Avatar of Savo


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4 yrs ago
Current Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.
6 yrs ago
Man, Mahz is still on his really long vacation, huh!
7 yrs ago
Better not leave me hanging like Sayori.
8 yrs ago
This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a 훌 쩍


Got nothing to say here, sooooo yeah.

I'm a bookworm, gamer, and obviously roleplayer since I'm on this site :P

Anyways, those are a few things that I'll say about myself... for now. Maybe I'll update this a little more in the future.


Most Recent Posts

Aurel // Hiroki // Hibiki

Location:: Courtroom (All)
Aurels Interactions:: Snow, Ryuma, Flare (@addamas)
Hisakawas Interactions:: Ayu (@Ammokkx), Shirou (@Vocab)
Matsuos Interactions:: Lilly, Flare

Aurel's Perspective

Aurel gulped and opened his mouth to try and say something, anything. Yet, he remained visibly silent. His throat was dry, his breathing, while normal, was a little hoarse as he reclined back, ruminating on what he could say to quell Snow right now. In truth, there was nothing he could say, nothing that could come to mind amidst the verbal clashing.

He bit his lip and gnawed on it; he felt so god damn useless right now.

It didn't help that Ryuma was still reeling from the events he had witnessed, appearing just as lost as Aurel. The thief visibly deflated upon witnessing this and Ryuma seemingly just giving up, his arms sinking as he murmured a raspy "Ryuma, that isn't... we won't..."

We won't what, disappear? Die? As much as he tried to hold on to his optimism, the reality was right in front of their eyes; Snow's accusations against him only made that reality more readily apparent, "H-huh? What are y-"

Aurel didn't even get in a word, edge-wise as she began laying into him. His visage darkened as he stared at the ground, not even trying to maintain eye contact with the girl as he felt his heart sink even further, his own breathing slowly abating as the words penetrated his mind.

His mind could only wander about and ponder on what he was doing wrong as he moved a hand up and began chewing at his fingers again, his hand trembling before stopping the moment Flare interjected. Aurel merely stopped an listened to her, being broken out of that downtrodden trance as he slightly lifted his head up.

Flare had managed to successfully pacify Snow, at least for the time being as the Hair-dresser gave up her relentless assault on him before staggering a bit as she made her way towards the elevator with the others. Aurel weakly glanced at Flare before letting out a relieved yet dejected sigh.

"I just wanted to... what am I supposed to do," he murmured the last line under his breath, too low for Flare to pick up on before nodding and pivoting around, left to ruminate on his thoughts. What was he supposed to do? What could he do?

Hiroki's Perspective

Hiroki wanted to continue letting into these two as he stood there, red-faced and fuming. What did they know anyways? Before he could continue his relentless assault against the duo, Ayu interjected in some attempt to reel him in. Jutting his head over to look at her, he opened his mouth slightly trying to think of something to stay, but instead they lay motionless as he chose to listen instead.

It wasn't okay to him, none of this was, but those few short words, just pacified him a little. Sure, Hiroki still had his grievances and he still looked like a snarling dog, but his fangs were no longer barred and the barking had stopped.

All that energy and fury was sapped out of him as a couple of tears welled up in his eyes, but before he could cry a bit, he snuffed the it out, wiping them away before they could even stream. "Yeah, lets go," he uttered to Ayu, ushering along as he noticed Hibiki giving her a sincere smile, wordlessly thanking her before he began trotting on over to Flare.

He wouldn't look back. He didn't have a reason to as he headed towards the elevator. There was a small stutter in his step at on point, but it didn't linger long as he continued to make his way towards the elevator with Ayu, "Thanks for that, by the way... and sorry I acted out like that, I just... need some time to just really process this all."

Hibiki's Perspective

They had managed to weather a part of the storm, but the worst was yet to come as Hibiki began to focus, grimacing a little before catching himself and pushing forth a smile as he approached Flare. Still, he would always glance back at times, seeing how Shirou and the others were doing. However, whenever he found himself eyeing the back of Hiroki's head, he was always drawn to Ayu next.

"How curious, so she's the anchor then," he mused to himself before looking down and addressing Lilly with a minute smile.

"We should get going then. If there's anything you would like to say, feel free to tell me," he spoke gently to the girl as he tilted his head to the side before gesturing to follow him. Whenever Lilly began to walk towards the elevator, Hibiki would remain behind for a few seconds as he went to place an arm on Flare's shoulder and whispered into her ear.

