Avatar of Zeroth


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1 day ago
Current Roses are Red / Weapons against me won't prosper / With this Sacred Treasure I summon / BIG RAGA, THE OPP STOPPAH
2 days ago
GM Tip: Villains w/ "good intent" are all the rage now. But they CANNOT be right. Have them share traits w/ your Players, taken too far. They could've been the hero, if not for...? Too far gone now.
5 days ago
There's only one relevant question in any Kirby VS topic: Did the opponent steal Kirby's cake?
6 days ago
GM Tip: "What do I want to encourage my Players to do? What kind of person could influence them that way?" Not every NPC needs to be that influence, and don't hamfist it, but it might help!
7 days ago
GM Tip: Every Scene/Session, give Players choices to: Go Cool Places; Talk to Interesting NPCs; Learn New Info; Fight something; and/or Get a Reward. All choices should achieve Plot Progress somehow!


On CST time, United States. Typically busy most of the week and do most posting/replying on weekends.

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Without saying a word Dulga stood up and walked towards the back of the room, right behind Mamoru. It was a window seat.

@Lucius Cypher This never would have happened if she hadn't stolen the Main Character seat. XD

Villain Psych

Kenichi turned as Madame Obsidian announced that she would be making a few comments on their work so far. She praised Kenichi for his answers but said that he didn't "understand" the villains enough. Kenichi couldn't help but make a slight "tch" sound from the corner of his mouth. Villains didn't need "understanding." If therapy or a kind word was enough to keep them from doing what they did, they wouldn't have done it in the first place. In the modern day, with kids receiving Quirk Counseling at an early age and Heroes plastered over every spare ad space and TV show, the only reason that made any sense for someone becoming a Villain was simply that they were "evil."

After evaluating all the other students, the villainess then asked if anyone thought they could land a hit on her. Kenichi's first instinct was to jump at the chance...but instead he just looked down at the floor again with a furrowed brow. She obviously had something up her sleeve to make somebody look like a fool, or else he might get in trouble for going at it too hard, or...

Or the six armed girl might throw Mamoru out the window.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Kenichi shouted, but as he bolted upright from his seat Jett was already jumping over the desks. The kid with the normally blank expression bolted for the front of the room. Obsidian immediately went into a ready position. The six armed girl and Jett struggled for a few moments before the teleporter went out the window too, which reminded Kenichi of exactly which Quirks he'd seen the students use during the video recording of Training Ground Echo. Mamoru's shield cancelled out impacts or something, and of course Jett could teleport. Neither of them were in real danger by going out the window. Still, though...

Things got more insane as the others made their own attempts; at some point Mamoru climbed back in through the window, with the blind girl helping her, and Takeshi revelaed that his Quirk had some kind of ability to manipulate shadows. As Kenichi stepped away reflexively from his own shadow, which was being drawn towards Yashiro, the other boy attacked Obsidian with a series of slashes while the girl with six arms was trying to distract the teacher--though another girl, Kaida if Kenichi had heard correctly, leaped for the paper Dulga had taken from the desk. Kenichi moved to a clear area of the classroom where he thought he could take a full breath without blowing anybody or anything around.

Yashiro landed a hit, as Obsidian acrobatically landed atop her desk. She was surrounded by Dulga, Kaida, and the other kid who seemed like he was trying to erase his presence. The two girls were struggling over the paper--and Obsidian's expression suddenly changed. Something had set her off. Something wasn't right. After all, she wasn't a teacher, she was a Villain!

Any semblance of even fake smiling or peace in Mako's face had gone.

And Kenichi's killing intent returned.


A blistery wind howled around the classroom for the space of one breath, pulling at papers and loose clothing. Bangbangbang, footprints appearing on two walls and then on the ceiling directly above Madame Obsidian. Even faster than when he had used it on Isshin in the hallways. Even faster than on the training field against Fumika.

Kenichi hurtled straight down at the villainess, punching forward with his crimson vein-laced arm hard enough to drive her through the floor if he connected.

"YOU GUYS RUN!" he shouted at Kamina, Dulga, and Kaida, as if they were in some kind of danger...
Hey, I happened to see this while browsing. I'm a martial arts enthusiast myself (14 years of Shorin-ryu Karate), and my master's dayjob is being a personal trainer so he's taught a lot of general fitness stuff as well as the traditional training. I always like finding someone online who's a fellow practitioner, and I certainly don't wanna shit all over this stuff you clearly put a lot of time and effort into, but there are some things I thought I should address. But think of it more as just wanting to point some things out and open a discussion, rather than trying to start an argument or anything.

