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I'd be down
Vivian & Sylvia Altissima

The sisters were quite surprised to find out that Ditzy's wounds hadn't been treated because he was trying to 'walk it off'. The fact that he could even attempt to ignore wounds like that was a testament to his strength. Having been raised mostly around humans, the sisters did not know if this was normal for hobgoblins, or if Ditzy was somehow special, though the fact that he was male spoke to the latter. It at least assuaged her fears that the others that were with him were callous of his injuries, since they were ignorant of them until this moment.

"I think Morgan's got this handled," Sylvia said in response to Freyr's offer of help. "I'm amazed he could travel in such a condition. No wonder no one thought anything was wrong."

Vivian, meanwhile, turned her attention to Bart. "No worries! Neil was here to greet us!" though upon saying that, Vivian's face darkened slightly as she wasn't sure if she completely forgave Neil for getting them arrested. She decided that she did forgive him, and continued, "We hope to spend the next few days in the guild setting up shop. We actually got wrapped up in a weird quest today."

"That man should NOT be practicing alchemy!" Sylvia chimed in.

"Buuut everything turned out more-or-less okay in the end...I guess," Vivian shrugged, it was all water under the bridge now.

Next the sisters were greeted by Ozzy, whose enthusiasm was contagious. "Our father...well, the human who raised us," Sylvia said with some reminiscence in her voice, though she added a disclaimer to explain away any confusion, "He was quite handy and made this wheeled platform for us."

"Wait till you try some of our specialty 'Nectar Cookies'!" Vivian responded to Ozzy's anticipation of her pastries, "We use actual Alraune nectar, our own, of course, for a unique sweetness that has the healing and invigorating effect of the aphrodisiac that it is..."

"But with just the right combination of herbs to counteract the actual aphrodisiac effect," Sylvia added.

As the food was served, Vivian and Sylvia dug in. Being a carnivorous plant, the sisters are capable of eating meat, and fruits and vegetables can supplement the need for fertilizer. They ultimately ate very little though, consuming more volume of water than food, and even pouring some water into their pot.
Level 4 - (15/40) EXP
Location - Hammerhead
Word Count: 323

@Gentlemanvaultboy @Archmage MC @Lugubrious

Din stayed around the kart repair out in the desert, watching with mounting curiosity the expertise with which the karts were being repaired, and the mind-boggling technology that went into it. Hyrule had many ruins filled with ancient, magical technology, but only heroes were brave enough to plunder those depths and come out with amazing, usable tools. All this went way over Din's head, but it intrigued her nonetheless. Still, she held back and let the do their work, as she knew nothing about this technology and could contribute little. But as the karts were fixed, the team was ready to follow the others who had gone on ahead, so Din mounted Gogoat and rode beside the karts.

It seemed the ones who had arrived early were talking with the locals and getting a quick snack. Din decided to stick close to Linkle. Though something about this stop seemed more mundane that the land they were in before they had arrived at Peach's castle with all its floating blocks and smiling clouds, it still reeked of technology, and the look of the denizens proved it. Linkle, for her part, had her attention drawn towards an mechanical bird-man with a missing hand. Din tried to help Linkle as best she could, moving the eagle maverick, but Linkle's method of treating ailing cucco's did not seem to be working. As Linkle went off to find Tora and Poppi, Din thought instead of Blazermate, who was also a robot, and Din recalled overhearing Blazermate talk about fighting in robot competitions and healing her teammates. It seemed strange that Blazermate's beam could heal humans and machines, but Din felt Blazermate would be the direct solution when it came to helping this majestic bird. Din headed back to the kart with the dispenser in it, expecting to find Blazermate near it. "Blazermate?" Din called out, "Linkle found an injured...robot, and is trying to revive it. Think you can help?"
I'm gonna need to get Storm Eagle on my side somehow. Will try to get a post up soon.
That or cooling the place down a touch so we don't sweat as much out. I'd ask in character, but I'm not sure whether Linkle has ever actually seen her do it.

