Oh, I thought she actually turns herself or her body parts into weapons. But she can do that, no?

Also, how can the 'created' item be in the presence of the original if the original has been consumed by Annalise?

Just pointing these minor things out, Annalise is good to go although I hope she doesn't consume the guild's gold.

I guess if she's still vulnerable to fire and magic, I suppose that's alright. Although, most of the enemies that would be fighting the guild won't be wielding much magic. Does her weaknesses change if she turns into an object?

Also, I didn't understand the 2nd rule about that Projection Reflection thing.
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