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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Daniel was woken up by the ringing alarm clocks. He tried to ignore it and go back to sleep, but the clocks seemed to sense that and rang even louder. "Aarrrgh," Daniel groaned as he fumbled around for the clock, then picked it up and smashed it against the table a few times, breaking the clock and, more importantly, making it stop ringing. Daniel took a deep breath and looked at the broken clock to see what time it is. The hands were a little off, but even in his tired state he could tell that it was about 7 am. "Oh my god it's so early!" Daniel complained, not used to waking up at such a time. "Ugh, dammit." Daniel then got out of bed and put on his pants (he doesn't sleep with pants on). "Mornin', everybody," he said to his teammates as he shuffled his way into the bathroom and did his business in there, then came out feeling a little more awake now.
If Daniel wasn't awake before, he was definitely awake now. Combat class, now that was some interesting stuff there. Best of all, everyone was gonna have sparring matches. It was time to show off his skills to the others, let them see what he could do. He cracked his knuckles and looked around as his name and someone else's was called. Kuhaku Shiro... hopefully he was a decent fighter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

When the alarms went off, Robert didn't immediately wake up. In fact, he kept sleeping for another fifteen minutes before he literally fell out of bed and landed on the floor. He did not want to get up. Not only was he still somewhat sore from yesterday's test, but he had had a great difficulty falling asleep the night before. Usually when he went to sleep, Robert would have something to read to help him feel tired, most often an "unofficially borrowed" library book. Last night though, he had nothing and spent much of the night staring at the ceiling. Also, the bed felt, and Robert found this a very strange complaint, too comfortable. He was just so used to the cold, hard ground that a mattress and sheets just felt wrong now. Still, Robert and the rest of his team needed to get to class. So he stood up and said unenthusiasticly, "Come on team. We gotta get ready." It suddenly dawned on him though that he had absolutely nothing. No change of clothes, no toiletries, nothing. Just then Robert's foot knocked into a small cardboard box that sat at the foot of his bed. He looked down and picked it up, after noticing it was addressed to him. He opened it to find a t-shirt, a pair of jeans, a pair of socks, a pair of men's briefs, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a stick of deodorant. There was also a note that read, "Your welcome. Come visit me sometime. Tell me about Beacon. - T" It wasn't hard for Robert to figure out who sent the package. He said thank you to the note, picked up his new stuff, quickly got into the bathroom, and completed what most people would call a "normal morning routine." He walked out of the bathroom feeling cleaner than he had in years. He was still wearing his tattered hoodie though, since there wasn't a replacement for that in the box. "Alright team," Robert said with renewed enthusiasm, "Let's get to class." Almost on cue, the smashed alarm clock rang again to announce the new time. As the students piled into the classroom, it occurred to Robert that they should probably have been wearing the school uniforms. He hoped that the fact that a majority of students had made the same mistake that the teacher would be forgiving. And it seemed that was the case because Ms. Goodwitch made no comment about it. Robert listened to Ms. Goodwitch, interested about the curriculum of the class. Then she mentioned that students would fight each other, and Robert immediately grew a little nervous. He knew that, knowing his luck, that he would probably go up against one of the toughest students in the class. Goodwitch's assistant than began reading off the names of students and their opponents. “Abel Fulgurate vs. Robert Fallson!” she announced. "Abel? Who's Abel?" Robert thought. He then scanned the room looking for his opponent. "Ozpin had said everyone's names during the ceremony, so I just have t..." then he spotted Abel. "Him? I have to fight him? Dang it. Of course it had to be him." Robert remembered that Abel's team had been the one to arrive second at the airships, as well as how rude Abel had been for the few seconds they got to speak to each other. Abel's massive size wasn't lost on Robert, either. "Man, this is going to suck," Robert said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ineko slowly opened his eyes to a roof, the heads up display of his helmet initialized afterwords. His health checked out, so he sat himself up, finding himself in the medical wing. He paused, slightly confused, how he got there was a mystery even to him, and his mild headache wasn't helping him. He went through the records of Damascus, but found that the last day had been erased. Ineko asked Damascus what happened, but all he got was a shrug. He shrugged too. Everything seemed to be in place, no issues, and he was in a relatively safe place. He hopped out of the bed, his boots making an audible bang against the floor. He glanced back at the bed he was laid in, and found that there was already in imprint of his body on the mattress, likely due to the weight of Damascus. Ineko grimaced a little and began to walk out of the medical wing, when he found something taped to his chest, literally taped with office tape. It was a small device, after a short conversation with it, Ineko opened it and found several alerts. He opened them, seeing the names of his teammates, the name of his team, which was SIVI, his next class, which was combat, and the time of which it started. 8 AM, a quick look at the clock in his HUD told him that it was 7:51 AM. Ineko quietly sighed, no time for a shower, breakfast or even to clean his armor. Well, it wasn't that dirty, and he would be able to eat and clean after class. After a quick walk he found himself at the door of the classroom, among the other students. He sat down at a relatively empty space of the classroom, clasping his hands together and leaning on the desk in front of him with his elbows. He made sure his teammates had enough room to sit all in one area. During the introductions, he had a couple of things on his mind. Namely, that he was hungry. His short hair, despite being short felt dirty. He could feel Damascus being dirty and it didn't quite help the feeling of wanting to take a shower. The mild headache hadn't gone away yet, and he made a mental note to drink a couple bottles of water. He probably needed to just hydrate. Before he knew it, a section of the room itself had parted, revealing an arena. This didn't surprise Ineko much, when he entered the room he felt an atmosphere of excitement amongst the various technology and weapons in the room. Ineko set a timer for 5 minutes, readying it for the five minute spar that the professor had mentioned, and made another note to himself that his aura going into the red would result in a loss. Ineko kept his ears open for who he was going to spar, finally he heard the name, Jayden Xiang-Delacroix. Two drones detached themselves from the docks on his back and stealthily hovered near the ground. Ineko whispered, "Find him.", and the two drones scattered, keeping out of sight and low to the ground. After a moment of searching, the drones found Jayden, and nudged his foot to get his attention. Ineko used his HUD to locate his drones, and thus, his opponent in this sparring match. Ineko stared at Jayden, with the single glowing red eye of his helmet. But Ineko's thoughts were to a hot shower, a cup of chilled juice, a plate of hashbrowns with a side of scrambled eggs and an English muffin sandwich with spinach, eggs, cheese and a sausage patty. A thought went through his head after he caught himself staring. He had been called a robot before by others who wasn't aware that he was just wearing a suit of armor. His robotic voice, unmoving gaze and posture likely perpetuated this rumor, but he really didn't mind. And man, that English muffin sounded really good to him. He thought about what kind of juice he would have, orange juice was a classic but guava juice was always good. He settled on grape.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 16 days ago

"Yo Genie", he waved. He was already at the class. It appears he was fast at even eating, waking up, getting dressed. In fact he was already eating by the time Geni was walking to the cafeteria. To be fair he didn't eat very much, but it was only breakfast after all. "Oooh I see you extra-shined that blade of yours, who you tryin' to impress?", he jabbed. "Nah just messin', so I wonder who we're gonna be fighting", following this he turned his attention back to the class. Blah blah, combat class, blah how to fight blah blah Goodwitch. Glenda Goodwitch. He kept that in mind because she was eye candy, but beyond that all he really got was 'combat', and 'how to fight', and it seemed simple enough. It appears to him there were going to be fights between students too. As the announcements went down, he listened for his name and... "Aurellius...? Who dis kid?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 1 day ago

When his alarm went off, Oswald had already been up for nearly an hour. Already dressed, showered and ready, he grabbed his scroll and deactivated the alarm. He was armed and armored, and figured that now would be the best time to get some breakfast. Leaving the room, he made his way to the cafeteria, arriving shortly after it was opened to the students. He grabbed a plate of waffles with some bacon and made his way to a table. If his teammates came along, they could sit with him if they felt like it. He was sure Marcus would: he could tell their team leader was serious about his position, and unit cohesion was a major factor in life-or-death scenarios. The others he wasn't so sure about. He could imagine Diamond eating all of her meals alone with her smokes, while Aurellius would probably just do what he felt like that day. He hoped they'd at least be willing to work together and get to know each other on a decent level, at least. When eight came around, Oswald read the message sent to his scroll and dutifully made his way to the classroom. First class was combat: it seemed fitting enough. They were here to learn how to become proper Huntsman and Huntresses, after all. Testing their abilities only made sense. He wasn't perfectly comfortable fighting with one useful arm, though. At least he had his sword, though: there was no way he could fight seriously with only his shield. As he listened to the rosters, he made note of who each member of his team was fighting. He had to go against Sapphire Rode, Marcus was up against a Geni Hung, Diamond was fighting Mokuren Sabella, and Aurellius was put against Jack Orpheus. This was it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

As the morning sun failed to penetrate the hat covering her face, Diamond was blissfully asleep until that terrible screech of the alarm clock forced her back into the harsh reality. A shadow hammer took shape in the woman's hand, stopping just short of smashing the scroll into bits. Right. this time she wouldn't be able to steal a new one for herself an hour later. Sighing, she pushed the hat out of her face and felt around for the offending device. Finding the devilish accessory, she blinked a few times until her eyes could make out the letters. Finding the off button, she tossed the thing someplace near her feet. As she stretched under the blanket, a few of her joints made sickening pops and she felt her upper arms were sore from yesterday's trial. Yawning, she finally sat up. "G'Morning." she said, looking around to find one bed already empty. And here she thought she would be the one to have problem bonding. Oswald couldn't even wait for the rest of them. Oh well... She found the scroll again, intending to check what was on her schedule as she heard certain classes allowed for their regular gear to be used. Combat - speak of the devil! She was glad that she would dodge the god awful, wallpaper looking uniform for at least one period. And they could try to make her part with the hat. Diamond hopped off the bed and went to change and do something with her hair before waiting for the two boys to finish their morning rituals. Not really having anything better to do, she decided to stick around and see what would happen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 18 min ago

