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@Forsythe Thanks for the heads-up. I’ll tag you at around Friday just to make sure you can participate and are still active.
Team KFSC Mission: Combat Recon

It was a rather standard mission, yet also an odd one.

Sightings of various Grimm that usually did not gather in the particular area within the south of Vale? That usually meant that a specific cause led such Grimm into the area. Normally, Grimm that were amphibious or belonged to the plains did not simply waltz right into south of Vale because the regions were often more mountainous.

The lair was considered to be hidden within the forests of the wilderness, though it was far from impossible to miss it- approaching it, however, was a different story.

Ozpin stacked the papers in front of him as he set them aside- he'd have Glynda sort them out later. It had been a busy day not only reassigning certain teams, but also looking over some of the proposals made by his colleagues for the next Vytal Tournament. He could imagine some being rather excited for something that took years to wait for, and while he understood the excitement- well, he wasn't going to return it with just as much energy.

Turning to the rather excited Professor Port, Ozpin glanced at the hologram on his desk, which presented the face of an aged man with a beard.

"Peter, I would like your honest opinion," Ozpin spoke, staring hard at the face in the hologram.

"And what might that be?" Peter asked, his tone confident. His recommendation for putting Walter in charge of leading the students on a glorious day of slaying Grimm was one of good thought. There were no concerns from his part!

"This is the same man who bailed out of his hall duty to participate in a boat race, yes?"

There was only one concern from his part.

Coughing, Peter added in, "Bail out? No, he hasn't. But he IS rather... dedicated towards preventing his pride from deflating, which explains why he often does his work in advance.

"I would also like to add that Mr. Bridgeman, though newer among the faculty, is very trusted and has a reputation that precedes some of his more personal traits that can be subjective to public opinion. His abilities as a Huntsman is quite respectable, and I have personally allowed him to help teach some of my classes due to the increasing volume of students as of recent days."

The man smiled as he nodded to himself. "He is energetic, but a fine lad who can give quite a helping hand! I can assure you that."

Ozpin nodded. Yes, it was wrong of anyone to judge a book by its cover. Quite frankly, Ozpin knew his doubts about the energetic professor, who seemed to rival Oobleck when the right topics for conversation popped up, were more of personal opinion than facts. If anything, Mr. Bridgeman had recorded history of teaching briefly at Shade and Haven before moving to Beacon. He had a statement behind his name, so that much should've been enough to assure Ozpin that Team KFSC would be in safe hands.

Walter Bridgeman.

Putting aside his thoughts about the man, Ozpin looked forward to the team of students' success.

The airship dropped everyone off in the middle of a forest. Trees surrounded the landing site as Team KFSC pressed their feet against the healthy dirt, though the air seemed rather tense for a peaceful-looking area. It was common knowledge that almost any area of the wilderness was usually like this, because Grimm enjoyed ruining lots of things that would be great without them.

A tall man walked out of airship last as he moved past the team, carrying a small navigation device that resembled the shape and design of a small Scroll model. On its screen were several blue dots, which indicated at the team members who were behind him, and the small airship that gradually left the site. Everyone's Scrolls, for those who brought them, would technically work properly, though reception was rather terrible due to being further away from Vale's CCTS. They were supplied with small radios instead, though they were most likely not going to be used if things didn't go south.


Turning to Team KFSC, Walter Bridgeman, a Grimm Studies professor like Peter Port, let a small grin creep into his face as he spoke loudly,

"Everyone! I apologize for not being able to introduce myself, as I had been going over our routes during the ride. As you have heard in the mission briefing, I am Walter Bridgeman, and I teach Grimm Studies- but you may call me Walter. I don't do well with formalities, y'see."

Combat Recon

Pointing with one hand at what was clearly a disorderly set of trees torn down by Grimm, Walter used the other to press a button on the navigation device in his hand as a small visual hologram appeared.

"This area has a history of Beowulves and Manticores roaming around- but there have been sightings of an amalgamation of Grimm here, such as Harpies and even an Ogdoad. If my thoughts are correct, then we may confront a Bael by the end of this mission."

