Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Henry Pearl Avaritia The 2nd

Henry was on his way to the elevator when he suddenly started feeling extremely sick and he fell to the floor onto his knees. He began vomiting up a pile of black goo onto the floor as several other things came flying at him. As it so happened a few swords got thrown into the goo and Henry was just sick enough to not automatically want to His nausea passed and he rolled backwards as several bullets glanced him and his clothes began to catch fire. He patted them down quickly and activated his forcefield pin to protect him.

He looked up and saw a copy of himself holding... HIS NEW GUNS!? "OH FUCK NO! NOBODY TAKES MY FUCKING GUNS, DOPPELGANGER OR NOT!" Henry swung Mjolnir at the grenades and hit them right back at the Doppelganger, imbuing them with corrupted energy to make them explode quickly. This was to make sure Shadow Henry didn't just use the Gates again.

"HOHENHEIM! CARD FOR DEMONS! NOW!" Henry shouted as he began sending several lightning bolts towards Shadow Henry. He was really sending lightning bolts everywhere actually. There was almost nothing that pissed Henry off more than taking his stuff. And that was using his stuff without permission.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 3 days ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 16 days ago

Hohenheim, The Alchemist of Genesis
Current Location: Hohenheim's Castle

@Lmpkio @Grombus @Banana @floodtalon @The 42nd Gecko @Mega Birb @Awesomoman64 @Ryonara @Flamelord @Lucius Cypher @Lonewolf685 @TheWindel

"Alright, alright, so things are finally getting hot. I didn't expect the three of you to call a card at the same time. Let us see what we have here." Hohenheim's said as he drew the card one by one, on the order which they were requested. First, called by the Angels and aimed at the Machina: Judgement. Second, called by the Machina and aimed at the Angels: The Lovers. Third, called by the Demons and aimed at themselves The Empress.

"Well, first of everything, let me say something. You bunch of Heavenly Cocks are really lucky bastards, maybe it's because of the Year of the Rooster? Well, who cares? The thing is that the Machina maybe just have kissed the challenge goodbye here and now because of what you called. Let me explain these cards, but first..." Hohenheim did her trade mark finger snap as the elevator lobby got flooded by a blinding golden light, that most of the Angels there would know by this time, a burning holy light before which no darkness could stand. Only one being on the whole of the Nexus had such a power and presence. "Let's call your funeral song shall we, because there's no way in Hell you'll survive that one." As the Alchemist clapped her hands once, a melody began to sound, a song proper for an epic finale and that's wh-

"Are you done already, Alchemist of Genesis? I came here to do your biding as ordered by my Lord however, I do not have the least intent of being part of your entertainment. If possible I would like to return to my duties as fast as possible." A voice, austere and powerful said as the light dissipated, revealing none but Iona hovering above the gates, glancing down with her paradoxically cold, yet compassionate eyes at those bellow her. "It's of my understanding that I was called to pass judgment at those of the Machina of Mankind. Be as it may, then. It's time."

As Iona pointed one of her blades forward, unbreakable chains of pure, golden holy light bound all of the Machina in tight coils, before lifting them in the air right in front of the dark archangel. As is usual, Iona rarely brandishes her weapons against anyone. Instead, she said. "From this moment forward, you are under my jurisdiction. Unless you can prove your own innocence of any crimes or sin in your whole existence or take me down in combat, I will keep you under custody while the current battle is being held. Any interference, or attempt at resistance that is not able to defeat me, will be met with imprisonment. Is that clear?"

"Oh, well, yeah. There goes one third of the audience. Good luck trying to plead anything with her, you'll need it." Hohenheim chuckled darkly, before coughing. "Let us continue the descriptions, then. Next is The Lovers affecting the Angels. You'll find something interesting now, your deepest desires, the thing you want the most on this world before you. Go ahead and grab it... but, be aware of consequences. Nothing on this world comes for free, after all. Hahaha!"

"Lastly, it's time to answer the Demons' call but first..." Hohenheim made a momentary pause during which her gaze rested on Henry. She rolled a muzzle (summoned out of thin air) in her right hand as she stared at the haughty yet unwise Demon. "Raise your voice to me again and I'll shut that trap of yours. I'll not warn this to any of you again, am I being clear?" The Alchemist's voice was colder and lower than her usual self, making it quite clear this was the last time she was going to warm anyone about disrespecting her.

"Either way, you horny bastards got The Empress, the keeper of the Order and the status quo. You'll be restored to the state you were on the beginning of the beginning of this challenge. Any wounds, status effects and even restore the power you wasted." Hohenheim said as she effectively rewinded the time for the Demons with a snap of her fingers, healing them of all wounds and restoring their powers to the maximum once more.

After finishing her speeches, Hohenheim turned to Hibiki, raising an eyebrow as she checked the Maid from head to toes with eyes that seemed to dissect Hibiki, undressing her with a gaze. Or, who knows, if the Alchemist was as powerful as she seemed to be, seeing through clothes, or inside the Maid's body would be a trivial task. "Not bad, not bad at all. However this could use a bit more of fresh honey. If you, know it. Hahaha!" Hohenheim laughed out loud as she indulged in the treats before her.


"Pff! Pff!" Juno coughed the black goo that Balrog puked on her, more or less in time to jump away from the feet of a second Balrog that came out of nowhere. The fight was beginning to get good, or so it seemed, when the Serpent of the World turned around to look at the chaos of the battlefield. Demons fighting Demons, the Machina had laid a deadly trap and the Angels, "Hmm..." that was when Juno noticed -- perhaps for the first time-- what she had done.

Until very little time ago, the purple-clad warrior wasn't someone used to fight in the middle of large forces, no, Juno was literally used to destroy armies on her own while not having to care for collateral damage of pulling off her blows. However, after the battle of Alt Signia and now, Juno was seeing that she had to do something different, use her powers in a way she wasn't used to. "Just like when I was trying to defend Leyo-Argh!"

Juno's introspection was cut when the crossfire of the Balrog suddenly hit her. It wasn't enough to leave more than a scratch, even so it launched Juno right at the bed of spikes, drawing some blood as her right arm was cut. "If I can't fight like I'm used to, I'll just find a way-uh?" The smoke screen and other distractions from the Daimyo flooded most of the room, reaching Juno as well. Despite the onset of the black smog, the Spatial Warrior still had had a perfect awareness of everyone's position, thus it wasn't a great impediment for her.

After getting back to her feet, Juno flash-stepped once again, to the top of the real Balrog. She delivered a punch, aimed at the floor, to the back of the gigantic Demon's head. In addition to the force of the punch, Juno added a blast of energy, very much like a shotgun blast to her attack. Normally such a move would normally cause a lot of collateral damage as the shockwave went through and past Balrog's body -- regardless of whether he was killed by it or not-- however, Juno used a shaped blast aimed at the floor exactly because she knew that.

Hitting Blarog like this was a lot harder than simply blasting everything to the depths of the Abyss. Nevertheless, Juno was certain none of her allies would be caught in the blast like this.

That was when things got complicated again, with Iona of all people appearing on the battlefield, because of one of Hoho's cards, and capturing the Machina. The Demons being healed by another of the cards actually got Juno sulking, since it meant that her attack wouldn't hurt Balrog at all.

Most important was when the other of the cards was called, summoning before Juno the image of a purple-haired girl wearing matching colored armor, smiling at Juno. "What are you doing here, Cely? This place is dangerous, if Hoho gets yo-" Before Juno could finish speaking the girl came and hugged her. Her lips moved saying words that only Juno could listen to which made the hands of the Spatial Warrior tremble. All that Juno wanted was to hug back the girl before her and go back home.

The chaos of the battlefield meant little to nothing for Juno when compared to girl, her daughter, Celene. However, that's when Juno recalled why she was even fighting in first place. Before, she was just doing things because she wanted to but Juno didn't had a purpose to any of that. Until Leo, Cely, that person and some others got on the purple-clad Valkyrie's life. Juno had a purpose now, she need to fight to protect them from this place, despite only being good at breaking stuff.

Juno couldn't do that if she just went back home now, could she?

"I'll be back home soon, Cely. I have something I must do now but when I'm back we'll go eat all sorts of stuff." Juno pulled Celene in a tight hug, kissing her forehead, just as the illusion was unmade. Juno still had to fight to protect Cely, Leo and everyone else, after all.


