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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Ben stood low to the ground, keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. Why was he going towards the gunshot and bone chilling howl? He surely wan't expecting anything good to come from this, but he had a feeling he heard that shriek before, and he needed to find answers. Ben found the firefight. A group of men were circling around another man hiding behind cover. One was fallen, and they all wore the same outfit his looters wore. He knew that whatever the guy did, he didn't think he deserved getting shot at by a bunch of looters and murderers. He looked around at his options. He didn't have a gun... But he apparently had the ability to make sprinklers blow out and some harpoon training. he hid behind a run down car, and saw a fire hydrant near a group of looters. He felt the knot in his guy again, sensing the water inside the metal... Ben took a deep breath, held out his hand, and controlled with all his might. The fire hydrant shook violently, And after one last exhausted push....! A small leak squirted out of the side of it.

Well... Time for plan B. Ben spotted the farthest one away from everyone, took out his old harpoon, and threw it as hard as he could. It was surprisingly accurate and sliced through the air like butter, and it hit the man square in the back. A loud yell came from the man as Ben ran over towards his body, grabbing the harpoon before diving behind another car from the gun fire. Great. he had their attention. Although his fire hydrant stunt wasn't impressive he still felt the knot in his stomach... maybe he needed time for the power to recharge? he was still new to this whole "water and harpoon" thing, or at least he thought he was. But he did know that guns hurt, and could kill very quickly. Hopefully this stranger takes advantage of this time.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 10 days ago

Quetzalcoatl, The Lion's Den Freya's Apartment, Seattle

Sometime after Freya's drifting off into slumberland, Quetzal began to stir in the living room. It wasn't long before the man awoke, his eyes opening slowly as he felt the warmth of the fire on his face. He lay there for a while, taking in his surroundings with some confusion as he found himself in yet another unfamiliar place with no idea how he arrived. He was beginning to think the previous sequence of events were but a dream.

Then he tried to move.

A sharp cry of agony tore through the house, followed soon by a string of words in a language that he had no idea how he knew it, but felt so natural to roll of his tongue, even if the words had spoke made him feel ashamed of himself for some reason. He was able to slowly rise to his feet, though he couldn't stop the hiss of pain from escaping his lips as he held his sides, feeling his bruised ribs and letting out another, quieter string of curses.

I know I'm lucky to get away with just done bruising, but fuck if it doesn't hurt like hell. Once he felt like he'd regained enough strength, he began to walk around the apartment, curious to find a clue as to how he arrived here. Eventually, he'd come to the bedroom, which he felt bad for intruding but felt it was necessary to ascertain his current predicament. But still, he didn't want to be rude, so he painfully lifted his hand to ring out three solid knocks on the door.

"Hello, anybody in there? If so, please speak up. After knocking, he'd wait to hear a response for a small amount of time, Quetzal would walk right in, going he wasn't about to regret this decision.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 1 day ago

The snapping of twigs that littered the ground below her feet and the heavy foot falls of multiple steps pushed her further, fighting any pain she might have felt since she didn't know what the people behind her were like or what they could want from her. She decided to take the risk, glancing back for a split moment to see how far behind her pursuers were or even how many there might be so she was prepared for whatever fight might lay ahead. This sadly presented a problem since she had stopped paying attention to that before her and as her legs continued to move, she ended up rushing into another person at full speed which caused them both to tumble to the orchard floor behind some overgrown brush. Lily was about to push off the stranger quickly, fearing that she had run into one of the very people she was trying to escape but the others hands were faster. A strong hand now covering her mouth, preventing any noise from her to be heard which cause her to panic and her hand flew to her hip as she thought of the sword there. It wasn't much but it was all she had for a defense and could be enough to ward another off but that plan flew out the window the second she felt the cold of steel at her throat. She leaned her head back a bit more, trying to avoid the blade as she clamped her eyes shut as she was now captured and at the mercy of the other beneath her. One hand by the sword and the other pinned in such a way the it would be difficult to move in any way without being cut. She listened carefully, the rustling getting closer and stopping only for a moment before continuing onward and still the stranger did nothing but hold her at blade point which meant this person had nothing to do with the people after her or they didn't want to notify the others for a different reason which at this point wasn't looking to good either.

Lily suddenly feel the point of the blade leave her neck, making her want to shoot up and way from the other but she wasn't left much of a chance as the person switched their positions causing her bright blue eyes to snap open once more from fright and being startled by the sudden action. She didn't know what she had expected the stranger to be like or look like but this had not been it. She took a moment to stare at the man above her, carefully taking in his look as he did her and feeling just as curious. He had her trapped, yet he did not harm her and it seemed that he had only done what he had earlier to keep her silent enough so they would both not be spotted but then why was he doing what he was doing now. There were too many questions and not enough answers...maybe this was something she had to get used too.

