Avatar of BrokenPromise


Recent Statuses

6 days ago
Current Man, group roleplaying has been great.
1 yr ago
The virgin "My post was so bad it killed the RP!" VS the chad "My post was so good it concluded the RP."



Did you know that Dante's inferno is called a divine comedy because things work out for the protagonist? Back in the day, the only two genres were comedy and drama. The only difference was that in a comedy, the protagonist is better off at the end, and a drama is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.

Broken Promise, BP, Boss

Old enough to know better, too young to care. (that is to say 30's)

Preferred RPs:
I Prefer to make my own, but will occasionally join something if it looks interesting. I'll join just about anything so long as it isn’t overly edgy/sweet, though it's rare for me to do. I don't do 1x1s too often either.

Preferred Roles:
I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to befriend or proper assholes everyone wants to stay away from. I try not to play moral paragons or prime evils.

RP Conquests:
I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the off topic sections has seen me find an excuse to talk about Danganronpa: Tower of Carnage. It's a project that took over 4 years to complete and I feel pride not only for myself but all the wonderful people who helped make it enjoyable during its run. Re: Zero: The High Council Is technically my first, but it was just something I kind of took over and ended up ending the story after just six months. It finished, but eh...

Last RP I finished was Symphony of Espers which turned out pretty good.

RP's in progress:
For some reason I can't seem to stay away from Ari's magical girl RP, even if I'm not sure why I'm still in it.

As for my own projects, I'm doing Symphony on High to continue the gigachad adventures of the espers in Pax Septimus.

RP Graveyard:
I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are a few 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences.

And then there's that london magical girl RP, and that dark magical girl RP. I think I'm done joining magical girl RPs for a while.

Other interests:
I watch a lot of educational videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me. I like channels like Tier Zoo and Daryl Talks Games, and I’ll also watch things like Critical Drinker or Literature Devil to deepen my understanding of story telling. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching stuff like Sseth, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I gotta work on that.

I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.

Painting Minis
I do this in moderation. Otherwise, it's a pretty expensive hobby to start...

I listen to everything, save most country/rap songs. I have too many favorites to name.

Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about writing well and having a good time.

People to Insult:
Dalton is a Dingus.

Most Recent Posts

I'm going to be sending you guys some...information as soon as the time skip gets posted. Do know that some of the stuff enclosed is subject to change. But once the time skip happens, I'd like you to look it over before posting. AND DON'T SHARE IT WITH ANYONE! NOT EVEN YOUR BABU!

In all honesty, Tonya didn't need a spool of fate laden string to tell that there was something wrong with that one. But it was whatever now. After looking at Mariette's "transformation," she decided she wasn't really needed to help defeat Caroline. But just because she could, she'd give the looney spy a swipe before heading off with the rest of the siege party.


Sue quietly listened along to everyone discuss their plans. The familiar liked Amber's plan best of course. Mostly because she had a lot of respect for Amber, but also because her plan put everyone somewhere, and she at least sounded like she considered everyone's strengths when forming it.

What Makoto proposed was more along the lines of advice than a plan. It was kind of suspicious how she insisted everyone siege the front, but then insisted she herself take the secret passage. She must have had her reasons.

Amber always said beacon girls were stupid, incompetent fools. Sue had more or less attributed this to the fact that Amber had an, erm, unique relationship with them. But Alicia for some reason seemed to think her bombardment magic would be more useful attacking a wide open area then the narrow corridors of a dungeon. Limited room to dodge or disperse meant that her attacks would be more effective. What was amber thinking making Alicia the leader of a team? Not that Sue was in a position to critique Alicia's way of fighting. She did almost nuke Alexander because Sue said it was a good idea. Fortunately, Alicia looked like she was willing to forefit her leadership position.

Mariette pointed out a real flaw in Amber's plan however. If Sonia was as all powerful as she seemed to be, then the roof attacking force wouldn't do very well with just the mentioned magical girls. It was a shame Sue wasn't stronger. She would have liked to have been relied on...

Before Amber could respond to the criticisms, Libby revealed herself, and the portal apocalypse started. The fact that the only person they were able to recruit was a spy didn't sit well with the familiar, but she hardly had time to react to it.

Amber did not have an especially strong reaction to it all. She looked annoyed more than anything. “Change of plans.” She eyed everyone around her. “Sue, you're going to pilot the earth bastion. It's tank controls, just like in the arcade.”

