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Those aren't laces. Those are my toe nails.
16 days ago
I spit like awogarpa and I ain't afraid to step up to the plate. You'll see what happens next, Guillermo. You'll see.
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1 yr ago
I wanna be a cowboy, baby
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Hi Sausage Pat


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Mentions:: @Heartfillia Crystal @Tpartywithzombi Violet @Silverpaw Wulfric @13org Mayet @FunnyGuy Lorenzo @Rodiak Matthias

Calbert had paused in his conversation with King Edin at the sound of the slamming door but had not expected to see Crystal the culprit of such a thing. He could not help but smile. That's my little girl. I'm so proud. She must have been feeling in very good spirits to attend all on her own. To see her and her mother in good health tonight was a dream. His eyes searched the crowd until they set on his beautiful wife. He caught her gaze. Her ocean eyes were brimming with tears and worry. He excused himself politely from his spot and hurried over to take her hands in his, "My darling, please. " His voice was hushed as he kissed her hands."This is a sign of good fortune...For her to come here all by herself, she must be feeling as well as you are tonight. Do not fret that pretty heart of yours."

Liliane exhaled deeply as her husband wiped her tears, "Y-You're right. I just worry about her so, my love. I do hope you're right and she's in good spirits." She smiled up at him gently, then glanced back over at Crystal, watching a man approach her, "Will she be alright on her own?" Calbert's eyes narrowed at the sight and he did not immediately answer. "Sweetheart?"

"I suppose. Perhaps he won't though."The count gave her a lighthearted grin.

She shook her head at him with a soft laugh, proceeding to ask only a moment later,"Have you seen our Violet?"
He nodded, his voice lowering as he replied, "Out on the balcony speaking with Lord Ravenwood. Do not worry...as I have another pair of eyes and ears."She tilted her head with curiosity at such a statement.

Count Calbert then leaned in to kiss her on the forehead, "Be well, my love. Keep an eye on Crystal for me. I will return soon." With that, he locked his eyes on Lorenzo as he moved forward. He could only see the top of his head from his spot so he weaved himself through the crowd. Once he got close enough, it was easier to see that Lorenzo had found himself some company to speak with at the food table. Still, he caught the man's eyes eventually and gave him a deadly glare, continuing until Lorenzo showed signs of being uncomfortable. Then he gave him a wicked grin and made a beeline over to his stepdaughter Lady Charlotte, who he also had a bone to pick with tonight. She was alone now as two men left her side. It was a pleasant experience to see the foolish girl stiffen as he approached her. Once close enough, he then leaned in to whisper her ear, "You will speak with me tonight after the ball...For now, you may enjoy the party, Lady Vikena... Oh and don't forget to greet Crystal. "

When it came to Lorenzo, he would make sure the two of them spoke before the ball ended. Such could not wait.

As he returned Charlotte her space, he glanced down to see her expression. He smirked then moved away, continuing to then stare down Lorenzo for a few more moments until one of his servants came running to his side. She whispered something and then pointed to Wulfric and Mayet when it seemed no one was looking. With an unreadable expression, he thanked her and whispered something in her ear. The girl hurried off.

Now he waited.

Verrick, Charlotte, & Amir

Amir had not expected the interaction between the ivory skinned Lady Vikena to extend beyond a shy smile and some quick pleasantries. It was obvious to his trained eye that she had sought the escape of the beverage table as an excuse to leave the poor happenstance her kin had wrought. Even he did not know why he seemed to gravitate towards her. His steps had been measured and seemed to hold no particular destination and yet there he was.

Still, the two could have passed like ships in the night. There had been no need or requirement to address her. Yet his calm, confident voice had passed his lips and complimented her. Kahrem would have praised how brave she had been. After all, he had first hand experience of how harsh his father could be and their mother had told them of the great tales of the Sultan’s bloody past. Only his mother had been able to tame that beast.

Sudden realization made Amir open his eyes slightly. HIS MOTHER. There was a semblance of Esrin Kadir. To any onlooker, the comparison would have been short of the mark. Not only in complexion and body type but Charlotte could never be confused for the Sultana. Yet, there was something about her that had called to the twin.

She offered him a shrimp. HIs suspicious nature would never allow him to eat something not prepared by the cooks he trusted. Yet, he found his very own hand betraying him as he reached for one. The old Amir would have wrinkled his nose at the offer. So why was he now closing his fingers over the shellfish and popping it in his mouth. He chewed once, twice. The juices covering his tongue with the flavor. She was right…the food was delicious.