They seemed enchanted for a moment and while the spell lasted she noticed and saw much about her savoir and or capture, not sure of which to call him yet. The body laying on top of her own was thin but was not to be fooled for the lean muscle was clearly present. The man's face spoke of slyness even a hint of mischief but looks were deceiving in her opinion. She needed to look at his eyes, wanting to see what she would find there in the depths that would speak volumes of his soul. It was as if she had done this more than once, to many people...wanting to know what it was inside them for looks mattered not. What she found was that unique deep red that showed curiosity at the moment but the mischief was there still and even the the danger that was just beyond the surface. He would not be one to be trifled with and if his whole demeanor wasn't a clue than his eyes spoke in volumes. He was dangerous, intimidating and a warning to all but to her she felt no fear or any need to heed the warning.

You have walked along with Death and Darkness many a time before why should you fear it...

That was the thought that rang in her head before a chuckle pulled her from her mind, causing her to blink a bit as whatever had been before broke and he stood. She was free once more, her body adjusting to the lack of the others warmth as the man before her offered out his hand. She reached her hand out to his, hovering for a second over his own before gently placing her hand upon his and carefully using him to help her stand back onto her own to feet. A grin was painted on the strangers face as his head tilted in the direction the bandits had been before their little mishap and she frown a bit at the thought of the bandits.

"Definitely not. It seems fate likes to play a hand in everything and today the outcome has been well at least where this matter is concerned." she answered softly before continuing to speak,"It is a pleasure to meet you, Jayden."

"My name is..."


She stopped mid sentence, her brow furrowing a bit at the name that popped into her head that moment. Why did that name feel so completely right? It was like it was a piece of her very being where as Lily had sounded lovely but not right in the slightest. What was the reasoning for this? Why did she have two names? Which was real and which wasn't? Were they both right? It was all too confusing...

"My name is Lily. Thank you for helping me even though I basically slammed you to the ground."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hal pressed his back against the headstone, a few more bullets ricocheting around him. He didn't know what the deal with the crazy surge of energy was, but he wasn't willing to put any kind of uncertainty against a very real, very physical bullet. Someone yelled, then a few shots clattered into what sounded like metal. Hal risked a peek around the stone, to be rewarded with another hail of shots and one... well, somewhat valuable piece of information. Someone else was here fighting his opponents too, though it looked like they were roughly in the same weapon situation he was. Eventually--probably sooner, rather than later--they were going to get tired of wasting likely scarce bullets and come for him.

But what about...

He looked down at his scarf, then smiled slightly and flicked it back around his neck again as the sounds of fire started to die down, the world fading once more into a transparent, dreamy state... And his own presence vanishing from the eyes of any watching. Hal leaped up, sprinting out from behind the tombstone and toward the first of the four advancing toward him, his bident seeming to move of its own accord. One swat knocked the gun out of his hand, the following jab to his leg causing him to drop to the ground in pain.

Not... Not death though.

Which was more than Hal could say for the other's victim. A second shriek shook the cemetery, another surge of black energy blasting out of his body and smashing into Hal, his staminia leaping again.

There was only one problem.

They had a pretty damn good idea of where he was.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Wepwawet- Seattle, WA

A bright light pierced the sky while Kasim had been navigating himself over some rubble. Even from a far it was enough to temporarily blind him when he first saw it. A few seconds later it died down, leaving only Kasim's memory of the direction it appeared from to guide him, his curiosity peaked to whom had sent out such a beacon. By the time he reached the destination however he was met with only disappointment for whoever had sent it was gone. All he could find was perhaps the direction the person had come from. He followed the light tracks back to where what seemed like a fight had happened. Once more though there were no bodies or people to be found. Kasim began to feel as if he was the last man alive with how deserted everything was. Giving up on trying to find the person who had sent out the beacon he went about savaging supplies, entering a building that seemed mostly intact.

While working his way through the rooms he heard noise from above, a muffled sound that sounded like someone speaking with some pounding on perhaps was a door. He cautiously kept moving making his way up unsure what to find in the building.

Lyssa/Mania- Chicago, IL

Scorn hummed to herself as she dabbed her finger in a puddle of blood she had kept from one of her recent playmates. With a world gone to hell, everything simply now could be her canvas. She had picked the side of a building a bit distance away from where she had awoken and began working on her art. To most it probably just seemed to be sporadic blood splatter but art was in the eye of the beholder was it not? She snickered to herself, continuing her fun only to be brought out of her focus with hearing a meow. She spun around to see a cat a short distance away.

