Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Gredy politely shook his head at the question of trading him. "I promise you that I'm not going to trade you. Especially not to this 'Pokemon Club'." Turning to look at the mob that had been trading pokemon in, he couldn't hide the sneer in his voice as he said "This seems dodgy as hell. It's almost certainly a scam but I don't know all of the pieces yet... " There was one possibility that came to mind, through he didn't wish to discuss it publicly... at least not so close to the Pokemon Club in case he was correct. No point tipping them off until it was too late for them to cut their losses and run.

Turning back to 'Chris' and hearing his request, Gredy actually had to ponder for a moment. "Hmm... What to call you..." Allowing his mind to drift a little, he remembered one of his favorite stories that he had gotten into lately... and how the name character was betrayed early on by several people, one of whom was his best friend out of jealousy. "How does Dantes sound to you?"

@Holy Soldier
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Saltwater Thief
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Saltwater Thief The Wild Card

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Seth Halen

Seth couldn't believe what he was seeing. All of these trainers had stepped out of their doors with the intent to take on the challenge of the trainer's journey, to grow together with a team and push themselves and their partners as far as they could go... and here they all were, leaping at the chance to abandon that entire premise. Powerful, obedient Pokemon guaranteed to crush any opposition- all for the low, low price of betraying partners who put their trust in them. What was a little damnation in exchange for a shortcut to power, after all?
Nobody deserved to be treated like this. These Pokemon had thrown in with these trainers, signed a contract with them to train and grow and take on challenges together, and their payment was right here; being shipped off to God knows where because the trainer they chose was lazy and just wanted the easy way out. They were forgetting the journey for the sake of the destination. Was this what Trainers had come to? Decades of being emblazoned as the living symbol of perseverance and fortitude, only to now stand for this? It made Seth want to puke.
"Are you going to take the offer, or just stand there like a buffoon?" came a voice from behind him.
Seth turned his head and beheld a boy much younger than he was dressed in a tailored suit. How or why he'd chosen to travel in such clothing was beyond Seth, but everything about him suggested privilege and spoiling; anything he'd ever wanted had been taken care of by a flash of mommy and daddy's credit card, with no effort required on his part. Just the type the Club was looking for.
"I'm not taking any part in this travesty," Seth replied, "I'll raise my own partners, thanks" and stepped to the side.
"Your loss then," the spoiled brat said, "I have neither the time nor the patience to actually train or breed Pokemon, I'd much rather have a winner handed to me. But suit your objectively inferior self, I suppose. Me, I'm going to trade in this totally worthless Vulpix as soon as I can!"
Seth turned his back on the boy and marched away from the clamoring crowd. As he got away from the sea of bodies, in the corner of his eyes he noticed a flash of burned orange disappear behind the corner where the Club Grunts had been carrying the boxes of traded in balls. The color reminded him of the Vulpix who'd torched his jacket and had stood up to the Club at the same time he had. But her trainer, after nearly getting himself into a fight, had called her to him and they were leaving, so there was no way. "Must be seeing things..." he said to himself.
When a shrill yelp and the sound of men shouting came from around the same corner, however, he began to become concerned. Before he could budge to get a better look, however, another noise drowned out everything else; a large vehicle starting up and driving away. Sure enough, as he looked, a white van with the letters "PC" on the side began to pull toward the main road and away from the Lodge. And nowhere was there any sign of the orange flicker he'd seen. But, surely they wouldn't have...?


Hestia the Alolan Vulpix

Hestia wiped some sweat off her brow as she stood in the black expanse inside of her Pokeball. Shaping the inside was hard work, even if it was mostly a mental exercise. The space she had to work with wasn't much- it was, after all, only a basic Pokeball, and she didn't have much experience with it. But she had been able to fashion a few things; a chair to sit in, a small bed for when she was tired, and she'd just finished putting up a small speaker with a volume knob so she could listen to the outside when she wanted.
There was of course, also the door behind her. But the last time she'd used it she'd been treated to the back of her Master's hand. Just thinking about it made her cheek sting. It had been the first time he'd ever physically struck her. The act would have appalled her, had she not grown accustomed to such an attitude from him. By all rights she should have walked away, and she'd considered it... but she'd been raised with the idea that if she joined a Trainer, it was her duty to stand by them and do as they said, regardless of anything. Loyalty above all else. So, in spite of the insults, the condescension, and the outright mistreatment, Hestia had done everything in her power to tough it out and remain steadfast in her commitment. It was the right thing to do, or so she had told herself.
"Well," she said as she stepped toward the knob on the speaker, "Let's see if it works!"
With a turn of her wrist, the speaker came to life! She couldn't make out much from it at first, but as she listened some things became clear. There were voices, many of them; Master Kevin must be in a crowd of some sort. Almost all of them were excited, was it a concert? Couldn't be, there wasn't any music. Furthermore, a small handful of voices sounded agitated, even angry! Then, slicing through the haze and clear as crystal, was Kevin's voice.
"Are you going to take the offer, or just stand there like a buffoon?"
Offer? Was he at a mall, then? But what need had he for special offers, with his money? Another voice came through, this one clearly displeased.
"I'm not taking any part in this travesty. I'll raise my own partners, thanks."
A travesty? And something about raising partners? Where WERE they?
"Your loss then," the spoiled brat said, "I have neither the time nor the patience to actually train or breed Pokemon, I'd much rather have a winner handed to me" came Kevin again. It fitted him, to be sure. But what was this about having a 'winner' given to him?
Her master's next words answered her question... and drove a knife into her heart. "But suit your objectively inferior self, I suppose. Me, I'm going to trade in this totally worthless Vulpix as soon as I can!"
"He's... going to trade me in?" she spoke aloud, fear and uncertainty infecting her voice.
“And will someone show control over their Pokemon? I think someone should trade her in if they don’t have any control over her," A third voice came in clearer than usual, this one a completely unknown female who seemed to be projecting her speech to be heard by many people at once, "I guarantee you that our Pokemon are friendlier and obedient. They are the cream of the crop!”
Hestia swallowed as bolts of dread pierced her. Somebody was offering to trade Pokemon in for stronger ones? And Master Kevin was considering accepting it??? No, from the sounds of it, he had more than considered it! She didn't know what to do. His displeasure with her had always been evident, but surely she hadn't done THAT poorly! She'd been trying to change, to be better for him... had it not been enough?
She had to know for sure. Steeling her nerves as best she could, she turned and marched to the Exit Door she'd made for her ball. She stopped for a moment, her hand gripping the doorknob. He wouldn't be happy if she used this again. But if she didn't act now, she might be traded in before she could. It was now, or not at all. So, with a deep breath, she tightened her grip, opened the door, closed her eyes, and stepped through it.

