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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Tesh Yama


Tesh shook his head as Meowth ran straight into a poison-point. "Relax, Kaz!" Tesh called out. Kaz ceased his struggling and let the Nidoran's feet push against his chest. He groaned slowly, locking eyes with the Nidoran as its front paws sunk deeper into the dirt on either side of its head. He had no chance to overpower the Nidoran, but the more he struggled, the faster the poison would sap his energy away. For a moment, it looked as if the Meowth had given up, but as the Nidoran's weight bared down on Kaz's Limbs, he put all his remaining strength into slipping one of his back paws out from underneath his opponent's grasp. Kaz immediately drew his paw up against the Nidoran's stomach and began pushing. Tesh smirked and clapped his hands. "Don't push, use scratch!"

The Meowth's back paw unsheathed its claws as Tesh said this, lashing out with a scratch aimed to deal maximum damage. Kaz intended to dissuade the Nidoran with pain, rather than force. It was the only way he could release himself. Technical play was certainly more befitting of a pokemon with Technician, after all.

Regardless of the effect that his scratch attack had on the Nidoran, Meowth would feel the sting of the poison shoot down the paw he'd used to attack with. His right leg would suffer the consequences of the attack. Kaz's agility would take a massive hit. If this scratch attack didn't put his opponent in an equally horrid position, then...

500 pokedollars
Ficus Pokedex
1 x Potion
1 x Ficus Ball

Pokemon Team
Kaz ~ Meowth ~ [PSN]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Lynn Haywood~

For a few seconds, Lynn's eyes were unable to follow both of the pokemon. Quill moved at a speed faster than she could follow, her attack missing the Rattata as the boy used Quick Attack to evade the Sneasel's initial attack. She'd have to remember that strategy for later, if she ever had a pokemon that could use quick attack. As Quill's claws struck air, she planted a foot into the ground, head turning as she looked for her target.

Then, the Rattata was behind her. She felt the wind before she could see the Rattata, barely able to draw her body away from the attack in time, though if the Rattata hadn't had poor accuracy it likely wouldn't have mattered. The Rattata's body flew past Quill, going to fast to be able to stop. It landed on the ground not far from Quill. And as Calm and Confident as she ever was, she delivered the finishing blow to the Rattata. Her sharp claws sunk into the Rattata's neck, the force of the blow causing the other pokemon to fly backwards a few feet.

Rattata gave one last pitiful cry, before fainting. Lynn simply laughed as Joey whined.

"Tough, brat." She said with a smirk. "You should learn to pick your fights better. You didn't even land a hit on Quill." The Sneasel took a victory pose, mimicking her trainers smirk as she folded her claws across her chest, standing calmly over its fallen foe until Joey recalled it. She took a look at the other two that were fighting in the battle with them. Considering things, they had just gotten a major advantage here, didn't they?

As she thought, she took a moment to look at that nerd thing she was given earlier. A pokedex, they called it? She didn't really have any idea what it was for, but from listening to braids loudly talking to herself and messing with the device, it apparently had some information on Sneasel or something that she could probably use to her advantage. Like what it was specifically capable of. Well, that was nice then. She probably wasn't gonna be using anything other than offensive moves, but she couldn't argue that making your opponent weaker was a bad thing.

Well, time to help out the idiots.

It seemed the angsty untalkative kid was having some trouble with that blue rat thing, while Braids was having trouble with the purple rat thing. Hmm...this would still be good experience for Quill here, but what should she do? She didn't particularly like either of these people, and she really didn't feel the need to help them. That said, they were sort of a team here, so she should probably help...

...looking at things, Braids might be in a bit of a bind, shouldn't she? Lynn didn't notice that Kaz was even poisoned, and figured the cat was doing fine on his own.

"Alright, Quill. Let's go help out Braids and that...deer thing of hers." Lynn said...speaking of which, where was that Deer thing? It seemed to have...disappeared or something? Braids said something about having it use Camouflage. Whatever they were doing, they looked like they were trying to use a sneak attack on that purple rat thing. Well, from what she had just read on that pokedex or whatever, she had just the move that could possibly end that purple thing in one blow.

"Use Leer! Follow it up with another scratch if that Deer thing doesn't finish it off." Lynn commanded Quill. Quill turned to the Nidoran male, Obviously eager to keep battling. Following instruction, the Sneasel leered at Nidoran. Her eyes glowed a vicious intimidating red color, keeping up the Leer until Deerling made its attack. As soon as he did, if Nidoran was still standing then she'd do as she was ordered, and speed in and finish it off before it could attack Deerling again.

Location: Red Orchard
~Current Team~

Quill the Sneasel
Status: Perfectly fine!
Level: 5
DEF: Down One Stage

Notable Inventory:
Potion x1
500 P (Pokédollars)
Ficus Pokeball x1
Ficus Pokedex
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Mara Scelus
After her newfound friends had reacted however they may, Mara smiled quietly to herself. They’d be quite the odd group — the stranger from Johto, the hyperactive boy, and then the (albeit she disagreed with this) weird girl. Despite living in the same town as Rowan for as long as she could remember, Mara didn’t know him beyond a mere surface level.

She’d been too busy trying to think about anything that didn’t have to do with Dewmeadow. She hated the town, and of course, didn’t understand why anyone would want to have a laboratory there. As cool as Dogwood was, he must have had a few screws loose. The only possible explanation she could come up with for him being in Dewmeadow would be that hardly anyone left the little personal bubbles, and no one would come to bother him.

That, and she was fairly certain the land was cheap — there sure was a lot of it, at least.

