Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


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3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
4 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
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5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

@VitaVitaAR@Psyker Landshark

"Poison? Perish the though, Sir Renar! I was just sharing some pastries with the knight captain." Cecil flashed a cheeky grin towards Renar. "Want one? Captain Fanilly can attest to their taste." She'd pat the captain roughly on the back. "She's been rendered speechless by their fluffiness and their sweet, creamy filling." She could feel Shael becoming increasingly agitated with this little prank. if it hadn't been meant to get Fanilly's mind off this whole captaining business then she'd probably already be getting an earful.
Nyoko and Kaeru

"So what do you think these new hires are gonna be like?"

"Mmhm...hope they're cute?"

"Pfft, wow, and here I thought I was cute enough for you." The Nekomata leaned over as her human companion held out a crepe, feeding it to the white haired youkai. "You wound me, Nyoko. I kinda hope its someone I can have fun sparring with. No one at the Dojo can handle this these days~" He wasn't expecting much, to be honest. Not that he didn't like the other current hires or anyone that might be showing up, but most people just weren't super fun to be around these days. Grudges were fun to fight and all, but there was a certain lifelessness to them that made fighting them kind of boring sometimes.

Nyoko said nothing, attempting to swipe the crepe from Kaeru's hand, only for Kaeru to quickly move the treat elsewhere. Nyoko frowned, and for a few more attempts she attempted to grab it, only for Kaeru to quickly avoid her reaching claws.

"Nyokoooo, come ooon, you're gonna get fat if you keep eating these." The Nekomata, cared not, hands reaching and failing to reach for the crepe. Growing increasingly annoyed as she failed to reach her prize, the youkai would grab Kaeru's arm as she'd maid a feint, pulling him close and nearly knocking him off his feet. "E-eh? Nyoko wait-" Her other hand reached up, quickly swiping the crepe from his hand while her second reached around his waist...and then proceeded to spin, and send up stumbling to the ground behind her, successfully getting her prize.

"Victoryyyy~" A happy little victory jump to signify her success.

"...Nyokoooo~" A shiver went up the Nekomata's spine, her ears standing on end. "It seems...as your sensei and martial arts instructor...I need to give you much harsher lessons." Kaeru was smiling, but he was not happy in the slightest. Nyoko immediately bolted down the road. "Get back here you fat cat so I can kick your ass!"

Nyoko, of course, did not stop running. Throwing open the door to the meeting room. She made a beeline for the largest object she saw that she could hide behind. In this case, that just so happened to be Kyozan. Without so much as giving him a moment to even react, she'd run right at the other Youkai, jumping, placing a hand on his head, and then landing behind him, proceeding to crouch low to the ground behind him in order to make a small attempt at hiding herself.

Seconds later, the door was forcefully slammed open.

"Good morning everyone!~" Kaeru greeted everyone cheerfully. "Don't mind me, I'm just looking for a lazy, fat, crepes stealing cat that is shirking her daily asskic-ahem-training!"

Moving from the pit, Vammy skirted the edges of the hole and around towards the black colored buildings in the distance. Yuisa merely scowled as she’d follow along. Deep, down, far in the pit they could see a circular platform covered in what seemed to be an old forest or garden, but there was no visible way to get down.

The buildings themselves proved just as enigmatic. The moment the two walked inside, they were met with a sickly sweet smell that assaulted their noses, Yuisa almost retching up whatever she had last eaten the smell was so repulsively intoxicating.

“What…is this smell - urgh.” Strangely, Vammy didn’t find it too offensive.

The room they found themselves now was a long hallway, various doors and rooms on either side. They seemed to be old storage rooms, or perhaps studies or other rooms meant for administrative purposes. Vines covered much of the floor, having seemingly broken through the floors below.

And at the far end, something scurried along the ground, moving deeper into the complex.

@Click This

The interior of the building was grand indeed, and it seemed less of a townhall and more of a throne room. Against the far back wall sat a throne made of ornate carved wood, panted with golds and reds and inlaid with a few gems. Similarly colored tapestries flanked the throne, and its occupant? An equally impressive Yaga beast of a yaga male.

