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@EnterTheHero@Rice Porridge

You guys planning to post soon?
I wouldn't mind a three-week break at all.
@redbaron1234@Jasonhero@Mr Rage@Dragoknighte@Apollosarcher

The X-7 Frame unleashed a barrage of Hellstorm missiles, with only a single target in mind; the mysterious Cruxi unit capable of undoing Squad Sigma's efforts. The short range of the missiles proved to be their downfall, however, as most veered off course, with only a few hitting the unit. However, the partially powered shot that then passed found it's mark, and though it did not pass through the unit as expected, the Moonbreaker's slug lodged itself into the torso of the unit and knocked the unit back into the force field that protected the main entrance. The Cruxi exploded in a blue light upon impact, scattering it's stubby appendages in a small radius.
As a result of the unit's destruction, the CWM's it brought back also broke down, and returned to their scrapped states.

Black Star performed a daring move, and with a boosted dash charged right into the right side of the Cruxi forces. Then, in a maneuver only possible due to Zim's mastery over his Framewerk, and his control over the mech's momentum, unleashed the Wave Surger at the other mysterious Cruxi unit. The beam sliced the unit, cutting several of the enemy's stubby limbs and chopping it in half, destroying it; The broken units it revived were subsequently destroyed. Zim then attempted to both sweep the beam as well as spin around and move backwards, but such a difficult move resulted in only one CWM being hit by the beam and destroyed.

Krista and Ariin continued on their shared quest to unload a bombardment of heavy weapons fire on the massive crystal. Krista's shot was once again intercepted by an orbiting sphere, and the two realized that it was the destruction of the mini-mists that caused the crystal to fire. It once again unleashed a concentrated blast of unimaginable energy levels, and Legion could not hold any more; it now began to visibly melt and turn thinner. It was all but guaranteed it would break from the next shot. The two received minimal damage from the seeping aftereffects of the beam; enough to cause the paint in their hulls to evaporate, turning them gray in a couple of spots, with Paladin suffering less due to expecting the counter-attack. However, Paladin's Pompey shots succeeded in wearing down the incredibly hard opponent, and cracks began forming in a circle from the spots that Pompey hit.

Yeager dashed into a defending position, ready to intercept the coming CWM forces and buy time for Sigma to take out another shot; it was a difficult one, but knowing only she could do it, she pulled the trigger, and sent another long-range combatant to drift into space as pieces as another testament to her aiming skills. "Right side cleared of snipers. Making a tactical retreat." With the Cruxi forces soon in firing range, she knew she had get behind the heavy units of their squad, and try to get to the left side.

While Ranius moved left in preparation for a flanking maneuver, Elise was having the time of her life. "Yeahh, eat plasma, you bastards!" Elise screamed, and rapidly punched before her with Prometheus, sending energy projectiles and pummeling a far squad of CWMs on the left side to oblivion. "We got rid of those cheating jerks! Good job squad! Now brace for impact, cause they're gonna come in hard!" The Cruxi CWMs were now close to being in range. They unleashed a hail of plasma cannon fire upon the heavy front row; most shots missed due to being too far, but a few did hit Legion, causing it to crumble a bit, it's heat resistance failing due to the Crystal's relentless assault. Even the sniper units also started to move; they took off from the base, using the CWMs as cover and preparing to take their shots.

@DarkRecon@Evil Snowman@Ammokkx

As per Katya's orders, the infiltration squad used their precious time to destroy the Cruxi mechs in the hangar, leaving them unusable by any pursuers. "This is Base, hearing you loud and clear," Ritsu's voice could be heard coming in the infiltration squad's communications systems after Mai's report. "Understood, proceed with caution." Then another voice could be heard: "This is Prometheus, got the stubby units down!" Elise responded. "And we even damaged the crystal! This is way easier than I thought! We'll soon join up with you guys, so hang in there!"

The infiltration squad decided to take up defensive positions while Jake sent Weissritter's recon drones, having the three drones each go down a separate corridor, maximizing their scouting potential. The drone in the left corridor didn't travel long before it was destroyed by a squad of Cruxi, who a moment after turned a corner and attacked. However, both Neo Angel and Weissritter were at the frontline, and protected by one of Atty's barriers the two Framewerk pilots shot down the three CWM's. The barrier was destroyed in the encounter, but the two were left unscathed. Another squad also emerged, this time from behind, but Caretaker and Atty were also ready; the attack drones quickly shot down the first Cruxi wielding a set of claws, the second was cut down by Atty's energy blade and the third marked by Caretaker and also eliminated by the drones; only one drone was lost in the firefight, their teamwork carrying them through a tight situation.

The middle drone travelled a long distance, and was also destroyed by a squad of Cruxi. However, the infiltration squad had time before they would arrive. The third recon drone that travelled to the right reached a large chamber, seemingly in the middle of the lower section of the space station, and at the center of it stood a strange machine; it resembled Elora's Logic Gate, but it's body was modified with Cruxi technology, with organic metal coating and blinking lights, spikes on its shoulders and longer arms. To Jake's even bigger surprise, the mech suddenly moved; with a single sway of its arm the recon drone was thrown against a wall and destroyed.


The infiltration team heard a faint voice; it didn't come from any direction, and was barely audible, easily mistaken for another voice.


