Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by The Lost Dae
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The Lost Dae The lost one

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aeries found herself standing in front of her dorm before she really knew where she was going, she took a deep breath and entered, she hadn't checked who she was dorming with but that wasn't really the concern at the moment, she was sure they would be cool. Entering she looked around and not seeing anyone in the main room she yelled rather loudly "HEY HEY I'M HERE!!!" and then would burst into a fit of giggles, that would surely get the attention of any of her roomies should they be in there rooms.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by NorthernKraken
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NorthernKraken Legit Texan™

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Interactions:@The Lost Dae

Freya had arrived in the dorm to blissful quiet, and immediately began unpacking her things in her own room. She travelled light, storing most of her things that she didn’t immediately need in Master Royle’s old laboratory, long since sealed shut, but she knew ways to get in. She placed a few books on the empty shelves, collected during her travels over the summer, their use more academic than practical, but still worth keeping a hold of. She unpacked her clothes, makeup, and other nick nacks within minutes, before sitting heavily on her bed, staring at the wall a feeling of heavy exhaustion pooling in her gut.

She still remembered her first day at the university as if it had happened merely hours ago. The train, the speech, the food, just being around all the things she’d heard so much about during her first years after being taken in. The thing she remembered most strongly of all, however, was being alone for the very first time. It’d been terrifying – thirteen years old and stuck in a room full off older students with terrifying and powerful abilities, she’d gone running back to Master Royle within the hour.

He’d just smiled. Told her that if she was too scared to stay in her dorm that night she was welcome to stay in his quarters, but he really wanted her to try the dorm. So she’d gone back, and she hadn’t been scared since. Strangely enough, the thought of that safety net helped. It hadn’t mattered if she fell, he would’ve been there to catch her, with an accepting smile and probably a mug of hot chocolate.

It wasn’t like that this year. Nobody was going to catch her anymore. It was a cold, lonely realisation, and it grated on her already frayed nerves. She grit her teeth.

Whatever. She wasn’t a kid anymore. She could deal.

At that moment, a shout rang out from the corridor. Great. Roommates. She hadn’t recognised any of the names on the list – probably a bunch of firsties. She got to her feet, mild boredom overruling her better instinct to stay out of their way at all costs, and stuck her head around the door.

Jesus Christ – was she giggling?

Freya took in her new roommate with a look of horror. She was younger than Freya – mid teens if she had to guess, with bobbed hair and a look like if someone didn’t tie her down stat she might just start bouncing off the walls.

Freya narrowed her eyes. Nope. This would not do at all. Best put the fear of god into her now before she got any funny ideas about what she’d be getting away with. She stepped fully out from her room, arms folded, expression cold, “Listen, you," she began, voice low and dangerous, “Don’t know about you, but I’m here to work. You’d better not be like this all the time. Cool it.”

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The Lost Dae
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The Lost Dae The lost one

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As the much older woman stepped out of the room and spoke Aeries would practically appear in front of her almost bouncing on the spot,
"Sorry, yes, no I'm not always hyper, I like books, lots of reading, and people! people are fun, well except that scary one on the train talking about stealing powers, but you look so cool, I like your tattoos." She would almost vomit the words at the woman who seemed to embody the very definition of punk rock. While it's true that Aeries had used a small portion of her time ability to speed herself up it was a relatively small amount only having used a few seconds, she quite often used it like this throughout the day, it allowed her to do things quicker and as she relied purely on instincts to use her powers at this point it would seem natural to her own movements.

The woman seemed to be attempting to put on an authoritarian air and Aeries found that to be interesting, not so much scary as other students who knew Freya may have found it, she wanted to know more and it would take her a few seconds to formulate the questions in her mind that she wanted to ask.
"So I'm Aeries, What's your name? What year are you in, you look older than Me, are you? I'm 15, What type of magic do you use, have you been practicing long." Aeries seemed to be hyping herself up further and further the longer she stood there.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Canidae
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Canidae Live Deliciously

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Damien had just finished unpacking the last of his things into his dorm room. And by last, that meant the contents of one large cardboard box with notables such as - a photo album, a set of little dragon statues, (he can't quite remember where he got those from, but they look like a typical garage sale purchase) one of those tall blue-green lava lamps, a few bean bag cushions, and some other trinkets that serve no purpose. Everything else was still boxed up and pushed to the corner of his room. He'd deal with those later - probably.