Mara tried to avoid the glances of everyone in the town as they walked by. She didn’t have anything to say to them—she’d already said all of her goodbyes. And besides, she knew that her parents wouldn’t be out there. They’d understood that they couldn’t stop Mara from going off on her journey.

For a moment, she almost felt nostalgic—this could have easily been the last time she’d be in Dewmeadow.

A jarring song for little kids broke her from her thoughts, and she swiveled in place to face a pack of squealing little kids. Stiffening up a little bit, Mara hoped desperately that they wouldn’t touch her — those things hardly ever washed their hands! Who knew what germs they were carrying?!

“We should battle! And, uh, if you lose, you have to play tag with us! Deal?”

Mara gulped a bit, though it wasn’t that she was frightened. She just didn’t like kids. A bead of sweat rolled down her face, and she exchanged a glance with Kira, hoping that her pokemon would suddenly dash off in the opposite direction, requiring her to chase after it and avoid contact with the kids.

Instead, the espurr merely smiled malevolently back at her.

Useless! Mara thought desperately. There’s NO WAY I want to play with these kids… I’d have to disinfect EVERYTHING!

”If you guys would like to, I’ll fight,” Mara said softly, glancing over at Rowan and Yasha.

At least it’d give her and Kira some experience… right?

Location: Dewmeadow, near Route A
Current Team:

  • Kira the Espurr

    Status: N/A
    Level: 5
Inventory: Potion (1), Pokedollars (500), Dogwood Pokedex, Dogwood Ball (1)

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


@Rune_Alchemist @Lasrever

“Alright, Nidoran♂! Finish Deerling off! Use Peck!”

The Nidoran♂ reared back its neck to oblige, but as it went to strike the final blow it found its support had vanished. Deerling backed off, leaving Nidoran♂ to put forward its momentum into space that did not exist. The Pokémon sent small stones flying as its clawed feet collided with the dirt path. It took a few steps forward to remain standing. Regaining its balance, the Nidoran♂ swiveled its neck wildly, brow furrowing. It seemed to be searching for Waffles, but couldn’t locate him.

The eye of Camper Danny had spent many nights in dark wilderness, despite his age. He could just make out the outline of a deer Pokémon, making its way around his Nidoran♂. “Nidoran♂! He’s to your left! Swing left!”

The Nidoran♂ attempted to follow orders as best it could, but its horn only found empty space. Danny had not been specific enough with his command. Waffles could feel the air behind the strike as it maneuvered around the purple Pokémon, making its way behind him as Abigail had asked. Nidoran♂ continued to sway its horn to and fro in that general direction, but to no success.

“Behind you now! Look out!”

Nidoran♂ turned its head, but too slowly for the deft Deerling. A lowered shoulder connected with the rear leg of Nidoran♂, sending it spinning and onto its side. A large bruise appeared at the site of impact. Struggling to rise, Nidoran♂ arched its neck upward to meet the red, glowing eyes of Sneasel. Taken aback, it only had just enough time to shake to its wayward feet as Quill descended upon him. A faintly blue, shining horn met the shoulder of Quill. The claws of Quill met the head of Nidoran♂. One was to stand.

“Nidoran♂ no!” Camper Danny said. Nidoran♂ laid upon its back, limbs flayed out in a snow angel pattern. Its eyes followed a cartoonish sort of spiral pattern, obviously unconscious and unseeing. “Return!” Camper Danny grit his teeth, holding the Poké Ball against his forehead. After some deep exhales, he smiled. The wind died down, as did his orange scarf and teal tunic.

“You did good, Nidoran♂. You really did.”








Nidoran♀ slowly pushed Kaz into the hard earth below, clawed hands forcing down upon his shoulders and shins. Its eyes locked equally with the Meowth’s, not giving in to the tactic her trainer commanded. She was to stall the battle out, to hold Kaz until it was too late for him to fight back. Letting the poison take its course. Just as Nidoran♀ felt more strength being choked from the Meowth, she felt daggers dragging across her stomach as Kaz’s claws dug deep beneath her hide. The Nidoran♀
winced, snarling and fueling angry eyes to keep her composure. Her limbs began to shake.

“D-don’t let up Nidoran♀!” Camper Annie cried

Kaz’s claws continued to drag against the admitted weak spot of Nidoran♀, a trail of three parallel cuts forming on her skin. She winced. Her shoulder lowered but it was caught. Her eyes blinked in rapid succession, but failed to close. Finally, a heavy step backward collided with the dirt. And another just after. Nidoran♀ stepped off of Kaz, hunching low to the ground. Her body expanded and contracted, shoulders rounding, breathing now heavy. She seemed to be recovering, as best she could.

Camper Annie raised a finger to her mouth, holding it between her teeth. She looked to Danny first, then to Joey. Her large pupils saw the defeat in their postures. Her eyes switched to the Pokémon that towered and remained standing. They hadn’t beaten a single one. Finally, her glance rested on the Pokémon of her own. Nidoran♀ was heavily injured, likely a scratch away from fainting.

“Nidoran♀, return…” Camer Annie said. She bowed her head and held straight her Poké Ball. A red beam shot from its center, making contact with the Nidoran♀
struggling to stand. The last expression you saw on her face was a lingering glare toward Kaz.







“Next time won’t be so easy! I’ll land lots of hits on your stupid Pokémon! And faint her too!“ Youngster Joey said. The sun glinted against the white of his eyes. His forearm was flexed and in front of him, closed fist at the end. Joey’s face was strained, as if he were trying to solve an impossible math problem.

“Rattata’s the only Pokémon I need to beat you!”

