Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vulkan
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ethan smiled cheerfully, not entirely listening to what she just said.

"Burning people? You mean with those funny jokes that make people go "OOOOOOOOOH?" I love those! Even when they are aimed at m...oh."He stopped talking. "You mean with fire. And it is time to burn me? What did i ever do to you?" He got up, spinning his halberd. He didn't have his shield, but he didn't need it. Two hands on a halberd was always fun...

"I don't like hitting girls miss. At least, thats what my par...i mean, all the authority figures in my life have told me. Buuuuut...If someone wants to pick a fight just for fun..." He spun his halberd again, the end beginning to glow. "I always pick a fight for a reason! But asking the time? That's just mean!"

He stopped spinning the halberd. His eyes boring into hers.

"Ladies first..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Vega Ashworth | The Festival

"Haaah?... Oh it's just you... It's none of your business kid", he said in a low tone. Travis, a little... No, very annoying. The last person he wanted bothering him today, mostly because he wouldn't shut up. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he stayed quiet, but that seems to be an impossibility for Travis. The kid wasn't an idiot, so he couldn't trick him for some fun... Taking his money he could do, but at the moment he didn't care about that. Nothing here piqued his interest, so he had no use.

"Go bother someone else, your idiotic voice sickens me, maybe go practice shutting up for a change", he snarled. Hmmmm... Maybe he can have his day if he finds that girl, Ceri. He had a feeling she was nearby... She was always fun to mess with. Although first it came down to whether or not Travis would actually leave him be, he never knew, sometimes he would, sometimes he won't...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Xae Kyvirn

Xae rolled his eyes at the hooded man's comment about his luck, as he didn't feel so lucky at the moment. As Sunny waved off his concerns and forged ahead toward his next venture simply stood there, still somewhat worried about Amaterasu coming out of nowhere to set him on fire. "What kind of messed up childhood do you have to go through to get that much enjoyment out of burning people. That just isn't normal." Xae muttered to himself, thinking back to the moment when he fell on Amaterasu and had accidentally groped her. Even if he hadn't meant to do it, he was certain he should've felt something regarding such intimate contact, he was a young teenage boy after all. And yet, not a hint of arousal was present in his mind, and he had never really felt such emotions like it before, something that was always a sticking point with him. A little fact buzzing in the back of his head, annoying him with it incessant noise. "*sigh* Guess I can't really talk about not being normal, for a number of reasons. . . I wonder if it's because I share my body with Ky. Does that mean all of my possible libido went to him . . . or maybe there's just somethung wromg with my head. Ugggggggghhhhh, I'm done thinking about this. I'm gonna switch with Ky for now, take sometime to rest for a bit."

Xae closed his eyes, focusing on the feeling in his gut, a warm brightness that seemed to throb and pulse with every steadied breath. Soon, the odd colorings of Xae's skin an eyes faded away, the purple-grey skin replaced with tanned brown, and his eyes going from silvery white to piercing light blue. And just like that, Xae was gone amd Ky had taken control.

Ky Xaesos

Ky was annoyed by his current presence within a crowd of loud festival go-ers, a bunch of prizes scattered at his feet. This was definitely a situation he didn't find himself comfortable with. Stupid Xae, what kind of trouble did he get himself into now . . . probably pissed off Ama again. Ky sighed, sure that he was in for another fight with the crazy fire mage as she continues in her quest of conflagration. With nothing better to do until then, he walked through the crowds, eventually passing a group of Harpies, including the currently under dressed Ria sitting on a throne of ice. He simply stared at her for a second, a mix of curiosity and caution on his face, before he simply moved on, giving a silent wave to the Harpies present. It wasn't long before, after a few minutes of aimless wandering, he made a circuit around to where he was before, except this time, he found himself behind Kyuuten and one of his spirits.

Seeing how Kyuuten was one of the Harpies he knew slightly better than the rest, as he liked to spar with him from time to time, he considered walking up and saying hello. Then he had a better idea.

