Avatar of Lugubrious


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3 mos ago
Current Forgotten footfalls, engraved in ash
4 mos ago
Stalling falling blossoms in bloom
4 mos ago
Even if our words seem meaningless
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4 mos ago
Time turning on us always
5 mos ago
Fusing into the unknown


Current GM of World of Light. When it comes to writing, there's nothing I love more than imagination, engagement, and commitment. I'm always open to talk, suggestion, criticism, and collaboration. While I try to be as obliging, helpful, and courteous as possible, I have very little sympathy for ghosts, and anyone who'd like to string me along. Straightforwardness is all I ask for.

Looking for more personal details? I'm just some dude from the American south; software development is my job but games, writing, and trying to help others enjoy life are my passions. Been RPing for over a decade, starting waaaay back with humble beginnings on the Spore forum, so I know a thing or two, though I won't pretend to be an expert. If you're down for some fun, let's make something spectacular together.

Most Recent Posts

Well, it's been a fantastic first week for World of Light! Thank you all so much for giving this RP such a great start. Hopefully it'll be the first of many such weeks to come.

With the Master of Masters' breakdown given, anyone with the know-how can now engage with the Spirits system. Power up and customize your character as you see fit, but be discerning; not all spirits are created equal, and every power comes at a price.

Looks good to me. Stoic characters that don't talk or interact much can be difficult to continue playing as, but if you're confident you can keep him going you can post him in the Characters tab. I'll start thinking about how to get him integrated.

For some reason I'm having second thoughts about playing Death. Not sure if it's allowed but I kinda want to get him killed so I can play a different character.

That'd be a shame. If you're not quite aware of the reason I would consider the matter more thoroughly, but if you do decide you can't continue as him, he won't get killed; he'll just leave the group and go his own way, maybe to be met again later on. After all, he's one of the original thirteen, which carries some significance.

Level 2 – (4/20) EXP
Location: 1-1, Master's Mushroom
Word Count: 1134

Along with a few of the others, more or less engaged in conversation, Tora retraced his steps toward where he saw the cloaked stranger last. Bowser made the Nopon quite aware of what he would be doing for the time being, but a couple glances back confirmed that neither Din nor Ratchet seemed to be following him, either. Instead the pair looked to be proceeding toward the obstacle course-like section of the road beyond where the skirmish went down, maybe eager to jump and climb around. Either way, that left pretty much everyone who didn't head down the canyon accounted for. On that subject, he did hear what sounded like explosions going off in the direction of the rocky area, but while that worried him he reasoned that the tough-looking men who chose that path could handle it.

As Tora drew near the mushroom along with Michael, Agoston, and Blazermate, he spotted the Master of Masters coming around the side of the giant fungus, an ordinary-looking human girl in tow. Though he threw the man a worried look, he did not speak up, and instead listened in on him telling the girl, “Hmm...well, it's tough to explain, but in a way, yes. They must join you later on.” He helped her into the hammock, saying, “Close your eyes and rest a moment, missie. If you listen in the meantime, you'll see what I mean.” At the same time, he leaned a strange-looking weapon against the mushroom trunk.

After that he turned to see a small crowd assembled, then clapped his hands to his face in a gesture of surprise. “Goodness, you've all come 'round just for li'l ol' me? What an honor!” A single finger flew into the air to forestall anyone's comment. “Hold it! While I'd like a nice, long chat as much as the next guy, you've got more important stuff to do than gab with me, so I'll spill the beans first and answer specifics later if you've got them, 'kay?”

“I am the Master of Masters,” he reiterated for any whose previous absence deprived them of an introduction. Moving more deliberately, he leveled his index finger at the resplendent icon floating far away, serenely tucked away in its airborne bed of flashing colors. “And that...is Galeem. The oh-so-scary Lord of Light!” Never passing up a chance to emote, he threw an arm sideways in a dramatic sweeping motion. “It wiped the slate clean, so to speak, and made this world from the ideas it devoured. Now, I'm pretty darn sure that destroying Galeem will return everything to the way it was, but if ya wanna stick it to 'ol light-bright, you're gonna have to take out its shield first.” He held up ten fingers, then three. “Thirteen terrible enemies lurk in this world, each one powering one of Galeem's colors. Beat all thirteen and the way's open.”