"Gear Shift: x4. Emergency release: Impalement Forest." Ni-Mu released her spears, tuning them into nothing, to create more room to maneuver and dodge Miyu's barrage, a simple trick like that would never be able to fool the Prototype. "The Angel isn't on the Mobile Suit. She has evaded under the cover of the smokescreen and went to the starboard elevator." Ni-Mu informed over the radio to the other Machina units, pointing the elevator Miyu chose to go -- the one on the right wall, in relation to the gate -- out of all three that there was in the room, each located on of remaining walls, all of them equidistant from the entrance gate. "Threat analysis indicates that she's not a danger to consider at the moment. However, the Mobile Suit's core is set to self-destruct in less than a minute, Angel tampering makes it impossible to interface and override the operation protocols. Suggested course of action: immediate evacuatio-"

Before Ni-Mu could finish her report, Syphax recovered from his initial fall and came charging at Ni-Mu at blinding fast speeds for most others to react. "Gear Shift: x8. Overlimit." A string of commands later an Ni-Mu sped up in a burst of acceleration that would kill other softer beings just because of the suddenness of the movement. The android kicked the wall, somersaulting to the back of Syphax's head as she took advantage of the smokescreen to hide her own movement as she spun in the air a couple times before landing over Henry's hammer, using the power of its swing to propel herself forward with even greater speed, while taking the chance to spin kick Henry across the face with a bladed foot.

Instead of engaging Syphax in melee again, Ni-Mu decided to distract her persecutor with a barrage of rapid fired blades, trying to hit his wings and clip his mobility. "Activation time will reach its limit in 1.35 seconds. Suggest course of action: Disengage combat and cooldown." Ni-Mu self diagnostic program pointed as the additional swing she got from Henry made the android land right on top of the fake Balrog's head, using it as a stepping stone to propel herself to the port elevator. "Gear off." Ni-Mu deactivated her Innate Time Control and Overlimit systems, allowing a huge quantity of heat to slowly radiate from her body. The next challenge was going to be in a cooled down environment, all the android needed to recover from the exertion of continuous activation of her systems.

However, before Ni-Mu could even step on the elevator, chains of light got a hold of and dragged her to hang before no one other than Celestia's Dark Archangel. "Error: My systems are incapable of figuring the concept of sin. Please, elaborate." Ni-Mu asked, while keeping the imminent detonation of the Daimyo a secret. According to her data base it wouldn't even scratch Iona however, it would at least remove most of the other threats, while they figured a way to escape the Judgement or were also killed by the blast. Any of those alternatives should be preferable over being captured.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 1 mo ago

~Alchemist's Castle~

Bonesword began choking from the holy light binding him. It was incredibly painful to say the least, with the skeleton being a demon and all that fun shit. He fidgeted until he heard the speech come from Iona, who would be responsible for the judgement of all the Machina there at the current time, and it actually made the swordsman think about his life. He waited and allowed the other Machina to speak before him as the skeleton began to remember what he had done in his life and if he had truly committed any sin that could not be forgiven.

Bonesword wondered what sins he could've even committed in his life. Everyone was guilty of sin, but the swordsman struggled to think of what he could've done to deserve a pass of judgement... but then it hit him. The first demon settlement he was a part of so long ago and the raid that caused him to leave. That day, he took so many lives away from those who defended their home... all those people... sure, he did it initially because he was blinded by the sense of brotherly love and family he shared with the demons who he once called friends. It was long forgotten to the swordsman, but now that it's been resurfaced to him... he felt remorse and regret from it. The new question is, has Bonesword payed for these crimes... and honestly the skeleton felt he had. After the long period of loneliness that followed the killing of the demons, he met the one who he loved more than anything else, and he watched her grow up under his guidance. He then saw as her life was taken from right in front of his eyes, and the pain he felt from that was indescribable. That day he vowed to defend humans until he was to perish doing so, and since then he has been doing that.

He looked up at Juno, and waited for others to go before him before he spoke. He felt he had done enough for the moment with the card he called, and until it was time for him to try and defend himself, he waited.

@Lmpkio @Grombus @KoL @floodtalon @The 42nd Gecko @Mega Birb @Awesomoman64 @Ryonara @Flamelord @Lucius Cypher @Lonewolf685 @TheWindel
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Henry Pearl Avaritia The 2nd

Henry was still fighting his clone, however the rage that Henry felt from having his weapons used was slowly turning the tide of the battle as the clone was pushed back. It used the Gates in the most basic ways, summoning grenades, basic weapons, it wasn't even going for The Cheater's Blade. The card was announced and Henry was anxious to hear what it would do. As he swung his hammer something landed on it and bounced off, but not before leaving Henry a present in the form of slicing his face open.

"OH GOD MY FUCKING EYES! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Because of the pressing nature of this white hot pain he felt he did not hear one word Hohenheim had said and probably wouldn't have cared if he did. What he did know is that this gave his clone the perfect opportunity to literally set him on fire with the mounted flamethrower the SMGs had and Henry collapsed to the ground with the flame going out quickly.

The clone approached Henry to taunt his corpse when Henry opened his now working eyes and swung at the clone. It tried to dodge but there was just too little space between them as Henry lopped off its legs. He got up and watched the clone gnash it's teeth as it tried to crawl towards Henry to bite his shins or something. Legs were already being created by the clone's own pair of Silver Eyes, but it wasn't enough as Henry jabbed his sword into it's head. The guns on the ground fell into a Gate and Henry speed walked towards an open elevator and entered quickly. He opened a Gate right in front of the elevator when he got in so nobody else could get in and he pressed the button.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sliske Arkilius

Immediately following the drawing of the tarot card for the demons, Sliske's insides began to churn, a feeling he hadn't felt in centuries. He gripped his stomach and doubled over, opening his mouth as a thick, black sludge poured out and began to take shape as Hohenheim explained exactly what was happening. Doppelgangers, representing their fears and worries in the real world... but one had to wonder what Sliske was afraid of. He knew how cheap death was in the Nexus, and he knew that everything was temporary in the grand scheme of things, so what did he have to fear?

This was a question he himself was trying to answer as a fireball exploded in his face just as he was spitting out the last of the sludge, a second one following it and knocking him to the floor, black goop now replaced with blood of a similar shade in his coughing. "Fucking... hell... I WON'T GO OUT ALONE AGAIN!" A shot rang out as he staggered upwards, the flesh around his right arm uncoiling and the bones that made up his forearm extending and sharpening. On closer examination to the damage done to him already, the solid core of the magic explosion had done most of the damage, probably fracturing ribs instead of burning him. He looked behind him to see the allied Warfather attempting to create enough minions on its own to patch up the hole in its side, and back to the shadow clone, which was even mocking the way the incubus usually gloated. "Nuns! Take down my clone's Warfa-" His order was interrupted by a hail of bullets piercing everything that was attached to his body, leaving him standing in a fashion reminiscent of a certain betrayed outlaw-turned-family-man in his final moments.

"Heh... glass fucking cannon..." In his final moments of his current life, Sliske decided to attempt to bring someone down with him once again, memories of Ruthria coming back for a brief second as he held out his normal hand. In this palm, a ball of red energy began to form, quickly growing larger while his reddened vision locked onto a familiar target inside of the lobby: Tartys. The ball shot off in her direction, aimed for the small space between her wings, while Sliske fell back. Life slowly faded from him as his minions engaged the clone, attempting to hack and slash at him as imps began to spawn on both ends. The incubus' vision blackened and blurred slowly, the sweet embrace of death grabbing hold of him...

Then it promptly let go as a massive surge of energy swept over Sliske, his wounds patching themselves in mere seconds and life almost forcing the demon to his feet. Which it kind of did. Only then did he hear mention of the tarot card called in their favor, and he cracked a wide grin as his eyes were set alight with purple flame once again. "I think it's time for the real fun to begin."

The clone of Sliske, exhibiting his narcissistic attitude by merely holding off the Battle Nuns attacking it instead of outright killing them, was completely unprepared for the sword of sharp bone coming in and slicing it clean down the middle. In one fell swoop, the doppelganger was eliminated and Sliske was enlightened to one of his glaring flaws, one that he was intent to change and close a weakness soon. Next on his hit list were the amazons that were harassing him, and he looked to two of the Nuns as the cloned Warfather was ended by the real counterpart, both shadows fading from existence at once. In a wordless command, the two split and ran at their targets, one going for one that looked like it was part cat, and the other for the one with the gunblade.