"I would recommend discussing things later due to how draining this day has been for all of us, as well as a couple of other things," the Tutor would murmur before lightly jerking the girl and pointing in the direction of Momoe. "She hasn't gotten any sleep and probably wants to rest... and Shirou..."

The bespectacled young man rotated the woman to point directly at Shirou next, "Shirou probably needs to collect his thoughts, especially after the harsh pushback from Hiroki, so maybe you should talk with them later." And with that said, he lifted his grip from the blonde woman before nodding his head, "I'll be going now as well, best you get some rest as well, Flare."

And with that said, he picked up the pace to catch up with Lilly (who I'm assuming just decided to move on), walking at her side and glancing down at the girl before continuing to offer her a warm smile.

Aurel's Perspective

Despite the distance everyone kept from one another, the elevator felt more suffocating than usual as Aurel stood on the wayside near one of the corners of the room. The group was outright debilitate from these chain of events from the looks of it as the horrific scene began to play again in the thief's mind.

He couldn't help but grit his teeth before looking up to see a dejected Snow standing amidst the crowd to herself. Aurel gulped. He shuffled over a little bit, reaching out a hand to her shoulder before stopping.

Slowly backing off, Aurel formed a gentle fist as he lightly rubbed his index finger and thumb together, grimacing as he glared at the ground. What should I do, what can I do were all questions running through his mind as he listlessly eyed the other inhabitants of the elevator. He blinked.

But how? The thief looked up again, yawning and not bothering to cover his mouth. He might not of had the answers, but one thing was for certain.

"I should still try."
Welp, time to get started I suppose. I wonder how many glasses boyos we're gonna have.
Blaike Fremont

Location:: Ferris Woods, Deep Woods => Alexandria Hunters Guild Headquarters, Meeting Room
Date:: 21st Sun of Ondine
Interactions:: Artemisia, Avaddon, Balder, Edgar, Ianthe, Luna, and Mitra

Well then, that was convenient.

Blaike couldn't help but elicit a sigh of relief as his hand continued to glow with bright red, flickering flames, only to be snuffed out as quickly as he clasped his hand. Even with their battle against the Malboro in such a tenebrous place, Blaike slowly began to unravel his hand, this time with smaller embers prancing around as he observed the atmosphere with a careful eye.

Only when he saw the plants begin to unravel and return to a lighter and much more natural state of vegetation was when he began to ease up, especially with a beam of line shining through the thicket upon this gaping hole where the creature fell. Eventually, the small embers flickered and died, wasting away like a Minibro as he noticed one falling to his side, practically rotting.

Blaike relaxed, his much more outwardly austere behavior vanishing the moment he witnessed this all; it felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders as the once daunting atmosphere of the forest declined. With a smug, self-assured grin the moment he was certain there was no other monsters lurking around, he twirled his sword in his hand before sheathing it, all while tipping his back as his cape flowed as a result of his magical wind.

"Quite true due to the phenomenon, but nevertheless, that t'was not a difficult challenge for us; helped that we had quite the skilled mage in this group," he chuckled in response to the other magi's observation, before winking at her with a mischievous grin. "Oh and you as well, Artemesia," he teased with a toothy smirk at the woman before glancing over to the nervous priestess and giving her a much more pleasant smile as he changed up his coy tone for a much more comforting one.

"Looks like you were able to muster up your courage and take the plunge," he gave the girl a soft smile and a light, yet approving sigh, "after all, there can be no courage without fear. Nice work there." While her contribution wasn't as much as the others, at least to him, he wouldn't be the one to claim that.

However, her striking that black crystal did divulge some important information to him, something he would take advantage of in the future, especially since there were no recordings of a Malboro with crystals inside them. Speaking of black crystals.

Just as Blaike was about to check up on the others as he pivoted around, he witnessed something so profusely stupid that it caused the color to drain from his face. "Drop that now! You don't know if it-"

Too late. For all his bluster and serene attitude a couple of seconds ago towards Luna became quickly replaced with a pang of anxiety and worry as his eyes widened and his pupils dilated as he cried out towards the lad. "-sss volatile or not," despite how intense his command was, the damage has been done and he had visibly deflated. Gods, of course Cid's apprentice was just as reckless as him.

Shuffling on over swiftly to the downed lad, Baldur was surprisingly spry for someone who was just knocked out of the fight and injured, and even quicker to comment. Whatever the case was, Blaike, gave the two a cocksure smirk as he held both of his hands out, "Or I could just do this."