"Twilight God's Veil." He said in his usual, barely audible tone, his form swiftly vanishing from sight, so if the two had managed to hear him, they'd only see empty air. Soon after, Pyrrha would feel a sharp chill run fown her spine as Ky took some crushed ice from a nearby snow cone machine and dropped it down the back of her shirt. He'd the back away to watch how she reacted, a satisfied smile on his face as he finished up the little prank. Even if the rivalry wasn't as big a thing for him as say, Vega and all his dickishness, they were still Harpies at a Golem's Hand event, so a little prank was well in line with what should be expected. He would've done it to Kyuuten, but he never stood in one place for long enough, so it probably wouldn't have worked. A lot of people assumed that Ky was a brooding teen mage that outright hated everyone around him just because he didn't talk much, if at all, and spent most of his time by himself, when in reality, he tended to enjoy a good prank or joke as much as the next guy, if not a little more so.

@Masaki Haruna



@Lord SawSaw2

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

@Sho Minazuki"Eh? Oi, say that again, huh?" Travis said, as he made a face. "Maybe you oughta practice not being such an asshole. For a change." One of his hands had drifted out of his pocket and was already balling into a fist. "It's a festival, man, can't you drop the bullshit for just one day? There's 364 other days of the year you can kick puppies or whatever it is you do to make yourself feel so goddamn smug, how about today you at least pretend to be a worthwhile human being?"

The air between the two of them was filled with enough friction to throw sparks--maybe even literally, considering how magical auras would act under anger. A couple of townsfolk who recognized them as being mages of Golem's Hand started picking up their pace to get the hell out of dodge.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Sawsaw2
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Lord Sawsaw2 Unironic Weeb Trash

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Before Ria even had a chance to respond, a bolt of familiar black energy rammed into the frozen man, dispersing the ice and sending him reeling backward. Before he had a chance to fall and hurt himself, Illedrith was there to catch him, putting him back on his feet and brushing the last of the ice off his shivering shoulders. Too disturbed by the events and the escalation of mages in the area, the stall owner looked down as his shoes and ran off for the edge of the street without even a word of thanks. In his place, an unwelcome sight filled Illedrith's vision.

"Well well well, two little harlots appear in a Golem event and they attack the citizenry? Tch tch tch. That's no good... Maybe you two ought to leave"

An already deteriorating outing was about to get even worse it seemed, and Illedrith's eyes took on a hard glint as she glared at Vega across the street. However, before she had the chance to do anything reckless, more Golem members arrived and chimed in, her salvation arriving in the form of Rei Miyamoto.

"Enough. The guildmaster had arranged this event as the founding of the guild, not for the purpose of prohibiting Harpy's Wings members from joining. If you have a problem with this decision, take it with me.

"Ria, I would advice you not to propagate the misuse of your powers at our festival; Illedrith, reprimand her as needed."

It also seemed that Sunny had arrived sometime during the confusion and was mirroring Rei's sentiments. Another of the members of Golem's Hand that she had no real desire to interact with, Illedrith unconsciously drew closer to her sisters to place herself between them and the notorious sis-con. However, he walked away without incident, and the situation seemed to be less likely to deteriorate into a fight. Breathing a sigh of relief that the incident looked like it would blow over for the moment, she turned to her sisters and replied.

"Yes. Food. Good idea, I'll need it after this. Go check out the food stalls yourselves, but stay close and don't get lost! I'll deal with this and catch up with you."

Turning back to the scene, she called out to the savior of the situation, while also keeping her eye on the perpetrator of the incident

"Solus! Thanks for that; would you mind sticking around to help me deal with this? It's fine if you'd rather not though, this is a Harpy incident after all..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Vega Ashworth | The Festival

"Well I haven't kicked you today yet have I? You stupid dog", his sharp retort and scowl was swift as he turned quick to meet him.

"You have 365 days of every year to not annoy me with your shitty puppy whining voice but here you are", as he spoke he stepped closer and closer to Travis. His face? Silly. If it was his way of trying to intimidate him, he would soon realize that someone who's been intimidating with just his expression for a long time was far scarier. He stood imposingly over Travis, their faces fairly close as he looked down on him. His black aura lined with aggressive purple markings began to slightly seep from him as he spoke.

"Now I suggest you scram or I'm about to turn this festival into a festival of blood. I was having such a nice day until you and Rei showed up", he stated. Well, it was kind of true, he was almost about to have a fairly tame day, but between Rei interfering and making him grumpier, and Travis annoying him... Well, he wasn't taking kindly to it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Travis's fist grew tighter as he kept his gaze locked with Vega's. His own magic--dark blue at the moment, because he was considering calling up Arzuros Arm--began to leak as well, and between both of the mages' pressure a few pebbles lying upon the cobblestones began to rattle. Right now he wanted nothing more than to smash the other guy's face in. If Vega thought everyone around him was an annoyance, then Travis thought he should have just gone back to whatever he did before; there was no point joining a guild just to be a high-and-mighty lone wolf. Most of the time it took a few tries to get Travis to pop his top, but Vega got under his skin like few could.

