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4 mos ago
Current Sorry for the delay everyone. I've been absolutely swamped with work these last weeks. I'm getting my replies up slowly.
5 mos ago
Keeping track of things makes it easier to avoid bad experiences! And to not make the same mistake like an idiot... :-/


"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and accend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

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Really love the concept (also the final fantasy universe).

Still need to read about the character sheet a bit more carefully though.

Really interested, but it's just a ward for now (until I finish reading the character sheet XD)

Bast Ragoczy

"Hm... I do have an interesting idea on what to do..." Bast replied to Eilidh after hearing her.

Just like Eildh, Bast couldn't really sympathize with neither of the families since they were simply fighting against each other.
"Come, my dear. For now, we should go to the Archean gardens... Putting fire on it should be really easy... We wouldn't even need to get inside. But we will leave a small note to them though... After that, we will go to the Barensia Family manor..." Bast said, as he started making his way together with Eilidh to the Archean Manor.

Bast's idea was simple. He was going to burn the Archean's garden, of course, but he would leave a note to them... Something that would make both families meet, even if they didn't want to. Bast couldn't say he disliked some chaos, but that was getting ridiculous... The two noblewoman were looking like two kids slapping each other fighting over a small thing...

@PaulHaynek @Silver Carrot


As Haley started speaking, drawing their attention, Freyr knew it was time to act. Haley wouldn't be able to keep them distracted for too long before they simply started going after her. He couldn't help but chuckle hearing Haley's speech though. It most definitely didn't suit her character.

Yang was also moving in, displaying a rather surprising skill to move herself unannounced. Even though she had said it was better for her to be alone, Freyr still kept an eye on her. If he saw that she would get in trouble, he would immediately go help her.
As he watched Yang moving herself, Freyr nocked an arrow and holding four other arrows on his fingers, silently drawing his bow and waiting for Yang's signal to start. As soon as she moved in, he was also going to act.

But unfortunately for them, their plan quickly would be rendered useless, as suddenly a gigantic, draconic like monster, who somehow resembled Titanica, appeared out of nowhere. Opening it's mouth, Freyr could see it getting ready to unleash it's attack on the convoy. Luckily it was attacking them and not in their side...

Making his aim, Freyr twisted his wrist as he drew his bow so the arrow would spin more when released and holding his breath for accuracy. Coupled with the already monstrous strength of his bow, it should be enough to pierce any armor. Luckily for him, the two targets he was aiming, were still distracted, only, this time, not by Haley, but by the gigantic monster.

Swiftly letting go, his arrow flew through the air with a frightening speed, spinning as it went towards the order paladin's neck. Freyr didn't need to wait and see if he hit the target. The second the arrow left his hands, he already nocked in another one, doing the same twisting motion as he aimed for the Varjan Warlord's neck next, releasing it soon afterwards.

Taking only the blink of an eye to locate where Yang was, he nocked another arrow, the third one, aiming for a few of the guards who were standing nearby the prisoners. Luckily, one of them would be holding the keys.

The five arrows Freyr had in his hands were shot with an inhumane precision and agility. When he finally breathed again, all of his arrows were already in the air, going towards his targets. After taking a breath, Freyr drew another two arrows from his quiver, doing the same twisting motion as he aimed for the Order Paladin and the Varjan Warlord once more.

@PaulHaynek @Restalaan @AzureKnight @Lmpkio
@Lotrix Molick

You should join our discord if you want to!
There are some collabs going on if you want to join :-)

Yeah, the difficult part will be to really found a way for Karina to communicate with the military.
Without a trained bird and being completely walled and guarded by the cultists will make that really difficult.

Maybe a recon group or something could maybe be nearby the border or something?

There is another way. It's risky and taxing on Karina's body and it would IMMEDIATELY tell pretty much every freaking cultist on the entire nation where she is, but it's something I could see her doing in a tough situation.

Using her ice magic to create a beacon or something. Something tall that others could see from the outside or maybe to reflect light to work as a spotlight or something.
Fine for me with skipping ahead. I was thinking of having Karina to go to the military forward camp from the military of touch. It would be the obvious choice for her (and safest place for now. Besides, she NEEDS to report everything that she saw and discovered)
Will have mine done tomorrow! :-)

She has contacts. It shouldn't be that difficult for her to get into higher levels (she sometimes has to go there for jobs & etc.)

I believe it would be doable.