A mysterious air enveloped the Master of Masters as he crossed his arms. “Want to know how I know all this? Here, take a looksie. I'm going to need you to find this.” He held produced a peace of paper. On it was a drawn picture of an eye, murky teal with a black slitted pupil. “This is my eye. Anything it ever sees, I can see, so it allows me to see the future. I know Galeem's name because in the future, one of you writes it down and shows it to the eye. Know what that means?” He clapped his hands together. “The fact that I see you all again means you survive well into the future, find my eye, and challenge Galeem! Woohoo, congratulations! But don't rest on your laurels just yet. Find the thirteen foes, beat 'em up, go after Galeem. Easy-peasy, right?”

The Master of Masters shook his head vigorously, pounding a fist onto his other hand's palm. “Wrong! You'll get thrashed! Maimed, mauled, annihilated. No fun for anyone. But good news, kids, this world if full of ways to get stronger. For instance, these things...” he reached down below his makeshift table and pulled out a corked bottle. Inside, a gleaming rainbow mote containing the face of a goomba could be seen. “These are spirits. Though this is basic knowledge where I come from, you all might not know, so let me just tell you that everyone has three parts: body, heart, and mind. Galeem's light destroyed everyone's body, sealed their hearts, and flooded their minds. It made new puppet bodies for the spirits to inhabit, but if you defeat one, the spirit -the heart and mind- is set free. You can bond with them to make yourself stronger. Here's how.”

He pointed at his temple with his free hand. “Take it into your mind to gain a spirit's skills or knowledge.” Holding the hand in front of him, the Master of Masters opened wide his fingers before making a crushing motion. “Smush it and it'll become some kind of equipment. Weapon, armor, who knows?” Finally, he placed his hand on his chest. “Take it into your heart, and you'll gain its powers.” Seemingly as an afterthought, he gave a shrug. “Or, if you don't want the consequences of just 'taking' a spirit, you can try to connect with it and have it fight alongside you. If the bond's strong enough, it should maintain its own consciousness and be able to manifest physically for a time. Whaddya think of the name 'Striker'? Hah, too bad, it's final.”

Setting the bottle down, he reached a finger into the darkness of his hood to scratch his chin. “'Course, your existence means there are ways to free the spirit without destroying the body. The keyblade's one way, but it'd take years to train any of you to use one right.” Another shrug. “Ah, no matter. If your hearts are strong enough, you'll find a way. For now, if you find any notable enemies near me, drag 'em back here and I'll set 'em loose.”

His gaze flew between the gathered heroes. “Capiche? Now you know your mission, and how to accomplish it. If you choose to accept it, of course. 'May your heart be your guiding key' ….I say it all the time. Ultimately, you have to do what your heart feels is right.”

The Master of Masters slumped down on the table, dramatically appearing to collapse from the effort of talking so much. “Ahhhh. So, there you have it. Please tell me I covered all my bases?”

Tora, having been at rapt attention, seemed to be processing all the new information still, but he managed to pipe up, “Whew! Talkipon must be Master of Masters of Exposition. World and spirits pretty complicated, meh.”

The cloaked man shot him a look, though with his face hidden, it proved completely ineffective.

Location: Ancient Gardens

Beyond the section of traversal undertaken by Ratchet and Din, the terrain mellowed out once again. A clearing of grass lay beyond, serving as the reunification point between the three paths. The area going forward changed once again, more uniform in composition. It appeared to be a handful of sections of land, separated by wooden bridges over cliffs and water. Giant plants and blocks could be seen scattered around as well. This area bore a few goombas, but not nearly as many as the previous one, and they did not seem to be as aggressive, either. That said, new enemies awaited them. The strange rabbit creatures goofed around, harassing one another or the wildlife, engaging in all sorts of irritating, zany behavior. More could be glimpsed farther off, though they seemed more driven, moving in groups across the terrain toward whatever area lay beyond the Ancient Gardens.