He was easily at least six and a half feet tall, is arms and much of his body was covered in serpentine tattoos and depictions of various other animal motifs. A large made of white hair covered his head, and a single ear was listening intently - the other seemed to have been cut off at some point, nothing more than a furry nub atop his head.

“You…” The general, seemed none to happy to see Lissa but was quickly cut off my Marushka.

“Mhm, are these the envoys you mentioned?” The rat lady smiled softly at Lissa as the Raam approached Jolca.

“Ah, yes yes, these are indeed. What are you doing here? This business is beneath one such as yourself.” The yaga woman tilted her head, still smiling as she’d greet the merchant in her own way.

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance too, miss Envoy.” Marushka approached Lissa with her usual affable demeanor. “I do apologize for the difficulties my subordinates gave you. I do hope you understand we meant no offense. I’m sure if you are an Envoy as this one claims, you do understand this is a matter of utmost importance, yes?”

“I do believe you were told to leave. The envoys have important matters to discuss with us.”

“I would hope,” Marushka replied. “That the Yaga do not forget who their comrades are. Gershel, with me.” With that, the Krysa left, and would speak not another word. The Yaga sitting on the throne motioned Lissa over.

“Sorry about that, traveler.” He gruffly replied. “Ever since that assassination attempt on one of their leaders or something, the Krysa have been cracking down on ‘suspicious individuals’. Apparently it was someone in a merchant caravan or something that is the culprit.”

@crimson Paladin@Crusader Lord

As the mothraki approached, the impish vulpine turned her head towards the moth girl, sniffing the air and giving a happy yip as it bolted over, immediately snatching up the dried meat like the poor thing was starving and immediately made to devour it, all while. If there was ever any doubt about Nylah’s affiliations, the fox made the decision for Novak it seemed.

Heading back to Jolca’s hut wasn’t too difficult, though Novak would get a few odd looks from some passing Krysa and Yaga both, though after the scuffle earlier most Krysa were playing it on the safe side it seemed. Ayumi ran inside ahead of the two, cozying up next to the fire pit that was still going. Jolca wasn’t back yet, so for now the two were likely safe enough to discuss things.

“Back already, eh lass?” Eirhild asked as the fox ran over to where she was still sitting by the fire. “Oi, what is this little vermin doin’ here? And who’s the new friend?”

@Cu Chulainn

“P-pull it towards you!?” Raelzeth shouted, barely getting to her feet as she’d scramble away from Gideon and the rocky beast.

Its carapace was smooth, a natural set of armor formed from the deposits that had grown upon its body. Indeed, calling it a suit of natural plate armor was perhaps apt. The six legs had interlocking joints to allow movement while still having almost full protection. Its tail was similar, smooth and possessed several segments to allow for a more flowing movement.

The only weaknesses in this armor appeared to be two visible eyes on either side of its head, along with the gaps in the aforementioned armor. Its teeth circular maw though, didn’t seem particularly fleshy as far as his eyes themselves could tell…but this thing was organic. It was less rock and stone, and more of a beast that lived for so long that iron ore had formed naturally on its body.

Not knowing what else to do, Raelzeth quickly looked between Gideon and the beast, standing up and with a few warm up notes, and with a shaky voice, she began to sing.

The beast, that was already charging for him, lurched forwards rather jerkily and quickly towards Gideon, its maw large enough to swallow the Raam whole. Whatever he was going to do, he wasn’t going to have much time to do so.


"Pfff, ahaha!" She couldn't help but to laugh at the expected reaction from Fanilly. She had been a bit concerned when the young knight captain gave no real reaction to being force fed the pastry, but that was what the little extra in the treat was for. "I'd apologize but that'd be a lie, captain." She'd flash the captain an innocent grin as she'd pull a second from her coat. "They're a neat little treat that has a sweet outside but a spicy cream in the center. Great for pranking people, eheheh." The archer playfully stuck her tongue out at Fanilly, taking a few steps back just in case retaliation was about to be had.