He really wanted to crawl into bed right now and sleep through the rest of the day - he had a nagging headache and all this unpacking wasn't helping - but he also wanted to see what Rhea was up to. This school was way larger than he thought it was going to be and he knew he was going to get lost trying to find his dorm, and he was right.

Pulling out his phone, he decided to text Rhea. He supposed that he could go wandering about like a lost puppy and someone would show him where she was, but he felt like that was a lot of effort that he didn't want to put in at the moment.
"Whre are u?"
"Pls respond"

He sent this all in the time span of five seconds and then proceeded to recheck his phone every other second to see if she had messaged him back.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by QueenNugget

QueenNugget Mother, where am I?

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Although she was excited to continue talking to Xinhua, Rhea felt her back pocket buzz, multiple times actually, which lowkey kinda startled her. Reaching back, she pulled out her phone and realized her old time friend, Damien, had messaged her many times, signaling his arrival. Saying goodbye to her new roommate, Rhea smiled, messaging him back quickly.
"HEY!!!! OMG, you're finally here, what took you so long?? I've been waiting ages and there's no one to really talk 2! Ur slow, but I'm glad you're here, I'm actually in my dorm now, 25 A
Or is it 27 A?
No, it's 25 A, srry
You should totally come and see me, where'r u at?

She sat down on the couch impatiently, but excited to see him again. They were gonna do some great things.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Canidae
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Canidae Live Deliciously

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Damien took a drag of his vape, he was staring at his phone screen rather impatiently when he saw Rhea's messages pop up. He placed his vape back in his pocket, exhaled, and then began furiously typing once more.
"This fuckin school's layout is more complicated than my last relationship."
"That's what took so long."
"But yea, I was planning to come over anyways"

Damien started for the door when something dawned on him. He pulled his phone back out.
"Where the hell is 25 A?"
"I think I lost my map or whatever"
"I'll figure it out"

With that, Damien decided that even though he really didn't know where anything was, he was determined to find his way around. These dorm buildings couldn't be that far from each other.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aviaire
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Aviaire poffy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Liors wasn't asleep for long. Almost as quickly as she had fallen asleep, she was awake again, except now her, well, everything ached as she sat up. Guess that official breakfast wasn't happening, she'd packed some snacks anyway. After her incredibly quick nap, she felt more tired than before, groggily getting her feet and stretching. She was so tired, but if she went to sleep now her sleep schedule would be messed up. Or something.

She pulled a small box from her bags, this one filled with cookies and some other baked goods. Homemade, by Deirdre of course, if Liors had tried there wouldn't have been a home to bake in anymore. Next, her lyre and a thick ring binder stuffed full of paper. She winced at the sight. Maybe it was time to get a new one. Or maybe she could just throw out some of the sheets? No, not happening, never happening. It was a little difficult to carry all three, and she eventually settled for making herself a bag to carry her breakfast (if you could even call it that) and her binder. How she had missed being able to use magic just for the sake of it.

Peering out of her room, she saw every one of her roommates, Zane, Rhea and a tall, tall woman. Everyone here was tall, but this woman even more so. Her name - it began with an X, but she couldn't quite recall. She'd learn it later, when they had to make introductions. It wasn't a problem for now.

Liors shuffled out of her room, and made her way as inconspicuously as she could towards the door. Did she really have to choose the furthest room? Don't talk to me. Please don't talk to me, she repeated internally like a mantra, as if it would have any effect.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by QueenNugget

QueenNugget Mother, where am I?

