Avatar of Hedgehawk


Recent Statuses

6 mos ago
It can do! I have a magical SoL going at the moment and it has an overarching plot weaved in
1 like
6 mos ago
In SoL, the 'goals' become the drama and interpersonal connections/histories players make with each other. Plus setting in in places like a school/college for example give you a timeline to work with.
6 mos ago
I could make one... But that means running it haha...
6 mos ago
Time to start the hunt for a decent SoL RP. I could make one, but it would be nice to be a player and a GM for once xD
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10 mos ago
So now I have turned thirty I can no longer just say that I am a twenty something. God I am old.


Thirty - Male - UK - GMT

Name: Jake. or just call me Hedge.
Age: 30
D.O.B: 08/08/1993
Personality Type:
ISFJ-T Turbulent Defender
Personality Role:
Personality Strategy:
Constant Improvement
"You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others."

Been at this game for a good while now. Starting RPing at the tender age of 15 back when Bebo was a thing. A year later I found myself forum Roleplaying and haven't really looked back since. Over these past ten years I have done practically every kind of RP you could imagine from Nation RPs and Arena RPs to 1x1s and Large group RPs. My last RP hobby was fighting RPs, which I have now decided to leave behind in order to pursue more SoL style Rps.

Outside of RP I am an aspiring writer, despite being terrible with words, as well as an avid gamer. If I am not on discord with the Guild or RPing in some way, I am probably on either my PlayStation or on Steam. Moved into D&D and ended up starting a podcast that has been an interesting journey.

Most Recent Posts

Friday 4th August 2017

Cycle 5

@HaleyTheRandom @PureHeroine @Cerces22 @Grape @Strange Rodent @SouffleGirl123 @The Grey Dust

Okay, I think this is the active list. If you are active and i have left your name off i am sorry! Just so many people have left it is hard for to remember who dropped.

So Cycle 4 took a lot longer than I first thought, plus with Exams, Work and life being a general bitch, I couldn't help push things faster. I don't mind slowing the pace down for those who struggle to get online or to post, so long as everyone is happy with it. So I wouldn't mind hearing your views on that.

Cycle 5 takes us to the prelude to the Guild attack, and Bar a few posts, I think alot of us went ahead and drafted out cycle 5 posts, so I am hoping to speed this one up. I am hoping that we can get this cycle finished by August 3rd. This cycle is alot more freefrom like cycle 4, so if you have any issues coming up with Idea,s please just let me know. Don't go quiet and post anything. If people are going to start post dodging, i am going to have to start enforcing post timers. (I really cant be evil)

Happy writing :)
@HaleyTheRandom When you get on next, if you post a place holder, I will start the next Cycle when i get home from work tomorrow :)
Taylor Carson

The day that Taylor had thought would never arrive had finally arrived. Graduation. For most it represented the start of an exciting journey into the future. The shackles of education would be lifted and these young adults could go and pursue their dreams. This was not the end, it was the beginning of a much better journey. Careers, University, even families. Everything was up for grabs for the graduating class of Pinewood Ridge High.

For Taylor Carson, it was anything but a great thought. Despite his best attempts to try and convince himself otherwise, Taylor couldn't help but stay in the funk he was currently in. For him, Graduation signalled the end of the routine had had been used to for the past four or so years. Leaving school meant the end to this routine and he now had to start making actually adult like decisions. Decisions he wasn't ready for. His whole life he had threw himself at something, anything, to distract himself from the horror that was his home life. Now his main source of distraction had dried up and he now needed a new distraction.

So tonight was the final Howrah, the final night where he could claim he was a high schooler. At least he could reminisce a little longer. Tonight involved talking, something he wasn’t exactly keen on doing. He had also decided to invite his parents, something his grandpa had advised against. It was in vein as they both told him where he could stick his invitation. Since his early teenage years his relationship with them had soured greatly. He would have invited his grandpa however given his older age there was no way he would have gotten through the graduation ceremony yet alone the after party.

So here he was alone. Something he was used to, but at the same time wasn’t. He entered the main hall, looking around at all the people who had already arrived. He was wearing an all black suit, minus the tie. He had noticed that several of the students had already started grouping together. Not wanting to disturb anyone he simply walked over to the punch table and poured himself a cup of the pinkish liquid. Staring at the cup he took a small sip before walking over to a table and taking a sit, observing everyone.

Thats OK, gives me time to plot, I know you gave a tough time getting online
@HaleyTheRandom & @@PureHeroine How we getting on with the collabs??
@HaleyTheRandom I feel bad now...
@Squirrel98 Don't worry bout it, it's just a post to get people to come into the party hall for the true talking to begin.

@HaleyTheRandom You had to start off with a shitpost didn't you xD

They can bring their families if they want. Nothing stopping them :)
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