The buzz of the alarm stirred Abel fairly easily, though not without invoking some resentment in him. Just because his daily routine back home involved awakening in early hours, didn't mean he had grown fond of it. He sat up on his elbows, blinking blearily at the shapes in the room that were just now coming into focus. First came the sheets, which were fairly haphazard. Abel guessed that he had been kicking in his sleep again, though if he had dreamed, he could never remember. According to dad, as evidenced by Abel's behavior during one of the wilderness raids, he was a very mobile sleeper when in a place he wasn't accustomed to. The guardian shook his head, reminded by the sight of the still-ringing clock that he had a schedule to keep, and spending lazy time reminiscing about the past wouldn't get him to class in any better of a condition. That was the moment the smell hit him. Syrup, bread...pancakes! For a moment Abel wondered if he had finally started dreaming, and that he had awoken into a paradise. He moved sluggishly into a sitting position, his legs easily reaching the floor over the side of the bed, and stared at the breakfast feast after making sure that nobody else was around. Though he always slept in a shirt and shorts, he couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious, and it didn't escape him that he had been the last to awaken. Where were his teammates? Unable to provide an answer, his thoughts drifted back to the pancake treat. Did Beacon have room service? Amused at the thought, Abel smiled and grasped the plate. He wolfed them down quickly, though very careful not to get any sticky syrup on the sheets that had afforded him such a comfortable slumber. Only after did he notice the scrap of paper, which he picked up and -after rediscovering with disgust that he couldn't read the darn thing- held at arms length. Gren, eh? He's racking up a lot of owed favors from me. How am I going to repay him? With the room empty, he had no qualms about showering. It took him fourteen minutes to both cleanse himself and become fully awakened by the glorious, steaming-hot water. When he exited the bathroom, he felt thoroughly revitalized, and though his smile from earlier had vanished he was content nonetheless. After rummaging through his suitcase, he put away the plaid hoodie he had worn during the initiation ceremony and chose instead his blue coat. His armor came next, buckled on with the quickness and efficiency ascertained by much repetition. With no way to collapse the Ampere, he decided he would shift it to staff mode and use it like a walking stick, but before he could get going Abel rationalized that he needed to find out where to go. Slipping on his reading glasses, he unplugged his scroll and scanned it for information. Cool, breezy morning in the wake of late-night showers. Currently 7:33. First class of the day: combat, instructed by Ms. Glynda Goodwitch. He made for the door, only pausing to consider the muddy outline of two boots on the threshold. Judging by their size, there was only one person that it could be. “Does Gren sleep in that armor?” Abel asked the door, before opening it. -=-=- He took his time getting there, but still arrived just as the passing period began. Along the way Abel had seen a few teachers and other students, most notably the team that he recollected was called Jormungandr -though the members' names eluded him-. It didn't take long for Ms. Goodwitch to take charge. He paid her rapt attention at first, though found himself momentarily distracted by her assistant. He found himself drawn to the bright colors of her attire, not to mention a pretty face and rather visible thighs. Abel's attention was seized, however, the the grand opening of the doors that masked the combat room. An arena, he thought as Sarina read off the list, Where I can prove myself. Robert Fallson? Didn't ring a bell.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Alarm went off and Priscilla immediately woke up. 'RING RING RING' the alarm continued to ring, she stood up seeing the others sleeping but Robert got up. Priscilla quickly ran to the bathroom and stayed there for about an hour, she was taking a shower, doing her hair, girl stuff nothing weird. Priscilla got out of the bathroom, and grabbed her clothes going back to the bathroom and getting dressed there. Being the only girl she had to actually hide herself somewhere to put on her clothes because she was not going to do that in front of boys! A few minutes later, she finished walked to the mirror grabbing her lipstick putting it on and brushing her hair. "Done!" and with that Priscilla was the third one to leave her teams room. First Daniel, Robert and then Priscilla. "Wake up, Grey! I will see you in class. she told Greyson and walked to the classroom where the others were. She stood there, now listening to her name and some other girl's name... “Rayna Bryson vs. Priscilla Montgomery!” What? A fight between some girl that she doesn't know? This will be interesting. Priscilla got a little nervous because she haven't actually fought an actual person before, so this was going to be a little intense. But she never backed down on a fight, so she will give it her best!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sapphire Rode - Dorm

Sapphire slept fitfully that night, the rain pounding on the windows making its way into her dreams. This was not an uncommon occurrence with Sapphire, she rarely got a truly good rest with a clean mind clear of all imaginings. Usually she was plagued with nightmares.

"Cecily, take Demetra, go hide in Mom's study." A much younger Sapphire said handing there baby sister over to Cecily. "Saph, you don't have to do this. We can stay out of sight till he sobers up." Cecily said looking worried. "He'll take it out on me during tomorrow's training if he doesn't find us. And if he does... For a moment Sapphire looked distant, like she was considering her options. "Better I take it now than we all get it later." Sapphire said somberly. "SAPPHIRE!" Sapphire glanced at the upper floors nervously. "He'll cool down eventually." She shrugged and attempted a smile. "Who knows, maybe he'll buy me something pretty this time. The smile didn't quite meet Sapphire's eyes and both the sisters knew it. "I'm sorry." There was real pain in Cecily's eyes, pain that she couldn't take this responsibility away from Sapphire but both of them knew she wasn't strong enough. She didn't have Sapphire's spirit. "So am I." Sapphire whispered before she turned from her sisters and darted up the stairs. As she got closer to the door to her father's study she moved slower and slower. When she arrived at the door she tentatively raised a hand to knock.

Sapphire sat bolt upright in bed, for a moment she didn't know where she was and on gut tossed the covers aside and pushed her back against the wall to cover her blind spot. In another moment she came back to her senses, she was at Beacon Academy, she had passed the initiation test, today was the first day of classes. Sapphire hopped out of bed, being careful not to put too much weight on her twisted ankle. She was glad the rest of the team was still asleep. She didn't really care to explain her violent awakening to anyone.

It was early, about six in the morning. Sapphire had a habit of waking early even if she desperately wished to sleep in. She decided that she should take a shower before classes. She walked into the bathroom and stripped off her gear which she had slept in. She turned the water to a hot setting that was just above comfortable, and proceeded to wash. When she was finished Sapphire used a comb to brush her hair into an orderly manner before brushing a curtain of it over her right eye. She could see well enough threw it but she liked the way it looked.

Sapphire wrapped herself in a towel and left the bathroom, dragging her cloths with her. She had nearly identical replacements to all of them in her bag aside of course from her jacket and her bandanna. She was about half-way through changing when Gren walked in. She jumped back to conceal herself and was about to say something about entering unannounced except she realized first that Gren was holding a towering plate of pancakes and his eyes moved over the space she occupied as though she was not there. Gren set the pancakes down on a table in the room and went to the bathroom, moments later she heard the sound of water filling a tub.

She'd neglected to disable her semblance last night, it must have been active this entire time and unless she cried out in her sleep none of her teammates would have been aware that she'd even slept in the room that night. No wonder she'd slept so fitfully. Her sleep was always disturbed when her semblance was on.

Sapphire finished dressing herself only putting on one of her combat boots, her ankle was still complaining and unless it became necessary there was no reason for her to aggravate it further.

She took one of the plates and loaded it down with pancakes. She preferred syrup for things like waffles and french toast so rather than pour the sticky substance on her breakfast she instead slathered them with butter and ate them by hand like one would toast. They were delicious, though given that Gren had baked that cake last night she should have expected nothing less.

After she finished her breakfast Sapphire washed her hands of butter and continued to read the book she had picked out last night. It was a fairly juvenile tale about an impoverished slave's flight from his master to a land without slavery. Somewhere in the middle he was discovered to be a lost prince from another land, predictably it ended happily ever after. The story itself was cliche with a fairy tale like quality but Sapphire surprisingly enough enjoyed it immensely, it was a tale of hope, something the azure haired girl had never had a lot of.

At 7 O'Clock the alarms rang waking everyone for breakfast. Sapphire having already eaten continued to read. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Shiro rise and eat. He stopped right before eating and sniffed the air. She smiled while her scent was no doubt lingering in the air her semblance would prevent it from being strong enough for him to identify her position or even that there was another entity in the room. So long as she stay inconspicuous and did nothing to draw attention.

Shiro finished his breakfast and left the room, soon after Abel sleepily got up, he also had a shower, ate and exited the room. Sapphire continued to read until a notice came in on her scroll reporting that her first class of the day was Combat Training and it was mandatory for all first years. Sapphire smiled, if she was lucky this Glynda Goodwitch could teach her a thing or too.

Sapphire deactivated her semblance, it was best she not reveal it to everyone and there weren't really any advantages to walking into class unnoticed. When Sapphire got there she took a seat right at the back so she could view everyone else. She counted a little less than twenty five students. These must be all the first year Beacon students. They would be the ones fighting alongside Sapphire for the rest of her time at Beacon. Though in this case she thought as she listened to Mrs. Goodwitch's speech, they would be fighting against her. Her opponent was Oswald Connolly. Sapphire cursed herself for not paying attention when Ozpin did role call before the Forest Exam. She wouldn't know her opponent till they had taken there places in the stadium.

Knowing she was to perform in the first round Sapphire pulled on and tied her other combat boot. It put pressure on her foot in places that were not comfortable but she could bear. She jumped down into the stadium after the teacher and her aid. The fall put far more shock force pressure on her ankle than Sapphire was expecting. It began to throb painfully but Sapphire had had worse, the ankle she could deal with, her rib on the other hand might prove to be a problem when she had to engage this Oswald in combat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Greyson woke up a few minutes after the alarm rang out but he just looked up at the ceiling for a while waiting to fully wake up, unfortunately Greyson wasn't a morning person and as such it took him a while to get up and get going to his usual self. However when Pricilla told him to get up Greyson groaned softly before finally getting off the bed and doing his morning routine of brushing his teeth and changing into his cloths from yesterday making sure to keep his green cloak but he kept it open and looked more or less ragged with a nasty bedhead. Greyson followed the others into class sitting down getting ready to get more sleep in class until the teacher said that they would be fighting today. That made Greyson grin wondering who he was going to be facing off against and it turned out to be some guy named victor. Greyson had no idea who it was so he decided to take his nap and wait for his turn no doubt he would be called on when it was his turn to fight. So Greyson was going to make sure he listened and wait till Pricilla was going to fight so Greyson could cheer her on...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by XNoBrainX


