Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Matisuki "LizardKing" Kiryuin

Ira was hit by the first 2 moves, but unfortunately dodged his way out of the last one. It would've been a good way to weaken the mage, but obviously Matt knew that he was no fool. Or completely a fool for that matter. The Lizardking growls angrily as he sees Ira fly into the sky and begins to form an energy attack. He simply snorts and makes a toothy grin.

"IF THAT'S HOW YOU WANT TO BE..." he thinks to himself, "SO BE IT."

Matt positions himself right under where the beam was going to hit, as fumes of reddish-orange fumes emit from his mouth. The crackles of plasma and flames begin to grow stronger and stronger. However, the beams hit him before he was ready, causing a decent explosion, kicking up smoke and some debris into the sky. However, this was exactly what Matt wanted to happen. As soon as he was ready:


And with that, he unleashes his massive beam of reddish-orange plasma, going at an intensely fast speed. At this rate, it would surely knock someone out from the sky and send them plummeting down to the ground. Ira wasn't the only one to have long-rage powers... Matt had them too. And going just as fast as him...

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 14 days ago

Alice Vetrov

Alice lightly folded her arms over her chest, smiling when Isshum didn't remember what Alice had asked the day prior. Rather than take offence to it, the older woman simply passed it off as the young man being too busy to remember every detail of what happened over the last night. A lot of people bought into the stigma that the youth of today were incapable of being lost in such deep thought. Alice, however, had always been an advocate for young minds.
"Yes, I am referring to you as well." She spoke, gently pointing a finger at his forehead in a similar fashion to the way the young dragon slayer was pointing to himself. "I'm in need of assistance with setting up my office. At the moment I'm in a bit of a makeshift position. It's not preferable." She turned her body slightly to face to the table covered in paperwork, disdain plastered over her face. It was so disorganised, and Alice couldn't stand that.
"Of coarse I'd be willing to pay you. I'll even treat you all to a meal anywhere in town as an expression of gratitude." Alice brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face, hoping her deal would be tempting to Isshum and his friends. She wouldn't mind if they declined, of coarse, but the idea of doing all that work on her own wasn't very appealing. And that was coming from someone who actually enjoyed working.

When James approached and hid behind her, Alice smiled down at her son. Isshum made a comment about it, asking if he was usually like this. Alice gently stroked the back of James' hair while she spoke.
"It's only his second day in Magnolia, and you're probably the first person he's talked to since coming here. He'll get used to you." Much to Alice's surprise, Isshum knelt forward and began to show his magic to James. Completely invested in the dragon slayers abilities, James detached himself from Alice and stood in awe at the impressive display of fire and sparks.
"Cool! Mommy, did you see the magic? Did you?" The young boy was practically jumping up and down with excitement. He'd only ever seen Alice's magic before, which wasn't as flashy as the fire magic. Alice nodded in approval towards Isshum, a silent thanks for being so welcoming to her child.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ira
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Ira The Swank Origin

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Ira Amaterasu

“ What a pretty light.” , Ira exclaimed as the beam moved to engulf him. With a second to spare he dove straight for the ground , making it seem as if he’d been evaporate by the attack. Ira hit a building with a thud. The ring of fire was no longer constituting this battle. He’d use the time given to him by being perceived as dead to set up an even stronger attack than his last. Ira arose to his feet and began to conjure his magic. It would take longer than a few minutes for his opponent to notice he wasn’t dead so he had to act fast. He planned to throw an attack through a building at his unsuspecting opponent. Ira had the perfect one in mind.

Ira crossed his arm and rose them towards the sky. His magic immediately began to form a dark sphere like attack. The orb swallowed all nearby shadows and smaller white lights which made it resemble the night’s sky. As the orb grew larger it began to dematerialize everything surrounding it.Nearby buildings evaporate under its pressure. It even pulled in the building in which Ira was standing. “ I will crush you Lizard. Heavenly Body Magic:Altairis. “ As the last of the building dissipated Ira launched his attack. He was no longer concerned with casualties. The lizard had struck a nerve when he shrug off Ira’s first attack. This attack on the other wasn’t something he could shrug off. The gravity mechanism was enough to crush the Tower of Dreams. There was no way Matt could withstand it.

The orb was now huge and moving at unpredictable speed. It careened towards an unsuspecting Matt. Ira wondered how he would dodge gravity.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Taka Shirokawa


Taka grit her teeth as she watched the fight, trying to manage to keep the fire ring up to keep no casualties hurt, and no buildings destroyed. Eventually she had started to struggle with holding it up, due to the many times that the two had ran into it. It would hurt them, but it wouldn't hurt them enough. Dammit! If they keep it up it's going to- Taka had thought in her head, but then Ira was sent flying out of the ring, and slammed right into a building. "Damn it!" Taka had grit her teeth, clenching her fists as she went down to her knees. "I thought that I might be able to protect the town, but damn it!" Taka had hit the ground with her fist in frustration before looking back up.

She had started to notice that buildings were evaporating around where Ira had crashed, she widened her eyes before standing back up and yelling towards Ira. "Hey Ira?! Weren't we going to do something you idiot?! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!!" Taka had stomped the ground in anger as she yelled in his direction, starting to slightly flare up in anger. Her face had started to get flustered up in the process.

