Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 22 days ago

Zento Ray


Zento, no longer had any reason to doubt Koyo. She demonstrated excellent sword skill and ability, despite being a bite reckless. With a series of acrobatics, she was able to push the hollow off its feet. Unfortunately, this was not simplistic Hollow, suddenly it's face darkened as it fell. Zento's eyes widened, as he watched, he realized that it had been waiting for this. It's arms contorted, it's elbow switching directions, literally. It caught itself, before pushing it's body up, sudden a red ball of energy formed on its mouth.

Zento knew exactly what the was, "Cero!" he yelled glancing at Koyo before Shunpo'ing into the air. The Hollow fired a red beam at were Koyo and Zento were originally standing, and an explosion rocked the whole block. The ground was on fire, and a large crater had formed from the blast. When the smoke cleared, the Hollow had disappeared. Zento jumped down and walked over to the place the the Hollow was originally standing. "Damn, it escaped." He mumbled, it must have ran when it's Mask was chipped. "Good job." He said back at Koyo, she had proved beyond a doubt that she could help herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Fast little-,"

Koyo barely got out her words of surprise as the hollow sprung up from her attack and charged up a cero, the crimson light bathing her as if she was its current target out of revenge. Springing back to the empty sheath of her blade she grabbed onto it and leaping into the air, the intense blast almost catching her in the process!

Watching the dust from the blast clear Koyo gave off a unsatisfied sigh as she sheathed her sword. The dull gray blade catching her eye and even making her frown, as she could swear it was almost as if it was mocking her. "Sorry, I should have tried to take it down in one swing" She said but looked a little happy at the fact given the fact Zento had told her she had done a good job, that was good enough for her. "Do you think he will return right away? Or maybe he is still around waiting?" She was unsure on that, kind of hoping he was gone for good for now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yakima wasnt phased by anything Ike did, his face surprisingly calm and relaxed. He watched the display I silence, his face as stoic as ever as he took a mental note. Once the man displayed his shikai, Yakima slowly walked up towards him. Once close, he flicked Ikes forehead. It wouldn't do damage but it would sting a lot "Watch what you say. Had I done the same when I was new, my tounge would of been gone. As for what you are doing, you are being initiated into my Squad. Spar with some other members of the squad with bokkens. There seems to he some trouble that needs my attention" Yakima walked away, his hands behind his back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ike blinked at the captain as he walked closed, his head would recoiled backwards as he was flicked on the forehead causing Ike to rub it with his left arm and would have flipped him off but resisted. That did not stop his tongue however. "Yeah but the thing is, I'm not a bitch." Ike stated as the captain said something needed his attention and to spar with bokken as he walked off. Ike stayed silent for a few seconds before looking at the other three. "Maybe I should have told him, that I wasn't allowed to use swords due to being piss poor with them. Either of you guys mind if I use my fists? I'll take my zanpakuto off of course."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 2 days ago

Disclaimer: #SwearsForDays.

'Fuck... no... not now... don't do this to me body! Fucking get up you USELESS piece of FUCKING SHIT!!!' Nairin internally screamed at herself, however this only helped her vision haze further, making it nearly impossible for her to make out the amount of hollow slowly closing in, ready to finished her off. She tried with all her might to move her body but she couldn't... not even an inch. She was a literal sitting duck and there was nothing she could do about it.

'...H-huh?... Who is that?' Nairin was watching her imminent death come towards her when blood was suddenly thrown into the air, some of the hollow in front collapsing, but who was causing this? It wasn't until she heard Shinzo's voice did she feel a sense of safety, maybe she'll actually survive this one? Being thrown over Shinzo's shoulder caused spikes of pain shoot throughout her body but Nairin wasn't going to complain, not like she had the energy to speak or even move, she was only able to think... but even that privilege was soon stripped from her when her whole world abruptly went black, her blood leaking and soiling Shinzo's shoulder and half of his upper torso - she was loosing a hell-of-alot of blood.

"Un-n..." Aching... It felt like her whole body was glued to the bed beneath her as the moment she tried to move, her muscles didn't try to follow, causing an uncomfortable ache to suffocate her body. Wait... she was on a bed? "Huh?! Where am I?" Shooting the top half of her body upwards and suffering more aches afterwards, Nairin's memory had finally caught up with her, at which she grit her teeth with her eyebrows pushed together in anger. "Fuck.... How could I get in such a bad fucking state on my first mission! I'll never get into Squad Eleven at this rate..." She kicked her legs around to the side of the bed to place her feet onto the floor, completely ignoring her aches this time, but the bandages around her right elbow and lower arm, as well as the one around her left calf was something she couldn't ignore. Lifting her right arm up, she took a good look at the bandage, seemly growing more angrier at the site of it. "I shouldn't fucking be here in bandages. I should be back out there, fucking fighting." It was at this moment that Nairin's eyes had travelled absent-mindedly to her chest, as if to subconsciously remind her of something.