“G-got it!”

“I'm going to enter through the roof. I won't need a large force. Eli and the winged girl can follow me, but I plan on avoiding detection.” Her eyes shifted. “Helga, you're going to go under the castle with the exact same group I suggested, only you'll take Makoto with you instead of Alicia.” By this point, the minions were pouring in all around them. “As for everyone else, just stay alive. I doubt a frontal assault is going to be very effective, but it's where I expect most of her forces to show up.”

Meanwhile, Sue had flown into the bridge of the ship to engage the earth bastion. Her heart was racing, and there was already sweat all over her face when she transformed into a human again. But as hard as it was to do, she sat down and gently pushed the levers forward. The earth bastion would be sailing across the lake in no time.

Beacon might have been falling apart, but it was at times like this that you needed to be part of a group to stay strong. Tonya (not Mac Tonya) never regretted her Beacon girl heritage.

Tonya was currently in uniform while standing guard at a street corner. It was just a dead end street that saw very little traffic. Her green dress fluttered in the wind as she waited for the patrols to get back. After the most recent attack, Beacon had lost a lot of ground, and needed to really stretch out their forces just to maintain as much of their turf as they had. She didn't really understand the hate for Beacon. It was pretty clear to her that Beacon was making all of the right moves. Collectively, they probably did the most to thwart the monster threat. There was the unwavering insistence that every monster, dark, and Ebon girl had to be slain, which likely upset a few people. But it wasn't like those girls could be saved or even properly relied on half the time. Monster and dark magical girls had twisted personalities, and it was just a matter of time before an Ebon mint girl would use her coin and become one of the former. What little good they did in the meantime was not worth their continued existence. It really bothered Tonya that Penny was technically allied with beacon. She wouldn't have been surprised if they were an Ebon mint spy on top of everything else. Tonya would never say this out loud, but anyone not allied with Beacon was probably the enemy.

Tonya was pulled from her thoughts when she heard a woman singing. The song was unsettling, but she knew what it was. A week or so ago, Alicia had reported a monster girl and boy that had an aura accompanied by some music like this. Tonya was fully expecting an ambush from two such magical girls. She would have liked some backup, but she was pretty capable on her own. Tonya was durable, and her wind magic turned her umbrella into a mighty weapon. She would just have to wait and react accordingly. Her teeth clinched tighter and tighter with each passing second.


“PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPON!” Tonya waved her umbrella around, nearly knocking over the stranger who approached her. It was a red haired girl who looked as nervous as Tonya felt. “O-Oh, um.” She pointed her umbrella at the woman. “State your business!”

Regina hugged herself. “Is this how Beacon greets everyone?!”

“You know I'm beacon?” Tonya took a deep breath. “A-Anyway! Might be! Stop avoiding the question!”

Regina was standing in the street. “I'm going to transform, alright? It'll make explaining things easier.”

“Alright.” she waved her umbrella. “I'm watching.”

As soon as Regina transformed, she was struck by a wall of wind, followed by a peppering of apples, acorns, and anything else Tonya could fit in her hammer space. She didn't stopp her attack until Regina had been knocked to the ground. “What are you doing!? I'm trying to surrender!” Her voice was cracking.

“I know how you monster types are!” Tonya pointed, walking into the street. “But you don't scare me, and I can see your evil plan with my eyes closed!” The festive girl twirled her umbrella and assumed a defensive stance. “Now, when is your boyfriend going to show up and ambush me?”

Elroy answered by launching his chains out of a nearby storm drain and ensnaring Tonya's ankles. They were attached to his shield, which had been placed in the storm drain in preparation for this ambush. With a sharp tug, the beacon girl fell forward. She was able to use her wind magic to avoid slamming into the street, but that was when Elroy popped out of a manhole cover and launched two more chains from his gauntlets. They coiled around her wrists like vines, and pulled her towards the sewer. The chains around her ankles let go as Elroy pulled Tonya into the sewer with him.. There wasn't much Tonya could do to fight back in the sewers. She didn't have any powers that let her see better down here, and with Elroy slinging her around so violently, there was little Tonya could do to resist or fight back. What few wind attacks she was able to launch either didn't hit anything, or simply weren't strong enough to harm Elroy. When the beating stopped, Tonya was on the brink of contentiousness. “Hey Regina! I got poppins!”