A slight smile and nod in her direction was the only sign of his approval. It was then that a man approached them. His instincts immediately told Amir that this man was no spoiled youth. There was even a scent about him that was not overpowered by perfume. The man’s eyes were the true indicator. Pale blue, like a cold winter sea. The second born gave the man a slight nod of acknowledgement. The armor that was his calm face returning.

Charlotte could easily tell Amir was very much loving the taste of that shrimp; his expression said it all without a spoken word. ” Aw I’m glad you liked it.”She said warmly as he nodded. He seemed like a quiet person, much like herself, so she thought maybe she’d pick up the work in conversating for a change. She drew a breath nervously before continuing, ”...I am sure if it’s not as good as the food in Alidasht.”

Before Amir could answer her, the sound of her own name took her attention. She changed the angle of her body to address the speaker as well. To her surprise, it was Princess Beatrice’s bodyguard, greeting her kindly. “Why hello Verrick. Long time no see.” Charlotte held out the tray of shrimp out toward him, ”Brave? I feel as if I am the biggest coward in the world standing next to someone like you… But thank you so much. How about a shrimp for the brave bodyguard of the Varian princess ?”

Verrick bowed his head as Charlotte turned her attention to him. She continued on as she offered him a plate of shrimp. He hesitated as he looked down at it, letting a soft sigh come out as he accepted her offer and took one. ” Thank you… He said before continuing with his reply. ”You honor me with kindness. I was only performing my duty. You are far from being a coward, Lady Charlotte. Willing to take upon your stepfathers punishment knowing it could lead to your own death? M’lady. That is the very definition of Bravery. Do not let yourself or anyone else convince you otherwise. ” He finished by taking a bite of the shrimp. The taste did not relieve the awful feeling he had in his mouth speaking so formally. But it was still good.

Verrick glanced to Amir and after he had finished his mouthful, asked. ”“Wouldn’t you agree?”

Amir continued to chew the shrimp that had been offered. Not because he wanted to fully enjoy it, though he was doing that, but to give off the impression that he was an innocent bystander. All the while hearing things about both Lady Charlotte and this new arrival, Verrick. This man was well known and it was due to some valiant act worthy enough to be the Princess of Varian’s bodyguard. Definitely a man to watch.

The Interchange of the two also revealed that the Duke’s daughter was held in high regard in other parts as well. The twin did not like the fact that she did not recognize her own worth. This meant she was either falsely humble, or had a low regard of herself, neither scenario a positive one. When the question was posed to him, Amir answered in his calm and cool voice.

The gentleman here has the truth of it. Even royals need to be wary of when they speak.”. His honey eyes lingered on the older man. “If Mr. Verrick offers his compliments it must be so. I doubt he does it so freely.” . The roll of the twin’s tongue played with the other man’s name. As if trying to learn more from the bodyguard as a sommelier does with wine.

Charlotte’s cheeks reddened and her gaze lowered. She set down the tray of shrimp on the table. ”W-Well I just see protecting our families as what’s expected of all of us... But I do suppose in the story of Clarissa and the Creature, Clarissa agrees to stay in the creature’s castle in her father’s place and she’s regarded as heroine in literature… Knowing my father is safe regardless if my actions had any part is enough for me tonight.”She paused her nervous rambling as she took it all in.

Me? Brave? If only they knew I’m still frightened of the dark.

Charlotte’s gaze turned to Amir to inform him as she picked up her glass in hand once again, ”Your Highness. Did you know Mr. Verrick was able to singlehandedly defend the Princess from a group of, from what I’ve heard, ten men?”

Verrick nodded his head. It is supposed to be like that. But rarely it is…especially among the nobles…and even less among the Caesonian’s. If she were to somehow catch the eye’s of one of the princes’s. She might do the family good. He didn't do anything as he glanced back at Princess Beatrice to keep himself updated on her position. Casually turning himself slightly to have an improved view.

Lady Charlotte suddenly then spoke up with more enthusiasm than before. Causing him to look back at her. She brought up the day the princess was almost kidnaped, and with that he winced slightly as a sudden ghost of pain resurfaced. His right hand rubbed the scar on his abdomen, not even realizing he did. Flashes of memories of that fight flashed in his mind. Honestly he couldn’t remember the latter half of it after he was stabbed. Only tiny portions here and there…mostly of riding back to the closest Caesonian castle. The Princess in front of him, helping him stay on the horse. Waking up on the ground of the inner courtyard of the keep after falling off his horse.