Turning off the hologram, Walter continued, "Observations outside of the mission site has led us to believe that environmental damage such as this has been caused by some Sitting Bulls- there is still the possibility that we may meet Nightmares instead, however, so I advise that we keep our eyes peeled to win any quick draw while we're moving. Once we find the lair, we do what Huntsmen train for.-"

His grin widened with a hint of nostalgia and pride as he finished simply, "-Annihilating monsters."

He had yet to unsheathe or load his weapon, though he expected the team to do so at this point. "As for questions, well... I'll be answering any on our merry way. If you happen to get separated, make contact via the radios. I may be older than you lot, but none of us are deaf in the ears just yet.

"Well, there's no time to lose, cause I'm already dying to get started," Walter spoke, his sharp voice booming, "Follow me, ladies and gent! Let's make this mission count. Keep an eye out for any Grimm that pop out of the trees."

The jingling of six keys attached to the ends of his coat, Walter began walking towards the flattened paths caused by the Grimm.

@Eklispe@Crimson Raven@SevenStormStyle@Suku

Hack A Shack

Yun blinked.



Yeah, right, she was in a mission.

The day before had ended up being a spiral of emotions for her. First, she was reassigned to a team quite abruptly in the midst of her search. She hadn't even gotten anyone's numbers at the moment, and now she was thrown into a completely new team with very little time to get accustomed to everything.

At that moment, she realized Beacon was tough.

GEEZ, it's tough, she thought, gulping as she shook her head at Rowan's question about... questions. I better keep myself awake.

Everything sort of flew by like a violent wind, but for now, things seemed to have settled... for now.

She glanced at her teammates. There was... this blond dude who looked a little scary- no offense to him, really, but he just kinda did. He didn't seem to be a necessarily bad person, but- gosh, she just kept thinking the worst of interpretations for some reason! Then there was another guy who seemed like he was ready to run everything down with a gun, though he didn't seem like he'd point it at her any time sooner. And finally, there was a rather purple girl who had quite a bit of sass in her.

If her cousins taught her one thing, it was that sass could range from "cute" to "holy crap, can you stop." She hoped it wasn't the latter.

Her mind kept trailing back to Ferris, who seemed to wave at her with an uncharacteristically wide grin in her imagination- as if they'd never meet again for some reason. She already kinda missed that fluffy coat...

NO! Let's get myself INTO this mission, not away from it! Yun thought as she smacked her cheeks. She then suddenly let out a really bright smile, seemingly for no reason at all to the people around her.

"I'm READY!" She said in response to Rowan, pumping a confident fist. Yeah, so what if she didn't know her team that well? That didn't mean she couldn't try getting to know them eventually! She could hear an engine revving up in her mind as her motivation went up to overdrive.

@Driving Park@Tominas@Nevix@Kaithas

Shipment Protection


Hana stared at Taidan with a blank look. Its blankness lasted only for a brief second, however, as it grew incredulous when she wondered where he came from. That's right, the guy was capable of some flexible mobility with his equipment. Several Huntsmen seemed to carry around such equipment, and it seemed pretty convenient at times. She wouldn't ever compliment them out loud, though- it seemed awfully pointless and chummy, especially if it came from her.

His casual appearance wasn't much of an issue, though she'd be lying if she said it didn't startle her.

She blinked when she heard Sterling's voice as she glanced at him, almost unnerved at his more literal "casual appearance."


A boatswain with a Master's degree in Food Chem- how did both of them know about-?


Well, now I know boats sure aren't my deal, she thought wryly.

These guys sure knew how to make an entrance, though.

Her silver, sunglasses-wearing teammate asked if she had an issue. Issues? Well, she had tons of issues! Heck, most of her standardized essays were just nitpicking off her issues! Most of them were just insignificant to complain about, thus she kept them all to herself. Talking about what was important had become somewhat of a focal point for her conversations, especially back at Mistral.

"I don't have an issue," she mumbled.

"...Okay, maybe I do," she sighed, almost uncharacteristically so. As she remembered who she was talking to, the energy within her suddenly flared as she added in, "It's nothing important though, so don't rub it in!!"

She knew they probably didn't mean any ill intent, but that didn't mean she shouldn't let her guard down! As the leader of the team, especially one so full of energy, she had no intent on falling behind that department.

Hana's flare died down a little as she turned back to the oceans, burying the bottom half of her face into her elbows again to hide her cheeks. Sarina was probably elsewhere drinking tea or something...