"The fucking cloth!! I FORGOT ABOUT THE FUCKING CLOTH!!" After a rather loud yell that could of been heard from outside of her room, the door swung open as Nairin stomped her way out of the room, ripping the cloth from between her breasts and throwing it into Shinzo's lap once she had spotted him. "We're going back. The pipsqueak is probably still out there and I'm not going to have her death on my conscious for me being such a fucking weakling! I'm in a good enough state to go and get her then come back so lets fucking move! We don't know how much time she has left." Nairin was never the type to help someone else, and she still wasn't, but in this case, a death that she didn't want to cause could happen because she couldn't take on a few measly hollows... That's a disgrace she didn't want weighing on her shoulders, even if it meant rescuing someone she didn't care about. As far as Nairin was concerned, she didn't want to be blamed for something she didn't intend to cause. Her body still ached, perhaps more now due to her constant moving, but Nairin hardly ever listened to her body or anyone who tried to stop her before so why would she start now? After all, it was her emotion that drove her, and right now with how furious she was with herself and what had happened, she wasn't going to let a few aches and pains stop her.

Of course Squad Four members tried to tell her to go back and rest and that she wasn't strong enough to leave yet, which she responded to with a "Go fuck yourself" each and every time. She had already decided that she'd rest later since right now there was a mission still going on and lives at stack due to her stupid mistakes, how the fuck would she be able to rest knowing that? Plus she knew that the Squad Ten Captain would start looking down at her, believing that she was weak for having to be rescued by Shinzo and sent to Squad Four on her first mission... but atleast if she managed to get the pipsqueak back, that was one less thing the Captain would be on her ass about. Nairin will get stronger, she knew she would and she had been in worse situations in the past without having Squad Four's assistance to help her get back on her feet so these flesh wounds meant nothing to her.

Now, if the pipsqueak had already come back and her and Shinzo had gone back out there for no reason then although Nairin would be pissed off, she'd atleast feel a small bit of relief knowing that the pipsqueak didn't get killed because of her own mistake and would come straight back to rest. However with what she had remembered seeing during the mission, the pipsqueak's behaviour from before would suggest that she wasn't the 'retreating' type.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@AbigailTenshi@Oblivion666@Pie Flavor

Nishi Matsuro & Shinzo Harimaya

As Shinzo waited outside the room Nairin was in he heard her begin to shout...so she was up already...she then came bursting out the room and threw a cloth on his lap which he looked at. He then looked back up at Nairin as she spoke, this caused him to stand up and throw the cloth back at her before he turned his back to her "You do that...but I haven't got the energy anymore. I'm just going to have to hope she comes back alive...if you were smart you'd lay back down and shut the fuck up...This day has been fucked up enough because of people who wont listen to fucking orders" Shinzo then clenched his hands into fists before shouting "SO FUCKING LISTEN FOR ONCE AND LAY BACK DOWN YOU STUPID BITCH!" Shinzo then walked off into the maze of Squad 4 and eventually found somewhere dark and away from people, stepping into the small room he slammed the door behind him then slammed his right fist into the nearest wall "This was such a fuck up...if only I was stronger! I could of helped us all...why am I so fucking weak!?...I feel like an ant around these people! it's almost as if they're trying their hardest to not crush me because of how weak I am...is this how it will always be? will I even get as strong as I want to?" Shinzo rested his head against the wall as he closed his eyes and grit his teeth...

Nishi sat outside looking up at the sky as Yuuki spoke once again yet something suddenly caught her attention...it wasn't so much the shouting that was now coming from the barracks but something else that caused her to spring to her feet, she then looked at Yuuki and Nene and spoke "Could you excuse me a moment? I think I'm needed" She said this in a warm voice and with a smile on her face before she turned to walk into the Squad 4 barracks. The second she walked around a corner she began looking around frantically. However Nishi soon found what she needed to. A small storage room which she opened the door to seeing Shinzo there on the verge of tears, this sight caused her eyes to widen and quickly she stepped in and closed the door behind her as she spoke in her usual soft voice "S-Shinzo? What's the matter?" She would have asked why he was here but seeing the state he was in it wasn't the best time...