Outside, Kevin had been idly tossing Hestia's Pokeball up and down in his palm as he waited in the middle of the pack for his turn. All of a sudden, the ball flew open as it landed in his hand again, jumping out and falling to the ground as a white light flew out and reformed into the shape of his Vulpix. She looked up at him, hoping to see something like sadness of sympathy; she found only fury.
"Master Kevin, I-"
"Hestia, what are you doing?! I ordered you to NEVER leave your ball without my say again!" he bellowed before she could finish.
"I know, and I'm terribly sorry Master, but I-"
"SHUT UP! Get back in your ball, NOW!" he yelled, pointing at the ball as it lay on the ground in front of him.
"But Master, I have to know! Are you really going to give me away? Trade me in? Abandon me?!"
His answer came faster than she would have believed.
"YES! You are absolutely useless in every sense of the word, you can't even obey a simple order, and now you're making me look like a fool in front of everyone here! Now, if you're done asking idiotic questions, get back in your ball so I can trade you in for something that's worth my time and be done with it!!!"
Hestia was stunned into silence by his words. Did he truly hate her so much? And... was it truly her duty to bear such treatment in the name of loyalty?
"Very well," she finally said in a meek tone as she began to walk toward her ball, "I suppose this is goodbye then."
As she started to bend down to press the button and re-enter it, another sound rang out. It was difficult to hear over the din in the middle of the crowd, but her fox-like sense picked it up. And, to her, it was absolutely unmistakable; the yelp of another Vulpix under duress. The noise stirred something in her. She didn't know what it was or what to call it, but it rose up in her and demanded that she not go quietly into this dark night.
And Hestia listened to it.
When she reached down to the ball, she didn't simply go back inside. She grabbed it in her hand and brought it to her face. To Kevin and the others watching, it looked like she was examining it for scratches or dents. But when she opened her mouth and placed the ball between her teeth, they started to understand that not all was right. By the time they realized, however, it was too late; Hestia looked up at Kevin, a sharp and almost feral look in her eyes, and with the ball in her jaws she snarled at him. A second later she was shrinking, her clothes melting away to become a white fur coat as her mouth elongated and her limbs shortened. She fell forward onto her hands as her transformation into her non-human form completed, and before Kevin or anyone could properly react she was sprinting away between and around the legs of the crowd, her ball still clutched in her mouth!
She knew not where she was, nor where she could go. But she did know that she could not, would not suffer such slings from a trainer. And so she ran into the city, ran as fast as she could away from the Lodge, away from those traders, and away from Kevin!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Bright_OpsCyndaquil wrinkled his nose at the name, but it wasn’t out of distaste. It was different—much more different from Chris, but any name was better than the one his previous trainer had given him. Dantes continued to softly scowl at the ground as he responded in denial, “Okay…but it’s not like we’re partners or anything. I…I don’t know you too well yet, so in the meantime…”

He looked up at Gredy, his cheeks flushing a little. “We’ll be friends I guess.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

A Weedle would be one of the first things to taste his test of might... he would bite it and it would protect itself by spraying strings all over him. The Strings was sticky and made it more difficult to move, it tried to sting him and from the sensation Larvitar got he knew to avoid that sting as it was dangerous.

Sticky he withdrew until he could get the strings off himself, and in the meantime the Weedle ran away as it didn't want to fight.
He was debating if he should eat the oran berries or maybe take a short nap first, Z wasnt too sure. The decision was taken out his hand as he heard something outside. When he peeked out he saw a Weedle hurrying away.

