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Red Imperial

The welcome message he received upon arriving on The Grid was both more and less than what Ren had expected. On the one hand, he hadn’t really anticipated any kind of formal welcome; he didn’t think whatever organisation passed as authority on this backwater planet cared enough about a new batch of Hunters enough to provide one. But on the other hand, if a welcome was to be given couldn’t they put a little more effort into it than a simple message? Roll out the red carpet or something; they were in the presence of the next legendary Hunter after all.

He supposed when Hunter’s died here and frequently as they did the locals just found it easier not to bother getting to know anyone until they’d proven they were going to stick around for a while. Well, whatever. They’d come to recognise his greatness soon enough; all he had to do was kill a few exotic beasts, bring home a few trophies and soon his fame would grow.

Speaking of which, what unlucky monstrosity was going to be his first target?

Sitting in the cockpit of his Red Imperial, Ren started scrolling through the available missions on his on-board display. It didn’t take long unfortunately, only two missions were available at the moment and with the amount of Hunter’s crawling around that meant he’d have competition.

Judging by the descriptions it seemed like the Mastodon was the perfect choice for him; taking out a monster that all of the veteran Hunters had given up on would surely earn him a reputation. Unfortunately, judging by the chatter over the radio it seemed like he wasn’t the only one to have that idea, meaning the hunting grounds for that creature were going to be too crowded to be worth his time.

So that left The Walking Island; it certainly looked impressive and seemed to be racking up a not inconsiderable body count itself recently. Downing something like that might not be as noteworthy as taking down a minor legend like the Mastodon but it was a good first step nonetheless; maybe he could ask them to make a plaque out of the wood or something as a reward.

With that decided Ren marked his name and mech against the mission and marked the last known location of the target on his navigator. As he began the series of pre-flight checks that would need to be completed before he could take off, he casually opened his comms to the Hunter channel and spoke into the public feed.

“This is Ren Hawke, pilot of the Red Imperial. I’m going after The Walking Island; if anyone wants to join me they’re welcome to, just so long as they don’t slow me down or get in the way.”
Yeah, if everybody is both their Meister and their weapon, then the weapons aren't stuck being bored. Since weapons don't exactly do much once they've transformed.

The bonds you make between meister and weapon are pretty essential to me.

These are both valid points. Personally I'd go with each player controlling both their own Meister/Weapon pair; you'd still be able to write the bond between the two characters yourself, though I can see how this wouldn't be as fun as working with someone else, and it eliminates the risk of someone dropping out and leaving the other person without a partner. Which I think is way more important.

In either case, I think making it a rule that each person has to write both a Meister and a Weapon would be good. Even if we decide to have people partner their characters with other people, it guarantees that we'll have an equal number of Weapons and Meisters.
“You’re both from Earth as well?” Jacob caught up with the Wisp after it had crashed into the Slime, though luckily was far back enough to avoid the cascading wave of fluids that it expelled on death. He fluttered down until he landed on the floor of the crevice, standing between the flying Wisp and the Goblin. “That’s amazing. I guess that means we’re all in the same boat.”

So he really wasn’t the only person who had been brought here; the Demon King had summoned at least two other people, and likely many more than that, to this world. And from the sounds of it they had received from the same speech that he did in that empty white void, head to the Demon King’s castle, and the same set of choices as well judging by their appearances.

So he wasn’t the only one. He’d kind of expected to be the only one. Though he still wasn’t convinced this whole situation was real, the way the Demon King sold it, it sounded like a one person kind of deal; a nobody dies in one world and is given a second chance at greatness in a world straight out of a fantasy novel or anime. He was pretty sure he remembered the phrase ‘chosen one’ being thrown around in there. Typical nerd fantasy and typically a solo venture, at least until the hero starts making friends with the locals anyway, then the motley crew could be assembled.

What did this mean then? Why did the Demon King summon all of them here? Or to be more precise, why summon more than one person and for that matter why place them all so close together at the start? It couldn’t just be coincidence that they all met each other like this. Did he intend for them to all work together?

A sudden curse snapped Jacob out of his reverie and he realised that the Wisp had been talking this whole time and he had missed all but the last part of it. “Wait, what was that? You want us to clear out this cave?” That seemed like a terrible idea for some reason, probably starting with the fact that the three of them had barely just managed to defeat one Slime and leading up to the fact that trying to approach this situation like it was a video game seemed like an easy way to get themselves killed.

“We can’t just go around killing everything; these aren’t just monsters from a video game, they’re living creatures... even if one did just try to eat me. I mean, what if there are more people like us here? For that matter, how do you even know experience works like that here? I know we keep getting these notifications but that’s not proof that this world works exactly like the games back home.”

Well, actually, it kind of was. But it wasn’t the kind of conclusive proof that would make Jacob comfortable with treating a bunch of living creatures as walking piles of experience. Although, it did give him kind of a dumb idea that he wanted to try out.

“Ok, can you guys just bear with me while I try something stupid? Urm, open menu… open start menu. Open… inventory?” Jacob felt like a fool, standing there saying these things like game commands trying to open some imaginary video game style status screen just based off of the notifications he had been seeing so far. “Open status menu? Open… character screen?” If on the off chance if did work however, it could provide a huge amount of useful information.