"Do you want that date or not?!" Taka yelled out once again, her face turning red to an instant.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago


Revan watched the battle with interest, the brat was actually giving the big lug a run for his money. However, it seemed that Matt would have the last laugh, as after the Lizardking's last attack, there seemed to be neither hide nor hair of the little shit. Just as Revan was about call out Matt for robbing him of his turn against the kid, he suddenly felt a large build up from magic. Not only that, but he could see that one of the nearby buildings seemed to be rumbling slightly as the walls moved inward, with chunks of other buildings also began to get dragged towards it. It didn't take long for him to figure out that not only was the white haired shit not dead, but he had also lost his goddamn mind to use an attack like that inside the city.

Revan didn't say anything, he simply walked by the enraged Taka as he summoned a horde of hydras, sending them flying through the city to keep any and all civilians from being dragged off towards the attack. THis included any and all civilians inside of them as well, though they'd be a little frighten as the hydra's seemed to eat them, before taking them into their world before depositing them all inside of the guild hall in a haphazard heap. While his Hydras deal with keeping casualties from happening, Revan was focusing his magical energy on his hand, chanting an incantation under his breath, as a dark energy began to coil around his outstretched hand. Just as the attack blasted out of the remains of the crumbling building, the energy formed into his Ring of Sloth.

As it approached Matt, he pointed his finger at an area just in front of the mage, causing a black circle to appear on the ground. As soon as the sphere came into contact with the circle, it would disperse into a black mist, exerting a small shockwave of force to the surrounding area as it did so. Revan than turned to the remains of the building where he assumed that Ira still was. He didn't say anything for awhile, but Matt and Taka would be able to tell that he was beyond pissed off and just barely holding himself back from annihilating him.

"Listen, you little shit, cause I'll only say this once. If you want to throw around big attacks, that's fine with me, but take outside the city if you want to continue making an ass out of yourself, among other things." Revan crossed his arms as he closed his eyes, suddenly letting off an intense aura as he activated his Satan Soul. As he opened his eyes, which had turned completely black except for his pupils that had become slitted and bright, blood red, the dark mage would feel an intense sense of pressure and killing intent. "After that, you'll find that the next time you pull something like this, I won't be so kind as to let you off with warning. I will kill you without remorse or regret, so know that you're on thin ice whenever you come here. Keep yourself in control, and you can continue going about your business. Endanger this town and the people in it and you'll be lucky if there's even a stain left when I'm done with you."

Revan released his hold on his magic, letting it out with grumbling sigh, as he walked back into the guild hall, pushing past the confused and somewhat traumatized citizens until he came across Alice, the white haired dragon brat, ad a smaller one.

"Hey Alice, you have anything for a headache caused by punks you want to kill. I swear I'm getting too old for this bullshit. . . and is this brat your's?" Revan said as he gestured to James, unsure what to make of him yet.





@Leslie Hall
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Matisuki Kiryuin

As he sees Ira fall into the building below, who seemed to have been hit by the blast, Matt roars out in triumph over this foe. It seems as the dark mage had finally taken a bigger chunk then he could handle. No one messes with the Guild... NOBODY. And if one does happen to do so, then they will surely be severely punished.


A few silent minutes pass by, but no response came from Ira. Perhaps he was dead... or at least knocked out at this stage. Either way, Matt thinks he won the battle. And with another guttural growl, he begins to head back inside. However, on his fourth step, he senses a powerful magical essence coming from where Ira crash-landed. So he WASN'T dead after all. Matt growls ominously as he turns around to finish this fallen foe once and for all, when suddenly he sees a black orb form above the dark mage. It began to suck everything in as it became larger and larger. Matt knew what he was doing and even he was terrified.


A bloody... BLACK... HOLE. And it was now sucking things into itself. And the worst part is... it's now coming straight towards him... AND THE GUILD! Matt may be incredibly strong and durable, but against one of the most powerful objects in the universe, he is nothing. If it hit him, it would surely take his life. Yet he was prepared to die for the guild. He will try to take in the black hole as much as he could, even to the point where it could kill him. All he mattered was the survival of the guild. And he will die for it.

Beyond him, he can see Revan's hydras moving people out of the way and Taka trying to 'calm him' down. Then, just as the black hole would try and devour him, Revan's magic managed to finally dissipate the black hole of its entirety. As it dispersed, it unleashed a small shockwave, making Matt breathe in a sigh of relief. No one was harmed. Thankfully. Yet as Matt looked at where Revan stands, he knew far too well that he was now severely pissed off. A quiet growl would utter from his maw, signifying him not to get outta whack. At least Matt left him alive... all for Revan to bitch at. And after his bitching, he went back to the guild and consulted with Alice. The Lizardking will still ominously look over Ira, wondering if he will still fight or hopefully leave the area.

Kuroku Nagasai

The battle was over, just as soon as it began. It disappointed him greatly, hoping that he would be entertained a bit more, but then again who would want to be sucked into a giant black hole? Not he. Not the Ice Mage. He has much more to give to life then death. As Revan walked by he sighs as he looks back at the guild job request, only to see a job request he hasn't seen before. It seemed to be an update of the dark guild that has been posted in the newspaper he saw. It was as follows:

So this was the dark guild that was in the papers. Surely this group must be dealt and put down with exceptional force. At last, this will be a mission Kuroku will gladly take. Ripping the job request from the board, he waves it high in the air as he looks around the guild hall.