But today...

"Feh. You ain't worth it." Travis spat on the ground at Vega's feet. "The Boss and the rest of the guild worked hard on this festival. As much as you piss me off, I respect them more than that." Shoving past the taller wizard with his shoulder, Travis kept walking down the street. "If you want a festival of blood so bad, take your tampon out. Later."

His fist was still clenched, knuckles turning white. At moments like these he just wanted to run wild. Maybe a year ago, he would have. But now there were times when he had to put his guildmates first, which was something he didn't think Vega could understand. And, maybe even more than that...

He shook his head, banishing that last thought before it got too far. He finally managed to relax his hand, and slipped it back into the pocket of his coat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 10 days ago

Odinn Wierike

Today was a day of celebration for Golem's Hand. But he was in Harpy's Wing, so Odinn didn't pay much mind to it initially. Sure, he was gonna use it as an excuse to not take any jobs today but in reality his goal was to just stay at the guild hall rather than attend the festival. He remained seated at the Harpy's Wing bar, drinking casually until Illedrith confronted him.

"It's a beautiful day outside! Birds are singing and flowers are blooming! On days like these, you should be out there enjoying the sunlight! Besides, what with everyone leaving for the festival, there won't be anyone left here for you to scab drinks off! They'll have better stuff at the festival anyway you know, and I might even be nice enough to buy you if you can deign to drag yourself down there..."

Odinn let out a sigh before spinning slowly in his barstool to somewhat face Illedrith. She meant well and he wasn't particularly irritated by her so much as the concept of doing something, but one would have to have known him for years to understand where his resentment truly lay. "Eh, you say that now but you won't drink with me," he responded, avoiding the topic at hand as he was known to do. After another few sips it seemed that Illedrith was taking Ceri and Klisa out to the festival. "And if you decide to come down, you're more than welcome to join us in our festivities, right up until the point where you lose yourself to the liquor." This was met with a chuckle from the lazy S-class. "I don't drink nearly fast enough to get drunk."

He returned his attention to his mug on the countertop. He began weighing the pros and cons of attending the festival. It was something to do, sure. But did he really want to do anything today? Though, if our Master catches me here after I said I'd be going to the festival I would never hear the end of it...

In the end Odinn decided to go. He finished his drink first, naturally, but afterwards he got off the stool and walked to town at his usual slow pace. People recognized him immediately during his brief journey to town, with many asking him if he was going to the festival or why he was going. "Yeah, I'm going. Something to do, I guess," was his standard response, as he didn't feel like putting much effort into answering the same questions in different ways. He didn't even take his hands out of his jacket's pockets, just moving along his usual lazy way. Thankfully the walk to the town was brief and Odinn was quick to notice the various festivities going on. There were carnival games, various food stands, and plenty of people.

If I didn't know any better it would seem like Luna loves Golem's Hand more than us, he thought to himself with a chuckle. Ah well. Before he could go find a stand that would sell cheap beer, Odinn practically ran into an altercation between two Golem's Hand mages. Just a few feet away from him was Travis and Vega, both seemingly prepared to go into battle with each other. Over what? Odinn wouldn't know and probably couldn't understand. He contemplated walking away and pretending he didn't see anything, but a little voice in his head that served as his conscience told him otherwise. Sometimes Odinn wondered if it was truly his superego doing its job or if Illedrith had managed to infiltrate his mind. With a dismissive sigh he approached the two.