First thing is first. DON’T do “leg days” or “arm days” or “core days”. Ever.
Always do a full body work out. That means biceps, triceps, core, both the quads and the hamstrings of the legs (squats is a good way to do it), etc.

This is highly subjective even if the focus is on martial arts performance rather than body building or a sport. From the rest of the article it seems like you follow an "every day" plan with weekends as the recovery period, which is actually something I'm doing right now too, but here's the thing about that: In order to do a full body workout almost every single day, you're either risking an injury from overtraining, or you're not achieving maximum results depending on various factors. I'm sure you're aware that muscles become stronger by being damaged and then repairing themselves, and it's when you overdo the damage that injuries occur. However, by not doing enough damage--not pushing them hard enough--you're also slowing potential growth. Sometimes this is fine--slow and steady as they say--but it's important for a person to be aware of this.

If someone who has never worked out in their life starts doing some Saitama-esque every day plan--100 situps, 100 pushups, 100 squats, 10 km run, no matter rain or shine--they are going to quickly burn out and become discouraged, or they are going to tear something, or they are going to have a serious body imbalance from only hitting generalized muscle groups as opposed to more "body part focused" routines that hit the key muscle groups more efficiently.

On the other hand, if a person says to themselves "Okay, my entire body has to get a workout," that can take a long time for a session because you have different stretches for each limb, different exercises for legs and arms and core and back and chest and shoulders and glutes, maybe you're practicing different techniques too, and so on. The longer that list goes on, the less time you have for each individual thing because not everyone has the free time to do an hour or two hour long workout session, especially not every. Single. Day. There's also the matter of conserving energy--I can't go all out on these pushups cause I also have all these squats and all these situps to do. In this case, the full body workout becomes detrimental in the opposite way from before, because you're not doing enough to force the muscles to become stronger. After the first few weeks, it becomes less of an actual progressive workout and more of a warm up, and past that point you either have to dedicate MORE hours so you can do more things, or you have to realize that's not practical for some work schedules and instead split your days up and focus on individual muscle groups.

In my personal experience, a full body workout is better when it's more like full body practice--I'm not doing pushups and situps, but I'm running through each and every one of my techniques and forms and drills--because even though those things can be quite the aerobic workout, they're much lower in intensity (unless you're intentionally blasting the effort balls to the wall, but then your form and body alignment suffer). A full body routine is also better suiting to maintaining conditioning than getting into it in the first place--If the gym is closed for the holidays or vacation time, or if the dojo is closed for an undetermined amount of time, then you can do some simple body-weight resistance stuff to keep yourself from getting rusty.

An individual's workout needs, daily schedule, nutrition, and so on will all play a factor in what routines are most efficient for them. To state an absolute like "don't ever do this, ever" can give people the wrong idea, and neither physical fitness or martial arts are things you wanna start on the wrong foot with due to the risk of injury or the formation of bad habits.


You've gone into this a little bit already with calorie counting and such, but again this area is very subjective not just because different people have different nutritional needs, but because different kinds of workouts also require it. You mention protein intake, but from your own description you don't actually seem to take in a lot of it, and for people who are trying to grow in strength rather than slim down on weight, there's a much higher need for it. On the opposite side, someone who needs to increase their cardiovascular endurance may need more carbohydrates in order to have the long-burning fuel, as opposed to the fast-burning fuel of natural fats.

There are lots of math formulas and charts and such all over the internet for different diet plans, but the most important thing to remember is to burn more than you take in. A person should consult a proper nutritionist, doctor, or personal trainer to get the best fitting diet for them, but honestly almost anything works as long as you're consistent with it.

Debilitating Health. A lot of people who want to work out will tell themselves they can’t due to health reasons. And sometimes yes, they have a point. But there’s always something you can do. If a 140 pound, scrawny, asthmatic nerd with a missing disk in his back and mild scoliosis can gain 20 pounds of muscle, you can do something. Hell, my work out stretched my lungs out and made me deal with my asthma better. Plus exercise helps you with your mental health. It releases Endorphins.

In the group class settings of most martial arts schools, a big factor for this is also embarassment. Nobody wants to be the only guy in class sweating like a pig and struggling to keep up while everyone else does the splits and backflips with zero effort (don't take this literally, if any martial arts school requires its students to do the splits or backflips it's either a showboat class or a McDojo). But what people need to realize is that no martial arts instructor worth a spit is going to throw you into the black belt class on your first day. And most of the time, people in these classes are decent folk--martial arts tends to foster good character--and even if they do make fun of you, all you have to do is realize that they're trash and their opinion doesn't matter.