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Canidae @Aviaire

Perking up at the sound of her phone going off again, Rhea quickly responded, pulling her feet up onto the couch.
"ah yeah that's true. both the school and your relationship lol. man, i can't wait to see you again, it feels like it's been a whole damned lifetime, we have so much to do and there's a whole mall here that I cant wait to get to, I wonder how I can make money here? Though I dont really wanna get a job cuz this is a whole magical fuckin school meh i'll find a way. but I dunno where youre at, so I dont know where I am, so I cant tell you. If that makes sense. What I mean is that I dont know where you can find me since I dont know where im at, but i do know where im at but I dont know where your at"
"*You're* whoops haha"
"OH! Dont eat cuz my roommate Zane is making breakfast if you wanna join, you don't have to but it smells pretty nice, and I think you should. But yeah. Cant wait to see you!"
Just around the time that Rhea sent her text message, there was a scream from Liors' room along with some popping noises. She looked over her shoulder, concerned, but deciding that it was best not to intrude, also, the door was closed, so it must have been private and Rhea wasn't one for busting down doors.

As Rhea waited for Damien to get there, Liors slowly shuffled out of her room, looking a bit frazzled. "Hello, is everything alright? I heard some popping noises and I was confused, but I didn't want to interrupt anything, everythin' is okay, yeah?" Rhea asked, curious as to what had happened.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ryteb Pymeroce
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Ryteb Pymeroce The Emerald Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Seeing Liors try to sneak out without eating, Zane seemed to teleport. The only thing revealing the truth of the matter was a woosh of air, sending a cool breeze through the room. Now behind her, Zane lifted the small girl with one arm. Moving over to the table where he set up breakfast, he sat her down and handed her some utensils to eat with.

"Rule number one of living here, you will eat proper meals." Zane spoke coldly, his eyes promising pain upon disobedience, "I don't care whatever else you do, you could unleash a horde of zombies upon the unfortunate students, or summon an eldritch horror from beyond comprehension, but you will eat when I've cooked or I will make hell itself look like a tropical vacation."

Having finished his tirade, he dug into his own breakfast, pulling a bottle of ketchup out of his bag, giving a pointed glare to the other two to eat.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Canidae
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Canidae Live Deliciously

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@QueenNugget@Ryteb Pymeroce

Damien squinted several times while trying to figure out the wall of text that Rhea had sent him - a classic Rhea response. He continued to walk and looked up and down every split second while replying to her.
"Hell yea. u bttr have a full spply of sparkling water"
"*better *supply"
"Kind of hard to type while walkin over to your place"
"but i haven't had any sicne u fuckin left after high school and went all incognito on evryone"
"also they better vegan otpions"
"no animal cruelty here"

He wasn't paying attention to where exactly he was going, he was just passing by the different rooms in the apartment. He paused and looked up from his phone when he heard a voice say something along the lines of "eating proper meals". Damien had a feeling this might be connected to the breakfast that Rhea was talking about. The room number matched the room she said she was staying in as well.
Damien was about to knock, but then shrugged and turned the doorknob instead, walking in.
"Got room for one more? Rhea said something about breakfast and I want in." He announced before pausing for a second and adding,
"Oh yeah, my name's Damien by the way. Nice to meet you guys too."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by QueenNugget

QueenNugget Mother, where am I?

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Canidae @Ryteb Pymeroce

Rhea was fairly surprised when Zane came and picked Liors up and carried her to the table to eat, almost threatening her to do so, well, it was threatening. It was certainly...unexpected to say the least. Rhea caught Zane glare and replied with a slight shrug, "Y'know, if Hell was a tropical paradise, I'd go. Sounds cool actually, just chillin' with some demons, but I'm waitin' on somebody-," she said, checking her phone again as he replied back. "One sec," she held a finger up to Zane as she responded back to Damien.
"Aw Yeah, sorry bout not tellin you that I was leaving, it was kinda a big secret and a big deal, i wanted to tell you but i couldn't but that's when you called me and then i had to tell you and everything and turns out that you had magic too, which is pretty neato. But YES, i have plenty of sparkling water, i dunno how you went without it for so long, i woulda had a withdrawl i swear." Rhea sent back.

"But anyway," she turned back to Zane,"He should be here is a moment, that is if he can find it-," she was interrupted by the dorm room opening, and Damien's head popping in. "Speak of the devil!" Rhea threw up her arms and embraced him in a hug. "Damien!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by NorthernKraken
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NorthernKraken Legit Texan™

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Interactions:@The Lost Dae

Freya stared, jaw dropping as the girl, Aeries apparently, talked… and talked… and talked.

