Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Silver Fox
Perhaps Prince would be surprised on the effect the alcohol had on Michael, for he shouldn't have gulped it, especially not on an empty stomach. When had he eaten last? Michael found that he couldn't remember. He drank the next glass slower, but was still drinking it faster then he should, his thoughts suddenly distracted, as a small band, entertainment the hotel provided, began to play.

How did you know when Alcohol began to work? Did you feel anything? Or was it simply the absence of feeling? What was the lure of alcohol, besides the taste? Did the alcohol simply lower inhibitions? Could it make you do things you wanted to do, but didn't have the courage to do? what was the lure of it?

He looked to Prince, and smiled, almost sloppily. He leaned slightly in his chair, still drinking the second drink, for now at least. "I want to dance"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Prince || Dragon Fang Hotel


The feline watched the boy continue to drink, humming as he pushed a small plate of bread and a glass of water towards him, chuckling at the the words tumbling from the human's mouth. "Is that so? I think you might not be focused enough for such a dance. Maybe another time after a good rest. It's been a long day. Eat a little and drink some water." he chuckled, poking Michael's cheek a little.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Kaitlyn DeRoe

Location: Phoenix Wing Hotel

"Ugh, and I really wanted to see some cool magic before I hit the hay." As she say Nolan leave, she pouted for a moment until jumping into the air as if being alerted to something. A communication lacrima appeared in her hand and turned around to try to get some privacy. The conversation wasn't long, but she quickly turned around to Damian. "Apparently Dru wants me to return for something. I guess we'll have to continue our meeting again some other day. So I suppose I'll see you later Mr. Phoenix's Blade." After her cheerful good bye, the Saint left the hotel and made her towards Crocus's Castle.

Wes Gusto

Location: Mountainous Outskirts of Crocus

The wizard traveled for several weeks searching and eventually found his way near Crocus. He was tempted to enter the city, but when night was approaching soon, he decided to stay the night outside the city. As his campfire produced a nice amount of light to provide enough warmth and energy. Lying down ground and gazing at the stars, he wondered what Shutler was planning ever since the day and stole and ran away with some of Taris's research.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Silver Fox

Michael screwed up his face, and shook his head, "it doesn't matter if you make a fool of yourself dancing! No one will know it isn't intentional!" he grumbled, perhaps rather loudly, popping a piece of bread in his mouth reluctantly, rolling it into a ball before eating it, following it with a sip of water. "pleeeeeaaaaaaasssssseeeeee" he begged dragging out the please, looking to Prince wide eyed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

The beginning of the end for day two

Caits and Joshua collab part one of two

After making sure that Mayt was safe and in the room he had got, Jarvis went through the hotel, checking to make sure everywhere was were they should be and that no one was sneaking around, whether from the guild or from someone trying to kidnap a guild member again. He decided to drop in on Amelia and make sure she was okay, before hunting up Jamke.

He knocked on Amelia's door, and called softly "Amelia, are you awake?"

The entire night had not been a good one for Amelia. She could not sleep a wink. Every time she managed to, she woke up from nightmares of her past. She had given up and was just lying in bed before she heard a knock on her door and a very welcoming voice. Getting up, she moved over to the door and opened it before giving Jarvis a tight hug.
"You're back." She said, looking up at him. In the night, her red eyes glowed dimly in the darkness, as did the crystals on her wings. The young girl was wearing a pair of pajama's, a shirt and matching pants, that were emerald green in color and looked like they were made of high quality silk, a fact that would probably catch those that knew her early childhood off guard. The shirt had two cuts in the back to allow her wings to come out, like most of her shirts did. Letting go, she moved away and looked up at Jarvis. "Did you need anything?"

Jarvis hugged Amelia in defense first as the girl seemed intent on trying to prevent him breathing in her hug, before managing to crouch and hug her close. He was pleased that she was still up, but worried as to why. He shook his head at her question, "no, I just returned from helping Mayt and wanted to check on you. Is everything okay?" he asked softy, studying Amelia

"Yeah I'm fine." Amelia lied before looking guilty and shaking her head. She sighed before gently getting out of his grip and moving back into her room, motioning him to come in if he wished. She moved back to her bed and sat down on it before looking over at him. "I'm not fine. I can't sleep at all. I keep remembering things. Things I would rather forget. Thing's I can't forget. And they're just keeping me awake."

Jarvis gave a soft sigh, wishing he could say that it would all be alright, but knowing it might not be. He approached Amelia, "there are things we would all rather forget, little one. But we can't, and id love to be able to take it all away from you." he said, wishing that he could, but knowing that he couldn't. "do you what to share it with me? It might make you feel better"

Amelia frowned, looking at the ground.
"It was Karn's battle with that girl from Rider's Blade. The way he won. I was in her position before when I... when I acquired my wings." She said, flinching as she felt pain around her wings. Just remembering always hurt her and seemed to agitate them.

Jarvis had no idea how Karns battle had gone, and he stood there a moment, unsure and trying to work it out. It was clearly something bad, but not bad enough for Karn to be reprimanded. At least that he knew about. From the rest,
Jarvis could guess, and he grimaced, sitting beside Amelia and taking her hand, "often, when we are most vulnerable, we find a strength we never knew we had. You are strong, and the fact that you survived what they did to you just proves it. You're here, you're safe. Is there anything I can do?"

"Could I possibly... sleep with you tonight?" Amelia asked

The simply, almost child like question simply squeezed Jarvis's heart, and he nodded "of course you can" he said, giving her a smile

"Could you carry me?" Amelia asked, holding out her arms so Jarvis would be able to pick her up easily.

Jarvis nodded, and smiled, rising and gently scooping Amelia into his arms. He cradled her close, starting out the room to his own. "Has anything else happened, besides this?" He wanted to know, wanted to make sure that she was okay after the battle, after the use of that spirit with the funny name, and wished hehadn't had to leave to help mayt.

Amelia snuggled against Jarvis, smiling as she rested her head on his shoulder.
"No, nothing else bad has happened. I did talk to Master Jack. He seems like a really nice person." Amelia said

Jarvis nudged the door open, careful not to jostle Amelia, "he is, and has been there for us in bad times as well as good. He started dragon fang a little while after we started Phoenix wing, and we've helped each other out before" he said

"Hhmm" Amelia said, not sure how to add to this conversation. Then again, she was incredibly tired after her day and the lack of sleep was catching up to her now, as she kept almost nodding off.

When Jarvis reached his room door, he opened it, and approached the bed, gently putting Amelia down. "do you want anything else before we sleep?" he asked her

"Just want you close by." Amelia said, one hand staying gripped to Jarvis' shirt, as if she refused to let go of him.

Jarvis nodded, gently prying Amelia's hand off, so he could bundle her up with the blanket, and hold her when he climbed into the bed. "I want let anything hurt you." he remembered promising Sam that, remembered her faith in him, pushing the memory away before it could hurt. "you're safe here, sweety"

"Papa." Amelia said, snuggling up against Jarvis and quickly falling asleep.

From her locket, a single light came out before it turned into Ellis, who looked down at Amelia with a smile.
"She tries to act so mature during the day but once she gets tired, she turns into such a child, wouldn't you agree?" The spirit asked Jarvis.

papa echoed through Jarvis, and he sighed softly, emotions a turmoil inside him, looking up as Ellis appeared."even the strongest person can have vulnerabilities. She is a child, even if her history denies that" he said softly so as not to wake Amelia, "I wish I could protect her from it all"

"Every parent, if not every adult, feels that way concerning children. At least most do I hope." Ellis said, sitting on the edge of the bed and gently running a hand through Amelia'a hair. "Tell me, does being with her cause you more pain or happiness, because of your daughter?"

"It makes me think what could have been, what should have been, if not for the bandits that killed her." Jarvis said softly, "she would have been 21 this year. It doesn't cause me pain, just grief. And guilt that I couldn't protect her. Being able to make Amelia happy, makes me happy. It two different things. A parent can love their other child, even if something happened to another"

"Being with you makes get happy. To her, you'relike the father she never had. If making her happy makes you happy, then invite her to live with you. She knows little about you buy she does care about you greatly." Ellis said. "I do not think your daughter would mind. I'm sure watching her father suffer from beyond the veil hurts her greatly."

"I don't have a house, I live at the guild" Jarvis said. There was also other things to consider, but he couldn't say that, couldn't right then. "The guild is my house. I can't just leave it, leave Jamie, who'd forget to eat if I didn't practically shove food down her throat. "There are some things I don't think I could ever share, Ellis."

"You don't think you can or simply don't want to? Are you hiding some dark secret to protect those around you or simply keeping a secret?" Ellis asked, eying Jarvis carefully. "I don't mind you looking after my daughter. However, if you will no be completely honest with me, you might find that you will be watched at all times when you are near her."

"I have always been completely honest with you" Jarvis said, keeping his tone soft, light despite being a little annoyed. "is killing my own brother a secret I deserve to keep, even if he did kill my daughter?even if he did try to kill Jamie, to kill me, to destroy my family? Do you think there is a moment I don't regret that, every day? How can I tell anyone I am a Kin slayer? And it's not just my secret to share, not just my past, and thus, I can't share it" suddenly remembering Amelia, he checked to make sure she was still asleep.