"Oi!" he calls out, "A new job has come in. This one having to do with a dark guild out in Eastcliff. I'll be going out to complete this. Anyone want to come with me?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I S S H U M.

Isshum looked towards the door of the guild hall’s door. The feeling that crept beyond the material of the building was ominous, dangerous. It made him feel threatened but too weak to do anything about it. Even still, it took only a stray thought for James and Alice for him to make up his mind to stand his ground. He hadn’t a clue what was going on.

Time was muted before Revan burst through the door. It was obvious that spike from before was his, but what about that other magic? Who had that belonged too? Perhaps it hadn’t mattered but whatever was going on had shifted the Guild’s mood. Matt’s too. He could smell a steely determination on him, one that was ready to accept death. From that, Isshum gathered he had lost his match. Utterly and completely.

“I’ll help ya, Alice,” answered Isshum as he slowly returned his gaze to her. Though the seriousness that laid on it was still visible. His instincts were razor sharp and he knew when a comrade needed time alone. That’s what Matt needed at the moment.

Hearing Kuroku's request for comrades was late to reach him, but it interested him greatly as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A Warm Beatrix, A Cold Sage Pt 2

Cedar City, Train Station

"Fwahahahaha! I arrive! YEt there is no greeting party? That is fine, I should not exspect those who have busy work to do to drop everything just because my wonderful self is within the city hahaha."

Beatrix's grand entrance had her arriving on her throne with her angels flanking her in a rather over the top pose, still it soon stopped as she turned to await Sage to come out at well. They may have had a littlestumble but the girl was not going to let such a silly thing drag down this moment! Still it seemed she was not going to go along with the whole splitting up idea for just now...

"Come along Sage, I shall send out my puppets to search the genaral area, while we arrive and talk with the childs family!"

"........." Sage looked at the princess and shook his head. Not even bother to talk nor write to her. The man walked right past her and headed to the location of the missing girls home. Right now, peace is only what he needed. And he was going to get it one way or another. He was bracing himself for the talkative girl known at Beatrix to coax him into talking, but he was going to try and ignore her.

"Hmm, this place is a little.. Strange. For one where are all the tourist shops?!"

It seemed she had focused on something different for the time being, likely due to the conversation on the train but for now she was just happy looking around the city she had never been too before. She never got to go places such as this, mainly due to her childhood disability. By the time they arrived at the family home Beatrix looked a little concerned as Sage made his way up to the door.

"Are you sure you want to greet them?"


Without any hesitation, the white haired man tapped the on the door hard. At first there was no response. Sage knocked on the door again. Nothing. 'Perhas they are.....?!" His senses kicked in as a familar smell it his nose, he wasn't a dragon slayer: but the smell was enough.


Sage looked at beatrix seriously and grabbed the knob of the door and rattled it, it was unlocked.

>Beatrix, ready up.

Balling his free hand into a fist and coating it was gravity. Sage leaned towards the door and opened quickly. 'Well shit.' The sight the two saw was not pretty at all.

Bodies, that was all one could tell from the mess within. There was no way of knowing for sure but it was a safe best that the mess made up two bodies and likely those of the girls perants. Despite what being told there was clearly not much Beatrix could 'be redy' for in terms of a battle stand, but her two angels did make sure to cover the scene for the time being.

"That poor girl... To lose family like this-, Hmmm?"

Beatrix looked confused for a moment while looking at the room, something was a ltitle off but before she could take a proper look she heard a shrill voice echo out from behind them both! As it did she felt all at once the world fall on her shoulders, now everyoe was looking towards them as the owner of the voice pointed towards them and shouted!


'Let's not get this outta hand.' Sage was about to use his magic on him, but before he could do anything, the man rushed from them to god knows where. Sage with a fallen expression of a rock shook his head.

>Simple missions will always hitches, what can i say?

Right now, find clues inside his house would take priotry, not getting caught would be the next plan. Turning to Beatrix he wrote his note.

>I'll find anything upstairs, there's bound to be more stress around there.

Sage left the girl as he ran upstairs to check any surivious, the stench of blood was filling his mind, making his yellow eyes turn red once more. As the white haired mage opened the door to the master bedroom, he could see the room flipped on the side of it's head. the bed torn up and drawers ripped from the table and multiple items scattered everywhere. 'Whatever they wanted to find, sure took their time with it.'

Looking around the white haired mage spotted a unsual pile of books and pictures near the foot of the bed. He was pressed for time as he hastily picked them up and chucked in his bag. He quickly serched the room to find nothing that wouldn't help him or Beatrix at all. Scanned the other room he headed back down to the blonde haired girl.

Beatrix crossed her arms as she gave a overview to the mess that was the bodies, with her partner upstairs and searching for clues it seemed she had time to confirm her suspicions. Still the gathering crowd outside was becoming bothsome for her two angels to hold back, really at this rate they would be truely mistaken for murderers, and though she was sure they would be cleared they really did not have time to wait around for a investigation!

"Both of them... They are..."

A devilish grin crossed the girls face by this point as if she had noticed something, still she had to wait for Sage to return to the scene before motioning for them to leave. Walking up to her two angels they soon turned around to pick her chair up, flying away from the house at amazing speeds and towards the near by forest, it was the safest place for fugitives after all. After landing she turned to wait for Sage, she was sure he could keep up since she had convidence in him, and that was good enough.

"Did you discover anything?"

