Avatar of The World


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2 mos ago
Current This link expires in two days, but if anyone is wondering what combined with writer's block has been occupying my time recently, I don't think this'll dox me: streamable.com/o13hsy
6 mos ago
"What is life if not a chance to make more regrets?" - YourMoonstone
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7 mos ago
"It's not my fault that god didn't make you guys in his image." - IBeatPandas (Twitch Streamer)
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7 mos ago
Finally back on my own computer.
2 yrs ago
Honestly, a Trauma Center x Toyko Ghoul (with or without Code Lyoko in it) sounds like a phenomenal concept.
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"And how smart you are only determined which way you fall." - a dream I had once
"Court should be adjourned because the jury are fools, and the judge can't decipher his left from his right or his right from his wrong." - Streetlight Manifesto (The Hands That Thieve)
"Time whether wasted or well spent is still time." - Rise Against (Zero Visibility)
"Your honor, I think there's a discrepancy. Apparently, the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, but the First Amendment only guarantees freedom of speech on condition that you do not speak." - RC

Most Recent Posts

@Dynamics Dark had a similar backstory to Dedregen as they were both human at one point, also he was the Dark Trigger correct?

Apocalypse Trigger, but yeah.
@Dark Cloud

Because you meant to corrupt her but that's an excuse to age her up :P

Did you use his corruption power or the Dark Power?

Also this is my alt so you know.

So is he a bigger threat than your other bbgs?

Depends on the circumstances, really.
<Snipped quote by The World>

Part of the reason I ask is because I don't know what other characters look like and such. So I might have a hard time gauging how my character would react to them.

Most of us use our Avatars and Titles on Guild as our characters. For example, right now I'm set to play as Nyarlathotep, and my avatar is what she looks like.
<Snipped quote by Blackmist16>

I take it your character is some kind of undead? owo

Also is there anything I need to know about other players' characters before I start posting? I can't seem to find any info in the Chara tab.

We don't use the character tab, we learn about characters from their words and actions, more like real life than like a roleplay, if that makes sense.

The only reason we need a basic introduction of new characters by new players is to make sure we can fit them into what's currently going on.
Crystal continued backing up, accelerating her pace as Rivka put shots into their assailants. Since she was keeping an eye on them, she saw when two of them stood back up and one revealed its face. She felt a shiver run down her spine; there was something very wrong here. She glanced over to her luggage and gave a quick "sorry" to it for having to abandon it. She turned and began running towards the others just as the woman(?) behind her raised their arm and a loud screech of metal came from above. She barely had time to glance up before the debris fell, nearly crushing her, a lighter piece hitting her left arm and cutting it open on the shoulder.

She didn't have time to think about the pain or to lament their bad luck. She jumped back as another piece fell right in front of her, limiting her movement. As more fell, she quickly found herself effectively trapped behind the others. She'd have to run back a ways and circle around, but that meant she'd be a good target for the apparent monsters they were running from. She considered climbing over it for a moment, but her left arm wasn't working like she wanted it to; the damage from the debris must have been more serious than she thought.

The young girl turned around to face the now-unmasked figure. There was no way she was going to take them down if she could barely move one arm, but standing still wouldn't get anything done. Holding her shoulder with her right hand, now soaking in blood, she ran a few steps towards their foes, ready to change course and sprint around the displays that had blocked her in as soon as she could.
A full month without any activity. Might as well call it.

I dunno. I've seen things come back from longer breaks. Let's wait until the GM comes back before calling it official.
<Snipped quote by Blackmist16>

I mean it isn't ruined since I just undid it. Though like I said if you want to go the dark god angle, I'd be down for forming a council of them to wage war against Existence.

So long as I can just wrap up any arcs I might have in it at the very least.

Also, please don't feel bad. You're doing fine too, we just don't want anyone thinking they're ruining the rp in any way.
Let me just put it out there right now, I'll say it again if I have to. I am super sorry I kind of just got caught up in the idea...erm I could make this an easy fight? God I feel so stupid right now and I had no intentions to ruin this RP for all of you.

You're doing fine (I say as I don't read the IC) we generally do things in a way where we don't really plan stuff out, so momentai. There are times to plan and times to go with the flow, and either is fine here.
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