"I got more if you want 'em! I brought em to share." Cecil held out a few more towards Fanilly.

If nothing else, it seemed like she at least succeeded in taking the girls mind off things for the moment.
Southern Giants Rest -> Airedale
Bandit camp, early morning.

“That’s right, tin can, back off.” The fomorian cackled. “I’m more valuable alive and uninjured so just go back to being a weakling.” Might be a good idea to gag the fomorian or the trip back is gonna be absolutely grating on the nerves of everyone involved.

For the most part, however, the rest of the cleanup went smoothly. Annagan’s body would need to be disposed of, and before they left they would need to take care of this wasteland area before it grew worse - ravaging the plants and animals until it was nothing more than a field of desolation where nothing could leave.

But the queen would probably take care of that before they left.

Heading back to the fort would be uneventful, save for the chatty fomorian that seemed intent on trying to kill everyone with being as annoying as possible. Back at the fort, Sorcha would not linger long. Giving everyone just the rest of the evening to rest up and brief her on the situation. A small contingent of bandits had attacked the fort while they were gone, but the men Luna left behind saw to it they were dealt with quickly and swiftly.

As soon as the Queen saw the Fomorian they brought back though, it was a miracle that she didn’t simply kill it on sight, immediately ordering Fio to lock it up in the cells…and to completely bind its body, blindfold it, put it in a jacket so that it couldn’t move in any capacity and gag it, effectively making sure that she could do nothing but barely even breathe. After the debriefing, she would retreat to her room, seemingly somewhat perturbed or lost in thought, and accepted no visitors. Not from Fio or anyone else, passing even on drink and food.

Leo made a small mention of her being in a bit of a bad mood all day, on top of the cloudy and rainy looking weather. When Luna showed him the Emblem, he simply fell quiet, briefly frowning but quickly shook his head, saying he didn’t know too much about it, except it was just old and he only vaguely recalled it from stories father had been telling him recently about some tribe of warriors in the past that committed great atrocities.

Thankfully, the weather turned for the better in the morning when they set off back towards Airedale. The queen, seemed in much a better mood as well, though she elected to completely ignore the prisoner who Fio had been ordered to look after during the return trip. Along with Sucaria who insisted she come with Luna this time, ended up adding two to the return party.

The return trip to Airedale was otherwise uneventful, Sorcha remaining a mix of her aloof queenly persona when traveling through towns, while being much more lax out in the countryside away from people, and after a few days travel they would find themselves back in the village, ready for a proper debriefing, and just in time for Reinhardt’s and Ethelred’s party to return.

Harzel Border Fort -> Airedale
@Crimson Paladin@Guy0fV4lor

Steblas’ blessing of water and fortification mixing with the icy curse that ran rampant in Ethelred’s body. Perhaps, it worked so well because they were both fey in origin, perhaps not. It was not something either currently questioned as Ethelred lunged forwards as he’d watch, Reinhardt finally achieving his goal of ripping the beasts wing completely off.

Lance met burning scales.

The weapon plunged deep into the orange colored emblem on the creatures chest. The creature ceased movements near instantly, its entire body freezing, choking, strangled hisses coming from the dragons maw as its fires speed from its body less and less, until finally they began to dissipate entirely.

“Foolish…traitors…aaaah….my kiiing…my kiiiing….” It croaked out, as its body started jerking, its frozen body soon collapsing to the ground next to Ethelred as crystals of ice began growing from the dragons exhaust vents, the orange crest slowly dimming, losing its light. “I’ve failed theeee…twiiiice…aaaah…but the next…Herald….shall return…upon mine death…aaah, traitors…you will meet your fate….”

And silence followed.

A cheer rang out around the Harzel knights.

The beast had been slain, and spoils had been gained.