>A few notes and picture, it might help us find our orphan girl, but now is not the time to discuss it now. We need to split up.

Sage knew that in order to make better of his situation, he would have to co-op with Beatrix. Splitting up and finding more clues would be best for both of them. If both had got caught later down the road. How know what would happen.

> As Promised, i will head to the outskirts and see what i can find, you will do as you want. Also i do not need a puppet for my search.

Sage made sure everything was ready for a quick run. He looked at Beatrix and waited for her answer.

"That seems fitting. I will remain here and use my dolls to my advantage."

She agreed to the terms as fast as she could, after all if they waited around then the time to save the girl was shortening ever more. Once sage had left Beatrix motioned for the black angel who simply bowed before flying off back towards the city!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ira
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Ira The Swank Origin

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Ira Amaterasu

Ira was pissed to find that Revan had once again interrupted his plans. The lizard had wanted a fight . Ira intended to oblige him. He had completely forgotten about his previous plan with Taka. Something about being taken lightly irked Ira’s nerves. He heard Taka’s voice off in the distance as his attack made its move towards his opponent. "Do you want that date or not?!" , replayed in his mind. Of course he did, just he couldn’t let a challenge go. Maybe she’d understand. Ira had no sympathy for the rest of the town, on the other hand. He soon realized his attack had been nullified , as a raging demon came making threats Ira paid no attention to. He began to yawn as Revan monologue about how precious Magnolia was and how he’d destroy Ira if he used his awesome power again. Soon after he left. All Ira could think about was apologizing to Taka. He at least owed her that. He figured him and Matt would have time to settle their differences later.

Ira approached Taka and grabbed her hand. With the sincerest of smiles he spoke, “ Mind if we take a walk. I have alot of apologizing to do. And yes I do want to take you out. That’s if you don’t mind.” He could tell she was quite angry with him but he could only smile. SHe was extremely cute when mad. Seemed like she wore anger well. “ By the way Matt, I hope next time your girlfriend won’t interfere and get his panties in a bunch . To think I had you defeated. The great LizardKing. Guess that makes me greater.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Beatrix Durandal

A dark shadow flew over the city, the blackened angel doll seeing the very one who had called out the murder in the first place, normally a thing not all that strange but there factors bothering the puppet master, so she choose to meet the man vi proxy of her puppet first. Thankfully she had used a small wire and attached it to the mans sleeve before he left, allowing Shi to follow it right to him. Slamming into the tiled roof the doll stood intimidatingly over the alleyway that the man had entered, the sheer shock from its suddenly arrival causing him to stumble back against the wall.

"You know, it is strange how easily you were able to spot such a thing.."


Leaping from the roof and down the alleyway to block off his escape the man didn't look all that afraid, but instead very angry, likely due to the fact he was not expecting to be caught. Suddenly he tried to pull out a dagger of some kind, but that was a mistake as the doll was far faster than a normal human and it angel forward and grabbed the mans hand and throat, twisting one to make him drop the dagger to the ground. Sparks kicked off as it made contact with the stone below, a magical weapon? Not something that common people have, well it was time to see how he reacted to the results of her investigation.

"There were a total of four beings in the doorway to the house, not to mention how fast you were able to recognize such a scene... Sloppy work if you were intending to frame the very first people to arrive, but why? To draw attention away from something time sensitive?"

"How did you you know about the bodies?!"

"Heh, let us just say I have had close examination of such things before. Now, it is time to come along and tell me all you know~~"

That was all almost too easy as the mans shocked face and words was what sealed the deal on what she had suspected, and so she decided to try out this whole kidnapping thing for real and had her angel pick up the knife and man before flying back to her location... It was time for a real nice talk just between the two of them.


"A cave behind a waterfall... How uninspired. Though I suppose people won't look here for just that reason."

"There, I-I showed you where it was. Now let me go!"

"Oh, I never said I would. Stay put, I will be back soon enough. Wire Bondage"

Suddenly thin almost snatched the man from her black angel, slamming him into the near by cliff and wrapping around him to keep him just where she wanted him. Along with a few strands for a makeshift gag. Motioning for both angels to take the lead Beatrix entered into the hideout, a place that they had supposedly been using to store magical weapons for their none mage members. Whatever this organisation of theirs was it was only a tiny tiny part of something bigger, that was all she could obtain from the low level grunt in such short amount of time, heck she hadly had time to send out a faceless doll just to make sure that Sage knew where they were.

There were so few people, was something going on? Shi and Ari dispatched two entrance guards with ease before entering into the main area, a network of caves and the like but just as she suspected they kept the girl in the main part, ready to be moved, and just so happened to be a girl dressed in rather rainbow like colors stood before her, seemed like the girl had managed to free herself?

"You there! I am Beatrix Durandal of the Wizards of Fiore, be thankful that someone like me has come to rescue you."

@Leslie Hall@Akashi Mayhiro
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 14 days ago

Alice Vetrov

Alice had done her best to ignore the commotion outside, but even Isshum seemed to notice that something was afoot. The strange feeling of intense magic pressing against her skin like a thick blanket, practically suffocating her. Even little James clung onto her, sensing that something was wrong even despite his lack of magical awareness. She gently stroked his head, softly telling him that everything was fine. In truth she wasn't sure if she could believe it herself. A few uncomfortable moments passed, and the magic power was dispersed as quickly as it had formed. The cold touch of Revan's magic pulsed through her, making her feel nauseous. Even though Alice was human, her connection to the Angels made her quite sensitive to dark magic. She clutched her chest briefly. She couldn't tell what felt worse; the powerful presence of Matt's adversary, or Revan's own magic trickling its way through the area.