What in the name of the All-consumer was wrong with this kid? How… how was her mouth moving so fast?

After a moment of somewhat dazed, stunned silence, Freya blinked, surprised to no longer be ensconced in the words Aeries practically spewed forth. The shock gave way to the, more comforting, irritation she was familiar with as she clenched her jaw. Fucking firsties. Didn’t know who they were messing with.

“Freya.” She ground out eventually, figuring the girl would just continue to talk at her if she didn’t give her some information at least, “The rest is none of your goddamn business. Except… ” her dark lips twisted into a smirk, as she allowed her eyelids to flutter momentarily. The air around her, around Aeries in particular, was vibrating frenetically. Still.

Freya shook her head, focused on the underlying stillness – the natural rhythm of things before Aeries had thrown it all into chaos. And then, carefully, began to draw the excess movement – sound, from the world around them. It seemed, perhaps, that particular ability of hers was going to prove itself useful in the coming year.

Everything was quiet. Finally. Her shoulders loosened as she made her way to the small kitchen, filling up the kettle to boil water for a cup of tea.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aviaire
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Aviaire poffy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I, Um. Ok," Liors replied meekly, picking up a fork. It didn't seem like she had any kind of choice in the matter. She poked at her food gingerly, staring at it for a minute, before she took a quick glance around the room. Everyone seemed occupied. Liors shrugged to herself and took a bite of a sausage.

Ah. That was good.

So she took another bite. And another. And another, until it wasn't long before the only thing left to eat was the ceramic plate. Had she eaten too fast? It was good, though. She'd hardly even noticed another person come in. She didn't know who he was, but it was safe to guess that he was a friend of Rhea's. Damien, he'd said his name was.

Liors muttered her thanks to Zane as she stood up, leaving her plate in the sink. "I'll, um, I can wash them later. When you're all done," she said. She picked up her things again, and made for the door once more. Gardens. Practice. Whatever came next, she would figure it out.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Canidae
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Canidae Live Deliciously

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Damien smiled at the sight of seeing his friend again and returned the hug, wrapping his arms around her lightly.
"Hey, it's nice to see you too. I'd say that you've gotten taller, but you haven't." His smile grew even wider as he chuckled.

He saw that one girl was already finished with her plate, "Oh, did I come late? I hope there's still some left." He looked over to the dude sitting at the table, who he assumed was Zane, and asked, "You still serving?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by EpicKDP
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EpicKDP Grand Shinobi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


La’Tavia checked Nick up and down , quickly three or four times. The look on her face was one of irritation as she thought to herself Did he not just hear what I just said? She quickly rushed passed the well-put-together boy and stormed off to her room. If you were close enough, you might feel the temperature rise a bit. La’Tavia slammed the door hard enough to startle someone who didn’t expect her mood to change in that manner. Then she let out a loud scream as she could not believe this guy would have the audacity to offer her tea. TEA!! For goodness sakes, she cannot stand tea!!

”I think I over reacted a bit,” she said a few moments later as she unpacked her things while cooling off. Looking at her room, it did seem plain though. ”I knew I should have brought decorations. Well, I can buy some here and make it more to my liking.”. She then walked out of her room to where everyone was and apologized to Nick, ”Hey Fam, sorry I crapped all over your offer, I’m not a fan of Tea and I really wanted to go contract a Fairy, so I thought it was kind of rude even though you had no idea.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@EpicKDP @Rune_Alchemist @Spike

@Ryteb Pymeroce @QueenNugget @Aviaire @Canidae


@NorthernKraken @The Lost Dae @Savo
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Viola merely watched as the overly bombastic girl went on some sort of...tirade? Oh wonderful, she was liking this more and more. The small girl sighed, turning her eyes over to Nick as he prepared some tea. She had been intending to speak with Meruin alone, honestly. Less people that got involved, the better. Less chances for something...unexpected to happen. Not that she minded happy little surprises here and there, but what she wanted involved a certain amount of...discretion.