What the pair could see, however, did not form the complete story. Even from this distance they could hear the rattle of gunfire from across the way, though those sounds paled in comparison to the reverberation of explosions going off in the canyon path behind them and to the left. The duo could proceed into the Gardens proper and tangle with its long-eared, blaster-toting residents, or take a closer look at the canyon.

If they chose the latter, they might be able to see Courier 6, Death, and Zer0 besieged by bomb blasts, but more importantly, they could see their assailant. Moving along the edge of the canyon was a cart full of bombs being pushed by a large goblin with a barrel on his back, which itself appeared to contain a second goblin. A third, with a helmet and what appeared to be a crude rocket launcher, rode in the cart. All three eagerly chucked mine after mine down into the canyon, oblivious to either Ratchet or Din on the path ahead.

Location: Moat

Bullets sprayed the surface of the water, but they lost all momentum within moments of entering it, rendering them harmless so long as Geno stayed submerged. The world he entered, however, bore its own share of peril and uncertainty. Within the moat he could spot a variety of underwater creatures. One, large and almost comical-looking, appeared oddly amiable even with the woeful coloration he'd come to expect, but the others did not share that look. Squids propelled themselves around using water propulsion, ready to blast any threats with ink. Jellyfish monsters floated without any care in the world, filling the water around them with electricity. Dangerous-looking beasts, part man and part fish, scrounged the moat bottom for food, but they avoided the small schools of bombfish that swam around with impunity. Toads wearing diving suits patrolled the area closest to the castle's stone foundations, providing a more concerted danger. A closer look at said foundations, however, revealed a pipe covered by a sturdy metal grate near the bottom, perhaps the very mode of entry Geno sought.
Level 5 || Day 3 || King Boo's Castle
@Zarkun @Majoras End @Tenma Tendo @ONL
Experience: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (26/50)
Word count: 183

One after another, the heroes' attacks devastated King Boo, leaving the specter scarcely able to maintain cohesion. The sight invoked subdued laughter from Slayer. ”Hohoho! Serves you right for fighting with a gimmick rather than your strength and wits! Where I come from, every warrior of renown is able to instantly kill an enemy under the right circumstances, but the impracticality makes those moves terribly rare.” Once again, the vampire began to approach King Boo. “This ridiculous fight will end without you having landed a single blow on any one of us! Now, my friends, let us see this charlatan off. Hrrah!”

Having entered his effective range, Slayer lashed out with a volley of simple blows, nothing more spectacular than punches thrown with such speed and power as to be enveloped in purple flame. He rained the burning punches upon his adversary, striking again and again in quick succession, fast enough that the strikes ran together into a single continuous attack. He ended the fierce barrage with a hammerfist from above, and stepped back to allow King Boo's next assailant room to work.
Gonna play it safe here and put this down in case anyone isn't into hella dark imagery. I suggest reading it if you're sensitive to the topic of suicide, because I don't want anyone having to dredge up any bad memories because I wanted to include a character from a dark game. There are workarounds that can be made in advance so nobody gets hurt reading my posts, which is the last thing I want. I'm more than happy to make changes to my posts or the character's summoning technique in question if it's too much for some people, as I don't want anyone to have an uncomfortable time with this RP. That said, again please read this if you're uncomfortable with the subject of suicide, and preferably with an open mind to the game's subject matter and presentation.

@Lugubrious I'm not entirely sure if you're familiar with Persona 3 as well or not, so please read this over when you get the time, since I don't want any conflicts of interest to happen either.

I personally have no problems with this, but I understand if measures need to be taken to avoid exposing others to themes they wouldn't want to. If nobody approaches you within another week or so, I would conclude that nobody harbors such concerns.

How would you guys feel about Roadhog (Overwatch) joining?