As the Weedle ran/crawled away in pokemon form, he shifted into a gijinka, the form of a young, blonde boy in loose-fitting, ragged brown robes. He didn't know why the Larvitar had attacked him, but there were tears clinging to the young Weedle's eyes from having been bullied. When he felt safe enough, he shifted back into pokemon form, curled up and had a good cry, falling asleep in the process. When he awoke, he looked around and noticed that it was getting dark and that he was dangerously close to the human settlement known as Viridian City. He wanted to get back into the forest when he saw a bush near the entrance of the city, a bush full of delicious looking berries. Shifting back into gijinka form, he started picking the berries and stuffing his face. Then two Pidgeys and a Pidgeotto showed up.

"Hey! Look at the little Weedle, eating berries that don't belong to him," one of the Pidgeys stated.

Weedle looked up in confusion, berry juice dripping down the corner of his mouth.

"That's right," the other Pidgey replied, "didn't ask us, did you?"

"Let's teach him a little lesson about ownership," the Pidgeotto said, grinning and cracking his knuckles. The three surrounded Weedle and started kicking the stuffing out of him. They weren't at it long however, as the Pidgeotto got an idea. "Hey guys, check this out," he said, switching to pokemon form, and grasping Weedle with his talons. Pidgeotto used Fly, lifting Weedle off the ground while the Pidgeys followed him into the air. They laughed raucously as Weedle began to panic. Flying over the city, the Pidgeotto finally said, "Stay away from our bush," and dropped Weedle. Tears of fear streamed out of Weedle's eyes as he fell, the view of Viridian City approaching him at terminal velocity. He landed with a 'slap' on top of a human's head. Dizzy from the fall and weakened from the beating, Weedle was close to fainting as he slowly slipped from the head of black hair.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 9 days ago

Jaden Locke

Calling in a Favor

Where is she? Jaden thought with a mixture of annoyance and worry. He'd seen Vix near the table a little while ago, but in the moment between him turning away from the crowd and him noticing that she wasn't following him, she seemed to have vanished. He first thought she was just trying to cause some mischief, but the longer he went without seeing her, the more he felt a rising panic sink into his stomach. His movements became more panicked as he pushed through the crowd, wondering where she could've possibly disappeared to. Did one of these trainer's catch her? No, I doubt she'd get caught that easily, especially without a fight. Besides, I would've heard that. Then, did somebody just grab her? But who would do that and why?

His gaze quickly snapped to the two manning the Pokemon Club stand. If Vix had been kidnapped, he had a feeling that they somehow had some hand in it. He was tempted to go over there and demand that they give it back to him, but he didn't have any proof that they had done so, only a gut feeling. Biting at his thumb, Jaden took a knee for a moment, handing the Pikachu off to Azzie -which she took with slight apprehension, not looking forward to accidentally get shocked by the electric mouse in their sleep- so he could take off his backpack. After re-arranging a couple of supplies in order to make space for the little guy, he took Pikachu back and place him inside, keeping a portion of the bag unzipped to make room for his head and large ears to poke out.

After making sure that they were securely in the pack, Jaden reached for the two pokeballs on his belt, not wanting to lose Azzie and . . ."Jacqueline?!?!" Jaden said aloud, getting ready to have a rather large freak-out if he had managed to lose track of both of his pokemon in such a short amount of time. However, his fears were at least partially abated as the Skorupi girl came out of the crowd, apparently hadn't walked off for a moment. "Oh thank Arceus, I thought I might've lost you."

"It's fine, Master, though I have to say that it's a little early to be relieved." The Poison type spoke in her usual, monotone manner, and while he was at first confused by her statement, he found himself understanding what she meant quite clearly as she continued, his blood running cold with each word. "The dumb fox got herself snatched by those Pokemon Club people and tossed in a van, which I think left while you were searching the crowd. I'm afraid it's too late to follow it, but maybe you can get that Officer from before to do something about it." Jacqueline crossed her arms as she spoke of the Vulpix's fate, seeming rather disinterested with the whole situation. Jaden, however, was stuck between seething rage and paralyzing fear as he thought about what could possibly happen to her in the hands of those scoundrels. For a moment, he thought about approaching the two and explaining both the situation and his desire for help. Despite his words, a legitimate business would want to avoid getting hit with claims of stealing pokemon, and he'd think that even an illegitimate one would want to avoid that.

But that might not work for me. . . Jaden's teeth grounded against each other, remembering that Vix wasn't officially his pokemon. He had, in essence, released her by detaching her from the Pokeball. While she was registered in his Pokedex, it wouldn't be a stretch to think those at the stand would refuse to help him by exploiting that loophole and turning the whole thing against him somehow. The same thing could be said if he went to the authorities about this, his lack of ownership making things look messy at best and suspicious or petty at worst. Which leaves me with only one option. . . dammit.

Jaden et out a sigh as he reached into his pocket to pull out a sleek phone, tying in the number he'd sworn he'd never use. It connected, but there was only patient, expecting silence on the other end to greet him. " . . . Uncle, I-" He began, only to be cut off by a voice from behind him, a voice he'd hoped to never here again.

"Blessed Mew, look how much you've grown, Young Master Jaden." Seeming to have appeared from thin air, a bespectacled gentleman greeted the white haired young man with a deep bow. As he rose, his glasses seemed to gleam in the sunlight, his face holding no emotions despite the kind tone in which he spoke. "The Master is busy with business at the moment so he had me teleport over to see what the trouble was. So, how may I be of assistance?"