@Jollan @Rai @Brithwyr @drewccapp @Lotrix Molick

"Oh, so her name is Siiga? Good to know..." Nailah said, waving to Siiga after Lynn introduced her. Nailah could feel Lynn was embarrassed, but that very fact, her sheepish smile and her looking down and fidgeting her fingers as Nailah spoke only made her even more adorable.

"The cutie over there is Bonnie, right? Hello, pleased to meet you!" Nailah said, with a kind smile looking to Bonnie

The new arrivals were also interesting themselves, but Nailah couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when the first thing Aeden said after Nailah introduced herself was asking if Lynn was ok. His dragonling also seemed to be awfully direct with his questions.

"Not everyone. She just looks so adorable that I couldn't help myself. Your words hurt though, Aeden." Nailah said, looking to him with a piercing stare for a brief moment before going back to normal as the mixed blood tyro replied to her question.

"Talise! I knew you had a bit of Lassa blood!" Nailah said, with a kind smile to the tyro mixed blood after she introduced herself. Without any doubt, she was much more pleasant than Aeden. Nailah had no previous experience with the Magoi, but the mention of that name made her raise an eyebrow.

"I am a mixed blood myself. Half dragon. Not something really helpful if you lived in Fotia though... Ironic, right? Tyro and Dragon blood..." Nailah said, with a chuckle.

"Oh, don't ask me about my parents. I don't have the slightest clue about who they were." she said, shrugging, treating it as it was nothing important.

Before Nailah could say anything more though, an explosion and sounds of battle interrupted the group's brief meeting. Aeden was the first to run towards it without even looking back after asking Nyph about the direction.

"I don't think I like him that much..." Nailah said with a piercing gaze towards Aeden after he turned back and ran towards the sounds of battle.

Turning to Lynn, whom Nailah had already let go, she let out a kind smile.
"I'm sorry for being so sudden, my dear, but you simply were so cute I couldn't help myself!" Nailah said, with a giggle to calm down the girl.

"You shouldn't be so shy though! It's not like it wasn't comfortable, right? Also... There's nothing wrong in sharing some affection. People are just so cold, distant and hostile nowadays..." Nailah said, with a smirk, teasing her before turning to Allard, who had just finished explaining what did Lynn and the others miss regarding the gigantic plants & etc.

"I guess we indeed should see what's happening..." Nailah said, rolling her eyes after hearing Allard, calmly walking towards where the sound came from.

Arriving on time to see the ending of the fight between Dremmick and a weird, pompous noble guy who was escorted by a number of knights. Differently from Aeden, who rushed and put his nose where he wasn't called, instead of doing anything, Nailah simply watched, seeing what it would happen.

Despite Dremmick's state, it seemed like he was the victor at the end, even though the noble walked out of the confront almost unscathed. While Nailah didn't know why they were fighting, it was clear that the noble guy would have what he want be it one way or another, seeing how he left escorted by his knights.

Whoever that Aeden was, Nailah didn't like him one bit... He acted too high and mighty for someone who had just arrived... For the first time since she met Dremmick, she agreed with something he had said about Aeden being a high and mighty seraph. Needless to say, she also hated that noble knight whom Dremmick was fighting against the second she put her eyes upon him.

"I'm surprised! For the first time since I met him, I can agree with something Dremmick said!" Nailah said, finally stepping in, walking towards Aeden and Dremmick. Neither of them were able to sense her presence before she announced herself though.

"Hm... I wonder if it was the irony or the surprise after hearing that I agreed with him that made him pass out..." she said after Dremmick fell unconscious, poking his cheek with her claw.


Faeril Ashkevron

Ashkevron Residence in Askavi

Faeril considered the countertop, a finger tracing the whorls upon the wood as she considered the image she had seen in the web. If he belonged to the Queen he would a useful addition. If not? Then he was a threat and she would dispose of him, but led to another question. Did she have enough power to do so? To do as he asked she would put a strain upon the Red Jewel, but to fight him she would default to her Blood Opal. A jewel that was dark even for it's rank. "Rumors that have slipped into Kaeleer? They flatter my family to remember us so." She did not think the people in the Shadow Realm would recall the Askavi Black Widows and the family that had always held one of that caste. Faeril in truth was flattered. While they may not recall the name, they knew the area. A blessing and curse. "Rather you mistake me for my family name, while I am indeed a Black Widow I will not say my skills are so... reaching." Faeril saw no reason to deny what she was nor get the man's hopes up. Her wings rustling behind her as she tucked them closer to her elegant frame. Listening to his request, she considered what he was asking for. He was trying to run from something and a messy youngster had fumbled the job apparently. Amateurs.