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Satisfactory? Denial just because of pride isn't going to help this team understand your maps. Is this how she fixed problems when suggested to her? "Fix your art skills. I wouldn't raise that problem if they were 'satisfactory'", he didn't mean to be mean but he was getting annoyed that she just denied him pointing out that her art skills weren't up to par and that the team might have trouble understanding it. "Though you're a good leader. I love how you listen to your members suggestions. Nice job." Last time he saw some guy storm off because this hot chick was chosen leader instead, while he felt that he should have been. Was there a sexism problem on this school? For god's sake. He made sure that he was fully equipped in dynamite before he actually left to jog. After the jog he tried to still find team Catastrophe yet was never able to find them. Mostly because of.... Yeah, her art skills really weren't satisfactory. He was happy she did respond positively to his suggestion of finding out their abilities. He asked her to hit him up when she did because he wanted to help. His whole style revolved around strategy and tactics, he was sure he could contribute in a way. Besides, he was only fifty percent sure if she was a good leader because his experience with her had been half positive and half negative. He found out that it was now around the time they should go to class. So that's what he did. He made sure not to reveal his weapons yet, hiding them in his pockets while walking relaxed with both of his hands in there. When he heard the news about sparring sessions, his frown instantly turned into a giant smile. He looked at his team. "Even though we're hurt. Team JRVR is still going to kick ass. We're going to win all the matches with no added injuries. It's ok though, for pride we can say to our opponent's friends that Team Catastrophe's actions were their doing", he said smiling to the team. Trying to get them fired up and confident.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Seilber & Indigo - Before Matches
Seilber's alarm didn't go off at 7 AM. Instead she had set her alarm for 6:00 AM. It had gone off quietly during the dark hours of the morning. Her pointy ears had twitched before honey colored eyes had split open in the darkness of the room, shutting it off. Groaning, she pushed herself out of bed. Near silently she changed in the dark into a pair of short shorts, halter top, and zip-up hoodie. Taking her SCROLL with her, she headed out through the door. After a brief set of stretches, she began making her way around Beacon at a brisk walk, which became a trot, then a full jog, almost a run. Her breath fogged the early morning, crisp cool air. At first it had raised gooseflesh against her legs, but now as she ran it helped keep her cool. A set of earbuds made for her kind of Faunus provided some mental stimulation as she focused on cardio, using it as a good way to wake up. As she made her way around the campus, she noted which buildings were which, anybody who was out, everything she could see, and store in her memory. Physical activity and music were two great triggers for memory management. The door to the team's dorm had opened up with Seilber making her way in just before the alarms started going off. Grabbing an outfit, as they hadn't had their uniforms given yet, she made her way into their bathroom. Leaving the door slightly cracked she hopped in the shower. If they were going to live and work together for the next four years, then they would have to get used to being in proximity to each other. Modesty wasn't a major concern, and it wouldn't be right for her to hog the entire bathroom while others might need to use it, especially just after getting up.
Indigo stirred at about seven to the annoying and constant beeps of his alarm that had just grown louder and louder with each passing second. He had honestly considered smashing the thing into millions of smaller, much quieter pieces to relieve himself of the noise. That wouldn't get him anywhere good though, He'd surely have to pay for it, and that was an expense he just didn't want to deal with. So instead of accruing property damage he simply turned the thing off and stretched out, yawning and groaning all at the same time. He then opened his deep blue eyes to the oddly bright light shining into the room. "Ugh, crap." He complained, covering his eyes with his forearm to block the sun's rays. This was what he hated most about mornings, his pupils always burned and his head always hurt as he adjusted to the new, more radiant surroundings. After lying in bed for a minute or two he got up and crouched down to his bag and gather some basic stuff. Toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, outfit for the day (mask included), et cetera. He always showered first in the morning; it was so refreshing and awakening. It was, in his opinion, the only objectively right way to begin a day. And his opinion was pretty great, as far as he was concerned. With that narcissistic thought in head, he made his way to the clearly very open obviously bathroom. I mean, he was like 90 percent sure nobody was even here. Ineko was at the infirmary, right? Yeah, he was pretty sure, though he couldn't quite remember why... As Indie entered the bathroom, he gently closed the door behind him. He didn't even have the energy to close it with much force, so why even bother waking those in the room up with a slam? Indie then placed his items down before turning to the shower and noticing something was very, very wrong. Behind the translucent curtain he could see something. From what he could guesstimate, it was a feminine figure with fox ears and a tail. This bathroom was occupied. As Indie muffled a small shout with his hand, he quickly opened up the door, almost ripping it off it's hinges with his new-found speed and strength, and ran out, slamming it behind him. "D-dude!" He shouted through the door, red flooding his normally pale face. "Why didn't you lock the door!?! This isn't some creepy hentai! I-I mean, I'd like it to be, but..." He trailed off with a small laugh, joking and trying to save face as 'wacky wierdo kid'. He honestly didn't even know why he tried though; With no mask to hide his emotions she'd obviously notice his embarrassment. He went and quietly sat on his bed and looked down at his lap in an odd sort of shame as he waited for her to finish her shower. He'd have to get up earlier tomorrow to avoid bumping into her like that.
A few minutes later, Seilber came out of the the bathroom wearing a cottony white towel large enough to easily cover her, tucked tightly in place, and another wrapped around her head, steam billowing off her skin. It seemed Viv had already disappeared for the morning. She glanced over at Ineko, tilting her head a bit. "Hey," she said quietly as she padded over to her bed. "Are you alright? I left the door cracked on the bathroom so you guys could use it," she said simply. She studied him for a moment, resting her hands on her hips. "Uh... Ineko, you do know you're stuck with me for four years, right," she said, her tone gentle. "We live, eat, and fight together during that time, as a team... so... What's the big deal? You've never been in the same bathroom as a girl taking a shower before or what?"
Indie continued to stare at his lap as he heard the door open and close. As soon as she called out to him though, he quickly glanced up at her, before continuing to look downward. As uninteresting as his lap was, it was much preferable to look at that instead of her, for a large number of reasons. Half of them were about her body, and the other half were about his body. More specifically, his body language. Faces could convey a lot "Are you alright? I left the door cracked on the bathroom so you guys could use it," She stated, as if it was obvious and normal to allow someone you're not related to use the same room you're taking a shower in, even if you're not in an amorous relationship with them. There was a pause. She was looking at him, obviously. Staring at his red flushed face, probably mentally laughing at him. He looked back up at her in a sort of hotheaded, foolish defiance. She placed her hands on her hips and spoke softly, and gently, probably so he wouldn't get mad or take offense to anything she said. "Uh... Indigo, you do know you're stuck with me for four years, right? We live, eat, and fight together during that time, as a team... so... What's the big deal? You've never been in the same bathroom as a girl taking a shower before or what?" "Of course I have, god." He lied with a small laugh. He certainly never had siblings; His parents were to preoccupied with ignoring him to ignore anyone else. Female friends? Well, he had a female friend, yes, but he'd never even been in the same building as her if she was wearing less than a bathing suit. As for girlfriends? He was tempted to laugh out loud. Of course not! he had spent all his time that he could have spent developing social skills, and charm, as time for practicing fighting, and being odd. If he fought well enough than surely ability to communicate wouldn't even need to be a factor in whether or not people liked him. People loved a great fighter, the adoration of Huntsmen and Huntresses were clear evidence of that. He rubbed the back of his head as an idle gesture of awkwardness, slightly weird-ed out by the lack of a strap there. His lie was probably obvious, but he didn't want to confront that stuff now, so he silently got up and began walking to the bathroom.
Sei watched him for a few moments, then shook her head just a little. His tone of voice and inflection told a different story, as did his body language. He was stressed, uncertain. She was being a pain in the neck or a headache, almost literally by the touch to the back of his head and neck. With a sigh, she made her way to her bed, picking up her gear to grab what she would wear for the day. They hadn't been issued uniforms yet. Was he really that shy, she wondered. A lot of questions and wonderings were copping up in her busy little head. At the same time, another part of her kicked into gear. Why did she care? He was just an asset, wasn't he? How would he benefit her next moves? What even was the next objective to begin with? Shaking her head again at herself, she murmured quietly after him. "Sorry. ... Just think about what you might have to deal with if we're stuck out in the woods together for an extended period," she said as he neared the bathroom door. Indigo was awfully twitchy, and certainly touchy. He liked to hide himself, the mask told her that much. Was she going to have to drag everything out of him? He was her partner. They had worked thus far together decently, but the guy was fairly standoffish. What was his issue? Last night hadn't helped.
A small frown could be seen on Indi's face as Seilber sighed. He cursed himself for even thinking that he could rest with his mask off. He'd have to create something soft, maybe made of felt. Maybe one of those masquerade masks? No, those wouldn't hid his mouth, or his cheeks. He'd think of something later, right now more important things were afoot, like a nice, hot, Seilber-less shower. As he entered the bathroom he heard her, with that same softness, say something. "Sorry... Just, think about what you might have to deal with if we're stuck out in the woods together for an extended period." Indi paused. What the hell was he going to do in that situation? In fact, he mas more than sure something like that was going to come up, considering most huntsmen and huntresses went on missions like that. "A field mission, huh?" He said with a quietness equal to hers, but with an added layer of condescension. "I'll figure it out. Who's to say I can't fight my way back into civilization?" he said with a slight smile. A lot of people and Grimm said that he couldn't just kill his way into a city. Still, he'd deal with it when he had to. Thinking ahead wasn't a strength of his, obviously. That was probably why he wasn't chosen; He was better on the field than in a political debate or a general's tent. With that thought Indi closed the door to the bathroom and quickly began to go through his morning routine. Firstly, he showered, scrubbing with an intense quickness as to get all the muck and grime that surely had accumulated on him. Normally, he enjoyed taking his time with showers. They allowed him to focus, relax, and wake up. Most of the time he was in a shower, a hypnotic sort of catharsis washed over him. Now though, there was to much on his mind and he simply didn't have the time or mindset to fully enjoy himself. With his shower out of the way, he brushed his teeth, and placed on his outfit. He finally felt at home with his mask placed back on his face. He had become very reliant on it ever since he left Signal, and he made it an important bulletin in his day to clean it and make sure there were no cracks or anything on it. He exited the bathroom before quickly re-entering. He had completely forgotten to grab his dirty clothes back up, as did Seibler. An annoyed sigh left his lips as he rubbed his temple. Was this another test to see if he would pick up her unmentionables, or if he'd force her to do it because of what he thought were perfectly normal social boundaries? Maybe he was blowing this out of proportion, but that's kind of a skill he thought he was pretty great at. "Yo, you left your," Indi paused for a second as he thought of the right word, "Stuff on the bathroom floor. As much as I like the outfit, I'm not a maid. Could you pick that up, please?" The word 'please' was un-needfully stressed and he noticed as soon as the sentence left his mouth. He quietly added "I mean, I'll pick it up if you want. I'm fine with it. Just, pick it up next time." He said as he picked his SCROLL up of his bedside table. "So, wanna grab breakfast before going to class? I'm hankering for a muffin. How 'bout you, Sei?" He asked, quickly changing the subject with the promise of food and a child-like fake grin hidden under his mask.
By the time he had finished the shower, Seilber was changed, and staring at the door, arms crossed pointedly. She didn't say anything in response to his mini-tirade about her stuff being in there. She had planned on retrieving it sooner rather than later, preferably before he had started his shower, but seeing as he practically freaked earlier, she had opted to wait, which was putting her behind schedule. Making her way into the bathroom, she grabbed her things, before padding out and tossing them into the storage each student had, then sealed it shut. As he mentioned food, she turned toward him, giving him a pointed look. "It's almost time for classes to start. A muffin is about all either of us will have time for, now," she said after thinking better of what she actually wanted to say. With that she grabbed her notebook, her Scroll and keyed the dorm doorlock from the device to open. Tomorrow she'd have to get up earlier, between the run, and shower, and roommates... teammates... there wasn't any time for any other.. things to add but to get dressed and get moving.
Sei was probably kind of pissed. Her stance and that glare she gave him emanated a sort of 'you're an idiot' vibe. He wasn't about to disagree with her. "It's almost time for classes to start. A muffin is about all either of us will have time for, now." She said. He was confused for a second. Had he really spent that much time messing around and being stupid? Sure, their squabble was a time waster, for all intents and purposes, but had it really wasted that much time? With a quick check of his Scroll he confirmed that, yes, he was preoccupied in his own issues enough to stop keeping track of time. "Whoops." He mumbled in realization. "Well, in that case, let's just get to class. We have Combat up first, and I am not missing that class for the world." He said, slipping his Scroll into his back pocket and picking his weapons up. Cia and Lana, god did he love these things. He'd normally take the time out of his day to admire his handiwork, but he could do that later. Right now, he had stuff to do and people to hurt. The two hatchets clipped onto his waistline, and he confidently swung open the door to step out into the hall. As Indi entered the classroom, he stared impatiently at the teacher and her assistant as they explained what was going to happen in the class. The excitement and anxiousness on his face would be obvious, had he not wore a mask. Fighting, dear lord fighting. This was definitely going to be his favorite class of the day. Sparring was up first, and he almost leaped into the Colosseum. He was fighting someone named "Gren" first. He had never heard of this Gren person, but he hoped they put up a good fight.
After a moment of watching him, she shook her head. Sealing the door behind them she glanced at the scroll. There was about half an hour or so before they had to be to class. By the time they got through the line, got to eating, and finished, it would be almost time to be at class. "I'll meet you there," she said. "I've got something to do before class starts real quick." ---- As she made her way outside, she took off at a light jog, enjoying the feeling of her muscles working again, but this time it was only mild activity as she trotted over to the dining hall. Within a couple minutes she had scored a couple things in paper bags, then cleared out, not stopping to wait. It was a short trip to where combat classes were. Making her way into the building, she spotted Indigo. Weaving among the other students she held out one of the bags. Upon opening it, would be a nicely sized blueberry muffin. Sitting down, she pulled out her own from a similar bag. In another brown bag she pulled out a couple bottles of water, passing one to him. "I didn't know whether you would want milk, or water... and I figured water would be better for keeping hydrated anyway," she explained. "I'm sorry about earlier," she said, gesturing toward the muffin.
As Indi took a seat, he saw a familiar face hold out a brown bag. Normally, such a site would be suspicious, and normally he'd make a comment about how odd it was to receive an unmarked bag from someone. Normally, said bags weren't filled with a delicious blueberry muffin. He stared, mouth agape at it, for a few seconds. Why in the hell would she get him this amazing muffin? Frankly, he'd been acting like kind of a jerk lately. It was pretty much his fault for bursting into the bathroom, even if she did act a tad abrasive afterwards. There was also his badly hidden flip out about the whole 'leader' thing, but he had gotten over it at least a little. "I didn't know whether you would want milk, or water... and I figured water would be better for keeping hydrated anyway. I'm sorry about earlier." She said, while handing him a drink. Part of him deep down knew this was just a simple rush down to the mess hall to grab something for him, but to Indi, that didn't really matter. She had gone out of her way to get food for him, even with the potential to be late for class. Hell, she even apologized! Who was he to judge if she came from a different environment and that was a normal thing for her? He rarely ever felt like an asshole (one of the perks of being an egotist), but now he felt exceedingly bad. "I-I-" He stuttered, unable to mentally comprehend her kindness. "Thanks." He finally managed to say. Part of him thought accepting defeat and apologizing like that when she wasn't in the wrong as much as he was was weak. But maybe that was what being strong was about. Maybe he was over thinking this. There were a lot of possibilities, is what he was getting at. Point was, her kindness was kind of inspiring. For now, he'd follow her. Wasn't much he could do about his position right now anyways. "And, Seibs? I'm, uh, I'm sorry too." He apologized, moving his mask to the side of his head to allow her vision of his smile. It was a sign of trust that he'd hope she'd understand. Also, he needed to take the mask off to eat the muffin, which he did promptly.
As he stammered in a bit of shock, and then gave her thanks, she smiled in return. "You're welcome." When he apologized, she looked over at him for a moment then flashed a brighter smile, only to nod once to him and to herself. "Apology accepted," she said, visibly relaxing. For the moment, things felt more right. Conflict, while she could handle it, she didn't like it. If they were stuck together, might as well make the best of it. Seilber opened her mouth as if to speak, when the tardy bell went off. Class was started. As Ms. Goodwitch began her windup for the class, and had her assistant list off the sparring matches, she listened intently. When her name was called to go up against Rakim, she felt a little bit of relief that she didn't have to go up against Indigo. At the same time, she wasn't up to speed on what this Rakim person wold be like. Carefully she watched the first two matches, studying abilties, styles, and so on, before it was her turn. Looking over to Indigo, she murmured, "Wish me good hunting." At the same time there was a nervous smile on her face, before she began making her way down to the combat area.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