Just before he could speak up it seemed that Travis gave up on the idea of fighting and blew off Vega. It was in a rude fashion, granted, but at least the two didn't fight. Sweet. I didn't even have to do anything. Sure they could still go at it, but in Odinn's mind it was all resolved. That period joke was kinda funny though. Don't think any of the women around here would've appreciated that remark. Then again it was clever. Not my style though, so I guess I won't steal that one. Odinn continued on away from Vega and Travis towards the thick of the festival, keeping his eyes peeled for booze and friends. Primarily the booze, as surely if he ran into someone that he knew they would openly mock his laziness with their surprise. I suppose I should practice making comebacks though. Seems like a good skill to have. If I can just humiliate someone with words then I wouldn't even have to use magic. But do I really want to put in the time to get good at something...?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Vega Ashworth | The Festival

"That's right kid, stay out of my way", he turned away from Travis who seemed to be standing down and walking away. At this rate he was going to need someplace quiet instead... The festival was no place to get that. The whole city was in a tizzy at the festival, though it looks like he'll show himself out for the time being. As he walked out towards a hill overlooking the festival, he swiped a freshly bought drink from one of the festival goers and continued on his way like it was nothing. He heard them try and say something to him, but after seeing the coat and markings they recognized him and decided not to. Based on what he heard the vendor gave them a new one anyway.

He was on his way to stay out of this festival and hopefully no one will bother him for awhile. Maybe then he'll come back around night, see if anything interesting is happening, and get some dinner maybe too.

"I swear if I see another one of those idiots, harlot or golem...", he muttered under his breath.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Ah, the sights, the sounds, the smells: all indication that the festivities were going to be great although a bit...hostile towards members of Harpy's Wing. One of the games he had found involved shooting a cut out cardboard version telling awful puns and the objective of the game was to knock it down with a baseball. So far, his cardboard cutout's face was all dented up from all of the face shots it received. "Sheesh, I know that these guys are Golem Hand and all, but that's just stone cold, even for them." He chuckled at his own pun and continued to wander around aimlessly through the festival. At some point he found himself sitting by a table outside of a cafe, waiting for a server. The server that approached him was a rather pretty, petite woman with short brown hair who was definitely put off by Hans' appearance. Her posture was stiff and she seemed to be shaking just by looking at his snow white eyes and pitch black sclera. He grinned brightly in a friendly manner for her, but it made it worse as it showed off his bright blue tongue.

Swallowing, she summoned the courage to ask the creepy looking mage in the most professional manner she could. Keep in mind that she was treading on a thin line of screaming and running away from him before she could even take his order. "U-um, good evening sir. Can I take your order?"

Hans nodded and said in a voice that was surprisingly deeper than what the waitress thought it would've been, "Yup. Just a cup of latte and cheese danish. Um, miss are you okay...you look kind of...H-hey!" At the last moment, Hans caught the waitress that had passed out in fear, foaming pouring from her mouth.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Masaki Haruna
Allison Levinart

If only Allison can connect to reality and help the poor ice cream man. All she cared right now was her music and nothing else. Except for that popsicle of course. Yet, that would be pretty boring just to keep everything in her own world. So thankfully for the man, Allison actually heard the yells of annoyance and fear. Including the name, Ria. Oh goodie goodie. The Beat-Miester runs over to the scene, only to find the woman sitting on an ice throne and the ice cream man sobbing over the loss of his materials. Sure he got 30,000 jewels, but really c'mon. No one likes a greedy greed now don't they?

"Ria-san?" she asks as she takes off her headphones from her ears, "What's going~ *gasp* Oh c'monnnnnnn, did you steal all the ice cream from the ice cream man again? Your a naughty one aren't you..."

She then looks both ways cautiously and simply whispers:

"Did you get the rest of the rainbow popsicles though?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Lord Sawsaw2@KiltmanBagz


Ceri really was glad things ended without much of a hassle. She'd have hated to get into a fight here...well, unless that fight ended with her kicking Vega to the next town. That'd be alright with her. Still, she didn't dwell on such negative thoughts. She was out with Mis and Klisa, so she shouldn't. She should try and have fun, and food was fun, and Mis had just given them the okay.

"Alright Mis, we won't go too far." Ceri replied, grabbing hold of Klisa's hand, just to make sure she wouldn't, in fact get lost. She doubted she'd get lost, she was fairly good at not doing that, but she didn't want to get separated from Klisa at all. That would just be awful. She looked around at the various food stalls offering food. Honestly, she was a bit overwhelmed. Everything looked so good from here, still, she couldn't see all of them from here.

"Ah...uhm, I've never been to a festival before....." Ceri quietly replied, voice trailing off at the end, looking up at Klisa. "I'm...I'm not...sure what they have."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Interacting with:
Illedrith, @Lord SawSaw2

As him and Vega were staring down, a pitch dark aura pulsated around him, effectively nullifying his magic. Even if Rei wasn't pulling his all to this it was still impressive, and gave a fleeting worry of thought at how much troublesome it would be if he became an S-class wizard.