You probably should have added a section to the CS for equipment.
If Leomon were to use his sentient and magical Shishiou-maru to block Lightning Spear how effective would that be?

I can't find anything either. I suppose if the handle was made of something non-conducting then you could use the sword as a lightning rod.
Writing villains is fun.

@Burning Kitty@Double I've taken some liberties with things like positioning or how some things work in order to add some more detail to the scene. If there is anything you want me to change let me know.
Of all the ways Raven could have tried to avoid the Lightning Spear, Maildramon certainly wasn’t expecting him to try and save himself by jumping from the roof. For a second he simply stared at the edge of the building in curiosity as he wondered if one of the Digidestined had just decided to make his life easier by ending things himself, only to realise Raven’s intentions when Peckmon carried his partner back onto the roof.

“Yes, bravo. Let’s see how long you can hold on to that confidence shall we?”

The ostrich-like Digimon dashed across towards him, leaving behind multiple false images in an attempt to confuse his armoured opponent. Maildramon kept his calm and used his elevated position to keep an eye on as many of the Peckmon as he could, waiting until he saw one of them begin to leap up at him before he pushed forward and jumped down towards the other Digimon with an attack of his own. “Iron Press!”

Flaming talons met glowing claws as Maildramon caught Peckmon’s attack with the claws on one foreleg. The two Digimon were suspended in mid-air as the two attacks clashed, each Digimon attempting to overpower the other. At the same time, a couple of weak blasts caught the Champion in the side, harmlessly bursting on his armoured flank to no effect; presumably the spirited little rookie who had exhausted himself earlier was still trying to lend a hand.

“Is this all you are capable of? Feebly struggling against someone like myself? I thought the Digidestined were supposed to be legendary heroes? Yes, pathetic. Has peace made you all weak?”

Suddenly, a barrage of attacks slammed into Maildramon from the side, throwing him away from Peckmon and sending him crashing to the rooftop. For a moment the Champion still before stirring, rising with a pained grunt as he lifted his head and turned towards his attacker.

Standing at the other end of the rooftop Leomon was waiting for him with his sword drawn. With a chuckled the Maildramon rose back his feet, digging his claws into the concrete as he glared from within his helmet at the new arrival. “I see the Lion still has some claws at least. Yes, come, I will take you all on! Lightning Spear!”

With another nod of his head the armoured Champion sent forth another bolt of lightning, this time aimed at Leomon.
Hey guys, just wanted to give a heads up. We are gonna finish the fight here soon, our digimon and partners will be broken up temporarily.

Just to clarify, this means this means that people are going to be split into groups, not that the Digidestined will be separated from their partner Digimon. Just in case there was any confusion.

Also think that we are gonna limit the digivolutions in the rp, after the fight 1 champion at a time and we are gonna have to work up to Ultimate/Mega/Super Ultimate.

This is just to slow things down a bit and also to give people something to work towards. If everyone can reach their Mega form right at the start it kind of leaves us with nowhere to go from there and also makes introducing villains that aren't Mega's themselves a little difficult.

Once the groups are split up each of you will get your "anime" moment where you reach the next stage in order to defeat an opponent and we can start progressing the story a little.

Hopefully these decisions aren't too controversial.

@Winter Star12@Burning Kitty@bowtiesrcool86@Double@DarkwolfX37
Name: Renfield “Ren” Hawke

Robots Name: Red Imperial


Reason for becoming a Hunter: Pride and accolades. He is a trophy hunter, taking a piece of each kill to mark his accomplishments and to spread his fame and infamy among other hunters. A successful hunt is its own reward, but that doesn’t mean you can’t gain something extra on top of that; what’s the point of being the best if no-one knows it?

Main Goal: To hunt the Alpha, the biggest game of them all, and to claim a piece of it for his collection.

Other: N/A
It looked like that was going to be his last Shield for now, at least until he found another mana crystal; hopefully it would be enough to let the Wisp finish off the Slime. It certainly looked like the fight was in their favour, the next blast of magic sending chunks of slime spraying all over the wall and stopping the creature in its tracks. The Slime began to quiver and seemed to be second guessing getting involved in this fight, as a one-sided hunt suddenly turned into a 3-on-1 battle. Or at least 2-on-1 with Jacob cheering from the side-lines.

The Slime turned and retreated deeper into the crevice, climbing the wall towards a crack in the rock that it must have used to ambush him in the first place. Jacob was perfectly fine with letting the thing go; after all, all three of them had been smacked around by the Slime and now that he was out of MP for healing and shielding he wasn’t exactly eager to keep fighting.

The Wisp, however, had other ideas and raced off after the Slime while shouting about lost XP. And suddenly, it occurred to Jacob what it was that had been bothering him about what the Wisp was saying. XP, RPG’s, low level monsters; he was so used to hearing that kind of talk from his gaming group that it never struck him as odd, but the monsters here shouldn’t know anything about that sort of thing. What’s more, she had described herself as a ‘Mighty General of the Demon King’.

Could there be others like him in this world? Was it possible other people from his world had been chosen after death to be resurrected as monsters? Or rather, did he really think that the Demon King had chosen him and him alone?

“W-wait. Are you from Earth? Hey!”

Jacob flew after the Wisp, suddenly forgetting about the Slime altogether as he sought answers. If there was another person, if someone else had been brought here, then there must be more, maybe dozens. They could be in this cave as well.

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