[DiamondxMokuren fight] "Next up: Diamond Frost versus Mokuren Sabella! Please take your places!" One of the teachers announced after the last match was concluded. Diamond had so far observed the competition silently, trying to imagine how she would react to their strikes. It made her uncomfortable that at some points, she couldn't even imagine anything before their move was over. When she was breaking somewhere, she had an ample time to prepare, scout the area, plan her escape routes... This was strange territory for her. Then again, she had her share of fights later, and if anything she knew where to hit to make them hurt. Getting up, she walked to the arena, her stride confident. As she got on the stage, she noticed her opponent for the first time. Diamond didn't yet bother even remembering the names of the other teams, let alone the people. the fox faunus against her was a good reason for that too. there was... hunger... in her eyes. Diamond guessed that meant this one wouldn't hold back on the defensive. "Begin in 5, 4..." The thug let go of the cane, the item immediately dissolving and being replaced by her natural shadow. "3, 2..." She looked her opponent in the eyes, hoping for a sign that would betray her move: a look in the direction of the strike? A frown of pure, berserk bloodlust? "1, BEGIN!" Diamond immediately jumped to the side to vacate the spot where she was before moving forward, semblance ready to react. --- Mokuren had sat in the seat calmly, her earlier desire sated, and her mind returning to coherence, if only for a short while. She had little interest in this fighting thing, neither her own nor anyone else's bothered her. In a fight, one should kill, or be killed. This 'spar' was an idea for the weaklings of the world. Why would anyone even hold back so as to not kill their target? it was madness. However, when her name and a 'Diamond Frost' was called, she had no choice but to head to the area with her sword by her side -enough blood for two shots, which unless well aimed would not do much - and a soft, almost bored saunter to her movement. As she arrived on the arena floor, her tail swished softly in amusement. This Diamond girl was so uptight, and seemed to be analyzing every little thing that was happening, as if that would give her the upper hand in this match. When the teacher shouted to begin, Mokuren stared softly at Diamond, as if she was no more than a cute, hairless puppy. She even laughed when the girl erratically leaped to the side, portraying an aura of readiness for anything that would come. Which, was not actually anything. Mokuren just continued to stare at Diamond, with a strange smile on her lips. It wasn't born from mirth, but it didn't have the maniacal edge that smiles sometimes did. It was just, lips in an upward fashion. "Are you serious about this fight?" Mokuren asked, curious about her target's disposition. --- A moment of smug hesitation was all Diamond could ask for. She would enjoy this. As Foxface didn't shown the slightest intention of fighting back, Diamond promptly clapped her hands together before crouching, planting her palms on the floor. Her shadow shot forward, forming a jagged line leading towards Mokuren at speed nigh too fast for Diamond herself to observe. And then a few feet in front of the faunus, shadowy tendrils shot for her limbs, Diamond intending to restrain her movement so she could play with her for a while rather than finishing her quickly with a heavy blow. --- Mokuren cocked her head softly as the human woman clapped and crouched, all very dramatically. Then her shadow moved, and shot towards Mokuren at a rapid rate, one that was no fast to dodge even for someone of her agility. The shadow turned into tendrils which wrapped themselves around her limbs, and left her immobile. The entire situation didn't seem to bother Mokuren in the slightest however, as she continued to stare at Diamond as if she wasn't tied up and venerable to attack at any moment. "Did I not say it loud enough? Are you serious about this fight?" She asked again, not thinking that she had been ignored on purpose. --- "Perhaps." Diamond said calmly as she walked forward, careful to keep her feet at the line connecting her to the binds lest they would disappear. "Are you?" she shot back. It was becoming painfully obvious that this Mokuren didn't think much of her or of this class. Probably both. Oh well, her loss. Diamond spared the aura monitor above them a look, her lips curving in a small smirk: As it stood she'd win, hollow victory as that would be. When she was close enough to hit, her eyes narrowed: "Well?" --- Mokuren smiled as the girl avoided the question of seriousness. The dodge was slightly irritating, but nothing she couldn't deal with. What was interesting was the funny way Diamond seemed to walk. It was almost as if she had a path she had to stick to, or something. Then Diamond asked if Mokuren was being serious. It was an amusing question, but Mokuren did not answer until the girl had gotten within striking distance. Then, she spoke. "You are still alive, aren't you? That should be a clear indication of how serious I am" she replied. --- Somebody was feeling bold for being immobilized. She suddenly missed the multi ton Unsubtle behind her back. That thing could explain to people that they were actually quite pathetic weaklings. Diamond knew she wasn't the best fighter on the block, but even some grimm struggled to get out of this bind. She briefly wondered whether to continue to play along, but she was growing bored with the fox faunus' antics rather rapidly. "Then allow me to relieve you of this inconvenience." Drawing on her archive of dirty moves, she cocked her arm and delivered a palm to her opponent's forehead. A move she learned didn't require much force but would cause concussion and possibly knock a human out easily. --- Mokuren waited, watching Diamond as she moved in. Hoping her venomous tongue had made the girl angry enough to try and end the fight in a single, angry blow. Diamond then offered to 'relieve Mokuren of this inconvenience' and cocked her arm. It was then that Mokuren activated her Semblence and the palm to her forehead was suddenly stopped, before the same, equal force suddenly collided at the same point on Diamond's forehead. "You offer is nice, but ultimately denied" Mokuren quipped with a soft smile on her lips. --- When Diamond woke up, her head was pounding. She found herself sat against the wall, and did not remember how she got there. The last thing she remembered was trying to end the fight swiftly before.. Ah. The symptoms were all too clear, she was taken out the same way she intended to take out her opponent. The sly fox! That would be one of her classmate's semblances found out the hard way. Well, she got off easy considering she could have just slashed at her with a blade. But now she knew. Next time, she'd be ready. --- Mokuren sighed as Diamond's head snapped back and her eyes rolled into her head. Such a simple win. Such an effortless, pointless, fight to spend her time on. Goodwitch announced Mokuren's victory, and she returned to her seat, flicking her tail in a slightly bored fashion and sighing. That fight was quicker than taking a bath, quicker than making a cup of tea. It was, all in all, a waste.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