As if trying to disconnect himself from the unpleasant feeling, Isshum mentioned his desire to assist Alice a few moments after Kuroku had announced a mission to track down a Dark Guild. It looked like serious stuff, but Alice wasn't that inclined to participate. She was more useful at the guild, and she had James to look after today. She smiled back at Isshum, nodding her head in approval.
"You'll help me then? That is great news." Before she could go into the details of her task, Revan came in through the door and started asking for medicine. Alice sighed, turning around to face a table before placing her hand along the wooden grain.
"There isn't enough drugs on the planet to stop you from wanting to hurt an annoying kid, Revan." Despite her joke, Alice summoned a golden Magic Circle along the desk and began summoning a set of beakers and test tubes with various odd colored liquids. They all smelt as foul as they looked. Alice, unaffected by the odors, quickly began mixing specific quantities of each liquid. The process was very quick and simple for Alice, although to the untrained eye it would seem as if she was doing something impressive. In all actuality, she was just mixing two potent medicines together to create an even stronger one. Normally she wouldn't do this, but she figured Revan's unique body would require a stronger kick than most.

"Alright, and just a little more of this. Stir it around. And, voila!" She poured the medicine, which had blended into a rather unflattering brown color, into a small vial and popped a wooden cork into it. She took out a pen and scrawled some details about the medicine onto an empty label; simple facts such as the recommended dosage and when to take it. Turning back to Revan, she handed the vial back to him and gave him an expression that told him of her gratitude for calming the situation outside. His comment about James brought a smile to her face. The young boy had been paying close attention to his mothers quick hands. He very much enjoyed watching Alice work.
"Yes, this is James. He'll be spending a lot of time here with me. Hopefully this medicine will ease any pain, but it may make you drowsy. It also tastes like garbage, so you know." She wrinkled her nose, signifying the horrid stench of the elixir.

With Revan settled, Alice turned back to Isshum and stared up at the clock. James took a step forward away from Alice, standing closer to Isshum than before. It would seem the little display of magic made the young child quite fond of the Dragon Slayer.
"So, shall we wait for your friends or get started right away? If we hurry you may be able to attend that Dark Guild mission."


April Quarts, the Rainbow Mage

30 Minutes prior to the arrival of Beatrix

The cell was dark, cold and completely lacking any color whatsoever. April couldn't stand that. It was bad enough that her situation was dire, but to deny her of her most favorite pleasure in life? Forcing her to wait in such drab conditions? Now she would simply not stand for this. The young girls long hair, tied into four pig tails, pulsed with magic and turned bright red like a tomato. Her clothes followed suit, shifting colors to match her expression of fury. Storming to the cell door, April began to bang against the hard metal with her small fists, shrieking at the guards stationed outside.
"Hey Asshats! Why are you keeping me locked in a cell? Is a little girl too much for you pussies to handle?! Huh?!" Based on appearances, the little girls foul mouth was quite unexpected. Unfortunately, the guards assigned to watch her had been dealing with this onslaught of verbal abuse for days on end. Truly the girls colorful insults knew no end.
"Oh. My god. Shut the hell up you brat, you're making my head hurt." One guard sighed, exhausted. He couldn't wait for his shift to end.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Let me quiet down so you can get some rest." The silence that followed was too good to be true, and suddenly the banging and yelling seemed to double in volume; if that was even possible. "Yeah right! As if I give a shit if you have a headache you massive turd! Drop dead fetus face! I hope you choke on your own spit!" The guard began to grow impatient, cracking his knuckles as he turned to face April at the cell door.
"I said to shut u-" Before he could finish his threat, April had spat through the bars into his face. He stood them for a moment, fuming. "That's it, you little bitch. You're dead!" The guard grabbed hold of a large, heart shaped staff with a glowing Lacrima of power floating in the center of the heart. Using his key, he opened up the cell door and shoved April into a corner.

"I'm gonna beat you with your own weapon you little shit!" The guard held the staff up high, ready to strike April with it like a mace. April stood there in the corner, cowering in fear. The guard smiled deviously at the little girls expression, but his smile soon faded when April's face turned from scared to frightening in a split second.
"Ha! What a dumbass you are." April whistled a cheerful tune, before smacking her hands on her cheeks and sticking out her tongue at the guard; delivering one hell of a raspberry. Confused, the guard didn't even notice the handle of the staff pulsating with Magic Power. At April's command, large spikes fanned out from the weapons handle, skewering the hand of the unfortunate guard who dared to touch Iris without April's permission. Wincing in pain, the guard made the mistake of dropping the weapon; which April grabbed without a moments hesitation.
"What the hell was tha-"
"Eat dirt, shit fer brains!" In the guards confusion, April took a step forward and swung Iris back behind her; prepping the attack. "Sky Hammer!" When she brought the staff forward, a magic circle materialised underneath her and began to reshape the form of her weapon. Just as it was about to make impact, the staff turned into a large hammer flying at the Guard with all the momentum and strength April had put behind it. Surprisingly, the impact was powerful enough to send the guard flying out from the cell and crashing into the cave wall on the opposite side of the area. The guard sat in a large crater in the wall, knocked out from the intense impact. April laughed maniacally, spinning Iris around her before delivering a gentle kiss to the large hammer. Her attack had caught the attention of the other guards around the facility, bringing a good four of them around her. The little girl smiled maliciously, twirling around as a large magic circle encompassed the area around her.
"Color Switch! Rainbow Excalibur!" Magic pulsed through Iris and April, causing the little girls clothes to fluctuate different colors before settling on a majestic combination of silver and pink. Even her hair changed to a light amber color. Iris had been reformed into a simply gigantic sword, easily three times the size of the wielder. Yet without any effort, the little girl picked up the blade and put it over her shoulder; dramatically beckoning to the guards.
"I hope you douchebags are ready to face the unholy wrath of the Rainbow Mage!"