The succubus lowered herself into the sewer. “That could have gone better, I underestimated how scared they would be after that last monster attack.” She fret her brow. “Having said that, There was nothing stopping you from launching your attack from where she was initially standing.”

“I'm soz. I keep forgetting how soft and squishy you guys are compared to me. I'd love it if someone threw apples at me.” Elroy pulled Tonya into a bear hug. “If it's all the same to you, I'd like to grab my shield and get out of here.” He chuckled. “But this was fun, we should do it again.”

“Of course.”

“Wha...” Tonya's body was so wrecked with pain, she couldn't even stand without Elroy's assistance. “What's going on?”

It was impossible for Tonya to see, but she could sense Regina was holding her hand over the beacon girl in the darkness. “I find everything about you disgusting... For now.”
My characters will seldom have more than 2 weapons if they are combat orientated. They will have their primary weapon that they've been training with, and a side arm of sorts in the event they lose their weapon. What few times they have any more weapons than that, it's usually in the form of grenades, knives, smaller items that are easier to carry. I never really got the appeal of having FPS inventory, but I seem to be in the minority in that regard.

Neola wasn't sure how to feel about being leaned on by the small girl. Was she tired? The air of stress around everyone wasn't something that Neola was feeling. It was pretty outside, and it seemed like everyone forgave her for acting like a big meanie. So there was no reason to really think anything bad was going to happen. But wait...Wait... Was this an invitation for... a head pat?

Neola's palms were sweating. Should she? They had just met after all. Not even properly introduced. Yet this globe of gold hair was staring her directly in the face. It looked so soft and welcoming. Yet she could not bring herself to pat Kara on the head. It felt too sudden. W-well, we'd better get going then! Neola placed a hand on Kara's shoulder and walked after Davis. Even this felt a little weird. But if she felt comfortable this way, who was Neola to judge?

Lucy hadn't seen Thomas since last night. She was curious what he was talking to Alice Parker about. But the robot seemed pretty vague on the subject. “Just questions” was the robot's response. Lucy wasn't really in a position to pressure the robot, and doubted it would get her anywhere anyway. It was probably best to stay on her good side, as the arsenal of weapons she had command over was terrifying. Some of Adar's remains were still here, where any signs of a battle had been cleaned up elsewhere. To Lucy, this meant that even the other carnage sisters probably didn't feel safe coming in here and cleaning up. It was possible that Alice Parker didn't count as a nurse, and was actually above the rules of the killing game. This technically meant she could kill Lucy without any repercussions, but Lucy wasn't afraid of her. She felt safer here than anywhere else. And there was so much to read! She turned the page on a book detailing the inner workings of A.I.

As time passed, so did Thomas; through the hallways, that is. He had made a brief stop at the kitchen to replace the knife he was using to cut the papers, but after that, he was just wandering. The layout of the hospital had grown more familiar to him, which meant that he no longer had to rely on his handbook to navigate — which was inevitable, he had not reclaimed his handbook from when Lucy had thrown it last night. In fact, how did Thomas know last night that the other Infinites were dead without it? He was very sleep deprived and had forgotten that at the end of last night he had picked it up which meant that his search would never result in fruition as his handbook was in his room while he was searching for it in the greater Axis Mundi..

The only way he would be able to reclaim his handbook would be to find it, but he was having trouble remembering where exactly it was that it had been thrown. The first place he would have to check would be the study, which is where he had spent the greater portion of the night before. He kept an eye out for the infinites he had wanted to meet with today, but had only seen the small group forming in the dining hall on his way out of the kitchen. When he approached the study, he entertained the thought of speaking the the robot who resided within once again, but decided against it as a waste of time.

As fate would have it, he saw Lucy reading a book when he entered the study. He furrowed his brow as he looked at her, and thoughts of certain manners taught came back to him. Although Thomas has typically all but ignored social customs, he felt uncomfortable interrupting someone who was reading a book. So instead, he waited by the entrance watching Lucy until she noticed him.

The wait was not very long. The study was quiet enough that you could hear a pin drop, or a small bio mechanic walk into the room. Lucy's expression became jovial once she saw Thomas. ”Ah, I see you've come looking for me! I knew you couldn't stay away, fwahwahwahwa!” She flipped the book shut and stood up. She winced only slightly. ”I um, still can't move very fast it seems.” She looked around the room once before placing her hands together. Her expression changed yet again, this time to one more sheepish. ”Um, it's just you right?”