Camper Annie had been staring at her Poké Ball during this speech and your camaraderie. Danny walked over to her, and attempted to place a hand on her shoulder. Before he could, though, she ran towards Ficus’ Lab, shoving past an eager trainer-to-be at the sliding glass door.

“Annie! Wait!”

Camper Danny rushed after her, reaching the trainer who had been knocked over. He apologized profusely, helping him to stand before he continued on into the lab.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xan the G
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Xan the G

Member Seen 5 mos ago

~Havoc Matsuda~

Havoc glanced left when one of the other two youngsters - the male specifically - invited him to join them. The other boy seemed very enthused about the whole process and apparently had some familiarity with how this was all supposed to work. Havoc couldn't even begin to imagine how on earth he would be able to catch pokemon while on the deck of a ferry. He he shrugged passively and silently, indicating an "eh, sure" response even if mute. Before he could introduce himself or even signal a hello to the girl the trio was set upon by a man propositioning stickers.

The other boy took one first, but seemed about as hesitant and suspicious of the man as Havoc was feeling. THe man hadn't done anything wrong. In fact, Havoc didn't get a signal the man was dangerous. He genuinely just thought the sticker looked tacky and corny but he felt guilty about passing it up because it was for a good cause. Havoc reluctantly opened up a hand to receive a sticker and reached around his waist for his pokeball. He looked at the sticker one last time pensively before he pasted the sticker onto the pokeball. His lips maligned into a brood at the sight of the sticker now on the ball. He put the ball away. The other boy spoke about wanting to catch pokemon. Havoc didn't really care too much about it but it would be good to see how something like that even works.

"I'll go with you." replied with a nonplussed nod. Besides, it presented a good opportunity to walk away from the creepy old man and the lab assistant.

Location: S.S.Expedition

Current Team:

Rook the Houndour¦Status: N/A¦Level: 5

Inventory: Potion (1), Pokedollars (500), Palm Pokedex, Palm Ball (1)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 16 min ago

Arren Malla

She saw the walk up, and he made his proposition. Before she could answer, Holly walked back up, and started talking. Just as before, Arren wasn't really paying attention. She walked up to the man with the stickers.

"I'd be happy to take one," she said with a smile as she grabbed a sticker.

Holly continued talking, the next thing Arren knew, Holly was talking to the man, and not paying attention to the three of them.

She kept looking at the Pokeball that was in her hand. Still amazed at the sight of it. She took the sticker that was in her hand and placed it onto the ball.

"So, think the three of us should head top-deck and see if we can start looking for some Pokemon? I mean I will, it'd be cool if I had some company." Vuduin suddenly sai, and Havoc agreed to go. Arren still felt a little weird around them, but it would be nice if she could make some friends.

"I'll go too, that sounds like fun," she said, and started walking towards the deck.

She was amazed at the ship still. You could catch Pokémon on board? That was an amazing thing for her, she had never heard of that. She wondered what type of Pokémon were on board, and hse once again felt the excitement brewing. She couldn't wait.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Online

@BlueSky44@Xan the G@Eklispe
S.S. Expedition.

He continued to just stood there, smiling wildly like his face was stuck that way. Staying there almost like a statue watching them anxiously as each took one of the stickers one at a time. However not a single one of them, actually did what he planned on doing, as a single drop of sweat came across his forehead. Also just realizing the other individual beside them, not entirely sure if they were a trainer or not. Dropping his arm when he realized his plan, which he spent the whole day planning, had already completely failed and clenching his fist. Clenching his teeth to the point they could shatter and glaring daggers at the three trainers, letting out a growl.

Quickly reaching in his pocket grabbing his pokeball and releasing an Arbok with a smirk as he points at the trainers, throwing down his top hat and stomping on it angrily. “Arbok, grab the pokemon and their pokeballs! You damn kids should listen better to your elders!” He stated even though underneath his top hat was a blonde mullet. “These stupid kids are rookies, they can't stop me!” He thought confidently inside his head.

Kristoff Wise

Letting out a long yawn, his arms crossed behind the back of his head. While casually strolling about with a Cyndaquil's head poking out from underneath his shirt. For the past thirty minutes he'd had been wandering aimlessly throughout the ship being rather bored. Suddenly, he observed someone throwing down his pokemon, an Arbok, yelling at the trainers and commanding them to take their pokemon. He and his Cyndaquil shot each other a glance as Kristoff immediately took action. “Use ember on his tail, and stop the trainer.” He commanded as the Cydnaquil burst flames out of his mouth singeing the Arbok's tail completely unaware of the pokemon coming it's way. The Arbox starts freaking out, as the tail is set on fire immediately slithering around like crazy. Simultaneously, the Cydnaquil used the ember on the man's beard as it quickly lit on fire. The man quickly rips off his fake beard in panic, however the flame had already spread to his shirt, starting to fail his arms and shouting embarrassingly high pitched. Kristoff had also rushed up to man and jumped up in the air and high kicked, exactly where the flame was, extinguishing it as the man face planted firmly into the ground, knocked out from the surprise attack. Able to land on his two feet seemingly effortlessly, taking the pokeball from while he was unconscious, and returning the still easily frightened Abrok back inside.

Turning his head and looking at the other three trainers with a look of concern. “Are you all okay?” He asked them as his Cyndaquil quickly ran over climbing up to his shoulders. “Quil!” The cyndaquil squeaked cheerfully also looking at the group of trainers.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Xan the G
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Xan the G

Member Seen 5 mos ago

“Arbok, grab the pokemon and their pokeballs! You damn kids should listen better to your elders!”

