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Merry Christmas to y'all! Thanks for sticking by this RP for this long. Know that I really, really appreciate your continued participation.

Thanks again!
The Journey Begins

~ Another Unknown Location ~

Interacted with: @Rune_Alchemist, @Pyromania99

Octavia was excited at the mention of 'fetch', though Nick was not sure how it knew the game considering it was born several hours ago and being an entirely alien dog not from Earth. Unfortunately for the pup, Augusta had a request for it first. Namely, to dig out a pit for a fire they could use. The demon dog complied, albeit reluctantly, and quickly dug out some snow and ground while Augusta went to collect some sticks. Nick felt he had to join the Elf but they were done as soon as they started.

Once Augusta returned with the wood, Octavia snatched one from her and knocked out the ones from the pit and ran straight to Nick with her tail wagging. "...Uhh, she's not gonna like that." He sheepishly remarked as he took the stick from the pup's mouth. "A-Anyway, you wanna play fetch, Octavia?" Nick first wagged the stick in front of Octavia. "[colorskyblue]Then go get it![/color]" He hurled the stick away. It was not a far throw, but still distant enough to take Octavia several seconds to retrieve it and return it to Nick.

So for now, Nick would be left with Augusta.

Ahh, no. It's too far.
~@13org (ADA & FYR), @Restalaan (DIT), @Stern Algorithm~

"... We could do that too..."

Haley giggled from Freyr's flustered reaction. "Alright, alright. We can watch the fireworks first, then we can head back to the guild to... rest." She winked at the Viera, though even she was red in the face. "Until tonight, Freyr..."


As per Ditzy's request, the remaining guild members first got food and drink to eat before going to watch the fireworks display. Talia got herself a nicely baked apple pie while Sir Reed went for a couple of sticks of steamed fish meat skewered on them. By the time they were done purchasing foodstuffs, the guild members joined the huge crowd that had gathered in the harbor when night fell.

Several boats could be spotted floating in the distance and RiƱas came out with a cone that had two holes on each end, amplifying her voice. "Monsters and gentlemen! Are you ready for a bright and wondrous evening?! A wild end to the night?!" The crowd yelled 'Yes' in response. Talia certainly did. "Then without further ado, let the fireworks light the sky!"

Moments after the Dark Priest finished, a small orange spark launched into the sky from the boats which then exploded into a display of bright green lights with the boom from the explosion coming seconds after. The fireworks continued launching and exploded in different colors, bedazzling the watching audience and the booms resounding throughout the port. "I've seen fireworks before in Ortus. But never have I enjoyed one alongside monsters, much less a male one and one I've never heard of before. Ain't that right, ya two little buggers?" Sir Reed rubbed the heads of both Ditzy and Ada.

~@Restalaan (YNG)~

Yang Bethlehem

"It's fine! It's fine! Hahaha..." Bart recoiled from the slap to his back, rubbing it a bit from the stinging sensation.

"But thanks for that, Yang. It feels like you're the only one I can count on in the entire Guild." Bart replied, a little careless with his words. "If the time comes, I hope you'll still be supporting me. Even when the world turns against us, I hope you'll stand firm against the tide. Although, I suppose such a thing is a simple matter for a monk like you, ain't it?"

"Yeah, a simple matter..." Bart trailed off. A small boom was heard and when the two of you turned around, the fireworks display from Boreal Port could still be seen at this distance, albeit smaller. Still, the colorful lights were beautiful. "Aww man, now I'm beginning to regret not staying to watch." The guild master pouted.

~@ShwiggityShwah, @Rezod92~

(I'll let y'all do your own thing.)
Got supa busy recently with other RPs as well as game modding but I'll have the update up tomorrow. Sorry for the slight delay.

The savages' naked bodies held no defense against Radiant's knives. Three of the savages were felled, screaming from pain, but the last one managed to evade the volley of blades and went straight for Wu.