Of course, Harzel wasn’t about to let the corpse of a Wyvern go to waste, nor let someone else have it so easily, especially when such scales could be refined into high quality weapons and armor. Lonan would give them a letter to send with them, urging Queen Sorcha to send an envoy to discuss how they would handle this and to thank her personally for her knights assistance in the matter. He said nothing about Elnith, and as far as he was concerned, she simply fled during the dragon attack.

Unfortunately their elvish helper was nowhere to be found, as Ethelred made his rounds to seek out him and deliver condolences towards the fallen Harzel Knights. Apparently, the one he had interacted with earlier had a kid back home and a wife that had been killed in a fomorian attack some years ago.

Otherwise though, after Lonan let the group rest for the rest of the day they would set off back towards Airedale at first light the following morning. A rather uneventful trip, with Elnith being her usual friendly self now that she had some proper rest and food, chatting happily with Ethelred and Reinhardt both…who Lonan, had at least, thankfully given a set of armor to compensate for his complete lack of it.

Elnith had to resist laughing at Reinhardt upon seeing him.

A brief stop in redwater for the night would find Ethelred visiting the ruins of his old home during the night…but to seemingly no avail. No ghosts, nor fey, nor fomorians seemed present at his family now ruined estate, little more than a few rooms left to rot here on the ground, barely kept upright by ancient stones.

Yet, even so nothing happened…he could not shake the feeling the entire time that he was being watched by something but whatever it was would not show itself no matter how long he waited or if he called out.

Soon, though, the party would set out again. The only odd thing of note, was that one night Elnith had apparently fallen asleep sitting next to Ethelred, her head resting on his shoulder but for the most part, nothing else of note happened…

Location: Airedale
@Crimson Paladin@Guy0fV4lor@Pyromania99@FrogRFlowR@VitaVitaAR

“The Queen’s back!” As Sorcha’s, Luna’s, and Fio’s group passed through the gates of Airedale, they were greeted by a small crowd of onlookers. Children, women, Men had come to greet them excitedly, eager to have the queen return from her trip. As they’d traverse the path back towards the Castle, Sorcha remained her aloof public self as she’d merely wave coolly towards the onlookers and offering friendly smiles towards everyone in a practiced manner.

Some women would end up crowding around Luna, but a quick greeting from Sucaria and her rather…unique features would send them squealing and running away while the Maid nodded in seeming satisfaction at her attempts to protect lady Luna from the riffraff. Niall drew some attention, too, being a new face here and an unknown to the residents who had only heard tales of some bandit and fomorian slaying hero who took the form of an owl. Fio was welcome warmly too while the prisoner still chained behind her was greeted with understandable wariness.

As soon as they reached the keep, they were greeted by the familiar face of Vyrell and Lugh, who was more than happy to greet Sorcha with a hug and run over, bounce in front of Luna until she gave him a headpat, and then back to Sorcha to inform them that Reinhardt’s group had made it and arrived just a bit before they had.

“Good. Everyone, we can rest after we catch up with the others.” Sorcha said with a nod, motioning everyone to join her in the strategy room. “Vyrell, take that…thing to the cells. I want it locked in the deepest pit we have.”

“...understood. I shall join you in the meeting room momentarily.” So he’d drag the still gagged and blindfolded fomorian off to the dungeons as Sorcha made the others follow her into the meeting room where the others would already be waiting.

“Reinhardt, Ethelred, Elnith! Good to see you all made it back in one piece…” Her eyes briefly scanned the room for Od as she’d walk towards the front of the table. “...it seems many things happened. Elnith, how are you holding up?”

“Well enough, your Majesty…I am eager to get some proper rest and healing.” Much of Elnith’s body was still severely burned.

“Mhm, good. I am sorry, I should have sent Ethelred or Reinhardt with you to start with.”

“Nonsense your majesty, there was no way you could have known…”

“...Ethelred, Reinhardt. Tell me what happened. And why is one of my knights no longer with us? Fio, Luna, as well, feel free to fill in the others once they are done on what transpired with the bandits.”
12.000 hours
@VitaVitaAR@Click This@AzureKnight@Pyromania99@Sniblet

The greater beast was not longed to remain.