Seeing Nishi arrive Shinzo quickly looked away, not wanting her to see him in this state "I-It's nothing..." hearing Shinzo's response Nishi sighed then put her right hand on his back and began rubbing it before speaking "Shinzo...we've known eachother since we were children...I know when something is wrong with you. So let me guess...is it because you think you're weak? How many times are you going to cry over this old story? I've seen it before...I remember this very well. The times when we'd get in trouble and you'd say that you failed to protect me just because you lost a fight...You'd cry even then. Despite your seemingly tough exterior I know how soft you are inside...and you know it to...that's why you hide it. So stop hiding it from me because I can right through you..."

Hearing this Shinzo clenched his fists tighter as the shook a little "I just want to be strong though...I want to be able to protect the people I care about...I want people to stop looking down on me...but I feel so weak. I can't even go back and help someone in my Squad because I just don't have the strength...I wouldn't even make it there...and so I'm left here just hoping that they don't get themselves killed because I couldn't help them. I didn't want to leave them there Nishi...but I had to make a choice...I had to choose! I had to save the other member of our team...I just wish I was strong enough that I could go back or even have prevented this all from happening!" Hearing this Nishi nodded before speaking "Shinzo...you have to stop living in a dream. You aren't some super man who can do everything and anything...but that's not a bad thing. That's good...it means you care about others and try go the extra mile to do what you can to help them...if you had all this power you want then you'd forget about those you once cared about and focus on becoming the strongest just for the sake of it. The reason you likely aren't going anywhere is because of the fact that your goals seem to oppose eachother. While one focuses on you getting stronger to protect people, the other focuses on getting stronger just so you can be looked at as an equal or greater......but you don't need power to be viewed in that way...You saved someone's life today right? Well I'm sure they are grateful...and even if you left the other person there I'm sure they know their limits"

Shinzo listened as Nishi spoke...and once again she made good points...but the last part made him chuckle a little "Sorry...I shouldn't laugh in anyway...it's just I don't think she does...that's the thing that worries me. If she knew her limits I wouldn't have to worry...but all I can do now is hope...no doubt I'm going to get shit for leaving her there...from both the Captain and her...but still. I guess there was nothing else I could do at that time...it was impossible for me to stay and fight, the other person would have died then..." Nishi listened as he spoke...the situation was a difficult one but still "I'm sure if you explain things properly the Captain will understand..." Shinzo took a deep breath then stood up straight, looking down at Nishi who was barely visible in this dark room "I guess so...either way things go...I'll just have to deal with it. However Nishi I have a small request.....could you help me with my training? I know you're going to be busy here at Squad 4 but still...I think if I have you there I wont stray from the path I should be taking..." Nishi nodded then spoke "I'm sure I can find time...someone has to help you anyway. Would probably do you good to have a healer around seeing as you always seem to get yourself into a bad shape...and anyway I can practice my healing so that's always good."

Nishi then patted Shinzo's back with her right hand before speaking once more "Now I really must go...but don't let this beat you down. You did everything you could...now keep that chin up! Or I'll have to kick your ass myself!" Hearing Nishi speak the way she did made Shinzo laugh a little. "Anyway...Drop by when you next need to train okay? hopefully I wont be busy. I'll see you later Shinzo...and then you can tell me why you became a Shinigami" Nishi then opened the door and stepped out, looking back at Shinzo with a smile before walking off down the hall. Shinzo stood there a little wide eyed for a moment before speaking silently to himself "Why I became a Shinigami?...I thought it was obvious..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 2 days ago

Disclaimer: Do you really needed to be reminded of Nairin's bad language? Yeah I didn't think so too.

Nairin stood still for the moment Shinzo yelled at her and threw the cloth back. Catching it, Nairin narrowed her eyes at him in annoyance. Although he might of been right, she did still need rest and despite not showing it or paying attention to it, her body had already reached it's limit and screamed for Nairin to go back to bed. But, even though she knew she should listen, like hell would she ever openly agree with someone who spoke to her the way Shinzo did, just when she was trying to be a little more friendly and co-operative with him seeing as he did just save her life. Soon after he had finished yelling at her, he turned around and walked away. This was when Nairin chose to finally speak up, clutching the cloth tightly in her left hand. "FUCKING FINE THEN! YOU FUCK OFF! I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP ANYWAY! I'LL GO BY MYSELF YOU FUCKING PRICK!!" Turning around herself, Nairin made her way to the door, angrier than before.

She left Squad Four, blanking anyone who offered to help her. After walking through the gates, she made her way to the nearest exit of the Seireitei, her aching intensifying however she was much too pissed off to notice. Walking a little distance, Nairin started to slightly limp, feeling the wound on her left leg begin to sting from being so agitated from her stomping. 'Fucking Leg, Fucking Squad, Fucking People, Fucking Captain!' With her eyes facing straight and eyebrows permanently shoved together, Nairin repeated that one thought in her head, chanting it. She knew she wouldn't be able to make it to the pipsqueak, not in this condition, she didn't even have energy to waste on Shunpo-ing. None-the-less, that didn't stop her from walking in the general direction of the Hollow nest, entering the woods.

