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23 days ago
Current Some of y'all are either too old to act the way you act, or too young to be taken seriously. Hard to tell some days.


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Just gotta say folks, I am really looking forward to jumping in this season. Missed out on the last season as I couldn't put a sheet together fast enough. Started off inspired this time and have this season's arc pretty much planned out, with the exception of whatever events end up getting thrown into the mix.

Also, @Lord Wraith, use some damn words mate.

Pic Unrelated:

Ultimate One Universe: Season Two Application

Character You're Applying For: Daniel Rand | The Iron Fist

Powers And Abilities:

Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs):

Born to Wendell and Heather Rand, Daniel Rand was born to opulence and wealth. His father was the CEO of Rand Incorporated, a multi-billion dollar company selling insurance and dealing in construction and real-estate under sub-companies. Daniel spent his young life spending time with his close friend, Joy Meachem, the daughter of his father’s CFO. So it was not uncommon or unusual when Daniel and his parents went on a three month trip during Danny’s summer vacation when he was nine. They travelled throughout Europe, briefly visited South Africa, and then were slated to visit China and Japan.

The plane never made it to China. A freak storm crashed the plane in the Himilayas. In the crash, Danny was separated from his father and Harold Meachem for a short while. They seemingly reconnected, but only as Wendell was dangling precariously from a cliff’s edge with Meachem looming over. Meachem stepped on Wendell’s fingers, and the remaining Rand family members ran in horror at the sight. Daniel and Heather attempted to navigate their somewhat frozen environment, but soon found themselves surrounded by a pack of wolves. They ran as fast as they could, finding a rope bridge across a dangerous chasm. Heather told Danny to run across it before cutting the rope, saving Danny but dooming herself.

The bridge Danny had crossed turned out to be the nexus point to K’un-Lun. He was welcomed there as an orphan and an outsider. With no family and no remaining purpose except revenge, the young Daniel Rand trained under Lei-Kung the Thunder. The immortal Martial Arts Master trained all those who wished to fight to become the Iron Fist. For 10 years, Danny Rand trained to gain that title. And on his 20th birthday, the time came for him to fight for that right. He challenged five opponents, one of whom was Lei-Kung’s own son. He won every fight, and was sent to fight Shou-Lao the Undying Serpent. Victory was achieved through Daniel’s mastery of martial arts and his cunning. He was therefore able to absorb the Shou-Loa’s heart and become the next Iron Fist.

Daniel sought revenge, and therefore abandoned K’un-Lun. He returned home to much fanfare only 2 months ago. He developed the lie that he had managed to hide away at a monastery in the area for years before gaining the means of travelling home. Due to his father’s last will and testament, Daniel was able to regain his father’s shares in the company. As majority shareholder and having a role on the board of now Rand-Meachem Inc., Daniel started up a charity arm of the company that began to attempt to set up homeless shelters in undeveloped countries. Daniel has been waiting and planning for his confrontation with Harold Meachem. Blood will have blood.

What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?:

The character is mostly consistent from his portrayal in the comics, with a few exceptions. While not laudable, the Iron Fist series did something interesting in making the conflict with Davos more personal. This version of Daniel Rand is someone who does not shy away from killing at this point in time, and is heavily focused on revenge rather than peace. Daniel is also an interesting character to have in a world where the more Oriental and Mystical parts of the DC universe are up for grabs as well. Danny is someone who can fit in with magical, street-level, or militaristic heroes as well, making him an interesting fit for a Year One universe.

Supporting Characters:

Colleen Wing: A recent friend of Danny’s, Colleen Wing is the daughter of a professor of Oriental Studies at Columbia University. Their meeting was happenstance at Daniel’s “Welcome Back” party, and Daniel has given her the task of leading Rand-Meachem Inc.’s humanitarian efforts.

Joy Meachem: Childhood friend of Daniel Rand, and member of the Board of Rand-Meachem Inc. She is slated to be the new CEO following the retirement of Ward Meachem, her uncle. She has an electric personality, possessing overflowing charisma and is known for solving conflicts in Board Meetings.

Lei-Kung: Daniel’s mentor. While the two exist currently in separate universes, the two share a powerful connection that can be accessed through deep meditation. Lei-Kung acts as a surrogate father-figure for Daniel.

Davos: He left K’un-Lun with Daniel, and the relationship has remained falsely amicable. In Daniel’s mind, the two are still allies and Davos has started up a dojo in New York called the Thunderer Dojo. It is being funded in part by Daniel personally.

Character Picture:

Sample Post:

Post Catalogue:

Volume 1: Big Trouble in Little Chinatown
0. Blood Will Have Blood
1. Winter of Our Discontent
2. Something is Rotten in the State of Chinatown
3. To Thy Law...
4. My Services are Bound
5. A Christmas Gambold
6. Methinks you are my Glass
7. That Dreamers do Lie
8. Nothing will come of Nothing
9. The Reveal

Volume 2: Towerfall
10. Setting Up
11. The Constrictor
12. Cool Million
13. Red Dart
Well, since there's so many posts in here already I figured I might as well through up a CS for a little street-level hero you may have heard of while I still can. @Master Bruce

When you literally change a date and “rain” to “snow” and accidentally delay your application’s approval/denial 11 hours.
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

The difference is Marvel waited years in the MCU and actually built up characters to have civil war, which was an event not a reboot. As much as I enjoy DC they do enjoy their reboots.