"I think you may have misunderstood, my little Meruin." Viola replied to Meruin, turning to her briefly. "Your reputation is what I am looking for." But before she could say anything else, she had gone to get settled. In return, Viola walked back over to Nick who was busy making tea. Doubtful he'd have similar tastes in it as she. After all, she was used to the expensive and exotic ones...and some with a little magical origins.

Vampire Dust made for some fairly flavorful teas.

"...The only rude one here is the loud one expecting people to read her mind." Viola's mouth turned into a smirk as she replied to the loud girl. "Not that you likely have a mind to read in the first place. I really would advise you against messing with the fey. They'd walk all over you and eat you for breakfast, and no, that's not a metaphor."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by The Lost Dae
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The Lost Dae The lost one

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aeries felt the air around her becoming still, and had a sense she shouldn't be standing in that very spot for very long, and so as the air itself stilled and the temperature fell for the correlation between movement and temperature wasn't lost on the young time mage, she stepped backwards using her time manipulation to guarantee she was outside the active affect before commenting to the one who had named herself Freya.
"Hey now, that was just rude! I guess that tells me you use destruction magic as well, as I felt it getting cold and still, Ice mage?" she would ask getting excited again as she began bouncing from foot to foot again. If any had seen her move they would have described her movements as perfectly balanced and graceful, to those inside her sphere of influence it would look much like she just vanished and reappeared in her new spot.

IT was at this moment that the new girl appeared, Red, hair green eyes and freckles, this would momentarily stun Aeries into standing still for a few seconds. "Damn you're adorabl..." and then the girl bolted throughher door and slammed it shut. Aeries would turn back to her punk friend Freya, "I take it back, that was rude!" she would giggle.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Aviaire
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Aviaire poffy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@TheHangedMan @Ryteb Pymeroce @QueenNugget @Canidae
There were many, many good seats at this table. It was a great table. Fantastic, even. But then Xinhua, or Nulong, as she'd asked for, had to sit next to Liors. It wouldn't have been a problem, except then she'd told Liors to sit back down, and she couldn't just say no because that's rude and Liors wasn't rude, even if she really didn't want to be there and she really didn't want to talk to people. But she didn't complain, and she got back into her seat. It was the only way she did things.

"I, uh, I'm Liors Myrisal. It's nice to um. Meet all of you," Liors said, sinking into her chair. Her fingers drummed on her legs under the table, itching to leave, but it didn't seem she would be allowed to anytime soon. She should've skipping unpacking. Actually, if she hadn't had the nap, she could've made it out. The breakfast Zane had made was very good, but now there were too many people in the room (she drew the line at two) and she needed to practice (she didn't, but that was her plan for the rest of the day).

Her eyes flickered back to the door of her room. Maybe she should've waited for everyone else to leave before she did. It was too late to go back now. She stopped tapping, instead tracing shapes frantically on the surface of her tights. She shouldn't be here for too long. Introduce yourself, chat, leave. She could get through it. She could get through it.

Honestly, she probably couldn't.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ryteb Pymeroce
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Ryteb Pymeroce The Emerald Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Ah, the infamous Storm Dragon, currently the only student undefeated in the dueling ring. Also in the top five most terrifying studants, currently only being beaten out by the White Death." Zane stated, swinging his levitation wand to cook some more food, "I believe I was number four on that list... unless Flame-brain has managed to get themselves killed during vacation. Zane Wulfe, the Insane Inventor, maker and seller of enchanted items."

The invisible girl, Liors, seemed quite uncomfortable. Did she need the bathroom... no, there wasn't the shaking associated with that. It was a little known fact that his ability boost wasn't just physical, but also mental and spiritual. Using a boost on his processing speed, he quickly ran through the symptoms and what he had read in his limited delve into psychology. According to them he was apparently insane, so screw those guys.

She appeared to be suffering from anxiety, with a bit of possible anthrophobia (That's fear of people for you laymen). Taking pity on her, he 'accidentally' hit Nulong in the face with a fried egg. He gestured for the girl to take this opportunity to escape to her safe place.
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