She walked for quite a while but was no where near her destination, she couldn't even sense anything. Her left leg became more painful with each step, causing her to limp alot more and have to swing her arms a little to hoist her body forward. It came to the point where she had calmed down enough to realise how useless her efforts were. Limping into a small grassy opening in the foresty area, Nairin fell forward and let go of the Captain's cloth, deciding not to stop herself from hitting the floor dead-on. She just laid there for a little bit, moving her face to the right and resting her left cheek on the ground, staring off into the gaps between trees within her sight path with an empty mind, only breathing.

'Heheh, look at you, what a disgrace of a Shinigami you are.' A voice entered her mind, one that she had only recently started hearing but regretting ever letting enter her being. Nairin's fists clenched at the voice that pierced another spike of anger through her heart. The laughing... the mocking tone... all added fury to Nairin's slowly growing inner inferno. Gritting her teeth, the woman tried her best to ignore it, until it returned. 'You need help don't you? You want someone to allow you to be as weak as you are and do the job you're meant to do, isn't that right?' A growl emitted from Nairin's throat. She had to retort, she couldn't stay quiet and let them talk to her like that. "Shut The Fuck Up. I Don't Need Any Fucking HELP!" With each word Nairin added emphasis, showing her anger and sounding menacing before yelling the last word. 'Hahah! If that's right then why are you laying on the ground bleeding huh? Stop lying to yourself. You know you're weak. And without me, you'd be nothing~ HmhmHAHAHA!' The voice spoke up again, further making Nairin's blood boil.

Turning her body over, Nairin looked up at the Sky with a furious expression, but instead of responding, she chose to keep her mouth shut this time. She didn't need help!... But they were right, why was she on the ground bleeding then? Well, she was weak, that much had become very apparent to her recently... but even knowing that, she'd never want help with anything. "What do you want?" Nairin tried to stay calm, she tried not to think since she knew if she did she'd only cause herself more harm than good. 'Hm? No swearing? Looks like you're slowly growing up then. I'm glad you finally agree with me. And what I want is simple, I want you to speak my name again, release me.' Nairin tutted at this and looked to her left. "No." She grumbled, immediately shooting down the request. 'Heh, still stubborn I see. I could of helped you if you had released me during that mission. What happened is all your fault, all because you didn't want to sacrifice what? A little fun for yourself? Your foolish pointless Pride? You have alot to learn. You're lucky I'm sticking around.' Nairin really didn't want speak to them about this right now, especially not as the weight of the failed mission began dragging her spirit down. She wanted to succeed and show just how strong of a fighter she was, but clearly she thought way too much of herself, not that she'd ever admit that. "Well why do you stick around?! Tell how to get rid of you and I'll give you to someone else then!! Let them deal with your shit!" Silence. The voice had vanished and the feeling of someone's energy looming over her, watching her had disappeared along with it... Only now she had noticed this feeling since it had left.

Finally sitting up, Nairin looked to her left, her sheaved Zanpakuto strapped to her hip. 'You make no fucking sense.' Reaching to grasp the hilt with her right hand, she felt heat admit from it, quite abit of heat, or perhaps that was her imagination. With her eyes widened a touch from the sensation, Nairin removed her hand from the hilt and looked at it. Her palm was quite red in comparison to her other, but that could of been from her clenching her fists too tightly before or something. Shaking her head rid of useless thoughts, Nairin sat still in silence, closing her eyes before drawing her legs inwards to cross them. Both of her arms rested on her knees, palms facing upwards before she straightened her back. Since she needed rest and was in a pretty quiet and secluded area, might as well meditate for a short while to work on sharpening her senses.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Aya began to pant a bit as she continued swinging her zanpakuto around, which would slice through hollows to cause an opening which would be replaced by another hollow. It truly was endless. She decided to try and get out of the middle of these monsters, and made those two metal spiky balls again. She had them charge right down a single path which would start to tear through the hollows, and behind them she would be running. The balls suddenly came to a halt, which halted her before she arced herself backwards and avoided her own attack being thrown at her. So as she stood back up she saw something zoom past her left side, but for some reason she felt lighter.... and lighter. She looked down to see her left arm was kinda of missing and gushing out blood. She began to chuckle a bit as she her shikai reverted back to a sealed state as she held her arm. "Well this really sucks...." She said as she moved backwards as the lane she made was starting to close back in on her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Phew, it looks like I'm not the only who that's utter crap with weapons. Zheng thought to himself while he watched Ike interact with the captain who now had to leave for an unknown reason. At least now a spar between an opponent and himself will not involve him having to block wooden swords from bonking his head. He had enough of that in the academy and that was generally from his own bokken. "Kamon, you can go and spar with Taito. I'll spar against Ike" It was an obvious match up. Ike and Zheng were both people who specialized in hakuda and Taito and Kamon were accustomed to using weapons so it made the most sense if they sparred in that exact grouping. Zheng approached Ike with a friendly smile. "Hakuda is my specialty so I'll be your sparring partner. The name's Rui Aizheng." The teenager extended his hand out towards the hot blooded man for a handshake.

