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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Keri Wolf Lyn's Hunt

The creatures teeth was near enough for the vampire to feel the hot breathe through her boot. If it had not been for the new human's attack the girl would have been done for. There would have been two ways which could have been played out. Keri's death or instinct would have took over. Making her blinded by blood lust unable to depart friends from foes. Which would most likely would have ended in killing those whom she swore to protect or them killing her in self defense. Thankfully all had worked out just fine leaving a very much needed thank you towards the man afterwards.

Blood filled the air once more adding to more of an animal scent. The scent of blood and what seemed like a pained howl confirmed the Cosh had been hit. Though how badly Keri couldn't tell as she placed her free hand towards the ground. Her claws digging into the grey grass, slowing her down enough to turn back towards the enemy, as it snared. The young woman looked up just to see the newly appeared monster. There was distance between them but not enough to truly matter. That was if the Alpha was looking her way. All the black and white beast would need was just a few steps making her easy prey.

Now it seemed as if their situations had been switched. The savior now seemed to have the creature's undivided attention. As an advantage the human did have armor on. At least mostly coving his body. This would help stop the mutt's sharp teeth from piercing his skin making things easier on the vampire. But in the end who knew how long the armor would hold under it's grip. That was when there counter attack happened. When the Cosh attacked Keri noted it's pace as well as the man's. Legs first to be attacked. A swing towards the enemy's head missing entirely making it clear to the girl the Alpha had expected the attack. Now the creature had the human's forearm though the Cosh seemed to be trying to go for his wrist.

Keri placed her sword back into it's holder. Each person fighting the huge black and white Alpha had an advantage over it. The man's was his armor though it looked to be slowing him down. Which the vampire could help with. Keri was naturally faster than most of the students there with one exception in play. Even though the pain had become numb there limitation was still in play. Yet the girl noticed earlier she was still slightly faster. All that was needed was a distraction. This was provided when the older Naersan attacked the creature.

The girl stayed lowered towards the ground as she thought of what to do. Keri slowly worked her claw out of the dirt. There was so many ways this plan could go wrong yet she knew she needed to try. The vampire just wished she would have spent more time with Colette. Even after the complicated situation over a month ago. Yet she decided to keep her distance, at the time seemed like the best choice, at the time. Oh gods the vampire hoped this would end successfully since she missed Colette. After the prayer off Keri went. A drive towards the ground near the furry leg, slashing it with her dominate claw, and ending with an awkward roll.

If the Alpha Cosh didn't noticed the familiar scent of cherry blossoms, due to being mostly focused on Deven, then it's leg would have been damaged. Hopefully making it harder to move as well as another way for the teammates to track the bloody creature. If it had smelled her and was able to react fast enough the Keri would most likely received either a rather large amount of damage. This would then activate her feral side. Or the mutt could have just scratched the girl's leg.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by May
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May Just Damn Cute

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

☆ Helena ☆
Lyn's Hunt

Helena found herself flying lowly through the air, being tossed like she was nothing more than a rag doll. She was small, but this thing was more powerful than just being able to lift her because she was little. Even with how much blood it had lost and the damage it had taken, it still managed to toss her about like she was nothing. Howls of pain ripped through the air as she sailed and she hoped it was from the one she was fighting.

She landed with a thud against the elf, knocking the breath out of her chest and tossing get glasses off her face before the two of them were a tangled pile of limbs. She dropped her knife so she didn't end up stabbing him as well, and struggled to free herself from the other body. She was sure that there was some elbows to the face on both sides before she finally managed to roll off of Sinys and get her breath back.

Searching for her glasses first she came up on her blade instead, grasping the blood covered blade and looking to the cosh to see what was going on. It wasn't coming at them. It was almost totally still. It was dying, but it wasn't dead yet. The way it held itself, lowered itself down, it was pitiful. Such a beast brought down so low.

She got to her knees and then up with a grunt and hiss of pain from the pressure on her injured arm. Foregoing her glasses she made her way to the cosh as slowly as she dared, trying not to rile it up and cause it to have one last sputter of attack in it. But the closer she got, the clearer she could see it, and she doubted that would happen.

Helena knelt down within arm's reach of the cosh, breathing through her nose through the pain of newly found bruises. “I am sorry,” She murmured to it, taking the knife in left hand and with a deep breath, plunged it through at the base of the skull. A quick, and relatively pain free death for something that probably would have ripped her to shreds alive if she would have let it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Nothing about the situation was ideal, but Ssarak could accept this outcome, as it currently seemed to be unfolding. The Naga would have protection for the moment, and once Khan had received all of the necessary reports, he was sure that the college would offer them some form of aid. At the very least, they would no longer be in danger of being killed by the beasts of the Ravine.

As the group was making their way out of the catacombs, towards the college proper, Ssarak helped to carry the most wounded, while keeping a sharp eye out for any kind of threat. The presence of the shapeshifter was still a concern in his mind, and no creature they encountered, however small, was not suspect to him. Apart from the potential threats around them, however, another concern within Ssarak’s mind was Tyrael. Though he had not harmed any students, the fact remained that he did make the threat to do so, and Ssarak was not sure what affect that would have.

While they were still walking, Ssarak decided he could use the time to give Khan more information on what transpired. Naturally, he sent his message telepathically in order to remain confidential. ”The Naga, from what I gather, come from Mesa Gaan; survivors of the massacre there. The Matriarch is among them, as well as Mar’s brother. According to him, they were forced into the ravine and have been surviving there since the attack. They come to the College seeking its protection; I do not believe they had the option to petition for such a thing through normal means. Tyrael, however…I do not know what to think of it. The moment he saw the Naga, it was like he went into a rage. I am certain they were what sparked his behavior. As soon as he identified them as Naga, he ordered me to kill them. His voice…it sounded strange, like there was something else speaking through him. I do not have any experience with Fallen Demonmancers beyond Tyrael, but it was almost as if his demon was controlling him, or at least influencing him. Certainly, he did not seem like he was in his right mind. I am uncertain why the sight of Naga would cause such a thing to happen, however. He is close to Mar, so it is not as if he despises the race as a whole.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EthTenshi
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EthTenshi The anti-lucky charm.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sinys: Lyn's hunt.

Sprawled out on the ground Sinys sighed expresivly. He sat up with a dead look on his face, and what felt like a black eye "Sa'avat la wrucy. Te mal sume." He muttered random words intended for cursing. Somehow his eyes found Helena, but while he knew she was thrown from the way she landed, he was still peeved about being trampled. It showed clearly on his face. His head scanned the area, obviously for listening but maybe not so much after he had been staring at people.

Standing slowly he took his water skin from his side, taking special note that it had been slick with blood, he pulled the wedge and starting drinking. He did this for at least ten seconds without breathing. His lungs were on fire by count six, but when he came up for air a large amount was blown out then sucked in. A hard reset to his heartbeat and oxygen consumption was the result. Also it was something he did when he was highly upset, it calmed the mind and the body quickly. After he was done being dramatically effective he wiped his hand with the back of his mouth leaving a smear on his chin.

He was not really looking at anyone this time which should have made himself obvious "I believe there is still game afoot?" he asked turning his head again and locking onto the sound of the alpha not too far away. His chest hurt from the claw marks, but he found quickly that it would operate with ease, just painfully. His back and his head were throbbing something aweful, though that was much less of a concern than the human blood he smelled. He paused and decided that field medical wouldn't be bad "Human, my name is Sinys. We should patch that arm before moving. It's your choice though." he said hoping that a name might calm her. He didn't know if she was experiencing the same feelings as him being on a battlefield for the first time.