After Vega had left, with an obvious pissed off look about him as he left and sunny intervening, Rei simply stood there with his perpetually stoic face. The Guildmaster was right in making him keep an eye on the ever troublesome Vega, even if it is a pain, but surely this wouldn't be the last time he caused trouble today, so Rei would have to be on a lookout. His powers were turned off long back, but at the present moment he was a tad tired from his job. He gave another look at the group of Harpy's Wings members before he turned towards the building of the guild.

"Solus! Thanks for that; would you mind sticking around to help me deal with this? It's fine if you'd rather not though, this is a Harpy incident after all..."

Illedrith called out to him before he could walk away and report his job to the guild. He turned and fix his cloak draped over his shoulders, and placed his hood, revealing his long and light yellow colored hair, it somehow flowed against the timid wind.

"... What do you require my assistance for?"
he said after a slight pause, his deadpan, sky blue eyes fixing into hers, the hem of his cloak also flowing slightly against the wind. His words also seemed a bit harsh but unintended as he cannot meticulously weave his words due to his social elusion. One of his eyebrows slightly upwards as she called him 'Solus'.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ria Tsurara

Everything else are nothing but being told what must be done and must not be done, sighed the little Ice Witch; she observes seating on her on her ice throne with a conceited look on her face. Reprimand here and there, she thought, are everyone old people in this guild? She wondered as she process her thoughts. At a moment, she regretted attending the festival, and would rather prefer hunting down demons but a part of her wants to spend more time with the guild. "Hunting demons...." She thought. "I wonder if they...." She muttered.

"I'm feeling a bit of creeps here. I can feel you're there Girly Golem. Don't make me sucker frost your face or is it just my imagination or am I dumb enough to notice you?" @RaijinSlayer Ria sighed and turned her attentiont to Allison. Seated in her ice throne still. "Shut up. I was hungry okay and I ate all the ice cream supplies, ice supplies and your favorites. BLEEEEHHHHH!!!" Showing a more childish side of herself, making flamboyant gestures like waving her hands while talking and carressing her throne. @LmpKio

"One, two, three. Ice Princess coming through. It's not fun if you're here in Harpy zone, all you golems have girly names. Illy is red, I, Ria is blue, girlems are pinks, you can't make a come back and that's just you!" Ria have nothing better to do than let her big mouth bait and piss every Golem member, legitimately saying it out loud running around like the little kid she is and as much as possible seat back on her ice throne again.
@Sho Minazuki@Lord Sawsaw2
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Vega Ashworth | The Festival

Barely a few steps away from leaving the festival ground he began to hear singing, what's worse is he recognizes who it is... He's not sure what's worse, the singing, or that stupid voice. Completely off-key, and annoyingly high-pitched, on top of that the content of the lyrics, it grinded at his ears as he turned to the source of it. Ria...

"I guess no one wants a peaceful day after all", he said to himself, crushing the drink in his hand and discarding on the side of the road. Try as he might, the combination of everywhere today was just too infuriating. He turned on his heel and swept past the crowds towards the voice, the people around him began to back away with faces of fear as Vega pulled out both his knives. Throwing one into the air, and imbuing magic into the other, the one thrown clicked together mid-air and formed a pitch black scythe, with a blade that had an ominous glowing purple sheen. With a single swing he shattered Ria's ice throne, a black sweeping aura followed the blade, aiding in it's reach. As she fell to the ground, Vega stood over her with his iconic scythe swung over his back.

"You're treading on thin ice Ria. This is a 'no fly' zone for you harlots", he said, now bringing his scythe down and training it's blade on Ria.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Amaterasu Lee

Amaterasu loved this man’s spirit. Now she regrets the need to burn him, he was being polite after all and there shouldn’t really be a need to start a fight during a festival. But she might aswell just wing it for now and see how it goe while hoping that nobody was watching them or going to watch them: she knows how bad her flames can attract attention since she does it all the time whenever she wants to burn all the others around her. Flicking back the thick locks of her shoulder-length hair with her free hand,. She then used the same free hand and slid something out from this sheathe like thing on her back. What it did reveal was a katana, sleek and beautiful with the handle decorated with some red jewels: possibly rubies.

