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Oh jeez, I hope you're alright and unharmed.

Oh, alright. How about at least one post per week? This is actually my normal posting sched, it's just that I thought this RP would be fast since it's Tabletop so I made it once per 2-3 days.

Is that okay with you? And is that okay with @GreenGoat?
@Skyswimsky @GreenGoat

Thinking of Karmas is hard... but the game's ready to go nevertheless.

Also, we'll start with the Dolls' backgrounds already established for this campaign. I hope y'all is okay with that.

Also, I forgot to ask if you guys will be taking Companions.
Personally, I'd prefer if we could avoid certain "tropes", if you would call them that. Decked out military dudes, katana-wielding swordsmen, edgelord who talks in detail about how he'll kill or beat the shit out of someone, etc. Characters like these make me groan when it comes to survival horror stuff (unless I want to be Doom Guy and blast the shit out of some zombs, but even then sometimes they're just as bad). I'd also prefer if we stuck to traditional zombies--slow and rotting over mutated variations.

I think the best way to prevent this is to set the starting point where it's very unlikely for players to be gun-toting, katana-swinging badasses. Like say, a school or an office.

Then, if you don't want the players developing into AR-toting, katana-swinging badasses, the GM will need to restrict the loot they find in the zombie apocalypse so they can't train with them. Like, even if they enter a gun store or a weapon antique shop, they'll find that the place was already ransacked and maybe only has a pistol or an old ceremonial knife or something.
Sorry for the late update, guys. I write super slow.
~@Lmpkio (TCA), @AzureKnight (VRA)~

"Who are these so-called 'Ortusians' you speak of? You yourself say to be one of them, yet speak of maliciousness to said knight. I take it he bares ill?"

"What? No!" Haley replied, incredulous. "Why would you think that--"

The Siren stopped and sighed. "I'm not sure if you know but... Ortus is a human nation that has had a... strange relationship with the rest of humanity. I don't know the specifics, maybe they worshiped the Chief God differently or something, but the Order treated Ortus differently. Looked down on them, accused them of things." Haley began. "Back when we were scary monsters, the Order had no choice but accept Ortus into its ranks since you need every human you can get to fight us monsters."

"And when we monsters changed and the human-monster war became less of a priority among the human nations, the tensions against Ortus blew up and so began the ongoing Order-Ortusian War. I've read that Varjo meddled in our civil war and the Order took their side, said that Ortus was with the monsters anyway." Haley made an amused snicker. "Ironically, this made Ortus unintentionally sympathetic to monsters. Due to the war, the kingdom didn't have enough troops and resources to keep monsters out and so, monsters began openly living in Ortusian towns and no one batted an eye."

"My parents were from an Order kingdom and planned to move to a monster-friendly state or maybe even a Green Demon Realm. They were going to cut through Ortus to make the traveling easier. But the plan fell apart when my mom gave birth to me in an Ortusian village and used up all their money to take care of me, an egg at the time." The Siren sighed again. "So there, I was born and raised an Ortusian. I was there first monster born there and I've never met a fellow monster, 'cept my monther, until I was... I don't know, twelve or something."

"Oh by the way, Ortus is also and mostly called the 'Moon Kingdom' because of our heavy references to the Moon in our culture." Haley added. "People use 'Moonies' as a slur because of it."

Herbal Medicine 2
~@Lmpkio (MOR), @Stern Algorithm~

With his body bare and with the beautiful Sylvia all over him, Neil resisted his bodily responses the best he could. "Guys! Stop this! I'm gonna pop a--!"

The seemingly-harassing activity was put to a halt when a guard patrol showed up to the scene due to the sounds of magic and commotion happening. Long story short, Neil and the monster girls were caught and hauled to the guardhouse located quite into the town of Ambran. With Neil buck naked with little covering his modesty, it was also a sort of walk of shame for him.

The guild members were charged with public indecency, believing that Morgan and the Altissima sisters were having intercourse with Neil outdoors in broad daylight. The guild members were now in front of the Guard Captain of Ambran in his office who appeared more tired than angry. He wore heavy armor compared to the typical guard. Fair-skinned, bald and had some aging facial hair.