Kamon on the other hand just walked over to Taito without saying a word nor did he smile. He looked down at the shorter man and bowed his head politely, his cold golden eyes never betrayed the lack of feeling that he had. The mod soul just simply walked over to the wrack with the bokken and grabbed one for himself and for Taito, tossing the weapon to the latter. "Come at me." His voice remained monotone, lacking any excitement or nervousness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


(He aint Coming the Scumbag! Tis this or nothing...I chose this)

Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo stood still a bit longer still thinking about things yet he couldn't just wait...he had to do something. He wanted to protect people? he'd have to take his body past it's limit...he'd likely be resting for awhile after this but it'd be worth it. He couldn't be dealing with a dead person on his conscience! Shinzo made his way out the room, his body still a mess as he exited the Squad 4 barracks and began running and stumbling a little "No...you can't give up...I wont let you!" Shinzo then grit his teeth as he began to shunpo, his body felt weighted and his limbs felt heavy, he was truly having to fight to even move at this point but he'd keep doing it...even if it was immensely painful he wouldn't give in! Shinzo eventually made it out the Seireitei and to the forest...yet he was a bit off from the nest. His body then stopped dead as his legs began shaking, Shinzo looked down at them and then grit his teeth as he slammed his right fist into his left leg and then his right leg "DON'T YOU FUCKING GIVE UP ON ME! YOU GIVE UP WHEN I FUCKING TELL YOU TO!!" Shinzo then let out a slight roar as he forced himself to move once again. Despite the shooting pains in his legs he had to do it...he was so damn close! "I'll push this fucking body past it's limits if I have to! even if it damn well kills me! I wont let anyone die!!!"

Forcing his body through more sheer pain Shinzo began to shunpo once more and eventually arrived near the hollows nest to see Aya in the midst of hollows that were slowly closing in on her...he then noticed she was missing an arm "Shit!" Shinzo then unsheathed his Zanpakuto and looked down at it "I'll pay the fucking price just help me! You've got me at your mercy now fucking help me!" Shinzo looked at his Zanpakuto and then to Aya and back to his Zanpakuto with a panicked look "Fuck! COME ON!" Just as Shinzo was about to give up on the idea he felt power surge through his body, a heavy purple spiritual energy then shot out of his body forming a large Aura "Very well...I'll help you...but this is for my own motives" Shinzo then watched as his Zanpakuto changed to it's Shikai form causing him to grin "Whatever! I just need to get in and out..." Shinzo then leaped down into the midst of the hollows next to Aya, the purple Spiritual energy still flowing around his body. He then turned and looked at her "You wont be sitting on me if you die here now will you? As much as I hate it...I'd hate it more if you died." Shinzo then picked Aya up, putting her over his left shoulder as he then stabbed his Zanpakuto into the ground as large iron spikes shot out from the ground at the hollows around them, Shinzo then used this as a sort of distraction as he then quickly turned and shunpoed off

Thanks to his Zanpakuto he had enough energy to move and more than enough to get them back in good time. Shinzo's destination was Squad 4 to which they arrived at with decent time. Quickly things were sorted out and Aya would be in a room getting healed and bandaged up as soon as...no doubt they'd do other stuff but still. Shinzo however waited outside the Squad 4 barracks...the power from his Zanpakuto still running through his body and the Aura quite prominent. Shinzo then felt the burning feeling in his chest, yet it came on much stronger this time, then his head began to ache as he dropped to his knee's, dropping his Zanpakuto and placing his left hand on his head. Then from his left eye things slowly began to grow darker which caused his eyes to widen "W-What the fucks happening!?" Shinzo quickly grabbed his Zanpakuto with his right hand and sealed it causing the energy to all but completely vanish and the darkness to fade from his left eye. This caused him to fall back onto the ground and pant "...what the hell was that?..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

NPC - ???

Suddenly, a young males head plopped in between the two of them from above.

