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4 mos ago
Current Sorry for the delay everyone. I've been absolutely swamped with work these last weeks. I'm getting my replies up slowly.
5 mos ago
Keeping track of things makes it easier to avoid bad experiences! And to not make the same mistake like an idiot... :-/


"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and accend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

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@Restalaan@ShwiggityShwah@PaulHaynek@Stern Algorithm@BKburke

Despite the rather... strange conversation and atmosphere the other members of the guild were having, Ada was much more interested in the wonderful smell coming from the kitchen. While Ada wasn't oblivious to the strange and tense atmosphere on the table, she had no idea of what Varjo was and why everyone was so afraid of this thing, so she simply focused her attention on the smell and practicing with the strange metal things Ozzy called 'silverware'. After some struggle trying to understand why she would need to use those strange metal things Ozzy was showing her, she was finally starting to get the hang of them... But she still thought it would be much easier for her to just use her claws and teeth... Since Ozzy insisted on her to use them though, Ada was trying her best to use them.

Shortly after that, the food finally arrived on the table. Quite obviously interested on the meat, Ada's eyes followed Bart and Yang's hands as they put the food in the table for everyone to eat. At first, Ada remembered to use the silverware, getting a big piece of meat, albeit rather awkwardly with her fork. She was going well in using the silverware, but after eating two pieces of meat, she forgot completely about the silverware, surprised by the food's taste and began eating it by using her claws. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't as messy as one would think, since she made sure to not let anything fall off her plate (Ozzy did explain to her that she shouldn't make a mess when eating, as one of the reasons she had to use the fork and the knife to eat) and made sure to lick her fingers and claws clean before touching anything.

After the dinner ended, the other members began retiring themselves to their own rooms to sleep. Promptly claiming the sofa right in front of the fireplace as hers, Ada went to sleep after filling her stomach.

After a surprisingly good night of sleep (it was her first time sleeping in such a soft and cozy place), Ada woke up very early and began quietly exploring the guild as she waited for the other members to wake up. Mainly climbing the pillars and hanging herself in the wooden beams near the roof, the first ones to wake up would find Ada lazily laying above one of the wooden beams. Upon seeing them she would use her tail to hang upside down, lowering herself enough so her face would be on their level as she waited curiously for what they would do that day.


Freyr listened quietly to what the other members had to say regarding Varjo. While he certainly understood Bartholomew's thoughts about that matter and could understand why he would want to just keep as far away from Varjo as possible, he also knew that sooner or later, they would be forced to take a side... Or worse... That choice probably could be already made for them.

"Before I came to the guild, I once met a traveler whom, upon questioned about wars, he told me an interesting saying... 'If you want peace, prepare for war'..." Freyr said after taking a few bites on the food that had just arrived.

"My point is, we might still be able to not take a side and lay low, but we won't have that choice for ever. This is my only concern." Freyr said, explaining why he said the words he did previously.

As he heard Talia explaining Vivian about how Varjo and The Order were almost one and the same and Haley saying that the fact that were many monsters in the Guild meant that they were already Varjo's enemies, Freyr nodded agreeing with their words. That only served to further confirm Freyr's own thoughts. The Guild didn't have much choice in that matter.

"As Talia and Haley mentioned, there is also The Order... We don't have much choice in the matter. Unless Bartholomew is willing to kick out every single monster who is currently a member of the Guild, our side in this upcoming conflict is already chosen." Freyr said, with a rather grim tone.

"While Bartholomew's thoughts about the matter are undoubtedly relevant and important for the Guild to decide the path that it will take, it doesn't change the fact that he cannot ignore this conflict for much longer. Most of us are monsters. Unless the Guildmaster is willing to sacrifice most of us, I think our side is already chosen for us. We monsters do not have many choices in the matter. We will fight or we will die." Freyr said, with a serious tone.

As they continued talking, it became clear that their points of view were similar regarding the issue with Varjo. They knew they would have to do something sooner or later, but it was also undeniable that they would need to gather more allies, support and strength before being able to do anything at all. While Freyr agreed with the way that they were putting things, he knew that they should at least be prepared, as things could change for the worse in a moment.

As Haley mentioned how most part of the ones capable to fight on the guild had left, she looked towards him, saying that she was glad he stuck around.

"We might be quite a strange and unlikely group... But it is still interesting and fun to be here." Freyr replied with a discreet smile as he looked to Haley and then to the rest of the group.