It felt good for Victor to have his arm reattached, stretching and tested the limits of how well he could move his arm. As he was testing if he could safely reattach his arm from his sword form a small alarm went off and Victor received a message on his scroll. 'Sheathing' his blade, Victor made his way to the classrooms, chatting to Rayna along the way. "Sorry about losing my temper earlier, Captain. I shouldn't have gotten so angry. It was childish of me, I knew it wasn't your fault. I doubt anyone would desire to lose another person's arm" pausing for a bit Victor sighed and dropped back a bit behind Rayna "You said you bumped your head pretty bad right? Let's have a look then." Gingerly Victor brought his right hand up, paused and changed for his left No one likes the feel of a cold metal hand slowly moving hair out of the way "I'm sorry Rayna, I was caught up in my own troubles and ignored your injury. From what I can tell it looks worse than it is, just... be careful, I'm not a doctor after all." moving back along side her, Victor went the rest of the way in silence. Making his way into the lecture hall Victor sat himself down near the front listening to the Teacher's every word. Upon revealing the arena Victor was slightly worried. There was no cover and Victor would be putting his abilities on display. Losing would not be the end of the world, but the instructor would want them to put their ability on full display, meaning Victor would have to use his arm cannon. Keeping an ear open for more information Victor checked his arm and as he feared a key rod was out of alignment and he would have no time to fix it. Damn, I'm obviously going to have my work cut out for me here Victor heard that his opponent was someone called Greyson. He recognised the name from last night's ceremony and was in RPGD, but not much beyond that. Leaning forward Victor grabbed a pen and tried to get the key piece back into place in his arm before his test began.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

[morning post] Mokuren listened to her alarm going off for a minute and then shut it off. She hadn't slept last night, the screams of the recently deceased kept her awake night. And that bit of person stick between her eighth and ninth tooth refused to come out, which led to great annoyance. However, now morning had come, she got up and headed into the bathroom, cleaning her teeth vigorously with the brush until the feeling of that bit of person finally went away. Then, she got into the shower and washed her entire body, including the awesome fox tail she had. While Mokuren was good at keeping her self clean at dinner time, some specks still hovered, and it wouldn't do for them to be seen. Once hygiene was out of the way, she dried herself and proceeded to put her clothes from yesterday on, since she hadn't yet gotten the uniform. Mokuren hoped she would get the uniform soon, the ability to appear just like everyone else would be glorious. She would even go as far as to say it was Magnificent! Or something like that. She didn't need food though, so Mokuren decided to just mill around the school and get to know her way around. There was that duel thing later, but that was boring. Here was now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