Following that statement, the Red Mage murmured something about 'cure' under his breath as his hands began to glow a gentle light, which engulfed both their proctor and the engineer in a soft glow as small twinkles of light formed around their body. In a couple of seconds, most of the injuries incurred, whether through carelessness or a vine whip had all but dissipated.

"Jus' don't forget who healed you both up when you're doing evaluations, alright," he joked with a large grin, warily eyeing the black crystal chunk Edgar had dropped. Part of him wished he could collect a sample, but a part of him couldn't help but worry about the properties it might have on him, especially with his current condition.

"Hah, maybe there's more than meets the eye~." After that comment towards Artemisia, he would offer healing up the rest of the party if any of them were injured before they started the trek back. There was a lot to think about.

Blaike flicked the bronze badge up into the air with his thumb as if it were a coin before letting land in his gloved hand as he continued lauding praise to the group, with their oh so great leader soaking it all up. Still, he focused intently on the bronze badge, focusing on it as if it were treasured keepsake and nodded to himself. Now maybe, just maybe he could find away beyond the miasma-laden lands as he pocketed the badge.

Now, the payment. Greasing this group up with a bonus worthy of their success, eh? Well, it was part of the payment as he snatched up his share of the gil before nodding to himself. It was a fair payment. Honest work for 5000 gil, though he didn't look relatively impressed, rather lax about it all as he stuffed the 5000 gil somewhere into his coat and shrugged.

It wasn't until Edgar spoke up about the sample that was on the table. Yes, that. He wasn't surprised and the relative speed of retrieval for this dark crystal; if anything, he was musing to himself about how slow they were this time about gathering this anomalous material with a huge grin on his face.

Still, it was curious that other beasts with black crystals were popping up, making his mind wander on the possibilities of what this material might be, if it wasn't just corrupted Aldite.

Which was his first guess. Regardless, the moment the contracts were distributed, he began reading over his before clicking the roof of his mouth and nodding to himself. Well crap, he was gonna have to report in to be on leave for a while at the labs, unless they had something for him to do up in Belinus. After all, it was as Baldur stated - they could be gone for a while.

Sitting straight up, he murmured the details of the task to himself before storing the parchment with the rest of his gil. As much as Artemisia's idea sounded good, there were more important things he had to tend to at the moment as he glanced over at Ianthe, "Hah, lucky you! Sounds like my type of mission; getting to learn more 'bout these crystals while traveling with a charming girl."

He grinned and winked at Ianthe, "'course, this mission is just as good as well." Sitting up, he glanced over to his other compatriots, but not before his gaze landed on one a familiar dragoon.

"Nice work on the last mission; your skills are sharper than ever Mitra, but more importantly," Blaike stated as he leaned on over, he rubbed the bottom of his chin with his index finger, "it's good to see you again." Yeah, there was that as well. At least they had the down time to talk now without a giant vegetable trying to devour them, as he had a ton of explaining to do as he began to retread the back of his mind over where he would start.

Standing upright he rolled his wrists around in a circle before pointing to the door, "I've got some errands to run, as well as shopping to do to before the morrow; care to join me?" Blaike gave the girl a polite, inviting smile as he stood there, awaiting her answer.

Knowing her, she would probably decline or something, but the Red Mage could only pray she agreed to this excursion. There was so much to catch up on after all and so much he probably had to explain.

Location:: Antarctica
Interactions:: Isko, Aline (@FernStone), Jaden, Justin (@The Ghost Note), Brown (@Crosswire), Askin (@Oddsbod), Otsana (@redbaron1234), Clover (@Gentlemanvaultboy), Lucie (@Megsychan), Jill (@Kamen Evie)

One Year Ago...

"Ugh, just... give me a minute Isko," Jonas sighed as this scenario continued to play out, resulting in the doctor pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head. For starters, reprimanding him after revealing the snowmobile, something the Thousand-Folded Steel Crapper could either steal or destroy.

Well, could being the keyword here, but instead decided to chide him about being a pedophile or something, "Well, in other news at least we now know why half of the tracks, as well as insults he produces, are shit," Jonas nonchalantly muttered before addressing Brown. He could not understand for the life of him why Otsy decided to recruit her the more time went on, especially with a plan like that.