Mostly he was calming himself, he had never had so many close calls before in his life. Not so many as in the last ten minutes anyhow. He readied himself to tear an inside fold of his robe that would be rather clean. Had he known that there would have been fighting he would have brought his own kit. He didn't even have any liquor to cleanse the wound. All of these thoughts piled up as he waited on her response, if she accepted he would hurriedly bandaged her up. Preventing further blood loss and keeping the arm from pumping out blood from activity. To which he assumed she wasn't ready to give up yet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Annabeth Gulch

Annabeth was dipping in and out of conscience. Though she didn't do much physically, she was very tired from the blood she used for her magic. Even the tea only made the soreness ease up a bit, but her body was still exhausted. Yet despite how weak her body was feeling, she couldn't help but feel her fight wasn't over yet. Lyn was safe, yes. But what of Athalus? Of Keri and Alaira, and everyone else who was at the hunt? The ones who attacked them were no mere bandits. They had magic greater than what your average brigand would have, and Annabeth was almost certain that no mage trained by one of the major nations could pull off a few of the things she saw. Turning into some sort of swarm, tracking a completely invisible person and dodge equally invisible weapons, and that naga. Last she heard all the nagas were dead, at least the ones related to Mar's hometown. Annabeth was vaguely aware that there were some ocean naga's too, but nothing about the one she saw implied it came from the sea. No fills or gills, and it seemed like the fact that Mar wasn't actively fighting it meant that it went after her first. So there was some sort of history between the two, but Annabeth could only guess. And she honestly didn't really care; the important thing was that they were trying to hurt her friends.

As Annabeth shifted positions and was about to take Rathel's offer to take Lyn back to her room when Colette came in. Surprised, Annabeth reached for her sword. Fortunately she realized who it was before she drew her sword and made a big mistake. "Colette? What are you doing here? I thought your mission wouldn't be over until days or maybe even weeks later!" One of the reasons Annabeth didn't go into the catacombs was how long and dangerous it might have been (Doesn't help that she doesn't trust Tyrael with her life). Unconsciously she also read Colette's mind, given that the vampire lacked the wards to stop her. At this point Annabeth reads the minds of others on habit. Nearly all the Psychomancers communicate with each other through telepathy to exercise their magics, even with those who can't communicate back. It was while Annabeth was reading Colette's mind that she got a jist of what had happened: There was a big fight in the catacombs and everyone had to go back. She didn't know the details, but she knew exactly enough that a plan was formed.

Walking over to Colette Annabeth bowed her head apologetically. "Colette, I'm sorry to ask you to do this, but can you please watch over this girl? Her name is Lyn, and... And something happened today. She was suppose to have her first hunt today but we were attacked by powerful mages. I came to the college with Lyn as soon as I could, but I'm afraid of what might happen to the others. Please, watch over this girl, stay with Rathel, while I go back and try to help the others. If you're here then maybe I can ask some of the others who went into the catacombs with you. I know this is very sudden to ask, I promise after this you can punish me however you like." Annabeth handed Lyn off to Rathel to hold onto while the psychomancer ran straight towards the catacombs to find the others. If she had time she would get better equipment then just her sword, leathers, and bow (With half a quiver) but again time was of the essence.

Annabeth was able to get to the catacombs fairly quickly thanks to being familiar with the college's underground sections, and found the entrance where most of the others were coming out of. For some reason Khan was here, as was Tyrael, who looked rather morose. But she didn't pay him any mind and immediately sought out the one person she was looking for: Ssarak. Fortunately he was near Khan and immediately Annabeth sent him a telepathic message. "Ssarak I have very little time to explain, but something went horrible wrong during Lyn's hunt. We were attacked by powerful mages and monsters, and I don't know what has happened to the others. I brought Lyn back to the college as soon as I could but who knows how the others are holding up. I'm going to take my horse and go back as soon as I can, bring whoever can come quickly. Grey, Aramir, Darius, anyone who can move quickly." Annabeth spent a moment to catch her breath, looking between the students and teachers. For some reason there was a heavy pressure around them, as if something bad had happened. But too much was going on right now for Annabeth to investigate. As quickly as she left Annabeth returned to the surface were Samson was waiting and mounted him. He had a few scratches, nothing that would stop him. Cooing him as she directed him back at the gates she snapped the reigns, sending Samson through the gates as they opened up.

"Let's go Samson!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by cqbexpt
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cqbexpt Warden Eternal

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Baulder, Catacombs

Baulder could not tell if he was even alive anymore. His vision was nigh non-exsistant, his body felt like a numb slab of meat, and he couldn't so much as even articulate his mouth. Baulder was drooling when he suddenly hit the ground again and was then picked up.... again. He heard a voice but it was so distant, something about blame. Was he being blamed for something? Had Tyrael killed the students as well as the Naga? It wasn't like he particularly cared about any of the students he had come to the catacombs with, but Baulder had been told many times that killing other students was off limits. Did this rule apply to teachers to? Baulder suddenly felt himself passed from one set of hands to another, these ones warmer and rougher than the other ones. Another distant voice, he couldn't make out the words but it was most certainly Khan. He could remember the voice from when he talked to him during the feast.

There was only one word he could make out, Tyrael. Baulder was still skeptical that he was even alive, maybe this was a dream before he passed over? The only thing he really thought about in that moment was if he would see Tyrael again or Annabeth or Keri or.... E'nasha. The last name made Baulder feel particularly desperate to struggle for an answer. She was so nice.... and he had not repaid her for all that she'd done for him. Baulder attempted to will his body into movement but he felt nothing move, well maybe something moved but he couldn't feel it if it did. He tried to call out for Tyrael but all that really came out was a gurgling noise at the back of his spit filled throat. His body felt like a lead weight but his head felt lighter than air.

Baulder then felt himself pass into even rougher hands, except these hands were cold and even a bit damp. He was moving now, somewhere. His sense of balance had thankfully not yet left him and he could atleast tell they were moving. He strained against the darkness and he managed to get out a half insane "Ngehhhh." before he passed out finally.

About a month ago

Baulder walked into Underhaven with half a deer on his shoulder and made his way through the doorway quickly, so quickly you would think he was running from something. Then his demon who was now the same size as him and had begun growing black hair on it’s head as well as begun to lose it’s take followed in quickly behind him. Clutching the back legs of the deer that Baulder was carrying the front of. The deer was still warm as if it had just recently been killed. It was so fresh in fact that Baulder could still smell the deers fear. The smell felt velvety smooth to his nostrils and sent shivers down his spine. Baulder made a weird face where he lowered his jaw down and forward for a moment as sensation washed over him. He then looked to the bar keep and his eyes lit up and his face broke into a wicked smile. He raced over to the bar counter and placed his half on the counter. ”See yes, we need this… these cooked. Only lightly, just enough to get your chefs wood flavor into it. Yes, the blood should be warmed up again too. Yes, we would like that. I have….” Baulder rummaged around in his left pocket for a second after he shifted his kill further on to his shoulder. Baulder let out a “HA” as he pulled coins out of his pocket. ”I have five gold and seven silver. This should be to your satisfaction barkeep yes! We will do, we will do.” The barkeep sighed as Baulder and John both put down their still bleeding halves on the counter so that they could be cooked.