Also, I wouldn't be a very good Flash if I didn't at least THREATEN the timeline, would I?

But... a Civil War event would actually be somewhat interesting in an RP of this scale and when mixing in DC, which had the similar Injustice run.
@AubergineLamb @rocketrobie2 @Damo021 @Shard @knifeman @RoccanIronclad @geminironin

For those interested, please feel free to write up a CS. I know some of you already are working on them already. Once I get in a few more CSes, I'll begin the approval process and set up an OOC. Don't feel like you need to rush. This RP is very loose and free-form. It's more of a sandbox than a set story, though I will definitely be running plenty of events and possibly tossing in a character or two of my own.

One other note: If you've missed the Discord link, I'll post it here as well. It's just nice to have it to ask any questions about possible characters. I've already answered a few good questions in the server.

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/cAf6hcn
Ultimate One Universe: Year One Application

Character You're Applying For: Adrian Chase & Misty Knight: Heroes for Hire

So... if Iron Fist gets accepted, wanna plan a collab? Can’t resist the comics nod to H4H.
If you allow magical characters, I’d love to try and make one for this.

Depends on the CS, and whether the character can stay balanced with the others. The likelihood is no, since magic tends to get OP.
Well, since there's so many posts in here already I figured I might as well through up a CS for a little street-level hero you may have heard of while I still can. @Master Bruce

Interactions: @Almalthia

Nikolai looked up from his phone and gave a small smile. She looked beautiful in her outfit... while he looked like he rolled out of bed almost all the time. Wearing a white tank top and jeans, he looked more like he worked in a garage than he was a student at a private academy. He watched her intently as she went to sit down across from him... and even he could tell the faint hints of a blushing woman. He gave a small smile as he pulled out his supplies. "I think I'm alright in History. Lit is gonna be a pain in the ass, but I'm not too worried about that yet."

He opened his calc textbook to take the lead, opening up to the first chapter and scanning the pages with his eyes, tapping his pencil against the table. He wasn't nervous... more resolute and idle. He had made his decision, a hero's sacrifice. His stormy blue eyes lifted back up to meet Una after a moment, realizing he wasn't processing much and had forgotten to write down their assignment. "Two questions: First, how's Nathan? Did you two catch up and talk?" He stared deep into her eyes, trying to get a read on her as he mentioned Nathan before continuing his questioning. "I also forgot the page and problem numbers. Did you write those down?"

Interactions: @Draven

Nik's eyes widened in shock at the sight of flames. His roommate claimed he was only fireproof... being able to produce fire made things a little more interesting. He gave a smile back, readjusting the strap of his backpack. When he was questioned about the others and Sally in particular, he let out an embarrassed sigh through a slightly pained expression. "To be entirely honest... I kind of spaced. Nathan is kind of fine, but he's kind of... hysterical. Seems pretty down on himself, but overall seems to have healed relatively well. To be honest, kind of got in another fight cause Una manifested another Isaac with her mind. Joe woke her up while I kicked its ass..."

He chuckled a little. It was day one and things were already insane. "Anywho, I'd love to celebrate with you on unlocking another aspect of your powers, but I've got to meet up with Una and Nathan to study Calc. I'll catch you later." With that, Nik ran out of the room before Drake could say anything, making his way back out of the dorm and towards the library.

Once there, he found a few people studying. Ahh... extras. Every scene needs those. Unless the film is apocalyptic. Even then... Nik's mind wandered as he made his way towards an empty table in the back corner, always the key spot if you're looking to be a little louder and have a little fun. It was tucked away neatly behind the bookshelves, standing far from the Librarian's desks but close-by to a window. The warm sun cascaded through the window, illuminating the table as if the gods themselves shined upon it... And sitting in one of the seats was a backpack.

Nik knew the rules and codes of ethics that came from reserving a table. The table was reserved if you placed any significant belongings on it. But what the mutant was dealing with was important... for Love is war. This table was a key in the upcoming battle. So Nik did as any soldier would: violated his own morality for the sake of his allies. He subtly switched bags, shouldering the stranger's backpack and moving it to a table two rows over. Once he dropped it off, Nik went back to the table he claimed and rested his feet upon it, scrolling through his phone as he waited for the others.

Once a moment passed, the distinct sound of the throat of a disgruntled party being cleared pierced the relative silence. Nik raised his eyes to see someone from his calc, an acne-ridden kid about sixteen wearing a dorky name-tag that said "Hello, My Name is Eugene." Nik gave a shrug and pointed in the direction where he left the kid's backpack. Eugene's face was one of disgust and anger, yet he sulked away to his new location whilst looking over his shoulder at Nik. Was it a bright idea to violate such basic courtesies in a school filled with super-powered freaks? No. Nik had certainly made an enemy today. But it was worth it.

He continued scrolling through his Twitter feed as he waited for his friends to arrive.
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