Ellis sighed before looking up at the ceiling. Amelia was still asleep but looked a bit upset, possibly having a nightmare, possibly sensing the tension in the air.

"Jarvis... tell me, if your brother was still alive and threatened to kill Amelia, would you hesitate to kill him for even a second?" She asked

Jarvis stroked Amelia's hair, hoping to soothe, but flinched at the question. He swallowed, unsure what answer Ellis wanted, but decided to go with what he knew he would do. "no. I wouldn't hesitate. I'd do it. I'd do it because he wouldn't be reasoned with. And I'd do it because I wouldn't be able to live with the grief again"

"And did you hesitate to kill him after he killed your daughter?" Ellis asked as Amelia calmed down slightly but still looked slightly upset. Ellis looked down at her and sighed. "She probably left all of her toys at home. She always slepted with a stuff dog, because that was the only comfort she had after her parents abandoned her. I got her a replacement, but I guess she didn't bring Cecile along."

"it was never my intention to kill him. I went after him, yes. I...I hoped it was a mistake, that in the moment I saw the wrong thing, but it wasn't...and...I killed him" Jarvis was nearly whispering now, not wanting to relive the memory, not wanting to bring it back.

He didn't know if Amelia had brought the stuffed toy along, but she hadn't asked for it, so maybe not. It felt like it was something he should know

"Don't run Jarvis. Don't run from this memory." Ellis said. "You saw your daughter, dead. You saw your brother, the man responsible. You killed him. Any father, and TRUE and loving father, would probably do the same in your shoes. You loved your daughter, she was your treasure and your greatest pride. She was the light of your world. And someone, someone you trusted, stole her from you. You killed him, yes. But can you say anyone will say you were in the wrong? If they had been in your shoes, do you think they would've done things differently?"

"I don't know. All I know is killing him didn't bring her back, so what did I get from that? The grief for my little girl, the grief for my brother, and the knowledge that I killed him." the words were halting, as if he had trouble getting them out. "and the knowledge that I should have killed him, before he got close enough to kill her. The knowledge that if I hadn't hesitated, she'd still be alive." he didn't want to do this, didn't want to be taking about it. He didn't want to remember, didn't want to remember the rage, the fury, the kill. Didn't want to remember holding Sam's small, lifeless body, nor the horrible, wailing cries and the crushing grief.

"You hesitated because you trusted him. You thought you could trust him, that he wouldn't harm his own niece. But he did, he betrayed you and Sam. That person, as of that moment, was no longer your brother. Your brother was long gone, dead to the world. What took your daughter was not worth being called human. There is no reason to grieve for him. You can grieve for Sam. But do not grieve for a thing that is willing to betray it's own family and kill them. Especially a child as young as Sam was." Ellis said, her tone hard, yet compassionate. She felt's Jarvis' pain, she truly did. But he needed to move on, accept what he did.

"Ask Joshua Tamashii." A voice said before the red flame that was Phlegethon appeared floating a few feet away.

"he was still my brother" Jarvis said softly, but knew arguing was pointless. Ellis wouldn't be able to see that it was Jarvis's fault, that he should have helped his brother long before the killings. He should have seen it. "even if he did kill Sam, and thus, I still grieve. Killing him didn't help, except maybe to stop more killings. i know I did the right thing, but it doesn't make the act any better"

As phlegethon appeared, it felt like to Jarvis that he was having an intervention by spirits, and he sighed. "it's late, I'm not going to go disturb Joshua and it's been a long day"

"You who have battled long and hard, you who have drawn the blood and ire of many yet are also admired by just as much. Sinner and savior, redeemer and damner. Taker of lives, yet one who spares just as many. You grieve over the lives you lost or took, but refuse to look at the ones you managed to save and the lives that have come about as a result of saving them." Phlegethon said "What is it you really seek? What is it that will truly give your troubled soul peace?"

Yes. This seemed like an intervention by spirits, and that just made Jarvis's head hurt He closed is eyes, wondering why he had started this conversation, and right then, just wanting to sleep. He had been up more then a day, and this philosophy question was just too hard to ponder right then. "What I want is what I can't have right now. I want my family back, my love, and another beginning. I want to be able to know I have done the right things, and to know I'll be able to protect what I care about, and not let it be destroyed. What I want never seems to matter, to this cruel world"

"You say that, yet ignore the answers to your prayers that is lying right next to you." Phlegethon said.

Jarvis looked to Amelia, and nodded slightly, "Amelia is one answer. One part of the whole." he said softly, looking to Ellis and Phlegeton, "And how can I have her, if I can't protect her?" he said, feeling unsettled, unsure of what to continue to say, wishing there were answers to he's worries.

"How can you know the answer to that if you don't take the first step?" Phlegethon asked

"because if I do and I can't, then it's Amelia who will lay the price, and I don't want that" Jarvis replied, "if I can't protect her, and you guys aren't able to.. happens then? She says she won't learn to fight"

"She will not die easily. Death has come for her three times. Unlike most, she has eluded it each time. That is why she can see, hear, and touch the spirits of the dead. As for us, it would take a seal of tremendous power to stop me from protecting her." Phlegethon said.

"We're like Lucy Heartafilia and her celestial spirits. We will not let her die, no matter the cost." Ellis added.

Jarvis sighed, they just weren't getting it, and he didn't know how to explain it. "I thought I would always be there to protect Sam. Look what happened. You can't know that you won't be able to protect her. Something could happen, you could be unable to reach her, or you might hesitate, or any numerous amounts of things. I want to be able to look after Amelia, but how can I when I'm not even sure I'll be able to keep her alive?"

"How can you be so certain you'll fail?" Phlegethon asked.

"because I did with Sam" Jarvis said softly, wishing they'd stop asking him these questions, stop being it all back

"So your going to run from your problem and turn your back on a child that needs you?" Ellis asked.

It wasn't a problem. He had already proven that he couldn't protect those he cared about. "no, I won't turn away from Amelia, but I can't be everything she wants, she needs"

"You can. You very well can. You're just to scared to." Ellis said.

"Wonder what Sam has to say about how you're acting." Phlegethon said.

"yes, I'm scared. I'm scared of the grief and the guilt, and nothing will change that. More then that, I don't want t be responsible for another child's death!" Jarvis said, "I don't know what she'd say, because she's gone! Taken, because I couldn't protect her! Killed, because of me!" why couldn't they just leave him be? Couldn't they see it was just making things worse, distressing him? How did they think he would be able to do anything, with them badgering him like this?

"Then why don't you ask her?" Phlegethon said before a magic circle appeared. "Sam, your Daddy wants to say hi."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Dornae Namari - The Luckless Enchanter
Theme I/|\Theme II/|\Theme III

Surprised at Jamie's response, Dornae sort of just stared at the guildmaster. That was it? He just had to ask to join and they'd let him in. Go get him a guild mark and he'd be with a Guild suddenly. There weren't processes or forms or tests he had to fill out, people he had to impress. Not to mention that Phoenix Wing was a well known Guild, almost respected in a society where people had a general distrust for magic. His mouth opened, but he closed it again, screwing his brow up in thought.

Did he really want to join Phoenix Wing, or was it entirely a joke. Wasn't this too convenient? Then he decided to ignore all of that because this was a stroke of good fortune, something he rarely received. As such he smiled, a bit awkwardly, and replied with a simple, "Well, um...sure. Didn't expect it was that simple. I'll come back with you, probably be better that way." He glanced back at Mithera, his eyes not even bothering to stop on Ferrin or Valak, he was quite done with the pair. "Tell you what, getting your clothes wasn't so troublesome. Consider yourself debt free," he smiled as he said it, "...however, I don't think I'll be able to get that meat for you. Apologies on that account."

With that said he began carving sigils into his dagger, channeling magic through it as he did so, before he sheathed it and set it to activate via a flux of energy. He looked to Jamie and said, "Lead on." With that, he was under the care of Phoenix Wing's master and hopefully this would help him disassociate himself with the two troublemakers that he'd had the misfortune of running in to.

@Burthstone, @Crimson Raven, @Caits, @BrodZ11711.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Prince || Dragon Fang Hotel


Prince chuckled at the pleading of the Celestial wizard, humming a little thoughtfully. It seemed it didn't take long for the young boy to get quite a bit tipsy. Unsurprising but still amusing. So far, seemed innocent enough. Not too much trouble. Yet. "Mhmm... well alright. But hold on to me. And if you lose your lunch, try to aim not at me." he purred in amusement before standing up, gingerly grabbing Michael by the arms and helping him up. Wrapping his left arm around Michael's waist while the right hand's fingers intertwine with Michael's left hand, he gingerly started to dance at a slow pace, happily humming a tune with their steps.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Master Jamie

As Dornae agreed to come with him, Jamie smiled. Saying her farewells to Mithera, Jamie made sure she still have the lacrimas before leaving. It might have been more practical to use a lacrima, but if Jamie left without being seen iron enigma night assume he was still in there. As it was, all Jamie was doing was leaving with someone, as he had come in with someone. They didn't have to know it wasn't the same person.