The lady wasn’t so much annoyed by his eyes, in fact she could see the challenge in his eyes to defeat the pyromancer that she really was. And she gladly took this challenge, but not in the way that she expected. She slowly would walk over to him. Given that he said ladies should go first, she technically has the upper hand in this case. “Oh… do I?? you are so sweet, I guess I will gladly take this offer... but first” She coldly complimented him before finishing off her emotionless sentence, gently finishing her walk towards him and simply placing a her flaming hand on his face to burn him quickly “Your face is so cold” she sighed softly “Let me warm it up for you first” it seemed to be out of general concern, but it really wasn’t. It was a bid to confuse him for a little while longer in a bid to prepare herself for his first attack, because this act of false kindness can’t simply last forever.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Sawsaw2
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Lord Sawsaw2 Unironic Weeb Trash

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"... What do you require my assistance for?"

He jinxed it. He had to have jinxed it. The second he opened his mouth it was bound to come to it. Not a moment passed between the end of Rei's question and the start of Ria's torrent of childishness. Seemingly fed up with being berated by all and sundry, the slayer had unleash her thus-far reserved words onto the unsuspecting population of the square. Not expecting the tirade or the theatrics, the majority of the citizens (the ones who hadn't already hastily vacated the area) shied away even further from the absurd scene that was taking up the plaza. Neither guild was really playing the PR game very well today it seemed. Mostly ignoring Ria as she pranced about, Illedrith continued talking to Rei.

"...I'd say it'd be pretty obvious from that, wouldn't you say? She always gets like this when she gets reprimanded, and she always comes off with an even worse scolding from the guild master for it in the end."

Listening for a moment to the fighting words that Ria was shouting out for all the world to hear, Illedrith picked up the pace of her explanation.

"Some of your guildmates are bound to take offence to that, and I'd appreciate it if you could stop them from turning this into an all-out brawl while I try to stop Ria from getting herself into too much tro-"

And once again Illedrith cut herself off, whirling around as she heard the ominous sound of Ria's throne shattering and felt the sinister touch of Vega's anti-magic. In a flash, Illedrith's halberd was out and fully extended; mirroring Vega's stance and accompanied by a trio of mirrors that shimmered into existence around her head like a halo. Ria may have started the provocation, but not only was Vega's reaction over the top, he was also threatening one of her guildmates, and that was not on.

"Back right the hell off, Ashworth. For once in your miserable life, be the bigger man and walk away; responding to taunts with violence is so very like you though, isn't it?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Travis Ziegler

After the business with Vega, Travis found his way through the sea of people and the lines of stalls to the salty, greasy, terribly unhealthy, but oh-so-convenient carnie food he wanted. With three corn dogs between his fingers and a plate of nachos in his other hand, he found his anger ebbing away. Yeah, he had definitely made the right choice not starting shit with Vega. The townsfolk looked happy, the guilds didn't seem to be at each other's throats yet (little did he know), and maybe they would all make it through the day without something going wrong.

Well, except for that guy whose waitress just passed out on him. Taking a bite out of one of the 'dogs, Travis watched as Hans caught the girl. Approaching the outdoor cafe, he leaned on the railing of a small fence they had to separate their patio from the street.