Havoc turn back at the ominous threat only to be faced with the expanded hood of a purple snake-like pokemon. Being at the back of the group, Havoc was the first in line to "meet" the arbok. His ninja training kicked in and he dive-rolled to evade the pounce of the Arbok. After safely rolling to the side and resting in a crouch, he waited to see what would happen next. As he watch, his sense of balance perked up.
He felt light. Havoc glanced down at his waist to see that his pokeball had gone. What's more the Arbok had a pokeball wrapped in it's tail. Havoc growled under his breath realising he had been duped. Granted, he had just been swindled out at sea in front of a bunch of witnesses under government supervision. A rational thinking mind would have appreciated that this old man would not get away with this for all too long, but Havoc's pride took the offence personally. All Havoc could think about was how he specifically would get back his pokemon.

As he stood to his feet and took his first step towards the Arbok, willing to challenge it unarmed if need be, a voice echoed from across the hall:

“Use ember on his tail, and stop the trainer.”

Before he knew it, Havoc was sidelined by the arrival of another trainer. His partner was nothing more than a small dog with flames spewing from its fur, but it moved in a way that deftly handled the larger snake pokemon. Havoc was surprised that things such as weight, size and other physical characteristics didn't seem to limit the potential and power of pokemon. His astonishment went up another level when the mystery hero made a jump kick at the assailant.

<...He's pretty good at this,> thought Havoc to himself, on the subject of heroism. He was flashy at the very least, and managed to get the job done, all while Havoc failed to act and even lost his pokemon in the midst of it all.

“Are you all okay?”

His call drew Havoc's attention, but Havoc thoughtfully declined to respond right away. Instead, Havoc walked towards the thief, pausing as he reached his pokeball about a foot from his unconscious body. Havoc stooped down and retrieved his pokeball, stroking it with his thumb. He caught an edge of the sticker and peeled it off slowly before flicking it into the air above the thief. He watched it flutter down and he exhaled long and pensively. He turned to walk back to the others. He held up his pokeball and nodded gracefully to the new guy as a means of thanks for his help.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Xan the G
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Xan the G

Member Seen 5 mos ago

[Site crashed on me and made a double post]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 16 min ago

Arren Malla

Arren was just about to go towards the main deck of the ship, when she heard someone shout behind her.

“Arbok, grab the pokemon and their pokeballs! You damn kids should listen better to your elders!”

She turned back around, and saw the man throw a pokeball. An Arbok appeared, but she just started edging away from the snake. She never really liked snakes, so she was a little freaked out. She saw one of the boys who was behind her, she couldn't really tell which one she was paying more attention to the Arbok, dive out of the way. Another look and she saw his Pokeball was gone. The Arbok kept coming towards them, when she heard the call of another Pokémon coming from behind the man.

The Arbok's tail burst into flames, and so did the man's beard, which turned out to be a fake one. He was running around, and the snake was freaking out. Another man popped up behind them, and grabbed the Arbok's pokeball, and returned it. The man who had attacked was knocked out cold.

“Are you all okay?” the stranger asked them.

"I'm fine," she replied, curious as to who this stranger was.

She saw the Pokémon that had attacked the Arbok. It was a little Cyndaquil, who was now sitting on the man's shoulders.

"Thank you for helping us," she said to the stranger.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Lynn Haywood~

“Next time won’t be so easy! I’ll land lots of hits on your stupid Pokémon! And faint her too!“

Wow, what a whiny brat. Lynn shoved her hands into her pockets, pulling out a cigarette and her lighter, lighting one as she gave Joey a condescending smirk. At least he was confident in his pokemon. That was a good trait, and something she respected on some level at least.

“Rattata’s the only Pokémon I need to beat you!”

"Look here, kid." She started, hostility clear in her voice as Quill walked back over to her trainer. "Next time get a less wimpy pokemon and maybe you might actually win." With that, she walked way from Joey, completely ignoring the kid and whatever else he might say. "You know, if you can actually hit anything. I'm surprised that Rattata of yours can even see food in front of it." Lynn walked over to Braids, Quill following behind as she gave Joey a grin and friendly wave that held no ill intent, unlike her trainer.

Time to introduce herself she supposed.

"Yo, Braids." She said walking up to the other girl. "You're not half bad, are ya? And here I thought you'd be useless in a battle." She chuckled. "The name's Lynn. Got a name Braids, or am I just gonna keep calling ya that?" As she spoke, she blew lightly on the cigarette in her mouth. Quill greeted Abigail with a wave, before walking over to the Deerling and looking at the other pokemon quizzically...before poking him in the side.

Before Braids could answer though, she shot a glance over to Tesh.

"Didn't do half bad either."

Location: Red Orchard
~Current Team~

Quill the Sneasel
Status: Perfectly fine!
Level: 7

Notable Inventory:
Potion x1
700 P (Pokédollars)
Ficus Pokeball x1
Ficus Pokedex
Lighter x1
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Remram
Avatar of Remram


Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Pokedollars: 500

"Well ain't this gonna be a grand ol' time!" Yasha cheered with his heavy Southern drawl. Thank to whatever gods above that were smiling down on him today. Amidst the whirring cogs and cold metal came a new friendship that would hopefully last for their journey. Oh this was so exciting! Just what kind of things were they going to see? What kind of people were they going to meet? What kind of food will they taste? The possibilities were endless!