"Okay, so I understand you are monsters and sometimes the urge just becomes too strong." He began. "But couldn't you at least hold off until you find a room or something? Ambran has plenty of inns who don't mind what happens inside their rooms so long as it doesn't spill out."

Liberation At Any Price
~@ShwiggityShwah, @Restalaan (YNG)~

"Nevertheless, our task is completed. After my companion is healed, we would have to depart soon. May fortune smile on you on your endeavor Felipe."
Yang Bethlehem

"Likewise, you two! Likewise!"

After Ozzy was fixed up with some healing salves, the rebels retired back to their homes and left the two guild members just outside the town. "With the Varjan detachment routed, you two are unlikely to encounter any Varjan presence on your way out of here. Unless of course you are not lucky, hahaha! Stay safe, you two." Felipe bode Yang and Ozzy farewell before leaving.

Wait a minute, the guild members don't have the reward with them. Perhaps it was because Felipe did not know they were from the Guild?

Let me know if there's anything wrong. Also changed his equipment a bunch.

Thanks. Can I use my original character back then or do you want me to use a new one?
Hey there. I know I participated in this RP a long time ago but then left.

However, I'd like to join again. If you'll have me.
Seraph Academy

Academy Infirmary

~~~ @AzureKnight (LIS), @CitrusArms ~~~

"Yup. Can confirm." said Ecthel. "I was there when we tried to nab Juan. I didn't do much though, hehehe." The boy sheepishly laughed.

"Is that why you were missing that one day?" Mira asked with a raised eyebrow, but Ecthel picked up what she really meant.

"It was a secret official investigation! I couldn't tell any of you." Ecthel defended himself.

"Do you think this is where Varjan got the drugs?" Alicia was the next to speak.

"Probably." Mira replied. "But... none of that says anything about where Varjan is or is heading to. Not that I'm saying that Varjan's use of illegal substances isn't serious. It's just that we need to find him first and--"

"I think I know where he's heading next." Alicia suddenly said, after much internal deliberation. "If Varjan cheated, I doubt he wanted to get found out. I believe he expected to win and then cover his tracks. With his abilities and reputation, he would have no trouble accomplishing that. However, that's not how things played out and now... Varjan has nothing to lose."

"So... where do you think he's going?" Ecthel asked.

"If he were any other guy, he'd have just left and go somewhere far away. But Varjan and his family aren't that. If he tried to run away, his family will no doubt chase him to the ends of the world. Varjan likely knows this, and he's probably on his way back home to settle things with his family once and for all." Alicia explained.

"...You don't think he's really gonna do that, do you?" Mira remarked.

"He's about to be exposed as a cheater in the Grand Academy Tournament. He doesn't have anything else to lose." Alicia said. "We need to find him before he does anything... drastic."

All the talking between these three made it seem like they knew Varjan well. Or at least, knew more about him than anyone. Perhaps Lumina or Lisia could inquire into that.

"If you must, tell them to meet me at the Radiant Cathedral. That is my usual place of residence. Well, lets get going then. I'll tell you what I can, however little it is."
Seleth Thenri

"I shall relay your message. I believe your parents will be arriving in several days so you'll have time to prepare for their arrival." The Beastkin said. "We thank you for your cooperation and we apologize once again for the inconvenience. Please follow me." She led you out of the infirmary and out of Seraph Academy.

The melancholy of the night could definitely be felt as you followed the Feathered One. The decorations and stands for the tournament festivities were still there but the people enjoyed them more serenely. The loud happiness of the day had made way for the quiet enjoyment of the night. This scene, for some reason, felt like it was precious. As if it was under threat.

"You will be meeting Lord Athos, the Royal Court Mage, in the Luminous Citadel." The Beastkin said. You knew Athos, he has visited Seraph Academy several times and even taught in some classes. It appeared he was good friends with the academy's head master. "Please do be honest in your answers. Everything you say will be taken completely seriously."

"Off the record, I believe he's just going to talk to you." The Feathered One said more quietly. "Normally, this questioning should involve multiple people but only Athos will be meeting you. Still, I recommend you take this seriously."
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