Jaden, however, couldn't respond to the man. He was much too busy trying to stop his body from shaking uncontrollably, instinctual fear pushing adrenaline into his veins as he desperately tried to calm himself down. He tried taking deep breaths, but these only had a minimal effect on his composure, though he still managed to face the man before him, old memories he'd tried to repress for so long starting to bubble back up to the surface.

"H-hello Maximillian. Y-Y-You look n-nice today."

Maximillian smiled at Jaden, one that held no warmth nor compassion, before reaching out to pat the boy's shoulder as he spoke. It took all he had not to back away screaming. Azzie and Jacqueline stood to the side, looking confused and worried. Jacqueline looked like she was about to say something, but a single look from Maximillian stopped both the pokemon from doing anything, the gap in power and skill between them being made widely apparent. With the runts dealt with, Maximillian turned his attention back to Jaden, smile still squarely on his face, with eyes that burrowed into his soul with their intensity.

"Oh, you remember that little exercise, even to this day? You flatter me, but I don't think this is the time for such pleasantries. Like the Master, I hate it when time is wasted." Maximillian, without warning, gripped the side of Jaden's head, eyes glowing a light purple color as he worked his abilities as a Psychic-type upon him. Jaden couldn't help but let out a short cry, one that was rather subdued and ended quickly turned into a whimper, as his head was scoured for the information the Alakazam wanted. For 5 seconds, it felt like he was having a large spike being driven through his brain again and again until he was finally released.

Jaden collapsed to the ground in a heap, like a puppet whose strings had been cut, his breath coming out in short, ragged breaths. Meanwhile, Maximillian looked down at him with an amused expression, though he was no longer smiling.

"Quite the pickle you've got yourself in, though I'm hesitant to help you just like that . . ." The Alakazam eyes searched the crowd, before zeroing in on a boy with Red hair, seeming to run through a few calculations before deciding on his plan. Without another word, he teleported behind the boy, grabbing hold of his shoulder as he appeared, only to teleport him back to where Jaden was currently trying to stand himself back-up. "Hello there young master Seth, my name is Maximillian. I'm the chief of staff for Young Master Jaden's Uncle, Tyrian Locke, and I'm here to beseech you help him retrieve a Pokemon that he has so foolishly allowed to get taken by some ruffian. I know this may be a bit sudden, but don't worry, you'll be rewarded appropriately for your efforts if you so desire it. If you accept, then you'll have to come to the entrance of Viridian Forest sometime tomorrow morning. From their, I'll send you on the right track after your Pokemon, a relatively easy task of following the trail of her Aura for me, but I'm only allowed to help so much. I could send you on your way right now, but I think Young Master Jaden may need sometime to recover. After a slip-up like this, a punishment is obviously in order."

As Maximillian spoke, his voice took on a rather eager inflection to it as he spoke about the punishment, turning towards Jaden with a cruel grin spreading across his face. Jaden, knowing what was coming, merely closed his eyes and braced himself. His voice shook as he asked his one and only question. "H-how much?"

"Well, given the problem at hand, not to mention your disrespect to Master Tyrian since you came back, I think 65% is fitting, perhaps even generous. Don't you agree?"

Jaden only nodded meekly in response, only to suddenly stop, his eyes narrowing as he fell to his knees, face contorting in agony. He tried to let out a scream, but air couldn't escape or enter his lungs, so all that could be heard was a pathetic gurgling sound. Veins bulged along his face and he even began to bleed from his nose as the pain grew in intensity. For what felt like hours, but was barely 6 seconds, Jaden was subjected to Maximillian's Psychic attack, tearing into the poor boy's mind with no mercy. After the punishment was doled out, Jaden fell onto his side, taking in heaving breaths of air while turned to Seth, awaiting his response.

@Saltwater Thief
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Saltwater Thief@Raijinslayer

Pikachu was barely aware of being handed off. His ears twitched and a small amount of sparks danced from his cheeks. He was handed off again then put into something. His nose twitched as he slowly came back from the bought of unconsciousness. He twitched his nose and smelled...food? That was definitly a faint scent of food. His head dipped further into the backpack as he woke up more. He was dimly aware of voices around him.

He dug about and found a container of some sort. He popped it open and started nibbling on the food within. He dug about some more and nibbled on more finding his strength slowly returning to him. The sounds of munching could probably be heard on the outside. Especially by the physic type, but he didn't seem to be aware of the outside events. That is until Jaden fell and he crashed into the side of the backpack. A small squeak could be heard from the hit.

He shook himself a bit and ate some more. He seemed focused on eating at the moment...having not had this much food for so long. Small paws holding each morsel. His large ears finally twitched at the sound of agony. His head poked out with a piece of food in his mouth causing a large bump in cheek. He couldn't see what was in front of Jaden but he could hear it. Ears twitched as he started to process what was happening...well what was left of what was happening.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

How Rasa caught Charmander &
Welcome Kaiser Thore


His plan worked, the ground type cashed after him but he managed to slip him away once he was in the city. Hiding under the garbage dump the dark type fall asleep from exhaustion. His dreams were a mess of shadows and voices, overlapped with stinking smell of his hiding place. He was still tired when his ears picked up the sound. It was a screech he would recognize anywhere. Half sleepy he carefully sneaked out from under the dump and as silent as he could went to the direction he heard his friend screech.