Baulder supposed he could have gone to the kitchen and had them cook it for free but he liked the wood they had in the Underhaven better. Something about it was simply divine to him, something he couldn’t figure out. Baulder’s eye twitched as he put his hands and his hips and he began laughing. Oh he was going to eat, the demon was going to be allowed to aswell. Baulder figured the demon deserved it after he had made so much progress on his transformation. He had found out from Tyrael that John likey either had the ability to shape shift or he had some vitamancer blood in him. Either way Baulder felt like he needed a copy of himself, since there were none other of himself. Baulder scratched his ever present massive hand sized burn mark and said to John quite loudly. ”What a wonderful day! A true day for a good kill, we shall try harder prey next time. Perhaps something that runs faster or fights!”

Keri walked behind Lucilia at her usual distance. The walk through the maze was quiet which she was glad about. There wasn't really anything she could say to Lucilia about her actions. Once they arrived inside Underhaven Keri noticed Annabeth working. This would be rather… Strange now between them. Her attention was grabbed when Lucilia said something about Tin Man making her groan. He was the very last person she wanted to see. After the older vampire left Keri felt a bit better.

Blood filled the air as a strange man brought in half a deer. A growl worked up in Keri’s throat. This was an unwelcomed sight in her opinion. There was always some happy luck person who always needed a kill. This just pissed her off massively.” Cool it Ker. Don't start something you can't finish. The warning was her older brother.” I can take that hunter down any day of the week. Leave me alone already.” she answered as she walked up to the counter. Her eyes shifted to blood color as she faced the man. Her usual features were still there making her some as if she was the meanest person alive.” Careful what you wish for. There are a lot of things out there that will gladly kill you in a blink of an eye. Though that deer most likely didn't have a fair chance. Did it?” Keri said in a hiss towards Baulder.

Baulder’s eyes lit up again and his smile cracked wide again turning to the petite girl talking to him who was also seated at the bar. Baulder laughed lightly then quickly responded. ”Helllllooo dear, If you think that not getting in a good kick isn’t a fair chance then no.” Baulder pointed of his shoulder at the eagerly waiting John Cena behind him with his thumb. ”Knocked his poor head in, killed em instantly. The deer got a fair shot I think. Say….. would you like some? I don’t seem to remember who you are, if we have met anyways. Have we met? I don’t think we have, correct? Yes, surely I would remember. I think we might look for a moose next time! Big fuckers, I hear they have a good texture.” Baulder couldn’t tell if she was actually a vampire or not. Usually vampires didn’t have flushed faces, or at least none of the ones he had seen so far had them. Though even as he had spent more and more time in the underhaven recently he still found there was much to learn about the vampires. By the Inferno he hadn’t even figured out the names of the one that tried to eat him when he’d first discovered he was a demonmancer yet. They would make tasty meals, he was sure of it.

“Don't call me that. I would rather see a stranger like you in your own pool of blood. That is at least my opinion as for wanting some I'm not hungry. Besides your partner looks perfectly fine to me.” Keri said with a hint of anger. What she said was the truth granted she had avoided the question about who she was. She wanted distance from these people yet they kept pushing. She was hoping this one would be different. Her eyes shifted to crimson as she felt her temper cool a bit.” Why do you want something that has a better chance of killing you? If you think about it that would be something a madman would do.”

”Because it might kil-more fun that way. If I can kill them I can learn about them, like what they eat! Did you know deer eat acorns? Thrilling really, I didn’t know that they did that until today.” Baulder paused a brief second and looked at the girl more closely from where he was standing. He took two steps towards her with his still bloody hands on the counter. ”Your eyes…. they did. Were a different color? Say…. would you happen to be a vampire? I’ve met a few down here, they all want to eat me at first glance though. You would have been the different one so far. They really want my blood I think.” Baulder could suddenly smell the deer cooking in the kitchen and it sent a shiver through every part of his body. All of his hairs stood on end at the gentle caress of the foods smell.

Keri let out a hiss letting her fangs show as a warning. The guy was too close for her comfort, making her eyes show a little bit of fear, as they shifted back to blood.”Easy Ker. Don't lose it now.” without really thinking she swiped at Baulder.[color=silver]” Back away from me now! What do I look like to you? Haven't you heard of personal space? Yes my eyes change color, 4 to be exact, got a problem with it? I don't want your blood. I maybe a vampire but I don't want more human blood on my hands. And as for losing my temper bug off.” Keri took a deep breath then hold it due to the smell. She hadn't really brought the candies due to her panic attack in the bathroom.

Baulder took the swipe in surprise, it was an outcome he hadn’t really expected but it did confirm she was a vampire for him. The feeling of his shirt and chest being clawed open smelt like a sweet copper to him. While it wasn’t a terribly deep cut it still began to soak the area around it in blood. He knew it wasn’t much worry about and the pain felt…. not bad. So he kept his smile. Stay their John, master lives through much worse. He said to John telepathically, while it was a new trick with a very limited range he was finding it useful already. John went back to scraping the deer blood off the counter into his hands and drinking it. “E’nasha said something about personal space. She never really said what it was though, I should ask. But your eyes, are rather nice to look at. The changing was nice to look at too, but now I know, I’m not crazy, it happened, surely. If it makes you feel better I’m not human blood. Humans are… overdone. I’m sad you don’t want deer, means I’ll have to pack the leftovers. living things don’t keep long. Mind showing me the other colors? I assume they’re nice to.” Baulder put his fingers to the claw marks and he got some of his blood on his fingers then brought it to his mouth. Licking the blood off his fingers Baulder smiled. He did taste good.

Keri listened as he talked leaning back for space. When the man said about living things her breathing became ridged. The scars on her body became clearer in color. Her eyes shifted to pure black. Keri knew she wasn't quite at her attack yet.” Personal space can't really be explained. Its like a distance between people. Your rather close and I don't like it. As for my eyes I can't force them to shift. They do that depending on how I feel. The fact you just said don't use it again. It's something I’ve experienced first hand and much rather not be reminded.” Keri stated as she continued to pull back. She was hoping the guy was getting the hint. Granted all she could do was hope. If this didn't work she would have to swipe once more. Keri felt uncomfortable now since her eyes interested the man. Truthfully she didn't want the attention.

Not really moving Baulder squinted his eyes at the reeling girl. Was she trying to tell him something? Naw, surely she would just tell him. She said he was close no? Maybe if he just stood in the same place she would back up right? ”Oh yeah, E’nasha said I should probably introduce myself to new people. Something about it being less weird. I’m Baulder, am new…. still…. kinda.” Baulder wiped his hand off on his trousers and extended his arm and retracted his claws as much as he could to try and have the most human hands he could. He extended it for a handshake but he was entirely unsure if he was doing it right. This was only the first time since he had been taught it that he was trying it.

Keri backed up with an escaped sigh of relief. This was much better in her opinion. When Baulder reached out his hand Keri smacked it away, just as she had when she first met Khan, without a second thought. She didn't want anyone to know her name yet they would give theirs. This would make things harder when the time came to go hunting once again. She glared at Baulder. Her black eyes were cold and empty. Her hand stayed by her side in case he tried something to get back at her. Her serious features shifted as a mending smile crossed her face.