He blinked as he pulled himself back to the present. Quickly looking at Amir and Charlotte and realizing she was verifying if it was ten men. Clearing his throat he nodded. ”Yes, it was. ” He said looking to Amir ”Bear in mind it was eight years ago, and mostly luck.” He said, trying to downplay it. ”The shorter version was that Princess Beatrice was on route to Caesonia and a group of mercenaries attempted to kidnap her for ransom. They surprised her guards and slaughtered them. I was on my way to meet them halfway and by a miracle I arrived just before they attempted to take her from the carriage. After I ambushed the ambushers… I escorted the princess to the closest Castle.“ He said raising his hands, palms up. Attempting to play it down even more as if it wasn’t a big deal. Conveniently not bringing up the fact he fought off the second half of them with a short sword in his gut.

From the conversation so far Amir could gather that Duke Vikena’s low regard for himself had either rubbed off on Charlotte or the lady was trying not to outshine her low born father. If only she could see that accepting and enhancing that self worth would only benefit all parties involved. Still, it was not the twin’s place to relay this. Instead, he decided to be frank and short. “Perhaps one day, the lady will see in the mirror what others see through their eyes.”

When the Caesonian lady offered the story of Verrick, Amir gave the man an approving nod. When the man tried to offer excuses why the feat was not that big of a deal, it earned the body guard a slightly raised eyebrow. Only a man wanting to keep inconspicuous would try so hard. Only a man who worked in the shadows would shun the light. The second Kadir would have to keep an eye on the man. “Sir Verrick, I very much doubt luck had much to do with your prowess. I would be honored to request a training session. It would be true test of my skill against such a benchmark.” Out of the Kadi children, probably Mayet or Layla were the most proficient in weapons but as a swordsman, the twin was decent.

The Alidshati had lingered long enough. He offered a polite bow to both. “It was a pleasure meeting you Sir Verrick. Lady Vikena I beg you would excuse me.”Always keep moving, a sitting target is easier to hit. He had seen some people look more than once in their direction, no doubt building up the courage to come and join the conversation. The second son would remain an elusive shadow as long as he could.

Verrick looked at Amir and bowed his head. ”I am honored by your words, and humbly accept your offer. It was a pleasure as well, Shahazde Amir. As the man left, Verrick let out a sigh. So much for staying in the shadows. A training session would surely draw a few to see.

He turned to Charlotte and said softly. I am glad you are doing alright. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.”
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: The Harem
Interaction:@FunnyGuyRellen @HeloNym
Equipment:Black coat with fur trim on the hood, dark-colored, plain male clothing, sword with unbreaking and return enchantments, strength enchanted gloves, 2 medium red potions, hygiene products, timeteller, wayfinder, a flask, standard backpack, and an ama pouch with 1800 amas.

Damn. Wanted him to trip.

Helio charged forward nonetheless and swung his sword against the dark elf's stomach, slashing through the skin skillfully. It was a delicate part of the body that usually distracted a foe well enough, but did not quite kill them right away. It was the way of fairies to hesitate and exhaust all options before taking life. However, he was not nearly as hesitant as he had been once upon a time to go in for the kill. He even felt a rush that was invigorating.

Rellen's counterattack was too slow due to the advantage of the momentum Helio had as he had a few feet to gain acceleration before he had arrived before him. Rellen's hands gripped his stomach to keep his intestines from falling out from his body onto the deck. As Rellen had looked down at his stomach, Helio waved a hand in front of his face, shrouding his vision with dark magic. Next, he dashed behind Rellen and grabbed his shoulder.

All of this gave Helio a sense of deja vu that made his heart race with adrenaline. It also made him feel a little sick inside as he didn't like this part of him. He had done enough killing. He leaned and whispered in his ear, "Your hands seem a little full there. I will spare your life if you take one of those rowboats and-" It was then, looking over Rellen's shoulder, that he noticed Nym looking absolutely insane as he charged toward them like an animal with rabies.

Helio had no choice but to take flight as he was caught off guard, gaining some altitude above the ground and out of Nym's reach.

Uh oh. I guess he's Nym's a little hangry.

He felt a little bad about leaving the man to such a fate, but he was not strong enough to lift Rellen off the ground to get him out of harm's reach. Nym had the advantage as Helio has known him a few more hours and he wasn't interested in getting into a fight with the guy.