Bottom line, doing the thing will get you in shape so you can do the thing better. For those of you who hesitate, remember that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It may be slow, it may be hard, it may be little tiny baby steps. But just keep taking them, trust in the instructor to do his job (which is making YOU into a better martial artist) and put one foot in front of the other.

Fists. (For you guys working on a martial arts regime) Small tip I learned on Wikihow a few years a go. If you’re looking to do martial arts, even softer/less powerful ones like Tai Chi or Wing Chun (which I’m currently learning), when you’re bored, start punching your fists together. It’ll give you good calluses in your hands. Despite fists being our main weapons, in the end they are nothing but small bones with a ton of nerve endings. You need to toughen them up.

If there is a pole or punching bag around, lightly strike them with your shin, knees, elbows, etc.

Christ Almighty, not for the beginners! And not without way more specific instructions! Any type of body-hardening training--Iron Palm, Iron Shirt, Hojo Undo--should absolutely NOT be attempted until the student is at least 16 years old, has been training long enough to get the proper form of each technique down, and has developed enough strength and flexibility to feel confident putting pressure on their joints and limbs. Before a person is 16, their skeletons are not fully developed and certainly aren't finished growing. Damage to the smaller bones--like the carpals and toes--or to the joints can have seriously debilitating, life long after effects for them! Without proper form and fitness, the chances for injury skyrocket, especially if you get some young hotshot who wants to punch the fucking Makiwara/Muk Yan Jong at 100% the first time he tries it without having his knuckles or wrist properly aligned.

This type of training should NEVER be attempted without the supervision of a properly trained and certified instructor until the student themselves has done it for long enough that leaving behind bloodstains isn't something they'd freak out about anymore.

When I first started using the makiwara--ours is a 6x6 post in a base made from an old tire, some wooden slats, and some concrete, with the post wrapped with old fire hoses--I didn't even punch it. I just kinda ground my knuckles against it and practiced tightening my fist and putting pressure on it, while slowly extending my arms to make sure my technique was correct. I had just turned 16, and from then to when I was about 18 I had to take it in very careful increments. You build up from very, VERY little power very slowly--Not even 10% at the start, maybe not even 5 depending on how "tough" you are, and trust me it's always a little less than you think it is for you big macho sorts. I wasn't able to punch it at even 80% power until I had passed my first black belt test, shortly before I graduated high school. You have to do it at least tens of times with each hand every time you practice, too, until it's taken the skin off your knuckles at least a couple of times, but then you also have to properly treat it and give it time to heal to avoid infections and worsening any injuries. I know a guy who has a knuckle permanently jammed a few inches below where it's supposed to be because he didn't fucking listen to the instructor telling him to stop punching.

When it comes to the types of hardening exercises that are done on the limbs, like the shins and forearms, once again you have to take it EXTREMELY slow and carefully, because most of the time these are partnered exercises and you don't want to hurt your fellow student. You also have to be sure to massage the limbs properly afterwards to keep them from bruising, forming clots, and so forth.

The way these things work is three fold: The bones experience tiny breaks called microfractures, and when they heal they're like a cracked concrete slab that has new concrete poured directly into the crack and then smoothed over. They will get stronger over time, but not immediately. Second, the body becomes used to the pain--the nerves become desensitized and the brain stops sending out such strong signals because it learns that this part of the body is being used more often, so it has to become more trauma-resistant. And third (these aren't chronological by the way) the skin on the affected area becomes leathery and calloused due to a build up of scar tissue. Scar tissues, however, is pretty much entirely inflexible and cannot be stretched again in order to re-learn any lost flexibility. You must be extremely careful that this tissue only builds up on the striking surfaces, and not within the muscles, joints, or digits.

Done correctly, body hardening is great for people who aren't worried about looking pretty or being especially dextrous with their fingers or limbs, and for people who want to make martial arts a profession. You can punch a solid brick wall and not feel a thing, or use your toes like a needle for precision kicks to the pressure points in an opponent's groin, knees, thighs, etc.

Done incorrectly and without proper supervision, body hardening can cause arthritis, repeated breaks or fractures, permanent scarring, loss of feeling in the limbs, and all sorts of other bad stuff. This is NOT the type of training any beginner should attempt under any circumstances.

I've only taken classes for Wing Chun and Kyokushin, but I've read and watched videos on numerous other martial arts and I try to practice their forms. I've added some Tae-Kwon-Do, Kick-boxing, and some (I know I am misspelling this) Sai-li fu Kung Fu. Tae-Kwon-Do is fairly similar to most forms of Karate however, so it's not entirely too hard.

But once you take 6 months of Wing Chun, you can easily self train, if you're dedicated.