ABEL FULGURATE VERSUS ROBERT FALLSON The sparring between the students was, frankly, exceptional. As Abel watched, unable to hide the fact that he found the creativity of the techniques and the showiness of some of the weapons inspirational, he developed a somewhat-familiar feeling. He had felt it yesterday, for the first time in a long time. It was a strange sort of sensation, not too unlike his electricity, but rather than arc through his muscles and bones this current flowed through his veins. After a brief inflection, Abel dredged up its name: hype. Pure, exhilarating hype. As he stifled it to keep him from jumping up and shouting as some of the other spectating students were doing, he realized just how long he had gone without excitement. Just as he had guarded the walls, he had guarded himself, but now, among kids his own age, he was beginning to feel some hype. The clangs of metal on metal and the flashes of color enthused him to such a degree that he was having some trouble observing them to get an advantage for later. Only the seconds-long encounter between Diamond and Mokuren disappointed, If the fox persisted in her egomania, Abel reasoned, she might need to be knocked down a few pegs. Nothing was more infuriating than someone full of themselves, and this was somehow especially true for girls. He imagined that Diamond would be nursing her own pride for some time. Robert was barely paying attention to any of the matches before his own, he was nervous about what his own match would be like. "I'm going to mess up. I'll get floored in the first few seconds. Everything will go wrong," he said. As his turn began to near though, his tone changed. "I've gotta give it my best shot. I have to do my best. It doesn't matter how badly I do, as long as I tried my hardest. Man up, Robert. Man up." “Abel Fulgurate and Robert Fallson! Fight well!” Goodwitch's assistant called out. Robert winced at the announcement then said, "Well, this is it." He rose from his seat and approached the stage, encouraging himself as he walked. "You can do this, Robert. You can do this." Clamoring to vent some of his stopped-up energy, Abel snatched up the Ampere from its resting place on the floor and descended through the bleachers to the arena. He didn't so much as look at his opponent before he jumped, arcing through the air to land with a crash on his upper back. Unfazed by the impact that would have winded most other students, he rose to his feet, twirled the Ampere and waited. What sort of man is this Robert Fallson, he wondered, scanning the arena's edge for a sign of his foe. Suddenly, Robert's opponent launched himself into the air and landed on his back. Robert watched confused as Abel took his stance. "Why did he do that?" he thought. Robert then cleared his mind of all distractions and took his own fighting stance, one that looked similar to that of a boxer's defensive stance. He didn't know how Abel fought, so Robert thought it best to let Abel have the first few strikes so he could better understand his opponent's style of fighting. He just hoped that he was making the right decision by doing that. Thin, spiky red hair, bracers, and glasses. At first impression, Abel couldn't help but think that Robert looked like an everyday dork. As he positioned himself in a side-facing stance, one hand on the lower hilt of the Ampere and the other up next to the blade, he further considered that assumption. Glasses didn't necessarily mean a thing; Abel himself was living proof. As for Robert's stature, a slight physique only meant that what made him special -what got him into Beacon- was hidden. Abel, vastly preferring to see an enemy's strength worn on his sleeve, resented this realization. "Start!" Came the voice of Ms. Goodwitch, sounding every inch like a command. Unfortunately, it didn't seem that Robert was intent on immediately obeying. Robert could tell that Abel was sizing him up. "What is this guy thinking?" Robert wondered. He quickly regretted not having the semblance to read minds or something. "Alright, what to think about this guy. First off, he's big. In a very intimidating way. The fact that he's sizing me up also means he doesn't lack intelligence. Umm, I'm not very good at this sizing up thing," he thought. Abel adopted his characteristic frown after a few seconds. In a way, nothing happening was more painful than getting hit. Fine, he decided. If Rob wants to wait and see what I can do, I might as well oblige him. Something fun. He sprang into action. Pulling the Ampere up to shoulder height, he held it like a javelin while it switched into blade mode. After a brief moment, the weapon was charged, and with a grunt the guardian hurled it forward. It traveled through the air with an uncannily straight path, not arcing at all. Scarcely had the Ampere left his grip than he took off running, closing the distance between him and the smaller boy with big strides. "Wait, is he going to- Oh, man he is!" Robert said as Abel threw the Ampere. As the large, sharp weapon quickly sailed toward him, Robert rolled to his left to avoid it. He stood back up, only to see Abel's foot coming right for his face--a Flying Thrust kick, though he didn't know its name. Robert quickly dropped to the floor to avoid the incoming foot sandwich he was about to be served. "Can't we talk about this?" Robert asked Abel. His tone made it sound like a serious question, but he was actually joking. He then quickly turned around to keep his eye on his opponent, knowing that losing sight of Abel for more than a second would probably be a deadly mistake. Robert's vigilance proved well-founded when Abel, undeterred by the failure of his knockout technique, pressed the assault. Keeping his momentum, Abel kicked three times in succession, a roundhouse followed by a turn kick succeeded by another roundhouse. These kicks were more controlled than the Flying Thrust, and in aiming for his opponents solar plexus, Abel hoped to land them. It did not escape his notice that Robert had dodged twice now; if he was going to do it again, the guardian knew exactly how to handle it. Still, he felt a slight trepidation; exactly what sort of nasty surprise was Robert holding back? Robert turned in time to see the first roundhouse coming for him. He knew there was no time to dodge and tried to block it as best he could. Then the turn kick came and Robert blocked it with his bracers again. Unfortunately, he was too slow for the final roundhouse, which almost knocked Robert off his feet. "Alright, guess talking it through is not an option," Robert said. "Time to take the offensive!" he then shouted before jumping towards Abel. As Robert closed in on him, he ducked down a bit before going for an uppercut towards Abel's chin, just in case his opponent tried to counter. Taken somewhat unprepared by Robert's shout, Abel nevertheless had to smother an uncharacteristic laugh. He moved his arms aside, standing still as Robert darted in, and clenched his jaw shut when the fist shot up to uppercut him. His eyes closed when the impact arrived, but only momentarily. Unsmiling, Abel rubbed his jaw. His azure eyes bore a smug look. "You chose poorly." His hands shot out, but rather than punching, he grabbed Robert by the shoulders. "Shoulda kept your distance." Closing his eyes again, Abel smashed his forehead down into his opponents. The blow made him see stars, even with the protection provided to him by his aura--but probably not as many as did his opponent. Robert stumbled backwards several steps, moaning in pain. "Ow, that hurt," Robert looked back up to his opponent. "Distance you say? Well, if that's what you want." Suddenly, he rushed back towards Abel and feinted with his knee towards Abel's chest, hoping to throw him off enough to get that aforementioned distance. He sprinted away about ten yards then began firing several shots in Abel's direction, hoping his aura could handle the 10mm rounds. Robert definetly didn't want to kill a fellow student in the first week of school. The sound of gunfire, however low calibur, sent Abel into a crouching position with his armored back facing Robert. The barrage of bullets failed to penetrate the plate, but Abel was still plenty spooked. He had never gone up against live gunfire before; on the edge of the kingdom of Vale, the enemy was the Grimm. No real fights, not even full-on sparring, occurred there, for to make an enemy was to weaken the links in the chain that protected civilization. It occurred to Abel exactly what he was doing: letting Robert deplete his aura, bit by bit, simply because he could take it. Sure, it provided a good show for the others, but if he wanted to win it was not a good plan in the long run. Regardless, he had plans for Robert; keeping distance wasn't as good a tactic as he had led the gunslinger to believe. Throwing out a hand, Abel reached out with his semblance. Small, very thin, very harmless bolts of electricity arced out from his fingertips as if they were tesla coils. The threads of lightening attached themselves to the Ampere, lying on the floor about twenty meters to Robert's right. With a heave on Abel's part, the weapon began to move. More bullets smacked into Abel's armor, causing him to duck his head. A little more impulse, and the Ampere levitated from the ground and whirled horizontally through the air toward Robert's legs. As the electricity arced towards Robert, he feared he was done for, until it went right by him. "Ha! Missed!" Robert shouted. Then it occured to Robert that he had been standing perfectly still when Abel had fired at him. "I was a complete sitting duck. How did he m-" Robert quickly turned around to see Abel's weapon, which Robert had completely forgotten about, now flying straight towards him. "Yikes!" Robert shouted as he jumped over the Ampere. The attack wasn't completely ineffective though, since Robert fell face first on the ground. Still, lying on the ground, Robert looked up and sarcastically said, "Cheater. You gave me bad advice." The Ampere sailed toward its owner, spinning slowly now, not unlike a helicopter restraining itself to land on its pad. It landed gently in Abel's hand. "Yep." He flicked a small switch beneath the dust crystal focus on the weapon's crossguard, and the head transformed into staff mode. The guardian allowed Surge to flow into the weapon. The focus began to spark. "Except for that shooting, you've been pretty passive. Not into it. Don't worry. Won't last much longer." Abel crouched and then pumped his legs, jumping several meters into the air. He pointed the Ampere at Robert's prone form, and fired off a lightening bolt that he knew would probably obliterate Robert's aura if it didn't get attracted to something metal. Wasting no time, he switched the Ampere back to blade mode and threw it down after the bolt. Finally, he returned to the ground in his polearm's wake, too hyped to suppress the urge to call his attack. "Thunderclap!" Robert looked up at the bolt of lightning coming straight for him. Not wanting to get barbecued, Robert did his best to roll out of the way. However, the speed of dork proved slower than the speed of light, and Robert felt an immense amount of electricity flow around his aura. It didn't prevent him from feeling some pain though, especially where Robert's skin was touching metal, like his bracers and visor. Luckily he had already been rolling before Abel started his attack, or else Robert might of found himself waking up in the infirmary. "Owww. Could you please not try and taze me? That would be nice." Well, Robert's sense of humor still seemed to be intact. He looked at where he had expected his opponent to land, only to find the Ampere impaled into the ground. "Where'd you go?" Robert asked. An immense amount of weight landing on top of him answered Robert's question. "Ow. You're very heavy," Robert said in a strained tone. "Sorry about this, by the way," Robert said before turning his bracers to blade mode and stabbing wildly at Abel. Landing on Robert gave Abel no satisfaction, so when he felt his aura spiking downward alarmingly quickly, he felt he had a right to be indignant. Abel jumped back with a growl of mercifully-lessened pain, grabbing the Ampere on the way, and looked down. While his aura had protected him from the stabs, his greaves did in fact have small holes in them. Just as an arrow pierced chain mail, the small blade had managed to slip by both his soul's defenses and his armor. Abel, judging this to mean that he was worse off than he thought, cursed under his breath. Some of the earlier bullets must have made it through. Guns and knives, both rolled into little vambraces. Was this guy some sort of assassin? A plan formed in Abel's mind, and he let go of the Ampere and retreated farther. The polearm remained upright in the air, and when Abel started moving his hands, the Ampere responded, a gleaming puppet. It spun in midair, changing directions in a heartbeat to attack intensely and without hesitation, but more importantly keeping its wielder out of danger. "Oh come on! In no way is that fair!" Robert shouted. He tried to aim at Abel to get him to lose his concentration on the flying Ampere, but only managed to get an occasional round off. The fight continued furiously for several moments, a flurry of blows from either side that were quickly tiring Robert out. If he didn't act soon, he'd soon become too tired to continue. "I gotta bring this thing down now," then an idea popped into Robert's head. "Oh man. This is gonna hurt." Dodging a thrust from the Ampere, Robert grabbed it by the hilt and, doing his best to handle the pain from the electricity running through the Ampere, tossed it as far as he could. He quickly turned towards Abel who was now, more or less, defenseless. "Ahhhh!" Robert yelled as he charged at his opponent. If he was successful, Robert planned on tackling Abel to the ground, holding him up at both knife and gun-point, and politely asking for Abel's surrender. Distracted by Robert's displacement of the Ampere, Abel instinctively reached out with his electric threads to regain control over it. By the time Robert's cry announced his approach, the other boy was too close for an effective kick. Rather than punching, which Abel knew was not his strong suit, he allowed himself to fall backward as Robert jumped into him. As he fell, he used his shin as a support to keep Robert's momentum going, and the leader of Team Rampaged, still somewhat disoriented by the electricity, flipped overhead and was sent sprawling. Unfortunately, Abel rushed the move, and couldn't stop his head from colliding with the ground. He felt the pain from the impact keenly, and as he gave an upside-down glance to the huge monitor displaying aura readings, it became obvious why. His aura was surprisingly low, in the orange in fact; the fact that Robert was in the orange as well, however, galvanized him into action. Abel regained his feet, and recalled the Ampere back to his hand. Time to win this. He jumped forward and swept wide with the Ampere several times, making broad, horizontal swathes. The first inflicted a glancing blow, but Abel found the next strike blocked by both of his opponent's bracers. Increasingly angry, Abel attempted an overhead smash. While he instantly realizing his mistake, the move was too committed for its momentum to be stopped. The Ampere's blade collided with the floor, severely jarring both it and its owner and releasing a thunderous clang that reverberated through the arena. The guardian staggered, pulling up the weapon sloppily with numb hands in a paltry attempt to shield himself. Robert dodged and blocked Abel's attacks as best he could, but he could see his aura slowly dropping on the HUD of his visor. As Abel raised his weapon in anger, Robert easily sidestepped the rage-fueled attack and sent a kick flying towards his opponent's ribs. The guardian had raised his weapon too quickly though, and Robert's foot instead struck the blunt side of the Ampere. Unwilling to let this opportunity pass him up though, he pushed off of the Ampere and propeled himself into the air. While falling downwards, he fired the last of his rounds at the disoriented Abel, who -still vibrating from hitting the floor at full strength- remained too shaken to effectively defend himself. While only two shots were fired, they proved more than enough. Abel staggered, and while the bullets were slowed by the last of his protective aura, they still hit him with enough force to make him gasp in pain. Blood began to seep from the spots on his jacket where they had hit. "Oh, no. Are you okay? I... I didn't mean for that to... What do I do?" Robert said at the sight of Abel's blood. A moment passed in shock, and then Abel's features turned dark. The Ampere levitated from his palm, ready to strike, fast as lightening. Robert had no time to act and raised his arms in what would be a futile block. "Enough!" Ms. Goodwitch shouted forcibly. Her echo pierced the momentary rage that possessed Abel, and the Ampere dropped to the ground with a clatter. He unbuttoned his blue jacket, and two bullets clattered to the floor. Their legacies were mere flesh wounds, no deeper than cuts. He looked at Ms. Goodwitch, then back to Robert, then to the monitor where the bar beneath his portrait blinked red. "Robert Fallson is the victor," announced Ms. Goodwitch decisively, motioning for the combatents to leave the ring. "Mr. Fulgurate, if your aura doesn't heal you within the next twenty minutes, head to the infirmary." Not wanting to make a scene, Abel obliged. Robert lowered his arms and peeked over them as if they were actually providing some real protection and by moving them he was making himself completely vulnerable. "What? I won?" he asked. Robert had to use all of his self-control to not start jumping up and down in excitement. After all, he didn't want to act too boisterous. As Abel walked up the stairs to the bleachers, he approached Robert. "Looks like you got me. Didn't even take that many bullets, those things pack a punch. You earned it I guess." He rubbed the spots on his white shirt, showing that the blood wasn't spreading much. "Definitely a good show for the others. Next time I might not take it so easy on you--I'm not lyin' when I say it sucks to try and get in on someone playing proper keep-away." "Uh, Thanks. You're definitely really good. I'll be sure to try and get better before we fight again," Robert replied. As he walked off the stage, Robert couldn't help but continue feeling an immense amount of pride. Which was why he wasn't paying attention to where his foot was going when taking the last step on the stairs and fell on his face. "Can't have one moment of happiness before it gets ruined by my luck, can I?" he said while rising off the floor. He walked up to where he had been sitting before his match began and took a seat, ready to watch the rest of the student's matches. Beside him, Abel seated himself, evidently feeling some sort of comradery with the boy who had beaten him. Robert was especially excited for Priscilla's fight, ready to cheer her on as soon as her name was called.