The Feline Defender raised his shield and the savage swung his stick, shattering the wood weapon against the metal shield. But the hostile was not at all deterred, he leapt on the Defender in an attempt to maul his enemy to death. Of course, Wu would not go down without a fight. In fact, he has no intention of going down at all. "Go! Get the rock throwers!" Wu told Radiant and Medivac as he tried to shake off the savage off his shield.

"Look out!" Ibon warned from way behind. The rock throwers hurled stones at the incoming Operators. While Medivac had a shield to block the rocks, Radiant must evade them as they closed the distance. However, a lucky throw hit the Oni Operator in the rib and she found out that these savages threw these rocks pretty hard as her side flared up in pain. Maybe cracking a bone or two.

"Radiant, I got you!" The Liberi Medic threw a plastic orb that glowed green at Radiant. It was a precise throw, the green ball splashing medicinal salve at the Oni's blunt injury.
The Journey Begins

~ Another Unknown Location ~

Interacted with: @Rune_Alchemist, @Pyromania99

"Hmm. For now, I suppose we'll hold down the camp. Perhaps you should try to practice your magic more, young man."

"Hey now, I doubt you're pretty old yourself." Nick was unamused at Augusta's comment.


The two stayed to rest in the area with Nick still continuing to attempt magic. He tried hard, concentrating and focusing, but after several attempts, he produced no results. Nick sat down on the snow-covered ground, panting and a little mad that he was not able to cast magic. He could feel it, the magical energy, but he couldn't grasp it much less control it. It left as soon as it came, giving Nick no opportunity to use it. Damn, Augusta and the others make it look so easy.

He sighed in frustration. It was then that the demon pup Octavia cautiously approached him, barking and wagging her tail. "Now what do you want, you little mutt?" Nick responded to the dog's playfulness with a happy smirk. He rubbed Octavia's head as he continued. "You wanna go play something? How about fetch? Err, sorry if that's too generic. I didn't exactly had a pet back in Earth."

Sooo... an Imp then? Well, I'll wait for a full sheet before giving my thoughts.

You can. But you'll have to make an entire profile of her species as it does not exist yet in MGE-verse.


Hey guys, I've been busy preparing for a 12-hour shift this week (my shift's healthy from corona but the other shift isn't so we're made to cover for them) so update will be postponed yet again to next week.

Sorry for the inconvenience!
The Journey Begins

~ Another Unknown Location ~

"Try working on getting a feel for your magical energy if you want to for now. I need to rest a bit."

Nick heeded Augusta's words. She even showed him a couple of demonstrations, first with a ball of magic on her hands then flicking fire into existence with her fingers. She did it seemingly effort, like walking or breathing. Alright, Nick cracked his fingers and mentally prepared himself. Alright, feel the energy like she said. He knew some physics concepts so that should help too and use the hands to help push out the magic.

Nick focused and concentrated, attempting to feel the magic and cast it. A simple fireball, a small one, was on his mind. Oxygen and heat combusting and being flung away. When he felt it was ready, Nick pushed his hands forward toward an empty patch of snow.


Nothing. No matter, Nick doubted he could do it in the first try. One more time!


Nothing. Alright, third time's the charm!


Nothing. "This... might be harder than I thought."

"Glad tah see yeh made et out arright lad. I were a tad worried when weh got split."

Donovan placed a hand on Nick's wounded shoulder. "Dude, stop. You might--" The black corruption on his wound soon dissipated and Nick realized that middle-aged guy had just cast some more healing magic on him. While Augusta fixed the physical, Donovan cleaned off the... whatever that was. "Whoa. Thanks for that, dude. I didn't know what that was. I mean, it didn't feel like anything but it still kinda made me nervous."

Donovan then went off to find and join Isidore in the snowy woods, leaving Nick with Augusta. "Well, Augusta, what do we do next? I mean, we can still rest here if you're tired while I continue trying to cast magic. Or we can head off and find shelter. Maybe a cave or something?"

Thinking about his inability to cast magic yet, Nick decided to add. "Say, got any tips for magic for a newbie like me?"
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