"Here kitty, kitty," she called getting up and slowly walking over. Just when the cat was in arm's length however, it sped off down the street and made a turn.

"Aw come back," she cried out giving chase, all thought on her artwork gone, now her focus on catching up on the cat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED08734


Banned Seen 9 mos ago

Thor approached her, bearing a gift. He presented the most beautiful unique kittens she had ever seen. He stated that he had found them while he was fishing for a sea dragon and could only think of one woman who could provide a home for them. Delighted, she reached out to take them and gasped in realization that the two cats were blue. Kindly, Freya was enchanted with Thor's present and did the kittens honor by letting them accompany her on her daily rounds across the sky...

Sophia awoke suddenly, and was distraught to find that she was still suffering from a fuzzy haze. She rose from the bed, rubbing her temples, trying to ease the pounding headache. Opening her eyes, she caught sight of a mirror on her bedside table where a small amount of white powder remained. A razor blade and a rolled up one hundred dollar bill lay next to the mirror. Perhaps a pick me up would relieve the veil which cloaked her mind. She moved towards the mirror to fix herself a line, then indulged the upper quickly through her nose. She leaned her head back as the drug lessened her haze...but did not make it go away. Meow... Sophia turned at the soft sound, surprised to find two cats that stared intensely back at her. She fell to her knees and began the typical cat lover ritual. "Hi pretty kitties! She cooed and lovingly caressed the two cats. "Oh mommy loves you so much! Yes I do. She spent over five minutes showing the cats affection and was happy to see the two respond likewise.

A knock at the door startled her followed by a man's voice. It must have belonged to the gentleman she had rescued earlier. She rose from her cats, who were looking wearily towards the bedroom door. She checked her beautiful self in the mirror, straightened her dress, re-positioned her bodacious breasts, then smoothed her long blonde hair before advancing to open the door. She stood in the door, looking like the seductive goddess that she was and smiled lightly at the man. Hello. She extended her hand in the common American gesture and offered to shake upon greeting. "My name is Sophia. How are you feeling?" The ruby necklace pulsed against her neckline at the sight of a man. He appeared to be unharmed as her playful blue eyes gazed up at him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago


His clothes were splattered with blood from the recent accident. He had just awoken an hour ago and he already felt tired and hollow. What kind of world was this? The world has gone to shit, and yet instead of uniting, most of these humans were too busy killing and tricking each other for their own personal gain. Reminds you of something, doesn't it? He asked himself. He wanted to see if he could find that woman's daughter. To try and do anything to help her, but there were a lot of things stopping him from doing that. He had no idea where she would even be, he heard distant gunfire, and he was afraid he might find the worst case scenario if he did.

He walked on to yet another deserted street when he heard a noise deep within an alleyway. He didn't need another person trying to sneak up and trick him. He lowered his stance a bit, and went to the corner of a building, staying as quiet as possible. He put his hand on his sword, bloodstained but still sharp. He didn't know what would be coming out of that alleyway, but he needed to be on high alert... Seconds of silence lasted for what seemed like years, and Eli finally lowered his sword. It might have been the--

"Shit!" Eli gasped, falling down from sheer surprise as something leaped out of the alleyway. His golden eyes stared in horror at the sight of the mighty...! Cat? It was just a regular looking house cat. Its fur dirty and matted from the years on its own, but other than that, it looked normal. It looked at him with what he could assume was amusement before looking back at in the alleyway and taking off again. Eli muttered a few things as he stood back up, and when looking down the road yet again, he froze. Another figure started walking down the destroyed street. Did he see Eli? Was he armed? Was he friendly or here to kill people? Or looking for his friends in the mechanic shop?

It was too late to hide... And as the man walked farther down the road, Eli grasped the hilt of his sword again, wishing he took a gun from the gang earlier.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Crazy Doctor

Crazy Doctor The Konami Kid

Member Seen 3 days ago

Xuan Wu-Seattle

Xavier ran down the road. His shadow stretched a long distance in front of him. His breath came in loud puffs as his feet pounded the black asphalt. His black eyes looked around the fronts of houses. Occasionally the flick of curtains would tell him that someone was inside but he paid them no heed. His sword would protect him. He had spent the rest of the night and the rest of the day huddled in a tree house in the back of a abandoned property before he eventually drifted off to sleep.