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Ah don't worry about it! Looking back on things, it does all sound pretty ridiculous..." She murmured, frowning in a way that made her look like she was pondering something deep while in reality, she was going over how the hell a heavy, falling arm didn't kill anyone. "And my head is fine anyways, just a silly little bump! I've had worse before! Oh! I'll tell you guys about that one time I managed to break both my legs at the same time! Pretty hilarious story, actually!" She blubbered, as Rayna typically did, to fill a gap in the conversation that might run stale and turn awkward. That was one thing she did not want. When she was called up to fight, she actually felt a little spark of nerves - she could go up against any one of the people surrounding her, whether she liked it or not. As she arrived at the class, Priscilla was actually pretty nervous because she had never fought a human before. And this girl looked like she was going to beat the crap out of Priscilla, but that didn't mean that she was going to give up or chicken out. No sir. This was a combat class. It was one of the ways how she could be a Huntress. "Alright. I can do this. Just a fight, nothing big. Rayna was used to fighting people, seemingly. The fact that she was paired against someone who looked better suited to a pageant than an arena also gave her a boost of confidence. After a few minutes, they had been placed into a circular arena. The lights dimmed, cutting off their view of the onlookers - this was good, it would allow Rayna to forget about the fact that every single move she made was being processed and judged by her peers. When the actual battle began, she slowly backed away, her hands not even drifting close to her weapons as she sized up her enemy. Alright. So basically now was the time for their fight to begin. They were in an arena where herself and Rayna couldn't see the others. Pretty sure they could see them. "Alright. Priscilla. You can do this..." she said with a very nervous tone. Priscilla inhaled and then exhaled, looking up at the girl and waiving at her, being nice and all to her opponent. "Good luck!" Rayna quirked a small eyebrow at her - that was unexpected. From what Rayna understood, this was deadly serious, but her thoughts were quickly changed. Smiling softly, she gave her an encouraging nod. "Good luck to you too!" She was nice to her but inwardly, she didn't trust Priscilla one bit; she didn't know what her semblance was and that put her at fault. For that reason, she would have no reason but to try and tempt it out of the girl so she could discover her capabilities. "Don't go too hard on me, ok?" She shouted, adding a little shakiness to her voice. Rayna recognised the situation and whether she liked it or not, she would have to outsmart this girl to win. Priscilla smiled at Rayna, just telling her that she didn't really want to go fullout. But this was a serious fight, so she will have to study how Rayna fights and how 'hard' she goes. Priscilla sighs and backs away slowly, grabbing her weapon as it turned into a sword mode. Let the fight begin! "I won't. Promise." Rayna almost felt guilty about what she was doing but nothing was fair in love or war and this was very definitely war. Keeping her eyes locked on Priscilla, she noted how her weapon seemed to shift into its current state. That meant that she probably had multiple weapon-forms, one of which was presumably ranged, as hybrid weapons usually contained a ranged weapon. Lifting her arms, she grasped the hilts of her blades firmly before slowly dragging them free of their sheathes. This was going to be her first time going up against a fellow huntress-in-training and even if she would have never admitted it, she was nervous. Priscilla closed her eyes and then reopened them keeping them locked on Rayna. This was it, where she fights a Huntress, just like herself. As the fight started, she created a force field underneath her feet as it made her jump high and right towards Rayna. Her weapon quickly changed into her hammer, aiming it right in front of Rayna, on the ground as it created a shockwave sending Rayna spinning. Rayna was already moving of course, taking off into a sprint towards the side. The shockwave affected her, throwing her off her feet a little. She landed into a roll, quickly regaining her footing as she took off into a sprint again. This time, however, her objective was doing damage, not running away. She was on Priscilla in an instant, one blade held out in defense and the other cutting through the air in a brutal stroke, attempting to slice sidewards at the girl. Priscilla saw that the shockwave affected the girl. Success! She suddenly changed her weapon into her sword mode. Rayna was quick, seeing the blade now swinging sideways at Priscilla. She grabbed her sword and blocked the attack. "Woah. this girl was not playing around. Alright, Priscilla is gonna have to step it up. She would make a backflip, away from Rayna as her weapon quickly turned into her hammer as she hammered the ground, attempting to send another shockwave at her. Rayna was ready for this one, having already seen the power Priscilla could put into her hammer attacks. Unfortunately, Priscilla would just repeat the same combination of attacks if Rayna backed off so she had to keep moving forward; she had to punish Priscilla, make her adapt to the fight, force her out of her comfort-zone. This time, she blasted towards Priscilla's flipping form. When her hammer came down, Rayna leapt towards her, spinning naturally and pulling all her weight into the two of her swords which slammed down towards Priscilla. Priscilla saw her attack failing but that was the point. She wanted Rayna to THINK that it was all of Priscilla's doing. Rayna was a very quick chick so this made Priscilla even more nervous. Priscilla quickly pushed her hand infront of her as it created a force field around her body, attempting to block the attack by Rayna. For now, Priscilla will have to play the defensive role. Although Priscilla saved herself from the attack landing, she made a mistake in allowing Rayna to slip back from the fight and regain her breath. Rayna would be exhausted if Priscilla kept up the defensive game but now, she had the ability to stand back and make decisions. Good. This was actually going pretty good. Priscilla suddenly changed her weapon into her sword mode. As she ran towards Rayna, swinging her weapon side to side. It was a very intense fight. Priscilla should actually just start being defensive, that's how she could win the game. By tiring Rayna, but that was a back up plan. Let's see what happens with this strike. It would have been a better idea for Priscilla to suddenly respond to Rayna's attacks but instead, she left her with time to prepare. Rayna too, ran towards her, raising her two blades vertically to defend herself. As their blades made contact, Rayna allowed Priscilla's blade to slide upwards as she herself slid to her knees. Priscilla could land heavy attacks but Rayna was fast and she could mostly get away from them. Priscilla knew that Rayna was quicker than herself. So she knew what she had to do. That was her backup plan. To go straight to her defensive plan. She quickly jumped up and fell on her back against the ground, her weapon quickly changed into hammer mode. As she stood up quickly, a string of her pink hair swinging right on Priscilla's left eye as she blew it with her mouth, away from her eye. Priscilla quickly ran towards Rayna, swaying her hammer at her, attempting to hit her. Unfortunately, Rayna wasn't quick enough and even if she was, she wouldn't have been able to stop the raw force behind the strike. The hammer made contact with her stomach just as she was turning to react. Pain suddenly filled every pore on her body, sparking as she was blasted backwards and the air was forced from her lungs. She landed with a heavy thud against the wall, her swords sliding away noisily along the floor. For all intents and purposes, she looked like she was unconscious. It was only when she uttered a low groan of pain that it was made clear that she hadn't slipped down into the red. Crawling up onto her hands and knees, she used the wall to climb back up but she didn't look like she was in a good state. Priscilla saw that the hit actually hit Rayna. That was not good. She expected for Rayna to dodge it! "I'm so sorry!" She yelled running towards Rayna and trying to help the girl up. "I am really sorry. Please be okay. I didn't want to actually hurt you." and this was Priscilla being actually worried to someone that she barely knew. If only Rayna actually dodge it. Hopefully the others wouldn't see what happened. Priscilla didn't actually want to hurt no one. She believed in fair-play and she wasn't about to take advanced of Priscilla's kindness. "The fight isn't over. Get back." She breathed heavily, closing her eyes and trying to stop the ringing that had filled her head. Pulling out her scroll, she checked her aura - she was down into the yellow zone; another attack like that would lose her the fight. Looking up, she watched Priscilla hesitantly return to the centre of the arena. Her swords were too far away but she didn't need them - she excelled in unarmed combat and she still had her semblance. Raising her fists to her face, she held them up defensively as she nodded to Priscilla. "Come on, finish me." "No.... I am not going to fight you and your in that state." Priscilla said dropping her weapon and turning around as she yelled. "I forfeit! Rayna wins the game!" Priscilla said quitting because of what she did to Rayna. This was one of the reasons why she didn't want to fight. Rayna was stunned. She couldn't win like this. She was meant to win in a blaze of glory after outsmarting her enemy, not by being weak and taking a particularly bad strike which made her opponent feel guilty. If she couldn't win properly, she wasn't going to win at all. "I forfeit as well! I think I'm injured, Miss. Priscilla beat me. She wins." Rayna protested loudly - Priscilla was an honourable opponent and the victory deserved to go to her. She also took note of the fact that she hadn't used her semblance. She imagined Miss Goodwitch would have something to say about that. Priscilla turned to face Rayna. "No...Rayna. Its okay. I dont need to win and stuff...besides, just take the win. Please take the win. I didn't want to hurt you Rayna. I just....atleast wanted to tire you out or something." Priscilla said walking towards Rayna, helping her out. "Let's get out of here and take you to the nurse.." The cold, sharp voice of the instructor cut in. "A double forfeit...?" She sounded almost incredulous. "Never has such a thing happened in my class before. It shows a certain disregard for the fighting spirit that every huntress must master. Both of you will be receiving reduced grades for your disappointing display. You may return to the seats now." Rayna could barely process the words - she was a failure. This was horrible, utterly horrible. How could she ever make it at Beacon when not only the teachers had a disregard for her but her fellow students as well? She would just have to scamper back to Atlas with her tail between her legs. Frowning, she allowed her eyes to focus on Priscilla again; she couldn't believe she was going to do this but she had no choice. Failure was not an option. She would win or lose with honour. "Priscilla! Turn that fat ass of yours around and stop being a coward! If you even dare to forfeit without beating me to a pulp, I will never forgive you!" Priscilla turned around listening the voice of the instructor, it was obviously Miss Goodwitch. "Oh...." she didn't want to fail the class... and not be called a looser through out the whole year in the academy. "U-..." she suddenly heard Rayna calling for her and telling her to continue the fight. This made Priscilla a bit angry, she did not have a fat ass. Priscilla turned around and looked down at her buttocks, trying to see where the fat ass word came from. "Hey! I don't have a fat ass! I have a regular shaped butt..." she nodded. "Fine.... if you want to fight, whatever." her eyes locked towards Rayna, telling her to come. "Let's go then." This was better, strangely. Priscilla was angry with her now - she wouldn't hesitate to hurt her but that gave Rayna an edge as well. Before, there was a sense of honour to their battle but now, it was war. Her weapons were on the far side of the room, past Priscilla, but it didn't matter - she didn't need them. "You should have got me when you had the chance. Now are you going to stand gawking or are you going to come and fight?" She taunted her as she raised her fists and spread her feet. She still had her semblance, and she had every intention to use it right now. This girl seriously changed her attitude, not Priscilla but Rayna. "...? Seriously. You can ju-.." she looked at Rayna's weapons far side of the room as she walked towards it and kicked it as it slid the ground to Rayna's feet. "Pick it up and come at me...." Priscilla's eyes still locked at Rayna, not even moving an inch away from her. She had to have her shoulders up! But this time, she wasn't really going to fight but use her semblance for defense. The instructor apparently had never seen a double forfeit, well Rayna was going to surprise her a little more. "I don't need them." She stated clearly before kicking them away, off to the side somewhere. "Now, how about you stop waiting around and come get me? I have no armour and no weapons. Walk in the park, right?" Priscilla rolled her eyes as she dropped her weapon to the ground and walked towards Rayna with both of her fists closed shut. If she wanted to fight with no weapons, ask and shall recieve. Priscilla extended her right hand, attempted to punch Rayna in the face. She didn't know why Priscilla did that but now, the advantage was on Rayna's side. She also didn't know Priscilla's backstory but she herself had been trained to deal with enemies when defeat looked very certain. Not to mention the fact that Rayna was lightning-fast while Priscilla was armoured. She easily dodged to the right of her fist but instead of trading with a punch, her foot rocketed up, attempting to slam into Priscilla's side. Priscilla knew that Rayna was fast actually, she just didn't want to be losing time with this fight. It had to end somehow, either Rayna goes down or Priscilla. It seems both of them forfeiting wasn't a good thing, due to Miss Goodwitch or whatever her name was. As her punch was dodged, she knew that was going to happen. Priscilla was hit on her side, which made her body have a bit of pain, yes it did hurt like hell but this what had to be done. Priscilla placed a hand on her side. "Alright.... you seriously going overboard...." A pause, a lapse in her defences, a fatal mistake. The time was ripe - she had to use her semblance now to properly seal the deal. Her fist jabbed out but she opened her hand instead. Suddenly, seemingly out of thin air, a heavy chain burst from the ground but instead of driving towards Priscilla, it simply slipped between her feet. Rayna had slid forward to meet it and once it was through, she wrapped it once around the confused girl's leg and projected it forward towards the far wall. "Sorry Priscilla." She murmured guiltily before the chain pulled taut and her opponent was yanked off her feet. Unfortunately, her body twisted so she was upside down, which was unfortunate considering she had a skirt on. Priscilla rose an eyebrow at Rayna as she saw her doing some kind of ... power or something? It was like a chain, which grabbed the legs of Priscilla and turned her body upside down, but she quickly covered herself trying to now show nothing from underneath her skirt. "Seriously?! Rayna. Come on!" She grinned hopefully, the awkward feelings of guilt returning once more. The guys in the audience were probably getting some nice views but it had to be done. "Sorry! I owe you. You can do whatever you like... just as soon as I win!" With that, she stared down at her for a second. "You wanna forfeit or will I have to do this the hard way?" Priscilla seriously didn't want the others to see her like this, especially her team! Especially Robert. As she looked at Rayna, angrily. "I don't forfeit no more. I learned my damn lesson, just hurry up and finish me. Since you wanna win so badly." she said rolling her eyes, her hands still on her skirt so it won't fall down, covering herself up. Priscilla could use her semblance but that couldn't happen with both of her hands being busy covering herself up. Rayna sighed a little and scratched her neck. "I didn't mean what I said back there. You have a really nice butt and I might have been a little jealous so it's what I went after! I promise, for being so heroic and coming back to fight me, I owe you a favour. It can be whatever you want and you can cash it in whenever you want. Don't waste it though!" With that, she began the arduous task of bringing Priscilla down into the red zone. Her attacks weren't overly heavy but they were repetitive. Due to her aura though, Priscilla didn't feel a thing and eventually, the match was ended. "Sorry about the whole chain thing! Nice fight." She murmured as she gave a quick wave and the chains evaporated into thin air. Rayna was there to catch Priscilla and she surprisingly did it pretty well, considering her height. "It's Rayna Bryson, by the way. It's a pleasure to have fought you." "Perhaps I was wrong," the voice came again, containing a hint of surprise echoed by all the students--of whom some more than others had been intent on the fight. Ms Goodwitch continued succinctly. "It seemed that all you two needed was a little motivation. Thank you for turning it around. Neither of your grades will be diminished."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by McFazzer
Avatar of McFazzer