The Nun facing off against Zyata would continuously run in a serpentine pattern towards her target, ducking and weaving to avoid getting shot. On her arrival, she would make an attempt to stab at the cat's heart, hoping to end the conflict quickly and return to her master. The other simply rushed at the other amazon, slashing her way in and hoping to bisect the woman from shoulder to hip in one move with her claws.

All that was left for Sliske in this long moment was to unleash hell itself. He stepped into the doorway of the lobby, his right arm returning to normal as a pair of dark clouds formed around his hands. "The demons have faced their fears, now why don't the Machina and Angels do the same?" His arms locked as a sickly purple gas poured out of his palms, his terrifying laugh filling the room like the poison he was gifting to everyone present. To those who breathed it in and were not of demonic origin, the world would twist and turn, the greatest physical threats known to each victim taking the place of a once trusted ally in their vision. Adrenaline would start pumping, and the blood of betrayal would soon stain the lobby of Hohenheim's manor. A grand show indeed, to any willing to watch this carnage.

Syphax Gallus Aquilus

Syphax had predicted an attempt to jump over him to dodge his charge, and was going to perform an overhead strike with his greatsword to counter this. He was ready for Ni-Mu's movement, but what he wasn't ready for was the speed at which it was executed. "What the-!?" He was interrupted by the robot in a bodystocking footstool jumping off his head for an extra boost. It didn't stop his flight considering how light she was, but it did distract him long enough to misjudge the distance from the nearest wall, causing a late entry into his original plan.

He rolled forward midflight and set his feet against the wall, shooting off in sloppier form than he would've liked only to see what were essentially razor blades flying at his wings. An easy dodge to anyone with his capabilities, really, all he had to do was tuck his wings in and sacrifice part of a controlled flight, rolling to the right as he did this to maintain his path, which lined up to the door of the port-side elevator. With the drawings of two tarot cards in favor of the Angels, he lighted down in front of the lift, taking a step in and smacking the button before anyone else could get at the door. It sealed itself just as the world fell away from Syphax, causing a momentary panic in the warrior before he saw a familiar face...

"A-Albina!? Wha-? How!? You got warped like the others!" For the lack of room to make use of either his greatsword or crossbow, he drew Infernalbane from its sheathe, the dagger he kept on him at all times.

"I did, my love... but he has undone the curse. You can stop fighting."

A distinctly odd emotion for Syphax display, grief came across his face like a tidal wave. "Albina, that's not possible, Rufus wouldn't reverse something like that out of the blue."

The female harpy moved forward and embraced her former lover, Syphax barely holding onto his steely demeanor. "Rufus let us free, we can be together again. We can start a new life on that mountain you loved... the one you proposed to me on." This broke the male, jagged sobs coming from him while he and his fiance embraced. For a moment, everything here seemed real, like the Knight of the Southern Winds hadn't been fighting for all this for the last decade.

But he remembered the vision of Rufus destroying everything he ever loved, the life he had lived before... it took him a long moment with his face buried in the familiar hair of his beloved, but he remembered. He lifted his head, tears clearing up after a short moment. "Albina, you were my life before the harpy race was destroyed, and you will be once I find a way to bring everyone back... but for now, I need to fight for that." He pulled back just as the illusion began to fade, the whole reason he participated in this war renewed within him. Just before she was gone, he stole a kiss from her, the sweet taste of her lips once more invigorating him as the world came back.

The elevator doors slid open with a fitting ding, and frigid air filled the small room...


Marquis looked up as the sprinkler system kicked on as the carpet caught on fire, suppressing the fire in time for the robot to move to the sword and pick it up off the ground, his singular eye squinting at the captive. "Very well, Alexi... you are quite the strange case, aren't you?" He ran a background check on the woman while he spoke, the name coming up in the Machina's files as a mental warrior with an affinity for the cold. Certainly a supportive boon to the Machina's technical creations, but one had to wonder... why fight with a sword that lit things on fire.

"Anyhow, from what I've found on you, you're horribly under equipped to be fighting with us, and the use of your powers is heavily limited because of this. What say we fix that?" With a complete change of tone, knowing that the girl was an ally to their cause, Marquis set Bindlebane back down on the table and turn around, moving the sweater to the side and looking up at the various gun parts mounted above his work space. "What kind of firearm suits a cryomancer..? Also, what was it you needed to tell Eos?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Alexi, Knight of Winter

"We haven't heard that one in we think a week. Maybe even two, I think!" Alexi seemed almost excited to the point of giggling. Even more oddly, the drops of sprinkler water that should have been raining down on her seemed to instead be freezing and forming into an umbrella. This wasn't too surprising, granted, cryomancer, but it also happened in slow motion that seemed to extend to Alexi as she reached up to take hold of it. She turned on her left leg before taking a step back, to follow Marquis motion, holding her expanding umbrella, and looking back at him with a smile as he sized her up and looked at her files.

"Guns don't agree with us very well." Alexi twirled her umbrella a little. Her eyes kept flitting back to her sword, and that same smile from before kept flickering onto her lips.

"Here, I'll show you." Alexi reached for a part that was vaguely gun shaped.. But was in no way a working gun in and of itself. Pointing it directly at her face, she felt around for a trigger that was not attached and pressed various buttons and switches, engaging and disengaging the safety and various rangefinding settings a few times, as well as unlocking the nonexistent magazine once. As she did this she put her eye up to the barrel as she tried to figure out what was wrong with this obviously not complete gun and failed. "Hmm, they usually don't disagree with us this much. Oh well."

She set the part back, bending forward to place it back without taking a step. She seemed to stare at Marquis a little with a twitch of the eye as she did, and less than a smile on her lips, when she suddenly straightened up and the smile returned. "I'm much more attached to my sword. It'd dishonor our memory to wield something else!" She burst out suddenly, and seemed to think she was telling some hilarious joke that only she would get, as she stifled a titter poorly at the end.

After a few moments, she seemed to remember Marquis's final question. "Oh, we think I was supposed to report to .. the King was it? Is that Eos? Something about pairing me with this prototype so we could compensate for its overheating or something in case there were any problems. Apparently their usual ice lady couldn't make it, so they settled for us. But we got lost on my way here, and then I thought a robot was trying to eat me, but after investigation we think it was just trying to clean the floor. Hopefully it'll be ok after someone puts it back together."

@Mega Birb
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Awesomoman64
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Awesomoman64 I should go

Member Seen 11 days ago


Initially Omega couldn’t help but chuckle as Hohenheim announced the card of the Machina. ”Don’t be so worried. Iona’s not that bad. Course, I’ve never been on the receiving end of her judgement.” His snark didn’t last as the Demon’s card brought them all back to full health. Great, now the Angels would be the only ones beaten up from the Machina traps. Well, time to get to work fixing that. Aiming his guns at the first demon he saw, some sort of ice demon just barely visible through the smoke. Just as he was going to pull the trigger, he heard a thud at his feet drawing away his vision briefly but enough for him to lose sight of the demon.

Looking down to examine the distraction he saw a small leather bound journal. Questioning how some old book was his ‘deepest desire’ he picked up the book and looked over the cover to see if there was any indication as to what it was. All he found was a small inscription on the back that read “Property of James Calloway”. Upon reading the name, Omega dropped to his knees. He had never heard it before, but instantly he knew whose name it was; his.

If Hohenheim was telling the truth, then this journal contained the knowledge that no one else possessed, his past. All the questions he ever had, what he did before the Nexus, why he was left alone, who he was before he was a spirit, this book could tell him. Gently caressing the rough leather Omega’s mind raced with what sort of stories he would find inside.

He had to know. He would never get another chance like this. But his reading would have to wait as a sort of purple gas surrounded him bringing him back to reality and the fight. He would have to learn of the past later, right now he had to take care of the present.

Slipping the journal into his duster pocket Omega stood up in front of Sliske and pointed one of his revolvers at his head. ”Ya know, the last time I killed you I made the mistake of not making sure you were dead. Best believe it won’t happen again.”