His legs were wrapped around what seemed like an ordinary broom, but yet it was floating in the air above. He stared at them, a wide grin and excited expression on his face "Well well, looks like Cap has recruited some interesting people. And here I thought he was a sour apple" He giggled at the end of his sentence, covering his mouth with his unusual garb. It wasn't the clothes of all the shinigami around but instead his own personal clothing. The broom spun around, the male now sitting regularly "Let me guess, he left you guys to spar while he had "some matters to attend to". You people are really dense if you think that man is busy, its his goals to be not busy" He chuckled, bad mouthing the captain and not caring one bit. He leaned backwards, doing a backflip off the broom and landing on his feet. The broom floated downwards into his hand. "Since the captain is too lazy to do anything, I'll have to be the ones testing you" He tapped the wooden end of his broom on the floor. The straw began to rapidly grown and form something to the left of it. In no time, there was an identical clone made of straw standing next to the man. HE turned to Ike "Since you use fire, it would be bad if my clone fought you. So i'll be fighting you. BUt that doesn't mean you should underestimate my clone. Afterall, we're both seated" He said with a wide grin, shunpoing in front of Ike and sending an uppercut to his face. The clone shunpoed behind Zheng, attempting to sweep kick him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

SMACK. Yukio stormed off from a small group of shinigami. One of them was holding a bright red cheek and cursing at the girl as she walked off "Stupid men! Think I'm hitting on them just cause I'm asking for directions. HOW HARD IS IT TO BELIEVE A GIRL WANTS TO TALK JUST TO TALK AND NOT FOR SEX!!" The other shinigamis were staring at her with wide eyes, as if she was crazy. Yukio "hmphed" and walked off with slightly red cheeks, embarrassed for not controlling her voice. After an hour of searching and questioning, Yukio had finally made it to Squad 13 [color=crimson]"So this is Squad 13 huh. So if I join this squad, I should be able to visit the Human World and I'll be one step closer"[/color SHe took a step forward in to the barracks and searched around for someone in charge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 2 days ago


Sai decided to take a stroll incase any other new Shinigami happened to wonder into her barracks. It had been quite a busy day after all, with quite a handful of new Shinigami joining so it wouldn't be unnatural if a few others were on their way. Sai expected that after today there would be no more new recruits, meaning that she could start focusing on training missions and team building exercises. "Ahh, today has been blissful, hasn't it Akira?" Sai spoke to the white-haired Shinigami trailing behind her. Early when he returned from his mission with Sotaro, Sai was informed of what had happened in the Human World. After a stern talking to with Akira, Sai let Sotaro go and asked for Akira to follow her so she could talk about certain Squad member matters and get his opinion. In exchange for this, Sai gave Akira a handful of flavoured lollipops, which he of course couldn't resist.

"So what do you think? Human world rock-climbing or surfing as a Squad reward for completing a few missions and training sessions to a good enough standard? Perhaps at some point we could invite members from other Squads to join too so we all can get to know each-other! Obviously this'll be much much later on of course but I like to plan in advance" Continuing her walk, Sai spotted an unfamiliar bright-red-headed female wondering the barracks, a new recruit maybe? Walking closer to this Shinigami, Sai lifted her right hand to wave. "Hello there, are you lost? If so, I may be able to help. I'm Sai Yoshimasuto, the Squad Thirteen Captain. You may call me Captain Yoshi is you wish" Wearing yet another one of her friendly welcoming smiles, Sai greeted the Shinigami.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

(Shizuka is...brutal...so there may or may not be some gory stuff)


Despite Shizuka being in the Academy for only a small while she graduated very quickly yet she wasn't placed within a Squad, instead left to run around on her own. This didn't bother Shizuka in the slightest yet the only reason she graduated so fast was due to the Teachers being worried about her compatibility with the other students. She had talent and strength and they couldn't turn her down for that reason. However right now Shizuka had been drawn to some commotion caused within a forest...hollows were easy to find and in this rare case...they were the prey. Shizuka didn't fear hollow...in truth...even some stronger hollow feared her...not for her power but for her brutality. You did not want to find yourself against her for this reason! She wouldn't fight you for fun, she fight you to kill you...killing was what she enjoyed and that was exactly what she was doing here in this forest.

Shizuka walked towards a group of hollow, stepping over one of the already deceased hollows bodies. Her eye fixated on one in particular, she knew this would be the first to attack and she was correct...however using her shunpo she appeared before it, ramming the knife she wielded in her right hand into it's gut which stopped it dead, she then tore the knife across it's gut and reached into it's stomach with her left hand and ripped it's guts out and threw them back as she then slashed up it's chest, cutting it clean open which caused blood to spray all over her as the hollow fell back...and is it did it revealed her bloody appearance, her red eye glowing brightly as she looked at the rest of the hollows. She then tilted her head to the right slightly as she waited for them to make the first move...yet the cowered...which caused Shizuka to grow a little irritated as she then sat down on the chest of the hollow she had just killed and began ramming her knife repeatedly into it's mask, causing more and more blood to spray out onto her before it finally faded.