She must have become worried and was searching for him. The dark type rounded a corner ready to apologize profusely to the half dragon when the scene in front of him froze him. In the shadow of the building he stood staring. Sure thing Noibat was there and the bad fire pokemon who hurt him as well. Seeing her raging at fighting the other girl wasnt what froze the dark type. He lowered his head and hid carefully away. The human with the pokedex was watching the fighting, a trainer. A bad feeling was crawling at his stomach.

"Hit her with a tackle, head on!" The trainer called out her order, and to complete panic Zorua watched his friend and family obey with no protest. His world falling apart fast and as if the trainer wanted to affirm it was real to Zorua she called once again. "Use supersonic in her face, now!" His legs moved before his mind told them to. He was gone before he could even see if the supersonic worked or not. He heard it echo through the street, and it barely was louder than his screaming mind. Running away from what he was seeing as if doing that would nullify the facts he witnessed.

He didnt stop until he hid in a flower bush of a garden. His heart was thumping too fast.

It couldnt be.

No. No. No. No!

Noibat was caught by a trainer, the one fate she hated most and warned him was now reality. He was now alone once more. Zorua shivered and curled upon himself. He just hoped that he obtained a family, obtained someone to protect him, like a big sister. To watch each other backs, to protect one another like in a pack. Yet the trainer stole her away from him... They should be punished for that. Punished for capturing someone from his pack. He growled lowly, he wanted to punish them. Yet, he was so weak. He wouldnt be able to rescue her like he was now.

So what? He huffed at himself, he will evolve right now and then he will use his new gained power to punish them all. First all the trainers, then the ghosts and last that annoying fire lizard. He had a list. Zorua took a deep breath and focused, staying completely still.Inside his mind he repeated the word evolve again and again. Yet minutes passed and he didnt make himself evolve, instead the only thing that happened was his stomach grumbling about being hungry. He sighed.

Well that was useless, he tapped his claws against the earth. More humans were starting to go out and walk around and about. He heard their steps and their voices. He will not let her hanging, but he couldnt exactly do anything on his own... He had a good brain, his planning saved him from that ground type.

He will make a plan.
It will be his biggest plan yet.
The biggest surprise ever.
No, the biggest scheme ever.

Zorua tail twitched as he realized the plan he was thinking up could work. It will ask patience of him to wait for the perfect opportunity. Yet it will be worthy it. The end goal would be a new city, a new wilderness they could call their home and both of them being much stronger than before. Strong enough to keep their freedom.

Slowly and carefully he slipped out from the bush and went the direction of the trainer house. He had to be super carefully to not be spotted before he picked the right person. He hid under a parked car, pressing his body close to the tire and the shadow it casted. He watched carefully allowing his instincts to judge each of the passer bys. He needed to spot the one trainer his guts told him would be the right person. That gave him a good feeling. A trainer that he will use.

Than he will approach them and nicely ask them to train him, who can resist a pokemon who all but gift itself to them. They would bite and once he evolves they will feel the hook. He smiled in the shadows and waited.

@Raijinslayer@Caits@Iatos@Saltwater Thief@Holy Soldier
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Gredy Silvertongue

With a warm smile on his face, Gredy offered the newly named Dante his hand to shake. "I'm more then happy to be your friend. My name is Gredy." It would have been a wonderful moment of friendship in which both of them would remember for the rest of their lives, a strong foundation upon which to build into a strong force to be reckoned with... right up until a Weedle of all things fell out of the sky and landed on Gredy's head, the force of which actually sent Gredy face first into the ground as the free falling body slam proved to be rather effective.

Groaning in a slightly pained manner, Gredy pushed himself off the ground as he simply said "Ow... what was that? while taking a moment to look around and find out what had just hit him.

@Stern Algorithm@Holy Soldier
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Charmander-Meintja, watched the scene with the Levitar, Kaiser. She shifted, wrapping her tail around herself, she let her gaze turn to her flame. A captured pokemon. She gave a sigh, and rose smoothly once Rasa had introduced her, managing a smile for the other pokemon. "Hello. I'm...Meintja" The name felt odd on her tongue, and she hesitated over it, but if she was going to be a captured pokemon, best go with the name given her. "A pleasure to meet you" She may as well get friendly with Kaiser-the bat wasn't going to be a friendly companion after all.

Shifting, Meintja looked to Rasa again, as she offered the baked goods to them.Shaking her head, Meintja said "I ate a little before the battle. I'm good." She hesitated a moment, looking away, "I need to speak with some people if I'm not going to be around, let them know I can't do the jobs I use to for them"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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CriticalHit What is your "Truth" now?