Jamie led the way to the guild hotel, entering and arranging a room for Dornae first, before getting the guild marker, hearing voices that assured her Jarvis was home. That put Jamie at ease, and returning to Dornae, she smiled. "color and location, please!"@yoshua171

@Silver Fox
"yay!" Michael said happily, but did seemed surprised at the assistants from Prince, and the way Prince had them dancing, but couldn't work up the energy nor the will to complain about it. Even if he didnt want to."had no lunch. Went shopping for a collar with some woman who needed stuff for birds for her kids. Not her kids, but still her kids" which probably didn't make sense, but it did to Michael "after the fight with Gabriel. No time for lunch" he seemed pleased to have gotten to the original purpose of his words, and he grinned.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 1 mo ago


He slipped into the dragon fang hotel, shaking his head still wondering about Hunter's wild personality. He sat down at the bar, getting a strong drink. He downed it in one, and gazed around the room, making eye contact with prince who appeared to be dancing. "Good evening cat man... and... I don't think we've met before?" He stood up from the stool, stumbling a little, his body still healing from his searing burns after his battle with Sasha. He held out his hand to Prince's dance partner. Shujin hadn't been in the guild that long... but he had still made a name for himself as a dragon fang wizard. Maybe he had been out on jobs too much to notice Michael around.


He nodded again. "I need a heavenly drink... so yes. Let's return to the hotel before the curfew." He started a fairly quick pace, looking back over his shoulder. "Come along now." He grinned at Sasha, who was still holding Karn.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by yoshua171
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yoshua171 The Loremaster

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Dornae Namari - The Luckless Enchanter
Theme I/|\Theme II/|\Theme III

Following the Guildmaster, while lost in thought, though he kept enough of an eye on his surroundings to know if they were being closely watched, Dornae pondered where his choices had led him. First what amounted to a crime, despite it being for a good cause, then the small errand, and now he was about to join a guild full of new people? It was a little unsettling to consider how fast it had all transpired really.

As if to drive the speed at which things were transpiring around him, Dornae, heard Jamie ask what color and exactly where he'd like his guildmark, thus derailing his train of thought.

"Hmm, well, do mages in Guilds command respect, or do people tend to scoff at them more often than leave them be. If there is stigma, then I'd prefer my mark on my upper left arm. On the other hand, if it is not a stigma, then I'd like it on my right hand." He had a somewhat apologetic expression on his face, hoping that the Guildmaster would understand his rationale.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@silver fox
Sasha nodded and smiled at Lazarus, walking back with him, cradling Karn, making sure that he was okay, and not going to fall out her arms. The streets were emptying of people, all intent on being inside for now. "it's been a long day, hasn't it? So much happened! I'll be glad to rest"

Michael blinked as someone approached them, struggling to realize that they were introducing themselves, or trying to. Michael managed to extract himself from Prince, swaying slightly,"M-Michael!" he said loudly, not seeming to know that he was just about yelling, and when he went to take the offered hand, he stumbled instead and fell against Shujin.

master Jamie
Jamie smiled, understanding, and said "right hand then. Never be afraid to show your guild mark." Jamie said, pressing the mark to Dornae's hand, "magic is starting not to be feared, and Phoenix Wing is well known. They won't scoff at you" Jamie said, "go. It's getting late, go sleep. We will be waking up early for day three of the games. Here's a room key, and a communication lacrima." Jamie handed both to him. "I would talk with you more, but it's been a horrendous day, and I have to check on some of the other members. I'll talk more with you in the morning"

Jamie headed upstairs as he spoke, leading Dornae to the room Jamie had got for him, before seeking out Jarvis.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Maybe asking her out wasn't exactly the best idea? Perhaps he should've just stayed in his hotel playing video games in his sweat pants instead...No, he asked out a pretty woman and he was going to follow through with it! "Yeah, that should be fun. Just make sure I don't drink you under the table." The model chuckled as he lead his date out of the room. And thus this would begin a wild night, but for the sake of the rp it is time skipped.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Antony(?????) and Jarvis Collab, A night of dreams

When all was said and done, Jarvis lay down to rest, closing his eyes he was asleep after some trouble.

Jarvis rarely dreamed. Tonight however seemed to be an exception, as a dream, or rather memory played out in his head. A memory from his passed that seemed so long ago. Jarvis had been 15, nearly a 16 when he had first displayed his lacrima abilities.

The memory that ran though his dream was one just before he left one.

jarvis stood, the ball in hand, as his younger brother waited excitedly for him to throw the hall. Antony was younger then Jarvis by three years, and seemed like any other normal, non magical child. Antony was the complete opposite of Jarvis. Even at 15, Jarvis was well muscled and tall, whereas Antony was scrawny and small. But that was okay, he was only 12.

Jarvis threw the ball, enjoying his brothers laughter

It would seem as if their game would continue forever. Neither becoming bored or losing interest of each other.

But Antony froze as the ball flew passed him and into the dark background as he was staring at something behind Jarvis. "Those were nice days, right Jarvis?" Turning around revealed nothing about darkness, nothing. As a hand grabbed Jarvis's shoulder and brought his attention back to Antony, the brother somehow became older and asked again "Right Jarvis?" making it clear that he was the voice that was almost forgotten. "But if you only knew better. We could of continue enjoying those endless moments if it wasn't because of you.

Jarvis would have gladly spent days relieving those happy, innocent memories, before everything had changed. And then things fell apart, almost mimicking how things had changed. jarvis swallowed, as the memory turned into something else, watching with horror as Antony, so young, in the memory, aged, and grew into the man Jarvis had had to kill. Jarvis stayed where he was, watching uneasily. "It was because of you, that things Changed, little brother" He said carefully, not sure where to step here.

"Ah, still confuse and oblivious as ever. Even now with your guild, you still fail to see what's happening." The two were in nothing but darkness, both within view of each other within the empty space.

Noticing how uneasy Jarvis was, Antony decided to discuss, the recent developments. "It's fine to be nervous, sometimes it's difficult to accept the truth. Especially if you keep ignoring it. Besides, blaming me still won't get you anywhere. I mean, come on Jarvis, I'm not even around anymore and you still can't see what's happening around you. A light shined across the dark space to reveal Amelia severely wounded and faced down on the ground. "Looks familiar Jarvis? I'm sure she reminds you of someone that we both know. I believe it was Sam. You couldn't protect her because you were too busy fighting away from her than being beside protecting poor girl. I also recall someone else was being there." Another light flicked on revealing Jamie who was further away. "Of course, how could I forget about Jamie." he said sarcastically as he laughed to himself. "Jamie was there, next to Sam. And still neither of you could protect her. Just like how far she is in this void, it's still the same thing. She's doesn't trust you, and that gap is expanding as the days go by. She didn't even bother to tell you that she allowed Amelia to fight until it was too late and you found out on your own.

It's just amazing how you haven't realized already. You can't save everyone Jarvis. Not even, YOUR OWN BROTHER! screaming into the dark void, but quickly tried to calm himself. "Sorry about that sudden out burst. But that did help remind me of how upset you were back then. Not only did you lose your daughter, but also your brother. Why bother to make a guild with Jamie when you're only going to cause the same the same thing. There could be another Sam or me. And remember, it's all because of you. Maybe if you weren't blind and decided on these things more wisely, Sam and I would still be here. But we're not.

...You're only going to lead your guild to same path. That will become more unavoidable the more you deny your own choices, just like what you did to me.

Jarvis willed himself to wake u, knowing whatever this was, it couldn't be good But he couldn't wake up. And as Antony began to speak, he reafirmed howo he was at the end, when Jarvis had had to track him down, and put an end to him. "You killed her" He said,"You killed Sam. It is your fault. YOU KILLED HER" He roared

But Antony kept on talking, leaving Jarvis no choice but to listen or wonder off in this void. Jarvis flinched at the image of Amelia, his hands curling into fists. Jamie was hurt, she coudn't fight, she did her best. We both did but the thought waived in his head.

Jarvis gritted his teeth, muscles straining, as if he'd like nothing more then to hit Antony. "Jamie does things, and she doesn't need to speak to me about them. Amelia is fine. I know what you are doing. You want to destroy our lives, just like you did then" Jarvis said softly, but his voice wasn't strong.

But as Antony continued to talk, continue to speak, Jarvis growled, and stepped deliberately closer. "You chose your path. You chose to attack my family. You chose to be the cause of my daughters death! I did what had to be done!"

You actually killed me before Sam died. You destroyed our family when you decided to abandoned me." Letting of a soft sigh, Antony disappeared as dark void of a room went completely dark again and the entire world started to re-materialized with Jarvis and Antony's childhood house. Antony walked out from the house with a silhouette of someone closing the door behind him. "Our parents didn't want us Jarvis. Our family abandoned us. But we stuck together with Jamie by our side, we made an amazing team, some even joked and called us the Three Musketeers."

The air became cold as the environment started to age faster, the vegetation dying out and the house appearing old and in shambles. "Yes, I attacked your family. But before that event, you decided to stomp out my dream and passion by banishing me. My family abandoned me again. Except this time, I was alone with no one, with no family to turn to. You could of helped me than leaving me. But that alone wasn't what just killed me inside. I thought Jamie and I could have been perfect, we use to always viewed and agreed on various things. Then Sam when arrived and Jamie started to change. You didn't like how I wanted to preserve how things were before. If you didn't leave me, then all of this could have been avoided.

Walking closer to Jarvis, he gave him a cynical smile. "All of this, because you didn't want to agree or tolerate my ideals and left me to find my own devices. How can you even be in a guild when you can't accept anyone's belief and opinions. You're only going to kill the guild that you created with Jamie at this rate. Just like how you killed the bond that we once held together."