The best advice I can give you is take a class for half a year, and then go from there on your own. You can explore different forms once you've become acclimated.

Holy shit no, like I said I don't wanna seem like I'm shitting all over your topic and I have to admit this is kind of a pet peeve of mine, but no no no this gives such a WRONG impression of martial arts.

Okay, there are some arts like Aikido where it's almost a given that the master is gonna say "You have to practice this for 10 years before you can even attempt using it in a real fight." And a lot of people, including me, say that's dumb because if you're focused on learning self defense you need to learn stuff that can be immediately useful, sometimes even without a long period of training--for this reason a lot of the self defense stuff I've seen and learned is all based on natural reflexes or extremely simplistic movements.

But do NOT take six months of classes and then try to go it alone, or figure out all the applications by yourself, or anything like that. Also, find whatever style fits you and stick with it for, in my personal opinion, at LEAST five years before you start "branching out." MMA has absolutely ruined the idea of what martial arts are capable of--you don't have to learn all these completely separate, sometimes completely differently focused arts and styles in order to be an effective fighter.

My style of Karate, Shorin-ryu, was officially founded in 1933, but the actual system goes back over 200 years. In those 200 years, especially back when these Okinawan masters were still breaking coconuts, shoving their spear-hands through pig corpses, and had no idea what "padding" was, you think they didn't experiment or fight other practitioners of different styles, or have experiences they weren't prepared for followed by active attempts to prepare their students for such things in the future? I don't need to try and learn Brazilian Jujutsu for grappling, because Karate has its own grappling techniques. I don't need to learn Sambo for throws and joint locks, because Karate has some of its own. I don't need Muay Thai's elbow or knee strikes, or Baguazhang's flowing footwork, because Karate has its own flavor of answers to all of those things.

Does watching and learning from other styles help? Absolutely. Stealing a method of punching from boxing, or a kick from Tae-Kwon-Do, and adding it to my Karate repetoire is something I've certainly done. And sometimes a person just likes to do something a particular way even if everyone around them does it differently. I've almost never seen two instructors teach a kata the same way. But don't do this "super size sample platter" crap where you're just taking a little nibble of everything without ever committing to something. Commitment is the only thing that makes any of the training worth a damn--just like that Bruce Lee quote, only applied to styles instead of techniques. I've had people who were clearly fronting out of their asses tell me "Oh I've done some boxing, and some ninjutsu, and some wushu, and some krav maga" and they can't explain the first thing about the fundamentals, tactics, mindsets, or anything else of fighting because they never got any deeper than the surface level of learning some neat moves and flying kicks and then they were off to find the next shiny thing.

Same thing with "self-training," you've got to commit to learning from a proper instructor, in a proper environment, if you ever wanna really get anywhere. Self Training, in my experience, is for perfecting what has been learned. The actual learning is done in the dojo, and takes way, waaaaaay longer than six months. I started training when I was 11, and like I mentioned earlier I didn't get my first degree black belt until I was almost out of high school.

A lot of people make the mistake of getting that black belt, too, and then saying "Welp I guess I know it all now." No, hahahaha noooo. I dunno about other styles, but in Karate there are usually ten degrees of black belt. The first one is the equivalent of graduating high school. The second one is like getting an Associate's Degree. And past the third or fourth degree, it's not just about how many dudes you can fight at one time, how many forms you know, how many bricks you can break, or any of that. Past a certain point it becomes about life experience--you have to have taught for so many hours, or raised another student to black belt rank yourself, or sometimes (if you're part of a big structured organization) you even have to take exams and stuff. If you ever see a teenager claiming they're already a fifth degree black belt, either they're full of shit or their school is a McDojo. And I'd go so far as to say most people who call themselves tenth degree masters aren't legit either--what I've usually seen or heard of happening is that they get to a fairly high rank, and then they decide "I'm gonna start my own style," and they declare themselves the grand master of their self-invented school.

Sorry, I got a little off track in some places and I'm sure I might have said something that could be taken the wrong way. Like I said before, I don't want to argue or debate, just point out some things I felt were lacking and open a discussion if necessary.

Keep up your training, though, and I really like that this topic has encouraged some other people to have an interest in martial arts. Just remember it's not all about gettin' SWOLE or being able to rip a man's heart out of his chest, or being able to do the fanciest move. As Miyamoto Musashi said, to learn the Martial Arts is to learn the Way, and to know the Way is to know all things. Self-improvement--physically, mentally, and spiritually--should be the ultimate goal.