However, most of the squad had no doubts who it belonged to, and where it came from; it was Elora projecting her voice.
Oh, just a reminder to Beacon people; while I handle the RP of their rule-abiding side, you guys will otherwise write the mascots as if they were any other patron.

I decided to leave Lily's reaction of the events to the next post, as the post was already quite large and she wasn't in the immediate vicinity of the events. She would also try and make a final desperate attempt to bring people together, only to fail. Not sure about who are still here, but it seems most people are onboard.

Since @Rune_Alchemist decided to quit, I was thinking of having his characters decide a truce wasn't happening and leave the city.
And here we go; my coup has begun. The post had to be divided to folders due to the sheer size of it. Thanks to my collab partners.

For any regular lurkers out there, I'm making a post this weekend.


Mondatta's eye-lights rotated into a happy disposition when he heard Marianne's positive response to his offer. "Yes, indeed. I am glad to see that you were not frightened by my...unusual appearance, haha." He gave a little laugh, and placed the tea on the table. Her smile was just the thing that Mondatta believed would help bring these people together, and overcome the tragic events they have had to experience thus far.

Mondatta was pouring some tea into Marianne's cup when she opened his own box, revealing a hat. He fist looked at Marianne when she spoke to him, and then at the hat, before giving a heart laugh. "Ohhohhoo! Please, have no reason to feel indebted to me," he said while slowly shaking his palm. "I'm afraid that such an item would not fit on my head. However, I am sure that there are some people here who would be delighted with a gift like that." Marianne then asked for him to accompany her, and he nodded in acceptance, putting his hands in his sleeves. "Oh, I see. Marianne, you have no reason to worry; I have a way with the hearts of troubled men, hm hm~" He hummed to himself, and calmly followed after Marianne.

Mondatta blinked curiously when he arrived at the scene and observed the exchange between Davis, Calvin and Marianne. Fortunately, it was not as dire of a situation as the Infinite Herbalist made it seem. "You have no reason to be afraid, Mister Ibbott; if it is necessary, we can have a private talk afterwards if you are discouraged to talk in a group. As long as I am here, I will not let anyone be hurt." Mondatta then listened intently as Davis took the role of the leading man, and shared to Marianne about their plight, with no details pulled. "I can testify for what Mister Gallo has said, although I think it is not necessary; he is a kind and reliable man," he said while nodding his head once, his eye-lights shining happy.

He was surprised to see that Davis was holding Shona's E-handbook. But, as the Infinite Conquest himself explained, he did not break any rules. He put an arm to his chin in thinking fashion. "I see. So Monokuma oversaw such a detail...Or was it planned all along? He has shown an unsettling amount of intelligence. And to see that intelligence used for such a malicious purpose...It is simply dreadful." The Infinite Monk nodded to Davis's suggestion. "I concur. We should have everyone start searching immediately, and find a way out of here. Even though I believe nobody here is capable of committing murder, there is no telling what the bear will do next. For that purpose, we should try to escape. Oh, did you say something, Mary?"


Mary's smile turned a bit awkward as she realized the lukewarm response her gift made. She thought the Infinite Politician would be thrilled to have anyone caring about him and paying attention to him, like she would be. Still, he accepted it without a fuss, and Mary felt accomplished with what she did. "Yeah, I know it's not much...But hey, it's just like Iron Fist says: It's the thought that counts, right?" She said while nudging her shoulder on Mondatta, who seemed to ignore her.

Mary then realized her joke went nowhere, and she bit her lip in anxiety even more so when Cyrus brought "that" subject up. The Infinite Streamer gave a panicked giggle. "He-Hey, It's all right. We're all a bit on edge here. And who wouldn't be? I mean, Shona died...That's messed up. And nobody has extra lives, it's 1cc or bust." Mary's smile faltered as she said it, and then brought it back. "Anyway, what did you get from Kramokuma?"

Mary scowled at the sight of the cigars. "Oh no no no no no no. Where did you get that idea from? I'm a pure girl! Smoking would ruin my lungs, and even worse, my teeth." Then her eybrows furrowed. "Hmm...You could try and give those to Davis. He seems like he would like it. Or actually, don't; he's polluted the air enough with his presence as he has." Having said that, Mary took a step away. "Anyway, that's all I got for you today, Cyrio~ Catch ya later~" She then walked away, seeking a man who has promised her with a little bit of romantic assistance.

She found Daimyon talking to Noel, and she felt like simply staying nearby and eavesdropping on them, keeping her giggles to herself.
So Noly wasn't joking..., she thought to herself. Mmmm, I'm actually feeling a bit jealous...Hey, I know! I'll test her, see if she's serious about this, and willing to fight for Daimy-doo~
Mary soon bounced in, looking happy as ever, greeting both of them. "Haii Nolyy, Hii Daimy-doo~"
She went over to the man, and with a wide smile, spoke:
"I was passing by, and I couldn't help but hear how you two were planning to go to the casino..." She moved closer to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "...And I want you to go with me instead, Daimy-doo~" Then, with a curt smile, she sat sideways on Daimyon's lap, flapping her eyelashes at the Infinite Poet with her arm now over his shoulder. "We could talk about that love letter~". She gave an amused glance at Noel, giving her a wink without Daimyon noticing.
"Also, I've played some games in my time, so I could help you...win some prizes~", she said with a surprisingly seductive tone.
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