After the dinner ended and the others started to retire themselves for the night, Freyr went outside for a little bit. After such a tense conversation, he didn't feel he could just lay down and sleep. It would be better if he went to take some fresh air to take his mind off those things for now.

As the morning came, Freyr woke up unusually late for him due to him being awake until late the last night. After hurriedly eating some breakfast he went to the request board to take a look on that day's requests. Surprisingly enough, the main ones were quite... strange. One of them was issued by a graverobber... Something which was dishonorable and disrespectful, while the other apparently wanted them to strike directly The Order... Which would do little to make the Guild's existence remain hidden from them.

"Having in mind what we talked about last night... I do believe it wouldn't be wise for us to take any Varjo related requests... At least until we gather some more support." Freyr said as he looked to Maria Corazon's request.

"I will probably take this one..."
he said, pointing to the one posted by George Costava.
Very interested! Do have a few ideas from previous Cyberpunk RPs that I was in (and ironically died before they even began T__T) that I could maybe use as inspiration!

Are you guys still accepting?

In the ruined town of Sharon, Shalador

Mikhail simply kept silent as Dareen, Jandar and Fatima continued to discuss about a possible plan or disguise in order for them to go to the town. Xandar too had returned from dealing with some of the Viper Rats, but he too choose to not take part in such conversation. Mikhail couldn't blame him though as most of the things that were being discussed, such as dresses, hairstyles and possible reasons for a Queen to be found in the countryside weren't exactly things Mikhail himself was neither interested in nor knowledgeable about. To be honest, even Dareen herself didn't seem to be that keen in discussing much about that kind of stuff.

There was also a conversation between Jandar and Fatima. Even though it had quite a bit of personal emotions included, there were a few things that made Mikhail pay attention in the conversation, for example how Jandar said that Fatima was probably the last 'decent' Queen, her lacking influence despite having an enviable power and especially how she was trying to hide and flee from her own previous court. It appeared to Mikhail that the queen's situation was much more complicated than he had previously thought, but it was fair to assume that Melian probably wouldn't be the one that would love to know their location... Even though Mikhail himself was very wary around Queens in general, Fatima's words did made him raise his eyebrows. Her thoughts about other queens were very... similar to his in some aspects. As she talked about how the other Queens were ruthless and cruel, were exactly the same image he had in his head regarding the Queens he had saw and dealt with. Not only that, but her attitude of wanting to help and not wanting to flee and hide anymore did earn a bit of understanding and respect from Mikhail, even if he didn't voice that out loud.

"Do not worry, Faeril. I always honor a contract I agreed upon. Whatever it may be." Mikhail said with a serious tone as Faeril looked to him, thanking him for his loyalty before apologizing as she said that it would take some time until his healing treatment was resumed.

While his words were a clear indication that he wouldn't betray her, it was also a clear indication on how he saw the relationship he had with Faeril. It was not the loyalty someone would have for a queen. Instead, it was purely based on the 'contract' they had made.

"And yes, it would be fairly simple for me to stay hidden and watch over those who are going to the town." Mikhail said, confirming what Faeril had said to him before she walked away.

Since Fatima apparently didn't want to give Mikhail an order or didn't have anything she wanted to ask him, he walked towards Bellinar and Denvar, in order to ask for their opinion.

"I spoke with Faeril, but she doesn't have anything to ask from me. That said, do you need help protecting Faeril or it would be better if I went to the town to watch over those who are going? As I told Faeril herself, It would be an easy task for me to remain unseen while protecting them." he asked in a low voice, waiting for their reply.
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Late morning
Location: Edena.
Interactions: Darius @FunnyGuy, Aklenroth @Alivefalling

Thankfully for Myra, it appeared that Kol, the dark skinned forest person, wasn't hostile to them. Judging by his tone of voice and how he acted near Aklenroth it was safe to assume he was under his command and would be the one responsible for guiding both Myra and Darius to the place they would stay. She still didn't completely trust Aklenroth, but she knew that he wouldn't hurt Darius or her, judging by the way he was treating them and Darius seemed to be happy that she was still by his side, so she wasn't as wary and alert as before.