Villain Psych

As the others worked, Kenichi pulled his student handbook out of his bag and tried to continue the assignment L Guardian had given them. He glanced over his shoulder at the sound of someone sitting down behind him, and realized it was the blind girl from Hero Gear. She apologized for being late, her voice full of worry; Kenichi noticed that she wasn't holding that cane he had seen her with earlier. What had happened to it? She had been part of whatever happened in the Training Room, or at least he thought so...had it gotten broken in the exercise?

"Um..." he started, glancing between her and Obsidian as he whispered, "We were doing some short-answer questions..." Surely the teachers all knew which students they would be teaching ahead of time, even if they hadn't learned all their faces, and something like a blind child would surely be some kind of special note or something for them. So there was bound to be a worksheet in Braille...right? Would it be okay for someone to just read the questions out to her as long as they didn't give her any of their own answers? But wait, if she couldn't see to read she probably couldn't see to write either, could she? He had heard of keyboards with Braille before, but how could a person write coherently on a paper without some kind of physical guidelines?

In any other situation he'd have raised his hand and asked the instructor for help on account of his fellow student. He absently ran his tongue over the cut inside his mouth.

"I'll help ya. I'm Yoshida, by the way." he said to Yukari, still whispering. He pulled a spare piece of paper out of his bag and started writing down the questions as best he could remember, and tried to make his handwriting as neat as possible so it would look more official. "Just tell me your answer and I'll write it down for you. It's all "what would you do," stuff--The first one is a bank robber with a hostage and a gun. He wants to be let go or else, but he looks scared and his hand is shaky. The second one is an armored guy with a sword who commits a spree killing, but when you show up on scene he bows like he's acting out an honorable duel. Third is being tied up, your Quirk's been canceled out, and the Villain is all gloaty about how he'll beat you this time. Fourth is a guy with a mind control Quirk who has armed several civilians and is using them against you. For some reason your Quirk is cancelled again, and the Villain claims that killing him will also kill the civvies. And the fifth one is where the Villain has your family or loved ones under a laser beam in one place, and a time-bomb on a bus full of kids in another place. They tell you that only one can be saved. You still have your Quirk in this one though, I think."

He scratched his head nervously, and hoped he had repeated all of that correctly.

Villain Psych

As others filtered into the room Kenichi caught bits and pieces of their conversations. Jett seemed to know the smaller pinkette, and called her Tomoe. Yashiro called the teacher Mako, but for some reason he sat off to the side from everyone else. Oh well, he looked like the dark and aloof type anyway. An attractive girl entered with the red-haired student who had transferred from General Studies...oh yeah, Roy had been his name. Kenichi thought he might have seen the girl at lunch too, during that incident with Ezra and Jett and the 2-A group, but he'd never learned her name.

Mako-sensei stood up and made her introductions. And at first, Kenichi leaned forward with interest. Being "good" did not mean being nice, and this class was going to be about exploiting a villain's weaknesses, taking apart their mindsets...and taking them down by whatever means possible. Even if it meant not playing fair.

Kenichi wouldn't really say he liked the idea of fighting dirty. But after what had happened to his father...after learning what kind of things people could do for reasons that, to Kenichi, didn't make any kind of sense...He didn't have time for things like mercy, not in a real fight with real evil. Because that was what they were. They didn't deserve handcuffs, or defense lawyers, or three hots and a cot on the taxpayer's dime. Evil people were a cancer of society that needed to be cut out.

"My name is Ms. Mako. You may better know me as Madame Obsidian, the professional thief who went uncaught for six months straight and became the single most wanted Supervillain of my time. And I will be your teacher for this class. Any questions so far?"

Kenichi didn't say anything, because he knew if he did he was going to get himself expelled. He laced his hands together in front of his face, elbows on his desk, like he was thinking deeply about something--but what he was really doing was clenching his teeth until he could feel blood dripping from the inside of his cheek.

What the FUCK was a Villain doing teaching in a school for Heroes!? They had just left a bunch of untrained kids in a room, unsupervised, with this...this...this fucking monster?

A sensible person who did not have anger issues towards Villains might argue that Madame Obsidian was, technically speaking, only one of the most wanted villains because of the sheer monetary value of the items she stole. She had never killed anyone, had never put up a fight against Heroes, and she had served her time in prison as dictated by a fair trial, convicted by a jury of her peers. She was, perhaps, to be considered a success story of the power of rehabilitation.

If such a person had actually said these things to Kenichi, his answer would have been Fuck that! To his mind, she might as well have gotten off scott free. How much of the money she had stolen would ever be properly returned? How many people had suffered from something like not being able to pay for life-saving surgery or medicine, because their money had been stolen from the bank? How many businesses had gone under when their investors' funds suddenly disappeared? How much did the citizens of Japan have to put forth to provide her with sheets, clothing, toiletries, health care, heating, air conditioning, television, food, drinks, medication, for however long it was she had to stay in prison? Why did they have to pay for her to have an easy life when she had already stolen so much from them?

