Avatar of Hammerman


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3 yrs ago
Current No point posting your writing online if you don't care about praise.
4 yrs ago
Is the rioting and BLM brought up yet?
4 yrs ago
Honestly, I don't get the grief given to SAO when there's stuff like Mushoku Tensei where the MC actively lusts for underaged girls. And it's the most popular isekai in Japan.
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4 yrs ago
Reminder that the Pentagon just confirmed UFOs are real.
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4 yrs ago
Also, it's kinda annoying going back and forth writing short replies since I got other stuff to do and that just interrupts my rythm.


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In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hmm, speech writing. Maybe an entrance speech? Kanako can handle that.
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
After the incident with the boy, Kanako pretty much let her feet take her whenever they wanted as her thoughts were still filled with him. Only when a gust of wind hit her straight on her face then she finally woke up from her stupor. She then realized that she was already on her original destination, the rooftops of the academy.

"This is..."

It was an amazing sight, even for her who tried not to be amazed by anything. From here, she could see pretty much nearly everywhere in the academy and even the city beyond that. The breeze that blew at her entire body was delicious, and she closed her eyes and widened her arms to fully feel it blow through her.

After she was satisfied, she decided to return back down. A shame, she thought. If she had control over her element better, she imagined she could just jump straight down from there, manipulating the wind to be her cushion. She had no fear of heights at all, just as you would expect from a wind elementalist.

On her way down however, she came across a scene consisting of a boy, a girl, and an older man who she thought might be a teacher. The girl was burying her head between her knees while the other two talked to her. Kanako wondered what could be going on.

...Ah, now she was reminded of something. She had been meaning to ask a teacher about when they would be assigned their dorm rooms. Might as well ask now, she thought.

"Excuse me, sir," Kanako said to the older man, "Sorry to interrupt but I was wondering when would we new students get assigned to our dorms? J-just curious, that's all." Like a good student, she asked politely, bowing her head a little as she greeted him.

@Aiyanna @CriticalHit @Kalleth

Kluuto paid attention closely as Sabu answered her question. So it seemed most goblins didn't really have the aptitude for magic. She really hoped she was the exception to that rule. Like she had said before to herself, she didn't feel right going around punching and kicking her enemies instead of taking care of them from a safe distance. Though, if it came to that, she wouldn't hold back at all. She had to survive even if it meant using methods she wasn't comfortable with.

She then heard from him about this Stored Knowledge Matrix thing. It sounded incredibly useful and she would love to get her hands on one, though from what the chief said it seemed to be quite an expensive and rare thing. Still, she put the information on the back of her head just in case she could get one later.

The chief then answered the hazel-eyed goblin's question. As she had though, the ancestries the chief and his son possessed were a rarity on the tribe. So she herself would be a pure-blooded goblin, it's safe to assume. As for the Madam Archmage, apparently she's this really powerful magician who used to belong to their tribe, and that Aya was her descendant. That explained her affinity with magic, she thought. She didn't know anything about her goblin parents yet, but if they didn't really have any magical talent in them, then perhaps she wouldn't have it either.

...Kluuto shrugged the thought out of her mind. She hadn't even tried to learn magic. She wouldn't be able to know if she had what it took or not.

"Y-yes, I would like to come along, please," she replied to Sabu's offer. No sense in rejecting it since she had been planning to go to the humans' dwellings right away.
@Moonlit Sonata
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Stern Algorithm
Where's Catherine floating again? Kanako is heading to the rooftops and I'm wondering if she can see her too.
Esther von Degraff

With Natus taking care of the grenadier, and Gerhardt and Leon carving through the blockade, Esther had a straight shot towards Althea. She quickly switched back her vessel to its dormant mode and used its ability to quickly run towards the medic, who was still busy with her work.

"I-I'm here!" she announced to her before erecting her wind barrier once more. Now they should be safe from any stray bullets. She truly hoped Althea could save the man from the brink of death. She was sure he would have people who would miss him if he were to die here, and that would be really sad.

In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Kanako expected the boy to either become angry or flustered at her accusation. She certainly didn't expect this ending up being the result. Now the boy had the galls to take a strand of her hair and pull it across her cheek. And when she tried to turn her head away, he turned it back by force. Then, he even gave her his camera to hold and he began to draw again.

"w-w-w-w-what are you doing?" she asked him, her voice terribly flustered. She wasn't used to a boy being this close to her. Her heart was beating rapidly and she felt like it was going to come out of her chest anytime soon.

The final nail in the coffin however was when she heard him saying the word "pretty". She simply couldn't handle the embarrassment anymore so she reacted the only way she could, that is, slapping him right on his cheeks, pushing his camera back into his hands, and saying, "Y-y-y-you pervert!" before storming off with a beet red face.
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Writing it right now.
Esther von Degraff

Before the two could answer, a familiar green-haired girl entered the scene. Leblanc was her name, and she was another cadet, just like Esther. She ran towards the group while burning any leaves and bushes she could find in the way. It certainly helped with distracting the enemy from aiming at them from a distance, even for a while. She urged them to move before the enemy could circle around the flames. She then was followed with a blonde man with a suit; Crispin, another one of them. He also urged the group to retreat, saying he didn't have any plans to die in this hellhole. Well, Esther could agree with that. She certainly didn't want to die either. She still had many things she wanted to do after all. And dying seemed painful. It was a grim thing to say, but she wished her wind blades would slice the enemy head's off for a quick and clean death.

After that, Willem arrived as well. He had a different plan in mind. He said that they should seize the chance while they were distracted by the flames. Close-ranged combatants should engage the swordsmen while those with ranged abilities should attack the gunners. A sound plan, she thought. With the shieldbearers being distracted by the others, she could snipe the gunners with her ability easily. She also had to make sure to guard herself and the others from stray bullets however as they would be up against multiple gunners from multiple angles. So Willem's advice to watch each other's backs was correct as well.

Esther however decided to ignore his comment about the possibility of the Fort being attacked, or worse, had been taken by the enemy. No sense in worrying a problem for the future right now! Gotta stay positive after all!

Suddenly, her positive reinforcement was broken with the Captain scolding her for exposing herself unnecessarily like that. "Y-yes, Captain, I-I'm sorry!" was going to be her response, but before she could say it, an explosion suddenly rang terribly near their location, making her close her ears instinctively with her hands. She had heard of this sound before. It was definitely an artillery, she thought. But why here? This was just a camp, not a fortress.

After that, she heard Althea shouting from a distance for her to come over to her side and shield her while she operated on her patient. She looked at her path but there were five enemy soldiers blocking her way. Not to mention the Grenadier lining his shot right towards them.

...Oh crap, she had to block that!

Quickly, she activated her vessel, creating a wind barrier that surrounded the group.

"S-sorry Althea, but I'm kinda occupied here!" she shouted back at the medic. If she moved from her position now, she was afraid that her teammates would be blown apart by the grenadier's explosives. And she couldn't send a wind blade towards the man, as it would dispel the barrier she had erected. She needed another to take care of him.

"S-someone, get that grenadier at once so I can get to Althea's place!" she shouted to no one in particular.

@McFazzer @Er0r @Onarax @Mercurial @TheWindel @Mega Birb @Hammerman @Mag Lev @DracoLunaris @Leotamer @Ghost Queen @Lonewolf685 @Crimmy @SilverDawn
In Closed 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Haha, it's okay.
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