Astreya was the first to make use of the opening as it flopped onto the ground, its massive weight falling onto the earth. The hook of her hammer cut into the beasts hide, a deep puncture wound, molten blood spilling from the wound. It shrieked once more, attempting to roll over to crush the Krysa girl, but as it moved the hammer would only rip a deep gash into its tarry, tough flesh causing more blood to spill and quickly cool onto the ground.

Senya, would level her weapon near the creatures frontside. Though it lacked any visible facial features or any sort of ‘head’ beyond the gaping hole between its shoulders that was now seemingly full of much cooler molten stone now…well, if it bleeds, you can kill it as they say, and this thing was most certainly bled.

Lightning crackled as she channeled the magical ability latent in most maid weaponry, the bullets ripping into its inside, making more and more holes in its interior and causing more and more liquid fire to leak from its body. A final act of defiance would see it raise its arm, feebly slam its arm right into Senya’s body, shoving her backwards from its strength, but it’d do nothing more than singe her dress and leave her a bit bruised.

As soon as its arm hit the ground again, it was over.

The creature's body began to deflate as the last of the lava left its interior, its body collapsing in on itself as its body began to just turn into a massive pile of sludge and sickly smelling goo.

A small victory, but…just how many more of these things were here, was the question?

As the Krysa and Dark elf would wrap up their fight, they’d notice their three compatriots still locked in combat with the High Demon who was manically cackling.

“Seal? No no, I’m going to kill all but one of you. Dismember, feast, eat, rip and tear! I’ll drag the other back to use as my personal plaything, ehehe! That’s the only thing you mortals are good for as our entertainment you weaklings!”

The demon for now, ignored Katherine’s dolls, the demon moving far to fast to even think about hitting with a simple melee attack. The fire of rifles once more, didn’t seem to bother it, ducking and weaving, using its tendrils to pull itself in a completely random seeming direction in order to avoid getting shot, but it would still end up right in front of Polina.

“Tsk, one of you bugs managed to sting me.” She’d hiss as she’d land in front of Polina’s hastily constructed wall. Some of Lucrecia’s throwing daggers had managed to impale the demon, but she merely casually pulled them from her body, none too bothered by the injuries. “Oh well, I’ll just have to return the favor!”

The tendrils grew and writhed, growing in size as they started taking the form of individual mouths…


It was then, the little demon became quite aware of the tank hurtling towards them. Right on top of both her and Polina.

“What the fu-” A foul word barely cut off as the tanks barrage of parachutes seemed to do little to stop its quick descent. The demon immediately changed course, changing its attention from Polina towards the tank bearing down on them, giving her enough time to clear the landing zone. The demon's tendrils latched onto the bottom of the tank as it neared, the small demon roaring with fury as the tank’s incredible weight bore down on her.

For a few seconds, the demon looked as though she was going to be crushed, not even the strength of all of her extra tendrils able to stop the crushing weight of the tank. While the tank and demon were in a stalemate, though, the gleeful laughter of a certain former Krysan military officer could be heard from within just as the hatch to the tank's driver seat opened, and out came Leoniya climbing out and observing the area.

"Ahhahah! How do you like that warm Krysan Greeting demon!" Upon not seeing the demon in question, her ears fell a bit flat, seemingly disappointed. "...zhdat, where is the demon?"


“Hmm…” Cecil didn’t immediately respond, merely instead looking up towards the statues of the Goddesses herself. Honestly, she was second guessing herself already. What had she even come here for? Sure, Fanilly looked like she could use some help, but could she even do that? Best she could do was be a dumbass and offer some levity. Guh, overthinking things again. Right. Do what she does best then.

Be an absolute scoundrel.

She could already feel Shael getting ready to violently remove her from the shrine.

“Oooh, finished?” She’d grin, cozying up to Fanilly, her focus turning back towards the captain. “Good, then I can do this.” Cecil’s hands moved quickly, pulling something from her cloak. Fanilly would find something soft and sweet being shoved right into her mouth. A simple, sweet pastry about the size of ones palm.