No. No, it had been right, hadn't it to banish Anthony? He would Have destroyed everything, taken Sam, his precious little girl, would have destroyed Jamie, destroyed that love that Jamie had, for everyone despite everything. Jarvis had only done what was right, to protect Sam and Jamie. But Anthony always had a way of twisting words, and Jarvis felt doubt creeping into him. Had he acted out of worry?

"you would have killed Jamie, killed what makes Jamie Jamie" Jarvis said softly, the only thing Jarvis was certain about right then. "you would have killed Jamie's light, destroyed Jamie's spirit, and created a shadow of who Jamie is. You had a twisted sense of the world, Antony, you always did. I always wondered if, if you didn't have magic...would you be any different? I should have taken you back home, back to our parents, but i didn't want you to be shunned and treated like you were a disease. I wanted you to be free, and how did you repay that? You tried to destroy all I believed you. You can't stay in the past, Antony. Things change, and of course Sam changed them. A child always does. you could have been Happy, Antony. Why couldn't you be happy with being Uncle Tony?"

Jarvis sighed, closing his eyes. Antony's words swam through his head, and Jarvis tried to push them away, tried to push away the doubt. Jarvis was so use to being submissive, to letting Jamie do whatever, reining Jamie in when things got too far. The guild has blossomed into something amazing, and Jamie was responsible for that. Jamie had brought light from tradegy, and Jamie had carried Jarvis for a long time.

"you were living in the past, Antony. Living in a world that couldn't be what you wanted, and so you tried to make it that way. I did what I had to do!" he shouted

"We had each other when we left home, but I had no one that I could trust when you left. Being alone as a wizard during our time then was dangerous. Don't you remember Jamie's story before we crossed path. No one cared about us, you know our parents wouldn't of accept us back. we only had each other to care for while we were against the world. And when you took and kept away my only love that I found, you left me with no choice but to fight for it back." The world faded into a dark void again and Antony turned his back away from Jarvis as he faded into the void.

The world suddenly appeared again at night. This time on the cliff beside the beating waves of the sea. Antony was across from Jarvis, a broken body with freshly made wounds that were severe enough to probably leave a few scars. Although in a beaten state, he stood there as if he wasn't phased by his injuries. "You chased after me with only one thing on your mind, taking my life, end the misery by seeking revenge. I know that feeling. But did you ever think, 'maybe I could of changed afterwards if I wasn't killed', but I guess it's already too late to find out. But what I do know is that if you're still the same since then. You're only going to have the people you care about leave you, get killed, or kill them your self. It's something that never changed with you, being the catalyst for destroying something close."

His body began to fade into the night. "I do wonder the same thing. But on how things would of been if neither of us had magic."

The day had been long, tiring and frustrating, and jarvis had just wanted to sleep. This intrusion was making him angry, not saddened like it should. "You're remembering things wrong, little brother. I left first, because our parents were afraid of my magic. You followed," Jarvis said, crossing his arms over his chest, as Antony faded into the void. "I always cared about you, Antony. But you wanted to hurt what I cared about" as the world changed again, Jarvis stiffened.

Before his head vanished he said his parting words. As he spoke, his voice echoed out from every direction and surrounded Jarvis. "That may be true, brother. But on that day you left, my life wasn't the same without you. It was when I left home to follow you was when I learned that a part of me was already with you when you left. Still there after you killed me, trapped without the other half that was alive."

"YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER! YOU WOULD HAVE KILLED JAMIE, TOO!" Jarvis roared, unable to believe that Antony was playing the victim, that he was trying to pin everything on Jarvis himself. "you would have destroyed her, its been 15 years Antony. Sam would have been 21. You're right. I haven't changed. If we went through the same thing again, I know I would have done the same thing. I would have tracked you down, not just for my childs death, but because you very nearly destroyed Jamie anyway" Seeing Antony start to fade, Jarvis growled, and stepped forward, grabbing the operation "It's been 15 years, and Jamie still suffers, every day knowing she couldn't save or protect Sam, every day blaming herself, and I would kill you again, if I could take that burden away from her! GO!"

He threw Antony away from him, and turned away, walking as if he could walk right out of this dream, this vision, this whatever it was.

And Jarvis woke. He woke, jerking, to the absense of Jamie, so old a feeling and yet, yet so new. So very new. Yet Jarvis could hear Jamie's voice, calling the guild to get up, and beside him, Sam slept. The dream, the dream didn't seem to know she was alive, and for that, Jarvis was thankful. He let out a soft sigh, and extracted himself from Sam and Amelia, thinking to let them sleep some more.

Jamie and Marlene Collab

Master Jamie was up early, as usual, leaving the room quietly so as not to wake Amelia, Jarvis and Sam, her little Sam. This time started banging on doors, slightly earlier then usual. The day before had been so busy, that Jamie expected slow going this morning and thus, wanted to get everyone moving earlier.

"alright, up everyone! Move your lazy butts! Day three!"

Samir and Marlene slowly groan as they rub their eyes.

"Morning already?" moans Samir tiringly.

"D-didn't I hear Master Jamie's voice?" says Marlene, "Shouldn't you be talking to her?"

Samir slowly yawns as she gets up from bed, with her hair a tangled mess.

"Y-yeah." she replied, "I should."

So she quickly combs her hair, brushes her teeth with a spare toothbrush, and gets out to the hallway to find Master Jamie. Upon finding her, she comes over to her.

"Heeeeeeeeey Master Jamie." Samir calls out sleepily, "I finally came back from my mission yesterday evening."

Jamie looked over at the voice and smiled at Samir, "well, it's been a while hasn't it? Yesterday was crazy, so I'm sorry for not coming to you sooner" Jamie said, as she knocked on another door loudly, "how did the mission go? Well, I hope" Jamie moved onto another door across the hall, pounding on it loudly as well, looking to Samir

"No no!" Samir replies politely, "It's all good. The games kept you busy didn't they?"

"How did the mission go? Well, I hope."

"Busy and tiring." Samir answers as she follows behind her, "But I did it completely and successfully. Looks like everyone forgot about me here, save for you, haha."

Jamie smiled and shook his head "no no, it's just a lot of the more active members are fairly new. Damian, Mayt and Penny are all quite new, but are our three S class mages now, then there's, gosh, Karn, Trinity, Nolan, james...a lot more new members. We have had a spike in them, it seems like not a day goes by that we don't get a new one! Just yesterday we had Marlene and...ah Zami join! It's wonderful. Of course, there's Sasha, Lazarus, Angelo, Rose and Elyse who have been around for years, and Jarvis! The place would fall apart without Jarvis"

Jamie knocked on another door, "it's led to some problems; namely pasts catching up with people, but we always sort them out in the end"

"I actually met a good chunk of em' last night." Samir responds after scratching her head, "Notably Marlene and uh... Penny, right. Also met Damian and saw Nolan from afar."

Samir decided not to mention the even that happened with Nolan and Marlene, as she wants it to be secret as of now.

"It led to some problems; namely pasts catching up with people, but we always sort them out in the end."

"Haha." Marlene chuckles lightly, "Well you know them."

Jamie stopped to look at Samir, pausing and studying her, "Okay. This talk is great, but you sought me out for a reason, right?" Jamie said, wondering if something else had gone wrong and what she would have to deal with now. Jamie didn't stand still long, knocking on another door, getting everyone up.

Samir paused for a second before responding and sighs.

"Other then to just state my presence," she answers, "There uhhhh... has been a teeny tiny thing that happened between... Marlene and Nolan. Though everything is fine now, you know, nothing to worry about."

Fuck, I should've kept that to myself... she thought to herself.

Jamie finished knocking on doors, and shifted to look at Samir directly, and said "What happened?" Jamie didn't want any animosity between guild members, well at least nothing more then the usual rival thing. Jamie should already know what had happened, but with everything that had happened Jamie knew that he had missed some things, and wished to catch up;

The Heveanly Archer began to mentally pound his head on the wall. He specifically told herself to keep this a secret! Even to Damian and the others. But this is Master Jamie, and she needs to know this.

"I was going to keep this silent..." she replies slowly, "But alas I'll tell you..."

* * * * *

(After the whole story)

Jamie listened to the sorry, growing passive as it continued, frowning at the mention of Ariel being here. Ariel had opted to stay behind, because of the way her magic worked, so how did she come to be here? Problems on problems. Jamie gave a sigh, figuring that both girls must be alright, or surely someone would have found Jamie. "if there's a next time, exhaust every other possible avenuen before knocking her out. It couldn't have been fun waking up knowing you'd attacked a fellow guild mate. I know it might have been the only option but you should always try first.

I assuming no one was hurt, and that everything is alright now. Try and keep Marlene away from Ariel, just in case. I'll speak with both of them"

"If there's a next time, exhaust every other possible avenue before knocking her out. It couldn't have been fun waking up knowing you'd attacked a fellow guild mate. I know it might have been the only option but you should always try first."

"Everyone understood my motives," Samir answers, "In fact they all thanked me... Well... except one, but I don't think he was in our guild... forgot his name, I think it was Gabriel?"

"I'm assuming no one was hurt, and that everything is alright now."