Slow breaths. Relax. Don't crack the goddamn desk, or the floor. You are in a Hero School. You have to use your BRAIN.

It was like he'd become a statue, sitting there and staring straight ahead--not at Obsidian, but past her, at the chalk board. It was a good thing he didn't have one of those psychokinesis style Quirks. He had questions, alright. But he didn't care for Madame Obsidian's answers. How long had she been here? If he made some kind of complaint to the principal or the other teachers, would it matter?

By the time the worksheets started coming around, Kenichi felt like he had enough control to stop hiding his face. But he refused to even look in Obsidian's direction when she approached, instead looking straight down at his desk. He moved his arm aside as she slid the sheet onto his desk, instead of taking it directly from her. He didn't even say "thank you." But as controlled as he kept himself and his reactions, there were some things he wasn't even aware of consciously.

If Mako's senses were sharp, however, she might be aware of it. Aware of the fact that this blue-haired boy was putting off a weak, subtle, but very much present kind of feeling. Like waves from a radio, it wasn't really something that could be seen, just something to be felt. Martial artists were good at picking it up, and so were a lot of pros on both sides of the Hero and Villain spectrum. But it wasn't exactly something "heroes" were supposed to even have.

It was called Killing Intent.

But the moment passed as Kenichi read through the paper, analyzing the questions. Yeah, Villain Psych was definitely a "smart person's" class. However, some of these weren't exactly things that Kenichi had never thought of before. Lots of people who wanted to be heroes were the types who would daydream about all kinds of situations--what would I do if this happened? What choice would I make in this scenario? How would I save people and beat this kind of villain?

Kenichi absentmindedly licked at the blood on the inside of his cheek as his pencil scratched across the paper.

Scenario 1: You arrive at the scene of a bank robbery. The robber holds an elderly lady at gunpoint and demands that you let them escape or he'll shoot. The robber seems terrified, and his gun hand is shaking.

There's no guarantee he would release the woman if he was allowed to escape, or that he wouldn't just shoot her anyway after making said escape. Her chances of being hurt or killed stay the same regardless of whether I as the Hero choose to fight or negotiate. If he's scared, he'll hesitate. Because my Quirk can boost speed, I should at least be able to blitz him fast enough to either take the bullet with an arm or hand, or disarm him outright. Then I beat him until he stops moving. I could possibly use my Hyper Ventilation like a breath weapon from range, but that's unreliable. Being able to shoot a gun out of someone's hand only happens in movies.

Scenario 2: A sword wielding killer in armour had massacred several people in the middle of the day in a downtown market. As you confront him, he bows, and appears to be following old-fashioned combat etiquette.

Beat him until he stops moving. If his armor's good I'll have to boost my strength and either throw him, or break his joints. Also it's obvious he's lying with the "honor" stuff, because he's murdered multiple people at one time in one location. If he were having 1-on-1 duels there would be a trail of victims from spot to spot, and most people would have gotten away by running.

Scenario 3: You've managed to get tied up against a chair, and your quirk has somehow been nullified. The villain has a gun to your head, and says "I've waited a log time for this. This is one plan of mine that you won't foil!"

I guess all I can do at that point is keep him talking and hope for rescue, but I doubt he'd go into a real monologue. More than likely I'm dead no matter what I do, so I might as well risk a lunge and see if I can sink my teeth into him. Trying to get his wrist to incapacitate the gun is too small a target, but tearing a chunk out of his thigh or throat might bleed him out even after he kills me.

Scenario 4: A villain has brainwashed several civilians, and armed them. They stand between you and the villain, and they are advancing towards you with intent to attack. Your quirk has been nullified. The villain claimed earlier that if you killed him, the civilians would die.

I use my Gran Torino style move, Jet Hunting, to get around the civilians and attack the Villain. Personally I think he's lying about the civilians dying, because there are so many instances of a person's Quirk being cancelled out when they're unconscious, but as long as I don't kill him it's fine. Chokeholds, or breaking limbs and bones badly enough to make him go into shock, should make him pass out. Even if the civilians are still under his control, he won't be able to give them new orders. Breaking his jaw might be an option too if his Quirk requires the affected person to hear a verbal command.

Scenario 5: The classic; a villain has kidnapped a member of your family or a loved one very close to you, and has strapped them to a bed with a laser cutting the table their on, inching closer to their body with every passing second. They have also taken a schoolbus full of children and rigged it with a timed bomb. They claim that you don't have time to save them both.