Interactions: @Inertia Auguste @Helo Callum
Mentions: Mayet @13org Wulfric@Silverpaw Violet @Tpartywithzombi Beatrice @baraquiel Felix @Mole

”Of course. Sharing customs is a beautiful but gradual process.”King Edin told the Sultan with a humble smile. ” I am well-known for my forgiving nature.”He looked to his wife who nodded hastily with a smile. Their gazes followed the Sultan’s as they looked upon Wulfric and Mayet. King Edin had to put a lot of effort into stretching his smile, sweat dripping down his brow as he replied, ”Yes… Yes Indeed. Wouldn’t that be a treat?”

As soon the Sultan departed, King Edin dropped his smile as if he had been holding up a heavy weight and exhaled air. The Queen dropped her smile too, just less dramatically, rolling her eyes when her husband wasn’t looking.

The King clapped his hands together, “Now then!”He turned to his sons, “Where was I… Oh yes… So let’s see.” He first pointed at Lady Mina Blackwood. “Lady Mina will not do, no, no, the girl is most definitely more interested in her uncle than other men… Shameful and blasphemous. She has a lot of men in and out of her home, I am sure she’s a prostitute.” He made a noise of disgust as he grimaced at the thought, “Red-heads tend to be much too enthusiastic and feisty nonetheless. If you must, a single night and then never speak to her again.” Queen Alibeth was staring at him as he spoke in utter astonishment.

”If you’re going to delve into the Varian Kingdom, Princess Beatrice is your best choice. Elegant, beautiful, and well-developed in the right areas. If we could keep our relationship in good standing with the Varian Kingdom, it will be to our advantage… Hm, yes I rephrase. One of you must court Princess Beatrice… Auguste! You are far more suited to charming the Princess than your younger brother would be. This is a very important job; do not let me down. ”

Queen Alibeth put her face in her hands.

King Edin, of course, did not stop there. He kept scoping the room, rubbing his chin, ”Hmm yes, Lady Thea doesn’t seem too thrilled with Prince Felix. If all fails with Beatrice or if Callum you come to your wits about your responsibility, maybe one of you could easily seduce her from that bland man. But then there are our own Caesonian women. Lady Violet Damien is an acceptable choice. Quiet and knows her place. A fine man such as Calbert would not raise a woman that was subpar. She’s also quite blessed in physical aspects. Though Lady Charlotte is a beauty, I will not have that mentally ill girl in any relation to me. Anyone living with that Vikena thing must be corrupted beyond damnation. That man’s foolishness is surely contagious. Probably murdered her mother to get close to Lorenzo out of some sort of Stockholm syndrome. Did you see the way she begged for his life? Twisted…”

As if on cue, Count Calbert moved in front of them from what seemed out of nowhere. Or King Edin had simply been too busy rambling to notice him eavesdropping from the side and slowly inching closer. King Edin finally noticed him and glanced his way as the man bowed and gave a charming smile, ”Your Highness. I am enjoying this fine occasion. As always, you put your best foot forward.” King Edin smiled at the compliment as he was easily buttered up, ” So hard-working… And does anyone ever even thank you enough for everything you do?” Calbert’s tone was ever so genuine and his expression sympathetic.

” Not nearly enough. If it weren’t for me, this Kingdom would never be as great as it is now. I hold no shame in my feeling about it as it is my life’s work and I am proud of it! You understand, yes, good man?”

Calbert smiled, ”Yes! If one puts their all into something, they have no business being humble about it, do they? You deserve to show the fruits of your effort with pride and the Kingdom loves you for all you do and who you are!”He raised his voice and threw his arms in the air as he spoke, garnering some attention from nearby guests. With a wink and smile towards them, they all began to applaud. King Edin looked like a child on Christmas morning as he waved to them.

”Now, now… Count Calbert… Surely you did not just come up here to butter me up like a biscuit, did you?” King Edin said with a bit of a blush to his cheeks. He always got a little flustered when it came to talking about how great he was. The truth was like music to his ears. ” What can I do for you, good man?”

” It is indeed courting season and our children are all coming to that age… That beautiful, delicate age where they fall in step with their parents as adults and need to find their own life partners, however, they are quite inexperienced and need guidance. You see, my beautiful and darling Violet, I want only the best for her as I am sure you do your own. You can understand that right? Not only do we love our children, but…. We want them to reflect well upon us as well. I do not think I can think of any suitor better than your humble and polite sons.”