” I didn't ask for your name. I didn't want to know it in the first place. I'm not staying here long so I don't need names of the students here. I only came here to ask Satori something and I got my answer. I don't need anymore people who think they can waltz into my life. It's like adding a links in a chain. The longer it gets the more someone can break it.” she said loud enough for Annabeth could hear the words as well.[color=silver]” I'd much rather get back to my hunt then stay caged here with a bunch of strangers.”

Annabeth soon arrived with Baulder meat, at least some if it. Lightly roasted deer haunch. It was still bloody, but at least it was warm. She had heard everything Keri had said, and all she could do was give was give a slight smile. Of course she wasn't really happy. It was just the face she made when she was uncomfortable, like dealing with irate customers.

“Baulder, here and some of your meat. More will be coming soon. If there is anything else you'd like, please just ask.” Annabeth looked at Keri, feeling a mix of guilt and embarrassment. Eventually she mustered up the courage time speak. “Is there anything you'd like?”

”Annabeth!” Baulder turned on his back toe and his eye twitched. He then quickly threw up his arms and gave Annabeth a hug. He then backed off and held her shoulders in his hands. ”Ah yes dear! I haven’t seen you in some time, how has the bar...tendering been? Good yes? Have you met this fine chap here yet? She is being a bit…. brooding.” Baulder realized he had gotten some of his blood on Annabeth’s shirt but she figured she’d had worse substances on it. Baulder than turned back to the vampire girl. ”I don’t know where you got chains from. Believe me I’ve been chained before, they are nice and sturdy. Well the ones in the wal-however, I’m not sure what waltzing is. Is that another word for feeding yes? I like hunts, hunts are fun, things to kill, things to eat. Vampires like eating right? Do you want some of my deer? It doesn't hurt vampires if I remember.” Baulder’s eye twitched again and he scratched his scar. Some of his own blood got on his face but he didn’t really care much.

” Nope I'm fine Annabeth. Though I'm quite… Curious on how you two know each other.” Keri shifted trying to hide the dust on her tunic from Annabeth. This was a bit too much for her. She began to relax causing her eye color to turn her normal red coloring. She tilted her head trying to decide what to do next in case things went south. This was mostly hopeful thinking on her part.” It's just something I say is all Baulder. A waltz is a dance that you do for fun. Yes I can eat it but it's not as appealing as human blood.”

Annabeth wiped some of the blood off her clothes, turning it into a dark stain instead of the vibrant red. “I met him a while ago. He came here for a meal and a few vampires wanted to make a meal out of him. However the college doesn't allow vampires to hurt others for the sake of feeding, so we had to stop them.” of course Annabeth didn't explain that it was mostly her who saved Baulder since he was in a weakened state at the time. Minor details.

As another piece of Baulder’s food arrived, Annabeth also slid a drink down to Keri, on the house. A Valenta’s Red, an Underhaven signature drink, garnished with a corn chip for texture. “And yes, I do know her. We've met recently…” Annabeth's face blushed at the memory of her intimate time with Keri. “And business has been well. The same as usual, but it puts coin in my pocket.”

As Annabeth maintained small talk, she noticed a few of the regulars leaving, and rhe bouncers were changing shift. That meant it was almost time for Annabeth to leave and attend her private lessons with Satori. She still has some time though and wanted to make sure Keri and Baulder would be alright once she left. “Say, are you two busy later?”

Baulder could hear John whimpering behind him waiting to eat. He had to teach him recently to not eat before him. Deciding he didn’t want to break him of this newly acquired habit Baulder went over to the back end of the skinned and lightly sear carcass and with his claws ripped off a chunk of the deer and took a large bite out of the flesh. Baulder shivered again and took another bite barely giving himself time to chew the first bite. John also dug into the front half as well, perhaps even more eager than he was. Baulder than turned back to the talking two and swallowed his food while still clutching a hunk of meat in his left hand.

”You’ll have to show me what this waltz is, I don’t understand how it could be fun. OH, but how is that…. make sense. Why would I be dancing into your life? I’m just trying to make friends, well, that’s what E’nasha said I should do. Baulder thought for a second about Annabeth’s question. ”No I don’t think so, I have the day off from the forge. Something about needing materials he said, can’t remember. But no, not busy later.”

The interactions between Baulder and Annabeth was mystifying to Keri. Annabeth seemed to trust too quickly making Keri a bit worried.[i] If only you knew that some day you'll trust the wrong person and the outcome would be life threatening.” The sliding glass made her give the human a questioning look at first then she slides it back. She wasn't happy about Annabeth confirming they knew each other but there wasn't much she could do. Keri noticed the blush making her a bit uncomfortable now.

[color=silver]” The only thing I had today was training. Though I'm quite sure Lucilia is a bit disappointed at how much I have to learn. I’d much rather not run into the insane Uicle any time soon. For some odd reason he thinks that I don't attend classes. I really don't understand where he gets that idea from.” Keri added with an innocent shrug for good measure. It wasn't as if they would run into Tin Man any time soon.” What do you have in mind?”

Keri’s eyes shifted towards Baulder as he ate his meal. He seemed pretty relaxed around the Underhaven making her a bit frightened. The claw was another thing that added to her fear since it shifted very easily. ” It's something humans do. As for the waltzing into my life it's just a saying. I'm avoiding the subject of friends.”

“Well, I have to head to my extra class soon. I thought maybe you’d like to see Satori. Baulder is of course invited to watch too. Despite the type of magic I use, it can be quite… Flashy.” As Annabeth said that she started to clean off the counter tops and cups, as she often does before she leaves. She’d normally change out of her work clothes before heading to class, but she didn’t want to leave Keri and Baulder waiting. “You don’t have to stay for the whole class of course. I just figured it’d be nice for you to come and watch, is all.”

Baulder put his hand to his chin and stroked his stubble with his index finger and thumb. He suddenly felt his face heat up a bit and Baulder made up his mind. ”John Cena! Chop the legs and sunder the meat just like I taught you! We have an extra class to go to, we’ll bring the meat with us!” John looked at him with a whimper for a moment then quickly went to work scraping all the meat from the two ends off of the carcass. He went to work quickly trying to take as big intact chunks as he could, wanting to preserve the texture of the meat for his master. ”Nothing else to do for the day. Master Tyrael has been in the Inferno all day and he has yet to assign me any new books, so we have our time to do…. this… mind things…… or…… yeah. Oh and the staff… suit man, he’s quite funny, classes would be fun with him, what with all the falling rocks and breaking chars….. oh it’s just a good time.”

Keri sat there quietly as Annabeth said the suggestion. Keri hadn't really spend time with Satori since she arrive. This was due to avoiding people mostly. She wasn't always like this. If it would have been before the attack then she would be a rather different person. Though it seemed better this way to her at least even if it result was hatred towards herself. She shook her head to clear the thoughts inside. It wasn't worth remembering anymore.