@Mega Birb


With his clone reduced to a puddle of tar, Balrog turned his attention back on his enemies only to get a nice pound to the head from Juno. Normally he would have taken the hit like a boss and kept going, but after sustaining such a multitude of heavy injuries, the gravity punch was more than enough to knock him on his ass and anger the beast more. While he was getting himself off the ground the second time this match, Ni-Mu the Emu used Balrog’s head as a bounce pad which only further irritated the demon.

Upon getting back to his feet, a sudden feeling of relief washed over Balrog and all his injuries vanish. Maybe he should have paid attention to those current set of tarot cards after all, but on the other hand, there was still things to smash, including Juno who was currently distracted by a little girl. Real or not, she would soon be collateral damage.

Balrog decided he’d use this opportunity to find out what this crotch cannon of his did. Lucky for him it turned out to be the current form of his Reaper Beam. Taking aim at the purple pest and charging the attack Balrog firmly planted himself ready for the devastation he was about to unleash. With no angelic bitch to misdirect him, Balrog was sure he would hit his target with little concern who got in the way.

As soon as the Eclipse Princess said goodbye to the little girl; Balrog fired.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Tatiana Lorenz

Tatiana was busy laying down covering fire, swiveling as blast after blast was thrown at anyone that went near her allies as she covered Shizuka's move for the elevator. Things weren't great, but with the demons busy fighting their doppelgangers or whatever it definitely made things easier for them all. The angels were a bigger problem, especially those allies they had called in, and she found herself grateful for her thrusters to allow for snap dodges.

Then everything went sideways as multiple cards activated. A bright light began to fill the room, and before she could do anything she found herself snapped up in some sort of light chain, one that had absolutely no give to it no matter how much she might struggle or her jets fired to try and yank herself free. Eventually she was forced to sit there in a huff, watching with a glare as the demons and the Angels moved for the elevator unopposed. Meanwhile the new Angel explained her demands. What, prove their total innocence in the entirety of existence or beat her in combat? The only way it was any more insane was the fact that apparently Hohenheim could call her up with the snap of her fingers, for how annoyed the Angel might be.

Of course, then they were left in a situation that was not ideal, near the mech that had exploded once before and blown her up, while Ni-Mu proved that she had not even been given the basic ethics programming to know what sin was, which as far as Tatiana was aware seemed like an oversight in her basic operations package. But she didn't voice that, instead racking her brain to figure out an answer to the angel.

Then at last it occurred to her, and a grin broke out as she looked towards the Angel. "Hey, let me go," she called out. "I haven't committed any crimes or sins. I mean, I remember doing bad things, but those memories aren't mine. I've only been alive for like half a day, and in that time I haven't killed anyone or coveted possessions, stolen, all that good stuff. I shouldn't be punished for the crimes of someone who's already dead." It was true, as far as she was concerned. She was just a clone, who was to say that she had the same soul as the Tatiana who had been blown up in the previous battle?

Focused on Iona as she was, Tatiana was completely unsuspecting as Sliske unleashed his attack. She could have held her breath for several minutes, perhaps enough to escape, had she seen it coming. But since she didn't there was no chance to avoid it as she breathed in the purple fumes. Slowly things shifted, a strange tingling on the back of her skull until she realized that where once she had thought there were friends, she was instead alone. Twisted mechanical monstrosities, beings devoured by machines and corrupted by demonic forces. Her blood began to thunder as she threw herself into renewed struggles, growling and huffing. Even if she could not fight the chain.

The chains, the chains. Why had she bothered trying to argue, to plead her innocence? This had never been a trial, merely a sham so the Angels could hold their 'holier than thou' attitude. The outcome had never been in doubt, and she had been thrown away. Now she was going to die or become some puppet for a demon, trapped in her own mind and unable to do anything. She knew it for a fac, had seen it before, and she would not allow it to happen here.

"No....No no no! Let me go! I won't let you take me!" Hurriedly she tried to prime her funnels, setting them for autonomous fire at everything she designated a target, while more missiles primed themselves for a suicidal fight. She might not succeed, but she would rather die than let these monstrosities get her.

@Mega Birb@Banana@KoL@Ryonara


Tartys and her Amazonian ally made good work as they struck at the Demons, trying to eliminate them from the competition before they could get much further. Yet all of a sudden it was for nought, with them suddenly healed via a card to the point where it was as if they had never been injured in the first place. "So much for that plan," she muttered as she prepared to move for the elevator while holding off the revitalized Demons.

It as enough of a distraction for Sliske to fire off his attack, even if Tartys noticed it at near the last second and managed a partial dodge. Her wing took the hit, essentially destroying what was left and ensuring that she would require some serious healing before she would be able to fly again in addition to the burn damage to her side. But it was better that being dead.

As she recovered, she found something in her own vision, something that had not been there before. It was a harp, but instinctively she knew that it was more than that. It was not just a harp, it was the peace inherent in the music. It meant that she could go back to being a normal angel, wouldn't have to stain her hands with blood, or feel her body broken and bleeding. She could live as she had before this had happened, before she had been called to fight.

From what had been said she new that she could take it, could bring an end to it right now. Whether it would be the war itslf did not matter, as it would be a peace for her. She liked to think that she was a simple soul who did not want for much. And she knew that she could be content, be happy with this.

She reached for it, yet at the last second her hand stopped. Even if she no longer had to fight, others would. The Imperator would demand it, and there was nothing to change that fact. Could she so readily abandon her duty for the notion of a life without hardship or suffering, when it would merely be forcing it on someone else?

No, she couldn't do that. She wouldn't be able to face herself afterwards. Her hand lowered and she walked past, allowing it to fade away back into an illusion. Perhaps there would come a time when she could accept it, but not now. So she returned to the battle.

For now she moved for the elevator, watching as Syphax took one up and preparing herself to do the same when it got back to the lobby. She brandished her spear in a defensive posture, using her magic to create a shield of light that would hopefully deflect any immediate attacks until she had the chance to react. A renewed determination rested in her heart, and she would not stop until she had succeeded.

In the meanwhile, the amazon that Tartys had been fighting with faced off against the Nun, one who charged in with a brutal fury. Yet she had not come so far merely to be taken down so simply. The Gunblade roared before being raised in a quick stab as the Amazonian struck back, not content to merely be on the defensive but instead meeting fury with a cold heat as she wielded the weapon like it was nothing more than a plank of wood.

@KoL@Mega Birb
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Miyu, Traitor Angel Honorless Blade

"Hurk." Miyu said, as she accidentally ran into a sword, dying.

Zyata, Amazon

"Nyx, incoming at.." Zyata yelled, intending to warn Tartys of danger, but didn't know her name, and was too slow as she tried to yell a full sentence to the Amazon whose name she did know. ~Shit.~

Then she got another chance to warn... She thinks that was angel? It wasn't in chains from the really glowy angel, and a demon or a machina was firing it at it, so decent odds. She made her words punchier. "PURPLE, DODGE!" She hoped that got the idea across and in time this time. @KoL

Refocusing on her own matters, she spotted the Nun running at her in a funny pattern. "Do they actually think that works?" Zyata spoke, an eyebrow raised as the nun zig-zagged. ~Still... It's fun to use people's allies against them...~ A smile spread across her lips replacing the confusion of the moment before, as she took aim and fired. The shot thundered out.. but the nun seemed to have chosen to zag at just the right moment, and the shot continued behind her and slammed through the other Nun from shoulder to shoulder, having been held in place for just a moment clashing with Nyx. If Nyx turned to see the source of the kill-stealer, as many times before, she would see Zyata blowing her a kiss as she stood over the smoking barrel of her gun and kicked up her spear to face her own oncoming foe. @Flamelord

~In a one on one fight between equal opponents, reach is often the deciding factor. A spear'll beat a sword every day of the week one on one.. But all you've got is a claw. And we aren't even close to equal!~ A toothy grin of mad anticipation overtook Zyata as she leaned one foot forward, and pulled her left hand back as far as it would go, while her right was near the tip to guide an accurate thrust. ~Time to show off.~ They clashed, Zyata's spear and Nun's claw glancing off one another, but the Nun's claw was deflected to the side, while Zyata's spear was deflected across the Nun's body and into her other arm, depriving the Nun of her only advantage of having two weapons to Zyata's one.