"You're missing the bigger picture Brown," muttered to the girl, crossing his arms before tilting his head towards the tower, "even if you land the finishing blow, you'll still lose. While one of the ob-" Jonas winced, his eye twitching as he began to grind his teeth at the sound of that dumb bastard rapping.

He couldn't help but bar his teeth and grumble, blinking and massaging his temples briefly before he had an aneurysm, "-jecives is to scrap him, if he enacts his plan, we lose, end of story." Jonas placed a hand on his hip and pointed at Askin, "And you."

The doctor took in a deep breath before continuing following the explosion of a pipe bomb, "Don't just throw items out willy nilly; for all you know, Jaden could of jacked the damn thing or destroy it just to fuck with us." Whether or not the duo took that to heart, Jonas pivoted and turned to the tower.

"Moving on, you're correct in having a group gun for the tower, namely," Jonas nodded his head towards Askin, before wiggling an index finger and middle finger at both him and Otsana. "You, Otsy, and myself. We'll be using a combination of Otsy's favorites and the tools you've gathered from other Nomads to break through and retrieve the Power Stone from Oh-One's fortress. As for the other group."

Turning to face Isko, he winced a bit dejectedly as he briefly glanced over to the immature members of the party before leaning in, placing an arm on his shoulder and whispering into his ear, "Hate to do this to you, but in a nutshell, you're babysitting these two," Jonas murmured, moving a finger between his sister and Brown, "They're a bit of a liability if we try to drag them to the tower, so keeping them placated with beating on that tin can is the best option, as dangerous as it is. Thankfully, I feel dealing with Oh-One is the lesser of two dangers."

Leaning away, he put on his most charismatic smile as he pointed to Brown and Aline, "And the rest of you all will be fighting against Oh-One. Isko is the designated leader for your guys group, so listen to him." Jonas frowned, his face darkened as he crossed his arms at glowered at the duo.

"That goes double for you two. Remember, think with your heads, not with your pride. Do stupid things, expect stupid results; you might have your techniques, old and new, but using them smartly is another thing, especially since this isn't a game. You fuck up, that's the end of it; scars, limbs, hell, even your life. So think before you act; doing something cool for that little burst of dopamine could leave you face down in the snow with your entrails splayed on the side."

Jonas couldn't help but stare dejectedly at the ground, taking in a deep breath of air as he let it sink in for the two and everyone else listening in. His piercing glare would work to bore into the two as he continued on to address the rest of the group. Enough of the negativity, he needed to psyche them up.

"So, if we are going to win this, we need to be meticulous about smashing this robot to bits. Dismantle him, melt him, hell, keep him distracted as long as possible if you have to. Patience and knowing where, as well as were to strike is key to this all, not brute force. Exploit anything you can, even the chinks in your personality. Do this and you'll dismantle Oh-One's sorry excuse for a robot ass while Otsy, Askin, and I will dismantle his sorry excuse for a plan. Now, lets get out there; drinks are on me when this is all over!"

As Jonas cried out, he thrust an arm outwards towards the tower, him and Group A's target. While Jonas did this, it looked like a part of him was peeling off, as if he was shedding like a bug. Following this, a clone of him separated from the original before looking at Isko, awaiting his orders. "I'll send in a decoy so you three, possibly seven can get in some free hits wailing away at Oh-One," he stated to Isko as he patted the cushion of the snowmobile.

"We're leaving this up to you guys; Askin, Otsy, lets get going!"

As Oh-One began to sore away from the two, a familiar knife and string instantly pierced the cold, wintry air surrounding the group as it began to whip around Oh-One, looking to ensnare the robot. Should Jill and Justin look off to the side, they would notice a familiar, yet sullen face reaching up towards their assailant.

'Jonas' had arrived.

Seems he appeared from out of nowhere as he he let the string do the work before gripping on tightly once enough had left his coat. 'Jonas' wouldn't bother responding to any greetings verbally, but would nod as he focused intently on the fleeing Oh-One, looking to attempt wrapping him up and dragging him back to the ground.

Well, attempt being the key word. For one, the robot weighed a lot and the boosters weren't doing anything to help remedy the situation. However, he was at least successful as the knife found its mark, digging into the metal frame as the rest of the string firmly wrapped around the bot the moment 'Jonas' gripped down.

It was mostly an exercise in futility, but regardless, it would keep their enemy in place, at least for the moment. 'Jonas' Would probably struggle a bit in keeping Oh-One down, much like a fisherman with a huge catch, but at least he was holding him down for right now.