The shifting of people made her turn her head. The Baulder and his friend seemed to be eager to go. This made her uncomfortable with going now. Annabeth being the only one to go Keri could handle but these two were a different matter entirely.” Ker be very careful around those two.” Hearing the voice inside her head once more made her sigh. This was getting on her nerves mostly now since the two men didn't pose as a threat at the moment.” Go away for a while. I can take care of this myself. Satori you said? Heh why not maybe for once I can get her into trouble instead of the other way around.” she stood up with a smile on her face.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 42 min ago

Cosh: Alpha (Last one)

When the Alpha clamped down on steel, his jaw shut down much like a gator’s and wouldn’t release. The Alpha snarled in response to the man’s muscle flexing underneath as his hand shifted his weapon to the other one. The Cosh’s eyes narrowed in acknowledgement over Deven’s arm raising it and pulling back, tilting the blade tip toward the beast’s neck causing him to growl in warning. His teeth clamped down harder causing a deeper indentation in the armor surface. The metal holding up surprisingly well despite the jagged teeth trying to sink in and rip the flesh to pieces.

When Deven lifted his arm back to stab forward, the beast’s hind legs folded underneath and his weight shifted. There was a slight pull on the man’s arm that would shift his balance forward as if the animal was trying to topple him. That wasn’t the case. His hind legs were too far underneath him to be able to jerk him toward himself without falling down, the legs started to lift upright. Gradually the creature rose from from a 3 foot quadruple to a 7 foot bipede. As he rose upright, his arm pulled up and his hand like paw smacked the sword tip. The end had started to jab downward causing it to skirt the shoulder creating a shallow cut, drawing more blood yet the beast’s fangs didn’t release.
That’s when the vampire slashed across his leg. The hind tendon felt pain sear through it as blood sprayed from the impact, his teeth released while his other hand like paw came up to slash at the man’s armor. When it hit, there was enough force to send him backwards as the beast’s leg crumbled under his weight. His jaw howled in pain again. Her cut wasn’t enough to fully render the limb useless but it was enough to make running and dodging difficult. He hadn’t even gotten a chance for a counter attack before he spied her figure balling up and rolling away a few feet out of his reach.

Lyamis, Catacombs

Lyamis heard Myrn’s sassy quip, though he didn’t agree with it, and stayed quiet about his opinion. He hated warriors who freely risked themselves and accept death all too willingly, a fact which was honorable but a waste of their skills. Even now, he was disgusted by the death that could’ve been prevented if they had had the will to stop it. If they had been more active in the world rather than isolatist they were becoming, there might’ve been more warning to what had happened.

”Thanks Darius. I owe you one.” She thanked the man, her body relaxed slightly at the touch and allowed medical treatment. However, when she noted Lyamis’ coils tighten about her and immediately started to struggle. Her words sounded alarmed as she spoke to him in irritation and anger. ”Oi! Get your tail off of me, I'm hurt, not crippled.”

Noting her struggle, he loosened gradually and considered letting go before she felt the pain from the medicine. Her arms weren’t included into his grip while they curled and griped his tail, using it as something to anchor through it. His coils neither increased their grasp or loosened it anymore as he tensed slightly at the reaction to the medication, his head looked at Darius with a questioning glance.
”Ow. Ow! Ow ow ow ow! Gods, why does healing hurt?” She said through clenched teeth.

Lyamis shook his head as he watched Darius address the new creature that arrived, the Headmaster. He studied with curious eyes though he didn’t speak for the fate of his race. It was up to the college if they would be forced back down the tunnels and live out the Ravine’s wrath a second time, their survival odd dim with that notion.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leon5431
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Leon5431 Balanced Imbalance

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Deven Zoria and Jenna Fellrein: Lyn's Hunt- stumbled across friends


Quickly the discomfort in his arm turned to pain as the teeth bit deeper and deeper denting his armor. He had to end it fast or else it would very likely break through it. But just as he stabbed the blade forward the beast knocked his blade aside with it's paw. He was able to cut into the beasts shoulder in the process but it wasn't anything too helpful. As the beast climbed in height Deven felt a bit of a sinking feeling as his arm slowly climbed higher than his own head.

Then the beast released his arm as it howled in pain and swiped him with it's paw with enough force to send him stumbling backwards. Deven gasped as he struggled to maintain his footing, it took several steps backwards but he was able to keep himself standing. Thanks to his armor the swipe hadn't hurt him other then send him stumbling back but it's claws left a nice scratch mark in his armor.

Deven scanned the beast over as he tried to figure out what happened. The beast's legged seemed to crumple under the weight and he spied the girl finish rolling out of the beast's reach. He watched the beast turn it's gaze back on her as she rolled away. He had to move fast he needed it's attention to stay on him. With his right arm now freed he was able to grip his sword in both hands again, the dent's still dug into his arm but he was still able to function properly despite them. Covering the distance between him and the Alpha in quick strides he drew his blade back and prepared to deliver a slash down the beasts side.

"Eyes on me you big bastard!" He growled as he prepared to swing


As Jenna reached for another arrow and drew it from her quiver she watched as the beast threw the girl aside straight into the elf before collapsing to the ground. Quickly she nocked the arrow but before she drew back she was distracted as something suddenly jumped into her view. Out of nowhere the other beast appeared, much larger and much more intimidating than the other, it was three feet tall at least on all fours and easily much longer.

Coming back from the surprise of the beast suddenly becoming visible Jenna turned her gaze back to the other and watched as the girl who had just been thrown managed to regain her footing and prepared to deliver the killing blow to the what appeared to be dying animal. Content with the knowledge that it would soon be dead Jenna turned her gaze back to the large one just in time to see it rising to it's full height.

"Shit Deven." She mumbled as she spied his arm locked in it's jaws.

She drew back her bow and lined up a shot, Deven stood between her and the beast but luckily for her it was quickly becoming taller than him, she just had to aim above him and to the side of his arm. But just as she was about to release the arrow she caught the girl moving and watched as the beast howled in pain and released Deven's arm before collapsing to the ground now safety hidden by Deven's body.

"Damn" She cursed as she quickly moved to change her angle on the beast.

After shifting to the side a few feet she now had a clear line of sight on the beast's front and right side. She once more took aim as Deven began to clear the distance, taking in a calm and steady breath she lined up her shot and let loose aiming for the beasts neck.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 42 min ago

Khan, Catacombs

"He is," Came the Yarsomere man’s voice, his head nodded toward the student in Khan’s grip. His hands wiping the blood clean after he tended to the woman, her body being unwrapped by the Naga, as the white cloth was stained red by the action, his next words noting her condition. "He was fighting the Ridge Hounds with no sense of caution. The elf's injury was large but she will not die during the walk to the medical wing."

Khan’s gaze stared for a moment, his arm still supporting Baulder’s limp figure, on noting the lack of discomfort around the Naga. Especially when Lyamis started to wrap about Myrn making the Headmaster a bit uncomfortable at the sight. At seeing it, he had considered calling Olreah into action and dislodging the Naga’ coiling tail until he received more information about the situation. Things had already gone wrong and his irritation was building in the back of his head, knowing time was a main factor for those students still battling for their lives outside the College walls.

By this time, the small army of Golems, about ten total, had arrived. Several were wind and fire golems, with a few steel and earth to escort Tyrael back to his office. It would be there where the fallen orc would remain until Khan could address his behavior. For years, he had overlooked the teacher’s behavior in hopes he would either tame it or grow beyond it. Now, it seemed that build up had become impossible to overlook and Tyrael had no one to blame but himself. Next time, Khan truly believed the College wouldn’t have been so lucky.