"Hey," she said out loud, staring down the brilliant blue in front of her with her orange gaze as she slowly lifted her face out of her elbows.

A brief pause came, her gaze softer than before. She was terrible at this whole "socializing with the team" aspect because, quite frankly, there was no room for that back in Mistral. But these guys were terrible at lying, so surely hearing her out would be the best compensation!

Not that she thought they were aware of that, but heck, she was their leader! She could talk about whatever she wanted, right?


"You all were in Beacon for the most part, right?" Hana asked. "You ever get the feeling to just... get really impatient? So much to the point where you just want to explode with it. You better be honest!"


Shipment Protection

Unsurprisingly, Hana was a little angry again.

She always had some kind of valid reason to be angry. As for the length of the validity in question, that was an entirely different story, but still, she had her points.

Concerning the topic of her team members, she had quickly come to accept the fact that she would be their leader, and she would even go as far ahead to die trying to get that point across. Thankfully, despite their relatively carefree and happy selves, they weren't morons- just... really optimistic, in their own ways. She wasn't going to lie by saying it didn't ever piss her off, because it sometimes did, but not in the sense that would get her punching the dorm apart.

She blushed when she slowly noticed that she was actually complimenting her team. Pouting grumpily, she huffed as she crossed her arms and leaned against the ship.

The fiery girl seemed less angry about her team and moreso about the mission itself.

As childish as it sounded, she didn't like waiting for something that had a chance of not showing up. She... had some bad memories pertaining to the topic, but there were much less serious memories than the ones that were simply annoying to think about. The reason for her anger at the moment was more personal than something she wanted to direct towards someone, and for that, she kept it to herself. None of her team mates needed to hear her getting all riled up for the umpteenth time. No matter whether she was their leader or not, they were inevitably more familiar with each other than with her for now. She knew she had to be flexible for not just their sake, but her own as well.

The mission still ached her patience, though. Quite honestly, she felt more used to the beat-em-up side of things rather than defending objectives. While the cannons did do a bit of justice towards breaking the silence, showing her team what she's made of, as well as seeing how capable they were sounded more appealing.

Far seas greeted her, however, and everyone on her team seemed willing to wait things out.

Geez, she sighed out loud as she let her chin rest on her hand, her elbow pressed next to her arm on one end of the ship's dock. I guess I don't have to necessarily come up with something for my team yet...


She blushed when she remembered Taidan and Sterling walking around, smiles and all as if they hadn't casually dunked on the students that scared her or- intentionally or not- made her stumble on her own words, with Sarina casually watching them as if it were all commonplace.

...Or maybe I do!! She thought, her pout intensifying as she unknowingly scrunched up, her fiery demeanor just simply refusing to calm down. She started to resemble an angry gerbil that could neither vent its anger on anything or feel the need to bother anybody just yet.

The orange-haired girl buried the bottom half of her face into her arms as she continued to stare at the seas alone, wondering about what to have her team do, or if they really had to do anything at all at the moment.

@Crimmy@HereComesTheSnow@Guess Who

Bang stared at Mr. Touhama Shuuji for a moment, his blank expression indicating towards any kind of thought whatsoever.

His train of thoughts passed by his station of recognition as he looked for any sign of this man, who showed up. None, unfortunately, but he was overflowing with spirit. For a moment, Bang wondered what this man wanted from him, but Bang himself wasn't too concerned about that.

What he was more concerned about was that he had essentially been challenged.

Unconsciously putting down his grocery bags at Shion's direction, Bang kept his gaze locked onto Touhama Shuuji, as the man shut his parasol and assumed a stance. It was a stance Bang did not recognize. Perhaps it was because...?!


...He knew almost nothing about martial arts.



Well, that didn't change the fact that this man was challenging him.

Bang Constantine lived a somewhat different life from the average high school student, or at least, an average high school student without powers. It was a very subtle difference, something that did not show up quite often, and served as both a bane and a boon to him. This vague difference was to accept not only the norm, but also believing in certain, specific things outside the norm.