Later, when Beatrix arrived.

April casually sat on the back of one of the unconscious guards she had just dealt with. Prodding his cheek with the back of her staff. She hummed happily, watching as the man drooled in his sleep. She stood up, placing one of her boots on his back firmly as he grunted in pain.
"Stupid lackeys. I'm insulted that they didn't put anyone mildly challenging to guard me. I hate being underestimated." The girl spun around, spreading her color change magic to all of the guards. With a snap of her fingers, she adorned all of them in pink polka dots and red love hearts. "Much better! You could use a little color on your dumb uniforms." While she taunted the knocked out guards, a blonde woman entered the main area with two angel figures beside her. Defensively, April turned to her and held out Iris; prepared to defend herself.
"What?! You want a piece of me too?!" The young girl pulsed with anger, her hair returning to a red color. Yet when the puppet master spoke, she mentioned that she had come to rescue her. The thought made her laugh.
"What, your eyes don't work or were you just born stupid? Look around, I don't need rescuing!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Taka Shirokawa


Taka watched as the high speed black hole came towards them, she widened her eyes before she noticed that Revan had got in the way, nullifying the black hole. She was grateful for what Revan did, due to the guild potentially getting destroyed by the black hole. She looked towards Matt with a concerned look, before noticing that her hand had been softly grabbed by Ira. Taka noticed that he was... smiling at her? What is she thinking, this guy always smiles at her, and not at anybody else. Taka calmly breathed as she was spoken to by Ira, she listened to his request before turning to face him. Her face was quite flustered mostly from the two of them holding their hands together.

"L-Let's just go before I'm tormented by them." Taka said quietly to Ira, her body temperature had cooled down from boiling hot to warm, which was the regular heat level for her. "Just.. no weird stuff, i-it's not like I want to talk to you or anything..." Taka quickly added on before she looked to the side slightly, her face a little flustered from being the hot-headed tsundere she was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Matisuki Kiryuin

Matt was utterly dumbfounded at first to hear Taka wanting to date this hellish mage. Sure he heard it earlier, but after the fight, he couldn't trust the mage any longer. He growls again, giving Ira a stink eye.

“By the way Matt, I hope next time your girlfriend won’t interfere and get his panties in a bunch. To think I had you defeated. The great LizardKing. Guess that makes me greater.”

Of course Ira would still try to piss Matt off. It was like he was born for this. And this made Matt's blood begin to boil. In fact, he could probably murder him right here and now, yet this was not the way of the guild. A guild must have honor when fighting someone else, only killing for the sake of the world itself. A more aggressive guttural growl escapes his angry maw, ending with a hiss.


Of course, Matt said Taka's name as a fellow guild mate... family in fact. Everyone who joins the guild is automatically a brother or a sister. And if one harms anyone from the guild, they shall pay dearly for it. Besides, even if Matt did like Taka, he would know that it would be immoral anyways. Matt slowly turns around and heads to the guild door.

"ONE OF YOU FOLLOW THEM..." he growls as soon as Ira and Taka were at a safe distance, "I DON'T TRUST THIS DARK MAGE."

And with that, he begins to slowly morph back into his human form and heads upstairs to rest. He and Ira will fight again one day. And he'll show that cursed mage his true power. Cause no one messes with the guild and gets away with it. Especially not on Matt's watch...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ostarion
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Ostarion The Skeleton King

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eastcliff. The small fishing village within Callmigh Bluff. The town was inconsequential. It felt distant, as though it should be removed from the common troubles and worries found in the rest of Fiore. The idea of extravagance didn't really exist here; the houses were simple and homely, mainly composed of oak from the Backwoods, save for the roofs of the houses, which were covered with straw. The size of the houses were just as mundane, many of the houses only contained a single, medium-sized room. The one exception to this was the village hall. It was called that, but was really more of a home for the village leader and his family. The building itself juxtaposed the lesser-houses by being somewhat large. It shared the same design, but it was the size of at least three of the regular houses, yet still managing to maintain a level of modesty in a town that was already swamped with it. Overall, Eastcliff had the look of a humble and tranquil village.

But the look of the village belied its current predicament. It wasn't quite the tranquil fishing village it was supposed to be. Not right now, anyway. The atmosphere was that of a sombre one. They had been "attacked" per say. Well, attacked wasn't really the right word. More like, "bullied," or "tormented."