The Headmaster knew deep down his judgement was flawed after having his trust betrayed so any thoughts going through his head were subject to question, from his trust in Tyrael now shattered to the wonder where he had become so blind. Until now, he had overlooked the teacher’s brash and edging abusive nature, every day hoping Tyrael would’ve outgrow or tame it. Now it appeared that ability was beyond him.

Gently, Khan ‘s eyes looked to the Rheven-ari in his grip. He noted the shallow, steady breathing through the ragged clothing and wondered what would become of him when Tyrael’s punishment was over. Would he leave or stay? That was a question for another time when those outside the college were out of danger and his mind was at ease, his arm passing the unconscious Rheven-ari to a Wind Golem who immediately took off down the corridor for the medical wing. The last thing Khan heard was feeble attempt at speech that ended in a throat gurgling sound causing worry to flood his face before they disappeared. About four Golems sided Tyrael, their towering figures refusing to leave his side while Khan directed the remaining six to both shepherd the remaining Naga through the college into temporary quarters and help the other students back to the infirmary.

He turned and began to lead the way out just when Ssarak’s mind pushed against his barriers. The Headmaster cautiously creaking the wards to allow the message in, absorbing the information gingerly through the psychomancer’s own thoughts. Truthfully it wasn’t his favorite way to gain intelligence after the day he already had as he sucked up his exhaustion and focused on the details given to him, his mind ticking with his own thought isolated from Ssarak’s.

’The Naga, from what I gather, come from Mesa Gaan; survivors of the massacre there. The Matriarch is among them, as well as Mar’s brother. According to him, they were forced into the ravine and have been surviving there since the attack. They come to the College seeking its protection; I do not believe they had the option to petition for such a thing through normal means.’

So, the rumors were true. The Naga are being driven to extinction within the Yarsomere desert through these few were lucky enough to have made it this far. The Ravine is dangerous, even for a demonomancer master, and it’s a wonder they all weren’t killed. Through I doubt they went in and came out with the same number. I don’t think we can handle trespassers today with something lurking around the college according to Zaad, the demon’s honestly questionable save when it comes to true threats, and he seemed rather antsy about this one. That worries me. A lot.

’Tyrael, however…I do not know what to think of it. The moment he saw the Naga, it was like he went into a rage. I am certain they were what sparked his behavior. As soon as he identified them as Naga, he ordered me to kill them. His voice…it sounded strange, like there was something else speaking through him. I do not have any experience with Fallen Demonmancers beyond Tyrael, but it was almost as if his demon was controlling him, or at least influencing him. Certainly, he did not seem like he was in his right mind. I am uncertain why the sight of Naga would cause such a thing to happen, however. He is close to Mar, so it is not as if he despises the race as a whole.’

If Tyrael fell under the influence of his demons, it wasn't good especially if the Naga were the trigger. I don’t know the connection but I intend to discover it and prevent it. Last thing we need is a rogue demonomancer with Tyrael’s potential becoming an enemy of the College. The terrible truth about demonomancers is in order to control those very demons, we have to become susceptible to their influence and prevent ourselves from falling victim to them. One moment of complete relaxation and they are nipping on our heels. Power in exchange for a curse.

This is just the start, I can feel and I’m worried.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Knight's Brother

As the grass began to grow brittle and be easily snapped, the man tilted his head. "Ah, a clever mage. You don't find those often. Most of your kind trample through the world, smashing and tearing as they go, thinking themselves immortal. I'm impressed. Well played young man, well played." He stood holding out his hands in a manner that made him seem like he was praising the sky. The trees around him began to shake and groan. "However. The Forest demands your death. And I will give it to them."

Three trees ripped themselves free and began to move towards Leith, E'nasha, and Summer. The man remained stuck in his position, praising the sky.


"Bah! Cowardly woman!" The Knight spat as he blocked another scythe of water on his shield, then immediately dodged another. He hadn't always been so successful. Slight trails of blood were coming from his joints where she had struck home, and the rest of his armor was scuffed and cut from repeated successful hits. "Enough of this! You will fight me like a warrior or I will find another opponent!" He snarled, turning to E'nasha and Leith, his back fully turned to Meirein as he began to rush towards them.

Leith's Ring

Prepare yourself. His brother is very angry and on his way at a fast past. His shield has considerable range.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


As the group was exiting the catacombs, Ssarak had certainly not expected to see Annabeth approaching. In speaking with Meirin before, he knew who was joining in Lyn’s hunt, and from his memory, Annabeth was meant to be among them. However, when his mind received the message from her, he grabbed on to the hilt of his blade reflexively.

”What?” Ssarak said audibly, and for apparently no reason to those watching the exchange. He was glad to hear Lyn was safe, but his thoughts immediately went to Meirin. Annabeth had given no information on the state of the others, and he knew that Meirin was more than capable of defending herself, but the fear for her safety still lingered in his mind. The only thing which gave him a moment of pause was the sight of Tyrael nearby. Given the Demonomancer’s recent outburst, Ssarak would not trust him to help, and if he knew that Mar was in danger, then he could very well disobey Khan to try. As such, Ssarak felt it best not to inform him.

Preparing another telepathic message, Ssarak directed it towards Khan, Grey, Aramir, and Darius. ”Something has gone wrong on Lyn’s hunt. Lyn is safe, but everyone else is in danger. I will give you my full report when I am able, Khan, but I must help them now!”

There was not a moment more of hesitation from Ssarak as he took off running after Annabeth. Fortunately, his conversations with Meirin about their respective missions meant that he knew roughly where the hunt was taking place. Ideally, he would have liked to have taken something to regenerate his blood before stepping into danger once more, but there was no time for that. Mentally, he attempted to take stock of his magic usage so far. He had, of course, been reading minds and sending mental messages fairly consistently, but for a psychomancer of his level, reading unwarded minds was a trivial exertion. Otherwise, he could recall creating three or so doppelgangers, and performing some illusions against the ridge hounds. He had exerted himself to a far greater degree during endurance training in the past, so he was not worried about blood sickness for the moment, especially considering how conservative he tended to be with his magic.

As soon as Ssarak made it to the courtyard, he took to the skies and, after taking a moment to orient himself, started off in the same direction as Annabeth beneath him. Being that he could fly straight to the hunting grounds, he expected to be the first from the college that would be able to reinforce the group on the hunt. Though, his priorities were not entirely selfless. He would help anyone he could find, but his first priority was finding Meirin and making sure she was safe. He flew low, and kept his mind searching for any thoughts that might lead him to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin Kurenai

Meirin continued to pummeled the knight with blows of water until he got fed up. Apparently this wasn't the honorable combat he wanted, so instead of trying to put up a better fight he was going to go after Leith and Enasha. "I'm your opponent, you dishonorable cur!" Meirin threw everything she had at the knight. She didn't bother trying to hit his weak points except as a lucky hit, and instead had her balls of water just swarm the knight and beat him down. As she did this Meirin readied another spell, this one easier to do quickly. She jumped into the air spinning her body round and round, her arms stretched out whilst holding her weapon. She spun at least eight times in a full rotation before the spell went off. Right before she touche the ground she was at the center of a wheel made of pure wind. This wheel allowed her to move very fast, but was hard to stop and only went in one direction at a time. But that was fine as she used the Wind Wheel to charge straight towards the knight. Right as the spheres of water dropped because Meirin was no longer maintaining them, she was about to knock out the knight's knee caps.

