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“I suppose we will be visiting the more disreputable parts of town then. Perhaps we can put the criminal element here to use in finding the other Masters; it would make up for my lack of familiars.” Checking his pockets one last time, mostly to ensure his poppet was in place, Thomas opened the door to the suite; he let Archer leave ahead of him before following and locking the door. A short hallway led them to the elevator which Thomas called for, entering when it arrived and pushing the button to take them to the ground floor. The elevator proceeded without interruption; at this time of night no other guests were trying to use it. As they descended the Magus could feel the moment they crossed the boundary of the bounded field he had established, the field covering the entire top two floors of the building and much of the space around it, signalling the moment they were no longer protected.

“How adventurous are you feeling tonight Archer? We could simply take a walk around town and see what we find but if we truly hope to catch sight of one of our opponents we will have to take risks; go to the places the other Magus are likely to be and hope that they do not take us for anything more than what we present ourselves to be. At this early stage the other Masters will still be seeking to announce themselves to the Executioner, but we risk revealing ourselves if we are seen at the church at this late hour.”

As they reached the ground floor the elevator announced their arrival with a ding before the doors opened. Thomas stepped out first before stopping and turning back to face his Servant. “You are more experienced in these matters than I. What would you suggest we do first?”



Rider tensed as both Assassin and her Master rose to face him, the Servant summoning her sword to her hands and the young woman placing a hand on the rather more mundane weapon by her side; the warrior widened and lowered his stance, turning slightly and raising the shield to cover more of his body, the grip on his scimitar tightening as he readied himself. Assassin accepted his challenge, taking her own stance, apparently preparing to fight him head on; this was counter to his expectations and immediately Rider began to reassess the situation. This Servant did not look uncertain in her abilities with a sword, though that could be a façade designed to make him hesitate it was something to consider.

A moment after speaking Assassin looked suddenly unsure, speaking over her shoulder to her Master in a voice too low for Rider to hear. Her Master’s answer however, he could hear. “Are you suggesting an alliance?” It wasn’t said outright, but the suggestion was there; to form a partnership that would allow them to defeat opponents they couldn’t defeat by themselves. If that was indeed what she was suggesting, then Rider would reject it. Assassin was often a Servant who was weak in direct combat, but left unchallenged could become a threat that hung over the heads of every Master in the war. Even just a pact of non-aggression would benefit them for more than he and his Master. Better to remove the threat now.

However, he would not be the only one to make that decision. Ultimately it was his Master’s choice as well and no doubt he was listening to this conversation through his familiar. He would have to wait and see what he thought of this as well, before giving his answer.

@VitaVitaAR@Raineh Daze
It seemed that his analysis abilities had a range to them after all and weren’t just limited by what he was able to see; it made sense in a way, though it was frustrating, if he couldn’t see something clearly, he wouldn’t be able to accurately analyse it. Regardless, even with the lack of information it was clear to him that the light he was watching was a Wisp, though it was moving rather erratically. It didn’t seem to be coming any closer either way so it was of no concern to him right now.

Ed caught his attention, the Dire Rat sniffing around on the ground and picking up the scent of another group of creatures. The two Lizards would be Ash and Reoth, with Ash being the larger one of course and there would be Orchid as well, but Ed didn’t mention her. “Yeah. Mourningstar was with two Lizards and a Goblin; one of the Lizards had evolved.”

The Dire Rat turned to Digbie and asked to be held above the Goblin’s head so he could see further. It seemed that Ed had better senses than him or the others, judging by the way he could track scents and thought he could see all the way to the entrance of the cave from here; was that something all Dire Rat’s had or was it something Ed had learned over time? Unfortunately, he couldn’t remember all of what the other starting creature’s abilities were.

As this was going on a Slime approached them. They looked different from the regular Slimes, being somewhat translucent in the outer portion of their body and seeming a little less gelatinous and more liquid in nature. Oberon thought he’d seen a Slime with the same body colour earlier; was this the same Slime evolved or something different? He could speak, which meant he was probably another former human like themselves. Oberon used Monster and Magic Analysis on the Slime to find out for sure.