"No one was hurt." the archer responds, "Me and Penny talked this out last night. We're all good."

"Try and keep Marlene away from Ariel, just in case. I'll speak with both of them."

"Yes mam." she responds, "Anyways, I'll be walking down stairs to get some breakfast. Catch you later downstairs."

She makes a light bow as she goes downstairs to eat.

Jamie stood there thoughtfully. They might have all thank her for stopping Marlene, but did Marlene really appreciate being taken down like an animal? Had Jamie done something wrong in teaching them the value of guild mates? Jamie sighed, for a moment letting the weariness was over him, before approaching Matlene's door and knocking

By that time, Marlene was just putting on her stockings, ready for a new day. Suddenly, she heard a few knocks. Thinking that it was Samir, she approaches the door and opens.

"You know you could've just opened the~"

But it was not Samir. It was none other then Master Jamie. Sweat began to excrete from her head as she wasn't expecting her to come privately knocking on her door.

"O-oh Master Jamie, I~~ didn't know it was you knocking, please forgive me."

Jamie smiled at Marlene,amused. "that's fine, Child. I just wanted to see if you were alright" she said, "see if you are fitting in, and well, Samir has spoken with me, and I just want to check that you're okay after everything" Jamie said softly, as the sounds of the guild getting ready lofted through the building

"I am." Marlene replies, "Though I like to apologize to him later on, when he's... better you know?"

Marlene did seem fine, but still, Jamie thought it was good to talk about it. "Well, it's good that you are okay, but what brought it on?" Jamie asked, wanting to make sure everything was indeed alright, as well as actually figure out what had happened.

"*Sigh* Long story..." she replies, "But can be of two things. Either stress or..."

She pauses embarrassingly as she smushes her cheeks and gets all red.


Jamie watched Marlene curiously, as she appeared embarrassed at what she said. "You shouldn't be embarrassed about loving someone, Marlene. Love is hard, but it's something that is well worth it" Jamie said, taking a step closer to Marlene, "Tell me how you feel, about Nolan then, and we'll see what we can figure out"

Marlene began to feel slightly uncomfortable and blushed, but none of the less put on a brave face.

"The thing is..." she said, "Was that this started on the first day. Just one. I don't know how it got to that point, but I can guess... well, Nolan is pretty handsome... even when he's shy it's pretty cute. I flirted with him some times yesterday but also feel sorry for what he's going through. I guess the whole charm magic that Ariel threw on Nolan was... unnatural, you know? Artificial. I want him to have very real and valid feelings for girls you know? And for some reason it seems my body thinks I'm that... chosen one or something. But now that my body went berserk, I don't think I can even be like ten feet away from him and risk him running away or getting scared..."

She pauses for a second.

"S-sorry for rambling on, I-uh, I guess I wanted to get that off my chest."

Jamie listened patiently, a part of him wondering if things had gone differently, maybe...well that didn't matter now did it?. Jamie listened and then took a moment before replying, choosing her words carefully. "Charm magic is...fickle. It's not something you can really have a control over even if you do. What I mean is, while it can be target specific, Ariel was just focused on helping Nolan, and maybe the charm magic worked on you as well. I'm not saying your feelings aren't valid, but....perhaps the charm magic worked on the beginnings of infatuation within you and strengthened that, strengthen what was already beginning to grow." Jamie said, hoping that she was making sense. "Take some time, figure out if what you feel is real, and yeah, stay away from situations that can bring that on. I'm going to go talk with Ariel shortly, so you could speak with Nolan then and that's an easy way of enabling you to apologise without potentially attacking Ariel"

Marlene nods when Jamie mentioned how the Charm magic might've affected her indirectly. She simply shrugs.

"That could've been the reason." she replies curiously, "And maybe due to the stresses on what happened before that. Like I said, my clothes were stripped by that Argus son-ova-bitch and maybe that could've affected me I don't know."

Then after Jamie spoke the next part, Marlene nods in agreement.

"Alrighty." she answers with a smile, "I'll speak to him later. Thank you."

Jamie nodded, satisfied, but still asked "Are you sure you are okay?" Jamie wanted to make sure before moving on, not wanting to leave Marlene upset, content for now to just stay there, although she was wary of the time. "Because I am happy to stay for a bit longer"

Marlene simply nods with a smile.

"I'm good." she responds, "Thank you. If I have any other problems, I'll come to you... that is if your available."

Jamie nodded, "if I am not around do not hesitate to go to one of the others. We help each other here, after all. If I may suggest, avoid stressful situations today. You see that argus, just walk away. Stay with people you know, and it doesn't have to be from our guild"

"Alright" Marlene nods, "I will certainly do so. Probably might walk around or something and hang out with friends. So yeah, thanks for the talk master Jamie."

And with a final wave, she goes downstairs to get herself some toast and jelly.

Oh look! Another collab! Lazarus and Jamie collab

After leaving Marlene's room, Jamie continued to knock on doors, wondering how many people he would have to talk to today before the games even started. He'd definitely have to speak with Ariel, but that could wait until she got everyone up. Then there was Jarvis, and that was just exhausting. Soon, Jamie came to Lazarus's door, knocking and saying, "Get up! Hurry it! You may be fighting today! Don't want to be late for that!"

Lazarus had been up for quite a while. He was up early, thinking to himself. The time came when Jamie knocked on his door. Now was probably the best time. He called outside. "Master... there's something I wanted to talk to you about. I've hit an obstacle."

Jamie leaned against the door for a moment, wondering what could have possibly happened. Yesterday had been so caotic, that it wouldn't surprise Jamie to find out someone had destroyed half the city and done it unnoticed. Jamie drew in a breath and opened to door, stepping inside, "What do you mean by an obstacle?"

Lazarus played with his thumbs for a moment before standing up. "I don't know what I'm doing right I now." He said coldly. "I shouldn't be in Phoenix wing." He bluntly stated. "I've fallen for Sasha." He looked down. "I put her in danger everyday being here... and still I wont leave. Don't you think that's selfish?" He asked.

He paused, walking over to the window. "I need help Master. I want to live my life with her... but I can't..." He couldn't force the words out which he wanted to. "We... we... I don't know for sure... but... UH!" He threw a plant pot to the ground, shattering it, and putting his white glowing fist through a cupboard door before calming down. "I can't say for sure. But Sasha could be pregnant..." He flickered his eyes between Jamie and the window. "Things happened. And I can't be a father." He sighed. "I wont put my child in danger by being around. I'm an unstable man." Secondly. "How am I going to afford to support a family?" He slumped, before standing up straight and looking Jamie in the eyes seriously. "I want to be S class. What do I need to do?" He cracked his knuckles. "I need the money from the jobs to support them... if it comes to it... and if I do have a child, I want them to be proud of their father... not knowing about the past." He had gotten it all out. As jumbled as it was, he did it.

He breathed deeply, expecting Jamie to send him out of the window.

Jamie stood there, apparently trying to piece everything Lazarus had said together. It all seemed contradictory, and jamie blinked. So Jamie did the only thing that seemed Reasonable. She slapped Lazarus across the face. "First of all, even a blind man could see the fact that you love each other" Jamie's tone was almost scolding, again having that 'mother' sort of effect to it. "Second of all, Sasha is strong. If she wants to be with you, she's going to be with you. I'd say you don't get much choice in that. It isn't selfish to want to stay with someone you love. You're not a bad man, Lazarus, nor even a particularly Dangerous one. It's just your choices that could have a dangerous impact. If you left her, do you think you'd be strong enough to resist the temptation of Zeref? She makes you strong, and there's nothing to be ashamed of there"

Pregnant? How had Jamie missed that step in this relationship? Not that Jamie was a peeping tom, but it was easy to tell when such a monumental step had been taken. "Thirdly, you don't get to choose when you become S class. I have yet to decided on a suitable S class test, and if I had, it wouldn't happen to after the games. Fourthly, what do you think we'd do? Let you all starve? Penny already forces half her money onto Sasha, so no doubt Sasha has money saved up, beyond that, you have the guild." Jamie paused, and then slapped Lazarus again. "What was i up to? Fifthly, you shame yourself by saying you want to hide your past. The past is what makes us, and you don't want to be going hiding your past." Of course, Jamie had no right to say that, but her past was something she'd rather not remember, at least the parts she hid. "You'll make your child proud by telling them what made you, not by hiding it. You leave, and you just prove those that doubt you right"

Another baby in the guild. Wasn't that just something? Jamie had never imagined that the guild would grow like this, so many years ago. "And lastly, What do you mean you can't say for sure?"

The numerous slap marks across his face left massive red marks. He blinked, not quite sure what to do. He did feel ashamed. "I don't know if she's pregnant or not. She hasn't said anything... but it's entirely possible." He sighed. "I don't think I can be a father Master."

"If you don't think you can be a father, then leave now, before you hurt her too much." Jamie said, in an angry tone. Again, scolding, "But doubting yourself, just makes everything worse. Will you be able to live knowing that out there somewhere, is your child if you do leave? Wondering who their father is, wondering if they are like you? You Wondering what their laugh sounds like, how they speak, who they are, what magic they have? Can you live with that everyday, if you leave? Every minute, every waking minute and sleeping minute of your life? Parent's shouldn't leave children unless they are made to, and no one has a knife to your throat, Lazarus. Be a man, accept your past, and look to your future, imagine your child, your family, and tell me if you still want to leave"

He clenched his fists, shaking. "I don't want to leave." He exhaled. "I just have no idea what is coming next." He dropped his head. "I hope I don't have to fight today master. I feel like I won't keep my cool."