A completely legitimate pick. Feel free to apply for the last spot with him if you so choose.
Good suggestions. I was planning for only one miniboss in the current region, but it'd be possible to encounter him as a notable enemy, similar to Techies. It would be almost ideal for Geno to have such an encounter to keep him occupied until the rest of the team arrives, but unfortunately Geno doesn't have the ability or know-how to free spirits from Galeem's influence without killing them first.

Since I imagine it'll be too long before someone with the know-how reaches Peach's Castle, it makes the most sense to encounter him as a notable enemy in Ancient Gardens (the very next area), perhaps just wrapping up playtime with some Rabbids as a main character wanders off and discovers him.

Would any non-Geno individual or pair from the Central Route party care to volunteer for such a role in the near-future? Since it would be its own encounter, there would be an associated reward, and reward increases with fewer party members and higher difficulty.

Heyo got it done :D

I see no faults with the sheet. I'll go ahead and say 'accepted', though I do not at the moment have an idea about how to integrate Fawful's arrival. I'll start brainstorming and let you know as soon as possible.
Cold air meant discomfort, and while Elliot didn't like it, he felt it necessary. It kept him from being able to withdraw or concentrate too much on his thoughts. Did he come here intending to confront the Wards like this? He'd wanted to for some time, the urge to unleash his burning resentment for them overpowering at times, but when it came down to it he just seized the most convenient opportunity. Elliot wanted to move on, confident that his breakdown wouldn't change a thing, but he felt positive that someone would confront him. Would whoever came imagine herself blameless? That he was nothing more than an arrogant asshole lashing out without cause? Nobody would flinch from the status quo, their opinions of him surely worsening after this outburst, but if his words sparked enough guilt would they make an effort to put this problem down...?

Evelyn appeared a moment later. She did not look at him straight on, nor he her, which felt right. He should have predicted this outcome; after all, no way delicate Lillian -sure to be hit hard by the revelation that her mindlessness had consequences- or her closest sympathizer would approach him now. Evelyn told him that his actions would not earn him judgment from her, which was a lie, of course. Humans were judgmental by nature; even he, the Margrave, would have harbored strong new conclusions were he in her shoes. Elliot noticed that she seemed to be having a tough time getting her words out. Did they reflect her true thoughts? From what he knew of her, he felt a degree of surprise she didn't come out swinging. If she did, he would have needed to take her on with the full extent of his strength -equal opportunity and all that- though he suspected he would have gained little satisfaction, as her projection would have netted her a relatively easy victory over him despite his stronger form and martial training. Power, after all, meant everything, and some just didn't have it. Regardless of what might have been, he decided to humor Evelyn based on the premise of her coming out here with entreating words.

He allowed a succinct, “Mm,” to slip out when she mentioned a barrier. Yes, he thought. That's true. A barrier did exist. He did close himself off from the others, but was that wall his doing alone? Who built it, brick by brick? They resented him for his behavior, either antisocial or theatrical, and then for his negative reaction to their scorn. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The Margrave was the Margrave; he did not change. These girls did not interest him, nor he them; circumstance thrust him, the loner and stranger, into their clique, and such opposites did not attract. They did not and would never understand him, and while he would have been happy enough if they feared what they didn't understand, they had ignored and denigrated it instead. Well, he didn't need to be understood. A crutch for the weak!

However, Evelyn did betray a hint of awareness, whether forced or true. Surely she cannot be connecting the dots, Elliot wondered. That hatred breeds hatred, that despising me forces me away and earns retribution. At least she acknowledged his steadfastness to his duty, tenet of heroism that it was. A few moments of silence trudged by, culminating in a pronouncement from Evelyn that interested him. As ever, he forestalled his gut response only long enough to inject it with his characteristic elegance.

“It is said that the first stage of recovery is admitting one has a problem. If the road is true, not even the smallest step on it is wasted.”