This kind of situation seems like it's meant to make a Hero hesitate even if it's not true that there's "no time." So I'd choose whichever option I could accomplish the fastest immediately, and try my best to stop the other one afterwards. More than likely, though, I'd save the kids first; I love my parents, but I know they would want me to save others first even if it meant they were sacrificed. And if I couldn't save them, I would kill the Villain even if I were punished for it afterwards, because at that point I don't feel it's a question of necessary force, but of how many people I'm saving from being hurt in the future by taking him out now.

The blue haired boy leaned back and read over his answers again. Maybe he should try to re-word some of this? What if he got put on that watch-list, the one for kids who were considered at risk of turning into Villains themselves?

No. He didn't agree with heroes having to play nice all the time, but he agreed that heroes needed to be honest. So he would leave his real feelings right where they were on that paper. He signed his name and the date, and double checked that he had all the other necessary stuff filled in before he stood up to turn it in.

The six armed girl was ahead of him, and he wondered what her answers had been. He had seen her at the shooting range during the Hero Gear class. He wondered if her answers would be any more acceptable than his own--unless she was using rubber or trick bullets, she probably couldn't afford to just snipe all her opponents. Even then, rubber bullets especially probably wouldn't actually be much help. Someone tough enough or determined enough could easily withstand their stinging impacts and just keep going.

Again he didn't look at Madame Obsidian, nor did he hand her the paper directly. He simply slid it onto the desk next to where Dulga had turned hers in, then quickly turned and walked stiffly back to his desk. He could still taste the blood on the inside of his mouth.

Gymnasium > Villain Psych

Just as Yashiro-kun agreed to train with him, there was a monumental series of crashes and bangs from the Training Room. Kenichi immediately recognized the sounds of battle, though he didn't know who was in there at the moment or what their Quirks might be--he hoped 1-A wasn't continuing to live up to its name of "the class that keeps trying to kill each other." As usual, a teacher had to help the injured students towards the Nurse's office, and dismissed the rest of them. It looked like that training would have to wait until later. The combatants turned out to be the blind girl and the other girl Kenichi didn't really know--now that he thought about it he hadn't even caught their names during the class. But if the disabled girl could cause something like that, she had to have a powerful Quirk or at least some really good skills. Maybe one of those badass blind martial arts masters? Maybe he didn't have to tiptoe around her or worry about offending her as much as he had thought. Acion helped Arsenal carry the other one--who must have some kind of electrical quirk, as there was a distinct ozone-smell coming from her that Kenichi's deep-breathing nostrils easily picked up on--and they departed the gymnasium.

"Thanks, Yashiro-kun! I've got Villain Psych next, though--as soon as we get a chance I'm sure we can set somethin' up."

Reina said that she would participate too, although she seemed really shy about it. Kenichi had thought she was the gloomy goth sort since he had first seen her, but maybe he had pegged her wrong and she was one of those...what'd they call 'em...kuudere? Shrinking violets? Mamoru, on the other hand, was definitely a genki girl.

Between classes, Kenichi had to make a restroom stop and grab a drink from the water fountain. He took his time now that he had been around a bit and felt like he had a better grasp of the school's layout, and wondered how many of the 1-A students would be in this class. Villain Psychology honestly didn't sound like it was up his alley--Psychology was a smart-person thing--but he didn't think Quirk Application would help him much. His Quirk gave him super breath and general physical enhancement. There weren't a lot of ways to use that, honestly, except for heavy manual labor. And that class was mostly geared towards how a non-combat Hero, or someone who decided that they didn't want to be a hero after all and just wanted a license to use their Quirk in daily life, would do things. Villain Psych was purely for those who wanted to directly combat the forces of evil, and that was what Kenichi wanted to do.

Because of his pitstops and his day dreaming, however, a horrible thing happened. A terrible, irreversible thing. Something that he had never expected.

He walked into the classroom, and saw that a few others were of course already there, along with the first female teacher he'd seen today besides the Nurse. He looked towards the far corner of the room, next to the window, on the second row from the back--

The world became a black, featureless void. Only two spotlights from somewhere above illuminated Kenichi, and her. Then this void cracked, just like Kenichi's fragile mind, and with a sound like shattering glass that only existed in his head the blue haired boy sat down next to her listlessly. He kept looking at her, shaking his head ever so slightly from side to side in disbelief. His eyes were wide.

To Mamoru, in a small and quiet and broken voice that only she heard, he could only say:

"Ah fuck. I can't believe you've done this."