As the Nun tried to strike while the tip of Zyata's spear was occupied in the Nun's other arm, Zyata quickly put and end to that with a bone dislocating shaft strike against the elbow. "Tsk Tsk.. Straight for the kill? No time to play? You should enjoy life. Zyata said as she sidestepped a headbutt, the Nun certainly not giving up, and tripped the Nun with the back of the spear. But before the Nun could fall, Zyata caught her with the tip, and hurled her up into the air, spinning and covered in a deep slash."Like this!" Zyata's eye gleamed with the mad joy of the hunt, and she thrust twice in the blink of eye, stabbing each lung once, before timing a spinning slash with the counter spin of Nun, slicing around the whole neck. The Nun landed in a pile, before the head rolled off, the shock of the landing dislodging the bare scraps of flesh still holding it on.

"If only I could figure out how to make them land on their feet. That'd be awesome." She smiled at her handiwork for a moment, before her eyes flicked back up to the battle at hand and more prey.

@Mega Birb
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


Dora was pushed into the room with the others thanks to Juno’s blast, and unfortunately found herself impaled onto Ni-Mu’s spiked walls. Fortunately for Dora, damage to her physical body, while certainly impeding her fighting ability, wouldn’t kill her so easily. At least seven blades pierced Dora’s body, but after the blades were retracted she wasn’t any worse for ware. Instead of blood, molten metal leaked from her wounds only to solidify and heal into blacken scabs. ”Tch. Shouldn’t do that too much.” Of course there was a limit to how much damage her astral projection can take before it vanishes and needs to reform, but so long as the hammer remains she can still be in a fight.

Of course things didn’t get easier after surviving the run in with the wall. Hoho mentioned something about the cards coming into effect again, but she didn’t notice when suddenly a vision came to Dora. It was there that she saw this magnificent weapon. A hammer that could very well turn the tide of war. It was familiar. It was powerful. It was Dorafraki, in her final complete form. This is what Dora would have been if she was completed. A weapon so powerful that Dora could match even Juno blow-for-blow, and possibly even the Deva herself. And the weapon was so close too. All Dora had to do was reach out and get it.

Should she do it? Should she grab hold of it? This was her after all, her future. This was what she shall be once she had collected all the Thunder Stones in the world. But something felt wrong. This hammer was her, yes, this future Dora. But Dora herself was a craftsman. Even if she knew the glorious end of her journey ahead, she must walk the path herself. What sort of a masterwork smith would she be, if she simply took the efforts someone else had labored into? Even if it was herself she was stealing from.

No doubt if Dora took this hammer now she could win this battle for the angels easily. Winning for the angels weighed heavily on Dora’s mind. But at the same time, she knew that in this tower, temptation would drive most people to do horrible things. Mucking with the future wasn’t something Dora could afford to do. She hated it, but she had to accept it, and did not take the hammer.

Dora was thrown back to reality where the battles were still taking place. Iona had wrapped up the machina and most of the demonics forces looked to be dealt with, but none of the angels had made much headway either. She took immediate notice that Henry was about to get into one of the elevators, so Dora intended to put a quick stop to that by smashing the ground in front of her, causing the floor to erupt into a wave of spikes that went to intercept Henry. Specifically, they headed straight towards the elevator and would get in his way even with his Gate there. Ideally he’d run right into them and impale himself, but just in case he didn’t Dora followed after to hold him back.


Francisca Labrys Seax Luxuria

Like everyone else, Fran was in a good position to have been blasted into the room thanks to Juno’s attack. Also like many, Fran was impaled onto the spikes lining the wall. Her armor shattered most of the ones aiming for her chest, though a few managed to pierce her armor anyways, and she never wore a lot of armor to begin with. Pulling herself off the spikes she was shortly after greeted with a flurry of tendrils that smashed her in the body and face, pushing her back onto the spikes once more. A few even impaled her skull. And then a black ooze leaked from her mouth as a doppelganger was formed, who used her own Chains of Matrimony to pull Fran off the wall and into the center of the battlefield. Things would have ended for Fran right than and there were it not for the Empress card restoring Fran back to fully health. And that’s when she got to work.

”I’m back, bitches!”

Her copy had made the mistake of coming after Fran directly with her axe. True, it’s totally something Fran would have done, but knowing fully well that she was fighting her doppelganger, Fran knew just how to fuck with herself. Instead of going axe-to-axe with her copy Fran was able to avoid the slash and give her doppelganger a quick kiss, sealing her in a simple illusion: She made Juno look like Fran, while the real Fran looked like Juno. This ought to trick the doppelganger, most so when Fran kicked her away into the wall. Unfortunately at this point the wall no longer had anything to impale her copy into, but that would just give Fran some time to work with.

Things were getting pretty chaotic here, and no doubt a lot of people were going to die before they got into the elevators. Fran herself didn’t care very much for it but decided to get involved anyways. She went looking for that one angel who threw punches at her, spotting the big black dick not too far away. The succubus smirked and made a run for one of the doors, expecting him to try and intercept her.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Omega Sliske

It was Ruthria all over again, demon staring down spirit in what would surely end up in one of them dying. The question was, which one? Omega had the inherent advantage in being aligned with Heaven, though Sliske, for all intents and purposes, was at the height of his power. Range made no difference, one was a gunslinger and the other a mage, so the field was even as it could be.

”Oh I was dead last time, but now…” Sliske’s left hand shot up from the ground, a shield of hardened magic covering his front to stop the shot Omega would likely try and take while he monologued. ”Now, you don’t have any back up. The harpy’s gone, Tartys’ missing a wing, and you’re staring down a demon lord.” The incubus’ signature sword extended from his right arm, this time covered in a deep purple veil, warning the cowboy of a magical enchantment on the bone.

”Funny, ya look more like a demon butler to me.” Omega retorted. He had hoped he could get the first shot in unhindered, but with the magic shield up now that option was no longer available. Instead he chose to use the time he’d get with their dialog exchange to aim his other revolver and give them both a good charge. In fact, the more he kept them talking the bigger charge he could get. ”And yer one to talk. I don’t see any of your cohorts coming to yer side, unless you want to summon more of the waiting staff again? Ya know, since the others kinda fell to pieces.”

The butler comment, as many could guess, was enough to piss Sliske off. He did hold his tongue though, letting Omega talk his way into a corner while his revolvers started to glow with angelic light. ”I would flood this place with minions in a heartbeat and kill everyone, but that would just give Hohenheim some more toys. Now enough talk!” All of a sudden, the incubus’ left hand thrusted forward and sent the shield into the spirit, the caster following close behind with flames sparking in his now free hand.

Acting fast Omega dove to the side avoiding the shield by mere inches. Standing from his roll he fired a single shot from his left revolver at the approaching demon but left the right to keep gaining power. Much like Sliske and his shield, Omega ran forward just after the bullet either ready to catch the demon off guard or get in close. ”If you can summon as many minions as you claim, then why have we out numbered y’all 3 to 1 in nearly every battle? Seems to me you ain’t as good at bluffing as you think.”

Sliske twisted to the right when Omega cracked off a shot, the bullet whizzing through where his heart had been seconds ago. In response to the spirit’s charge, he lifted his sword-arm across his chest to lock with one of the gun blades. He stared straight into the Greek letter that was his face, sneering at the cowboy. ”Where’s the fun in walking in and dominating everything in sight?” He paused and chuckled to himself, the sparks along his left arm growing more intense. ”That’s what I hate about you angels, always so serious, so direct. What happened to the journey mattering?” His left fist swung in from below, aimed for what would be Omega’s stomach. A fiery explosion would engulf them both and push them away from each other, given contact was made.

Omega was disgusted by what he heard from the demon, though he wasn't surprised. ”The journey?” he questioned before dropping one of his right arm to catch Sliske punch with his gunblade. As soon as the blade made contact a blast pushed the two apart giving Omega more time to finish his point of view. ”The journey is war! There ain't nothing fun about it! You demons might get your fix off killing and torturing, but death ain't something I'm keen on even if it has little meaning in this world.” Omega finished his rant with a few gunshots from his left revolver aimed at Sliske’s head and where it would be if he tried dodging.