"No one knows what is going next, but you have someone that loves you, you have support of friends, of the guild. And that's all that matters" Jamie said softly, "And if you have to fight today, You'll do Phoenix Wing proud, and you'll do well. Now, go eat"

He nodded. Walking towards the door, leaving with the master. "By the way." He grunted, looking back. "I'm ready to be S class. I could take on any of the 3 and match them... I'm almost certain of it." He ran a hand through his hair. "Being s class is the final step on my journey away from my past." He voiced. "We all have things we want to forget about ourselves Master. I'm sure even you have vile parts to your past which make you want to vomit." He sighed. "Let me have some release from mine. Please." And with that he darted downstairs for food.

One final collab, Ariel and Jamie

Jamie hadn't even considered the fact that she was wearing a different appearance to any the guild would have seen before, but this hadnt seemed to be a problem. Perhaps the guild members just assumed it was Jamie pounding in their doors. Bemused, Jamis knocked on Ariel's door, "Ariel? It's Jamie, can I have a moment?"

Groggily Ariel rolled over from the bed. Seriously, can't they just let her sleep already? Sitting up and waiting there for a few moments, she eventually got to her feet and opened the door. Staring for a moment Ariel clearly was tired. Without saying anything she wandered over to a chair and fell into it. "So, how can I help you?" Ariel looked a bit different herself, even if it was just her hair and clothes. She was still wearing the cuffs and Jamie could easily tell that she did not have any magic right now.

Jamie gave Ariel a smile, her blue eyes alight "well, in surprised to see you here, to be honest. How did you get here? And what happened yesterday?" Jamie asked, walking in

At the moment Ariel did not feel like giving a long winded explanation. There also had been quite a few other things going on so she didn't want to mention her abduction just yet. "I got here... well, maybe I'll explain all of it another time. Long story short I was teleported with a teleportation lacrama like everyone else. Like I expected all the magic here took a toll on me and I think it burned me out." Holding up her hands she let Jamie get a good look at the cuffs. "These apparently protect me from all the magic. So I kept them on for that... Also because I have no idea how to take them off myself."

After a little bit it occurred to Ariel that Jamie was likely talking about her Marlene's attack. "As for that woman that attacked me. I have no idea who she is or what her problem was. One moment Nolan and I were kissing, and then the next she was trying to kill me. If the others weren't there then I would probably be dead right now." That third sentence was not something she ever expected to hear herself say. That also probably warranted an explanation. "Oh yeah um, I may have accidentally enchanted Nolan with my Charm magic. So on the plus side he's not afraid of me anymore. But now he thinks he loves me and I'm not sure what to do."

Jamie studied the cuffs interestedly, curious about them, but let Ariel talk, as it seemed she needed to get it all out. "well, if you want the cuffs off, I can take them off" Jamie said, mulling the rest of it over for a moment. It seemed like a whole mess, and made it a love triangle as well.

"well, do you like Nolan like that? Could your charm Magic have effected Marlene as well, who could have been vulnerable to such things, right then." Jamie asked, wanting to find answers and find a way to figure this out

After a moment Ariel shrugged a little. "I don't know. It was just yesterday and nearly dying didn't give me much time to think. Also it wouldn't be fair to take advantage of the situation. Probably have to wait and see what he thinks after it's worn off. If it wears off." She wasn't really sure if the Charm magic had a limit. It had already been more than a month since she'd used it on Nolan.

Jamie sighed, wondering why things couldn't be easy. Jamie waited a beat, trying to figure something out. "there's another charm magic user here, if you wish to talk to her. She's one of the announcers. She might be able to help you. " Jamie suggested, "for now, I'd suggest avoiding Narlene in case, but I think it should be alright"

"I guess that would be a good idea. I don't really know what I did. But without magic I'm not sure I can undo it right now. As for Marlene, I agree. What got into here anyway?" Really for her it was mostly a blur. Marlene just showed up and went mad.

Jamie sighed, "Marlene has some strong feelings for Nolan. She was jealous. I'm wondering if your magic...escalated that, or if something else was happening here. I don't know. But it seems to be sorted, for now. I'd still recommend avoiding her" Jamie said, "are you staying, or do you wish to go back to the guild? I know you stayed behind because of the magic, but it doesn't seem a problem at the moment, unless you wish the cuffs off"

Jealous over Nolan? Ariel's eyes wandered as she tried to recall ever seeing Marlene. They could have met when Nolan was off training. Otherwise such feelings would be rather sudden. "Have they known each other long? Because Nolan implied this was new." Jamie did make a good point though. It was possible the Charm magic had some other side effects.

When it came to the option to stay or go back Ariel wasn't quite sure. Considering she was abducted from the hall she gave it some thought. "I think I'll stay here with everyone else. With my magic not working I would probably be fine even without the cuffs."

Jamie gave another sigh. This could easily turn into such a mess, not that it wasn't already. "I do not know how long they have known each other, however Marlene gave the impression not long. If she does indeed care for Nolan, then perhaps that was why she attacked. Some people can be very...emotional about such things" Jamie gave a smile, then nodded, "Alright then, do you wish the cuffs off then?"

Rubbing her chin a bit, Ariel looked at the cuff on her other arm. Well, maybe we can leave them on a while longer just to be sure. I think I've had enough magic for a while. I would like to actually be able to see the games. I will try and avoid Marlene as best I can. I have a vested interest in doing so." This had disaster written all over it. With any luck Marlene would be more reasonable next time they meet. It surely wouldn't be a welcome encounter.

Jamie nodded, satisfied with that. "let me know when you want them off and I'll take them off" Jamie said, "do you need anything, like a new communication lacrima?" Jamie was intent on making sure all her members had the communication lacrima and that they were not going to lose them.

Ariel nodded to Jamie's offer to remove the cuffs later, and also to needing a new lacrima. Her's had also been left behind from the teleportation. "I do need another communication lacrima. I lost track of the last one. I think that's all I need for now." Smiling a bit she figured that losing her magic would be somewhat helpful. It's been quite a rollercoaster, particularly as of late

Jamie took out a communication lacrima from the pocket of the dress she was wearing, and handed it over to Ariel. "I have a few announcement to make, downstairs, with the rest of the guild, so make you're way down soon. Do you need anything else?" Jamie asked, not pressing, for now, for more details of how Ariel had come to be here.

@yipeeXD@Silver fox@joshua tamashii@Expolar@Lmpkio@t2wave
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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"Look, Bullet! A shooting star! Let's make a wish!"

"Wishing on stars is stupid."
Isabella Pinelli and Bullet
Early Morning - Near the Phoenix Wing hotel in Crocus

~ Changing Seasons ~

The crisp morning breeze stung cold against Bullet's bare skin like a thousand tiny daggers of ice, sending shivers up his spine. The young boy tried to wrap his loose, overcoat firmly around him in an attempt to cover up, a look of disdain directed towards his partner.
"We couldn't wait a couple more hours before going to see them?" He spoke, of coarse, about his fellow guild members of Phoenix Wing. The pair of them had spent a good half of the year on a very unexpected request. What had started as a simple task turned into a much bigger plot involving various parties. The young man's wild, blonde hair was swept back and forth by the constant gushed of breeze. The sun was just barely peaked over the horizon. When Bullet looked at all the buildings they passed, most of them still had the lights off aside from a small handful. It was annoying to know that there were so many other people fast asleep still whilst he was awake.

"Oh, come now, Bullet!" A rather chipper, feminine voice spoke up. Isabella was Bullet's travelling partner, as well as his best friend for many years. Even in the early morning, the young woman had no shortage of energy as she marched through the empty streets of Crocus. "We haven't seen our friends in months! I would think you'd be eager to reunite with our old chums!" Bullet 'tsked at her upbeat attitude before grumbling a response under his breath.
"We've waited months to see them already. You saying they can't wait a couple more hours?"
"No doubt they've come to miss my positive attitude and your dashingly handsome face!" Isabella replied, and Bullet's face went red for a moment before he awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.
"Uh, well! I suppose it'd be pretty sweet to see them again. Ha ha." Isabella smiled at his words, mentally patting herself on the back for successfully getting Mr. Grumpy out of his usual morning slump.

The two of them turned a corner, and Isabella squealed with excitement at the sight of the hotel Phoenix Wing was staying in. The place looked quite impressive; much better than some of the places the pair had stayed on their journey these past few months.
"Come on, Bullet! Let's go!" Without warning, Isabella grabbed Bullet by the wrist and charged forth across the middle of the street. A magical vehicle passing by came to a sudden halt, and the driver made a comment about 'those stupid kids not watching where they're going'. It was ignored by the pair, who happily sprinted right into the lobby of the hotel.