If her statement bore ambiguous honesty, his did as well. Still, it didn't feel like the token responses and efforts he'd received from the others before. Having been desperate for respect for so long, and now, after making clear his feelings, Elliot would not stonewall even an ambiguously honest attempt on her part. It would take more convincing that she trod upon it, but the path to reconciliation was open.

He blinked twice. He'd allowed himself to become mired in thinking again, and Lillian was standing in front of him. Where did she come from? She was crying. Oh boy, here we go.

Her name-calling he took like a champ, but her very next few word left him perplexed, causing his eyebrows to furrow in puzzlement. Bad as I am? The restatement of what the Wards would be doing brooked no argument from him, since as previously asserted, he would be doing whatever his duty required of him. However, what Lillian said next got the gears turning. Knowing you isn't my job, he wanted to say. I'm not nice, not friendly, not an extrovert, not a leader, not some goody two-shoes, and I don't pretend to be, unlike some. We can do our thing without knowing one another just fine. It's everyone else's ignorant self-righteousness and contempt that's the problem.

Something specific about her phrasing stuck with him, though. How long had it been since she joined? A few weeks? From the moment she appeared, happy-go-lucky and seemingly beloved and accepted by everyone, he'd lumped her in completely with the rest. But other than ignoring him from time to time, had she really offended him...?

Either way, she now voiced determination to bring an end to the dismissal. Before Elliot could draw much of a conclusion beyond 'yeah, right' he found himself forcibly embraced. An utterly aghast expression took hold of his features as he froze, motionless, not daring to move. “...Eck.” A noise of distress, released on instinct, caught in his throat. Never had the effervescent spheres, whose myriad eyes beheld all futures, awakened him to a reality such as this. A dozen thoughts shot though his head like particles in an atom collider, running together in a gruesome mess. At length he concluded, if...if this is a farce, it's a strong one. Too strong... Something in the bareness of her words told him they came from the heart. Indeed, of all of them, Lillian struck him as the least inclined toward duplicity. He looked down on her as a simpleton, driven by emotion, nevertheless adored by all, but right now she seemed like a child struggling with the burden of being hated. That didn't feel good. 'All those years' she said. How much did she struggle? Surely not as much as him...?

A different sort of confusion hit Elliot as something in his chest turned over. He swallowed, and in the back of his throat it felt as though a dozen tiny bubbles were popping. What the hell is going on? He couldn't stand this internal pressure; he needed to let it out. Since he didn't know what to say, he let his mouth go by itself. “The first thing to know,” he said, voice thick, ”Is that I'm a failure. I've failed everything I've ever done, everyone I've ever known.”

Elliot coughed, and stared across the street at the menu of some restaurant. He couldn't read it from this distance. Thoughts coming together, he continued, ”So I don't deserve sympathy or pity. And I don't want them. Withstanding all that comes...without cracking, showing weakness, giving a single inch...the Margrave's strength. That's who I became. Who I am! Screwing his eyes shut and clenching his teeth, Elliot awkwardly attempted to squirm out of the hug. Why was he saying this? How could he let them see him like this!? He needed to get away. ”Now I've failed that too. Let me go!” he growled, preparing to make a break for it.
@Lugubrious Btw, is it required for Geno to fight the Robo-Engie? I don't imagine it is, but I just want to be sure. I already have a rough plan of what I want him to do (That being - fall into the moat and look for a way into the castle).

Not required.

sorry, I fell behind and didn't post this time around. i'll try to be more active.

Not a problem.

Level 2 – (2/20) EXP
Location: 1-1, Central Route
Word Count: 633

While none of Tora's new allies save the Lombax whose weapon he returned appeared to notice him, much less speak to him, the Nopon was in the zone. Though the Hammer Brothers hurled a limitless supply of the weapons they took their name from, those projectiles arced through the air slowly and predictably, allowing Tora to jog around and block them wherever they fell. Mallet after mallet clattered against his shield, leaving small dents but otherwise doing precious little.