As he entered the main city he noticed shops starting to appear. Not one window remained whole. Slowing down to a walk he walked down the main roads, occasionally moving around burnout cars. The main street was strewn with rubbish. There were no cars and all was silent. Corpses littered the ground and bullet holes were everywhere. As he peaked through the broken windows he noticed it was mostly food, water and camping gear taken rather than expensive items like TV’s and games. Xavier grimaced in worry. This was bad, if people were only stealing survival supplies then things were really bad. The faint sound of footsteps broke through Xavier’ quiet thoughts. He turned to look. The safer option was to run instead of seeking out the noise. The footsteps sounded loud, like a large group and faintly he could hear the ragged breathing and jingling of gear of a large group of people. The sound was getting louder as well.

He ran back up the street, diving into an alleyway to wait. Moments later a group of around 25 people ran by. Some held guns, while others ran weapons of all sorts. Hammers, baseball bats, bows, and makeshift spears. A few were holding large packs between the two of them and a few with poles holding animals tied between them. Peaking around the corner of alley he noticed how they all looked around. Must be returning to a base, he thought.

As they moved on and the light got darker Xavier moved off. His main objective was to find out what was going on. He was fine with food and water, he had his sword to protect himself. For shelter he could hide out in the abandoned buildings. The only thing he wanted was answers as to what was going on.

As he started running again he decided to try and find a group. Hopefully they wouldn’t try and kill him. As he carried on running he passed out of the city centre, where shops surrounded him, and into residential areas, where apartment complexes surrounded him. Deciding he needed a vantage point he head over to one, stepping through the twisted gates and in through the broken front door. It looked fancy enough but the bullet holes still showed signs of attack even here. He started climbing the stairs two at a time. As he went got up to the fifth floor the stairs stopped, breaking apart to a few bits of concrete and steel bars. I'm high enough he decided before walking through the halls. As he walked he pushed each door, occasionally knocking on locked doors or entering open ones to look for signs of life. As he reached the end a window showed a view of a desolate outside, trash piled on the streets, leaves flew everywhere and most cars where burnout. He turned facing the last door, it was the furthest from the stairs so probably the safest should he stay there. he could rig a few traps to alert him if anyone was coming. Knocking gently to see if there were signs of life he waited, his ears to the door.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 6 days ago


So, I've been wandering this city for some time, carrying the bull calf for a certain portion of that after he got tired and went to sleep. I'm not entirely certain, but contextual clues and a niggling sensation in the back of my head have me thinking this is the city of... Chicago? I believe that might be the case, anyway. I'm not certain of how I know this, but then, I'm not sure why I abruptly woke up in the middle of a library post-apocalypse either. No memories or anything, at that; I'm not even sure how the name "Chicago" has come to me when little else has. Which is odd, of course, but...
An abrupt curse from nearby, apparently male, catches my attention. I quickly up my pace toward the nearest street corner, and... ah, another lone wanderer. It seems this one is armed too, unfortunately enough... yet, though I know it may not be the most logical decision, something tells me they won't kill me for my clothing. Maybe. I hope they won't, at least. Either way, I begin walking down the street towards them, bull calf in arms... ah, it is a man. And ah, that's a sword he's got a hold of. Now where does somebody get a sword in this day and age? I suppose I'll have to ask him once I get close enough, if he doesn't also want to rob me. I mean, I assume he'd hesitate about attacking a man with a defenseless young animal in his arms, right? I hope so... well, I'm about to find out, since I'm now fairly close to him. He's... scarred. Very heavily scarred. Covered in blood. And his clothes seem like they could be worn by a vagrant of some sort. Maybe I took a chance not worth taking... but his stance, his expression, and most notably his unnaturally golden eyes, all seem to speak of incredible suffering. As if he has taken upon himself a burden that is utterly unbearable by any other. I can't imagine what this burden might be, but nevertheless, I am convinced that he is a good man at heart.
"Well met, sir. And might I ask what brings you to this location, with your, ah... physical state of being?" I gesture to the blood on his person, keeping my expression mild for the time being.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phaesaris
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Phaesaris Collection of Curiosities

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yasmine's pace remained steady as she trekked through the dust and debris. Her legs, bare thanks to her frayed shorts, were coated in a fine layer of dirt and the occasional pebble would slip into her sandals. Despite this, Yasmine felt no need to rest as she easily balanced and leapt over and around chunks of concrete. The cat, ever at the lead, would glance back once or twice at the woman. It's eyes remained narrowed with an almost intelligent gleam in them, as if saying, “Are you still following?”

A sudden explosion of gunfire rang through the air, bringing both cat and girl to a halt. Yasmine's mouth went dry as her eyes scanned the surrounding area. She had been hoping to find some sort of sign of human life, but not like this. Not with a possible bullet through her skull. The gunfire had sounded like it came from off in the distant left. Far enough to prove no current threat, but close enough to be future trouble. The cat stared in the direction of the shots, it's ears flicking tensely and its tail hanging low. It stood so still that if a person were to pass by, they would assume it was a statue.