Sliske threw up another shield in response to the next volley of gunshots. It took the first bullet without issue, cracked under the second one, and shattered with the third, the same projectile continuing on and giving the incubus a wound in his right shoulder. He growled animalistically as blood began to run down his front while his left arm reformed itself, becoming a shadowy tentacle with properties similar to a rubber band. ”Oh that’s where you’re sorely mistaken, this war is why we live! Admit it, for all the justice you represent, you’re scared of someone’s eventual victory.” With that, he drew back the boneless appendage that was his left arm and whipped it at Omega, the flesh stretching to reach him to make an attempt to wrap itself around his chest and pull him in.

The shadowy tentacle was much faster than Omega anticipated and it grabbed him just as he tried to move out of the way. Being pulled towards Sliske Omega crossed his blades over the tentacle and severed it. Cutting the limp binding around his chest that remained he shook his head at the demon’s remarks. ”Couldn’t be farther from the truth there. If my life has to end for the Nexus to see peace, then I’ll happily give it up. But until a day like that comes up I’m gonna spend it taking down murder happy psycho’s like you and the rest of yer kind.” Using the spears to his advantage, Omega fired a shot at Sliske baiting him to use his shield, then fired another shot aimed at a spear a angled toward Sliske, causing the bullet the ricochet off and go for his back.

The incubus hissed as Omega cut the tentacle in two, his arm reverting back to normal with the exception of his hand, which was currently flopping about on the floor. At that point, he fell for the trap perfectly. The shield went up to cover his front from the first shot, though he realized his mistake too late as he heard the ping of a second bullet bouncing off a spear. While it had lost momentum from ricocheting, it was still enough to puncture his skin and bury itself in his lower back, earning a loud, pained hiss from the demon. ”That might be true, but we’ll go down swinging harder than anything else!” Throwing caution to the wind, Sliske transformed his damaged arm into a heavy morningstar and went at Omega, swinging and slicing every which way to either cut something off or bash him into the floor.

You’d never expect a summoner to have such strength, and neither did Omega. He crossed his revolvers to block the first attack, but found the force was more than enough to break his guard and slam into his side. The blow knocked the spirit to the ground grabbing at his side which now appeared wavy and distorted. Trying his best to ignore it for now Omega was forced to roll from side to side as to avoid Sliske as he pounded at the ground for the spirit. “If that’s how it’s gotta be.” With the next smash Omega grabbed the demon’s arm and pulled him close. The spirit jammed his right revolver that had been charging this whole time into the demon’s temple. ”Then you can go to hell.” He finished before pulling the trigger.

The top half of Sliske’s head was gone. No bits of brain, no bone, not even his eyes survived the shot tearing through his head. For a little bit, his body twitched as nerves fired, though it soon laid still, his arms reverting to their original forms slowly. As his conscience left his body again, Omega would hear a faint promise of vengeance before the incubus moved onto the dungeon, awaiting the recreation of a body in the same cell Miyu would be directed to.

With the demon dead, Omega was the victor of this scuffle… and Iona wouldn’t have someone to toss in a jail cell back in Celestia. On the other hand, Hohenheim now had a shapeshifter to run experiments on, so which really was the worse fate?

Pushing the limp body off of him, Omega stumbled back to his feet all the while still clutching his side. Though he was sure Sliske was dead, he did promise to make sure. Lazily aiming his gun he gave one last sentiment, ”Till we fight again.” The spirit then fired three shots into the dead demon’s heart before limping away to the elevators. With everyone else occupied with their own battles or tarot card problems, Omega was able to slip past without anyone really noticing. Entering the bow elevator Omega pressed the button to send him up, tipping his hat to the other combatants just as the door closed to take him to the next floor.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hibiki & Shizuka

Just as Shizuka was running towards the entrance, the angels drew another card. Of course they had all the luck, and they summoned one of their most powerful allies: Iona, also known as the Judge Magister, Ruler of Law, Highest Judge of The Court Of Paradise. Of the many heavenly figures Shizuka knew, Iona was one of the many she never wants to meet. Usually because of the implication that Shizuka had died and would now be judged for her sin.

Almost immediately after Iona was summoned, every machina was wrapped in holy chains. Shizuka didn’t resist knowing that her weapons couldn’t break the chains, and ironically enough she’d be safe so long as Iona was judging them. At least Shizuka was almost certain she couldn’t be affected by the actions of others while trapped. One of the demons released some sort of mind-affecting gas that notably started to affect Tatiana, who was starting to unleash all her firepower in mostly random directions. Shouting over the comms Shizuka tried to speak to Titania before she caused more harm than good.

”Tatiana, control yourself! It’s the gas affecting your mind, hold your fire!”

Fortunately for Shizuka, she came to this battle wearing her combat armor, which was sealed against gas attacks. However it did block her line of sight and left her only with her sense of listening. Unsure of what was going on in the area around her Shizuka could do nothing else but face Iona’s trial.

Shizuka knew this day would come one day. She never imagined it would be while she and Hibiki still lived, but such was the Nexus. In the Nexus, killing another was hardly a sin since everyone came back alive anyways. She wasn’t worried about that. But the only true sin that Shizuka had committed always lingered on her mind: The fact she betrayed the Nexus. The three factions in the Nexus was already hostile enough, and there was no other force who could stand against one of the three. Thus your loyalty was tied to the faction you were born into, and Shizuka first took breath in the hands of the Angels. Being a holy spirit herself Shizuka was, by all rights, an Angel. Or at least part of the heavenly people.

But Shizuka threw that all away when she met her mortal sister. Separated at birth thanks to death, no where in the world but in the Nexus could Shizuka have met Hibiki. Despite never meeting her and never truly knowing her, the moment Shizuka saw her mortal sister she knew no other bond, Heaven may provide all the pleasures in life and a peaceful existence, but for Shizuka all she wanted was to be with her family. And to do that, she turned her back to heaven itself, against the powers that be who brought her from the dead, trained her to be the ultimate warrior, and even blessed her with the power to do good. She was grateful for what she learned and regretful for leaving the kingdom of heaven. But there was no bond stronger in the world or the nexus than the bond of blood.

”If it is a sin to love my family, to even to turn my back against paradise, then I am guilty. When I saw my sister on the battlefield that day on the opposite of Heaven’s army, I knew that this was not heaven for me. If this was truly paradise then I would have been able to live a peaceful life with my sister, with my family, as a normal girl. Instead I must fight in this hell called the Nexus. But it is not a sin for me to be with my sister. Because I am with her, I can guide her to be a better person. Because I can be here, at her side, neither one of us has to suffer in this horrible world. Even when we are defeated, even when we are sad, because we have each other we will know no strife. As long as I am with my sister, I am in heaven. And I will not let you take that from me!”

All the while Hibiki remained at Hohenheim’s side. She paid no mind her her leering, it tends to happen. However when she saw Shizuka get captured by Iona, she grew somewhat cold. She was glad that she had not taken part of the battle now, knowing that unlike Shizuka, Hibiki was guilty of far worse things than what Shizuka had done. Sure, Hibiki could claim that it was all part of her job as a maid for the Machina’s, but she still made the choice to do them. She could have, just like Shizuka, chosen to do something different. Arguably something good.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 16 days ago

The Ice Maze

For those who entered the elevators, they would find themselves at a veritable cryogenic catacomb. Tall skiffs, full of light blue colored, glowing liquid, lined almost every centimeter of the barely illuminated chamber, while a frozen mist hovered over the ground. The only thing breaking the grave like silence was the hum on the cooling devices and the occasional howl of some fiend encased in the ice but not fully asleep.

Navigating through it would be tricky, especially given that some of the pods looked like they were about to break and free and ravage whoever came across them. Maybe some time would have to be put into considering the best route to the faction elevator?


A faint smile still lingered on Juno’s face as she parted with Cely’s illusion, though this smile would soon turn into a grin of steely resolve. It was these eyes, determined to fight for what Juno cherished, that met Balrog’s murderous glare just as the Demon fired his crotch cannon at the purple-clad Angel.


The blast of demonic energy would be met with Juno’s extended hand, and a shield of dark void-like energy summoned by the celestial warrior. The force of the blast was captured by the power of Juno’s spatial aura and coalesced in an orb of blackness that was hurled back at its original owner. The sphere burst a moment before hitting Balrog, not intent to harm, but rather distract him as Juno dashed behind him and delivered a kick to the back of his knee, before backflipping away from Balrog, ready for a counter attack.

It was then that Juno remembered something important. “Hey, Hoho, we still have one card, right?” She looked up, as if facing Hohenheim, while asking.