Shizuka then stood up once more and looked at her left hand that still had blood dripping from it...Shizuka then looked back at the hollows and took a step towards them which caused most to suddenly run. This wasn't a matter of power...this was fear...none of them wanted to go through a fate equal to or worse than the hollow before and with each kill it grew more and more brutal.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



Akira was in a bit of a mood due to Sotaro ratting him out however in the end he still got more candy so he couldn't complain to much. At this point Akira had various lollipops in his mouth as he followed Sai and listened to her speak about something to do with the Squad. "Candy is good..." he assumed this was what Sai meant by a blissful day...after all Akira had got a lot of candy today so he didn't have much to sulk about. He then listened as the Captain spoke about day out events which made him think...then he spoke "We should go for Ice Cream...seems more fun...everyone likes Ice cream." As Akira looked at the different lollipops he didn't notice Sai stop and greet the new person and so bumped into her, thankfully her nice bottom stopped him mostly. He then looked up and spoke "Thanks to your nice bottom Captain I was stopped from dropping my candy...thank you" Akira then continued to eat his candy, not even paying attention to the new person
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Yukio was starting to get annoyed, not finding anyone of importance the entire time. Instead, she came across new recruits just like herself except they were already in the squad. She had missed the initiation and let out a pout Great, I missed the initiations. Everything I worked for gone! Just because people weren't wiling to give direcctions! The more she was thikning, the angrier she was getting. Until she heard a soft and gentle voice, turning to see who it was. Her face quickly brightened up, standing up straight and looking proper in front of the captain. She bowed before speaking "Y-yes, I am looking to join! Oh...Wait, thats not what you asked" SHe looked down to hide her face "I was looking for you actually, in hopes of joining your squad" She didn't pay much attention to the male speaking about butts. In her eyes, he looked like a caveman screaming snu snu.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yakima remained hidden as Shinzo saved Aya from near death, sniping off hollows from a far without either of them noticing. His presence was completely erased, unable to be detected by anyone except for a select few. His expression was furious, glaring at the hollows as Shinzo sped off away from massive amount of hollows. Someone fucked up...real bad. This was supposed to be a simple mission of clearing off hollows but this....this isn't what I got in my reports. Good thing I followed my intuition. He clenched his fist, standing up and leaping down off a branch. I'll make someone pay when I get back but I have to deal with these hollows. They're multiplying at alarming rates and we're not too far from the Rukon... Yakima's thoughts stopped half way, sensing a higher degree of spiritual pressures "Are you going to come out or are you too afraid to face your deaths" Multiple red glowing eyes appeared from the darkness, all fixated on Yakima. 3....no 4? No, its a trick. One of them is scrambling my ability to detect reiatsu....but how Yakima tightly gripped his hilt, preparing for them.

In a flash, one of the hollows zoomed by Yakima. He effortlessly dodged it and prepared to counter. But dozens of shards came flying from behind. He shupoed out of the way, the shards on the ground near him Diamonds? THey began to glow brightly, exploding and generating a blue dustcloud with azure flames by where Yakima was at. He landed on a branch near by, his expression serious No...someone didnt mess up, they did this. Yakima looked around, multiple small classed hollows around him. He sighed, not wanting to deal with small fry. He was fixated on these hollows.All at once, the hollows charged at him from all sides. HIs face was calm, slashing through them before they even had the chance to strike. His arm was moving at incredible speeds, fighting off dozens of hollows at once. Suddenly, a blur came at him from behind a hollow he just killed. He released a burst of reiatsu, freezing it in it's place. Got you He slashed at its mask, attempting to cut it in two. BUt somehow, it kicked off the air and darted away. However it didn't come out unscathed. Its arm fell onto the ground, squirming and moving around. Yakima looked around, the small hollow gone from his sight already. Out of the blue, the other hollows began to move away from Yakima and back towards a certain area. Yakimas eyes quickly widened, now understanding why they grouped up in one area. The other hollows were attempting to escape. He aimed his palm at the hollows "Sokatsui" HE fired off a massive torrent of blue energy at the hollows, clearing out a large number of them

But it wasn't enough. He saw the tear in space slowly closing, 5 pairs of eyes within them. All of them looking amused. He sighed, grabbing an attacking hollows head and smashing it into pieces. Now able to freely sense reiatsu, Yakima detected another reiatsu signature that wasn't like the hollows. He let out a sigh "Why is there a shinigami left here?" He shunpoed to the source, seeing a young girl who was...killing a hollow? It was obvious she was butchering it but he pretended not to see that. He raised an eyebrow "Hello...I am Yakima...you should return to the Soul Society. It's dangerous here He said to the female.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 2 days ago