Myra continued following Kol together with Darius as they parted ways from Aklenroth (which made Myra feel a bit better, to be honest), going through a long hallway. Before Myra knew, they were already out of the creepy, huge place they were before and instead were in a completely different place. With the sun shining above them, Myra could feel a much different scent coming from the way they were going. A scent that was much closer to the scent she was able to feel in forests and nearby the places where the forest people lived than the undead castle she was a bit ago. After a moment, Myra saw the origin of the scent she was feeling. As Kol stopped in front of a building, she and Darius stopped as well. The place was not only bathed by sunlight, but was surrounded by an incredibly beautiful garden, with flowers of all colors, even some that Myra had never seen or smelled before. According to Kol, that place was called Edena.

Despite her curiosity about the garden being clear and obvious, Myra looked at Darius and Kol first, waiting to see their reactions and what they would do next.
Nori Hirai

Interactions: @IceHeart@medalliah

Luckily for Nori, the creature was already pretty wounded and despite it still being able to fire a few spikes, nobody seemed to get hit by them. Since he was sure that if he started using his ink to redirect the spikes and keep moving it would make things worse for the others, Nori simply stood still, waiting for an opportunity to do something. Before Nori realized though, the creature was finally put down, thanks to a light beam attack made by one of the girls.

As Nori's ink streaks and his brush disappeared, he looked around, to be sure everyone was ok. Thankfully, it seemed like the creature was really defeated as the effects of it's presence and actions began to disappear. With the situation mostly under control, the strange girl that was leaning on a tree, just observing the fight since the start finally spoke something, congratulating the group for being able to deal with the creature.

"Indeed... It seems to be quite convenient..." Nori said, after the girl confirmed what he was already seeing with the terrain and most things going back the way they were before the creature appeared. The second part of her explanation though, was something that made Nori raise his eyebrows, thinking. According to her words, the longer a creature is alive, the higher is the probability of the damage it did to the 'reality' to become permanent. That meant that most of the times, defeating such creatures would be a race against the clock.

"This part can prove to be quite troublesome... You're saying then that when fighting against these creatures, it is always a race against the clock?" Nori asked, looking to the unknown girl as she finished explaining about the creatures and their effect on the reality.

It was then that the detective looking girl began talking before the strange unknown woman could reply him. Apparently, she was asking if someone could buy something for her to eat, before everyone went on their own way.

"Hm... I heard about a certain place that sells a very good sundae... But I'm not sure if I can finish it by myself... Would you care to help me with it?" Nori asked, turning to the girl with a calm and kind smile.

"I will make sure to tell the 'other you' that you certainly deserves it too." He said, waiting for the girl's reply.

Sorry for the delay, in the middle of the test weeks in the college. Will have a post done tomorrow. Promise.

Maeve smiled and giggled as the man introduced himself, gently kissing the back of her hands. Truth be told, she wasn't expecting to be greeted like that, which made her a bit surprised. While he was trying to be formal, his less than adequate greeting, by the standards of an Isoli noble, of course, made it obvious that he wasn't exactly a noble. That said, the man was still charming and did made her laugh.

"A mage and a warrior... Quite intriguing..." she said, raising an eyebrow with a mischievous expression on her face as the man introduced himself.

"It is getting a bit late, but it was certainly a pleasure to meet you, Sev." she said, with a discreet bow, calling her in a less formal manner before she retired for the night.

Despite what Maeve had said before going to sleep, that she had a light sleep, one didn't need such thing to wake up on that particular night. In the middle of the night, the city bells started echoing through the town. Only a single glance through the window was enough for one to know what was going on. Fires lit up the town as buildings burned. The sounds of skirmishes in the distance, coming from multiple parts of the town and the smell of smoke made it clear what was happening. The most shocking scene going on though, wasn't the burning buildings or some fights going on in other places of the town... Instead, right on the middle of the square, a familiar, large man was surrounded by corpses, as he wielded an axe as big as himself and crushed many attackers under the weight of his strikes. Much to Maeve's surprise, the figure was no one but the same amicable Allard, whom she had met the previous night.

It didn't take much time for Maeve to get ready. Waking up and grabbing her rapier, she was already dashing down the stairs after but a single minute after she woke up. The second she got down, she was met by Sev standing just in front of a dying bandit.

"I certainly wasn't expecting something like this..." Maeve said as she stopped nearby the door, looking outside.

"Isn't this a bit too big of an attack to be made by just random bandits...?" Maeve asked, wondering if somehow, it had something to do with the kidnappings and the attack Valia had suffered.

In the ruined town of Sharon, Shalador

"Old habits die hard..." Mikhail replied as he heard Gennar.

Truth be told, Mikhail was saying that not only due to the Viper Rats, but just as he said, it was already an old habit of his. Plus, the chance that Queen Melian had indeed sent someone after them was high... And the chance they might be more qualified than a common thug wasn't zero.