Member Seen 1 hr ago


A pokemon darted through the forest erracticly, clearly on the run from something or someone. Shinx swiftly ducked behind a tree, heart pounding and mind racing. I..I think I lost him... he thought to himself as he reverted to his gijinka form. Looking over himself he found two large fang marks still bleeding. They were a parting gift given to him by his pursuer, a particularly nasty Seviper who had a penchant for bullying and taking advantage those weaker than him. Seviper was strong, far too strong for anyone he picked on to even have a chance. He was brutal, wrapping pokemon and crushing them until they begged for mercy or fainted. Shinx wanted to make him pay for that, he'd seen too many others suffering because of him

The sound of nearby Caterpies running and shrieking startled Shinx, and so without a second thought he switched to his pokemon form and hid in a nearby bush. He looked on as a Noibat emerged and began to beat down on quite a few Caterpies. Despite the number difference, the Noibat was decimating the Caterpies. How is she doing this? How is she so strong? Wait a minute... I wonder... does she have a trainer? All these questions and more swirled around his head but one stuck with him and bubbled to the surface Does she have a trainer? Everyone knows a trainer's pokemon are much stronger than wild ones, Shinx had even heard that some were capable of smashing boulders into dust! With power like that, nobody could push you around! If only he could find someone to train him, then he'd be able to stop nasty pokemon, he'd be able to stop people like Seviper!

Shinx had made a decision, he'd ask the Noibat how she gained so much strength, preferably after her rampage was over. So he waited for what felt like an eternity in that bush, and he finally emerged after the Noibat finished patching up their wounds. Switching back to gijinka form, he approached her. His yellow eyes were beaming and a look of sheer awe was upon his face. "That. Was. Awesome! How did you do that? There were so many of them! Please, tell me how you got so strong!"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

To Extend Our Reach to the Stars Above...

Mysterious Boy & Mysterious Girl

Situation Location: In front of the Trainer House

The trades still continued until one of the drivers received a phone call. A shady man wearing sunglasses and a red and white jacket removed his phone from his pocket and brought it to his ear. He seemed to listen briefly before hanging up and quickly running over to Mysterious Girl. Leaning down to her ear, he whispered a message to her that made her eyes narrow with suspicion.

“Wrap everything up,” she told him. The driver nodded and gathered the last box of Pokeballs to load into the truck.

Mysterious Girl slapped her hands excitedly upon the table and stood from her chair. She put on her cutest smile as she winked at the crowd and bade, “I’m sorry everyone but that’s all the time we have for today. We’re always so busy at the Pokemon Club, but we’ll see you all again!”

Several angry and greedy trainers desperate to have their weak Pokemon taken from them started to scream and shout as Mysterious Girl and Boy started folding their work table. They merely ignored all of the fussing, handing the table to the driver.

“Ciao!” Mysterious Girl waved at the crowd of angry trainers before she and Mysterious Boy raced over to the van. Both club representatives blinked in startle when they saw that the back of the van was filled to the brim with Pokeball boxes.

Mysterious Girl frowned and snapped at the driver, “You idiot. You didn’t leave any room for us?”

The driver stiffened frightfully. “Uh, well, I didn’t think-”

“Shut it!” the girl snapped before she turned to Mysterious Boy and said, “You got a skateboard right?”

Mysterious Boy grasped his earphone and removed it from his ear as hoped to hear what his partner had said. Before he knew it, she was already sitting in the passenger seat up front and poking her head out the window.

“Meet us back!” she told him—there was no way she was going to walk.

Mysterious Boy’s eyes widened. “Wait…what?”

“See ya!”

The van took off and before Mysterious Boy could even realize what had happened, he was alone. Glancing around for an alternate means of transport, he unfortunately didn't see a cab anywhere. Reaching into his pocket, he removed a small tube. It had a red button on one end that he clicked with his thumb. The button unfolded into a board and he hopped on it to make his way out of the area.

Two minutes after the Pokemon Club made their brisk escape, two police vehicles drove up escorting a fancy SUV. The driver of the SUV stepped out onto the sidewalk and walked over to the passenger door to open it as a man in a black suit stepped out. The man was completely bald except for a white tuft of hair on the top of his head and beneath his nose was a fancy handlebar mustache with curled ends. The man scanned the crowd of trainers before him. Several young trainers were showing off Pokemon that seemed way out of their league, while others were pouting over the Pokemon they should have had starting the adventure.

Two police officers, one with a growlithe as a partner and the other with a houndour, approached the well-dressed gentleman and stood at his side. The officer with the growlithe handed him a megaphone. The gentleman gave the megaphone a sound test as it released a shrill squeal that caught several trainers’ attention and made the dog Pokemon howl in pain.

“My apologies,” the man said. “Can I have everyone’s attention? My name is Reginald Sherman. I am the League Emissary for Viridian City. A certain matter was brought to my attention about young trainers trading in their starter Pokemon for Pokemon guaranteed to bring them glory. We at the Pokemon League do not support fraud or the ill-treatment the starter Pokemon or even the Pokemon given to you have suffered. Having said this, I brought with me the Trainer Registration database. No trainer is to leave this premise until their Trainer ID and their initial Pokemon’s ID have been verified. If you do not have the Pokemon you started your journey with, and there is no valid reason to explain why—a valid reason being sickness, death, or the Pokemon Trainer being no longer physically or mentally capable to continue with his or her journey—then you will be disqualified. Your Trainer ID and certification will be revoked and the Pokemon you received from some…Pokemon Club will be taken from you.”

The crowd erupted into gasps and exclamations of horror.



The anger and chaos that disturbed the crowd had the police officers calling in for backup. They were going to need some more help getting the crowd under control.

Reginald continued, “If you lack the courage to come forth with your Pokeballs and IDs, then no matter if you choose to continue your journey, all the Gym Leaders will be sent a list of approved trainers. If you are not on that list, then all Gym Leaders will deny you access to their gym.”