The residents of the town were finally starting to go about their day. Unlike Mara, who loathed the repetitiveness of the town's life, Yasha found it very pleasant. They were just people that enjoyed what they had and didn't want any more from it. Perhaps for Mara it was isolating, but for Yasha, he knew that this was what people called home. They had families, friends, lives. They had so much despite being in a town as small and provincial as it was. Yasha knew his real home would forever be in the temple, but there was an indescribable yearning for his birthplace. It wasn't a sense of discovering his identity, but to discover and perhaps have closure. Closure for what? That's what he wanted to find out.

A strange, wacky song pierced his ears from behind the lab. Turning, he saw that the same kids from the lab were running around with their pokemon, playing some sort of six player tag. The group had soon surrounded the three beginner trainers with the leader of the group, a girl wearing a pink dress with a fluffy Mareep by her side. A battle huh? Well, that was strangely quick. It should be fun!

"I'm up for a battle. Y'all munchkins better get ready!" Yasha said with an excited grin on his face. His Yanma on the other hand, remained as deadpanned as ever.

"Yan." Lulu gave a death stare at the children's pokemon, making it seem even more intimidating than it already was.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lasrever
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Abigail Lowe

Location: Redorchard

Abigail jumped up in the air with a cheer when she realised that they'd won, before beginning an enthusiastic victory dance. Enthusiastic being about the only thing that you could say about her dancing abilities without being insulting. She wasn't trying to be a bad winner, but it was her first ever battle and they'd totally beat them! She knew that Waffles was the best Pokémon! She didn't really notice that Joey seemed a bit upset about losing, or that the Campers had left towards the lab.

"We did it, we did it, we did it did it did it!" she yelled, before finally settling down a little. "Hey, where'd the camper guy go? I was gonna give him chocolate, now it's gonna get all melty..." Waffles, weakened from the battle, just appeared relieved that it was over, sighing wearily at his trainer's actions and shaking his head.

She looked up as the blue-haired girl from before walked over to her. Aww, man, she wasn't gonna smack her again, was she? Abigail was pretty sure she hadn't done anything this time, but she'd thought that before too. She looked up at the taller girl.

"You're not half bad, are ya? And here I thought you'd be useless in a battle. The name's Lynn. Got a name Braids, or am I just gonna keep calling ya that?"

Oh, so she was just saying hi! Abigail brightened up immediately upon being spoken to, but got distracted for a second by the nice Sneasel, who she waved back at enthusiastically. She looked back up at Lynn, a proud expression on her face as she pointed a thumb at herself. Waffles winced slightly at Quill's poke, but looked over at the Sneasel, nodding in respect.

"I'm Abigail! And of course I'm not half bad! I always try my best. If I was gonna be bad, I'd be way worse than half bad! I'd be like..." she took a moment, counting on her fingers with intense concentration. "One... Two... Um... Three! I'd be three halves bad! That's one hundred percent!" she said, looking proud of her incredible math skills.

"I got distracted, didn't I? Sorry! I can tell that we're gonna be great friends though." she looked over at the other guy. Abigail wondered if he was gonna come and talk too, waving at him with one hand, the other absentmindedly pulling out her third packet of sweets for the day. Ooh, caramel flavour!

Pokedollars: 700

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Rowan Branchers


Dewmeadow, Dogwood's Lab

Rowan shone up as he heard Mara’s words, confirming that she’d like to travel with them. Rowan stood in place in stunned surprise for a bit, and then bounced in happiness on the spot!

‘Wohooo! We’re a team! We’ll be the best of teams!’ Purrloin actually kind of had a hard time holding on as Rowan started bouncing, but she held on well enough. ‘Yes, Professor!’ He’d state to the Professor’s final words to them, making a salutation to him. Yes. Right now, it truly felt like they could accomplish anything…!


Dewmeadow, Outside Dogwood's Lab

‘So, we, totally should buy LOTS more Pokéballs, and we should keep to the routes, we should make sure that our teams get a good type-coverage, OH, and we could think of ways our teams work together, too! Personally, I’ll want to avoid getting the same kind of Pokémon as you two in my main party, and-’ Rowan had started talking about things nonstop as they headed out. He wouldn’t always be like this, but right now, his excitement was overflowing. Purrloin was walking around their feet, brushing herself against anyone who’d let her, giving out small noises made to be adorable.

Then there was the kids running around. Rowan laughed a little. He’d, too, probably be joining them had he not had something extremely important to do today. That is, Pokémon journey. It looked like fun. Now that he finally had a Pokémon, Rowan considered himself having graduated from childish actics-

“We should battle! And, uh, if you lose, you have to play tag with us! Deal?”

… … … … …

D-did she just suggest a battle?

All of Rowan’s body suddenly seemed to grow extremely stiff, his eyes widened and mouth partially open, his movements turning strangely robotic. There was obviously a lot of something being bottled up, and Rowan was shaking as he turned slowly to look at Yasha and Mara for their opinions. He couldn’t act without knowing their thoughts on the matter, or they wouldn’t be a team…

”If you guys would like to, I’ll fight,”
"I'm up for a battle. Y'all munchkins better get ready!"

The power was unleashed.

‘YOU’RE ON!’ Rowan’s extremely excited grin burst out and he faced towards the kids, smashing his right fist into his left palm as his he placed his legs widely with bent legs, leaning forward into archetypical bent-forward battle position. ‘Feel honored! You’ll be the first of many to taste the power of Dogwood’s Trio!’ The eagerness clearly burned for his first battle. Thirst for the excitement. He clearly didn’t actually entirely mean that they should feel honored, it had simply been boasting which he couldn’t hold back. He’d ALWAYS wanted to boost like those trainers on TV like that…!

Also, of course they needed a name. The others could berate him and pick a new one after the battle. Right now, he had just needed one, so he made one up mid-sentence.