Then he grinned and winked to let her know he was just kidding. The blue-hair started to look around the classroom and took note of who was here so far. Jett, the girl with six arms, a girl he hadn't even seen yet who also had pink hair--and, gods be praised, was actually shorter than him!--and of course the teacher. She wasn't quite so...provacative...compared to Nurse Kiwi, but still very attractive. She had a refined air about her too, what with the coffee and the modest fashion and the long, dark hair befitting of what some would call the Yamato Nadeshiko style.

And yet...was it a smell? Kenichi sniffed a bit, and the vaccuum pressure from his Quirk made the air whistle slightly. No, not a smell. Was it something he was looking at, but not really seeing? No, although he hoped she wouldn't take his darting eyes as something lecherous. It was just...something. Instinct, maybe. Something about the woman bothered him. He crossed his arms with a bewildered expression as he read what she had written on the chalkboard.

Beat a villain at their own game? Did that just mean tricking them, or did it mean something more literal? Like the whole "pay evil unto evil" philosophy? Kenichi's forehead wrinkled thinking about it. It wasn't good PR for Heroes to have that kind of mindset, was it? Then again, he didn't have a lot of room to talk--it sounded like it would be right up his alley. Just like he had told Arsenal.

I wanna put the Villain in the ground.


The taller boy introduced himself as Yashiro Takeshi, and mentioned he was trained in Budo. Kenichi nodded, recognizing the term from a couple of manga he had read about Samurai.

"So like...kind of a mixed-style that the samurai would use if they got disarmed or knocked off a horse, right?" Kenichi put one fist on his chin in thought. "That'd probably be good for disarming, right? Cause if a samurai was using it, he was probably using it against other samurai, which meant he was fighting without a weapon against a guy who did have one. Right?"

Mamoru revealed that she didn't actually know any particular arts, so she was in the same boat as Kenichi. The pinkette asked if there was anything in particular he wanted to know.

"Well, disarming the enemy is part of it." The shorter boy rubbed the back of his neck and averted his gaze. "But after the training exercise today, all the teachers said I needed to use my brain more, remember? I can't do things like calculate angles or trachea...tractor...trajectories on the fly, but then I thought "people who do martial arts are just punching things like I do, but they punch stuff smart instead of just throwing out what they think will hit." You know, all that Art of War and Book of Five Rings stuff."

He looked back at Yashiro-kun, and held himself at attention with both arms out to the side like he'd seen some karate guys do on TV once.

"Osu! Yashiro-kun, please teach me!" He bowed at the waist over-dramatically.
@NorschtalenGot it, thanks. Edit has been made, instead of tripping over @liferusherTomoe, Kenichi is now interacting with @Lucius Cypher@Aerandir@RiegalMamoru, Reina, and Takeshi.
@Norschtalen Sorry, I didn't refresh before I posted so I didn't notice you'd already interacted with Liferusher. Should I just add an edit or remove/change the post entirely?


"There isn't any exact right way to stop an armed enemy, the greatest way to combat that is through training." Arsenal answered. Kenichi didn't really feel satisfied with that. "Many heroes have their own way of combating against an armed opponent, martial arts being a popular choice that anyone can learn. I also offer afterschool insructing with hand to hand combat so stop by sometime and I can show you something maybe."

"Yes sir, thanks." Kenichi said with a nod. Martial arts...he had heard about stuff like that in the Japanese Self Defense Force, teaching soldiers to disarm an opponent or take them down before they could fire. If he got stronger and faster, and then stacked technique on top of it, could he manage it against real supervillains? He had never really learned any kind of fighting moves outside of occasional street experience, but he had always won those petty brawls easily because of his Quirk. And because he had "good instincts," as someone had put it once.

But he had already seen some of the others use what looked like martial arts. Could they help him too, along with Arsenal's extra-curricular course? He started pacing around the gym as he counted off names on his fingers.

Ezra and Jett could fight, for sure, but Ezra's moves looked really similar to Kenichi's own. Jett, though, had those kicks...That girl, Kasuke Mina, had mentioned something in class about being a black belt, he was pretty sure. Motome-chan had thrown him that time, did she know something like Judo? And Mamoru was over there talking with Reina and that other guy about swords and the jutte or something, maybe they knew martial arts too?

The blue hair strode over to them with an upraised hand in greeting.

"Hey, 'scuse me!" he said. "Uh, do any of you guys happen to know martial arts?" Seeing the tonfa Mamoru was holding, he added, "More along the lines of hand-to-hand stuff, though. See, I kinda wanna start learning but don't really have any idea where to start..." He looked over at the new guy. "I'm Yoshida Kenichi, by the way. Nice to meetcha." He bowed his head slightly to the taller boy.
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