Then, without warning, the cat raced away...towards the gunfire.
Yasmine's eyes widened with alarm and confusion as her guide sped towards danger. Weren't they supposed to go away from the danger?! She muttered a swear before running after. It was a stupid idea, no doubt, but she felt a connection with the animal. She wanted--no, needed to protect it, even if it meant running towards a lead-filled death.
The sistrum rattled as Yasmine hurried after her runaway companion. The dust and rocks bothered her no more as her legs moved gracefully across the land.

Yasmine slowed as the cat vanished into some ruins. Her chest felt like it was on fire, and the ache in her legs from walking and running was starting to get to her. She walked through the ruins, her body rigid with caution. Debris hidden the shadows provided monster like forms in the dark, adding to the ruin's already creepy aura. The stench of copper mixed with what could only be a dead rat's stink, clouding the air.

Yasmine leaned against the wall, only to recoil in disgust as something sticky made contact with her skin. "The hell...?" she muttered, glancing at her arm. She froze as she saw a thick coat of red where she had made contact with the wall. All at once, the real details of her surroundings snapped into place. Blood on the walls. Death in the air. And the debris in the darkness...that wasn't debris. They were corpses. The woman's stomach clenched in revulsion. Oh gods...I need to get out before--

Before she could turn, a brown blur sped past her legs. The cat! It was alright! Yasmine's relief was short lived as a skeleton emerged, trailing behind the cat. Well, not a real skeleton at least. But with the skull face paint and the bloody hand, on could easily make the assumption. Yasmine stared at the woman and tightened the grip on her sistrum.

"Well...this is a surprise," Yasmine greeted, struggling to keep her voice steady. Her fists clenched, ready to fight if needed. "Who are you?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kronshi
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Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Judge walked through the streets as the sounds of more gunshots went off. As he arrived on the scene, he noticed that only three men remain and that the two pole-murderers were together now. All of a sudden, Judge felt himself become lost within his mind again. A voice too strong and bold for his figure coming from his lips.

"Your Judgement shall begin now, I sentence you to the abyssal planes of Tuat where you shall rot for all eternity."

At these words, Beast leaped up and mauled one of the three, while Judge used his one bullet to kill another. He then walked up to the last one and pointed the gun at his head while two surges from his victims surged towards the invisible one.

"If you dare move an inch, I will splatter your brain into the cement. Besides, do you truly believe you can take on the three of us?" Now, get out of here before I change my mind and force you to suffer the same judgment as your friends."

As the last bandit ran off, Judge returned to normal and he looked towards where he last remembered the two being at. "Heh, you guys looked like you could use some help." Judge suddenly became extremely awkward for somebody who just killed two people and intimidated another. He sat down on the ground and cuddled up next to Beast. "You guys still here, because I know one of you turned invisible."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kaithas
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Kaithas One Jump Man

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Yeah, just a little... Oogh."

To say Hal felt high was an understatement, his ears ringing from two more screeches. He upwrapped the scarf, reappearing and holding a hand to his forehead. That many surges overcharged his reservoir, giving him the stressed feeling of circuits straining to their absolute max with electricity. He needed some way to vent it, to get rid of some of the power... Maybe... Hal outstretched his hands, the dead grass in the cemetery seeming to gain a little greenness to it. He turned back to his own gravestone, kneeling next to the nearly dead lily plant that was placed over where his head would have rested. His right hand caressed a dead bloom, power draining from his straining reservoir, the life of the dead gunmen flowing into the lily... It turned green, its blooms perking up and turning white once again.

Hal Desmond, the tombstone said... But that wasn't who he was, not really, no matter what he might want to be. The name Hades was still ringing loudly in his mind.

"Rest in peace, Hal..."

He stood, turning to the new arrival and the other spear wielder. They were the only two who hadn't tried to kill him outright...

"Who are both of you? I appreciate the assistance, but... Was just kinda in a battle with the only people I've met here besides you. Would like to know who my saviors are."

@Jones Sparrow @Kronshi
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Wepwawet- Seattle, WA

Deciding to keep going, Kasim worked his way floor by floor up the building, being cautious with each room he entered not knowing if there were other scavengers that were inside who could be hostile. Most of the building seemed to of been ransacked with little to offer but something drew him further up into the building.

He was just getting to the fifth floor when he heard noise once more. Unsure who or what it could be he hid in the first room on the floor looking down the hallway after a few seconds to catch a glimpse of who or what made the noise. Looking he saw nothing leaving him to wait and hopefully try and hear the sound again or ponder if he was hearing things.