‘Purrloin!’ He called out. The cat-Pokémon looked up at him with mild interest. Rowan smiled eagerly at her.

‘Will you fight with me?’ He asked. Purrloin rolled her eyes a little, not entirely feeling like suddenly getting into a situation for getting hurt, but alright, sure. This once.

‘Rrrrloin!’ Purrloin made an aggressive noise as she spun around, facing the potential opponent trainers, and Rowan grinned ever wider, a frown of determination over his grin as he fist-pumped.

‘Yeah! That’s what I’m talking about…!’ The trainer and Pokémon stood ready to fight, for the first time ever.


Key Items: Dogwood Pokédex
Items: 1 Potion, 1 Dogwood Ball
482 P
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


The lass touched her elbows together and began running in place. She buried her face in palms that faced toward her, muffling a high-pitched squeal. Her pink dress fluttered as she bounced from heel to heel. In crescendo, she unleashed her hands to the air. Though it was daytime, the stars lived in her eyes. Her mouth was wide and her voice was loud.

“Yesyesyesyesyes! Okay, let’s battle! Come on Fluffy!”


The boy with the butterfly net on his back sprinted to the lass’ side. The wooden handle rattled in place as his shoulders alternatively stretched backward in pace. Once he planted his sandals in the grass, he stretched his arm outward, pointing toward Purrloin. Caterpie inched up the boy’s leg, slowly but surely. The bug Pokémon made its way up to the tip of his finger in a spiral movement pattern. It stretched up to its maximum height, wiggling its suction-cup feet in the air. Its large eyes met the sky and unleashed a yell.


“Only if you win, Wiggler!”

The girl in the black and white uniform ran up to the other side of the lass, across from Espurr. Her body rotated from side to side. One leg was bent, shoe twirling into the grass. Her hair was much like Mara’s, bangs swinging with the motion of her body. She smiled behind a hand placed in front of her face. Oddish popped up from behind the trio, running between everyone’s shoes before coming to a stoic standstill in front of the Jr. trainer. Its eyes narrowed and sized the Espurr up. Its mouth was flat, expressionless.


The oddish spoke in a disturbingly low voice, as if something was caught in its throat. The girl giggled, but didn’t say anything beyond that.




The lass in pink dress stood across from you. She hunkered down, resting her chin on two folded hands. She locked eyes with the unusually stone-faced Yanma. She hummed, tone swinging in pitch. Her head began to serpentine upward. Chin still resting upon her hands, she stood on her tiptoes at the highest frequency, before smiling and pointing a finger upward.

“Oh I know! Fluffy let’s cheer Yanma up! Give her a hug!”

Mareep bleated in her young, undeveloped voice. The sheep known as Fluffy did its best to stand on its hind legs. Using its wobbly tail to balance, Fluffy began to waddle its way toward Yanma. The wool Pokémon waivered side to side, but managed to remain standing. Its wool was so abundant, the swirl on her head occasionally covered her eyes, only revealing the open smile of the Pokémon as it approached.


The Caterpie finished its war cry, beginning the arduous journey of climbing down the bug catcher’s body. As he did this, the trainer had diverted his attention to the horizon behind Rowan. His head balanced on his knuckles. Wade’s other hand scratched his temple, unsetting the brim of his straw hat.

“You know, I’ve been pondering lately…”

The trainer was removed from his trance. His tongue slid out of his mouth, stretching upward in some sort of effort. His eyes squinted as he fiddled with the pockets of his shorts. There were so many, you could only guess how many bug-related items the boy carried with him.

“How much longer will I be wearing shorts?”

Pausing for a moment in contemplation, Wade returned his attention to the battle in front of him. The Caterpie had finally made its way down the towering trainer, sliding between the relatively tall blades of grass. It reared up once more, to gain a view of where the Purrloin was located.

“Okay Wiggler! Use String Shot!”

A white resin began to collect at the Caterpie’s mouth. It appeared, though, that Purrloin had the initiative.


The Oddish immediately planted itself as the battle was declared. Its eyes remained locked with Kira, as they had been since he ran in front of Jane. You couldn’t see his feet, had he put himself in the ground?


The Jr. trainer remained silent. Instead of speaking, she too lowered herself. She sat on the grass with her legs tucked underneath her body. She placed her hands on her knees and closer her eyes. Her head seemed to sway with the direction of the wind, as did the leaves on top of the Oddish’s head. A sweet scent began to fill the air around you, like the first honeysuckle of Spring.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


It was quite a scene in the terminal room.

Researchers on the outside wall of the room abandoned their stations and began to flee with their arms dangling behind their sprinting selves. The glowing buttons of the wall panels displayed beautiful, chromatic patterns. One after another, there seemed to be some sort of code to their synthetic display. The blue glow of the terminals collided with the red of the sirens above. The room became a purple catastrophe. Cries of trainers young and old overpowered the alarm system. The sound of mechanical seats squeaking could be heard as everyone abandoned their places. Letters dashed across screens for nobody to witness. How many trainers had been put on pause? The number was unknown to all. Some of the braver souls rushed to the scene of battle. Poké Balls came soaring in from all directions, the novice cries of Pidgeys, Mankey, Caterpie, and other starter Pokémon blasting the area. A mix of reactions were had upon viewing the Arbok. Some charged forward, others cowered. Most stood their ground, waiting for someone else to make a move.

Holly escorted herself from the group. She literally turned, nonchalantly at that, away from the approaching Arbok. She walked toward the nearest, unoccupied seat (all of them were unoccupied at this point) and ascended to a higher point. Her bare feet sunk into the plastic cushion and bounced lightly into the material. The pen she held danced across the pages on her clipboard. Holly would lower her kaleidoscope glasses, observe a detail in the room, and then return to her meticulous note taking. What was she writing?