@hatakekuro"Y'know, ya could wear sunglasses or somethin'." he said off-hand to the other mage. "Maybe some spray tan. Although you'd think folks would be used to it by now." He didn't blame people for being creeped out--he didn't entirely trust the Bone-Maker himself. But the guy had never been a troublemaker, as far as he knew, he just had the misfortune to be spooky as all get-out. "Also, uh...I don't suppose you were heading to the game booths, huh?" Travis glanced to one side nervously. "Uh...just so you know the baseball target one is, um...rigged? I'd avoid that one."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kyuuten had collected a rather impressive stash of snacks soon after arriving at the food vendors section. Pyrrha, still clutching the small teddy bear in her arms wasn't really interested in most of but she did find a yearning for shaved. "Alright, two shaved ices coming up~" Before he stepped away to oblige the spirit, his ears perked. "Hm? Did you hear something?" Pyrrha shook raised a brow and shook her head. Kyuuten scratched his cheek and took her word for it, then preceded to buy a couple of shaved ices. Meanwhile, after Kyuuten mentioned hearing something Pyrrha couldn't help but feel a presence close by. Before she could get her bearings on the feeling she suddenly felt a icy sensation slip down her back. "Kyaa!" Her shriek caused Kyuuten to flinch and crush the cold snack in his hands in the way back. "You okay?" It was not the best idea to place his hand on her shoulder at the moment. As soon as he touched her Pyrrha lit up with lightning magic, effectively melting the ice down her back and elecrticuting the snowy haired wizard. "Ah, sorry...um, you okay?" Kyuuten was flat on his back, his hair frazzled and his body smoking. "Yeah...my snacks however..." Were all fried to a crisp. Kyuuten sat up, a black demon-esque tail unfurling from under his shirt. He ran his hand along it to smooth down its fur which was just as frazzled as his head. They've been partners for five years, he was used to getting a good shock every now and then when he upset her. "What was that for?" Pyrrha looked around her trying to find the source of her chilly surprise. "Nothing...I mean I didn't mean to get you this time. Someone put ice down my back but..." As she looked around Kyuuten caught on to her dilemma. There was no one in sight who could have done it. However, Kyuuten was familiar enough with a certain Golem to know that he had the tools for the task. "Hehe, I think I know who you're looking for. How ya doing K-?"

Kyuuten began to call out the slayer with an identity crisis when a commotion could suddenly be heard. Looking in the direction of the uproar, there was really only one situation where that would cause such panic. Still, Golem wasn't petty enough to ruin a festive day just because a couple of Harpies wandered in. "Uh oh, that can't be good. Come on, Pyrrha." Kyuuten's body started to glow as he activated Meteor and lifted off the ground. "Sometimes being right is more dissapointing than satisfying." She sighed as she took his hand and they flew off, Meteor carrying them to the site of the disturbance in mere seconds.

Upon arrival it was clear to see what had played out before hand. Illedrith was poised to defend her precious guildmate from the only Golem member Kyuuten could say he see any respectable qualities in. Vega just seemed to actively make people hate him even within his own guild. His scythe was pointed at Ria who had a habit of running her mouth at the worst times and the melting ice in the area added evidence that this started with her. Letting go of Pyrrha, Kyuuten blasted forward to put himself between Illedrith and Vega, throwing his arms out on either side. "Last time I checked, 'Throw down in the middle of town' wasn't on the festival schedule. Sorry, if our members have done anything to upset you..." Kyuuten offered Vega an apology... Even if you have the temperament of a child! Face to face with Vega, it was the one time most would see him glare at anyone. Kyuuten knew Vega looked at him with disgust, more than he did with most people. He had rushed into the middle of the situation to aid his guildmates without considering that his presence might have the opposite effect he intended.

@Lord Sawsaw2
@Sho Minazuki
@Masaki Haruna
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by j8cob
Avatar of j8cob

j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 10 days ago

Odinn Wierike

As Odinn managed to get his hands on a mug of beer he noticed that a situation was starting to arise nearby. From his seat at the liquor stand he rotated to face the Harpies and Golems that were about to go at it. Vega, again, was picking a fight with Ria. From his perspective it looked like Illedrith and Rei were going to throw down as well, even though that wasn't actually the case. He took a quick chug of his beer before looking away from them. I suppose I should actually do something. People are starting to get scared. When he faced them again, Kyuuten and one of his spirits had arrived and seemed to be attempting to diffuse the situation before it could escalate into an all-out brawl.

But that wasn't good enough. Alright, I'll deal with this now so neither of the Guild Masters will see this. As he brought the mug of beer up to his face again for a drink, two Rifts appeared. One above Ria and one above Vega. The spacey looking portals didn't linger much longer than a split second before they silently descended upon the two quarreling mages. Without warning or mercy they were teleported away from Luna Crescente, both of them appearing directly above the lake that surrounded the city with barely any distance to fall so as to keep them from getting hurt by the landing. Just like that he had de-escalated the situation, by relocating the problems. Surely people would've noticed him by now so he stood up from his seat and walked towards the others. Okay, now I've gotta come up with something witty to say... He took another chug of his beer before he approached the others, but the moment he finished he brought up his free hand to his forehead in a pose that many would find much unlike Odinn. "If you guys wanna fight, I'm gonna have to ask for you to take it elsewhere," he said, proving his lack of understanding of the whole scenario. The two Rifts that were on the floor vanished, along with the ones over the lake, eliminating the proof of his intervention.
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