Lyssa/Mania- Chicago, IL

Scorn kept up with the cat as best she could be it seemed whenever she got to close it got an extra burst of speed. She was focused so much on the task at hand she nearly ran right over the person that now stood in her way. She skidded to a halt and stopped only a few feet in front of the other person, her mind debating on what to do with this new 'friend' she had just found. She could just be done and quickly have her fun but something about this person made her think otherwise on that oddly. Internally she fought with the voices in her head, some said kill other said befriend. Eventually befriend won out and she gave a twisted smile to the new person in front of her as she heard them speak.

"Me? Oh I'm the lovely Scorn," she said giving an exaggerated bow ",Pleasure to meet you, um?" she said extending a hand, first the one that was still covered in blood. She quickly switched hands hiding that one behind her back giving a fake smile of innocence.

"Sorry about the mess but these few guys were going to do some unsavory things so it was in self defense," she said sweetly ",But enough about me what about you? Who are you and what fun have you had in this apocalyptic play-land? Oh by the way did you see a cat, shot by here a few seconds ago? Just wanted to pet it but it just ran off." She shot off a question a mile a minute, looking over the other person to see if she could catch a glimpse of the cat.

"Hey why not stick together, after all very few friendly people about here from what I've seen," Scorn suggested before even letting the poor woman who stood before her to reply to her other many questions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 2 mos ago


The screech came again, and this time it was much louder than it was a few blocks away. A wave of dread and a sense of fear entered Ben's body, causing him to land on all fours from behind the car. It was something that felt familiar before. The thought of becoming, drifting in the darkness while everything else moved ahead of you... It was an intense feeling, and one he didn't want to visit again. He came back to the sound of a deep voice... And by the fact that he was still alive, he assumed that the thieves never found him, or didn't have a chance to. Peering over the car he saw a man state his authority, declaring judgement and killing two of the three remaining hostiles. When the last one ran away from the crowd, Ben slowly rose from his cover spot, looking at the two men. Both obviously had the skills to easily kill one another, but for some reason... They didn't. Maybe it was because they all showed a bit of uncertainty, and that they knew what each other were going through.

Ben walked over to the two other men, one cuddling a German Shepard and the other paying respects to an empty grave and tombstone. Ben saw no threat from either of them, and as the two talked, Ben couldn't help but look more over to the one at the grave. He definitely had the more interesting trait, almost as if he remembered it before. It was something that he should have feared, but for a strange reason it brought some sort of... comfort. As if it was one thing he could trust...

"I am Ben." The man said with a deep tone, the breeze moving his black hair a bit. He looked over at Hal, and nodded towards the tombstone. "You know him?"

@Kaithas @Kronshi



The man held a calf. He had seen a lot of weird things in his time in this gods forsaken city, but this was rather unusual to him. The man was obviously not a threat. He didn't know why really. He had a weapon himself, but he came towards him with curiosity. He didn't ask for his help, he didn't threaten him for his backpack, he simply greeted him, and asked (in a very polite way) what the fuck happened to him. Eli looked down at his sword, he didn't feel like he'd need it, but he kept a tight grip on it just in case. Eli didn't talk at first. He simply looked at the man for a few seconds, debating on how exactly to answer this. He didn't feel like telling him everything that went on, how he didn't know how he got here or where he was, because that could be information that could get Eli killed.

"I trusted someone I shouldn't have." Was Eli's reply, his voice a bit rough and broken. He pointed to the calf, giving half of a laugh. "It seems you have had better luck than I have. From what I've experienced in his damned city, you might as well be walking around with a sign that says 'Free Food.'" He said, his golden eyes examining the man yet again to make sure he was someone he could trust for now. "You traveling alone? Or bringing him back to your friends?" Eli obviously didn't know how much that calf meant to the man. he assumed he was taking it to eat for the food. He would have asked for a name first, but he needed to know how many people were with him. He could never be too careful in this world.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 10 days ago


"No need to apologize, it's not everyday that you literally run into a beautiful woman like yourself, especially given the current state of affairs. It feels like I stepped into one of those bad Post-apocalyptic movies that everyone loves. To be honest, can't say I mind it too much, it's exciting." Set smiled at the girl, before bringing up his his fingers to let out a whistle. After a moment, his red-eyed hound appeared, seemingly as unconcerned with the heat as it's master. Set noticed that the fur around it's mouth was stained a fresh shade of red as he bent down to pet the creature.

"Whoops, sorry to call you away from your meal . . . Humphry," Set said after a moment, deciding the animal's name on a whim. Humphry, however, looked none too pleased by his new name, letting out a low growl of warning. Set simply looked down at the with a cold look, at that was the end of that. Once his hound had been wrought back under control, he turned back to Lily, looking around as he did so. "So, Lily, pleasure to meet you and all, but you wouldn't happened to have a camp nearby, would you?"