To be fair it wasn't exactly a easy thing to do especially if the person was close to those memories, which intrigued the Eyrien woman further. An assassin trying to purge what was close to him? Who would not be curious? Her blue eyes that had thawed a bit studied the man carefully. "You will pay for my services that is certain," The woman agreed, though she doubted the man would know what she would ask of him. He would serve either her ends or join the Court. For that could be the only reason Fatima had been foolish enough to let him into the eyrie. "But it is not best to do this sort of work in a kitchen that can be disturbed. Come." The elegant woman stood, striding towards the archway that led to the curving main hall that would end with her work room, the one she used in general for her healing. Turning her head to make sure he was following the Black Widow continued. "I am skilled, this is true. But I would advise you this. I will do all that I can do in your best interest." And in the interest of Fatima and her Court. "Can you accept that? This task may require many sessions over the course of time."

Mikhail heard as the woman said he mistook her for her family name, admitting her skills weren't as 'reaching' as he had described. Even if those news had shaken Mikhail, he showed no reaction, simply nodding as the woman continued explaining. She was the last clue he had about someone who could help kill the last remains of his 'previous life'. As Mikhail's eyes met with the woman's, once more, he felt that he should be careful around her. Her eyes were... surprisingly similar to his. Cold eyes that saw everything, analyzed everything even in it's smallest details. Despite that, he could see something different... Almost like a sliver of curiosity on her stare? Mikhail was accustomed in reading others, but that woman was almost impossible to read... Indeed, she was really similar to him in certain aspects... Something that made her dangerous.

As the woman mentioned about payment, Mikhail was almost grabbing the pouch of gold coins he had brought with him, almost the size of an adult's fist, but he stopped when she said for him to follow her. Following the woman to her room, Mikhail simply waited for her words. Mikhail was relieved to hear that she was going to try. It would take multiple sessions over the course of time.

"I... understand." Mikhail said, nodding.
"I am prepared for this." he said, agreeing with the woman.

"Although I should add that there is a possibility that my presence here might cause some problems to you. It's impossible to erase my tracks while staying on the same city and frequenting the same location so often..." Mikhail added, looking to the woman's eyes.

"That is precisely why I said that anonymity is essential and that I needed someone I can trust. I know very well how powerful a Black Widow is and I know what they're capable of. By allowing one to touch my mind, she would have the perfect opportunity to deal with me for good. That or be used by others who want me dead..." Mikhail said, his tone of voice making clear how serious the situation was.

"Any incident that might be caused by my presence, will be dealt with swiftly. As long as I am your patient, I can guarantee your safety." Mikhail finished, looking at the woman, awaiting for further instructions regarding how the sessions would work.

"I can find inns for me to stay, but they might be far from one another or far from this location. That said, I would like to know when I should come here, in order to not make the same mistake of coming too early." Mikhail added, waiting for the woman's answer.

Faeril led the Warlord to the room she used for her work. It was made for comfort, with a large bed, couch and a long bench that stood to a man's waist. The walls were lined with cupboards and cabinets, and if one were to open them they would find a small horde of supplies for healing the body, mind and even comforts for the soul. Faeril was well practiced at her job and thorough. Mikhail's prattle as she had led him through the winding hall had attracted the attention of a bleary eyed Denar. The large Warlord Prince tensing at the sight of a unknown male, til a sharp look from the Healer-Black Widow halted the man from rising to that killing edge the Warlord Princes were known for. Deciding it was best to distract both men from each other before the pissing contests agian, the woman gestured with a nod towards their front door. "Someone is at the door and Fatima is dealing with it. Perhaps she requires assistance?" A satisfied look came into her eyes as she practically gave Mikhail a shove into her Healer's workroom when Denar's face took on that peculiar expression of a Warlord Prince scenting a situation he didn't like. A Queen entertaining unknown guests in this dangerous time was chief on that list.

Making sure the man stormed off in the correct direction, Faeril gave a sigh as she shut the door with a finality. Turning her gaze upon the assassin, she quirked a brow as she gestured that he should take a seat somewhere. A rich laugh rolling from her tired form when the man suggested he could add extra protection. Males. Always wanting to defend and protect. "There are three Warlord Princes in this house. One belonging to the Queen, two to myself by bonds of familiarity. One Warlord who would gladly sit you down and explain to you that half the men in Aren would be up here upon the fastest Wind-" The woman referenced the fast traveling rivers of power the Blood could ride to move over a great distance of many leagues quick. "- ready to spill blood. Not to mention I wear the Red. Black Widows have been outlawed, yet all I am to these people- aside from the ones in my home- is a mere Healer. Thus a benefit many cannot do without. Rare is the well trained Healer now a day." Witch was struggling against witch and rivals were stopped by not being taught all of their Craft as well as they should have been. A sad fact for the once proud Blood. "Sit. So we might begin." She trusted Gen and his brothers to keep Fatima from destroying her anonymity, which was saying a lot. Though the threat was clear to Mikhail of the protections that surrounded Faeril's eryie, the woman did smile softly at him. A reassuring smile that offered comfort.