”You’re feeling awfully blithe, especially after last night.” Thomas suggested, referring to her apparent amiability. “The room is ours, however, privacy is scarce when there’s always someone watching.” Thomas replied, diverting his view to the nearest security camera. He was not sure why Lucy would care — truthfully, Thomas’s greater appreciation of the human body had led to a lesser appreciation any personal privacy — but surely Lucy was not prude enough to care whether someone else sees her injuries.

”I um, I'm trying not to think about last night too much. That's kind of what the books are for.” Lucy walked towards Thomas, still cautiously looking around as she approached. “A-anyway, some of the bullets hit my torso. So just, um...” She swiftly unbuttoned her top and cast them off one layer at a time. Lucy stopped when she got off her black tank. She was wearing a black bikini top under everything. “I-it's not indecent, because it's swimwear instead of underwear okay? J-just focus on the wounds.” She was noticeably blushing.

”You mentioned last night that you’ve only suffered scrapes and bruises?” Thomas inquired, more a statement than a question though. Having seen certain features countless times, be it vitruvian models, cadavers, or clients, Thomas was not the least bit taken aback by Lucy’s new apparel. It probably would’ve been fine if she kept her shirt on, but it did remove a slight hindrance to his work. Either way, Thomas himself was reverent of any patients request and kept his eyes on Lucy’s arm.

Thomas didn’t really wait for Lucy to respond; he stepped closer to Lucy, shifting to her side so he was facing her arm. He took a time to assess her degree of injury, and was intrigued slightly by how relatively unscathed she was. It was almost as if Adar was using rubber bullets, where Thomas expected puncture he saw only scrapes and bruises. She would have to do as he had suggested for Felix; Lucy would need to get non-human ice, bandages to compress the arm, and painkillers only if the pain was unmanageable. To deal with the scrapes however, Thomas was available with a more specialized approach. Although Thomas would never touch hydrogen peroxide when dealing with human injury, that was when he was working with Initiative funding. Thomas gauged that the relative benefit of sealing the cuts from infection with a hydrogen peroxide and bacitracin zinc mixture would result in the least chance of infection at the site of the wound. After he was finished assessing Lucy, he’d have bring her to the pharmacy to apply such a concoction.

Then, Thomas had to look at Lucy’s torso. Lucy’s arm was in the way of her side, and instead of asking her to move it, Thomas reached out to grab Lucy’s forearm and push it up so he could see her lateral torso.

Lucy had put some butterflies on the one wound that managed to break her skin. But it was mostly bruises, and none of Lucy's bones were broken. Aside from the one wound she decided to try treating herself, her side didn't look any worse than her arm did. ”I-is it bad?”

The door to the study opened again. This time, Jezebel waked in. She was wearing a smile, but upon seeing Lucy with her shirt off, and Thomas closely inspecting her, she raised one of her eyebrows. “Ahhh... Liiiiike?”

”This is a medical examination!” Lucy blurted out.

”No, it’s not bad. You’re lucky that there’s no permanent damage, but you’ll ha-” Thomas began to drone about the procedure for Lucy’s treatment, but was interrupted by the exchange between Jezebel and Lucy. He recognized how this might look, but he wasn’t sure how to diffuse this situation.

”She’s correct; This is what I’m typically paid to do.” Thomas said, referencing Lucy’s previous statement. He quickly stepped between Lucy and Jezebel, and although his head was only about as high as Lucy’s shoulder line, he was blocking Jezebel from seeing most of her exposed torso. ”Infinite Trickster, please look away for a moment. License wise, I’m not a physician, and I am not held to their standards. However, I was requested to keep this room to the two of us while doing the examination.

Lucy chuckled nervously. ”She's alright Thomas. I forgot that I asked her to come here. She's going to teach me, the greatest disciple to ever live, how to do tricks.” She fret her brow before looking back at Jezebel. ”But you could have knocked!”

Jezebel's grin slowly returned. “You guys are total super cuties.” The clown looked away from them and proceeded to sit down at a table with her back turned. “So little baldwin, speaking of examinations... I'm sure you know all the grody details about last night already. What do you think about the other infinites?”