"I do have a very light sleep, but I could set up a trap around the area we will rest using some wires I brought with me. Enough to wake me up if something gets nearby." Mikhail suggested to Gennar as he mentioned how deadly Viper Rats could be if they used their numbers.

Turning his attention towards Jandar, Faeril and Dareen, who were talking about their plan regarding sending Jandar and Dareen to the town, Mikhail nodded, agreeing with Faeril as she mentioned the merchant background. It was much safer than a noble one, as merchants weren't exactly bound by many of the social rules from high nobility.

"Don't worry too much, Dareen. Merchants aren't bound by many of the high nobility's social rules. It shouldn't be that hard. More often than not, merchants tend to be quite 'eccentric'." Mikhail said.

The moment Jandar mentioned Fatima, asking her to help them to think about how they would 'doll up' Dareen and the rest of the things related to the disguise, he nodded, agreeing with their choice.

"Fatima is certainly much more versed in such matters than I am." He said, giving a few steps back and letting them discuss such things amongst themselves.

"As I said previously, Faeril, I will fulfill any role assigned to me with the best of my abilities. If you wish me to remain here guarding you or if you want me to go with Jandar and Dareen, so be it." He finished, waiting to see if she had any particular job for him or if she would give him permission to do whatever he wanted.

Even though Sil's reactions and antics were incredibly adorable, even enough for Karina to almost want to drop her 'military officer' face, she had other things to worry about. She knew that by now, it was almost certain that the tower was already surrounded. Not only they had to find Týfurkh, but they also had to get away as soon as possible. There was no saying when the cultists or some of those Sightless would try to get up to where Karina was and capture or even kill them...

When Karina heard Sil saying that Týfurkh was ok though, she interrupted her thoughts, going closer to where Sil was.

"Did you find him? Where he is? We have no time to waste, we need to get away from here as soon as possible!" Karina asked, with an urgent tone in her voice. The second she heard Sil's voice though, Karina knew that things couldn't possibly get worse.

"What?! No eyes? A Sightless is already here..." Karina said to herself with a disheartened tone. The situation simply couldn't get worse now that a sightless had arrived, probably together with many cultists.

Trying to look down the gaping hole on the floor without being noticed, Karina arrived in the exact moment the sightless elongated fingers wrapped around Týfurkh's leg, yanking it backwards as Týfurkh tried to dodge.

"Damn it!" Karina cursed in a low tone as she tried to see if the effect of the deterrent had already passed. The way she was right now, she couldn't do anything to try and help Týfurkh...
In Avalia 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning.
Location: Roshmi City
Interactions: Cadence @Helo, Sakura @baraquiel

After regaining her composure and her moment of amazement upon seeing the city, she heard what Cade said about Sakura's spell.

"I was thinking about a strand of hair or something, Not necessarily it would have to be blood or something, right?" Ayita replied, laughing as she heard Cade mentioning he preferred Sakura using blueberries instead of what she said previously.

It didn't take much that she was indeed still really excited to enter the city, although it was... a bit more discreet than previously. Even though some may think that it was a rather childish reaction, Ayita herself didn't think that. Instead she was simply true to her feelings. She never believed in hiding her own feelings and reactions.

"That's right! I wonder how are the traditional dishes here in Roshmi! Wonderful idea, Cade!" Ayita said with a giggle as she heard Cade mentioning them going somewhere to eat after getting some weapons.

Just like Cade said though, Roshmi was obviously an incredibly big town. Even though Ayita would love to know everything it had to offer, it was highly unlikely. Still, she could experience some of it, having Cade, who knew more about Roshmi than she knew, to guide her.

"Oh, so it will certainly be fun for you too, right Sakura? Cade seems to know more than we do about Roshmi, so I'm sure he can take us to some interesting places, right?" Ayita said to Sakura and then turning to Cade, with a kind smile on her face.

"Magic is honestly something pretty new for me so I can't say much about it, but my people always hunted using weapons and we were always very effective with it. It goes beyond simply swinging it in front of oneself though... The nature has many things to teach us. How the animals move, for example. Be it prey or predator, they all have something we can learn from them and use ourselves." Ayita said after she heard Sakura teasing Cade.

"Anyways, should we go? If we do the things we have to do quickly, we will have more time to know the city. Thanks to our guide, right Cade?" she said, laughing.
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