“Yes, you do, for the Second Round.” The Alchemist replied in a none too excited voice, “The question is, who you’d like to use it on?”

“Can you do it for us?”

“Yes, I can, though I bet that with you Glorified Pidgeons’ luck, it be something like… Oh, for the love of myself!” Hohenheim’s exasperation was evident when she pulled the next card, The Star. “I swear, there must be someone rigging these things. There’s no way your lot can be this lucky, heh.” One could practically see Hohenheim sulking because of the Angels’ dumb luck.

“Either way,” the Alchemist regained her composure once more. With a snap of her fingers the Angels that still remained in the challenge would find themselves being teleported, reappearing in a wide chamber, which had a portal right across the other side of the gigantic room. “Because of this your lot has been teleported straight to the last stage of the game. Beat the last enemy, or find a way around it and you win this challenge.”

“Whoa! That was easy. Thank you, Hoho!” Juno’s comment was sincere as she appeared on the Boss room, stepping before the other Angels while looking around as she waited for the final opponent to spawn and give them a chance to try to reach for the exit, which was still locked at the moment.


“The fact that you acknowledge those sins means that you have been burdened with their weight. Reincarnation is no excuse to cleanse oneself without seeking acts of genuine repentance.” Was Iona’s reply to Tatiana’s excuse involving she not being the same as her previous self, which made even less sense on the Nexus than it would in any other world.

When the effects of the noxious fumes began to affect Tatiana’s mind, Iona turned to face Bonesword, leaving the cloned girl to recover on herself now that the source of the gas had been removed from the room, with Sliske’s death. “Your very existence in and of itself is an alteration of the natural order of the world. The fact that you cannot see even the most basic of the truths means that you need to think harder before convincing me that your virtues outweigh your vices.”

“You understand that your acts were wrong but still stands by them even in face of divine retribution? That’s a proof of devotion that is worthy of being rewarded. However, do not misunderstand it, were it not for these circumstances, you would be taken under custody for the crime of betrayal even if the cause was just. Now go.” Iona freed Shizuka, allowing her to continue the battle, before finally turning her eyes to Ni-Mu who still stared blankly at the Angel. “You are but a tool of destruction and tools cannot be blamed for the mistakes of their users. Until you are able to achieve sentience you cannot be blamed as sinner. However, freeing you would mean indulging the Machina’s hubris. Until your existence can be advocated by another, you’ll remain here.”

@Lmpkio @Grombus @Banana @floodtalon @The 42nd Gecko @Mega Birb @Awesomoman64 @Ryonara @Flamelord @Lucius Cypher @Lonewolf685 @TheWindel.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 1 mo ago

~Alchemist's Castle~

The swordsman was spoken to by the angel currently holding him as she judged his sins. She was no doubt against the silence the skeleton was currently in, despite him just waiting for others to go before he attempted to defend his case. He then 'closed' his eyes, reopened them, and attempted to have his sins judged rightfully.

"... I have done despicable things in my life. I have taken the lives of multiple humans long ago, when I was under the trance of brotherhood that I had shared with those of my kind. I took fathers, brothers, uncles, even some grandfathers, and I could never forgive myself for those deaths at my blade. I defended the families of those that were slain on that day, and I poached every demon in that village, the demons I knew as my brothers once, until there were none to be slain and the families I defended banished me. After a long wandering, I had met the only one I truly knew as my friend. I watched as she grew from a child to a strong woman, and I watched as her life was taken from me. The feeling that I felt... it was... unbearable. I felt like my own child had been taken from my arms and I had no power to even strike back at them... except I did have power that day. I struck down the one who had slain my closest friend and greatest ally, and by the same right I had slain every demon in the raid. After that day, I swore to defend humans until my life was ended, and I will still do so as long as my blade is intact and my heart was pure. I had committed the unspeakable when I took the lives of those humans long ago, and I similarly payed for it at the lost of her. I have learned true pain, and I would not wish that onto anybody else at my own hand."

The lights that occupied the skeleton's eyes had gone out, and they wouldn't return until Iona responded to his plead.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Tatiana Lorenz

Had she been in a better state of mind Tatiana would have had quite a few choice words for the decision that Iona reached, and the logic that was used to get there. But at the moment she was still dosed up on a hallucinogenic drug concocted by a demon that turned you into a paranoid berserker, so she wasn't exactly in the mood to have a casual conversation. To say nothing of having an enlightening philosophical debate that would actually result in learning something.

Instead she thrashed and yelled in her bonds, ignoring Shizuka as an agent of he enemy who was trying to trick her. It wasn't like she actually managed to hit anything regardless, given that Iona had mobilized her in such a way where she couldn't actually use her weapons without somehow managing to break free, and that wasn't going to be happening any time soon. But the gas wasn't going to wear off soon either as a result of the demonic taint to it, so she'd be like this if the angel didn't feel like doing something.

Left in her addled state, wild eyes flew about the room as she noticed some of the beings there vanish, apparently not seeing her as a threat. Her weapons weren't doing anything, and she couldn't marshal the will to employ her psionics as she might like. SHe was trapped and doomed, the only question was whether she would become some husk for a demon, or if she would be tortured by he angels in the guise of purification. Neither option was exactly appealing.

With the ineffectiveness of her weapons she could only wonder. Had they already won, were they infiltrating her systems even now, preparing to take control? It would explain why they had not acted, why they had not killed her yet. They just planned to convert her and be done with it.

Her scowl was made all the more potent as she glared at Iona with murder in her eyes. Fine, if that was how they wanted to play this then she would play along with them. She'd be damned if she let them take her alive. Besides, what did she have to lose by doing so? The worst they could do was what they already planned to do to her.

So she worked, thrashing and continuing to put on the show as she deactivated her alert systems and set the reactor that ran her armor to overload in as rapid a fashion as possible. The heat would burn her back as it got close, but she didn't ind the pain. She also disabled the healing nanites that coursed through her veins and prepared the backup plan, should the unholy alliance have penetrated far enough to prevent that. One way or another, she would not let them do what they wanted.

"So what'd you have to sell to set up this fucking unholy alliance," she spat in an attempt to bluff for time. "Never thought the angels would stoop to teaming up with demons. you must be fucking terrified of the Machina, huh. Good. Cause you're gonna get what's coming to you soon enough, I promise that."

Yeah, she wasn't doing great. Fortunately death could fix that, if she managed to get there.



While Tartys was relatively out of it, the fact that there weren't many down here on this level meant that she was fairly well off. There were only a few demons left with Omega managing to dispatch Sliske, and the Machina were still tied up with Iona, barring one. She shook her head, trying to work out the weariness and the pain that flared through her as she moved with her spear towards one of the nearby elevators. She had just barely missed the last one, so she would have to wait for them to get back. That much she could do.

Meanwhile, Nyx was doing fairly well, somehow not surprised to find one of the other Amazons who remained with them defeating the Nun before she had the chance to. "I suppose I will need to be more aware of the competition next time," she noted aloud as she moved to join her fellow comrade in fighting the good fight against the enemies that remained here. It was something they got to enjoy for a few minutes longer before suddenly finding themselves in another room courtesy of the one who ran this place.

They found themselves in a large room with a portal, and Tartys looked around warily for a moment. Hohenheim had said something about a final opponent, so it would be best to be prepared for it. With the brief peace she concentrated and drew on her magic, hands glowing as her wounds began to heal themselves. It itched something fierce, but that was nothing compared to the pain that she had been feeling before.

"Be alert," Nyx said to Zyata as she moved to take up a protective position in front of her healing companion. Someone had to do it, and she would do so while waiting for their final opponent to appear. One could only hope that it was one worthy of fighting the Amazons.

@KoL@Mega Birb@Lucius Cypher@The 42nd Gecko
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Henry Pearl Avaritia The 2nd

Henry sighed as he waited for the elevator to open, tapping his foot impatiently as some lame elevator music played. He pulled out a watch with a chain attached to it and checked the time. Still 9:27 apparently. Just like it was the last time he checked. Perhaps time didn't work right in this part of the Nexus, the minute hand hadn't budged since he came here. "Oh my god I hate this music SO MUCH!" Henry had to really hold himself back from lashing out at the elevator, since that would probably end in horrible experimentation.