Quetzal wasn't quite sure what he'd been expecting his savior to look like, but a blonde bombshell in a fancy dress was certainly pretty low on his list of suspects. He numbly took her hand, not speaking for a moment before he finally found his voice, clearing his throat a little as he got the words out.

"I'm, Uh-*cough* *cough*- I'm f-f-fine, thanks to you, Miss Sophia. Nothing some rest can't fix, and I'd probably have been picked clean by scavenger if not for your kindness." Quetzal face dipped into a look of melancholy as his thoughts turned to how bleak and dark the world had become, but he shook his head clear as he realized he was being rude to the woman by doing so. "Um, anyway, My name is Damian, and I can't express enough of my gratitude to you. If you need anything, then consider me at your service."

Before he could go on, or the woman could answer, he heard a voice whisper to him from the shell upon his neck. Curiously, he brought it up to his ear. As a gust of air blew through it's spiral design, the breeze whispered to him.

You're not alone.

As mysterious as the voice was, he couldn't help but feel as if he should heed it's warning as truth. He couldn't explain why he felt that way anymore than he could explain why he put it up to his ear or how he managed to take out all of those men. He just felt impulse and acted on them, and it had gotten him pretty far, so no need to begin questioning them now.

"Miss Sophia, I don't think we're alone in this building any longer. I'm not sure how you wish to handle it, but I'd prefer to avoid bloodshed if possible. Avoiding conflict and coming to a peaceful solution would be nice, but my early experience has shown that to be unlikely.


@Crazy Doctor

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED08734


Banned Seen 9 mos ago

A soft smile played upon her supple lips as her rare azure lanterns locked with the man's gaze. He was a lot taller than she, a physicality that she preferred in a man. She stood, relaxed within the door frame of the bedroom while he struggled to find his voice. Considering his weathered condition, it was obvious it had been awhile since he had seen a woman, especially one as beautiful as she. Lucky for her, the whole "world in chaos" situation had been far to kind. She wasn't sure if it was due to her charm and elegant grace, or her talents to always get what she wanted...seeing as everything was fuzzy. Why won't this headache go away?? It was honestly infuriating, this lack of memory and the ability to recall what she did last night. She figured the cocaine would stimulate herself out of the fuzzy coma but all it did was make her restless.

"Um, anyway, My name is Damian, and I can't express enough of my gratitude to you. If you need anything, then consider me at your service." "Damian.... She gracefully closed the distance between them, never taking her seductive gaze away from him. "...anything I need? Her eyes fell to his lower extremities, then slowly rose as she eyed his physical appearance, as a hunter would observe his prey. "Don't make promises that you can't keep, darling." She then brushed passed him, her warm skin connecting with his briefly. She was eager to find something to drink. She wasn't exactly sure what she was thirsty for....but alcohol was always the answer right? Plus, she needed to offer a guest some refreshments. That would be the proper thing to do.

"I'm sure you're thirsty from your travels. Sit down, relax. Take a load off." She called out to him as she danced into the kitchen, the cocaine spiking energy into her veins. She retrieved a bottle of wine along with a bottle of water. As she returned to the living room, she tossed the bottle of water to the man, automatically assuming that he wasn't the alcoholic type. If he did feel like indulging, hopefully he would be a man and just ask for what he wanted. Whether it be the alcohol...or her.

"Miss Sophia, I don't think we're alone in this building any longer. I'm not sure how you wish to handle it, but I'd prefer to avoid bloodshed if possible. Avoiding conflict and coming to a peaceful solution would be nice, but my early experience has shown that to be unlikely" She suddenly had the overwhelming feeling that they in fact were no longer alone. Perhaps it was the man in her bed from earlier? She hoped it was, seeing as she had so many questions for him. She didn't mind more company. In fact, she welcomed it, being the social butterfly that she was. Her voice was loud, yet sweet as honey. "You're welcome to join us, whoever you are out there." She highly doubted that whoever was about to make their grand entrance could be a threat, and even if they were, she was confident that she would be able to handle herself. As if in response, her ruby necklace pulsed defiantly against her heart.