“Here. Just a little something I picked up on the way here. Thought you’d like it.” Of course, unbeknownst to Fanilly or Shael for that matter, this was something of a prank. The outside was definitely sweet, but the inside? It had a spicy filling in it. She was probably gonna get yelled at later, but oh well.
Location: Alavaris
@Psyker Landshark@Asuras@Erode@VitaVitaAR@Click This@Pyromania99

The clang of steel as the paladins helmet rang out against Dragan’s fist, the armored undead taking a few steps backwards but not entirely dazed. His own blade would be brought to parry the hammer, the holy light radiating from the tarnished silver. A stalemate of strength.

Still…if he were still among the living, he might have no problem handling two undead assailints. As it stood, however…Illena lunged forward, a spear made of living insects and flesh lunged towards the knight. She could feel her magic weakening, though from exhaustion and usage more than anything. Perhaps wrapping this battle up soon should be a priority.

Locked in combat, the undead could do nothing to defend. A spear of living flesh struck forth, piercing the old armor and staking the undead right through its chest. A horrible scream as it wailed, almost sounding as though it was making words with its old, now useless jaw. For a moment it looked as though Giselle’s scythe would indeed, take its head…

But then, truly, it was not a one versus three fight, was it?

The giant skeletal creatures blade struck the sides of nearby buildings, nearly cleaving them off entirely just in time for Giselle to aim for the paladins neck. Instead, it would meet ancient bone as the skeletal creature slammed its arm onto the ground by the paladin, the weapon cutting into its flesh but not thick enough to cut it in its entirely as it deflected the blow from Giselle. It immediately followed by making a grab for Dragan, but the skeletal creatures fingers never reached their target.

A spear of ice, a shriek as the icy weapon impaled itself right through the skeletal giants head, burying itself in its lifeless eyesockets. Immediately it turned its attention to Aleksiya, violently hissing and lashing out, slamming its blade wantonly about, angrily smashing everything in the vicinity and carving up the ground next to Dragan and Illena, throwing up chunks of rocks and dirt and putting a pit in the ground between the two undead soldiers.

This, gave the Paladin enough leverage to wrench itself free from Illena’s spear, the weapon of flesh having the advantages and disadvantage of such a fleshy weapon as the Paladin would abruptly turn to face the shadow witch, the weapon still impaled in its flesh, lunging forward, attempting to impale her as she had impaled it.

This, left Akyasha to deal with the undead horde left on her own. By now though, they had thankfully thinned out, most having fallen under the large skeletal creatures own frenzied strikes or being mostly taken care of by Dragan’s horde. This left just the multi-legged abomination in front of her.

The gorebats would nod, though they did not seem too terribly happy about being told to support someone as they’d flit off to aid the others. One, would flit over to Dragan while a second made their way towards Illena, as it stood, they were likely free to use the gorebats as they deemed necessary.

The spider creature hissed, seeing Akyasha’s attack. Faster than she would be, it jumped to the side before quickly making an attempt to charge and run over the cleric with its many legs and larger size.


Ah, back to civilization. On one hand, she loved being out in the forests. On the other hand, the forests sorely lacked modern amenities and she absolutely loved just being around the hustle and bustle of the city most times. Especially after a battle like that! She was no battle hungry warrior, in fact, she’d say she was more of a coward than anything that avoided fighting directly if she could help it, but having a drink with the lads and lasses of her former company was always something to look forward too.

That said…others might not have noticed the Knight Captain, splitting off from the others, but it was hard to put things past her eyes, and Fanilly? Looked like someone had just kicked her down the stairs.


If you make her cry I’ll make you cry.

“Jeez, Shael, you act like I’m a little miscreant who goes around just breaking hearts for no good reason! I’d never have such intentions on a pure lady like Captain Fanilly.” A sudden gust of wind caused Cecil to lose balance, tripping and falling onto the ground while Shael rambled about a number of things she wasn’t listening hard enough too.