King Edin glanced at Callum, raising a brow to him questioningly then glanced at Count Calbert, ”Well. We can discuss it certainly. “ He looked at Callum and Auguste, ” Boys, you’re dismissed. Go flutter about and enjoy the party. I’m tired of all your jabbering.”

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: The Harem
Interaction:@FunnyGuyRellen @HeloNym
Equipment:Black coat with fur trim on the hood, dark-colored, plain male clothing, sword with unbreaking and return enchantments, strength enchanted gloves, 2 medium red potions, hygiene products, timeteller, wayfinder, a flask, standard backpack, and an ama pouch with 1800 amas.

"Loved to have me? In his bed! How ludicrous!"Helio grinned wildly at the dark elf. He unsheathed his sword, coating it in dark magic as if to taunt him. He found himself a bit jaded that he had ordered people to board their boat. He had been hoping to keep these fiends away from the crew.

Helio noticed Nym climb aboard out of the corner of his eye, but said nothing out loud so that Rellen would not notice him yet. He felt some comfort knowing he had some backup perhaps if need be.

Helio lashed out his sword forward, some of the dark matter flying off it toward Rellen. Helio's eyes threatened a good time as he adjusted his grip and leaned his body in as if he was going to charge forward, "Now you're going to say: how can you use dark magic if you are a fairy?" Hopefully once he had him distracted, Rellen would fail to notice the slow-growing branches as they slithered out of the wood of the deck. The branches were gradually snaking closer behind his ankles, ready to grab him once he tried to move forward.

Time: Early Evening
Location: Caesonia Kingdom Ball
Interaction:Amir @Omni5876
Attire: Click here

The sight of the food was somehow not enough to make her forget about the monstrosity of the night behind her. Charlotte sighed and glanced over her shoulder towards her father's way worriedly, only to catch sight of one of the Sultan's sons, fortunately, the more rational offspring, coming her way. She took a sip of her wine to try to steady her nervous disposition. Maybe he was going to talk to someone else nearby. Still, she gave a polite smile as he came to her side. Such was second nature to her now. She glanced over her shoulder to make sure that there was no one behind her that he was speaking to instead, then she greeted him with a bow, "Shahzade...Peace be upon you. I am grateful to hear you think so." Though she had not yet delved deeply into Alidasht culture, she could recall the bare minimum of the proper greeting from a book she had read.

Oh dear, he really is speaking to me. If I misstep with my words...I'm not nearly intoxicated enough for this yet.

This man had been the one to stand up with kind words calling for the mercy of her father and of praise towards her. As brave as it had perhaps been for her to try and protect her father, it was also admirable to speak up for what one believed in, even if perhaps their family would not agree. It would not hurt to return the compliment then. "I have to thank you for stepping in with such mercy and grace. You are truly very well-spoken." Charlotte then continued after a pause, "And you seem to be a very kind gentleman."

She swirled the wine in her glass gently as she racked her brain. He really had not given her much to work with, but she knew it couldn't hurt for her to try to practice socializing after so long for her own good and to even improve the rocky start to the relationship between the Alidasht and Caesonian Kingdoms. A servant moved about toward them with a platter of crisp, golden fried shrimp. They glistened in the light of the chandelier and looked absolutely delicious. "You should try the fried prawns. They go quickly every gathering." Charlotte gestured to the hors d'oeuvres being offered. She set her wine glass down and then gently took the entire platter in her hands to offer to Amir with a big smile. The servant blinked in confusion and she looked over at the young girl, "Oh you can have some too. My apologies, miss."She offered the plate out to her. The girl grinned and took a shrimp with glee, scurrying off with it. Be free, young flower.Charlotte thought to herself, the urge to giggle tickling her throat despite it all.

Interactions: @Inertia Auguste @Helo Callum
Mentions: @13org Mayet @Silverpaw Wulfric

King Edin shook his head in disappointment as he watched his two sons approach him. The cherry on the top of this evening’s humiliation was his own sons’ tardiness. His gaze locked with a deadly aim at his son Callum, who was always the source of the problem. He knew Auguste would not dare do such a thing tonight. Callum. If only you could stop being a failure for once in your life. Ungrateful, little… He sometimes wondered if he was the son of Duke Lorenzo Vikena rather than his own.

“Darling. Let it go.”The hushed voice of his wife filled his ear and she put her hand over his to grip it. “It’s as if the ball has only begun. It was halted while the issue at hand was worked through. He has not missed a thing.”