"We're Hooooooooooome~!" Isabella sang, her voice echoing through the lobby. She stood with her arms to the ceiling, as if she was preparing to take a bow. Bullet smiled as he saw a few familiar faces make their way downstairs. They all looked as if they'd just awoken.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Fleo Plector – Phoenix Wing Hotel

@Leslie Hall

The feeling that flooded Fleo was one she hadn't felt in a long while: nostalgia. Her love of traveling and finding new things to discover and explore had barred her from visiting this particular place in a long time, but it felt good to be back. An adage she'd seen posted on the far wall for the years she'd been bedridden summarized it best: There is a kind of magicness about going far away and then coming back all changed. At the time she'd hated that saying, staring at it with resentment and longing, but now that she saw the old, familiar houses and walked the old, familiar streets again, that adage rang with truth. With one foot in front of the other, over and over, she retraced the steps of her childhood. This was the path she used to come home from the school and the store, both of which she'd passed already and would have delighted in if only it hadn't been a little bit foggy.

Nostalgia beat within her, a rising force gripping her heart and making her walk too rigidly, as she turned the corner and beheld halfway down the street that silly, two-chimney house. Her dusty, bandaged foot remembered the lightning bolt-shaped cracks in the sidewalk and stepped over it just like it used to: a quick hop on tip-toes in the middle of the crack. Fleo struggled with joy and melancholy, walking slower and slower, right up until she tentatively knocked on that dark green door. Her blood pumped when she heard footsteps on tile floor, softening just for a moment as they passed over the parlor's rug. Then there was the click of a doorknob, the complaining creak of forgotten hinges, and two faces, bright despite the best efforts of time and misfortune, looked down on her. ”Honey!” her father and mother exclaimed, and rushed to embrace her. ”It's been so long...”

Fleo's eyes opened. She stared at the ceiling above her, trying to remember. Only moments ago, she felt, she'd been having the most wonderful dream, but now it had all faded away. She burbled groggily, ”No...good dream...come back. Please?” For some reason she wanted to cry. Had it been a sad dream after all? Her thoughts drifted to Annalise, the girl who'd fallen into a ceaseless dream of the real world, whose body had died and left her stranded in the waking world.

She hauled herself up, scattering dust over her bed. With a wave of her hand the dust returned to her arms and legs as if it had never been shed. Next, she opened her satchel of clean bandages and sent dust in to snag the cloth and manipulate it, bringing it out and covering her prostheses completely. After that, she took a look at her clothes. Yesterday's dark blue, zip-up dress and peaked cap had been thrown onto a chair by some tired, tipsy woman. ”Man, last night's party stunk. Why c'n I remem'er I'm a sad drunk...” She grabbed a burgundy sleeveless hoodie emblazoned with large, light red flowers, opting for coolness's sake to not put a t-shirt on beneath, and a black longskirt with the same design in a gray-white gradient. Her collection of hats yielded a light red beret—perfect! After splashing some water on her face with a cup to wake up, she headed downstairs to the main foyer to see who else was up.

Instead, she nearly jumped out of her skin when Isabella and Bullet burst in. It took a few seconds for her to calm her racing heart. ”Whew, what an entrance! Good thing I'm not old enough to have heart attacks, eh?” Even taking into account her morning stupor, she could not place these wizards' faced. ”Um...sorry, but I guess I've either never met you or totally forgotten you. Sorry! I'm Fleo Plector, got here about two and a half months ago.” With her bandaged left hand she offered a little wave.

Nero the Genie – Riverside Greenbelt

Yawning, the Genie rubbed the sleep from his eyes and sat up. Try as he might, he could not slumber any longer, for the rays of the morning sun would not be denied by his eyelids. Nero rummaged through his pouch and produced a bar of soap, then shuffled over from his makeshift bed in the greenbelt toward the closest street and the first building on it. Once he'd pushed his way through the front door, nearly falling in the process, he made his way to the bathroom and locked himself in. A snap of his fingers summoned the Law of Embodiment, and his clothes turned to water. A thorough scrubbing later, he used the Law of Raiment to bring into existence new, similar clothes on the sink counter, and without further ado he put them on. When he quickly exited the building, he left behind a big mess on the bathroom floor, but whistled innocently all the same.

A few moments later he was back at the spot where he'd slept, turning the cloth mattress and the blanket back into grass and a hand-towel, respectively. All he had fit easily into his pouch or on his back, and before long he sat on a bench by the riverside, watching geese bother one another. He wondered what to do today. Perhaps he ought to visit the arena again, offering wishes to those who wanted for something. Though he would have liked to spend more time with Eve and Ayame, he did not want to drench them with his presence. Now that he'd achieved some sort of special status with the Necromancer, he felt as if he tried too hard, he could ruin it easily. Plus, absence makes the heart grow fonder. He contented himself with an imagined scene of him and his friends having fun in the river, and almost caused himself to blush at the idea of Eve in a swimsuit. ”What an issue of Sorcerer's Weekly that would make, hah!” he said out loud.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Rooftops and streets of Crocus to Phoenix Wing hotel

Damian rolled over the chimney and landed on his feet, continuing the run and leaping over the gap between the two buildings and moving forward. he moved as fast as he could, aiming to get back and get cleaned up before the games started for the day. He'd been out extra early after his and Penny's date to get some air to think on something. They'd been together for two months now and he'd still not gotten her anything other than the necklace. Perhaps he should take some time later today to look around Crocus's jewelry stores. Or maybe he could get her a cat or puppy.

Spotting the hotel, and wholly unaware of the scene going on in the foyer, he leaps over another gap and slides under a ventilation shaft. Magic had found many new uses since it started seeing widespread use again, and he actually secretly wondered if they'd been making advancements like this during magic's dark days and just released them when magic wasn't quite so despised. Jumping off the roof, he uses a Striker blade to get him in range to jump through his window and rolled, standing in the middle of his room and smiling. "Right, now to get ready." He heads into the bathroom to get showered and cleaned up.

James Hunt|Phoenix Wing hotel

James didn't look up from his studies, sticking to his usual pattern of opting to learn his magic rather than socialize with his guild mates for the time being.

Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Hotel

Jack went from door to door, knocking on it and waking everyone up. Well, everyone except for Jackie, who had rested in his room after they'd talked for a bit. Once everyone was up, he headed down to see if breakfast was ready.

Jane Addeson|Jane's Reckoning

Yawning loudly, Jane sat up in her bed and looked around the small room she'd rented for the duration of her stay. It had the main room and a bathroom with a closet and that was it. And she didn't even use the closet for much more than somewhere to store her pack. "Well, let's make the most of today." Sliding out of bed, she walked into the bathroom and removed her undergarments, those being the only thing she slept in when she had a room to sleep in. Stretching, she climbed into the shower and got cleaned off, climbed out, and got dressed.

As she goes to grab her hilt, she pauses a moment and regards it, remembering the day she'd gotten it nine years prior. Her face had lit up with excitement and satisfaction and her father had been so happy for her. Just like the last three years, this day made her miss her parents. Well, no point moping about it, just push on like they'd tell me to. Picking up the hilt and locking it into place on her back just over her shoulder, she heads out into the city, happy despite the lonely feeling in the back of her mind.

As she wandered around Crocus, she hummed to herself and tried to find someplace to get breakfast, finally settling on a nice, small cafe with an outdoor seating area. "Ah, good morning, madam. Table for one?" Jane nodded and the host lead her to a seat outside, leaving her with a menu. The waiter came a couple of minutes later to get her order, which was waffles with sausage, bacon, hashbrowns and an orange juice. As she sat and waited for her meal, she spotted someone she'd been looking for the previous day in the Phoenix Wing section, Damian Gerard, otherwise known as the Blade of Phoenix Wing, as he approached the host at the front. Well, that's lucky. As he was seated at a table next to her, he started reading the menu.

Now then, what to eat...last time I had a steak, I got attacked by a friggin' Lightning God Slayer...ah, to hell with it. When the waiter asked for his order, he got a medium-rare steak to go with fries and a milkshake. That was when he noticed the girl at the table near him watching her and he began praying that he wasn't about to get attacked again. "Can I help you?" The girl didn't respond right away, almost like she was debating on what to do.

"Just seeing the legend be human. You're Damian Gerard right? I'm Jane, Jane Addeson." She offered her hand and Damian took it and shook it.

"Pleasure. I don't see a guild mark, I take it you're looking to join one?" Jane shrugged, sipping her soda while waiting on her food.

"Eventually maybe, but for now, just watching the Games, seeing who's looking to win come the end of the week." Damian nodded and the pair sat in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. A third person watched from a nearby alleyway, a black butcher's knife with blood dripping from it adorning his exposed shoulder.

"Soon enough, little Janey, very soon." He disappeared back into the alley way as the pairs food arrived and Damian left. Jane leaned back after taking a couple bites of her and looked up to the sky.

"Twenty-four today, mom and dad. And I'm in Crocus watching the Grand Magic Games. Wonder what you're doing..." She closed her eyes and imagined herself back at her family's camp, enjoying a cake her mother had made with the supplies they'd both found and bartered for. After a couple minutes, something blacked out the sun shining down on her face and she opened her eyes to find herself face to face with a large, muscle bound man with green hair, cloud grey eyes, and a dozen different scars on his arms alone. Across his left eye was what seemed to be a relatively fresh one. "Whoa dude, personal space is a thing you know."