Hmm, something to lift the girls spirits a bit…

“Well, don’t overthink it Cecil. Overthinking things is what gets you into trouble…” She’d let the girl say her obvious prayer. No doubt she was feeling uncertain about a lot of things. She could honestly sympathize with such a feeling well. After all…she still couldn’t be certain about anything.


Cecil inhaled, shaking her head and proceeded to walk up to the captain, and poke her right in the forehead while she knelt in prayer.

“Hiya, Captain Fanilly. Where are you going here all by yourself, eh?” She’d ask, giving the girl a bright smile. “Mind if I join ya for a bit or you gonna run me off like Shael does if I flirt too much with someone?”

“...I have no intention of sticking around with one who can not listen.” The woman simply replied, though she seemed less hostile and more just slightly wistful, a small, sad smile forming on her lips. “Nor as one as quite so…destined as you. I refuse to give her entertainment unless absolutely necessary. Go on, neither of us has all day and I dislike the cold.” The moment Vammy even blinked her took her eyes off this woman, she’d vanish, completely disappearing in a mere few seconds.

Yuisa said nothing, choosing silence over interacting with Vammy.

“No idea. She definitely is divine related, though.” The demon responded after a few quiet moments. “And I’ll stop calling you a dumbass when you stop being a dumbass, dumbass. Stop complaining and focus on where we are already.”

Out in front of her, stepping through the doorway that had opened into the obelisk Vammy would find herself standing in front of a massive, gargantuan, hole in the ground. In the hole, was a giant, massive, stone golem of some sort overgrown with plants as a mass of thorns, vines and what seemed to be a small tree was growing from it. Behind this pit, she could make out what was some buildings made of the same smooth black stone as the obelisk was.

The demon was for the most part silent and Yuisa was, as expected, quiet.



Needless to say, the old woman was not expecting to just be lifted into Atzi’s arms.

“Hmm, I haven’t been carried like this since mum dearest tossed me into the ocean.” She did not, however, seem to fight being picked up and pulled into this princess' carry off into the forest. More amused than anything. “No name. People just call me Hag, or the Old Woman of Mania…used to, anyways. Tsk tsk, where are all the old little ones at? No matter. What matters is that I’m no longer that.”

She was surprisingly light, much lighter than Atzi might have figured even for an older woman.

“Nor does it matter to you.”

Running into the forest was well, not the brightest idea perhaps. As Atzi carried herself and the old woman through the thicker parts of the Deep Forest she’d pass by a few deer, a handful of other creatures skittering off through the underbrush. Thankfully most predators didn’t seem interested, most content to just leave Atzi alone.

Most normal predators, anyways.

As she’d find herself moving through a particular grove, she’d find herself running right past two Grove Bears…who didn’t seem pleased with having their territory invaded upon and immediately moved to pursue Atzi.

@Click This@Crusader Lord

“Well, I dunno about you two.” Eirhild finally spoke up after the two had finished speaking and Jivka had headed out. “But I’m gonna sit my arse righ’ here and warm myself by the fire.” The dwarf chuckled, grabbing a nearby chair and dropping her gear next to the fire pit. “I’ll be here if ya’ll need me. I don’t fancy gettin’ on these rat folk or dogs bad side for now so I’ll just keep my head down.”

The two would be free to converse for as long as they’d want too. Didn’t seem like anyone was going to bother them as long as they remained in the sisters house. Whenever they did decide to leave, though, snow had started to fall and the sky had become overcast, though it wasn’t completely coming down yet.

As the two would leave, they’d find the curious sight of a small group of Krysa leaving what seemed to be a traveler of some sort…and Nylah, at least, would be able to instantly recognize a small black fox that was with the traveler. Ayumi. A black furred fox that accompanied Mie wherever she went, often getting up to no good herself.