For example, while television taught him that there were probably no poor CGI monsters wrecking cities on a daily basis...-

Glancing at Shion, he nodded to her as if she understood what was going on, and it was something he wasn't going to decline. Then, bowing respectfully to Touhama, Bang raised his fist, as his other was currently in a cast. He hunched over ever so slightly, a tilted leg pushed forward. His eyes gleamed, questioning nothing of the man who challenged him.

-...he also believed that answering the challenges of the public to also be the norm. It really wasn't.

If this Touhama Shuuji knew something more than he did, then he was ready to accept it. After all, Bang wasn't an Esper. But he wasn't going to go ahead and reject this man's passionate challenge. There was passion- spirit, flowing through his words, and Bang recognized that. It had actually been quite a while since he boxed in actual matches, but he had sparred enough to not lose his form. He also seemed to be so into the situation, he briefly forgot about his cast and what he was going to make for dinner.

I was there when the two fought.

They were brothers, both older than I was. For them, their arguments were merely bickering, jabbing at each other’s flaws to emerge as a victor. None of their arguments held words, however, because the meaning of their actions were enough to send the message. There was a mutual bond between them, no matter how angry they could get at some points, because they were both connected to one another.

Both were gifted- the only kind of this realm. And their gifts would be awe-inspiring to the current state of mankind. Creation and destruction- two gifts that defined the two from each other, but also made them inevitably connected.

The older brother was like an inventor, tinkering with things quite often. Life was his greatest joy, but it was also his greatest achievement. And life for the younger brother, too, was his greatest joy- he took no part in its existence, however. Instead, the younger brother chose to view what the older brother created, destroying what made little to no sense, or what didn’t come off as tasteful for himself.

They played with the same set of building blocks, watching life unfold steadily into something more meaningful than just creations to amuse themselves with. One would put together the blocks, and the other would focus more on ridding it of debris and unneeded blocks.

But time passed along with their amusement, as their goals grew ambitious. The two had visions unique from one another- visions the other could not understand.

They couldn’t understand what they became to one another.

A rivalry burned between them as a result, centuries of unanswered questions gone by. But one day, the two realized that in the midst of their arguments, they had refuse to work together ever since they grew more confident- prouder in themselves. Rather than work together and sorting out their differences like they always have, their vision and the unfamiliar fear of “losing” brought only harm from their dissolving harmony.

That was why they made mankind.

I watched them.

With man, their gifts had been realized as they deemed that they truly reached the epitome of their achievements. Together, they built an image that they can be proud of together. A painting, flawless to their eyes, composed of only the best of what they had culminated…

Yet, even then, I remained curious.

And only I-…

The interior of the small airship remained rather silent aside from the team inside it.

The mission was simple on paper. Something was sending traffic into the Cross Continental Transmit System, as well as radios further away from established civilizations. Team BASL was assigned to search for what appears to be the cause of the disruptions in a rather remote location further away from the establishments in Vale. Communication had become somewhat inconsistent between Vale and the other continents, as the disruptions occurred rather randomly. Whatever caused the disruptions continued to hamper with most forms of technological communication.

As such, BASL would check the area for any potential dangers first. Considering how far down the wilderness they had come, and the unknown number of Grimm in the surrounding area to begin with, the decision to keep reinforcements minimal, but efficient had been made.

There were several oddities within the mission briefing that remains a concern, the most prominent one being the fact that there were few Grimm in a place so far away. One would think there’d be a handful of Grimm, even if most of them were just Klein class, but there were almost none of them present in this exact location.

There was also the fact that approaching the location with airships reportedly jam the controls severely the closer they got. What is presumed to be an electric pulse is induced whenever an airship approaches the isolated building out in the wild, though there were reports of pilots feeling their Aura tingle whenever the pulse activated.

The building appears to be large, but not large enough to house a colossal threat. Yet, so far, nobody has entered the building itself. Only the emblem of Atlas could be found painted on the wall, though the paint appeared dry and on the verge of falling off.

Though military had naturally followed the students, all of them were to keep their ground at the team’s rendezvous point- a long walk away from the building. Getting in the way of the students was the last thing the few soldiers present would be tasked to do, and considering the fights Huntsmen got into, keeping a distance for firing range while preparing for a solid lift would be reasonably efficient.

There would be only one reinforcement that would follow BASL, though everyone in the ship seemed wary of his presence. They spoke nothing else of the boy named “Jan” aside from that he would assist in looking through every nook and cranny. He was apparently transferring into Beacon in the near future from Shade Academy.