"Dammit! If only I had a different weapon to break through his armor!" Meirin berated herself in her mind. She didn't expect to fight an armored knight here, but if she did she'd take a heavier weapon to deal with him. Her meteor hammers or wolf tooth club. "I should have learned how to use Ssarak's pollaxe. Few of my weapons are useful against heavy armor like this."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Keri Wolf Lyn's Hunt

After shifting to the side a few feet she now had a clear line of sight on the beast's front and right side. She once more took aim as Deven began to clear the distance, taking in a calm and steady breath she lined up her shot and let loose aiming for the beasts neck.

The slash wasn't deep enough to cause any serious damage to the beast. Keri's claws had torn the skin as well as into the tendon allowing another way to track the Alpha. That was if it ever decided to turn invisible once again. Crimson dripped to the ground forcing loose blades of grass to stick to her hand. Somehow the vampire had rolled past on of the places the creature had dug into. This wasn't a huge surprise considering they seemed to stay put where the monster had tossed her. At least the attack had been repaid.

The girl stayed in a crouch as she turned. She spotted were the slash was as it howled in pain. In truth it had worked better than she thought though the outcome was a bit... Disappointing. Now it was crumpled towards the ground, as if the human smacked it on the noise like a dog. The wound was leaking crimson causing the grey grass underneath turn red faster and time for someone else to attack. This was a win-win in her book though the young woman wasn't quite done with the thing. But it was best to wrap this up and help out the others.

"Eyes on me you big bastard!" Being said caused Keri to notice the Cosh's attention turn towards the screaming moron. It was rather strange not having it's undivided attention now but a welcomed distraction none the less. Most people in these students position would high tail it out of here yet here they all were trying to finish this hellish day." I suppose it's time to get to work before this idiot gets himself killed. I just hope Annabeth managed to get to the college alright with Lyn. As well as Mar being alright. Otherwise this may end up as a horrible day."

"Damn" was said from a woman. At least to the vampire." I take that back. Apparently these two seem to be having a rather off day." Keri took out her sword from it's holder. Crouching down while turning her head towards where the voice sounded from. Once the arrow was released. The young woman waited until it was halfway towards the target before running at angle to the opposite side. Keri slashed at it's head then took a few steps back afterwards.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Ssarak’s flight to the hunting grounds was not a long one. The hunt had not ranged exceptionally far from the college, and Ssarak did not have to deal with any obstacles along the way. In fact, the wind was even in his favor. Once he reached the right area, he started to fly in a search pattern low over the trees, keeping his sharp eyes and mind attentively searching for any hint of where the others could be, Meirin in particular. Fortunately, it did not take long for him to begin picking up on the thoughts of those below.

Perhaps it was due to luck, or the fact that he was searching specifically for her thoughts, but Ssarak managed to isolate what was unmistakably Meirin’s mind. It gave him an immediate sense of relief to feel her presence, but it was followed quickly by a wave of worry due to the nature of her thoughts. She was unmistakably in a fight.

With a combination of the images Ssarak could glean from Meirin’s mind, the strength of her thoughts as he flew, and simple keen eyesight, Ssarak managed to hone in on her position. The magic she was using was hardly subtle, so he could easily spot it beneath him. Annabeth had described the group as having been attacked by mages and monsters, so Ssarak had not expected to find Meirin fighting a fully armored knight, but it was of no matter. Ssarak knew not why the group had been attacked at all, but he did not care about the identify of this knight, or his motivations. All that mattered to him was that he was in a fight with Meirin, so he was an enemy of Ssarak’s as well.

Ssarak drew his sword, then turned it around to grab it firmly by the blade in both hands. With a simple telepathic command, he dulled the edged and increased the weight of his sword’s hilt to give it the same weight and balance as a mace. Against a heavily armored opponent, it would be far more effective than if used as a sword.

As Ssarak swooped down to begin his attack, he noticed that the knight was moving away from Meirin, as if he were ignoring here. Again, it was no matter; he would give him something to pay attention to. With the boost from his dive, Ssarak matched Meirin’s speed, flying directly above her with his eyes trained on the knight just ahead of them. Ssarak intended to strike him in the back of the head, or if he attempted to dodge, the upper back. With the weight of his weapon, and the momentum of his flight, it would not be a light hit if it connected.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by May
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May Just Damn Cute

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

☆ Helena ☆
Lyn's Hunt

She pulled her blade free and cleaned it off on the bottom of her shirt before putting it back in its sheath on her hip. “Yeah, still one more of those things. But it seems relatively well in hand,” she said, turning as the elf addressed her, blinking a little too try and get him more in focus without her glasses. After a second she gave up and just faced the slightly fuzzy shape of him and nodded her head some. She could patch herself up too, but it would be harder given it was her arm, even more so because it was her dominant arm that was hurt.

“My name’s Helena,” she went on as he worked on her arm, looking him over now that he was close enough. His work would need to be done over again, but he was right about stopping the bleeding now. Even if she didn't do more fighting, there was still danger of her bleeding out. The girl was already calm. She may not have fought a lot of beats in her time, but she'd been in her share of fights before, and now that the immediate threat to her life had passed she wasn't panicked anymore. Even if her heart was beating fast with the adrenaline of it all and she could feel the tingle of the fire inside her. And though she was calm, that didn't stop the small gasps and sharp intakes of air and grumbled curses as he worked on her arm. It was painful being bit, and continued to be so for quite some time it seemed. But she shouldn't expect it to just go away.

Helena kept looking around past him, trying to find her glasses without them was difficult. She couldn't see clearly very far, and she could hear more fighting nearby. But she couldn't see enough to tell her newfound companion about what was going on around them while he focused. “I honestly can't see very well,” She said with no hint of the impairment that the elf had in her voice. “You haven't happened to have happened on my glasses on your way over here?” Helena asked as she pulled her arm back from his work now that he was finished.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 42 min ago

Cosh: Alpha (Last one)

The armored man shot backwards. His boots thumping the ground and drawing backwards, the cosh unable to see if he was stumbling or remained standing after the clash with the paw. His claws made a loud screeching sound when it smacked into the surface before he retracted it, his head turned toward Keri and readied to attack him. His ear flickered when the knight came charging in again. The joints in the armor and heavy metal making a loud sound too difficult to ignore causing the Alpha’s head to jerk in his direction, two things happening at almost the same time.

Jenna’s arrow skirted past the beast’s neck, nicking the top as it embedded into the ground behind him. The Alpha had fallen back, hard, upon all fours to react against Deven and pivot on his left arm to bring him to the knight’s side which was likely to be exposed by the swing. A fresh, red gash streaked his black and white coat causing the animal to snarl. His eyes narrowed while he fought the pain swelling in his body from the strike, then shot forward less than a moment when the words left Deven’s mouth.

“Eyes on me you bit bastard!”

The cosh’s body low and fast, the beast meeting the knight halfway in his charge. He managed to hit right before he could bring down his weapon, the attack stopped moments after it was finished perparing itself. The cosh’s arms reached about the knees and was about to jerk them out from under Deven unless he did something, the wolf like feline’s weight pushed into Deven, intending to shove the man off balance. The creature’s head would nudged, firmly underneath Deven’s side where the attack was coming from and preventing his head from being slashed by the attack.

If Deven had chosen to brace himself instead of swing, the man would’ve had better footing to withstand the charge and remain upright. Otherwise, he would find it difficult to remain upright even with the power he put into the propelling attack.