Satyr Horn had decided to strike them yet again, it was only an hour ago. It was the same routine as always. They would arrive in the town demanding payment, in return for protection... from them. It was your typical shakedown of the helpless. Satyr Horn were unskilled. Their strongest member - the Guild Master - was only around the level of a low B-class. They would easily be trampled by even a high B-Class, and invariably squashed by an S-Class Mage without them even acknowledging that they had an opponent. Satyr Horn's power stemmed from several, lesser factors. They were unskilled with Magic, but that was irrelevant; weak and unskilled Magic beats no Magic. Eastcliff had no Mages to speak of. They were mild-mannered, and didn't have the resources to learn Magic regardless. They had no response to Satyr Horn's magical capabilities. The Guild themselves were also good at intimidation; they would talk big, and act big in the face of an adversary, simultaneously and internally praying that their enemy would fall for their bluff. It worked on Eastcliff rather well, but probably wouldn't work against anyone else.

The village leader, Maine, sat in a rocking chair on the porch of the village hall, staring at the sky. He was a short, old and frail man, but with great resolve which contrasted his appearance. He had tired, but determined eyes, and a surplus of facial hair which stretched down to reach his chest. Most notably, he wore a stereotypical blue wizard hat, giving him the appearance of a wizened Mage. Of course, he was no such thing. The man was waiting for the wizards to arrive. He had sent a request only a few days ago, asking for Mages that weren't S-Class. He wanted the bare minimum, in a sense. He didn't want to bother the S-Class Mages with what he felt as a menial problem in comparison to what S-Class members must do for jobs.

Maine swung gently in his chair, awaiting the arrival of the Mages.

Satyr Horn Guild Hall

Northeast from Eastcliff was the Guild Hall of Satyr Horn. It wasn't exactly close to the fishing village; he distance between the two was far enough that no villager would dare make the journey, but at the same time it was close enough that Satyr Horn was always willing to make the trek if it meant getting a few more Jewels to spend on whatever they pleased. Despite being called a Guild Hall, it wasn't really so. An encampment would be a much better term. The main hideout of Satyr Horn could be found behind the Backwoods, next to a small mountain. It was a medium-sized cave which didn't stretch too deep inside of the mountain itself. The cave was more circular in terms of interior, and was around the size of one of Eastcliff's houses, and lit by several torches dotted around the cavern walls. The entrance of the cave was quite small, being covered by two wooden doors. The exterior of the cave was the surrounding encampment. There were several makeshift structures formed with the same Backwoods wood as Eastcliff's own buildings, and a large fence surrounded the entirety of the settlement, complete with a wooden gate to stop intruders. Many of the Satyr Horn members were currently celebrating at their most recent haul of a surprising 40,000 Jewels. From a greater perspective, it wasn't much, but it was enough that it made the Guild want to celebrate and laugh about their accomplishment. The party took place within the cave, while some members stood as watchmen and guards in the exterior encampment.

In the middle of the celebration was the Guild Master, Armin Fracas. He had stayed out of becoming inebriated with drinks, and was instead recounting what had happened in their most recent haul to his intoxicated Guild.

"It was friggin' easy, man!" He announced to the other, lesser-Mages.

"Them tossers over in Eastcliff can't do nuffink t'us."

Armin continued to talk about the haul. He even repeated the story a few times to get extra laughs out of his guildmates. The party had continued for around an hour, before there were loud yells and crashes coming from outside. Moments later, a shadow approached the cave's door, subsequently destroying it with a single punch. Light rays from the outside world shined on the back of the intruder, and in the faces of the members of Satyr Horn. Behind the figure standing at the door, it was possible to see the remnants of the encampment. The Guild Members who were outside and standing watch had been defeated, but not killed. There were several other figures outside, tying up the unconscious members with rope in different ways. Some were bound entirely, while others were only bound with hands behind their backs. These figures had similar uniforms, a portion of them had something akin to light armour, while the rest were draped in cloth, the common features among them being their blue colour, and concealed faces. More importantly, there were no signs of Magic usage outside, or on the figure at the doorway; the person had done this with sheer brute force alone. The Satyr Horn members were speechless. It didn't make sense for a simple brawler to defeat Mages. It was nonsensical and illogical.

But it was also terrifying.

Armin was the first to speak to the figure after the moment of weighted silence. He stumbled his sentence as it came out.

"Oi! W-what do you think you are?"

The doorway figure looked up at the ceiling of the cave.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ira
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Ira The Swank Origin

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ira Amaterasu


It surprised Ira to see that Taka was still willing to come along with him. His very existence seem to threaten every person he came in contact with. Taka seemed different. She didn’t judge him based off of power or aura . She seemed to be curious about Ira. He felt the same about her, As they walked he decided it might be nice to pick up some new threads. His white clothes were currently tattered from the previous fight. On the other hand, it only seemed right to buy his counterpart something as beautiful as herself to make-up for his overexertion of power. As the passed by a tailor shop Ira spoke , “Mind if we stop here. I kinda need a change of threads. It also wouldn’t hurt to see you in something new. After-all beautiful clothes are for beautiful women.”