Reginald frowned. “If any of you were victims of the Route 1 robberies, then please come forth and report to the police. However, due to the mass of trainers who chose to cheat on their journey, I will be unable to cater to your needs. If you had reported to the League Emissary, me, then I would have been able to assist you in accordance with League policy. Taking Pokemon from strangers promising you glory is a direct violation of the rules.”

Several trainers continued to growl and snarl in rebellion. They summoned their powerful Pokemon, threatening the police and the emissary. As more cops started to pull up to the situation, it started to feel like a riot was going to break out any minute.

Dante turned his head, trying to hide the smile that curled at his lips when Gredy shook his hand. Gredy…that was his trainer’s name. He felt happy and strangely he felt as though he could trust him. Out of nowhere, a strange boy suddenly fell from the sky on top of Gredy. The lock of hair sticking up from Cyndaquil’s head stood straight up in startle before he curiously walked over to the boy.

Dante crouched over the kid, assessing his health. “It’s a Weedle and he’s hurt bad.”

Dante then stood, glancing over at the mob of trainers that were starting to get rowdy. He looked over at Gredy and told him, “It’s not safe here.”

@TalijaKey@Bright_Ops@Iatos@Caits@BlackPanther@Raijinslayer@Saltwater Thief@Feisty-Pants@CriticalHit@Stern Algorithm
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rasa watched how Meintja introduced herself to the ground type, holding her tail and looking a lot younger in Rasa eyes than the fire type actually was. She herself was kind of thankful Meintja didnt question or pulled attention to how she acted when Kaiser didnt leave his ball. Neither poking fun at her for being all but desperate in the time, which felt like an eternity to Rasa, that took the ground type to come out. She missed her wrist watch to actually see how much time passed.

Her pokemon telling her that she was fine when it came to food Rasa put one for the two backed treats away, holding one still to Thore who was simple looking around, not yet saying a word.
"I need to speak with some people if I'm not going to be around, let them know I can't do the jobs I use to for them"

"Oh," Rasa was not awaiting such a request but she nodded. "Sure, sure. You can go. What kind of jobs were you doing?" She asked slightly wondering who would employ wild pokemon, it was a rare sight to her. She did most interact with trainer or family held pokemon when she was growing up. The wild one she meet didnt had a job, neither were trusted enough to be given one. Kanto was quite interesting.

"If you are quick, I would like to give you a bit of training." She smiled wide at Meintja hoping to easy up the stiffness and reluctance that was coming of her pokemon. Rasa then looked back up at Larvitar.She wanted to leave the pokecenter, to leave behind the stress and focus on something nicer, as working together with her pokemon... well one pokemon and that if Kaiser Thore didnt ask her to leave for a while as well. "You fine with doing some bit of training on route 1? Fight some pokemon?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Meintja gave a shrug, glancing away "A fire type is always useful for things. It was stuff that they could have done themselves, but I think they felt sorry for me. I never asked for much, just food if they could spare it. Most people are sympathetic to pokemon." She looked back to Rasa, and sighed softly, "I did things like start fires, warm a room, things like that. Nothing bad. I just helped for a bit of food. There's one man, who owns a cafe, that would deliberately leave food out for me...I don't know why, but I'd rather that didn't go to waste. I'll head to route one after"

Leaving it at that, Meintja gave a nod to Kaiser, and moved off, out of the pokemon center. She made her way through a familiar path, walking with confidnece, even as she glanced around her. She wouldn't put it passed the bat to attack her. Or even her friend, the Zoroa. Shaking her head, Meintja spoke to the handful of people she had had dealings with, telling them she was no longer a free pokemon, and that she wouldn't be around. She didn't realise how hard it would be, until she began.

These humans...they had helped her, when she couldn't help herself. IF she'd turn up on their doorstep, rather then making her feel useless they'd find something she could do. They had been kind to her, and given her faith that not all trainers were bad. It was perhaps the only reason why she wasn't running away from Rasa. Meintja saw that same goodness in her, and knew she owed it to these people to give Rasa a chance, even if it meant dealing with the bat. The hardest one was the cafe owner.

She made her way to route one after, her expression a little down cast, her eyes rimmed slightly with red, as she rubbed them while she walked. She glanced about, feeling a little uneasy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lets train - Route 1

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Out of nowhere, a strange boy suddenly fell from the sky on top of Gredy. The lock of hair sticking up from Cyndaquil’s head stood straight up in startle before he curiously walked over to the boy.

Dante crouched over the kid, assessing his health. “It’s a Weedle and he’s hurt bad.”

Dante then stood, glancing over at the mob of trainers that were starting to get rowdy. He looked over at Gredy and told him, “It’s not safe here.”

Laying on the ground in pain, and about to pass put, Weedle pulled back a bit as he noticed the fire-type approach; being a bug-type, Weedle was understandably afraid of fire. But hearing the Cyndaquil express concern over his health made Weedle relax somewhat as he stared up at the Cyndaquil and the human with a piteous expression. Weedle wondered if these two were kind souls who were perhaps going to help him. Of course, no self-respecting wild pokemon would ever assume that, and in his position would, despite the damage already taken, attempt to pick himself up and either lash our or make a run for it to prevent getting caught. Unfortunately, Weedle hadn't always been the brightest of pokemon.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Gredy Silvertongue

Rubbing his head a little as he looked at the Weedle, Gredy glanced upwards for a moment to ensure that there weren't anymore falling bug pokemon to have to worry about before looking back ground wards. Taking the time to check out the Weedle's wounds, he considered his options for a moment before quickly coming to a decision. "Hey, I want to get you to a pokemon center to get healed up but I don't want to pick you up and risk hurting you further. Would you be against me putting you in a pokeball so I can move you safely? I can always release you again afterwards if you like."