The knight’s armor was frustrating to the beast. It protected, even if it slowed him, and prevented the creature from ripping him to pieces and moving onto the bitch that brought him here. The one that crossed into his territory, challenged his authority and refused to leave his turf.

Pain rippled through the Cosh again when the vampire’s weapon raked across his face. Long, thin red line appeared as the vampire darted in then back out while the beast was entangled with the knight. The animal couldn’t detangle or risk the man slicing him with the sword or worse, drawing an irritated snarl. His hind legs shifted, his weight increased against the man (unless he detangled) to use him as a shield against the woman wielding arrows.

If anyone was quick and sharp of sight, they might’ve spotted Helena’s wire framed glasses dangerously near the Cosh’s right leg and about to be crushed under the struggle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demonic Angel
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Demonic Angel I'm 1% Angel and 99% Devil. Woohoo!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Keri Wolf Lyn's Hunt

Keri felt the flesh give away as the sword continued forward. Crimson red slowly starting to seep out from the thin line. Smell of blood tainting the air, as if making a promise for revenge. A new sound added to the mix as the vampire step away from the enemy, like something giving up, underneath her weight. Finally the girl stopped moving just a foot away. Grass shifting told that she didn't have time to figure out what it was.

The sight in front of Keri was rather... Odd. The armored human looked as if he was entangled with the creature. Though the beast didn't make an attempt to move. Usually the girl would raise and eyebrow and tilt her head but not at this moment. For now the Alpha seemed grasped and the look on his face showed it. The vampire gripped her sword tightly as she lowered towards the ground.One, two, and three. Then off Keri dashed.

The sword was low to the ground, as if she was dragging it, though it was for a purpose. Once she was close to the leg she slashed upwards. In theory this would have hit the leg along with towards the side. That was if this had worked they way the girl planned. During the attack the vampire released a hiss showing the monster who attacked him. This hopefully give the woman time to rearrange herself for a better shot while the girl took a step backwards with a smug smirk on her lips.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"No, you are a coward who forces me to attack weaklings!" The Knight snarled, turning around. Immediately he was hit from all sides by water balls, the unexpected attack forcing him to one knee with a grunt, which quickly turned into a roar of anger. "Enough!" He scraped his shield against a part of his keg armor, causing a brief, weak, magical pulse to go off. He looked up, another curse of anger upon his lips, when he saw the flying dragon and his cowardly opponent both coming at him at highly dangerous speeds. His curse of anger turned into a shout of alarm, his shield snapping up in time to take the sword hilt. He was sent flying backwards, crashing through tree. "Gods Damn you!" He snarled, clambering to his feet. Other than favoring his shield arm, he seemed unharmed. "I only ask to slay the foul creations of Aarem, and you refuse me! You are heretics in the eyes of the Gods! Blasphemers!" He continued to rant as he clambered to his feet, sharpened shield at the ready.


The Snow Elf picked herself and her bow and quiver up, heading up the stairs, exhausted from her repulsion of the Ridgehounds. So tired. So damned tired. Stupid Tyrael. Stupid Naga. Stupid Ridgehounds. Stupid lack of communication and teamwork. She thought wearily, longing for her bed. Of course, that's when Annabeth's warning reached her. Aramir didn't think, she didn't pause. In a moment she was running as fast up the stairs as she could, stumbling as she ran into Sam. "Elixir! I need an elixir!" She demanded, eyes wide with panic. One or more of her tribe was in danger and she needed to go help them right now. The old man quickly handed her what she wanted and she took off, hastily gulping it down as she ran and tossing the bottle to the side. Energy rushed through her and she ran as fast as her small form was able. I'm going to collapse after this Elixir wears off. She thought, somewhat distractedly. She was already through the trees, heading towards the sounds of combat.

It won't matter. When I find whomever is attacking my tribe, I'll kill them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Leith Calder Lyn's Hunt

Leith coughed into his hand, grimacing at the taste of blood. There was a circle of browned and dead grass around him, Summer, and E'nasha. The amount of magic he used in such a short time was starting to slowly take a toll on him. He needed to deal with the Herbamancer quickly if he wanted to make it out of this place alive. As the mage talked to him, Leith reached into his herb kit and grabbed the Acadanite and popped it into his mouth. He couldn't get to the man, so he needed something to do that. There was water, but that would have no effect on the man. He needed to incapacitate the him. There was the sedative in his herb kit, but Leith wasn't sure how quickly that would work, or if it would even knock the man out. The only thing he knew of that was fast acting was...


Leith had to stop himself from looking at the dead Naga not that far from him. The Herbamacer rose his hands up and the trees around them started shaking. Soon after, three trees uprooted themselves and started making their way towards Leith. After that happened, the ring warned him about the brother coming over. Leith looked over his shoulder, and sure enough, the knight was making a bee-line towards him, but then he was battered down by spheres of water and then Ssarak. Leith frowned at the sight of Ssarak, but it was a welcome sight.

Leith looked back at the Herbamancer and noticed that he hadn't moved from his stance. Maybe he could distract the man and get an opening for the venom. He looked at the man and spoke up. "Are you willing to give our deaths to the forest at the cost of your brother?" He looked back in the direction that the knight had been, but he was out of sight. "Two mages against one man. One of them is a Psycomancer as well. The outcome doesn't look good" As he talked, Leith slowly drew the venom from the Naga's head wound and moved it as quickly and as subtly as he could towards the Herbamancer.

Leith was aiming to bring the venom up to the man's neck and forcibly make the venom absorb through his skin, but if sign that the man was going to help his brother or if he noticed the stream of venom, Leith would speed up and attempt to send it to the man's leg.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by EthTenshi
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EthTenshi The anti-lucky charm.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sinys: Lyn's Hunt

Sinys kept his mouth shut the duration of conversation focusing on binding the cloth flat to the skin. Satisfied with his work he nodded and then pulled his face up bringing it closer to Helena's "I am entirely blind, sorry I didn't see your sight devices. Although I would like to believe I know which direction they have flown in." He then continued to jerk his head toward the Alpha Cosh, with regret. He felt sorry for the girl to a degree, being vulnerable with out something so fragile. Then again he missed that his abilities to sense things were quite fragile recently.

He sighed and turned walking to the closer fight, he was going to retrieve those glasses as a secondary mission. His mindset was determined with empathy, there was no telling what it would take to make another set of that device for her. He paused for a moment and turned back to Helena "Are you coming to get your glasses?" He didn't stay turned around as he talked. Continuing forward was the only thing he considered doing as he was not able to detect small motions at this range. He took his time walking with his bow drawn at his side, listening to the battle in detail now he realized his arrows would do little in that situation. This changed over the next few moments, quite rapidly in fact.

He only ran to get a better shot in a different direction, he was thankful for the details in sound he was receiving. Thankful the vampire was loud, that she wasn't out of the game. He knew what that hiss meant from a humanoid, also she was most certainly not one of those naga. He had only met one before when he was but a child, a friend of his mother's. It wasn't a very long visit. Using other details like the archer from earlier, the armor scraping, and other things painted him a very tight image in his concentration. He pulled his bow up, aimed to the bright spot of noise, and adjusted to perfect angles. This was his moment in time, a stationary target, a perfect target. It would take divine Providence to make him miss his mark. Or a damned tree. He released with confidence.
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