Jolca was only slightly harder to find. After asking around and being directed towards the village center where a large, wooden house was, she’d hear the bubbly voice of the Yaga from within, accompanied by the unfamiliar voice of a Krysan woman, what she’d realize was General Gershel, and an unfamiliar voice of a Krysan Male. The house itself was painted in reds and blues, seemingly some symbolism of the same deity the Yaga worshipped.

“Oh? We have a delegation from the Underworld here, eh?” A loud, boisterous voice laughed from within the house. “Must be serious if they’re taking an interest here. Maybe you rats should just run along already before you get us all in trouble.”

“You brute! You dare speak to lady Marushka like-”

“That’s enough, Gershel.” The woman, apparently named Marushka, would silence the voice of the rat general. “If I may ask, Dženan since you have yet to give me a straight answer…why have you pulled your men back?”

“Because, death is bad, yes? We seek not to war or fight. We heard of your plight initially but we are now questioning our own involvement here.”

“She did not ask you, whelp!”

“Gershel, I must insist you hold your tongue before I cut it off.” The womans voice was firm. “The young yaga speaks with authority in this matter, lest you forget. I apologize for this subordinates' words.”

“...hmph. If that will be all, Miss Marushka, we’re done here.”

And this would be the tail end of the conversation that Lissa would find herself coming to once she went looking for Jolca.

@crimson Paladin

“Excellent!” Marushka excitedly replied. She’d then, proceed to grab Novak right by the arm, hooking hers around his. “Then we shall travel together!” The ratmen, were now, seemingly glaring at Novak for an entirely different reason as Marushka started pulling and leading Novak away. Just in the treeline, Novak could see Ayumi stalking through the underbrush, the fox making sure he saw her before disappearing off into the distance, no doubt going to follow silently and out of sight just in case something happened.

Thankfully, the gray skies would hold for a time. A gentle snow started falling as the group of five traveled across the snowy plains without much more incident, and after a few moments, the group would finally arrive at the outskirts of a Yaga village. A few smaller kids were playing out in the snow, while a small squad of Krysa were patrolling around and in the distance he could see a camp full of Krysa troops - it seemed as though this was being used as a staging ground for their endeavors.

“Here we are!” Marushka would finally, now release Novak as they’d step into the villages streets. “Lovely, quaint place. Not as lovely as the palace back home, of course, but the Yaga have a certain charm to their buildings…now if you’ll pardon me, comrade, I must be back to General Gershel. Stay warm, stay safe, traveler...and if you see anyone suspicious, do tell. The Tsarita looks out for her own.”

She’d turn to leave, supposing there was nothing Novak wanted to speak with her about just as it began snowing.

A small yip from behind and something rubbing against his leg indicated at least, Ayumi was certainly alright and had rejoined him once they’d leave, too.

@Cu Chulainn

“What’s the matter old man?” She’d speak, sounding just a bit hoarse. “You look like-” Even before she had a moment to finish her words, the rock under her trembled lightly, shifting ever so slightly and causing the earth under her to tremble lightly. Immediately, the elf bolted up from her seat, tripping over her feet while she’d scramble over to where Gideon was.

The rock she was sitting on, began to move. Not upwards, or pulling itself up from the ground, rather it began carving a path through the earth itself. Slowly at first, as though whatever it was, was waking up from a nap as the earth trembled from the sheer amount of it being moved. Like a shark circling in water, the creature circled the area once, before finally -

The earth shook, and it would split itself from the ground, climbing out of the earth and soil and landing on the ground in front of Gideon with a heavy thud.

It looked like some sort of six armed fish made of rock.

It laid on the ground, held up only by six arms. A rocky, rigid maw that was more of a hole filled with numerous sharp teeth meant for grinding, and a flat tail extending some distance behind it. And on its back? A veritable treasure trove of metal. Ores, mostly iron from the looks of it, had completely covered the things back, smoothed mostly to a polish from its underground lifestyle with only a singular one jutting upwards like a horn on top of its head.

The interior of its mouth made a noise of grinding stone and rock, before it lunged forwards towards Gideon.

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