I think you're right. The first time she used it, she was defending Michael in the rear, while Linkle was up ahead in the fray. The second time, I believe was in the Castle fight against MegaDragonBowser, and Linkle was still outside with Minako. Then she used it in the fight against SweetBot, but Linkle was dealing with Brother Grimm.
Oh, hey @Stern Algorithm. How big can Din make that wintery patch she can make?

I never actually put a limit to the size, so we'll need to ask @Lugubrious for a balanced area, but I was thinking a square meter. Although, she can just repeat cast to paint a larger area. Thinking of melting some water?
This is news to me, since I joined fairly recently. I have a new appreciation for Neil; he survived getting f***ed by Godzilla.
Vivian & Sylvia Altissima

@PaulHaynek @Lmpkio @AzureKnight @Restalaan @13org

"Oh my goodness!" Sylvia cried out in alarm once Ditzy pointed out his wounds, "Didn't you guys stop to recuperate?" Despite Ditzy claiming to have befriended to tribe of the forest, she had to seriously question the Viera's hospitality to allow this to happen to Ditzy. Fortunately, Morgan came to the rescue with healing magic, making Sylvia feel somewhat inadequate. But she comforted herself with the fact that medicine served its purpose in that people could heal themselves in the absence of a healer. If only she had stayed at the Guild to set up her apothecary's shop (and Vivian's bakery), since the quest had been just a big waste of time. She looked around at the group, and realized that she had not been given a lot of time at the guild to meet all the members, and decided this was as good a time as any to introduce herself. "Hey, I'm Sylvia, and I'm Vivian, I'll mostly be staying at the Guild to make medicine, and I'll be baking! We probably won't be going on too many quests from now on, but hopefully we'll bring in some revenue with medicine and pastries."
Din leveled up, so I'm going to unlock the Spell of Summer:

  • Spell of Summer - Din targets a patch of ground with the Rod, changing the localized season to summer. This creates desert-like heat in the area for low heat damage, and may cause flammables and explosives to spontaneously combust. The effect can also dry out objects within, or make enemies weaker to flame attacks. Also has a temporary, mild blinding effect.

One more season to go before the Rod is complete.
Level 4 - (14/40) EXP
Location - Mad Max
Word Count: 348

@Simple Unicycle @thedman @Genon

After taking down Needles with Donnie, Tora, and Poppi, Din embraced Gogoat in celebratory joy, laughing at Poppi's jab at her master's rotundity, then wondered about Needles' soul, which hovered ominously. From what she could tell, the demon clown had been some sort of entertainer, based on his face, despite the fact that it had been warped in an evil manner. But what kind of evil could push an entertainer, one who was supposed to bring joy, to such violence and madness? She looked on as her allies finished their final opponent and the subsequent geyser of souls. A warning from Princess Peach confirmed what Din as thinking; the clown was too dangerous to fuse with, similar to how it probably would have been a bad idea to allow Bowser to fuse with the soul of his evil form. As Donnie, Franklin and Michael convened on her location, she agreed with Donnie about giving the spirit of Needles to one of the other two, as she didn't want anything to do with it. Besides, she had her hands full with the Rod and the keyblade. Still she stayed to keep an eye on them, just in case either of them was reckless enough to fuse with it. "The clown is bad news," Din said, Better to turn it into a weapon or something." She pondered about what it actually meant to turn Needles' soul into a weapon. Was he dead, or did this consign him to some limbo where he was neither dead nor alive? Maybe Needles' deserved such a fate, but surely not all souls were. Or would everything be returned once Galeem was defeated, as one hoped? Which also meant that any force of evil they took down would be returned as well, and Needles' would be free to terrorize whatever mad world he had come from. Perhaps that was for the best; maybe it wasn't their place to pass judgment, much as how Peach seemed to empathize with her opponent. Climbing back on to Gogoat, Din approached the group that lingered behind, fixing their karts.
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