"Oh, I don't think you'll be so worried about personal space when we're done with you." The man takes a step back and she looks around, realizing that there was a group of about ten wizards around her. She turns back to the man and opens her mouth to question the reason for this but doesn't get to start as a giant fist slams into her and sends her careening down the street and into the window of a dress shop.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Michael groaned, and rolled slightly, buring his head under the pillow. He tried to swallow, but his mouth was so dry, it seemed impossible. His head hurt, and his body felt heavy. The darkness of the pillow was reassuring, as he opened one eye. Steeling himself for it, he peeked out from under the pillow, and whimpered, closing his eye tight.

He didn't even know if he was in his room or not. Didn't even, really, know what he had done after the dancing.Groaning, he opened his eyes a slight, letting his eyes adjust to the searing light, before opening them some more.

The blue haired mage whimpered again, as he thought on the prospect of getting up.


Awake, because who couldn't be with Master Jamie making all that nose, Sasha felt refreshed and energised, better then she had yesterday. Smiling, she rose, and dressed, knowing it wouldn't do to be late to the games. She trotted down stairs, figuring Lazarus would be down there eventually, as well as Penny and the others.

Indeed, Master Jamie was working her way down, still knocking on doors, and Sasha felt it was slightly confusing to see Jamie in such a gendered form, but supposed the master had her own agenda.

She stopped as she saw Isabelle and Bullet, watching them curiously. They hadn't been gone long, but long enough that only a handful of active members would remember them. "Hi guys! Found us here, huh?" She said with a smile, approaching them. She looked over a Fleo as she spoke to them, amused at their entrance. "good morning Fleo! How are you?"


Gabriel had woken, and sat staring at the ceiling of his tent, reviving the night. The fight itself had been enough to show him he needed to be able to fight along side his spirits, like nothing else had, and he needed to train. Needed to, or his spirits would be hurt. The fact that they had beaten the spirits, didn't really mean that much. He had helped stop the destruction of the camp, which was good. Still, there were signs of a fight.

Gabriel didn't expect any acknowledgment, given that he had returned to his tent when it was all over. He didn't mind that, as he had just done what had to be done. Rising, he went about the business of packing up his things, making sure everything was alright in his tent before crawling out, bleary eyed.


Penny woke happy, something once so rare to her, but something she was growing familiar with, especially the last few months. At Master Jamie's instance that they get up, Penny did so, this time not destroying any hotel property. She dressed, tying her hair back instead of fussing with it, and headed out of her room.

She trotted downstairs, spying Sasha and went over to her sister, cheerful. Once again, a somewhat odd mood for Penny. But she frowned as she saw the two strangers talking with Sasha

Master Jamie

Seeing some of the guild downstairs, Master Jamie smiled, and could be seen holding a lacrima.Seeing Isabella and Bullet, Jamie nodded to them, but would aproaching them later. Delaying what was would just be harder to say. Once downstairs, and in the dinning room, Using the lacrima, Jamie called to all the guild's members, "Downstairs, everyone, I have an announcement to make! Please, make it snappy!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sugar - Crocus Train Station

Tears were swelling around her eyes as the blurry image of a train seemed to retreat into the distance. In her hand, she tightly clutched to a piece of paper as her whole body seemed to tremble. Her newsboy cap pulled down to cover her eyes, hiding not only the tears that were on the verge of pouring from her eyes, but also hiding the complete devastation that etched her face. Amber watched silently as last image of the train slowly vanished from her sight, both her hopes and dreams disappearing on the locomotive. Standing silently to herself, it took several minutes for the little girl to stop herself from trembling. She also seemed to stop herself from crying as well, the tears fading away from her eyes while her mind started to function once again. Though, her hand was still tightly gripping the piece of paper, she almost had the right mind to tear it into tiny little pieces! Though, she would never have the will to tear up such an important message, and Amber sighed to herself as she kicked the the ground, launching some pebbles into the air.

Finally regaining her composure, she lifted up her cap to uncover his lightly puffy eyes. Amber rubbed away the remaining tears that remained on her eyes, returning her brown eyes back to normal. She looked to her side to find her dull gray backpack leaning against her leg, grumbling to herself, she put on one strap upon her shoulder as the crummy backpack's other strap tore off long ago. Inside were all the things to continue on living, some water, some food, and other basic equipment that would be useful if she would ever get lost in the woods. However, most of the things that filled up her pack was mainly just her equipment to continue making her special magic things! It was very important to keep that stuff safe since that was all she needed to become stronger! Or at least make more types of interesting abilities with the most perfect object in the world! Candy. The rest of the pockets inside her pants and backpack was filled with just normal candy, but her waist carried along several pouches of her special candy, each pouch containing a different type of spell that would help her become stronger! It was only time before she would be stronger than Master, and it shall be glorious once she beats up that smug face! Grumbling to herself once again, Amber pouted as she started to unravel the crumbled letter. "Sorry for leaving you again for the third time. At least the train had stopped this time, am I right?" Sugar remembered that time, it was painful, "Well, I'll be back whenever I feel like it. Just get better in the mean time, another adventure awaits me! Signed, Candy."

"Master is an ass," Sugar muttered to herself, folding the crumpled piece of paper into a tiny neat square. She shoved it into an open pocket of her backpack, keeping it safe with the other two notes that Master had left for her. At the same time, once she removed her hand from the backpack, two gumballs were tightly gripped between her fingers. She popped the two within her mouth, her strong jaws easily turning the candy into a nice chewy mass. Sugar looked back towards the last location of the train before turning towards the nearest exit, heading into the city of Crocus for the Grand Magic Games.

Eve - Dragon Fang Hotel

After the shooting range, it seemed that the group split apart once again. Eve had to return to her guild, Nero left to some undisclosed location, and the same went for Ayame. She wasn't sure if the guild had seen her new transformation as she was one of the last ones to arrive at the hotel, but they would probably notice her rather large change in her body. Sleep was also something that was rather strange, it took getting used to the body and sleeping in the body was strange to her as well! Finding the right position to sleep in was the hardest, but it didn't take too long before she peacefully went into a deep slumber.

The Necromancer awoke with a jarring knock upon her door, jolting her to raise from her sleep and into a groggy morning. Before getting out of bed, she yawned while rubbing her eyes to try to lighten her heavy mind. So, Eve began her daily ritual of getting prepared for the morning that was achieved with the help of her guild. Hygiene was something that the Necromancer didn't know about too well in her past life, smelling like rotten meat was always something that she had gotten used to after living in the cursed village! So, she began by cleaning her body in the shower. And Eve couldn't lie, she noticed some parts of her body that were once flat to grow rather large after the transformation that Nero had cast upon her. After drying herself off, she brushed her teeth to help brighten her teeth and brushing away the bed hair that plagued her every time she slept. However, the only bad part about the transformation is that Eve could no longer fit into any other clothing besides the one that Nero had transformed for her yesterday! Eve needed to speak to him about changing all of her clothes as well, but at the moment she was rather hungry for some breakfast.

The Necromancer removed herself from the room, almost expecting to see someone approaching her, but it seemed that the hall was empty. She was lightly saddened by the sight, remembering yesterday morning and the terrible start of the day... Maybe she did need to speak with Time Lord. Eve sighed to herself before making her way downstairs towards the bottom floor for some food. This new body seemed to desire food more than her thin body, and she was pretty sure that was better. A nutrient poor body compared to a rather large body was kind of confusing, but she would like to think that this thing that Nero gave her was for the better, even if he admitted it was for his own pleasure. Still, Nero and Ayame were pretty great people, she knew that for sure! So, the Necromancer descended down the stairs for some warm food to be placed within her stomach.

Magni - Frenzy Plant Camp

Like usual, Magni was already awake before most people could stumble out of their tents. However, the Antimage seemed to wake up with aching muscles, but that actually a good sign for Magni. It meant that he was training hard, or he survived several battles without dying! Well, two fights in a row would do that to a person, especially since he had technically lost the first battle and was saved by his two allies. The Antimage didn't really like to acknowledge that fact, but he did have to admit that having other people supporting you was better than surviving on your own without any help. Still, being saved is rather embarrassing for anyone that prides themselves to be a skilled combatant since it shows that they aren't too strong. So, the Antimage knew that he needed to get stronger! Though, his thoughts seemed to wonder back towards the fights.

First, the other Antimages were probably still in custody of Frenzy Plant, and the fight with the Mystic Beast get kind of blurry if he tries to remember the details. Magni was pretty sure he was running off pure adrenaline in the middle of the fight, the exhaustion in his body was too much from his mind and was merely going off by his motions... That is pretty neat, he can still fight if his mind has shut off. The Antimage shook his head around before ceasing his training, speaking with the superiors about the two sets of fights seemed to be more important than doing stretches. So, Magni walked into the busier part of the camp to find an S-Class wizard and talk about the weird things that had happened yesterday, especially since the camp had gotten attacked twice!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 29 days ago

Sayuri yawned as she approached the hotel she was told that Phoenix Wing was staying at. She'd had a busy day the day before. The first thing was Ariel vanishing in front of her. She'd spent a few hours looking around town before deciding to go talk to Jamie about it. On the way she'd had to fight some bandits on the way, not hard but annoying. Then she had been unfortunate enough to run into some unsavory characters from her past. And to top it all off she had to wait an extra four hours due to the damage done to the train, which was totally not her fault. Sighing again she pushes open the doors and walks in looking around. It looked like a nice place. She continued to look around when she saw some members of Phoenix Wing standing around Her face brightened and she hurried towards them , "Morning everyone! How are you all?"
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