To the relief of a room of beating hearts, a Pokémon wreathed in flame put an end to the assaulting, purple cobra. Men in buttoned, white uniform with at least one Poké Ball on their belts soon stormed into the terminal room. They were each armed with fire extinguishers, sprinting valiantly toward the Arbok lit aflame. They shot gusts of repellant in its fleeing direction. Each took their turn, maintaining their distance unless absolutely necessary to approach the Pokémon. The crowd was smitten awe-struck as the Cyndaquil’s trainer came leaping forth, planting his foot into a now unconscious grunt. And in another swift motion, the spooked Arbok had been placed into its Poké Ball. It was no easy feat to accurately return a Pokémon, let alone one that was running at full speed. Immediately, cheers from the crowd came roaring forth as a wave. Intermittent questions and concerns were mixed in with the overwhelming praise.

“Wow! Which Pokémon is that?”

“It must be rare!”

“I’ve never even heard of that Pokémon before!”

“Did you see that flying kick? Awesome!”

“Who’s that trainer?”


“How can something so cute do so much damage?”

“Good thing that fire didn’t spread anywhere!”

As the barrage of banter continued to emanate from the crowd, it suddenly hit a wall.


The crowd began to simmer down.


With each clash of metal singing, the uproar of the collective trainers began to die down. Something was approaching from the titanium stairs outside the room.


From the entrance to the terminal room, a hulking individual in open yellow coat appeared on the scene. His thin lips rolled the gnarred wood of a pipe he smoked. A brown, cloth hat beckoned the pipe smoke into its narrow chambers. Rosy cheeks betrayed the distant, pale eyes of an experienced sailor. One who had seen too many oceans below the sunrise. Or perhaps, too few. His white, thick eyebrows were curved ever downward. A steel boot took one of many steps forward.


“Aye, who’n be t’ swarty individual threat’nin me crew abov’ twenty fathoms of silent sea…”

Holly hopped from her elevated vantage point, her footsteps being the only noise in the room at the moment. She took a position beside the professor, as if she had done this routinely, handing him the clipboard that she had been writing on so vigorously before.

"Details of the incident, written in full."

The captain took his time through each sheet, much unlike Holly. His pale eyes surfed the pages, one often being closed. At times, he placed the board much closer to his face to get a better work. He never once removed the pipe from his mouth, despite the ashes being so close to the flammable page. It was an awkward silence that nobody in the crowd chose to remove.

“Good work, Holly. Y’know where t’ tak’em”

Holly nodded silently, taking the clipboard he offered in one arm. She approached the unconscious grunt in the middle of a ring of people. Squatting low, her hand dug underneath the small of the man’s back. She tossed him onto her unburdened shoulder. Not appearing to be under strain in the slightest, Holly continued to the door at normal pace. Her eyes were transfixed on the clipboard until she approached the first step of the metal stairs to the deck. Her wild lenses returned to face the group of people.

“Please continue with your registration. I will return shortly to address questions.”

And with that, she ascended the stairs, only a faint sound of footsteps being heard as the criminal was carried away. Halted gasps and failures to say anything came unanimously from the watching crowd. Palm, rather than following Holly, instead approached Kristoff, leading a small army of individuals clad in white uniforms be hind him. His raven’s eye returned to face the people, pipe smoke obscuring the brunt of it.

“See ye’ all fer dinner, hmm...”

He waved them off, non-verbally gesturing them to return to their seats after the squabble. It was not so much a gesture of shooing, but a farewell of little effort. Researchers filled the room with technological sound, their stations occupied once again. A confused murmur turned into normal chattering as the crowd dispersed. Squeaks of chairs were heard as trainers continued their quest.

“He’s not as… charming as I thought he’d be.”

“What a stiff.”

“Did you see his leg! Wow!”

“Well, maybe the dinner will go better.”

“Should I really be here?”


Professor Palm placed a calloused, wrinkled hand on the shoulder of Kristoff. The handle of his pipe skewed to the side as the faintest of smiles crept on his lips. He nodded at the Cyndaquil, rosy dimples forming on his face.

“S’ I’hear yer’ t’ ones who’s savin’ me crew.”

The hand on Kristoff’s shoulder raised and patted the trainer a couple of times, now gripping tighter upon final impact, shaking lightly from front to back.

“Let me honor y’ at the dinner tis evenin'. Nothin’ special, just m’thanks.”

The men behind him seemed to be at ease, but they remained nonetheless. The captain met Kristoff’s eyes in full force, the smoke of his corneas containing a thousand things unseen by any other, less adventurous people. Despite the glare of his eyes, his touch was warm and seemed to comfort you, as the rocking of a ship may lull someone with sea legs to sleep. He remained here, awaiting your reply.

"N' o' course, I can't forget t' ones who'n outed the criminal," Palm said. Sly eyes arced to rest upon Havoc, Arren, and Vuduin. Somehow, you felt as though he could look at the lot of you all at once.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Vuduin Alimore

Vuduin started at the sudden fit of rage from the previously friendly man. A villain in disguise? How devious! Budew reacted with a strange sort of mewling growl noise that seemed vaguely intimidating. Before anything more could happen however, the Arbok swiftly attacked the tattooed guy. Then, though Vuduin was ready to heroically leap into action, someone beat him there, deftly defeating the rouge trainer and dealing with his Pokemon in a matter of moments. Vuduin's mouth was open in a silent O of amazement for several seconds before he managed to shut it again. Budew looked pleased with the turn of events and sniffed haughtily at the downed trainer, somehow. "Whoa, that was super cool." were the first words out of Vuduin to the red-haired trainer. He'd even managed to look stylish while doing it! Vuduin wondered if he could be that impressive one day. "Er I mean-, good work: thanks, though we could've taken care of it." Had to put on a bold front, after all with such an impressive hero in front of them his damsel could very well become smitten with the wrong one. Then he'd have to find a new damsel and it would be such a waste when he one right next to him.