As Mikhail followed the woman to a comfortable room that she probably used to treat her patients, especially due to the large bed/couch and bench. Everything in that room seemed to inspire comfort and calm. Probably a good idea when treating warlords.

Unfortunately, it was then that Mikhail met with another of her patients, a male warlord that obviously tensed up after seeing Mikhail, but was dismissed with a sharp stare from the Black Widow and some quick words about Fatima being at the door. That and the fact that she shoved Mikhail inside the room had potentially prevented any issue from rising due to both males meeting each other.

Sitting down on the couch per the woman's request, he heard as she laughed when he said he could protect her, proceeding to explain that there was not only three warlords princes on that house but also that upon the slightest mention of trouble, half of the men would come running to help her.

"I see..." Mikhail said, looking to the woman and thinking about what she had just said. Even though the smile the woman gave was somewhat comforting, Mikhail still felt the need to think about that situation a bit. While it was somewhat worrying that there were three more warlords princes on that house, if she had the same degree of control that she displayed with the one Mikhail met a few moments ago, then everything should be ok. Assuming she kept secret regarding Mikhail's identity.(edited)
"Even though I had already suspected you had enough protection, It would be rude to not offer the same, seeing that there is a possibility that people will come here after me. I may be an assassin, but I do not let innocent bystanders get involved on my business or my problems." Mikhail said, nodding to the woman.

"I entrust my mind to you." Mikhail said, with a serious but solemn expression as he closed his eyes, waiting for the woman to begin the treatment. He sincerely hoped that trusting her like that wouldn't be a mistake, but he had no other choice. The second she started to touch his mind, she would realize how dangerous Mikhail was.

Ashkevron Residence in Askavi

Even though Mikhail already had a slight idea that Fatima wasn't the Black Widow, his suspicions turned out to be truth as soon as an unfamiliar, cold voice interrupted their conversation coming from a beautiful woman with black hair and an dangerous, cold aura to her. Despite that dangerous aura, it was apparent that she had just woken up due to her clothes and her hair.

As she looked to Mikhail with a pair of freezing blue eyes it became clear to Mikhail that he would have to thread very carefully. Somehow, he had no qualms about trusting Fatima, but that woman was an entirely different thing and yet, he would have to basically give her unrestricted access to his mind.

Her words to Fatima made it not only incredibly clear that she was the 'queen' of that house, but also that she held significant authority over the peaceful and cheerful woman. Chastising her for inviting Mikhail without her permission, she was quick to send Fatima to answer the door, promising to talk more with her about doing things without her permission later.

After dismissing Fatima, the woman turned her icy gaze to Mikhail once more, analyzing him before speaking. Mikhail's survival instinct was screaming for him to be on guard against that woman. He most certainly wasn't comfortable around her, especially without Fatima nearby to calm down his nerves.

"I apologize for arriving this early." Mikhail said, with a slight bow to the woman before answering her questions.

"Rumors about a powerful Black Widow who offers her services without asking questions about one's past. One that can erase an entire lifetime of memories, no matter how deep and strong they are, leaving absolutely nothing behind." Mikhail said, with a neutral expression and a serious tone, much more different from how he was speaking with Fatima earlier.

"I seek to get rid of fragmented memories from a life that isn't mine anymore." Mikhail said, without showing any emotion to the woman.

"Consequence from a failed attempt, these fragments now pierce my mind like thousand of needles. My wish is for them to be completely erased. They do not make sense to me as they do not belong to me... At least not anymore." Mikhail said, looking to the woman.

"I needed someone strong enough to erase these memories which other black widows weren't capable of erasing and at the same time someone whom I can trust my secrets." Mikhail said, looking directly to the woman's eyes. The way he was looking at her made it clear that the 'trust' he was referring to was something really serious.

"I've managed to save a decent amount of gold, but it it's still not enough to pay for your silence and your services, I can pay you with my services. I need only a name and basic information about the target." Mikhail said, carefully analyzing the woman's reactions.
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