Thomas looked at Jezebel suspiciously, but stepped out of the way. ”Fascinating, that you would be interested in the opinion of someone like me.” Thomas remarked, but he was compliant. Everyone enjoyed sharing an opinion, and Thomas was no exception. ”Last night was a disaster. The initiative lost two infinite’s, one with a talent that was of utmost usefulness. Presumably, others were injured, but I have not yet gotten an opportunity to assess the numbers.” Thomas recited, stating some facts about last night as a foundation for what he would say next.

A thoughtful look overcame Thomas face. ”Most of them are far beyond ignorant. They’re ignorant to the point of delusion, living in a world where reality is just a stencil shaded in with fantasy. Last night, one of them might as well have taken a gun and shot Aleecia and Rika both dead for all the good they did. For this, they’re more than just ignorant. I attribute these infinites, in their delusion, to animals sitting in a slaughterhouse, waiting for the next time one of them are struck down so they can act like this was an unexpected outcome.” Thomas said, somewhat aggressively. ”Of course, now that I’ve told you what I think, It’d only be fair if you did the same. he added.

Jezebel nodded. “I totally agree with your assessment.” The clown looked over her shoulder at Thomas. “They're far too idealistic. Like oh my god, we're going to throw everything we've got at killer robots so that Cyrus can beat his meat to some blond bimbo? Gag me with a spoon! Grody to the max!”

”Krista's actually not that big up top.” Lucy blurted out.

“Cyrus is so not fit to be a leader. But all the other noids insist on looking up to him.” Jezebel turned around in her chair to face Thomas. “No one is capable of independent thought. Some of them even looked up to faith for tactic advice! You know? The girl who believes she's a goddess? Why would anyone follow her lead?” Every word out of Jezebel came from smiling lips. Like she was recalling a joke. “What do you think Lucy? You're part of this too.”

”Wha!” Lucy cleared her throat. ”Well, I mostly stayed out of it because it seemed like there were enough people dealing with the problem.” She grinned. ”And I figured as one of the more important infinites, I was simply too much to risk on a rescue mission.” Lucy flicked her eyes closed. ”But if everyone is so crazy that they're willing to dance like puppets in front of murderous robots, I think it was good that I didn't assist with their plan.” Her eyes opened up again. ”So why are we talking about this?”

“Doy! Because we are totally the only people that realize how, like, bad things are!” Jezebel stood up. “The rest of the infinites are going to form their own click and continue to act like dickweeds. My proposition is that we form our own click where we discuss things rationally. We aren't sheep that will blindly follow Cyrus, Faith, or carnage sisters where they want to go.”

Thomas leaned back into one of the seats near Jezebel while she spoke, pulling his left knee up to his chest while leaving the other one off the chair, both hands on his elevated leg. While Jezebel and Lucy spoke, he stared down at his leg and nodded whenever Jezebel brought up another point. Finally, when Jezebel laid out her plan he looked up and stared Jezebel in the eyes. A smile, made unnatural by the lack of smile marks, adorned his face.

”An agreement then, a coalition ensure our collective survival.” Thomas stated, extending his hand towards Jezebel. ”I suppose someone has to make sure that there’s still Infinites for the Initiative if we get out of here.”

Jezebel took Thomas's hand and gave it a firm shake. “Zlint!” She nodded before retracting her hand. “Braden was fairly opposed to Cyrus's plan as well. I might be able to get him to join us, but I think it's going to be just us until more infinites join the game.”

”It's probably best to keep things small to start anyway.” Lucy also shook Jezebel's hand. ”You two are the only ones I feel that could help my training along. If the others are as foolish as you say they are, then there is no point in learning from any of them.” She looked between them. ”If we need to discuss something, I think this study makes a good base of operations. I'll be spending most of my time here anyway, too much to look through.”

Jezebel chuckled. “Keep your wits about you. They're totally going to plot something in the future. We'll be labeled cowards for not wanting to participate, but we're so just being smart about things.”

”Then it’s settled. The next time we come to an impasse, we can meet here.” Thomas said, standing up from his seat. ”Prodigy, I’m going to find some things to give you so you can manage disinfectant and pain. I’ll be back momentarily.” Thomas told Lucy, leaving the study.

