Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
5 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts


No rush on anyone, have fun with the sweet dollar bills yo, you still got time.


Anyone need any sunscreen? Anyways, I did a thing finally, mhm. I decided to go with something fairly straightforward as far as Crimson Arm abilities goes.

Also I like dropping miniature suns on people.


The walk was thankfully peaceful, if nothing else. Was that a good thing? Probably, she had just about enough excitement for one day after that whole forest incident. A scientists work was never done, though. As she approached the relatively pristine and luxurious abode of the mayor, Zasada didn't seem to be paying too much attention to everything as the Archosaur spoke.

A deal for information, huh?

"Hmm...I'm not sure if I have that sort of authority." Zasada replied with a thoughtful hum, pulling her canteen from her jacket before sighing and clicking her tongue. "Buuuut, information is always useful. I'll see what I can do for you if you snag me some alcohol too. I'm almost out here."

Soon they reached the mansion, the front door seeming oddly unwelcoming to the Ursus as her guide knocked on the door. Hm, dig deeper huh? If the mayor had some sort of method of warding off those with oripathy that was something of personal interest to her...hm, perhaps she could appeal to her as a fellow scientist in that case?

Well, she'd find out.

"Mayor Uma I take it, Eh?" Zasada offered her a friendly smile. "Zasada from the Haynek institute. Apologies for the sudden intrusion but my team and I seem to find ourselves crashed and somewhat stranded and in need of a bit of information. I volunteered myself to speak with you on my teams behalf."

SOrry for the delay, super busy today

I adopted a new kitty!

Anyways, I shall be posting tomorrow I hope!
well assuming I can come up with something

Sure, why not put even more things on my plate because haha I don't have a crippling RP addiction
Team Nippon
@VitaVitaAR@PKMNB0Y@Crimson Paladin

As Nobu and Misaki spoke, the girls face relaxed in relief, and curiosity quickly won out over concern as she took a few steps towards the trio of individuals.

“Wah!~?” Nobu would suddenly find the girl gawking at her, walking in a slow circle around the group, eyes almost sparkling with curiosity perhaps reminding one of a curious child. It would be a few moments before she finally stopped, seemingly realizing she was being rude.

“Ah!” She stopped, spinning in place as her dress billowed out lightly. “Sorry! Sorry! It’s just-ah-oh, I can’t help it this is great, ahah!~” A wide grin was visible on her face, and now that she was close enough to get a better look at, the trio would notice something quite odd on her left hand. A silver, almost tattoo sort of marking. It started at a point, halfway up her forearm, traveling until it reached the back of her hand where it split into a shallow half-crescent. Above it was another similar marking, a half crescent pointing downwards, with four spikes that traveled up to her knuckles.

“Okay, okay, calm down Lazirha,” She giggled, grinning and offering everyone a friendly grin. “Uhm, hi. I’m Lazirha. Sorry, I get super excited meeting travelers like yourself. Like, you!” She hopped towards Nobu. “I’ve never seen clothes like that! Where are you from? And why are you so adorably small? Ahaha, you are an adult right?” Her eager, curious gaze shifted to Misaki. “And you! I’ve seen people like yourself before, but they’re super far to the north! We only ever get a trader here usually-ah.” She blinked, shyly glancing to the side. “...S-sorry, I’m probably bothering you a bit, haha. You said you’re lost? You picked a pretty remotely boring place to get lost in.”

She shifted uncomfortably on her feet.

“Uhm, well, my village isn’t too far from here. We can be there after a bit of a walk along the beach in that direction.” She gestured briefly towards the beach. “Not that I’d suggest visiting. That place is full of old people that don’t know how to have fun...and well...” She glanced at Novak. “Ah, sorry, didn’t see you there. You don’t stand out much next to them, do you?” The native girl teased a bit. “What’s your names anyways?”

The girl, Lazhira, didn’t seem too keen to return to her place of residence if her mannerisms were anything to go buy.

The Roma Mob

The pup titled its head curiously as Isidore approached, yipping and wagging its tail in a friendly manner. It let him approach without much issue, even seemingly wanting to play a bit. When Isidore grabbed it by its neck, however, the pup responded with a mildly distressed sounding bark. He gave a quick look at its nether regions…

Well it was definitely female.

As it was let back down, it looked up at Isidore with a light growl not having been very appreciative of the man handling, nor the continued manhandling of its neck. It especially didn’t like it when Isidore attempted to put the chain around its neck! ‘Octavia’ resisted, trying to unsuccessfully wiggle out of Isidore’s grip.

Once done, the demon pup glared up at the human, huffing through its nose and scratching at the chain with a back paw and trying to briefly wiggle out of it. After a few failed attempts, the pup decided it wasn’t worth it.

Instead, it started pulling on the chain and led the trio back into the prison. The smell of old, musty air quickly filled their nostrils once more, the quiet gurgling and grunting of the warped monsters reaching their ears again. The pup would lead them towards the hallway they had neglected earlier - a number of those creatures stalking the hallway.

It barked loudly, alerting the creatures to their presence! The creatures slowly turned towards them, numbering about three in total, thankfully only one had a weapon, a sword similar to Isidore’s.

‘Octavia’ pulled on the chain, whining and growling at the creatures as one suddenly lunged towards the party!