After only a few more moments of fighting, the enemy force was all but exhausted, especially after Bowser's ruthless obliteration of the goomba tower once warmed up. His thunderous bellow of victory, a touch premature but not at all unfounded, caused all present to flinch for a moment. Even the Hammer Brothers, sitting pretty on their high ground, appeared to be aware of the dire state of their army, and one's fear prompted him to hurl a hammer Bowser's. When Bowser wound down, Linkle approached him with an idea in mind, and while they prepared to enact it Michael took the opportunity to keep his enemies' heads down. His uzi, less than perfectly accurate at this range and not as effective against their harder shells, nevertheless forced the Hammer Brothers on the defensive. One withdrew into his shell to be grabbed by the other and used as a shield, behind which the remaining koopa could continue throwing his hammers. Michael's work, no doubt a purposeful stratagem, effectively halved the enemy's damage output and brought them close enough that single attack might be able to spell both their ends at once.

Right on cue the King Koopa -having shaken off the hammer to the noggin- scooped up both Linkle and Ratchet, despite his protests, to fastball them at the vulnerable brothers. Where Michael's burst fire let off, the heroine in green picked up the slack, keeping her targets distracted on the defensive until her brother-in-arms could let his Turtle Arrow fly. Though Ratchet's trajectory prevented him from seeing the fruits of his labor, he could definitely hear them; a resounding crack rang out as the Hammer Brothers took the shell straight on. The protector's shell broke, putting him out of commission and in turn making him into a shield projectile to take out the one behind. Together, the two fell from their perch and burst into ash when they hit the ground. Only their spirits remained; the team could not have asked for better.

By that time, the efforts of Tora, the Centurion, and Blazermate had wiped out the stragglers, bringing the battle to its conclusion. The uneven road ahead to part two of the journey to Peach's Castle lay clear, so long as one didn't count the light platforming that would need to be done to get through. At the same time, no foes remained to challenge any fighters interested in backtracking a touch to get to know the Master of Masters a little better, either.

Happy as a clam, Tora replaced his shield to his back and danced around. “Piece of cake, time for a break!” he sang. He sat down where he stood, reached into a pocket, and produced a sausage swaddled in plastic wrap. With undisguised eagerness he pulled off the wrapped and ate the whole thing. “Ah, nothing like tasty sausage after blood get pumping!” He turned his smile on the rest of the group. “Friends were amazing! Hard to imagine any challenge team cannot accomplish!” Despite his optimism, his look turned downcast after another moment, and he fixed his eyes on the castle in the distance. “Still,” he murmured. “Victory without Poppi and Rex-Rex seem hollow. Must find.” His thoughts drifted back to the Master of Masters after a moment, and with some reluctance Tora picked himself up to head back the cloaked man's way.

Tora Level up!
New Power: Grin and Bear It

Location: Master of Master's Mushroom

T he Master of Masters recoiled in surprise as the teenager hacked violently, as though struck by sudden, wracking illness. After it quieted, a moment passed in silence, allowing him to get a better grip of Minako's current status. Her eyes, red in hue but unblemished in aspect, contained such weariness and pain, and her health seemed to be in a sorry state. His mischievous tone and sleeve-worn enthusiasm evaporated like the morning dew, needless in a situation like this that demanded tact. “Not today, little lady,” he said after a moment, somewhat glad that she didn't seem to have registered his gravitas-devoid questions before. “Take it easy. You've been through a heck of a lot, more than I know, and I'm sorry to say you're not at peace.”

After weighing his options, he decided to give Minako a succinct explanation. “I'm nobody important, really, but I was able to foresee most stuff that happens. A godlike being called Galeem has wiped physical reality away and created a new world. It took the minds and hearts of those consumed -their Spirits- and made them puppets of their old forms to seal their hearts and blind their minds. I managed to free you, but this world is far from free.” Once again, he reached his hand down to help Minako up. If she could not lift her arm, he could certainly lift her. “For now, though let's worry about you, eh? I have potions for healing and energy that might help you feel better, if you like. And a hammock if you want to lie down.” Should Minako accept his aid, he meant to bring her about to the front of the mushroom, where his makeshift workshop and all its contents lay.