Bliss hadn't slept well. With all the death, between the last case and last night, it was hard for her to greet the day. She hadn't been crying, she hadn't been having nightmares, she hadn't been feeling mush of anything. Bliss had retreated from the killing game. But because her body couldn't physically leave, she retreated inside herself. From the outside, Bliss looked empty, numb. There simply wasn't anything she could feel.

But there was something she had to do. Bliss had one obligation today. Making breakfast was just something she had decided to do on her own. There was no reason for people to expect her to do that, unless they assumed she would always be there to make meals. But Bliss made arrangements, and that was the only reason why she got out of bed. Bliss got dressed, and headed out the door. She caught Cyrus talking to a carnage sister, but couldn't see which one it was.

”As you wish, politician.”

She entered Cyrus's room before Bliss could see who it was. Not that Bliss really cared. This promise was the only reason why Bliss had chosen to leave her room right now. The nanny fidgeted with her hands a bit before folding them together, and approached Cyrus. She stood in front of him and waited for him to stop before speaking. ”Did you want to come with me?”

After Cyrus finished talking to the carnage sister, he was mildly surprised by the woman that suddenly stood in front of him. He smiled, however. He was actually rather happy to see her. He took the time to study her expression. He couldn’t imagine that she was doing well right now. It took Cyrus a moment to recall what Bliss was talking about. But then he remembered he had agreed to something before everything had gone down. “You mean to the Zen garden?” Cyrus said, assuming she was referring to that.

Bliss simply nodded and took Cyrus's hand. ”You're not hungry right? I didn't make anything today.” Cyrus followed Bliss, answering her first question with a confirmatory noise. She walked towards the garden, practically dragging Cyrus behind herself as she did so. ”I don't imagine the zen garden has any food in it. Do carrots or tomatoes grow there? I've never been there, I just heard it was a relaxing place to be.”

He picked up the pace, trying to match Bliss’s. She seemed to be a hurry. What had her so worked up? “No vegetables, as far as I know.” Cyrus answered, trying to keep the conversation going. “But it’s a calming place indeed.”

”That's good.” At the pace Bliss was moving at, it didn't take long to get to the zen garden. The nanny released Cyrus's hand and knelled before the pool of sand. She was winded, but she wasn't sweating from the brisk jog to their destination. “So what do you do in here?” She turned to the politician.

Cyrus shrugged in reply. “Just sit, relax, meditate?” He honestly wasn’t too sure how else to describe it. “I guess that’s what this place is for, just to relax.” He said as he sat down. “You can isolate yourself pretty well here from the outside world, if you feel the need to.” He explained to the Nanny.

”So you're getting in touch with yourself.” Bliss placed her hands on her knees.”What do you see when you meditate, Cyrus?”

“Well, I usually close to my eyes so… nothing I guess?” He answered honestly. “I put my focus elsewhere. My breathing, my surroundings, anywhere while trying to think of as little as possible.” He explained. It was a rather simple method of meditation. Maybe the monk could’ve taught him more. Alas, that could never be.

”Alright” Bliss closed her eyes and tried to meditate. The silence lasted about ten seconds before she spoke up again.”Do you feel responsible for what happened last night?”

The question startled Cyrus more than it should’ve. He was expecting it, right? “Of course I feel responsible.” He answered. “How could I not? Ultimately, the operation yesterday was the responsibility of everyone, but I was supposed to be the leader, you know?” He continued, his voice trembled slightly as he looked for the words. “I keep thinking I should’ve done more. Involved myself more with making sure every team had everything planned out well. There were too many problems, even if we account the surprise factors.” He said, referring to the unexpected coming of the additional sisters. “I feel like I’ve failed, you know?”

”I know, I know.” Bliss kept her eyes shut the entire time, until she decided to open them again just now.”It's not like you killed any of them on purpose. We all made our own choices. Better that you failed trying to save everyone then succeeded in killing someone, right?” She hugged herself. Bliss's eyes were noticeably wet. ”Have you ever had to do something like that?”

“Have I?” Cyrus wondered out loud. “I mean, I’ve ordered military operations before. Those weren’t always without casualties.” Cyrus said, digging into his memories. “That’s not so different. I ordered people to their deaths, even if it wasn’t my hand that killed them. Same thing here, even if I was more directly involved.” Cyrus looked at Bliss, then put a hand on her shoulder. “And left behind were the families, their hopes and dreams. And therefore, of course we grieve. This is no different.”

”I don't know Cyrus, I don't think that quite makes you a murderer.”