Ira wanted to ask the girl how she ended up with the rag-tag guild but decided it may be better over lunch . He already exhausted himself and owed her an apology. He felt lucky to walk next to her during the aftermath. For some reason he never let her hand go as they walked. Even when they approached the tailor shop. Her touch of warmth radiated inside the palm of his hand. It was a feeling unlike never before but he enjoy her company. He wondered if she’d mind him taking her shopping as well as the date. Even though it wasn’t planned, Ira saw himself as spontaneous. Hopefully Taka was into this sort of thing. Ira couldn’t help but smile with all of these thoughts running through his mind. ‘Is this what love feels like? It’s amazing.’ , Ira thought to himself as he awaited Taka’s reply.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Taka Shirokawa


Taka had started to get pulled along with Ira, their hands remaining interlocked together as she slightly looked away. Ugh! Why do we have to hold hands?! I guess i'll just do it for this idiot! Taka had thought inside of her head, they had been walking around town with their hands still connected. She was confused if she had feelings for this boy or not, she just wished to get this over with, so that she wouldn't ever be bothered again by this guy. Well... she could even try to convince him to join the guild, but that may be beyond due to the fight that he just had with Matt. What does he like about me anyways? There has to be a specific feature... Taka continuously thought to herself.

Ira then spoke to her as they stopped at a tailor shop, she listened to him before letting out a calm sigh, but then she heard something.W-WHAT?! NOW HE'S COMPLEMENTING ME?! HE TRULY IS THIRSTY FOR ME! Taka had an internal breakdown with a massive blush on her flustered face, she put one of her hands on her cheek, her body temperature was boiling. Taka sighed once again before responding. "F-Fine, let's go here." Taka had responded to Ira, her eyes looking away slightly to the side before dropping her hand down from her cheek.

This Ira... seriously is mysterious.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago


"Yeah, but it seems like there's something that stoping me from actually doing it. I must be getting soft if I'm letting brats like him off with a warning." Revan grumbled as he took the drought and drained it in one gulp, not even bothering to taste it. Still left a bit of a nasty after taste, but he'd eaten worse before. While he waited for the medicine to take effect, he squatted down next to the Alice kid, snapping his fingers to get the kid's attention. "Okay, listen up ya little brat, cause I'm not saying this twice. If you're going to stay here, you need to know two things: I sleep a lot, and I don't like to be disturbed. So as long as you never bother me while I'm sleeping, we'll get along fine."

Once he'd finished giving his usual warning to new people, he turned to look at Matt as he walked back to his rafter, letting out a yawn as drowsiness started to kick in.

"Already got you covered, Matt, my hydras are following from the city's shadows as we speak, and since they're low level ones, I doubt even that shifty little shit will be able to sense them. If anything fishy happens, they'll alert me about it. I'm itching for a reason to make good on my promise and rip that kid's head right off. I don't care if the little flame girl has the hits for him, anyone whose willing to kill civilians like that is bad news. We still should bring his ass in anyway, though, cause I sure as hell ain't paying for the damages to the city he just created."


@Leslie Hall
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ira
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Ira The Swank Origin

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ira Amaterasu


Ira was glad she agreed to his terms. Although he knew he sounded thirsty he couldn’t help but compliment Taka. She was gorgeous. As they entered the shop , he noticed an all black suit. It came with a casual trenchcoat and slim black pants. It was perfect for his physique. The tailor spoke to them as a couple, “ What can I help you young folks with?”

“ This decor suits me .

“ Could you help the lady find something form fitting and easy to dance in?
He went into the dressing room to change out of his torn tattered clothes. As he was changing he could hear the tailor question her. He asked her favorite colors and what she thought suited her the best . Ira was excited to see what his date would choose. Regardless, anything she wore she would slay. The clothes don’t make the person after all. He decided to stay in the dressing room until he felt she’d found something she’d like. Money was of no object. Ira could afford anything thanks to the bandits who thought they’d get over on him. “Have you found anything you like yet?” , he questioned from inside of the dressing booth.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Bristlebane woke up an alley, looking around with blurry eyes. Where was he and how had he gotten here? Both good questions but he was to lazy to figure out the answer to either of them. Instead he wanted to be part of something fun. Deciding on his usual way of finding something exciting Bristlebane grabbed his portal stone and hurled it into the air as far as he could and closed his eyes.

Several seconds later he felt the sudden jerking sensation and appeared in front of two other people. Alex something and... Damon? Yeah Damon. They looked like they were meeting for something. "Are we doing a job, what kind of job, where are we going?" Bristlebane asked, firing off the questions in rapid succession. If he was right this was the beginning of an adventure!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 14 days ago

Hana Oshiro - The Last Samurai

"Actually, it will be me that will handle Ira." Behind Revan and Matt appeared the guild's other most prominent member. Hana's expression was neutral and emotionless, fitting with her monotone voice she just used. "You two have each challenged him already and both times you had let him go. It would only be fair if I get a turn, but the main reason I will fight him is because I'm not like you two." The pink-haired samurai stepped forward, standing before Revan and Matt with an authoritative pose. "If he brings harm to Taka then I will fell him in one strike."

The other two mages were powerful but they both knew that Hana fought differently than they did. While all three were comparable, Hana Oshiro was known as the sharpest offense. Her fights were always quick and clean, wasting no time to test her opponent or herself. Most have to build up to full strength but The Last Samurai comes out with maximum force every time. "I hope there is no problem with that. You have to remember that it is also part of my responsibility to look out for everyone. Besides, from watching the two fights so far it might just require my touch to maintain our honor as the Wizards of Fiore." Finally a smile formed on her face immediately before turning to face Alice and her child.

Without any warning she crouched low to get eye-level with James and reached out to pinch both his cheeks. "This is your son? He's so cute. Has he shown any signs of magical aptitude yet?" Hana began, her monotone voice taking a friendly and sing-song tone to match the lighter mood.
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