Location: Lower Canyon

With little ceremony the trio mopped up their remaining adversaries. Death took good care of those who came to greet him on the ground, while the fume-fueled marksman kept the ranged fighters off his back, with 6 plugging a few rounds into the handful of javelin-chuckers that remained. The few mooks that the Horseman's scythe did not harvest fell prey to Zer0's swordsmanship. With their ranks so thoroughly decimated, the few archers and fighters left over turned tail to flee, albeit without the bolt holes of the kobolds to provide them quick escape. The moment the first goblin started to ascend on the other side of the canyon path, however, he tripped over something that nobody else could see. Before he could so much as yelp, he suddenly exploded, his ashy fragments flying all over as they dissolved.

It was then that the laugh from before could be heard again—or was it three laughs mixed together? One voice seemed high, one low, and one very deep. A rattling noise filtered down from above to the especially perceptive, but no perpetrators showed themselves. Instead, they revealed more bombs.

Perhaps aware of the sights trained upward, the unseen enemy started lobbing two at a time. The mines fell without any precision, some bouncing off the canyon walls without exploding, to land on the floor and wait patiently for any enemies to approach. While they could be handled safely by gunfire, any bullets merely destroyed them without setting them off. Any mines left unattended out of immediate range exhibited a curious phenomenon; they disappeared from sight after a couple seconds, becoming invisible until one wandered close enough to arm their second-and-a-half fuses.

Whatever goblins and bokoblins were allowed to flee invariably ran into more mines, evidently hidden at the canyon's other end. However, each creature got farther than the last, steadily clearing the explosive traps, until the last three or four could enjoy a blast-free exit so long as the gunmen permitted them it.

However, more and more mines fell, quickly becoming too much to deal with. If 6, Zer0, and Death wanted to keep all their limbs, they needed to follow in their fleeing foes' footsteps, and fast. That said, who knew how many mines lay in their path, invisible until nearly trod upon?

Location: Sky Over Scrapyard

The wooden rocket blasting off from the middle of the two groups' soon-to-be battlefield drew their attention for a moment, but when it came to choosing between a blur already out of range and a squadron of enemy soldiers, there seemed to be a consensus between Rabbid and robot. Frenzied cries, energy blasts, and bullets filled the air as another furious exchange ensued. Geno, meanwhile, made good his getaway.

Once in the air, he zeroed in on his original destination: Peach's Castle. Its enormous moat posed no problem to him, but even after dealing with the birds in his way, an unsettling feeling came over him as he drew nearer to the classic structure. A doll did not have protective instincts in the way that an animal did, but nevertheless, something cried out to him as he approached the water's edge. His eyes drifted back toward the earth, to where the scrapyard ended and the bridge to the castle began. Two piles of junk rose from either side of the white stone walkway, oversized blocks rising from them and meeting together in the middle to form an arch. Atop that arch, he could spy three shapes: that of a man and two machines. The next instant a red laser sight locked onto Geno, and in unison both turrets opened fire.

Warning! Miniboss Discovered

He found in short order that while weaker, the smaller turret did not miss whatsoever, and while more inaccurate, the larger turret hurt. Even worse, the smaller of the pair backed up its pinpoint-accurate machine gun fire with a volley of homing missiles, closing in on Geno's position even now. Working together, the two turrets made it nigh-impossible to pass through their territory. If he did not dive for cover in the scrapyard or moat immediately, Geno would sustain critical damage before even making it out of the turrets' range.
<Snipped quote by Lugubrious>

I'm a wee bit behind on reading but @Gentlemanvaultboy I'll jimmy something together to pop at the start of your flight and PM it to you

So you're thinking of sending Gentlemanvaultboy Bowser's actions as a response to Linkle's plan, and that he would edit it in and then add Linkle attacking afterward? That would be a handy and helpful way to go about it, since then in my next post I can wrap up the Central Route fight, distribute rewards, and free everyone involved to proceed or return to the Master of Masters.
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