“It doesn’t, but you can’t help but feel responsible.”

Bliss sighed. ”I tell everyone I'm an orphan. It's partially true, I spent most of my childhood in an orphanage. But that's not the whole truth.” Bliss's fingers tightened around her shoulders. ”Do you know what stone man syndrome is?”

Cyrus listened attentively to bliss's story. “I’ve heard the name. It’s a very rare disease, isn’t it? Something about tissue being replaced with bone.” He tried to recall, but he didn’t recall more details than that. Cyrus wasn’t a doctor, after all.

”All of the soft tissue in your body, like your bones and cartilage begin to harden.” Bliss wiped one of her tears away. ”It gets more aggressive as you age, and people who have it are gradually paralyzed. They become living statues.” Bliss closed her eyes. ”They might live forty years if they catch it early enough. But what kind of life is that?” Bliss took a moment to regain as much of her composure as she could. She folded her hands and placed them in her lap. ”My parents loved Alfie, but he had Stone man Syndrome. It hadn't completely robbed him of movement. But he had difficulty eating. His thicker ribs prevented him from breathing properly. He couldn't turn his head, and it became harder and harder to get him out of bed. Eventually he couldn't walk or use the bathroom without assistance.” She placed a hand over her mouth. “He told me that he didn't want to live like this. He begged me to kill him. Our parents wouldn't let a doctor do it. He told me that if I really loved him that I'd save him. I-I didn't have access to sleeping pills, and I didn't know what type of poison I could use. So when my parents were gone, I grabbed a knife.” her hands slid over her face. ”His bones were so thick, it was so difficult to kill him.”

Cyrus had listened to Bliss silently. He softly patted her back as he noticed her increased distress. His gaze was soft, and carried no judgment. He simply listened. What else were you supposed to do when someone was pouring their heart out? “Is that why they put you in an orphanage?” He finally asked carefully as she stopped talking.

”No, I ran away from home.” Bliss folded her hands together again. ”I didn't want to face them after that. I survived on my own and eventually got picked up by an orphanage several cities away. I wanted to get as far away from there as possible.”

“I see...” Cyrus muttered. How was he supposed to respond to this? Should he try to cheer her up? Offer her some assurance? Maybe he should just be silent and let her calm down? Normally he was pretty good with people, but talks like these didn’t exactly come up a lot. “Did you… ever see them again?” He ultimately asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

”I killed their son. Why would they want to see me again?” She looked straight ahead.”W-what I was trying to say was, even though he wanted it, I'm still a murderer.” Bliss looked at Cyrus out of the corner of her eye. ”You said as much yourself, right? A single individual should never kill another. Even if he wanted it, my parents clearly didn't.” Bliss didn't wait for a response. She stood up immediately. ”I'm sorry, I don't know what's come over me. It's just with all the death, it keeps reminding me. And I don’t want to see him when I close my eyes.” She placed a hand on the side of her head. ”It's probably not going to be very easy for you to relax here anymore, I'm sorry about that.” Bliss wandered towards the door.

“Wait!” Cyrus said as she stood up. He grabbed her hand, holding her firmly to prevent her from walking away. “I also said there is room for consideration when one wishes so. You can’t quote me on one part and leave out the other.” He responded. “When we think of the victims here, or the people who died fighting yesterday. They died wanting to live.” He tugged her arm slightly. “I can’t say that what you did was either right or wrong. I don’t think I have the necessary information for that.” Cyrus told her. “I do think you need to calm down, though. And I think this is the best place for it.” He paused for a bit. “And I’m here for you.”

Bliss wiped her eyes with her arm. ”A-alright.” She sniffled. ”If it's not a problem for you, then I'll stay here.” The nanny blinked. Her face was all red. ”Thank you.”

Cyrus smiled reassuringly. He couldn’t really do anything else for her, but maybe that would be enough. Perhaps he had failed the dead, but he could still be here for the living. ”It’s not a problem at all.” he said. “Don’t mention it.”

Amber had regained her composure after the close call with Helga. It was clear Penny's comment had bothered her, but Amber stayed her tongue. Once everyone was gathered and Helga explained things, Amber remained silent. She had hoped that she wouldn't be called on to be a leader again. But after Alexander nominated himself to go save his waifu Lily, Amber decided to step in.