“We’re leaving the cave. For good, maybe. It’s not safe to stay here with all these undead spawning and to be honest I’m starting to miss sunlight. Some people are staying but the rest of us are leaving; we’re meeting the others by the entrance.”

@Blueflame I think he just means he has some pre-made characters he can use.

You know it’s a shame there’s no class for heroes that specialized in blunter weapons.

The knight classes are defined by their choice of weapon and the cavalry classes are defined by their fighting styles. It's kind of annoying that there's no option for, say, a Saber-type Servant that uses an axe instead; you're only option is to make them a Berserker or a Rider.
How are those WIP kaiju sheets coming along? Any human characters coming our way?

I've updated the CS for the Seraph; she should be ready for review now.

I won't be able to work on my human character until the weekend most likely.
Yeah, sorry. I've just been a bit busy lately. I'll get a post up this weekend.
Well I got a post up to try and help end the current fight. I avoided saying anything about how Raditz reacted to the last attack.

@CaptainSully I'm pretty sure I mentioned in my first post about Alex's master (who I should probably give a name) and Kojiro knowing each other, but I don't think I ever mentioned Alex and Sam meeting. Hope you're ok with the post.
His entire body was on fire. Every one of Alex’s muscles seized up at once and he ground his teeth against the pain, letting out a low growl as he forced his body to move. He leapt away from the downed Saiyan, landing far enough away that he might possibly be able to react to an incoming attack. The ‘Overdrive’ technique might have been effective, letting him damage even an opponent as powerful as this with a single attack, but the cost of using it made it incredibly dangerous to use in practise; so dangerous that his master had told him never to use it against an opponent stronger than Alex was.

Not on the threat of any punishment or anything, just that he’d be an idiot to take such a huge risk against someone so strong.

It seemed to have been worth the gamble, but if the Saiyan managed to recover and launch a counter attack now then Alex had zero chance of avoiding it or trying to fight back; until the after effects subsided he was helpless. Luckily, Sam was there to finish the job with his own special move. When energy began swirling around the other man and his fist began to glow Alex had a pretty good idea what he was going to do. When Sam began counting down Alex was certain.

He’d seen Sam use this technique in a couple of tournaments. He’d even been on the receiving end of it once and that was not a fun experience. Already injured as he was the Saiyan had no hope of defending against the rapid fire barrage of punches, if he even thought it was necessary to do so. He could imagine the warrior’s confusion as he felt each punch land, each carrying barely enough force to be felt at all; unless you’d seen the technique before you wouldn’t know what to expect and even then it didn’t really prepare you for what it felt like to be hit by it. By the time you realised what was going on it was far too late to reverse the fact that all the punches had already landed.

Sam ended the count down, calling out the name of his technique, and that should have been the end of the fight. At the same time however Sam fell backwards away from the Saiyan, face slack and eyes lifeless, to crash onto his back before his opponent.

“What happened? Did he use too much strength?” Flaring his ki Alex found that he could move again, the pain of his technique having faded for the most part, and he jumped back towards the pair to land next to Sam. Lifting his eyes from the still body, Alex scanned the area until his gaze landed on the old man who ran the dojo here; he’d only met the other master once or twice but he knew from his own masters griping that the old guy always seemed to have a few Senzu beans on hand to help with his students recovery. “Hey old man, get a Senzu bean quick!”

@CaptainSully@Weird Tales
@Blueflame do you mind explaining what those new classes actually are and how they work? Also, there seem to be three slots per class but I didn't see any mention of multiple Servants per class in the first post.

The idea of a Fate RP using fictional characters is interesting, though I'm probably little over loaded with RP's at the moment to join.
Again I may make one more just for the heck of it.

Since there's only a few of us I wouldn't mind the idea of people making a few "fodder" Kaiju so that our characters, both Kaiju and human, have something to fight and win against, while also making the Kaiju epidemic feel a bit bigger.

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