The airship continued to make its way towards the mission site.


The coin fell on the ground for the fifth time.

He sat alone in the room, with only a single bench in it. Whether he liked the room’s cramped size, nobody could know due to his expression being shadowed by his hood.

Taking out a small object smaller than the palm of his hand, he pressed on it, flipping it open. He stared intently through his messy hair.

A small smile formed on his face, but it was fleeting. Soon, it returned to his usual unreadable expression.

Putting away the small thing, he stretched his arms before leaning his lithe body against the wall behind him. As the airship began to shake, however, the coin on the ground rattled.

They were about to arrive.

Picking himself up, he plucked the coin off the ground before leaving the small room.

“I can’t guarantee any radios or Scrolls to work around this area,” a soldier in a standard uniform told the team. “Professor Ozpin has stated that some form of communication should an emergency arise should still be prepared beforehand, however.”

The day skies shone brightly, with trees and rocky terrain covering much of the landscape. No Grimm were seen hovering in the air, and like the reports had suggested, there had yet to be a sight of any Grimm. It wasn’t necessarily a groundbreaking sight to see places not filled with Grimm occasionally, but it was still odd to see a consistent lack of it in a single area.

The bright day suggested anything but a hard mission, but everyone knew that anything could go down in a mission with very little info.

Handing what appeared to be a small flare gun to the sky-blue-haired boy, the soldier spoke, “I’m handing two flare rounds for you to use- one blue, one red. Using either one outside will get us preparing to pick you up, so I advise keeping at least one for backup in case anything happens. Jan here will be recording anything that needs to be reported, so the four of you can focus more on the mission itself. Keeping close may be for the best.

“We will stand by looking out the area in case any Grimm show up.”

With that, the present soldiers began taking their positions as the team’s mission began.

The Unsettled

Sangue stared at the trees in front of them, and then at the direction of where the building was supposed to be.

Apparently, they were to cross this forest to the building. There seemed to be a circle of trees surroundings the building, hiding its presence from certain low angles.

A few steps away from the landing zone, she stuck close to her team members, fully dressed in her uniform. She had yet to put her organic hand tightened around the grip of her blade- a sign that indicates she is fully cautious. This was her first mission with her prosthetic arm present, and while she was still getting used to it, she intended on keeping its usage minimal aside from when it was truly needed.

She glanced at Jan.

The sky-blue-haired boy seemed to be equipped with a single dagger and a revolver. He didn’t seem to have any heavy equipment, donning only a hazy blue, short-sleeved hoodie with cargo pants, with a black skin-tight suit covering all of his body aside from his head. His physique in particular made him look rather vulnerable. Almost even moreso than herself, if she were to be honest. He had yet to speak to any of them, though his mannerisms made him off to be polite.

She hadn’t seen him in action, however, so she withheld any judgment about his abilities. There was little info about him to begin with, for some reason.

Sangue turned to Ben, her leader, with the intent of trailing behind him as she usually did.

@Krayzikk@Kaithas@Plank Sinatra
Friday - Missions

The days at Beacon Academy ticked down to Friday once more, indicating yet another time to carry out missions.

Friday arrived rather quickly for some, or slowly to others. After preparations made by respective students and their leaders, everyone headed over to the Mission Control room to check up on their missions. The Board of Missions went crowded from one moment to being empty in the other as students left Beacon Academy, most of them through airships and the like to their destinations. It was going to be a busy day, no matter how busy it may be.

Missions List


@Plank Sinatra@HereComesTheSnow@Write@FlitterFaux




@Lazo@Awesomoman64@Guess Who@Abillioncats




@Crimmy@Slime@Silvan Haven


@Plank Sinatra@Kaithas@Krayzikk


(Pending confirmation)
@Driving Park@Nevix@Norschtalen@Tominas


Missions will now begin immediately! Mission Hosts, you are free to start posting.

(Note: I recommend keeping close connections with your fellow players to keep in touch and not slow things down! Please do this, as staying active obviously prevents you from being labelled inactive.)
@Forsythe Can you send me a PM? I have some stuff to talk about


if you got sum posts that be gr8 for various reasons

if no response is given i'm just going to give an inactive status
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