“I'm not going to try and convince you to do something else, as you've clearly made your mind up. But I need you to keep your head on your shoulders.” She chuckled and tipped her hat. “Just try not to get tunnel vision when Lily comes into sight. Your mind is your greatest weapon. Don't let stormy seas throw you off course.”

Amber turned to address everyone else. “I think Helga has the right idea. We're too few in number to overpower Justine, and we're too great in number to sneak by unnoticed. So I think we should split up into at least three teams.” Amber stuck her hand inside Eli and pulled out her notepad and pen. After she wrote down everyone aboard, she started pointing at them with her pen. “Eli, Libby, Mariette, Sue, and the new winged girl will fly in from the top. They'll have the easiest time flying, and I feel like Mariette is most familiar with Sue and Eli's capabilities... Even if Sue has extremely limited capabilities in direct combat. Libby will need help to etting around, but that's what portals are for.” Amber continued to draw lines. “Suwako, Alicia, Helga, Scout, and Alexander will enter from below the castle. Helga knows the path best, Scout's illusion magic can be used to avoid detection, and Alicia and Suwako's fighting styles benefit the greatest in this environment, especially with Alexander's ability to protect everyone.“ Amber only had a few magical girls left. “Shade, Penny, Ayana, Makoto, and myself will remain with the ship to attack the front of the castle. I feel that Ayana can create an army fitting for an assault, Makoto and Penny are tough enough to survive without Alexander's shield, and... Shade's fighting style interests me. I'm needed to pilot the ship of course.” She handed the notepad and pen back to Eli. “I tried to pair up everyone with who I felt had the best synergy. I also made sure to put myself, Helga, and Sue in different groups. Each of us have a link with our patron, and can communicate through him. This will allow us to communicate with Mariette in a pinch if a group needs to pull out. I also feel that each team should have a leader to help guide their teams in a pinch, which should be Mariette, Alicia, and myself respectively. Though you're free to pick your own team leaders of course.” Amber folded her arms behind her back. “If no one has any objections, I'm ready to board the castle when the rest of you are.”

Amber? You sort of forgot someone. That's okay, Tonya planned on being anywhere and everywhere, all at once.

In all seriousness though, the spy was going to oust herself, and Tonya planned on assisting when she did so. Depending on how she felt, she wasn't going to contend with Justine directly unless the situation dictated it was necessary. Though ideally, she'd find a way out of the overcity before anyone knew what had happened.

Im going to use this to check and make sure you're telling the truth.
@Exit Nah, I'm running a very demanding detective RP, and I just barely have the time to participate as a voter while still participating in two other RPs. If the entries are too numerous or too long, I might not even vote.

EDIT: should note that I'd be very happy if the contests got a lot of attention from both contestants and voters, but I know what I'm capable of.
Welp, I guess the one way to fix the fact that people kept going over the word limit was by removing it. Let's hope brevity is a word that's in everyone's vocabulary.

Davis and Neola had turned their attention to the monitor. Ignoring the bear that suddenly appeared on screen wasn't really something one could do without a lot of willpower.

”The T.V. Turned on!” Neola said this one the teady bear got done talking.

“Really?” Davis raised an eyebrow. “We wake up in a strange place with no recollection of how we got here, then some kids show mascot tells us to show up somewhere and...” Davis ran a hand over his face. “The T.V. Turned on?”

”O-oh, well, I like TV!” Neola giggled. ”I think I might have broken character a little bit. ” She would have to be careful about that in the future. But a fear of hers was that none of the monitors would turn on. It was very refreshing to know that they might be able to get a few stations.

“It's fine.” Davis closed his eyes and shook his head. “Anyway, ladies.” Davis's eyes opened with a healthy grin. “I think it's fair to assume that if anyone was going to hurt us, they would have done so already. So it should be safe to see what the bear is talking about.” He was already walking. “You can wait here if you'd like, or you can follow me. Doesn't look like it's too far away.” Davis did not look like he was going to wait, but he did shoot everyone a wink before marching forth.

”Wait, Alex, you're not a girl, are you?” Neola lifted a hand to her mouth. ”We'll have to tell Davis later, he might have gotten confused. You are a bit on the skinny side.” She scooched closer to Kara. ”Anyway, regardless of what happens, I don't think Kara should be left vulnerable. So someone should stay here with Kara if she isn't going to go to the auditorium.”
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