@Crazy Doctor
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phaesaris
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Phaesaris Collection of Curiosities

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yasmine's head buzzed as she tried to process the newly arrived woman and her rapidly fired questions. There was something...off about the woman, Scorn. Something dangerous. But she didn't show any intent to kill Yasmine, so that was good. "Er...Yasmine. I'm Yasmine," she greete uneasily. She hesitantly reached out to shake the other's hand, wary of the blood. "I suppose we should stay together. If the people out there are as kind as your little," she gave the corpses a disturbed glance, "er, 'friends', then it's best to have a little company."
She was wary of Scorn, no doubt. But she felt drawn to the woman, perhaps by the same reason she was wary of her. Was this why the cat had led them together?

Yasmine tensed. Oh Gods. The cat! "So you're after my cat too, right?" She glanced behind in the direction her former companion had scampered off in. "Guess that gives us a common goal." The feline could've be anywhere by now. Maybe getting into trouble or even running into the middle of some tense confrontation. Her anxiety flared and she began to head forward. "Let's go find us that cat."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kronshi
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Kronshi What Am I?

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

"And I'm....." A..Bi..... A, Beh? A bes? A ben, A What, what is it? Abel? Abel. "Abel... I'm.. I'm Abel."

Abel stood up and looked at the now healthy flower. It seemed highly familiar, that flower, that power, where is it from? From deep in your past, remember young Judge. Then it hit him, a wave of memories of a man in all black, a man who had treated him as his own son. A man who had died and been reborn countless of times. A man who had led the universe in it's true nature. This man was his king, his lord, his leader, ... his father. This is Osiris, It must be.

"Sir.... Lord Osiris... Do you remember me? You must be My Lord Osiris if you can fuel life through death. But do you know who I am? Besides Abel... Who I truly am?"

Abel walked up to the man and knelled beside him in a bow. He then looked up to him and awaited an answer, hoping that Osiris could tell Abel his real name. Hoping that Osiris would remember anything about Abel's past.

"Do you remember anything about me?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Wepwawet- Seattle, WA

Kasim was surprised by the sudden voice that came out from one of the doors, asking anyone on the floor to join them. From the muffled sound of the voice it sounded feminine, best description being near angelic. Why would he think that? He shook the thought from his head and walked forward cautiously, picking up a piece of pipe that was on the ground. Oddly enough picking up the pipe felt strangely familiar.
Slowly he walked forward reaching the door and gently opening it, looking around inside, surprised to see the room seem mostly intact compared to the few other rooms he had all ready gone through. He kept his guard up looking around, looking for the source of the voice that had graced his ears moments before. It somewhat startled him when he did come across the person who had spoke and then realized how foolish he was brandishing a weapon when she didn't seem like a threat.

"Forgive me, I well... Can't be to careful with who you find," he said putting the pipe in the bag on his back. He couldn't help to note her attractiveness and the curious gem around her neck. Once again he forced his mind to concentrate, she might of not been a threat but there still could be danger.

"So you alone here?" he asked afterwards.


Lyssa/Mania- Chicago, IL

When Yasmine had motioned to her 'friends' she hid back a smile and a laugh. Her mind though quickly returned to her current task now that she had befriended Yasmine."Yes the cat. So it's yours? That's cool but yeah lets find it," she quickly said again all ready running past Yasmine in attempt to hopefully catch a glimpse of the feline creature.

"Well those friend's deserved what they got, it was self defense," she said behind her ",They planned to do much worse things to little me." Her eyes scanned around still disappointed in not finding her target.

"Awe it can't be gone, I just wanted to pet it," she said disappointed like a child who had lost a new toy. Her disappointment didn't last long though as she switch moods back to her normal overly zany self.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 1 day ago

A light blush dusted across Lily's cheeks at Jayden's compliment even if it was a subtle one and smiled softly. She had honestly been too busy running and being completely confused to actually think of the situation that way but she couldn't say he was wrong. This whole place was like being dropped into a bad Post-Apocalyptic movie but it did have its own kind of charm of it she guessed. She had only a second to be curious as to why he had suddenly whistled that is until a hound had join them, the beast obviously being dragged from a fresh meal if the beasts painted muzzle was anyway to go by.

Lily's fingers twitched, wishing to run her fingers through "Humphry's" fur and to show the animal much affection but she wasn't sure if the dog would be welcomed to it or if its master would approve. She didn't know why but she felt she should have a dog by her side or maybe more than one. She didn't kind if it was fantasy or a memory but she could hear the sounds of loud barking, the feeling of soft fur on her fingertips, and a black gate quickly flashed in her mind. It was Set's voice that brought her out of her thoughts as she shook her head lightly, "If I had one than I have no memory of it. I am not sure if I had some kind of accident but I don't seem to have much memories at all. I barely seem to have any personal information other than my name, where I am and some other vague thoughts." she replied with a frown, not liking the feeling of something missing and not liking that she admitting she didn't know much to a completely stranger but for some reason she felt she could trust him.

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