It probably wouldn't be long until Oh-One was able to flee if he continued boosting, but for now, 'Jonas' dug his heels into the ice, glancing over to Justin, Jill, and eventually behind him, as if waiting for something or someone to appear.
Question for y'all, how would you describe your characters victory pose after winning a battle if this was a FF game?
Wait, so the only two identifiable 2nd years are just Alexander and Touka .-.

Thanks for the correction there stone, but shiet...
Just gonna say that if I'm accepted and I'm the only one in Year 2, I'll be changing that.

Naoka, Alexander, and Kamenosuke characters in Year 2.

I think.

Sapporo, Japan
Ishin Academy, April 7th
Interacting With::

There wasn't much to extrapolate other than it seemed she was extremely early if the lack of students, let alone teacher didn't hint at that possibility already. Still, up until their teacher's appearance, she began analyzing each and every person who entered through that door, silently judging them for what they were.

Akizawa, her roommate was the next to enter which was considerably surprising since it looked like the slime girl was sleeping like a log. Still, the slime girls words did reflect how she would act - demure, nervous, and generally sticking out like a sore thumb. Still, she was situated in the back nearby, something Adrianne would be acclimated to as the next student scuttled in.

Mutsuki or something? Pah, Adrianne just rolled her eyes at the way she entered. She didn't know who was worse based on posture - Akizawa or her since they both seemed like newborn ewes stumbling about the place. At least, that's how she perceived it. Still, Adrianne kept her cold, piercing red glare on the girl, even when this girl checked the seats nearby her before situating herself up front.

Adrianne frowned and squinted, peering over at the girl as she took a seat as the cogs began to turn in her head. Despite this, the next two students were hardly impressive, with one making her scoff into her hand and the other just left her baffled, eyes wide open. Really, she was trying too hard to gussy up, which resulted in a rather audible sigh from Adrianne; she didn't even bother to hide who she was unimpressed with. "Seriously? I get that we all need to clean up, but this is a Hero Course, not a friggin' beauty salon."

The other that left her feeling bewildered was this big, lumbering oaf with a pineapple. She didn't know what that meant, but could only grasp at straws about this being some sort of cultural thing. Much to the chagrin of Adrianne, he was situated right next to her which caused her to furrow her brows. Hm. Akizawa was nearby in the back, as well as this guy who didn't even fit the bill for a student, just some sort of lazy slacker and slowly began to piece together what this meant.

While she did watch the remaining students file in, she began to evaluate them a bit more and started noticing a trend. Grinding her teeth, she rolled her head over to cover her mouth as she smirked into her hand. Of course it was gonna be like that.

It wasn't long before Adrianne stopped resting her head on her hand and sat upright, awaiting for the arrival of their teacher as she began to rap on the desk. The whole class was here, and the only person who hadn't arrived had been their teacher. Wait, was she in the class of rejects or something as well? Was that why their homeroom teacher was tardy?!

She began to dig her nails into the hem of her skirt as these thoughts began to fester in her mind, at least until those thoughts were deterred by a rather raucous slam from the door, dispersing her thoughts and catching the girls attention.

So this was their teacher, eh? She didn't know what to make of her besides that she was late or rather not as early as the rest of the students. Still, she seemed to have a serious demeanor based on the glare of contempt Adrianne received when locking eyes with her. Good to know the academy still didn't welcome foreigners, she was getting worried.

Actions did speak louder than words as more thoughts fluttered into her mind, only to come into conflict with one another as she perked up to the short woman's words. "So Knightmare, or rather Kinzokuma is our teacher," she ruminated on this, especially since she was a pro-hero, so her being late could be excused as a result of her job?

Regardless, after the little song and jig of explaining who she was, this teacher made her think of a much older version of squid girl based on her personality. Adrianne sighed and prayed she wouldn't be too much like the blue-haired pest.

Speaking of pests, she called out to the pineapple giant beside her, which garnered the attention of Adrianne once more as he delivered the fruit straight to her like some sort of delivery boy. She could only try her damndest to resist rolling her eyes as the boy stumbled over his words while offering the fruit as a sign of appreciation.

Despite how ridiculous this whole scene felt, she kept a rather bored yet pissed visage as she studied it all, pondering on if the class was supposed to do this for their teachers in Japan.

Beyond the cultural implications, she could care less if this giant made a fool of himself or not. She just wanted to get started.
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