Sai let out a short chuckle sound when Akira bumped into her, he must not of been paying much attention to where he was walking. He then complemented her bottom in an innocent way which she smiled at, she knew Akira wasn't like most of the more sexual young Shinigami and so she took it as no more than a complement. "Well thank you for the complement Akira, I'm glad you didn't drop your candy"

Turning to the girl, Sai's smile brightened a little more at how the girl was acting. It was always a nice sight to see a Shinigami prepared to take on her Squad as a member with such politeness. Stretching her right hand forward, Sai offered the female a handshake as she usually would whenever she initiated a Shinigami. 'I knew I'd find another one!' "Well I'm happy that you chose to join my Squad, welcome to Squad Thirteen Shinigami" If the female had shook Sai's hand, the woman would of released it at this moment before continuing to talk. "Now, I need you to complete one task in order for you to become an official unseated member of this Squad. This task will be a spar with my assistant Shinigami Akira here" Sai wafted a hand in Akira's direction to highlight her spar partner. "Keep in mind, this will only be a spar, I do not wish to see you two try to land as many hits as possible. What I want to see is you use some of your skills, ones that you know you are good at using just so I can get an idea of how you could potentially preform in a combat situation. Kido is allowed, but only Kido you know fully well how to use and control. For this spar, you both will be using bokken while I keep a hold of your Zanpakutos to ensure that you don't use them. This is a precaution I always take with my recruits, nothing personal Okay?" Sai abruptly vanished before returning a second later with two bokken held in her left hand before taking a step back to face both Shinigami. "Once you have told me your name Shinigami, the both of you can pass me your sealed Zanpakutos and take a bokken. Once you have done this, feel free to start, I'll be watching. I'll tell you both when to stop, unless you both feel the need to stop sooner in which case I expect you both to stop the spar, understood?" With all the information that she needed to give said, Sai held out both of her hands, ready to take Zanpakutos with her right hand and offer a bokken with her left.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


(Shizuka is...brutal...so there may or may not be some gory stuff)


Shizuka watched as the rest of the hollow ran and she was about to give chase until she heard a voice. She looked to the person who spoke and listened as he told her to go back...she could clearly see he was a Captain yet she just ignored this and gave chase to the hollows. No one got away from her...she'd make sure of it. Shizuka leaped of tree's and shunpoed of branches as she appeared in the air behind one of the fleeing hollows, she then threw her knife into the top of it's neck as she flew down and gripped the knife and ripped it up it's neck and through the back of it's head before shunpoing off of the hollow and continuing chase after the other hollows, leaving the one she had just cut to bleed out and die slowly...at it's stage it didn't have high speed regeneration...so death was inevitable for it.

Shizuka then appeared to the right side of another hollow and slashed at the back of it's right knee causing it to stop and fall slightly, the hollow then swung it's right arm back towards her to which she just stabbed her knife into, her left hand then shot into the hollows right side as she then gripped it's spine and ripped it back causing it to snap and break, she then tore her knife out the hollows right arm and appeared infront of it as she rammed her knife into it's throat then tore it out causing blood to spray over her once again before she shunpoed while facing backwards and turning mid shunpo to pursue the last hollow in sight...this one she had something special planned. Shizuka shunpoed high into the air and pointed her left hand at the hollow, extending her index finger towards the hollow as she fired one hado 4 into's the back of it's right knee and then another soon after into's it's left causing it to fall to it's knee's as she then began to drop, landing on it's shoulders as her Zanpakuto then began to glow and change form as it turned into a scythe, she then hooked the scythes blade up into it's gut and ripped it up causing it's internals to fall out as then then pulled the scythe blade from it's chest and wrapped it around it's neck as she then beheaded it and flipped back off the hollow, landing on her feet as she sealed her Shikai back into it's knife form. Despite loosing a few seconds due to that Captains appearance she was still able to kill them...now she just needed to find more
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



Listening to Sai now speak to the new person he continued to lick his various lollipops until Sai spoke about Akira sparring the new girl. Akira then looked at the new girl...she didn't seem like much...her body wasn't really interesting...especially compared to Sai's, However he didn't mind sparring her he just wished he didn't have to do it. Yet when Sai came back and asked for them to give her their Zanpakuto's Akira looked her slightly confused then just hugged her seeing as he kinda was his Zanpakuto "here you go Captain..." Akira said blinking a little...he thought she knew about his Shikai and how he was sort of one with it but clearly she didn't...or maybe she forgot? either way he did as ordered and that was now why he was hugging her...
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