Team feet pics
@Cu Chulainn@Crusader Lord@Click This@Guy0fV4lor

Donovan’s attempts to distract the giant were as fruitless as Leannah’s taunts. The foreman lobbed a rock at it, the stone bouncing harmlessly off its frame as it barely even registered his attempt. The massive stone giant watched as the group split, with Leannah heading for the tower...and the two heading right for the gate.

It was tasked with making sure none left, afterall - and it had already failed once today.

Malphas and Narkissa would find some success with their attempts. Even if it was only a marginal boost, it was still a boost. Their lungs however would soon start burning with strain and exhaustion - they were so close, almost there - !

There was a hum, almost electrical in nature as something started powering up. If any had been looking at the giant, blue electrical energy covered its body, several carvings on its aging form filling with a blue glow, traveling downwards from the openings on its shoulders and towards its stone blade. Lines of energy covered it, and the stone raised its weapon, and swung forwards.

For a moment, the moon overhead seemed to glow briefly brighter.

Blue streaked behind it as it swung towards the ground in a crescent shaped arc, causing the air to twist and bend around the stone giant as it finished its swing. The ethereal, crescent projectile raced through the air, little specks of white light forming with the projectile as it raced forwards. It carved a path through the air right between Narkissa and Malphas, slamming into the gatehouse in front of them with explosive force and consequently knocking them off their feet and sending them sprawling to the ground. A burnt, acrid smell filled the air around them, the specks of white light showering upon them and lightly burning them should it touch their flesh.

Thankfully it seemed they had escaped the brunt of the impact, but the stone giant was now closing in on them and they would need to decide what to do quickly. The thing started moving again, and they could hear it humming and presumably charging up another one of those blasts, whatever it was.

Donovan meanwhile continued circling around, walking along the cliff to the courtyard, just barely missing the trio of Augusta, Isidore, and Nicholas and only catching the result of their little misadventure with the stone. He could, however, hear the barking of a certain demonic pup not far inside of the building.

Leannah would suddenly find herself at the base of the tower, barreling inside at top speed, not that she had much of a choice. Inside, she would find herself in a small square room, a large stone staircase leading upwards to the top level of the tower presumably. Against the far wall was a door, and on the walls were a few faded, unreadable tapestries.


One of those wretched experiments were in here, having taken a quick note of her presence and was lunging at her with a sword!

The Lonely Pixie


“H-hey...what are you doing?”

The book wrote on the page as Alice started rubbing it lightly with her clothing. Carefully like one might attempt cleaning a cd-rom or phone screen.

“I-I’m not sure what you’re hoping to accomplish but I don’t think that’s the problem!” The book immediately closed itself, before Alice could do much more ‘cleaning’. Seeing no other option, however, Alice took the book and quickly made her way towards the building the skull wearing creature had gone inside of, making her entrance through the same window.

It didn’t seem any different from the time the others had left, leaving it in a mostly clean state. The only difference was the place's new occupant.

The cloaked figure was standing near the staircase, quietly tapping its foot on the floor beneath him.

“...I’m curious. What’s a fey doing here?” He suddenly said, his voice perhaps a bit deeper than what someone of his stature might suggest. Deep, and smooth, but oddly calming and relaxing. “Humans, a Sirithen, and even one of the Bastelian. Has the flow of fate begun? Or are you mere entertainment for a capricious goddess?” The small staturered figure turned to face Alice.

That was definitely a skull of some sort it was wearing over its face, not quite human, it was much larger with long, jagged canines but an oddly flat overall facial structure, just rounded enough to fit comfortably and contour to the wearers facial features.

“I suppose both would be the same, in this instance.” The rest of his body was hidden mostly under his blue cloak, the only visible part were his pitch black claws and hands. Rather than being covered in fur or skin, it seemed to be some sort of hard carapace. “You are looking for the way out, you are not? The gatehouse will provide, willing that you desire combating that stone construct.”

His face appeared to be made of the same, smooth, black shell and there didn’t seem to be any movement when it spoke.

Fusang Streets

"I bet its some mega cringe anime OP's or somethin'." She teased before even giving Mana time to reply, but whatever reply mana gave after went in one fluffy ear and out the other fluffy ear. The sound of gunfire and a...fight. Suzuka's expression soured. Not only was this near the place she was gonna be taking Mana...how the hell was she supposed to enjoy herself when someone was making that racket? Hmm...actually, maybe this could be a good opportunity.

"Change of plans, master, we're taking a detour." Suzuka grabbed Mana's hand, pulling her towards the sounds of fighting without much warning or telling Mana what they were suddenly taking a detour for. Suzuka led her through the alleyways, passing through some sort of magical barrier in the process, not really thinking much of it before coincidentally ending just on the roof of the warehouse that Melt was currently crushing some baddies to death in.

"Ugh, this place gives me bad vibes." Sounded like something bad was going on in that warehouse. A quick check of the area showed that there were likely no one in their immediate vicinity, which mean out here was likely safe enough for Mana. Still, if she kept her here then there wouldn't be any reason for her to show off how adorable and great she was - ah.

They arrived just in time to see Melt crush one of the thugs, and the other servant summon some sort of phantoms. What was she doing here? Was she just destined to keep ruining her dates with Mana? Hmph. And what was with that other servant? She caused the fur on her tail to stand on in. She was seriously bad news, wasn't she?

Well, whatever, there was a super easy solution to all of these annoying dumbos.

"Hey master, want me to use my Noble Phantasm? I'll clean these bad guys up super cool like!~" She made a V sign with her fingers and grinned playfully.
Yeet, that's a post

again, super sorry for the delay on that
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