The elevator door finally opened and he rushed out quickly to escape the nightmare he had been trapped in. That music was going to be stuck in his head for a month at least. Henry suddenly started shivering as he looked around the strange area. Shit it was cold. He started walking forwards with no real direction in mind and kept his sword ready, humming a bit to keep his mind off the cold.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Hibiki & Shizuka

Shizuka was pleasantly surprised to be released from Iona. She thought that this would be her end. But what wasn't so good was seeing her other allies still chained up. Shizuka had no illusion that she could take on this tower herself. Bonesword admitted his guilt to his sins while Titania still struggled. That poisonous gas was clouding her judgement and made things very, very difficult for Shizuka. Ni-Mu was practically innocent of any sin considering that she was born just recently. Shizuka wished Hibiki was here; she'd know what to say to make everyone come to their senses. But Shizuka didn't have an idea of what to do, and could only act as quickly as she could.

"Your honor, Iona, if any Machina soldier is guilty of sin, it would be me! Bonesword was spawned by demonic forces, that is true. But he fought against that demonic nature and now turns his sword against evil. Even if no one forgives him, he continues to live and fight for redemption, instead of running away from his sins or denying what he did. Titania is a clone of her true self, who may have indeed done many sins before. But this Titania was created for war, and given no other purpose or a chance to prove otherwise. She is like a child, who must burden her parent's sins and punishments. Could this Titania, the one chained here and not the original that she is a mere copy of, truly be accountable for the actions of her creator? And for Ni-Mu... She truly is a newborn, Iona. She has not even taken a life yet despite her purpose as a weapon. She has no experience, has never made a choice for herself, and has never taken part in any travesty or chaos the Nexus is known for. Ni-Mu hasn't ever gotten the chance to choose between good or evil, or to willingly commit sin, or even deny her masters and superiors! How can she be judged for anything while she's still so young?"

Shizuka pleaded for her allies release. At this rate the forces of heaven may already be on their way to the Alchemist's chambers, and a few of the demons have already reached the next level. Things weren't looking good for the Machina and Shizuka knew it. She really, really wished Hibiki was here right now.

Meanwhile Hibiki did stand by and watched alongside the Alchemist. She showed no reaction to these turn of events, though Hibiki did have ideas of how to stall for the Machina. "Those angels are truly blessed to have such beneficial cards drawn for them. It helps that they have god on their side." Remembering the first battle, Hibiki could say for certain that up till now the Angel's never really had a solid victory. They failed their objective at the Eliticor, and while technically the winners at Ruthria, the supplies they lost at Alt Signia negated that victory. Winning this battle would certainly be throwing the dog a bone. But would Hoho really make things that easy for them? "I do wonder what sort of creature or monster they have to face. Out of the three factions, it may not even challenge these angels."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Dora cursed her failure to do anything meaningful. Her attack crashed into the elevator door but failed to stop Henry. Dora would have tried to do something more when she suddenly stumbled into a whole new chamber. Apparently someone had the good luck to draw them into the final boss room. "Well. That simplifies things." Dora wasn't really sure how to react to this turn of good luck. She had honestly thought things would be harder, but such was the way of the Nexus. You win some, you lose some. Before the final boss could show up and attack, Dora turned towards the elevators that would lead up to here. Just to make sure none of the other factions pull off some sort of last-minute arrival, Dora slammed her hammer into the ground, causing the floor to rise up in front of the entrances. Eight feet of whatever Hoho used as floor blocked the entrance inside. Once she got that out of the way Dora turned her attention back to the matter at hand.

"So, only one of us needs to make it, eh? Well, smart thing to do is let Juno take care of the boss 'ere. Doubt it'd really be much of an issue for the world snake after all. Get one of our faster guys to the door while the rest does their best to keep the boss distracted." Dora doesn't quite remember if they have to defeat the boss before the door opens or not, but regardless with their luck it shouldn't be that difficult anyways. Dora could already see victory in sight, and short of a total party wipe (Unlikely), Dora was confident. That being said she did take out a few Thunderstones just in case they needed the buff.

"Who needs a bit of buffin?"

Francisca Labrys Seax Luxuria

Much to Fran's displeasure Juno had drawn the final card for the angels, which teleported them somewhere that's not here. Sadden, Fran noticed that the only demons left right now was herself and Balrog. Her doopleganger too she supposed, who quickly came back to try and kill Fran. But seeing that Juno was gone, Fran was able to put two-and-two together and realize her doppleganger would come back to her, so Fran blindly swung her axe behind her and managed to nail her copy. Not that it'd kill her immediately, but it would be enough for Fran to leap onto her and give her clone another kiss. Fran made a note that this would likely be the last thing she does this: if her clone can wise up, she'd just do the same thing to Fran later.

This time Fran targeted the only other angel in the room: Iona. She made her doppelganger thing that Iona was Fran, while Fran disguised herself as Juno, and hopefully her copy would get herself killed trying to fight the archangel. Being a demon facing off against a mighty holy entity, Fran had no doubts that her clone would get killed. But there was still the other issue with the fact that the angels weren't here, which unless they got a bad draw and got captured, probably means they're ahead of everyone else right now. This could only mean one thing: Time to make an alliance.

"Balrog, wait here for a moment. I got an idea that would be super fun, and we'd get to fight something much cooler than these machinas." The succubus called to her giant robot friend(?). Hopefully he'd follow orders or else this would get a bit awkward, but if he was smart he'd do as she said. If he was smarter he'd just go into the elevator and leave her behind. Regardless Fran walked up to Iona and her prisoners. Oddly enough she didn't exactly come threateningly (As nonthreatening as a naked, axe weilding demon can approach), and called out to Shizuka, seeing that she was the only Machina soldier not wrapped in chains.

"Things are looking pretty bleak, eh? I'll keep it simple: Let's work together to blaze through these next few floors and try to catch up to the Angels. Fighting each other will just weaken and slow us down. But once we get to the third floor where that boss is, it's back to business. No strings attached, I'll make sure that big guy over there doesn't get any funny ideas. Dunno about any of my other allies who might have gone ahead, but I'll make sure to talk to them too. Hopefully before they start shooting at you."

Fran was slightly aware that speaking so openly next to Iona might make the judge angry, and if Shizuka actually agreed it could completely counteract her efforts of proving that they aren't "evil". Fran certainly wouldn't deny the joys she gets from murdering and raping others, so if Iona got her hands on Fran it's pretty much spell the end for the horny demon. Ah, but surely such moral dilemmas is exactly what the Machinas need to face to prove that they are morally superior? Either way Fran was glad to help.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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Blessed be the factions for Celestia for it would seem luck was truly on their side. That, or they had somehow been bribed into Hohenheim’s good graces. Whatever the case may be, the Angels of Heaven were all transported away, deep into the center of the mad woman’s castle. When they found themselves walking upon solid ground, they would a large circular area that was reminiscent of a miniature coliseum.

The one thing that was quite noticeable above everything else was the motion of stillness that seemed to take the place captive. Not a thing stirred in the air and it was almost as if the air held a dull, deadness to it. So still was it that sounds were made all the more sensitive because without the clatter of the newly arrived Angels, nothing but silence would have remained.

The Angels were each preparing in their own way for the showdown to come; from Dora making an attempt to seal the elevator entrances, to Tartys drawing in every source of magic in the area. It was for good reason too because at long last their final enemy announced themselves with a single breath. And with that breath, the wind was suddenly brought back into the chamber like a mighty hurricane.

“I can’t believe I lost that stupid bet…whatever. Hoho will pay for dragging me out here,” came the annoyed grumblings of a new figure who seemed to be levitating in midair before them. “Right then. Figures Heaven would make it this far…come at me then mortals!” the figure said; each reverberation of her voice made the chamber shake and the wind pick up harder.

It was like a living hurricane had been spawned in the middle of the arena, powerful gusts enough to topple the Angels and throw them about like rag dolls. Only the heaviest of hitters, such as Juno and Dora, would have a chance of standing their ground. But if the winds didn’t die down soon enough, the notion of breathing would become a problem.

“Oh. It’s you,” the figure said dully when she noticed that Juno was among the mix. “Wait, no, let me guess. That scientist made you participate too, right? I swear her ego is bigger than her own castle,” the figure said casually, unconcerned to the floating foes she was to face flying past her form.

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