Member Seen 2 mos ago

VICTOR GLADE VS. GREYSON ORTEGA Victor heard his name called and rose to enter the arena, he hadn't paid much attention to the previous fights, and he was far too focused on making sure he could fix his arm. Damn I hope this holds Dropping down Victor made his way to the far side, finally looking back to see his opponent. -- Greyson was only awake when Pricilla got called up to fight and he really just cheered her on through it and afterward just fell back asleep. Greyson waited until he heard his name called and he woke up quickly rubbing his eyes and he went down to the arena ready to fight Victor whoever he was then Greyson saw that he had no arm. As a handicap not so long ago he felt a little bad for fighting "Um professor do we really need to fight? I’m not sure if I can." -- Victor felt nervous and drained, he feared he wasn't quite recovered from yesterday's battle with Catapult, adding the fact that this Greyson guy looked tough and his sword was rather intimidating. When he heard the guy's protests though, Victor quickly lost that. "Hey! I'm a student as well jerk! I passed the test; I'm a part of a team, just like you. I'm missing an arm, so what!? Let's get on with this Professor. I can do this." falling into a combat stance Victor waited for the round to start. -- Greyson sighed a little remembering how it was for him when people thought he couldn't do things when he was in a wheelchair so he must have insulted the guy and he started to apologize "I'm sorry I don't mean it like that it’s just I don't feel comfortable-" but before he could finish the professor called for the match to start. -- Without the slightest hesitation Victor charged in, ignoring his fatigue, jumping up and coming down on Greyson, metal elbow first into his shoulder, before punching him in the liver with a quick left. Backing off slightly Victor made a low kick at Greyson's knee. -- Greyson was about to stop him but before he could he got elbowed by the robo-elbow into his own shoulder and that hurt no question about it as Greyson groaned softly and he took the punch to the liver but that was where he drew the line "Fine you want a fight like anyone else so be it!" Greyson growled and just before he made a sweep at Greyson’s leg Greyson froze in place using his semblance making Victor freeze in mid sweep which gave Greyson the shot he needed "Batter up!" Greyson said with a slightly evil grin as he turned the blade to the dull end not wanting to really hurt and he gave him a hard hit to the gut forcing him back a few feet then Greyson went on the offensive and started to charge loading round after round on him to keep on his toes. -- Victor was amazed, mid motion he was brought to a sudden stop Damn this can't be good and it wasn't, he saw the blade come to a crushing stop in his stomach, the sheer force of the blow knocking Victor across the arena and the air from his lungs. Rolling to a stop he finally had time to answer Greyson’s taunt. "Of course I want to fight like anyone else! I AM LIKE ANYONE ELSE!" Victor retreated, running away from the shotgun blasts Well this sucks, I hope this can take it punching his left fist into his right hand Victor twisted his wrist and his right arm came off, and covered his left in what looked like an armour, until you got to where the hand would be. In its place was an energy cannon. Upon closer inspection it could be seen that one of the panels was slightly misaligned. This worried Victor, but he had no time to think about it, he could feel the shotgun shells getting closer. Jumping to his left Victor found himself cornered, standing his ground Victor aimed his cannon and started charging the beam. -- Greyson kept charging and shooting him knowing he was right he was like anyone else but a few misunderstood words made Greyson seem like an ass. It would be hard to be friends with him now but for now Greyson had to focus making sure to corner him and make him submit seeing how he was moving his mechanical arm a certain way Greyson concluded that without the arm he wouldn't be able to fight so if Greyson could get it into a join lock unsure if it would have any effect since it metal. Greyson rushed him now that he was in the corner and seeing his arm look more like a gun which meant he would fire and that equalled a big blast of power being shot Greyson’s way so he had to think fast and decided to go with shooting it in a different direction. Carefully aiming his next shot Greyson caught Victor’s wrist right before he finished making the shot miss Greyson by a few inches, but it was a miss with no success which mean it was Greyson’s chance to strike. He rushed in as quickly as he could bringing his sword up to strike Victor down. -- This is going to be close, so very, very close. It's not charging like it used to, I better do some maintenance when I get back With this last prayer Victor could tell that he was in trouble, a broken panel had altered energy flow and he was more worried than usual about the recoil. Eyes widening he saw Greyson's shotgun blast knock his arm to the side just as it fired. The new angle caused the recoil to rip Victor's arm back into the wall. Victor's aura had been drained enough that when it hit the wall he felt a pop as he saw the blast hit the opposite wall causing him to fall to the ground. Screaming in shock more than pain Victor knew he wouldn't be able to continue. His left arm was dislocated and was now down two arms, cornered and he was running on the last fumes of his aura. Knowing when he couldn't continue Victor yelled "I forfeit!" looked up and saw that Greyson's blade was inches away from his head. As the dust settled, a clear, calm voice sliced through the tension separating a floored Victor and the blade of Greyson. "With that, the duel is concluded. Congratulations, Mr. Ortega, for your decisive victory." Apparently, even Ms. Goodwitch had been impressed by the sudden turning of the tides. "And if Mr. Glade has any trouble walking, please help him on his way back to the bleachers." Getting up to leave Victor leaned against the wall before using it to force his arm back into it's socket, clenching his jaw to prevent yelling out. After hearing Ms. Goodwitch's comments Victor simply muttered "I'm fine, thank you." and after returning his right arm to it's rightful place Victor left the arena.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Agent B52
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Agent B52

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Marcus did not snap back into awareness all at once. Stuck halfway between a dream and reality, he gazed into infinity. Somehow his best ideas came to him when he wasn’t running on all cylinders. In the dreamy half aware state, his mind went off on barely thought over tangents, a thousand possibilities condensed into a semi-logical narrative. Formulas turned to colorful balls that danced in a white void. A hollowed out shell with an inner coat of teflon naturally progressed to a screaming Grimm trying to keep it’s molten face in place. The alarm shattered his dreamstate, sending fragments of ideas bouncing around his mind. Wildly Marcus flailed for his scroll as he scrambled to remember his ideas. “Gotta make the coating strong enough to withstand the stress, needs something to counter the forces involved. Also need to stabilise the antimonic acid prior to delivery.” he muttered as he typed away then paused. “How? How did I stabilise that?” “G'Morning." Diamond said as she woke. Marcus blinked owlishly. Oh yeah, people. His people. That was going to take some getting used to. “Um, yes. Good morning.” he replied. Now fully awake and in possession of his faculties, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, dropped the scroll back in place and stood up. Once more straight and stern, as much as he could in boxers and a t-shirt. For the first half hour, he practised the martial art forms, simple straightforward punches, kicks and blocks. Marcus was the first to admit he was poor in personal combat compared to other hunters. He was not someone who passed the Beacon entrance exam through luck or bribery. After that he showered and headed for the mess. Time to top off the tanks.
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