“Do not speak condescendingly towards me. How many times should I let this go? Callum forgets his place time and time again and it sullies my reputation. If he were not my son, I’d care not, but he is an extension of me and every extension of me should hold themselves in the greatest regard, and thus-” Their sons approached into earshot so he drew off his quiet ranting.

King Edin kept glaring silently at Callum, his gaze adverted from the acceptable Auguste. At this point, he did not even care if it were to be proven that it was Auguste’s fault they were late. He could not fend off his anger from his weakest link.

“It’s…Been going. It’s only begun, my love so not to fret.”Queen Alibeth replied to Auguste and smiled, “How handsome you look. It warms my heart to see you and Callum so grown and beautiful. Please have a good time tonight. She stood up and moved over to give them each a hug. King Edin cleared his throat. After giving a slightly longer hug to Callum, she turned about and returned to her throne silently.

“Tonight you must be on the lookout for a wife.”King Edin announced and put his hands on his hips as he stood up from his throne to address the two. He was comfortable doing so as he had his throne area fenced off with velvet roping as well as guards to keep people from his personal space. The music was loud; only his wife and two sons would hear his words. “All three of my sons are still unmarried. What a joke. Keep on your toes boys as you see Prince Felix of the Varian Kingdom already is betrothed to a Lady, a daughter of a duchess. You listen here well, now gentlemen, I will have no ugly nor impoverished woman. She will be approved by me and she will be obedient. Your brother Wulfric knows well not to bother with anyone of low status. Follow his suit. Though…”He paused to get a glimpse of the Wulfric conversating with the loud thing that had been yammering about earlier on. How could they let their women speak like that? Did they not know their place behind the men? Annoyance filled him as he had hoped Wulfric to lead by a good example. The last thing they needed was more than necessary visitations from people who brought filthy and dangerous animals into his castle. “Let’s try to keep your selection-” He broke off his next statement as he caught sight of the Sultan approaching. “Auguste, Callum, turn about and greet the Sultan Raif Kadir as soon as he arrives.”

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Plaza- Summer Harvest Festival
Interactions: Caelan @Alivefalling Slick @FunnyGuy Aurora @Mole
Equipment:Clothing,Backpack, Sketchbook with drawings, various drawing supplies, iPhone, charging cable, strawberry pocky, earphones, and a pouch with two rations of food, water flask, a bar of soap and a few other portable hygienic products.

Sophie put her hands to her face in horror. Was that an insult? She had no idea if she had been offensive mistitling him. ”I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude.” She told him softly. Her face went red when she realized he winked and started to internally panic, but before she could react, Caelan pelted a rock at Slick, chanting the word cowboy at him, ”Oh no! Come on Caelan don’t be mean please!” She pleaded.

She gestured to Aurora, ” And don't throw rocks please! You could hurt her.”
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location:Avian City
Interactions:@Potter Xavier @Helo Orias @CitrusArms Aiko @FunnyGuy Caelestis/Augus
Equipment: Dress and thigh-high socks(Slits on the inner sides of the sleeves), Black boots, Pouch with amas, Lipstick, Mysterious bag of fun drugs

"Aiko, I'd do it again in a heartbeat so you will cuddle me and call me sweetie again."Yuka replied to him with a giggle, giving him a wink. She was soon removed from Aiko's grip. She reached for one of Aiko's tails with pleading eyes, hoping to hug the fluff. But then came the pets! Yuka's lips turned into a smile as she closed her eyes, enjoying the head rubs given to her from Xavier, "Yesss I am okay hehe. I accept your apology; just keep giving me pets please!" She told him happily. Her eyes opened as he continued his nice-sounding words and she gave him a pat on the top of his head."I will dress you head to toe in something marvelous!" They went on walking like that for a while. If anyone stopped petting Yuka, she would immediately frown until it continued again.

Yuka curiously analyzed the Commander once they were finally before him at his big fancy table. He looked about the same as people said he did; hunky big bird. Though, she would not let her heart be swayed as the love of her life was leaving! She reached for Captain Caelestis' hand as he was leaving, distraught in his departure. "My love! I will never forget you!"She cried out dramatically after him. Her fingers wiggled as she kept up the charade of reaching until he left the room. She turned her attention back and gave Commander Augus a cheeky smile and wave from her spot in Xavier's arms. Unexpectedly enough to the others, she silenced herself and allowed Koldar to speak.
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