Glancing around at what was very quickly turning into a riot in the making (and considering the pokemon being used, a rather nasty one at that), Gredy frowned a little before nodding his head while turning to look at Dante. "It does sound like desecration might be the better part of valor right now..." Thinking for a moment, he actually turned in order to shout out a question for Reginald Sherman to (hopefully) hear and answer "Hey, would you mind if I did that registration at the pokemon center in a bit?! Got a badly injured Weedle here that needs some medical attention!"

@Stern Algorithm@Holy Soldier
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

As Meintja came up, she saw the battle going on, her step hesitant, studying the scene, before continuing towards Rasa when the girl saw her. Meintja took the situation in again, deciding what to do. She glanced to Rasa, the hopeful look about the girl making Meintja sigh inwardly. She nodded, and stepping in front of Rasa, next to Kaiser, shifted back one foot, shifting her weight evenly, Meintja was ready to spring into action, waiting for Rasa's command. While she could just leap in herself, Rasa might have a different plan of action, and if she was going to be working with the trainer, Meintja knew she had to get use to the girls ability to perceive the fight, and the way the comands would be given-Rasa might be able to analyse the battle better then Meintja.

Letting Rasa issue her commands, would allow her to anticipate the trainers wisehs, to the point where, Meintja thought, she could act without a command. For now, with these two pokemon, in an easy battle, it didn't bother Meintja to wait for orders, as she watched both pokemon, flicking a glance toKaiser. She supposed it could have been worse-she could be forced to fight along side the bat-or Grazia as she should call her. But the Bat was better in Meintja's mind. Why put a name to someone you didn't like? That showed respect, and there was no way Meintja was going to respect the certainly questionable Noibat.

"Well" She said softly, flicking a glance to Rasa, and back to the two pokemon, "What would you have me do?" her body was poised, ready to leap into action at the slightest provocation. @TalijaKey[@latos]
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kaiser Van Deathclaw


Again a moment would come when another pokémon joined the fight even if Kaiser was more aware of danger now from the front and hoping that Rasa was watching his back even if it was mearly as an alert. As she loudly announced the arrival of Meintja his focus shifted to the possibly third opponent, however as strange as it was this one seemed to join the battle on his side, for the moment at least. For the moment he would allow the other pokémon the benefit of being at his side, but it was only for as long as she didn't get in his way or help the other pokémon, he couldn't possibly fight all three at once... but if he had no other choice he would try.

Given the circumstances didn't look to be as favorable as before, with one pokémon healing the other and him not having that benefit he would need to finish this fight fast before they had the chance to heal further and get the upper hand. With that in mind he gritted his fists, the Squishy thing behind him had said something a out team stuff, but whatever it meant he knew that his opponents was not giving up yet. Thus he charged forward preying on the weak he went for the Zigzagoon, trying to whack it away from the other foe with a kick to separate them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Route 1


The blond pokemon frowned as she saw the fire type approach the trainer, it was unusual in her eyes for the trainer not to call them from the balls, but have them walk up to them. "Hey orange girly, how about you ember that trainer and we skiddle with her money. You are real cutie, you know that? Would love to get to know you." Yungoos barely spoke this out aloud when Larvitar once more attacked. Aiming to kick her partner away. But just like the larvitar previously used his size difference to avoid her kick so did the Zigzagoon now. Slipping around the ground type and ready to tackle his legs.
Yungoos as well focused her tackle on the weaker pokemon on the field. Wanting to take it out and better their odds.

Rasa smiled supportively as Charmander asked her for direction. Focusing on what the opponents pokemon were doing instead of what they were saying.
"I need you both to..." And Larvitar went off on his own. Definitely will have to work on that. As she planed actually to have Meintja the faster of the two force the zigzagoon directly to Thore and in a bite. But he went in and that tactic up for change. Perceiving the most obvious tactic of her opponents, Rasa next order went to Meintja. "With scratch try to stop one of them hitting Thore, Meintja!" Hoping Meintja would successfully cover Thore. Trying to have both of them survive and then go together into a contra.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 9 days ago


Noibat's contemplation on her current situation was cut short as some kid came up to her, somehow impressed by how she had kick the tar out of Caterpies. Noibat gave him a rather incredulous, before letting out a sigh of irritation. I'm so not in the mood for this. . .

"One, I didn't ask stupid questions, and Two, I didn't get excite over somebody beating up Caterpie. Suckers are pitifully weak, and only really have String Shot and Tackle as attacks around here. It's literally nothing to be impressed about. Rolling her shoulders a bit, Noibat looked the kid over, noting how he smelled of forest and ozone. "I'm also got Dragon Typing, so don't thing you can get one over on me, Sparky. Try something, and I'll put you flat on your bony behind before you can say 'ow'.

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