~Current Team~

Palm Pokédex
Potion x1
Palm Ball x1
500 P (Pokédollars)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Online

Kristoff Wise

Kristoff smiled, looking at the group of trainers. While hearing the immediate crowd of people around that he didn't notice before that likely gathered during the incident, Hearing the one comment calling him cool almost made him blush from embarrassment, so the other compliments including someone shouting to marry them, made him blush slightly rubbing the back his head. “All of that was pretty much sheer luck, I'm actually pretty bad at most things I do. But I appreciate all the kind words.” He replied in a slightly loud tone of voice, that wasn't shouting, but coming off as passionate. As Char went back into his shirt, shyly poking his head out some, looking around slightly nervous with so many people being around.

He gently petted Char's head to get him to relax, though his head retreated back into the shirt as the voices got louder. “He's normally pretty shy, but he's a little sweetheart, when he warms up to you.” He commented, looking at the trainers. Watching as a man in a yellow coat approached silencing the crowd, as Char curiously looked and much to Kristoff's surprise actually proceeded to climb up to his head, sitting on top, shifting some to make himself comfortable, like a cat.

“Cyndaquil.” Char happily exclaimed. Kristoff chuckled some. Observing the woman walking over and lifting the man seemingly without struggle and taking him away. Listening to the crowd reacting once more, surprised that Char was remaining relaxed on top of his head. He noticed as the man directly started approaching him with several men behind him. Making him feel a little uncertain, being unsure what was about to happen. Clearly surprised, as he placed a hand on his shoulder and nodded at his pokemon. Some hesitation came from the sudden touch that he didn't expect, as a mild shiver came down his spine, however it didn't bother him for long. As the man started patting his shoulder offering him to some kind of dinner seemingly waiting for his reply.

Having a feeling he wouldn't likely take no for an answer. Not that he wanted to be rude by denying someone's offer anyway. He smiled politely and nodded his head. “Well I just did what I felt I should, and I appreciate and accept your offer...” He replied though still not entirely sure who he was, though before he could ask he soon addressed the three other trainers as well. “Glad, that I could help.” He added also turning his head toward the trainers.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Xan the G
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Xan the G

Member Seen 5 mos ago

For once Havoc actually felt in the know. It was when the archetypical figure of a scallywagging sea-venturer came onto the scene, giving orders to Holly and praise to the for youth including Havoc. It was Palm. He figured as much because it was the face on the flyer Havoc read which told him about the pokemon giveaway aboard the SS Expedition. It would make sense that he had the image of a sea captain. Knowing who he was only lifted Havoc's self impression so much. Being invited to attend a meal with Professor Palm by the leering eye made the invitation so ominous that Havoc couldn't tell if he was being praised or reprimanded. He looked through everyone else's answers - he would have to keep being passive until he could get on his own feet, figuratively in terms of being a pokemon trainer, and literally as in reaching dry land.

When the mysterious hero accepted first in amongst the blush of applause from the onlookers Havoc tilted back and forth from heel to heel.

"Yeah, sure." he responded briefly.

The moment felt like it was getting a little awkward for him. He looked around at all of the assistants, the grown ups, the officials who effectively ran away when they were set upon by the crook.

It was for moments like these that he set out to be a vigilante in the first place.

Location: S.S.Expedition

Current Team:

Rook the Houndour¦Status: N/A¦Level: 5

Inventory: Potion (1), Pokedollars (500), Palm Pokedex, Palm Ball (1)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 16 min ago

Arren Malla

Arren watched as the room cam back into focus. The researchers, and everyone else in the room had been running away from the Arbok. Everyone started talking as soon as the Pokémon was returned to its Pokeball. The loud voices started to overwhelm her brain, when a new sound interrupted her thoughts.

It was almost like the sound of someone's foot stuck inside of a metal bucket. The loud clanging sound seemed to be getting closer. Arren turned around an saw an old man in a yellow fisherman's coat, with the matching hat. She wondered who this newcomer was, but she noticed the room suddenly became quiet when he walked in.

When this man spoke, it was like he was a pirate. From the outfit he was wearing, plus the pipe she now realized was in his mouth, made her think he had to be a sailor. In a way, this made sense for him to be one, since Gleampier is a port city, and his lab is on a ship.

He started talking to Holly.

“Aye, who’n be t’ swarty individual threat’nin me crew abov’ twenty fathoms of silent sea…” he said to her, looking at the disaster that was the Terminal Lab.

Holly handed him the clipboard that Arren hadn't realized she had been carrying, talking to him. Something about a report, she didn't really like Holly, so she just blocked her out. She looked down and saw what had been making the clanking noise, a metal boot that he was wearing.

He started speaking to the stranger who had helped them, and she realized that the sailor man had to be Professor Palm, since Holly had called him sir a few times, and how the researchers seemed to show him a lot of respect. Professor Palm looked over at her and the other two with him.

He is a little strange, she thought to herself, well now what do we do?

Location: Gleampier

Palm Pokédex
Potion x1
Palm Ball x1
500 P (Pokédollars)
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